What is French love: revealing secrets! Interesting facts about France.


As I remember, in the USSR the phrase was known that there was no sex in the Soviet Union. Perhaps that is why people have found other ways of getting sexual pleasure and have discovered such a sophisticated concept as French love.

Before talking about all the subtleties and naughty moments of this topic, it is desirable to find out what French love is, and where did it come from in modern times? So this is the side intimate life, which implies exclusively oral sex, including the same blowjob and cunnilingus.

Why then French love? It's simple: this kind of pleasure came to us several decades ago from Paris, although it is already reliably known that such caresses took place in Ancient Greece, and in the "Kama Sutra" they are quite often mentioned. There is an opinion that in the old days women did not want to give birth to many children, therefore, in order not to become pregnant, they chose the same blowjob to satisfy their spouse. There is little pleasure on the female side, but a 100% method of protection that will certainly never fail. Men, on the other hand, did not greatly indulge women with such caresses, since they were initially used to giving pleasure to themselves first of all, without thinking about their sexual partner.

Today, women and men are in equal rights, therefore, in sexual life expect mutual satisfaction. For many, oral sex has become the norm, and someone does not accept this way of giving pleasure to their partner at all. All people are different, and everyone has their own perception of French love. But what opinions exist, and how are they argued? Here we can conditionally distinguish two women's moods, which radically differ in their views on life.

Some young ladies associate oral sex with "dirt", and such behavior in bed is completely considered unacceptable. Oddly enough, but the blowjob is compared with prostitution, and the technique of its implementation becomes a real sin. On the one hand, they have the right to such a categorical opinion, but on the other hand, they judge French love only by someone's conversations or information on the Internet, but not at all from personal experience. And theory and practice, as you know, tend to diverge in their views on the same topic.

Other young ladies consider French love to be the norm of their sex life, so their beloved men are provided with this kind of "services" on a regular basis. Moreover, they have learned to enjoy the process themselves, and the idyll in bed for such couples is completely guaranteed. So such caresses do not cause disgust, but, on the contrary, introduce an element of surprise, deepest trust and passion into the relationship.

In ancient Japanese, Chinese, Greek and Indian treatises, the methods of such love are described in detail, which once again proves the antiquity of such not always decent caresses. Have you had oral sex primitive, is still unknown.

Men have completely different views on life, and they consider oral sex to be the norm of the intimate side of relationships. It is difficult to find such a representative of the stronger sex who would consciously refuse such a spicy caress, and the results of such an adventure bring a sense of satisfaction and maximum relaxation. Today you will not meet opponents of French love, but in this issue women are more capricious; By the way, and in terms of cunnilingus, too.

To give pleasure to a woman with the help of oral sex, men decide much less often, because it does not bring them much pleasure, and some even lose their sexual desire. In this case, it is best not to insist, because ultimately you can be left without sex, and in some cases even run into a huge scandal.

But how to come to a compromise? This main question, which lovers must decide after the first intimacy. The fact is that the first sex can be easily compared with demonstration performance, that is, lovers in bed demonstrate everything that they had previously learned with previous partners, what they saw on TV in 16+ programs, what they dreamed about in erotic fantasies and what friends advised for good first impression. Most likely, it will come to French love; but after all, the partners must determine whether such caresses are appropriate in a particular relationship, or whether it is better to refrain from them in the future.

As a rule, a conversation on such a sensitive topic is not required, and everything becomes extremely clear and without words. Loving partners feel each other on an intuitive level, so they will not impose not always pleasant caresses. If the guy insists on a blowjob, then there are two ways out - to agree to his demands, or to defend his position to the very end. It is possible that in the latter case, the relationship will not last long, but this does not mean at all that it is necessary to rape yourself for the pleasure of an egoist. Such relationships, as a rule, break up very soon, and the girl is looking for a more sensual and understanding guy who will understand, and who will one day want to give a "voluntary blowjob", so to speak.

In general, French love has a number of "pitfalls" that every person in love must remember about. You should not impose it on your sexual partner, but one day it will not be superfluous to discuss such a piquant topic.

Men love blowjobs, and this is already a generally accepted fact. Blowjob is perceived as good and sincere attitude to yourself from the side of the charmer. Very often they identify the sexual organ with all their male nature, so they are used to having fun in this way too.

