A monument running along the waves in the Crimea. The beginning of literary activity


In 1896, Alexander Grin graduated from the 4-class Vyatka city school and left for Odessa. He led a wandering life, worked as a sailor, fisherman, digger, traveling circus performer, railway worker, washed gold in the Urals.

In 1902, due to extreme need, he voluntarily entered the soldier's service. The severity of a soldier's life forced Green to desert, he became close to the Socialist Revolutionaries and took up underground work in different cities Russia.

In 1903 he was arrested, was imprisoned in Sevastopol, was exiled to Siberia for ten years (fell under the October amnesty of 1905).

Until 1910, Grin lived under someone else's passport in St. Petersburg, was arrested again and deported to Siberia, from where he fled and returned to St. Petersburg. He spent the second, two-year exile in the Arkhangelsk province.

The years of life under a false name were the time of a break with the revolutionary past and the formation of Green as a writer. After the first published story "To Italy" (1906), the following - "The Merit of Private Panteleev" (1906) and "Elephant and Pug" (1906) - were withdrawn from print by censors.

After that, Alexander Grin wrote several more beautiful works: "Shining World", "Golden Chain", "Running on the Waves", "Jesse and Morgiana", "Road to Nowhere", as well as magical gothic stories "Grey Car", "Pied Piper", "Fandango".

In 1924, Green went to the Crimea to Feodosia, where he was in dire need, and in 1930 he moved to the village of Stary Krym. Here he worked on the novels "Road to Nowhere" and "Touchless". The second was never completed.

The writer died on July 8, 1932 in Feodosia from tuberculosis. From the house of creativity of writers, which was located nearby, no one came to see him off on his last journey.

After his death, his works began to be published less and less. The return to the reader occurred only in 1956. The peak of Green's readership came during Khrushchev's "thaw". On the wave of a new romantic upsurge in the country, Alexander Grin turned into one of the most published and revered domestic authors, the idol of the young reader.

Today, the works of Alexander Grin have been translated into many languages, streets in many cities, mountain peaks and a star bear his name. Based on the story "Scarlet Sails", a ballet and a film of the same name were created, based on the novel "Running on the Waves" - a film of the same name. In 1970, the Literary and Memorial Museum of Green was created in Feodosia.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

The name of Alexander Grin is associated with the most romantic work of the early 20th century, Scarlet Sails. The adult storyteller managed to create a world of youthful hopes and fantasies for his readers of all ages.

Admirers of Russian literature know Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky under the pseudonym Grin. His father, Belarusian Stefan Grinevsky, in 1863 participated in the gentry uprising, the main idea of ​​which was the restoration of the Commonwealth within the borders of 1772. But the uprising was put down. From the Disnensky district of the Vilna province, the nobleman Grinevsky was exiled first to the Tomsk province, and later to Vyatka.

The mother of Alexander Stepanovich was from Vyatka. There she studied and received the title of smallpox vaccinator and midwife.

In 1880, on August 23, a son was born to these two people. They named him Alexander. Later, two more girls and a boy appeared in the family. When Sasha was 13, his mother Alexandra died. She was 37. Her father brought a stepmother into the house, who had her own son, and later three more common children appeared.

In this big family Sasha did not find his place. Lack of money, illness of the mother, father addicted to drinking, stepmother - all these hardships carried the boy into the world of dreams. He was addicted fantasy stories, divination by hand, the invention of the Philosopher's Stone. All these activities were considered a waste of time. His parents scolded him.

Father allowed Alexander to hunt, even bought him a gun. Walking in the forest developed a sense of beauty in the boy. He observed, noticed, gained impressions, which was later expressed in Green's writing style.

In 1889, Alexander Grinevsky entered the Alexander Real School. I only studied there for two years. future writer. Several ironic quatrains were the reason for the expulsion. He was expelled for making fun of teachers. Through the efforts of his father, the boy ended up in a city four-year school. His Alexander ended in grief in half. He diligently took up his studies, then forgot about it.

At this time, Sasha became interested in traveling. He read the works of Cooper, Reed, Hugo. Dickens, Stevenson. It was in the life that they described that the boy found something close to himself.

Therefore, when his parents began to insist that he go to the monastery servants after graduating from college, Alexander found the strength to rise up against the pressure.

In 1896 Green left for Odessa.

Years of searching

Alexander hoped to enter the Odessa nautical classes. Only by the time of his arrival the reception was over. I had to survive somehow. Dreams of distant wanderings remained dreams.

