The meaning of the word stuff. About what is stuff


Pronounced "two-two-eight". The number of the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for liability for the illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, manufacture, processing of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues (see Bely, Gandzhubas, Kosoy, Splif). The number 228 has become a kind of "friend/foe" marker for performers and active listeners of Russian rap - and at the same time a sign of an important threat to them.


"Summer, autumn, cigarettes, 228, 228./Summer, autumn, cigarettes, 228, 228./228, 228, 228, 228, 228, 228"(Noggano "Anton Palchikov")*


Short for "underground" (English underground). Cultural stance implying self-opposition commercial music; in most cases regarding the quality of the minuses (see) and the sound in general. Ander for a long time the provincial MS and schoolchildren from VKontakte covered up their technical inconsistency, now the term is mostly used ironically.


“Love with all your heart to warm yourself to the hertz, / Do things - in general, under and commerce. / Rap a new version we don't stand still"("Combining Lyrics" "Don't Tell Me")


From English. battle. A speech duel between rappers, consisting of freestyles, that is, free recitative improvisations on (most often) a given topic. The concept of a battle is inseparable from the diss (see), which the participants exchange. -Historically, battles were held live, and the winner was determined by the reaction of the public; in Russian culture, however, much more important role played online contests held on and other sites; many current stars (for example, Noise MC or Oksimiron) first declared themselves there.


“When we read, then the whole battle rap is resurrected, / And the other whole Russian rap is more like a kindergarten”(Mr. Bif "Battle Rap")


Originally cocaine; now, however, heroin and its derivatives are more commonly referred to as such.


“When the day is not smeared with white, / Even the sun in the blue sky will seem gray to me”("Third Way" "White Friends")


A diminutive of "bit" - in turn, a phonetic tracing paper from English. beat. This refers to the rhythmic part - minus (see), over which rappers read texts.


“Don’t worry, don’t worry about it now, / It’s better to let the balls through the ring. / They will remember our handwriting”(Guf "Our handwriting")


From English. beef. A public and most often long-term feud between rappers. In the 90s, beefs could end, including in a fatal outcome (primarily in the USA); now they are more often perceived as unnecessary posturing and playing for the public. There are, however, wild incidents - such as, for example, two years ago, the conflict between the rapper-patriot Zhigan and his colleagues Oksimiron and Shokk, as a result of which the former came to the latter's apartment with friends and trunks and forced them to apologize for insults.


"Bif is a war in which everyone is against everyone, / Bif is when only the arrogant will succeed"(Oxxxymiron "What is a beef")


Bruise, black eye. Unlike neologisms and anglicisms beloved by Russian rap, this word is no less than several decades old.


“From that game we have bruises and blanches, / But today the cup will be ours and we will take revenge!”(Serega "Anthem of the fans of FC Spartak")



“Killer bosses are more expensive, / But it can be easier, a good Kazakh woman, / So, from the heart, for those who are thirsty”(The Chemodan "Everything in rap")


Regional Ural jargon, formed from the phrase "roll cotton wool." Denotes a slacker who is quite content with life, but at the same time not as simple as he seems at first glance.


“AK-texts are prescribed kata, / The mind of a genius, the soul is a vatokata”("AK-47" "To those who are with us")




“All summer long, moonshine and ganjubas. / All summer long, it goes like this with us, / Glasses are not from the sun - from red eyes!”(Noize MC "Moonshine and ganjubas")


Offensive verses exchanged between rappers who are beefing each other (see) or participating in a battle (see). Diss is characterized by pressure and extremely obscene personal insults; textbook disses can be seen in the climactic scene of the film "8 Mile".


"You dissed, but also... my rap and flow / Why are you wasting my time, fuck off you idiot"(Schokk "Lily")


See Ganjubas.


“There is always the right stuff for the spine: / Smoke, alcohol, gunpowder that kills tea”(Noggano "...pump")


1. A synonym for "graters", "showdowns" - as a rule, with competing rappers or with the police. 2. The designation of specific drug intoxication, when the emotional state of the lyrical hero changes dramatically under the influence of psychotropic substances.


“Swing by feelings, hard up-down, / This is probably the very underground”(Basta "Rap, which is fiercely rushing")


Self-rolling with ganjubas (see).


“I slowly fry Ko-sogo, / I don’t need a reason for this”(Guf "420")


Short for "microphone" (into which, respectively, rap is read).


"When I took the micro, I melt steel like a steelworker"- (Legalize "Russian rap")


Musical background for speech-tativa. In battles (see), the same — and often someone else’s — minus is often used, to which rappers read diss on each other (see).


