What is the main dream of Claudia Coca. Klava Koka: biography of the singer, creativity and interesting facts


Claudia Vysokova, she is the singer Klava Koka, originally from Yekaterinburg. She was born on July 23, 1996. Her parents also raised her brother and sister. Also in early age Klava became interested in music. My father collected records and played Frank Sinatra, Beatles and Queen for the children. Soon Claudia had dreams of learning to play instruments.

For this reason, she began to attend piano classes in music school. She had a vocal gift. Her talent was appreciated, and therefore soon she was expected to tour home country and other foreign countries as part of a jazz choir.

growing up

At the age of 12, Klava moved with her parents to live in Moscow, where she strove to show her talents as quickly as possible. musical talents. She actively participated in different competitions, selections and even began to work as a singer in a sea restaurant.

Thanks to her faith and perseverance, she managed to achieve the desired results. Coca released a video on author's song"Cuz I See", and then uploaded it to the network. At that time, she could play the piano, guitar, ukulele, drums and flute.

At the age of 19, she became a participant in the casting "Factor A", but she was overtaken by failure. Despite this fact, Klava continued to sing covers, winning a large audience of viewers. In 2015, she released the album "Cousteau", it included tracks in pop and country genres. The album turned out to be successful.

At the same time, it was decided to go to the Young Blood contest, despite the fact that she sang in her country-pop style, she managed to establish herself with better side among rappers. So she was able to sign a contract with the Black Star label.

Soon she released the song "May", performed a duet with Olga Buzova "If". In 2017, she released the video "I'm tired", sang the song "There is no time." Especially popular is the cover with the translated words "Desposito" - "Slowly".

Now Klava is actively working on a new album. She also makes remarkable efforts to develop the channel on YouTube. The CocaPella section was able to gain popularity among its subscribers. She also often invites stars such as Nathan, Yegor Creed and others to her videos.

In 2017, she became a participant in the show “Where is the logic?” on TNT. In 2018, she appeared in a new incarnation - the host of the travel project Eagle and Tails. Marine season. She became the second presenter along with Kolya Serga. Work on the project was not easy, but Koka does not regret at all that she decided on this adventure in her life.

She notes that this perfect way have a great time, visit those countries where you are unlikely to visit on your own and try yourself in amazing activities.

For example, she first went diving thanks to Eagle and Tails. She liked this activity, and therefore in the future Koka plans to continue scuba diving, improving her skills.

Klava also recorded the soundtrack for season 3 of the Tomboy TV show on TNT. In 2018, Klava Koka released a video for the song "Krutish", which has gained more than 500,000 views, which Klava is very proud of.

herself Koka admits that she has a lot creative plans for the future, which she plans to implement as soon as possible, and therefore fans should expect new surprises. Even during the tour, the singer does not stop creating. She records new covers, surprising with her resourcefulness and talent.

Personal life

In fact, Klava tries to remain silent about her personal life. It turned out that she for a long time is in a relationship with Dmitry Kuryshkin. She notes that the word "love" means a lot in her life. She wants to start a family, but takes the issue very seriously. The girl is sure that you shouldn’t get married before 30, but she doesn’t stop dreaming about friendly family with kids.

In fact, she is very close to her family. If there is time, she will definitely dedicate it to her relatives - parents, sister, brother, lover.

Hobbies and hobbies

  • Klava is crazy about travel. Recently, she visited Paris and was very pleased with the trip. She also spontaneously flew to Italy, where she had a great time.
  • Klava shared her photos and emotions with subscribers on Instagram, and she has more than 1.5 million of them.
  • Klava Koki does not have a Wikipedia page, but the talented artist is already known and loved on the net.
  • During the holidays, he tries to turn off the phone, not to enter the Internet in order to fully relax and recharge his batteries. Klava admits that this method really works without failures.
  • Klava Koki's height is 170 cm.
  • For 8 recent years is a vegetarian and notes that, despite the fact that meat-eaters have tried to convince her more than once, she does not plan to give up her preferences, because she feels great.
  • Maintain a figure good condition she is helped by classes in gym, though not always regular.
Photo: Asya Zabavskaya. Style: Marie Course. Makeup and hair: bb Moscow. Producer: Oksana Shabanova Back in the spring Claudia Koku(20) no one knew who she was and where she came from? And then there was a song "May" and everyone began to sing: “And outside the window is May, my life is a paradise…” And now, the clip of the same name has almost one and a half million views, but about Claudia they say - this is the same girl with a guitar and a nice hat. She is also from Black Star inc. And more like a modern hippie, ready right now to break into "Coachella". How did she get into Black Star why doesn't he rap? We find out!