The young man worked on cargo ships that sailed along the Black Sea coast. He worked on himself, trained and tempered. Finally, he was taken on board the steamship "Tsesarevich". On it, the young man reached Alexandria. But after returning home, he was written off to the shore due to bad temper. The morals that prevailed on the ship did not fit with the writer's ideas about the honor of a sailor.

Alexander began to try himself in professions not related to the sea. A loader, a painter, a fisherman, a bathhouse attendant, a raft driver and a lumberjack - what Green did not do. He even ended up in Baku, where he put out oil fires.

There was no place for a young man anywhere. Then he decided to join the army. In the spring of 1902, Green ended up in Penza. There he was enrolled in the 213th Orovai reserve infantry battalion. What happened in this unit is described in “The Merit of Private Panteleev” and “The Story of a Murder”.

Alexander soon deserted. By this time, he had already become acquainted with the ideas of the Socialist-Revolutionaries and, in the wild, began to distribute illegal literature. He got a fake passport. It seemed romantic to him to serve underground fighters, to hide, to learn passwords.

He served two years in prison for campaigning. After - another ten years of Siberian exile. Thanks to the amnesty, he was released earlier in the same year. From the next exile in Turinsk, which was supposed to last four years, Green went to Vyatka, and then to the capital.

The impressions that Alexander Grin was fed during his misadventures, he decided to embody in stories. Their plots revolved around domestic scenes.

In life young man there was an episode that, perhaps, brought him to the writing path. In the Urals, he poured out the forest along with the local hero Ilya. He was very fond of stories and ask Alexander to tell them in the evenings. Soon Green retold all the fairy tales he knew and began to compose himself.

In St. Petersburg, the writer made an acquaintance with Alexander Kuprin and, in general, became a member of the literary community. In 1907 he married Vera Kalitskaya. Their marriage was short-lived. Lack of money, a bohemian lifestyle destroyed the family.

The year 1908 became a landmark in Green's biography - his collection of short stories was published, which was called "The Invisible Hat". Just two years later, another one appeared, succinctly called "Stories". critics kind word commented on his work and this gave the writer new strength.

The pseudonym A. S. Green was not taken from the coquetry or dissonance of the real surname. Alexander Grinevich was wanted for escaping from exile.

And in 1910, the authorities declassified the writer and exiled him to the Arkhangelsk province. He did not go to distant lands alone. Kalitskaya went with him. The second wife, Nina Green, appeared in the life of the writer after returning to St. Petersburg. It was her image that helped the writer to draw main character"Scarlet Sails". Devotion, faith in the best, craving for life - these features were inherent in his wife.

He returned to Petersburg and saw the revolution with his own eyes. Maxim Gorky helped him with housing. He contributed to the settlement in a room in the House of Arts.

In 1919, Greene, a man who by that time had weight in the literary environment, was again drafted into the army. Only this time in Red. A year later he returned home sick with typhus and consumption.

Green settled in famous house on the Moika, where he lodged from 1921 to 1924. He met Nina Mironova. She was by his side until her death.

Our next article presents one of the latest major works. This is a novel about the Unfulfilled, which contemporary critics would classify the book as fantasy.

Have you read Alexander Grin's extravaganza story - about the Dream, the hope that if you dream and wait, the dream will come true?

Alexander Stepanovich Green ( real name- Grinevsky) was born on August 23 (August 11 according to the old style), 1880 in the city of Sloboda Vyatka province (now the Kirov region).

His father, Stepan (Stefan) Grinevsky (1843-1914), was a Polish nobleman exiled from Warsaw to the remote places of the Russian north.

Mother - Anna Grinevskaya (nee Lepkova, 1857-1895), daughter of a retired collegiate secretary. In 1881 she moved to the city of Vyatka (now Kirov).

Alexander Green from childhood dreamed of the seas and distant lands.

In the summer of 1910, Grin was arrested for the third time and in the autumn of 1911 he was exiled to the Arkhangelsk province for two years. In May 1912 he returned to Petersburg.

In 1912-1917, Green worked actively, publishing about 350 stories in more than 60 editions. In 1914 he became a contributor to the New Satyricon magazine.

Due to the “impermissible review of the reigning monarch” that became known to the police, Green was forced to hide in Finland from the end of 1916, but, having learned about February Revolution returned to Petrograd.