"Come on, Steam, let's - read out for a minus from Little John "I Don't Give a Fuck"(Steam feat. Drago "Vanich")


Distorted "mixtape". Mukhtar mixtapes are different from studio albums their fundamental free of charge - as a rule, they are posted on the Internet by the authors themselves. Historically, they were needed to draw the attention of labels to the rapper, now they have gained independent value.


“After the jester, he demolishes the tower, like a fortune teller in tarot, / I am gaining experience under the second mukhtar”(Obe 1 Kanobe "Grishnach")


Puff from oblique (see).


“For the attack, the attack, / Then again. / The locomotive in reserve, / The wind in the sail”("Mahogany" "Two Napas")


A diminutive form of "entrance". In the padiks, they hammer oblique (see) and roll cotton wool (see "vatokat").


“Lyapka, package, glass, kilogram, / Padik, picket, it’s just Ivan”("Triagrutrika" "To Vanya's Quarter")


Abbreviation for "punchline": semantic and dramatic climax track, his most powerful concentrated message. The perfect punch is then cited far beyond the reference group.


“I’m the most technical, the most pumped here, / My lyrics are bombs, punch on punch”(Anacondaz "Punch on punch")


From English. respect. The fundamental concept of rap as a whole, without reference to geography. Respect is directly related to the degree of true (see) contained in the texts of the performer. In general, it is an abstract and unverifiable concept with a clearly positive emotional connotation.


"Hey! I drive respect to the whole barefoot, / To the boys for general, strict and special "(Noggano "Zhulbany")


Thousand rubles. Initially, southern jargon, thanks to rap, began to be used everywhere.


“Time is fire, and now we are burning not like minutes, / Give that ruble, so that later we become a corpse”(Centr "Autumn")


Another anglicism. Akin to respect (q.v.), but even more difficult to translate literally. In Russian rap, under swag, it is customary to take a relaxed, but at the same time powerful reading; absolute self-confidence and some contempt for others, as well as a pretentious demonstration of their wealth. IN Lately The word is often used in a derogatory manner.


"Swag... And we are behind the trend along the way./Adult nifers grimace, dance merrily./It's in trend, it's wow, it's in circulation, yo"(Loc-Dog "#SWAG")


From English. spliff; see oblique.


"The boys are stinging in a spliff under Kid Cudi, / In the crumbs of a donut cuff of a hoodie"(Guf "420")


From English. stuff; see Ganjubas. Also, under the staff, in some cases, they understand the array of creativity of the rapper for a certain period of time.


“From point to point, the staff is honed, in short, / Handwriting under the barrel, sharpening along the kidneys”("Swindlers" "On Air")


A small amount of hashish.


“Pour boiling water while the point is smoldering. / Che, maybe sleep? It's better to pee"("Triagrutrika" "At Sunrise")


From English. true. The fundamental concept of rap in general. Historically, a rapper is not considered to have the right to a stage image and is obliged to directly broadcast his personal life experience to the listener.


“... I’m sorry, but you have a goofy theater, / TGC, AK, Hayk, hakuna matata!”(“Triagrutrika” feat. Vitya AK, Hayk Dym - “Hakuna Matata”)


From English. fake. Antonym of true (see). -Rappers whose songs are fake, the fruit of their own imagination. And now it is quite a serious insult.


“Hunchback Eduard, on the dance floor right there, / He deftly twists the lower break on his hump. / Dwarfs true, and no fake”("Lenin's package" "Dwarfs two")


From English. feat, short for featuring. Means joint creativity and presence in the track of MCs friendly to the author.


“We muddied this fit so that your brain swells. / Today, together on the stage, TGC and Guf”(Guf feat. "Triagrutrika" "PNP")


From English. flava (distorted flavor). Tusovka, a grouping that is almost a family for the author.


“I lost my style, I don’t smoke Belomor, / But my flava is with me, my flaiva is with me”(“Back somersault” “Fleiva”)


From English. flow. Technical mastery of reading and its individual features.


“My flow flows like Ksenia Sobchak at the sight of new Gucci, / Tell me who is cooler here, / My flow bugs everyone”(Drago "My flow")


The same as hip-hop, but, as it were, with a true (see) -English accent. Vlad Valov always stubbornly called his activities Hap; the orthodox rap group "Komba BAKH" also calls its tracks -hapami.


“In short, forget about your mother, forget about your favorite hip-hop ...” - “Petrov,“ hip-hap ”must be said!” - "Doesn't matter. “You must say stop thoughts!”(2H Company "Cucumber Brain")


From English. hustle. A term that is difficult to translate, but widely used in rap, means overcoming obstacles to achieving a material goal, preferably carried out by deceitful and semi-legal means. Hustle is an indispensable stage on the way to the enrichment of the American rapper; in Russian rap, traditionally boyish and unmercenary, is rare.