Casting took place about a year ago "Young Blood", where new artists of the label were chosen Black Star. I decided to try my hand at absolutely nothing, because, as it seemed to me, I didn’t fit into the format at all Black Star. Few people believed in me, but first I went through the first stage, then the second, and now - I have happy ticket! There were about five thousand applications, three thousand were approved, and these people came to Moscow not only from all Russia but also from neighboring countries. Including me.

Motivi dress, Top Shop jacket, Jimmy Choo shoes, Topshop hat

In one day, of course, they could not listen to everyone, the casting lasted almost a week. Moreover, each participant had one minute to somehow prove himself. Many went on stage and were immediately told no. And when I came out, in the first stage they let me perform two songs, and in the second - three. I then sang my songs. The label was just looking for an artist who can write music and lyrics himself. And I still felt insecure. Imagine, I go in a dress, in a hat to the club where the casting took place, and there are hundreds of clones L'One, Mota, Timati- all with beards, tattoos. There was a feeling that I was in some dangerous area of ​​​​New York, and everyone is so cool, they rap: “Check out my demos. Now I’ll cut the track for myself, and tear everyone here ”. But I still decided to do it the way I used to. I tried to be myself until the end, probably, it helped me. And the label liked my style.

I lived in Yekaterinburg up to 17 years old. Here in Moscow, entered the institute and generally got used to it. Of course I miss Yekaterinburg because I have friends and relatives there. But when I arrive, I have only a few days, I don’t have time to meet everyone, so sometimes I hide so that no one is offended. I have been making music since the age of four. As a child, she sang in the choir, then played in various musical groups, where she didn’t work to provide for herself and earn money for recording songs.
Hat, cape, top, jeans, Topshop shoes

I have an older brother and younger sister- we are all good. My parents have always supported me in all endeavors. Our whole family is creative: grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle - all actors. Mom, however, went the other way, but she sang and played the piano. And dad, for example, collected the rarest music records. The coolest music was always playing at home. My first song came out at the age of 14, but I didn’t pull my parents, I earned money for recording myself: I distributed leaflets, sold SIM cards at the station, worked in acting extras. And when the parents began to understand that everything was much more serious than it seemed, they began to help and support.

There is some crazy going on around me right now. I encountered this already at the first big performance. It was April "Party zone" Muz-TV. I had no tracks on the label yet, but the audience already knew me! When we walked to the stage, all the people shouted my name, begged for a photo, hugged me and asked: “Can I take your hand?” Then I was in shock and could hardly hold back tears. I always dreamed of something like this, but I didn't believe it could happen to me. I am very surprised that so few bad things are written about me on social networks. I thought that everyone would be indignant: “What kind of girl? What is pink star? What is it all about kindergarten Because the audience is not prepared. But many write that "it's cool", "something new for the label" and that "she will definitely find her audience."
Shirt, skirt, Topshop shoes, Motivi jacket, Stradivarius glasses

Most of all, we were friends and will be friends with the "young" artists from Black Star - Dana Sokolova and Scrooge, because together we passed the casting for "Young Blood" and, one might say, went through "fire, water and copper pipes» . WITH Dana we generally live together scrooge we communicate, we always support each other. If we talk about "veterans", everyone accepted us as younger sisters and brothers. You can call and ask for advice, they will help even if they are busy. July 23rd was my birthday, I turned 20 years. On the same day my new track came out "Quiet". For several years now I have been publishing new song on your birthday. And in the fall, an album and a new video for a dance song are expected to be released. All my life I dreamed of meeting Timati. When I was in the sixth grade, his song came out "When We're in the Club" and she was on my call. Therefore, I set myself the goal of “getting to know Timati” back then.

There were disappointments in the profession. If we talk about the past, then at the age of 14, when I decided to release a song, I ran into scammers. I paid for the arrangement, and they sent me backing tracks of already known songs. I participated in various popular television competitions: "Factor a", " main stage”,“ I am an artist ” and so on, and often the jury members told me: “Sing only for friends. You won't succeed". They assured me that I was not suitable for show business. I have often been insulted and thought it necessary to say how insignificant everything I do is. But I understood that if I didn’t make music, I wouldn’t be happy. And hit one point.