In the post-revolutionary years, the writer actively collaborated with Soviet publications, especially with the literary and art magazine "Flame", which was edited by the People's Commissar of Education Anatoly Lunacharsky. It frequently featured stories and poems by Greene.

In 1919, Green was drafted into the Red Army, but soon became seriously ill with typhus and returned to Petrograd. Ill, without a livelihood, without housing, he was on the verge of death and turned to the writer Maxim Gorky for help, at whose request Green was given an academic ration, a room in the "House of Arts". Here the writer worked on the novels "The Mysterious Circle" and "The Treasure of the African Mountains", as well as the story "Scarlet Sails", the idea of ​​which was born in 1916.

In the early 1920s, the writer began his first novel, which he called The Shining World. The novel was published in 1924.

Green continued to write stories - "The Loquacious Brownie", "The Pied Piper", "Fandango".

In 1924, the writer left for the Crimea in Feodosia, where he worked a lot and fruitfully. He created four novels ("Golden Chain", "Running on the Waves", "Jesse and Morgiana", "Road to Nowhere"), two stories, about forty stories and short stories, including "Watercolor", "Green Lamp", " Port Commandant.

In November 1930, Green moved to the small town of Stary Krym, where he began to write autobiographical essays, which later formed the chapters of Autobiographical Tale, the writer's last book. The novel "Touchless", begun by him at this time, was never completed.

In 1980, a tombstone with the figure of "Running on the Waves" was installed on the grave of Alexander Grin.

Alexander Green was married twice. His first wife was Vera Abramova, the daughter of a wealthy official, whom he married in 1910; they separated in 1913.

The second time the writer married in 1921 to a 26-year-old widow, nurse Nina Mironova (after her first husband Korotkova).

At the end of Alexander Grin's life, they almost stopped publishing. He died in total poverty and oblivion by literary organizations.

When Alexander Grin died, none of the writers who were resting in the neighborhood in Koktebel came to say goodbye to him.

Upon learning of Grin's death, several leading Soviet writers called for the publication of a collection of his works. The Fantastic Novels collection was published in 1934.

Since 1945, his books have not been published; in 1950, the writer was posthumously accused of "bourgeois cosmopolitanism." Through the efforts of Konstantin Paustovsky, Yuri Olesha and other writers, Alexander Grin was returned to literature in 1956.

The peak of Green's readership came during Khrushchev's "thaw". On the wave of a new romantic upsurge in the country, Alexander Grin turned into one of the most published and revered domestic authors, an idol of a young reader.

Today, the works of Alexander Grin have been translated into many languages, streets in many cities, mountain peaks and a star bear his name. Based on the story "Scarlet Sails", a ballet and a film of the same name were created, based on the novel "Running on the Waves" - a film of the same name. In 1970, the Literary and Memorial Museum of Green was created in Feodosia.

In 1971, the State Memorial House-Museum of AS Green was opened in Stary Krym, the creator of which was the writer's widow Nina Green. Since 2001, the museum has been a part of the Koktebel ecological, historical and cultural reserve "Kimmeria M. A. Voloshin".

In 1980, a museum dedicated to the writer was opened in Kirov.

In 2000, on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Grin, the Writers' Union of Russia, the administration of Kirov and the administration of the city of Slobodsky established an annual Russian literary prize named after Alexander Grin for works for children and youth that contribute to the formation of the moral foundations of the younger generations and serve to educate children, adolescents and youth in line with national dignity and morality.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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Alexander Grinevsky was born on August 11 (23), 1880 in the city of Sloboda, Vyatka province. Father - Stefan Grinevsky (Polish Stefan Hryniewski, 1843-1914), Polish gentry from the Disna district of the Vilna province of the North-Western Territory Russian Empire, for participation in the January Uprising of 1863, at the age of 20 he was exiled indefinitely to Kolyvan, Tomsk province. Later, he was allowed to move to the Vyatka province, where he arrived in 1868. In Russia, he was called "Stepan Evseevich". In 1873 he married 16-year-old Russian nurse Anna Stepanovna Lepkova (1857-1895). For the first 7 years they had no children, Alexander became the first-born, later he had a brother Boris and two sisters, Antonina and Ekaterina.

Alexander learned to read at the age of 6, his first book was Gulliver's Travels. From childhood, Green loved books about sailors and travels. He dreamed of going to sea as a sailor and, driven by this dream, made attempts to run away from home. The upbringing of the boy was inconsistent - he was either spoiled, then severely punished, then left unattended.