“Rap is hustle. Rap is hasl, it's hasl. / You have to rise, breaking the boundaries around you.(Lyon feat. Smokey Mo "Spin")


From English. hater, that is, a hater. In the hip-hop subculture, historically there are no halftones: you can only be true or fake, fan or hater. Thanks to social networks hatred in Russian rap blooms wildly and takes the form of disses (see), parodies - or parodies disguised as disses.


"I'm a hater, I hate your rap, your track, / Your lyrics are soft as pate"(Oxxxymiron "I'm a hater")


From Spanish chica - or from English. chick. Young woman. One of the most ancient words in Russian rap slang is that the Malchishnik group began to use it. Unlike almost all Russian-language synonyms, it fits well into a stanza and is not overtly chauvinistic.


“Chica, chica, chica, chica, you are mine. / Kitty, sun, fish, bunny, the whole world is for you. / Cars, -yachts, tsatski, stones, you are my soul. / You are my cute silicone, how are you without me?"(Ptakha feat. Tato "Chika")

cabbage soup

Var. "shsch". Face; most often - with a serious expression.


“Sharp micro and edifying schsch, / Don’t poison, don’t be stupid, but learn and search!”("Grotto" "Red Thread")

*The YouTube videos posted on this page feature the same quotes from the songs as shown in the lyrics. Afisha thanks Anastasia Karagodina for her help in preparing the material

Everyone knows that language is a dynamic system that is constantly developing and progressing. This happens, in part, by borrowing foreign words. Some of these words, coming into our language, remain in it forever, while some cannot take root and go out of use as imperceptibly as they came there. In this article we will consider the meanings of the word "Staff".

One famous song there are such words: "More staff, less tobacco." Sometimes we don't give special significance words of such songs, and yet they can have a wide variety of meanings.

In this case, the word "stuff" means a narcotic substance. And the line itself "more stuff, less tobacco" means that we should extract the simple tobacco from the cigarette and replace it with some kind of drug in order to obtain a stronger effect.

This word also has completely different meanings. For example, in American culture the word "staff" means something popular in human life. Let's give a good example: for example, you are in a circle of people who like to collect stickers, and you have a lot of such stickers, perhaps even more than others. “I have a lot of such stuff,” you say.

There are also positive values the word "staff". Staff is a filler of something. In the role of staff can serve as a synthetic winterizer for a pillow or teddy bear, filling for a pie, visitors for a restaurant, anything. All this is stuff.

In our country

In Russia, the word "staff" is not widely used. There is the same meaning of a smoking drug. Among people who are fond of video games given word means various computer devices: mouse, keyboard, headphones, in general, everything a gamer needs to comfortably immerse themselves in their favorite game. For each social cell, staff is a separate set of items that a person uses in the course of his work.

The artist's staff is a brush and palette, the musician's staff is his musical instrument, football player - boots and a soccer ball. Each has its own staff.

Nevertheless, in our country the word "staff" is used extremely rarely and in rather narrow circles. You will hardly hear it on every corner.

The Staffordshire Terrier is called the American Staffordshire Terrier. This breed of dog is very courageous and has a very even temperament. A well-bred four-legged friend of a person literally becomes satanic when he sees that a threat looms over his master. During walks, the dog will become an excellent companion for you and will not let you get bored.

More values

The next meaning of the word "staff" is working personnel. On many uniforms of service workers you can see this word written in English language. This distinctive sign helps to distinguish a member of the staff of the establishment from his guest and vice versa.

Another staff is called a separate Staff only. on such, in addition to the word "Stuff" they write "No entry to strangers." Here you can also give an example such as the sentence "DJs are now stars, not staff." The point is that earlier DJs were the same employees of the club as the bartenders or waiters.

They were doing musical arrangement all the action taking place during the hours when the club is open. Now, when musical culture reached a completely different level, many DJs are real stars, and their music is known to millions of listeners.

In a circle of close friends who are making plans for the weekend, going to celebrate the birthday of one of those present, they can say "You are staff." If you are not in the subject, then this only means that the addressee of the spoken words will have to provide alcohol for the party in the amount that the friends agree on.

So, to summarize, we have the following values the words "staff":

  1. Narcotic substance.
  2. Any popular item or accessory.
  3. Filler.
  4. American Staffordshire Terrier.
  5. Working staff.
  6. Room for staff.
  7. Party alcohol.