You need to listen to yourself and your heart. If you constantly adapt to someone, look at someone, you will simply lose your individuality. The world of music does not need a second Yegor Creed, it does not need a second Kristina Si. You need to carry your music, your philosophy to the end. For example, I believe that there is no need to do plastic surgery, to change yourself. I see that many girls become the same: the same eyebrows, nose, eyelash extensions, hair. This is wrong! I have a lot of flaws, but I like them. Although I used to have complexes - here is a nose with a hump, but then I realized that this is a "highlight". Almost every day I have rehearsals: with a choreographer, guitarist, DJ. Every day there are photo shoots or interviews, meetings at work, broadcasts on the radio. They help me make a schedule. Sometimes we sit in the studio for a whole week and work there from morning to night. I don't have many days off, but when I do, I still live for music. I can lie in bed all day with a guitar and compose some melody.
Everything I do, I try to do well. If they tell me: “Klava, you need to write a song in two days,” then I’ll hurt myself into a cake, but I’ll do it. Previously, before the label, it was a barrier for me that I couldn’t shoot clips and edit them myself, then I learned to do that too. It was expensive for me to record in the studio, I bought a microphone and did it myself at home. A person must be multifaceted, must constantly develop. It's probably about me. I always make a wish on 23:23 when I look at the stars. I write on a piece of paper what I want to achieve in a year, and either I bury this paper in a bottle in the ground, or I put it somewhere in my closet so that in a year I can see what has come true. And it's about 80% done. It's very cool that dreams come true, that everything is real and nothing is impossible!

The biography of Klava Koki is amazing story reincarnation of an unknown young singer into a popular star. A talented girl with her personal example proved to millions of people that nothing is impossible in this world. Behind short period without anyone's help, she was able to become one of the most successful performers songs in the style of country pop and sign a contract with the famous label Black Star Inc.

The Ural period in the life of the singer

Klava Koka (real name - Klavdia Vysokova) was born in Yekaterinburg on July 23, 1996. The future singer grew up in big family. In addition to her, the parents raised two more children - the son of Leo and the daughter of Lada.

IN creative biography singer Klava Koka's family played a decisive role, as her parents were passionate music fans. Mother future star she loved to sing songs and play the piano, and dad was a collector vinyl records. Klava Koka became early childhood show vocal abilities, so her parents decided to send her to a music school. There, the girl studied singing and playing the piano. At the age of four, the little singer became the soloist of the city jazz choir. Together with the musical group, she actively toured, having time in childhood visit many countries.

Moving to the capital

In the biography of Klava Koka, parents played another important role when together with her, her brother and sister moved to permanent place residence in Moscow. This event took place in 2008, when Claudia was 12 years old. The capital opened up great prospects for her. Soon after the move, Klava Koka took part in the Factor-A project organized by Alla Pugacheva, in which young talented performers. According to its results, the girl managed to enter the top six contestants. Inspired by the successful participation in the TV project, Klava began to learn to play the guitar, flute, drums and other instruments. In parallel, she began writing songs.

First steps in show business

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating her own group came to Klava after she watched the series "Ranetki". His heroines were teenage girls who organized their own Music band. Following their lead, future singer creates a group that could be seen on various events held both in Moscow and abroad. Young performers performed in different genres, their repertoire included songs in the styles of punk rock, thrash metal and others. In 2002, the group created by Vysokova began to give their first solo concerts.

At the same time, the girl invents for herself the stage name "Klava Koka" and begins to post her audio recordings on the Internet, representing cover versions of popular hits. Thanks to the World Wide Web, the fame of talented singer quickly spread throughout Russia and neighboring countries. In February 2014, Claudia presented her first video clip for the song "Everything is fine" to fans. A year later, the premiere of the singer's second video for the song "The Fifth Beatle" took place.


In the spring of 2015, in the creative biography of Klava Koka, an important event- output of the first studio album"Custo". It featured country pop songs.

Shortly after release debut album the young performer went to conquer the talent show "Main Stage", and then took part in the casting "Young Blood", organized by the label Black Star Inc. In the latter, Klava Koku was a success: the girl became the finalist of the competition and signed a contract with the label.

Cooperation with Black Star Inc. became a new stage in creative career Vysokova. During 2016-2017, the singer recorded many singles. For some of them (“If ...”, “May”, “I'm tired”, “Don't let go”, “Hush”, “Sorry”, “Where are you?”, “Goosebumps”) she shot video clips. The singer is also working on the release of a new album, performs at concerts, takes part in TV shows and actively communicates with journalists.