In 1889, nine-year-old Alexander was sent to the preparatory class of the local real school. His classmates first gave Alexander the nickname "Greene". The report of the school noted that the behavior of Alexander Grinevsky was worse than all the others, and in case of non-correction, he could be expelled from the school. Nevertheless, Alexander was able to finish the preparatory class and enter the first class, but in the second class he wrote an insulting poem about teachers and was expelled from the school. At the request of his father, Alexander in 1892 was admitted to another school, which had a bad reputation in Vyatka.

At the age of 15, he lost his mother, who died of tuberculosis. 4 months later (May 1895), my father married the widow Lidia Avenirovna Boretskaya. Alexander's relationship with his stepmother was tense, and he settled separately from new family father. Subsequently, Green described the atmosphere of provincial Vyatka as "a swamp of prejudice, lies, hypocrisy and falsehood." The boy lived alone, enthusiastically reading books and writing poetry. He worked as a binder of books, correspondence of documents. At the suggestion of his father, he became interested in hunting, but due to his impulsive nature, he rarely returned with prey.

Wanderings and revolutionary activity (1896 - 1906)

Memorial plaque on the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, where the future writer was baptized.

In 1896, after graduating from the four-year Vyatka city school, 16-year-old Alexander left for Odessa, deciding to become a sailor. His father gave him 25 rubles of money and the address of his Odessa friend. For some time, "a sixteen-year-old, beardless, puny, narrow-shouldered boy in a straw hat" (as Greene ironically described his then self in his "Autobiography") wandered in an unsuccessful search for work and was desperately hungry. In the end, he turned to a friend of his father, who fed him and got him a job as a sailor on the steamer "Platon", which cruised along the route Odessa-Batumi-Odessa. However, once Green managed to visit abroad, in Alexandria. biographical creative work by Grinevsky

The sailor did not come out of Green, he was disgusted with the prosaic sailor's work, soon quarreled with the captain and left the ship. In 1897 he went back to Vyatka, spent a year there and again left in search of his fortune, this time to Baku. There he tried many professions - he was a fisherman, a laborer, worked in railway workshops. In the summer he returned to his father, then again went on a journey. He was a lumberjack, a gold digger in the Urals, a miner in an iron mine, and a theater copyist. "For several years he tried to enter life, as if into a stormy sea, and each time he was beaten on stones, thrown ashore - into the hated, philistine Vyatka, a dull, prim, deaf city."

Vyatka zemstvo real school. About one of the reasons for expulsion, Green wrote: "A rather large library of the Vyatka Zemstvo Real School<…>was the cause of my poor success."

In March 1902, Green interrupted his series of wanderings and became (either under pressure from his father, or tired of starvation ordeals) a soldier in the 213th Orovai reserve infantry battalion stationed in Penza. The morals of military service significantly increased Green's revolutionary moods. Six months later, of which he spent three and a half in a punishment cell, he deserted, was caught in Kamyshin, and fled again. In the army, Green met with the Socialist-Revolutionary propagandists, who appreciated the young rebel and helped him hide in Simbirsk.

From that moment on, Green, having received the party nickname "Lanky", sincerely gives all his strength to the fight against the hated him social order, although he refused to participate in the execution of terrorist acts, limiting himself to propaganda among the workers and soldiers of different cities. Subsequently, he did not like to talk about his Socialist-Revolutionary activities. The Social Revolutionaries themselves appreciated his bright, enthusiastic performances. Here is an excerpt from the memoirs of a member of the Central Committee of the party N.Ya. Bykhovsky: ""Long-witted" turned out to be an invaluable underground worker. Being himself once a sailor and having once made a long voyage, he perfectly knew how to approach the sailors. He perfectly knew the life and psychology of the sailor mass and knew how to speak with her in her language. In the Black Sea squadron, he used all this with great success and immediately gained considerable popularity here. For the sailors, he was, after all, quite his own person, and this is extremely important. In this respect, none of us could compete with him. "

Green told later that Bykhovsky once said to him: "You would make a writer," and Green called him for this "my Godfather in literature": "Already experienced: the sea, vagrancy, wanderings showed me that this is still not what my soul longs for. What she wanted, I didn't know. Bykhovsky's words were not only an impetus, they were a light that illuminated my mind and the secret depths of my soul. I understood what I longed for, my soul found its way."