It's amazing how much different meanings can take one word. Well, however, how to use it is up to you. Maybe you will use this word every day, or maybe you will forget it tomorrow. You decide.

Old and new words

The speech of people today is very diverse and filled with many different words. And those of them that were in use some 30 years ago are now used less and less. This is especially true for speech. younger generation. Increasingly, we hear words from the lips of young people, the meaning of which is not something that we do not understand well. Sometimes we do not understand at all what the young guys and girls who are nearby are talking about among themselves (or with us). Often this is due to the fact that now in our society there are a lot of different types of subcultures, the communication of representatives of which has a rather peculiar form.

Peculiar speech

Jargon, slang (a kind of language of any small group people), slang (set special words). Time goes by, new things and activities appear, people develop and, probably, that vocabulary, which is so familiar to a person of the 20th century, so to speak, of the “old school”, is no longer enough to explain something new, to give it a name. Yes and influence Western culture occupies an important place in this process.

About the word "stuff”

And one of the words that people now use very often in their speech is the word “staff”. Let's talk about what staff is and what we should understand when we hear this word. It comes from English word"stuff". And there are many translations. Here are just a few of the options:

  • material;
  • things;
  • trash;
  • behavior;
  • stuff / fill;
  • shove;
  • plug;
  • overeat;
  • seal;
  • deceive/mystify.

What is staff

But in most cases, the word we are interested in means completely different (than those listed above) things. And it depends on the context in which it is used. And also on what kind of person (representative of what subculture) uses it. So, what is staff:

Why know it

Knowing what staff is, and roughly determining what kind of people are around you, you can quickly understand what is at stake, and even keep up the conversation (if appropriate, of course). But do not forget that this is only a grain of the information that you need to have in modern world. After all, awareness of anything is exactly what allows you to be more adapted to competent and most understandable communication.

"More stuff, less tobacco" - sings famous performer. And often the layman does not think about the meaning of the words spoken, but simply shakes his head to the beat of his favorite song. Many do not know what staff is, and, thank God. Indeed, most often this word is called a narcotic substance or smoking mixtures with an intoxicating effect. Sultan, plasticine, snowball, resin - behind these harmless words lie the most common and dangerous substances. An outsider will not understand that this is the name of a drug. The advice "more stuff, less tobacco" means that a person needs to be knocked out of a regular store-bought cigarette most tobacco invested in it, replace it, for example, with marijuana, and then smoke weed

However, this word has other meanings. If you ask an American: “What is a staff?”, You will hear several answers. For example, staff is a word for something that is popular. The phrase: “I have a lot of stuff” can mean that a person has a lot of popular disks, fashionable rapper clothes or the same grass. This word has several indecent meanings, for example, an act of violence in prison committed by one man on another. In addition, the staff itself is called as such, but not as literary word, but as an element of profanity. Male genitals, ejaculation, as well as a person passively used during sex can also be called this word. This word also has more pleasant meanings, for example, filling something. You can fill a bra with tabs for breast augmentation, a cake with a filling or an armchair with interior upholstery.

If you ask a question about what staff is in our country, then there will be much fewer answers. As already mentioned, this word means narcotic grass. Among gamers, staff is called gaming accessories, a variety of devices. Among the benchmarks - new works, CDs, tracks, compositions. At performances, performers use this word to refer to props, in particular, a stick with wicks at both ends, used in fire show.

The most pleasant answer to the question of what is a staff, or rather, who is a staff, may sound like this: the American Staffordshire Terrier. This wonderful breed is distinguished by courage, fearlessness and a very self-possessed character. A well-mannered and restrained dog turns into a real devil when he sees that his owner is threatened real danger. He will be happy to accompany his owner during hiking and cycling, summer swims in the nearest river, and even hunting. Dogs of this breed freely find padded game on the trail. Staffs are easily trained, which is used by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, rescue and search services, as well as instructors training guide dogs. Such dogs are not for couch potatoes - an active, mobile dog definitely needs daily long walks. But for lovers active image life is a real treasure. Many people opt for staffs when they buy a dog, just because they want to get a pet that is easy to care for. The size of an adult dog at the withers does not exceed 50 centimeters, and, therefore, it can be taken to a city apartment and sent for a walk with a child of 10 years old without fear that a healthy dog ​​will break out of his hands. Short hair and lack of smell, as well as unpretentiousness in food, make it easier to care for a pet. Throughout his not very long dog life, he remains a faithful helper and friend for his master.

Now knowing the meaning of this buzzword, you will understand what is at stake in the society of gamers, dog breeders or at the party of rappers. And on occasion, you yourself can successfully screw it in a conversation.

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