French love is the norm only when it gives untold pleasure to both sexual partners. With the embarrassment of one and the dissatisfaction of the second, there can be no question of harmony in bed, so you should not force yourself in vain.

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For many people, everything French is by default the most refined and beautiful. You can safely add 100 points to the attractiveness of any object or phenomenon if there is something in its name that evokes thoughts of the Eiffel Tower and croissants. Unfortunately, many things that we used to consider French are not.

We are in website studied the history and origin of famous things, which in reality have not much in common with France, despite the fact that everyone used to think otherwise.

1. French kiss

This is the most intimate type of kiss, involving not only the lips, but also the tongue. It's funny what in France itself, until recently, there was no term for this type of kiss. Only in 2014, the verb galocher appeared in the French dictionary Le Petit Robert, which means "kissing with the tongue."

For the first time the expression "French kiss" arose in English language at the beginning of the 20th century. Because of the French were famous in Britain as the most passionate and inventive lovers, the British decided to perpetuate a piece of French love passion in the name of the most sensual kiss.

2. French press

The history of the first French press is vague, although there are versions that its prototype appeared in France in the 1850s. We can only say with certainty that he was patented by a native of Milan Attilio Calimani in 1929 and improved by another Italian- Faliero Bondanini - in 1958.

Thus, it turns out that the most French device for making coffee owes its existence to the Italians. In addition, in Parisian cafes, you are unlikely to be able to taste the usual drink from a French press: espresso remains the most popular drink in most establishments, which is prepared in large coffee machines.

3. French Bulldog

The ancestors of these bulldogs were bred in England and came to France early XIX centuries, along with their artisan masters, who were forced to leave their homeland under the influence of the industrial revolution. Small English dogs are very fond of French cafe owners, butchers and courtesans.

It is believed that it was in France that this variety of bulldogs was first registered, and for this reason it began to be called French throughout the world.

4. French braid

This hairstyle cannot be French origin if only because it has existed for more than 6 thousand years. It was at this time that they were made cave drawings, found in Algiers, which depict women with similar braids. In addition, such hair weaving was found among the ancient Celts and Chinese women.

Why is the braid called French? There is no exact answer to this question. However, there is an assumption that, since France has always been the capital of fashion, everything that is most popular and progressive was automatically considered French.

And of course The expression "French braid" first appeared in 1871 in an article in the American Arthur's Home Magazine., but due to the fact that the article was not accompanied by pictures, it cannot be argued that the same braid was described.

5. French manicure

French manicure, or french, in fact It has American origin . It was invented in 1976 by Jeff Pink, the creator of the ORLY brand, at the request of one of the Hollywood producers who needed a universal nail coating suitable for various images actresses.

By the way, this design was originally called Natural Nail (“natural nails” - English). Modern name appeared when Jeff went to Paris and decorated the hands of the models of the fashion capital with a new manicure. Then he returned home, and the new manicure, beloved by the Parisians, remained in France, from where it then spread throughout the world.

It must be said that most modern French women prefer uncoated manicures, as well as natural shades of beige and pink.

6. French toast

Classic French toast was consumed with appetite long before France appeared on the world map. The first mention of this dish can be found in the Apician Corpus, an ancient Roman cookbook.. The Romans loved to eat slices of bread soaked in milk and eggs and toasted. Do not think that French women really exist in France. It's about about those French women whose image is cultivated by cinema, the media and marketers associated with fashion and beauty.

Very feminine, charmingly casual, definitely thin and impeccably stylish.- such a picture arises in the mind of almost every one of us when we hear the word "French" or "Parisian". Unfortunately - or perhaps fortunately - most French women are far from this canonical image.

Some periodicals and individual media personalities have taken up the destruction of the "myth of the Frenchwoman", telling the whole world that in France live the same women as everywhere else, who get fat from bread, do not always know how to choose outfits and spend a lot of time creating “natural” beauty.

Therefore, if you are worried that you will never become a “classic” Frenchwoman, relax: this also does not shine for most French women. And that's great because every woman is beautiful in her own uniqueness.

And what are your favorite things of French (or not so) origin?

I was puzzled by the question - what is the difference between the French and the inhabitants of other countries, and also collected the most interesting facts about France.