In 1903 Green was in once more arrested in Sevastopol for "anti-government speeches" and distribution revolutionary ideas, "which led to the undermining of the foundations of autocracy and the overthrow of the foundations of the existing system." For attempting to escape, he was transferred to a maximum security prison, where he spent more than a year. In the documents of the police, it is characterized as "a closed nature, embittered, capable of anything, even risking his life" [. In January 1904, Minister of the Interior V.K. Plehve, shortly before the SR assassination attempt on him, received from the Minister of War A.N. Kuropatkin's report that a "very important figure from civilians, who called himself first Grigoriev, and then Grinevsky.

The investigation dragged on for more than a year (November 1903 - February 1905) because of two attempts to escape Green and his complete denial. Green was judged in February 1905 by the Sevastopol Naval Court, the prosecutor demanded 20 years of hard labor. Lawyer A.S. Zarudny managed to reduce the sentence to 10 years of exile in Siberia. In October 1905, Grin was released under a general amnesty, but already in January 1906 he was arrested again in St. Petersburg. In prison, in the absence of acquaintances and relatives, he was visited (under the guise of a bride) by Vera Pavlovna Abramova, the daughter of a wealthy official, who sympathized with revolutionary ideals. In May, Grin was exiled for four years to the city of Turinsk, Tobolsk province. Green stayed in Turinsk for only 3 days and fled to Vyatka, where, with the help of his father, he obtained someone else's passport in the name of Malginov, on which he left for St. Petersburg.

The beginning of creativity (1906- 1917)

Alexander Grin with his first wife Vera in the village of Veliky Bor near Pinega, 1911

The years 1906-1908 became a turning point in Green's life. First of all, he became a writer. In 1906, Green's first story "The Merit of Private Panteleev" was published, signed by A.S.G. The story described the atrocities of the army among the peasants. Green received the fee, but the entire circulation was confiscated at the printing house and destroyed, only a few copies were accidentally preserved; a similar fate befell the next story "Elephant and Pug". It was not until December 5, 1906 that Green's stories began to reach readers; the first was the story "To Italy", signed "A. A. M-v" (that is, Malginov).

Pseudonym A.S. Green first appeared under the story "The Case" (1907). In 1908, Green published his first collection of short stories, The Cap of Invisibility, subtitled Tales of the Revolutionaries. Another event was the final break with the Social Revolutionaries. Green still hated the existing system, but he began to form his own positive ideal, and this ideal was not at all like the Social Revolutionary. Third important event marriage began - his imaginary "prison bride" 24-year-old Vera Abramova became Green's wife. Knock and Gelli from the story "A Hundred Miles Down the River" are Green and Vera.

According to V.B. Shklovsky, A.S. Green was the St. Petersburg poetess, translator and playwright Isabella Grinevskaya. This statement is repeated by L.I. Borisov, author artistic biography"The Wizard of Gel-Gyu". A.N. Varlamov casts doubt on Shklovsky's version, calling him a hoaxer and possible author of another legend about Grin. The alleged aunt and nephew were published in the same illustrated magazines, but one way or another, Alexander Green's entry into literature was quite independent.

In 1910 his second collection "Stories" was published. Most of the stories included there are written in a realistic manner, but in two - "Reno Island" and "Lanfier Colony" - the future Green storyteller is already guessed. The action of these stories takes place in a conditional country, in style they are close to his later work. Green himself believed that, starting from these stories, he could be considered a writer. In the early years, he published 25 stories a year.

ATPetersburg, 1910

As a new original and talented Russian writer, he meets Alexei Tolstoy, Leonid Andreev, Valery Bryusov, Mikhail Kuzmin and other major writers. He became especially close to A.I. Kuprin. For the first time in his life, Green began to earn a lot of money, which, however, did not stay with him, quickly disappearing after revelry and card games.

On July 27, 1910, the police finally discovered that the writer Green was the fugitive exile Grinevsky. He was arrested for the third time and in the fall of 1911 he was exiled to Pinega of the Arkhangelsk province. Vera went with him, they were allowed to officially get married. While in exile, Greene wrote The Life of Gnor and The Blue Cascade of Telluri. The term of his exile was reduced to two years, and in May 1912 the Grinevskys returned to St. Petersburg. Other works of the romantic direction soon followed: "The Devil of Orange Waters", "Zurbagan Shooter" (1913). They finally form the features of a fictional country, which the literary critic K. Zelinsky will call "Greenland".