Blogging and personal life

At the beginning of 2017, Klava Koka had YouTube channel a personal music video blog appeared. In it, the singer presents songs to fans in her performance, and also talks about interesting events occurring in her life. The entries that the girl regularly posts on her blog are gaining more and more views every month, and also testify to her rapidly growing popularity.

Singer Klava Koka protects her personal life from prying eyes. The journalists managed to find out that the girl has a loved one named Dmitry Kuryshkin, with whom she has been dating since 2013. Vysokova's boyfriend can be seen in her video clip for the song "Forgive me", for the filming of which young people flew to Norway.

Despite the presence of a loved one, Claudia is not going to get married in the near future. In an interview, she states that she plans to start a family no earlier than 30 years old, but for now she wants to do only creativity.

Klava Koka is at that wonderful age when you don't have to worry about preserving slim figure and skin care. The girl declares that she never visits beauty salons and does not go on diets. She likes natural beauty, therefore, she does not recognize extended eyelashes and nails, and when creating makeup, she uses a minimum of cosmetics. Skin care for a young singer is limited to the use of natural cosmetic oils, which can be purchased at any pharmacy for a reasonable price. Vysokov's hair washes with a simple shampoo, sometimes pampering them with masks brought from abroad.

People who are interested in the biography of Klava Koka will be surprised to learn that their idol is a vegetarian. The girl gave up meat a long time ago because of her love for animals and for the sake of taking care of her own health. The singer has no other dietary restrictions. She eats whatever she likes, but tries to give preference to healthy food. The girl strives to exercise regularly, but because of her busy schedule, she often does not have enough time to train.

Claudius Vysokov does not consider the rapid success in show business to be a miracle. The singer explains her luck by the fact that she always remains herself and never succumbs to difficulties. She wishes all her fans not to be afraid of anything in life and to confidently move towards her dream.

Klava Koka (Klavdiya Vysokova)

Singer Date of birth July 23 (Leo) 1996 (22) Place of birth Yekaterinburg Instagram @klavacoca

Klava Coca - young star famous Russian label "Black Star". Hardworking and ambitious, with the appearance of a sweet girl, she conquered the audience and the jury of many competitions. It is interesting that Koka performs in the unformatted country-pop genre, but this does not prevent her from winning the love of listeners.

Biography of Claudia Koki

Claudia Vadimovna Vysokova (real name Koki) was born on July 23, 1996 in Yekaterinburg. Her family is considered to have many children, since Klava also has an older brother and a younger sister, they are all weather. Most of Klava's family is connected with the acting profession, which is probably why the girl has been drawn to art since childhood. Koki's father collected rare records with world hits, Klava listened to this music and developed her taste.

IN school years she simultaneously studied at a music school in piano. In addition, at the age of 4, she asked her mother to enroll her in a jazz choir. Together with the team, Klava traveled to many cities and countries. Over time, the girl independently mastered several more musical instruments: banjo, ukulele, drum kit, flute and, of course, guitar.

Klava's aspirations were greatly influenced by the series Ranetki, which showed how several young girls were able to create their own successful group. Koka was inspired by the example and moved to Moscow in 2008 to try her hand at various competitions.

According to the girl, she also always dreamed of getting to know her, and his track “In the Club” had been on her call for a long time.

At the age of 14, Claudia recorded a video for the song "Cuz I see" and posted it on YouTube. The video got a lot of views.

The girl said that at first her parents did not perceive her musical hobbies seriously and believed that it would pass. In order to professionally record tracks, Koke needed money, but she was in no hurry to ask her relatives for it. The girl moonlighted wherever she could, and independently paid for her hobby. Later, when the parents realized that the girl was serious, they began to help her in every possible way.

After graduating from school, Klava entered the Presidential Academy at the faculty public service and management. She combined her studies with part-time jobs as a salesperson, composing music and writing lyrics.

The girl gathered a team of musicians who liked the same music as her, they performed at many venues in Moscow. But this was not enough for Klava. As a solo vocalist, she took part in the competitions “I am an artist”, “Factor A”, “X-factor. Main stage 2". The jury mostly spoke positively about the girl, and she went to the finals, but they were in no hurry to conclude a contract with her.

Klava recorded many cover versions famous songs which are very popular on the web.