Green publishes mainly in the "small" press: in newspapers and illustrated magazines. His works are published by "Birzhevye Vedomosti" and an appendix to the newspaper "New Word" magazine, " New magazine for everyone", "Motherland", "Niva" and its monthly supplements, the newspaper "Vyatskaya speech" and many others. Modern world", in the latter Green was published from 1912 to 1918 thanks to his acquaintance with A.I. Kuprin. In 1913-1914, his three-volume edition was published by the Prometheus publishing house.

In the autumn of 1913, Vera decided to separate from her husband. In her memoirs, she complains about Green's unpredictability and uncontrollability, his constant revelry, mutual misunderstanding. Green made several attempts at reconciliation, but without success. On his collection of 1915, presented to Vera, Green wrote: "To my only friend", he did not part with Vera's portrait until the end of his life. Almost simultaneously (1914), Green suffered another loss: his father died in Vyatka. Green also kept a photograph of his father in all his travels.

In the memoirs of Nina Nikolaevna Green, Green's words are cited about how he spent the bohemian pre-war years.

They called me "mustang", so I was charged with a thirst for life, full of fire, images, plots. He wrote on a grand scale, and did not outlive himself. I seized upon life, accumulating greed for it in a hungry, vagabond, compressed youth, prison. Greedily grabbed and devoured it. Couldn't get enough. Wasted and burned himself from all over. I forgave myself everything, I have not yet found myself.

In 1914, Green became a contributor to the popular magazine New Satyricon, and published his collection Incident on Dog Street as an appendix to the magazine. Green worked during this period extremely productively. He did not yet dare to start writing a long story or novel, but his best stories of this time show the deep progress of Green the writer. The subject of his works is expanding, the style is becoming more and more professional - just compare funny story"Captain Duke" and the refined psychologically accurate novella "Returned Hell" (1915).

"Captain Duke" Monthly literary and popular-scientific supplements to "Niva", October 1916

After the outbreak of the First World War, some of Green's stories take on a distinct anti-war character: such, for example, are "Batalist Shuang", "Blue Top" ("Niva", 1915) and "Poisoned Island". Due to the “impermissible review of the reigning monarch” that became known to the police, Green was forced to hide in Finland from the end of 1916, but, having learned about the February Revolution, he returned to Petrograd.

In the spring of 1917, he wrote a story-essay "On foot to the revolution", testifying to the writer's hope for renewal. I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov recalled how he and Green "lived with the anxieties and hopes of those days." Some hope for a change for the better fills the poems written by Green during this period ("XX Century", 1917, No. 13):

The bells are ringing,

And their powerfully formidable singing ...

They hum, they call the bells

On Holy holiday rebirth.

Soon the revolutionary reality disappointed the writer.

In Soviet Russia (1917- 1929)

After October revolution in the journal "New Satyricon" and in a small small-circulation newspaper "Devil's Pepper Pot" Green's notes and feuilletons appear one after another, condemning cruelty and excesses. He said, "I can't get my head around the idea that violence can be destroyed by violence." In the spring of 1918, the magazine, along with all other opposition publications, was banned. Green was arrested for the fourth time and almost shot. According to A.N. Varlamov, the facts show that Green "did not accept Soviet life... even more furiously than pre-revolutionary life: he did not speak at meetings, did not join any literary groups, did not sign collective letters, platforms and appeals to the Central Committee of the party, wrote his manuscripts and letters according to pre-revolutionary spelling, and counted the days according to the old calendar ... this dreamer and inventor - in the words of a writer from the near future - did not live by lies ". The only good news was the resolution of divorces, which Green immediately took advantage of and married a certain Maria Dolidze.After a few months, the marriage was recognized as a mistake, and the couple broke up.

In the summer of 1919, Grin was drafted into the Red Army as a signalman, but he soon fell ill with typhus and ended up in the Botkin barracks for almost a month. Maxim Gorky sent honey, tea and bread to the seriously ill Green.

After recovering, Grin, with the assistance of Gorky, managed to get an academic ration and housing - a room in the "House of Arts" at 15 Nevsky Prospekt, where Grin lived next to N.S. Gumilyov, V.A. Rozhdestvensky, O.E. Mandelstam, V. Kaverin. Neighbors recalled that Green lived as a hermit, almost did not communicate with anyone, but it was here that he wrote the most famous, touching and poetic work - the extravaganza "Scarlet Sails" (published in 1923). “It was hard to imagine that such a bright flower, warmed by love for people, could be born here, in gloomy, cold and half-starved Petrograd in the winter twilight of the harsh 1920, and that it was grown by a person outwardly gloomy, unfriendly and, as it were, closed in a special world where he did not want to let anyone in," recalled Vs. Christmas. Among the first, this masterpiece was appreciated by Maxim Gorky, who often read to the guests the episode of the appearance of a fairy-tale ship in front of Assol.

In the spring of 1921, Green married a 26-year-old widow, nurse Nina Nikolaevna Mironova (after Korotkova's first husband). They met back in early 1918, when Nina worked for the Petrograd Echo newspaper. Her first husband died in the war. New meeting occurred in January 1921, Nina was in desperate need and was selling things (Green described a similar episode at the beginning of the story "Pied Piper"). A month later, he proposed to her. During the next eleven years allotted to Green by fate, they did not part and both considered their meeting a gift of fate. Green dedicated the Scarlet Sails extravaganza completed this year to Nina.

The couple rented a room on Panteleymonovskaya, moved their meager luggage there: a bunch of manuscripts, some clothes, a photograph of Father Green and an unchanged portrait of Vera Pavlovna. At first, Grin was hardly printed, but with the beginning of the NEP, private publishing houses appeared, and he managed to publish new compilation"White Fire" (1922). The collection included a vivid story "Ships in Lissa", which Green himself considered one of the best.

In the early 1920s, Green decided to start his first novel, which he called The Shining World. Main character of this complex symbolist work - the flying superman Drud, convincing people to choose instead of the values ​​of "this world" highest values Shining world. In 1924 the novel was published in Leningrad. He continued to write stories, the peaks here were "The Loquacious Brownie", "The Pied Piper", "Fandango".

With the fees, Green arranged a feast, went with Nina to his beloved Crimea and bought an apartment in Leningrad, then sold this apartment and moved to Feodosia. The initiator of the move was Nina, who wanted to save Green from drunken Petrograd sprees and pretended to be sick. In the autumn of 1924, Green bought an apartment on Gallery Street (now there is the Alexander Green Museum). Occasionally they went to Koktebel to see Maximilian Voloshin.

In Feodosia, Green wrote the novel The Golden Chain (1925, published in Novy Mir), conceived as "a memoir of the dream of a boy who seeks miracles and finds them." In the autumn of 1926, Green completed his main masterpiece - "Running on the Waves", on which he worked for a year and a half. In this novel, united best features Green's talent: a deep mystical idea about the need for a dream and the realization of a dream, subtle poetic psychologism, a fascinating romantic plot. For two years the author tried to publish the novel in Soviet publishing houses, and only at the end of 1928 the book was published by the Zemlya i Fabrika publishing house. With great difficulty managed to publish (1929) latest novels Greene: "Jesse and Morgiana" and "Road to Nowhere".

Green noted sadly: "The era is rushing by. She doesn't need me - the way I am. But I can't be different. And I don't want to." “Although for all my writing they didn’t say anything about me as about a person who didn’t lick the heels of modernity, no and never, but I know my own worth.”

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1. Childhood and youth romance. Life conflicts.
2. The beginning of the creative path.
3. Greenland.
4. Romantic literature and harsh reality.

Still, it's amazing wonderful writer, a true romantic and writer incredible stories, which are few in the entire world literature!
Ya. K. Golovanov

A. S. Green (real name Grinevsky) was born on August 23, 1880. His childhood and youth were spent in Vyatka. They say that the first word that little Sasha put together from cubes and read in syllables was “sea”. But the father, an exiled Pole, wanted his son to get a land profession. Grinevsky Sr., a participant in the Polish uprising of 1863, worked as an accountant in a zemstvo hospital, his wife died at thirty-seven, leaving four children. Sasha was the oldest, he was thirteen at that time. A little later, he had a stepmother.

All the boys at that time were passionate about adventure literature, and Grinevsky had three chests of books in Polish, French and Russian - they were left over from his deceased uncle, Lieutenant Colonel Grinevsky. Parents teased their son, saying that he did not study well and would become a swineherd. It is quite understandable that the family, starving and walking in rags, wanted Alexander to help earn a living. But Sasha's dream of life was the Red Sea - he wanted to become a sailor. Soon, suffering from misunderstanding, he withdrew and talked about himself to few people.

Green's only favorite subject is geography, according to which the boy always had an A+. Expelled from the real zemstvo school, and then expelled more than once and again accepted into the city four-year school, Alexander began to study more diligently. He learned that the certificate makes it possible to become a navigator. In the end, Green (as his friends called him) fled to Odessa. The sea struck the young man, but it was difficult to get hired to work on the ship.