Everything changed when Koka decided to try her hand at the Young Blood project. The reality show, hosted by the Black Star label, selected young, ambitious, talented and, most importantly, creative performers. According to the girl, at the casting stage she saw a sea of ​​Timati or Mota clones. Thousands of young people have chosen the same demeanor, songs, style, but not Klava. The girl decided to be herself to the end, which pleased the jury members, who let her go further into the project. Each performer was given only a minute to impress. Klava, by the way, did not even listen to the end and was allowed to go to the next round.

Claudia, together with Dana Sokolova and Scrooge, won the project and joined the Black Star team.

Since 2015, when she became official artist label, she released such compositions as “May”, “If” (duet with Olga Buzova), “Don't let go”. Other members of the label, as Koka says, like older brothers and sisters, help, support and suggest.

Since 2017, the singer Klava Koka began to maintain a personal video blog on YouTube, where she tells fans about recent events in his life, shares his impressions and opinions about the world, people, songs.

An interesting fact: Klava Koka releases a new song every year on her birthday - this has become her tradition.

The artist changed her image several times, and if at first the fans saw her with long dark hair, today Koki's image is playful curls dyed blond. The artist does not change only her favorite country style, wears different hats and non-standard accessories.

Personal life of Claudia Koki

Nothing is known about Klava's personal life, she did not mention relationships with any young people, and the journalists could not find out either. juicy details. However, in May 2017, the artist released the song "I'm tired" and a video for it. The video jokingly talks about how the girl is tired of an empty relationship without mutual love.

Member Name: Klavdia Vysokova

Age (birthday): 23.07.1996

City: Yekaterinburg, Moscow

Education: Russian Academy National economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation

Job: Music label Black Star, video blogger

Family: not married

Height and weight: 170 cm

Number of subscribers: more than 700 thousand

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Reading this article:

Claudia Vysokova (Klava Koka) was brought up in a large creative family where everyone does what they love. She has an older brother and a younger sister, they are all weather.

His father was a collector of vintage vinyl records, and his mother played the piano and sang songs. Loud, modern music always sounded in their house.

Artistic childhood of the future singer

From early childhood, parents noticed the artistry of their daughter and the beautiful, light timbre of her voice. Therefore, we decided to enroll her in a music school.

There, the girl studied piano and vocals, which in the future helped her get a job as a soloist in a local jazz choir.

When Klava was 12 years old, the Vysokov family moved to Moscow. Then the girl began to successfully perform at various music festivals, fairs, took an active part in talent competitions and repeatedly won first places.

A year later, the future singer became interested in playing the guitar and writing her own lyrics.

Thus, Claudia splashed out the accumulated, teenage feelings and emotions. Then, she learned to masterfully play the drum kit, ukulele, flute.

The fateful project "Factor A"

In 2012, Claudia passed the most difficult casting for the musical talk show "Factor A", which was supervised by the prima donna herself domestic stage- Alla Pugacheva.

Prima Russian show business, along with other members of the star jury, was amazed by the rare timbre of the girl's voice, the unusual presentation of the compositions.

The individuality of the artist is still her hallmark.

To draw even more attention to herself, Klavdia started her YouTube account under the nickname Klavdia Coca.

There, the girl posted cover versions of famous tracks, along with original works. This plan worked, and her following and popularity are steadily growing.

In the spring of 2015, Klava Koka presented to listeners and fans her first album called Cousteau. It was released by the famous label "Studio Soyuz".

In the autumn of the same year, the girl took part in the X-factor project. Main stage”, which was broadcast on the channel “Russia 1”.

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Then Klava, was cast in the television show of young talents "Young Blood", where the eminent rapper Timati became one of the jury members. Coca was among the winners of the project. Since December 2015, Klava Koka has officially been the singer of the Black Star label.

Now the singer is working on the release of a new album, releasing clips with famous singers label Black Star, filmed for fashion glossy magazines, gives interviews on the radio.

The clip of Klava Koka Despasito (Desposito) in Russian conquered the fans of the singer, this video is in short time garnered several million views.

Personal life only after 30 years

Klava Koka is now at the peak of popularity, so about creating a family or Serious relationships until he thinks. According to the singer, she is just starting to climb creative Olympus and does not want to give false hopes to his potential chosen one.

Klava Koka filmed a popular and bewitching video for the song “Forgive me” in Norway together with her boyfriend Dmitry Kuryshkin.

However, according to the young artist, in the future, she dreams of a big family, but this is closer to 30 years.

Photo by Klava Koki

Claudia is very bright girl and her instagram also has a lot of cheerful photos and videos. The girl often travels and performs. Koka also uploads photos from the backstage of his own videos, video blogs and TV programs.

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