Only two months later he was taken as a cabin boy on the ship "Platon". Practice did not go for the future, Green did not even learn how to knit sea knots. He had his own ideas about the sea. His closeness was everything to Green. He made his second voyage on the sailboat "Saint Nicholas", the third - as a sailor on the ship "Tsesarevich". None of the trips made it possible to earn money. After that, I had to return to Vyatka and live by odd jobs. Work in the oil fields, on the rafting of timber, gold digging, service in tsarist army, flight from the battalion and meeting with the Social Revolutionaries, secondary escape, prison term, third escape and exile ... “I was a sailor, loader, actor, rewrote roles for the theater, worked in gold mines, at a blast furnace, fisheries; was a lumberjack, a tramp, a clerk in the office, a hunter, a revolutionary, an exile, a sailor on a barge, a soldier, a digger ... ”, the writer recalled, saying that his life path was strewn not with roses, but with nails. In 1905 he escaped from exile and lived in Vyatka under a false name.

In the literature of A.S. Green entered as a master of everyday stories, describing his personal experiences and life stories. The first story of the writer was called "The Merit of Private Panteleev" and was published in 1906. The censorship considered it propaganda, the entire circulation was confiscated.

The first book, The Cap of Invisibility, was published in 1907. In the works of 1918-1919 ("The Shining World", "Jesse and Morgiana", "Road to Nowhere"), the main theme of creativity was the conflict of freedom and lack of freedom.

Over twenty-five years of creativity, more than four hundred works were published. main theme his books became a belief in the high morality of man. “Alexander Grin is a sunny writer and, despite difficult fate, happy, because deep and bright faith in man, in good beginnings victoriously passes through all his works human soul, faith in love, friendship, fidelity and the feasibility of a dream, ”said the writer V.K. Ketlinskaya. V. V. Kharchev, a researcher of Green's work, notes that the writer tried to show that a miracle is possible everywhere, even where it seems that it cannot be.

AT famous works Green, an excellent landscape painter and master of the plot, - in " scarlet sails”,“ Running on the waves ”,“ Shining world ”, - romance is closely intertwined with fantasy. Green's heroes live in fictional cities dreamed of by their creator - Apambo, Gel-Gyu, Zurbagan, Girton, Lissa, Pocket, on Reno Island. This fictional, world of criticism began to be studied already in the 1910s. It is perceived in different ways: both as a world of the past, and as a writer's universe with its own laws of development, characters and plots, as art space. K. G. Paustovsky reasoned: “When he became a writer, he imagined non-existent countries where the action of his stories took place, not as foggy landscapes, but as well-studied, hundreds of times traveled places. He could draw detailed map these places, I could mark every turn in the road and the nature of the vegetation, every bend in the river and the location of houses ... ". The singularity of this universe is obvious. It differs from the real one and is inhabited by brave heroes with rich inner world capable of self-sacrifice, noble and courageous people, bearing some wonderful, foreign-like names: Arthur Gray, Longren, Assol, Letika, Gez, Freezi Grant, and others. The apt name "Greenland", coined by K.I. Zelinsky in 1934, took root and stuck to this literary world. It combines romance and realism, irrationality and harmony, thoughtfulness and unrestrained imagination of the author.

But not everything was so rosy in real life writer. Green's happy family life was overshadowed by his long drinking bouts - so he tried to get away from reality and overcome himself. He could not soberly ask for something and bow. Assol, his second wife Nina, suffered the most from Green's behavior. And it was necessary to ask: there was nothing to live on, they were allowed to print no more than one book a year. Green's work was recognized as contrary to the ideological guidelines of the party, since the late 1920s. his works were discontinued. For requests to send financial assistance either there was no answer, or a refusal came. Later, N. Grinevskaya had to ask former comrades send a dying writer just a couple of lines. Only the wife remained devoted to her husband until her death. Green spent the last years of his life in the Crimea, near his old passion - the sea. During these years, more than half of his works were written, which at that time were practically not needed by anyone. In 1932, the writer died of cancer.

Him last book became " Autobiographical story"- a realistic-severe work. It is a pity that the writer received wide recognition only after his death. “Until the end of my days, I would like to wander through the bright countries of my imagination,” said Green. For readers, this master of words will forever remain a resident of wonderful Greenland.

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