1. To the question “Ca va?” (how are you?) the answer is always “Ca va”, only the intonation changes.

2. The French are proud of their past and their culture.

3. The French do not like to speak other languages ​​than French.

4. When the French speak English, they have a very funny accent because of the soft consonants.

5. French English is called franglais (frangle) - a mixture of both languages.

6. The French always seem arrogant, even if deep down they are not.

7. There are limits on radio and television for English, especially American songs, films and other products of foreign cultures.

8. Since June 2011, a law has been passed in France prohibiting the mention of Twitter and Facebook on television and radio.

9. The French are very polite.

10. In France, it is customary to greet and say goodbye even in line.

11. Most French people only drive Peugeot, Renault or Citroen.

12. The French do not stay late at work.

13. The French sometimes like to spend a day or two of the working week on strikes.

14. Work week in France 35 hours.

15. France has one of the lowest number of working hours per year in Europe (1554, for comparison in the USA - 1810)

16. On Sunday all shops are closed.

17. All banks are closed on Sunday and Monday.

18. The French are always dissatisfied with the current government.

19. Many French people want to go to Canada.

20. Those who once studied / lived in Canada are preparing for the final move there.

21. A bottle of table wine costs 3-4 euros.

22. A glass of tea in a cafe costs 4-6 euros.

23. The French love meat.

24. The Louvre is the most visited museum in the world (8.5 million people in 2010).

25. At the foot eiffel tower There is always a long line at the cashier.

26. Many French women consider it an insult if a man pays for them.

27. French women take good care of their hair and skin.

28. French women in clothes prefer the classics, but at the same time they are always looking for their own unique image.

29. French women love to wear jewelry and accessories, skillfully combining colors and shapes.

30. In France, you can drink tap water.

31. Utilities are very expensive in France.

32. Calling a plumber can cost 500 euros.

33. France actively uses paper documents.

34. All French companies whose services are used by the French regularly send them different letters.

35. All bills, letters and other papers should NEVER be thrown away.

36. They need to be kept. Preferably for the rest of your life.

37. Carefully completed paperwork is the key to success in almost 100% of cases.

38. Higher education V state universities free in France.

39. Education in private universities is paid and more prestigious.

40. Private universities are higher schools(Grandes Ecoles), which exist only in France.

41. In France, university exams are written and anonymous.

42. Cinemas show films in French and in the original language with French subtitles.

43. There are many villages in France - they are the centers of winemaking.

44. French villages are amazing Beautiful places where people live with happy smiles on their faces.

45. France is the largest agricultural producer in the EU.

46. ​​Agriculture accounts for approximately 4% of GDP, French agricultural production accounts for 25% of EU production

47. Agricultural land covers 82% of the territory - 48 million hectares.

48. France produces annually 7-8 billion bottles of wine per year, the share of world exports is about 18%.

49. Most French people prefer red wine (about 70%).

50. Cognac is the name of one of the French provinces where this drink comes from.

51. For a decent Frenchman, “to drink” means to drink good wine with food.

52. Wine - required element lunch.

53. For lunch, the French often eat a baguette.

54. France is the world's largest importer of frogs.

55. But the French do not eat frogs, it is a delicacy for tourists.

56. Frog meat is low-calorie, tastes like chicken.

57. France is the founder of the EU.

58. Chief ideologist united Europe - Robert Schuman - Minister of Foreign Affairs of France in 1948-1953.

59. In France, the sales period in stores is set in each region by local authorities.

60. Sales 2 times a year - January-February and July-August.

61. Police officers in Paris go rollerblading.

62. The biggest flood in Paris was in 1910.

63. In 1898, the first 6 metro lines were launched in Paris.

64. The Louvre became a museum only in 1793 (was built in the 12th century)

65. Renting a car in the Europcar agency in France will cost about 2 times more than in the same agency in Germany.

66. What is sold in Germany for 1 euro will cost 2 euros in France.

67. French students tend not to answer in class.

68. They do not answer because they are afraid of making a mistake, even if they know the answer.

69. In France, after concerts, artists are not given flowers (at the theater, opera, etc.).

70. The flag in the form of a tricolor in France has existed since 1794.

71. The flag of the European Union with 12 stars was designed by Strasbourg resident Arsène Heitz in 1955.

72. The 12 stars on the flag have never indicated the number of countries, it is a religious symbol of unification, solidarity and harmony.

73. The French anthem Marseillaise was used for some time after the revolution of 1917 as the anthem of Russia.

74. The author of the Marseillaise is Roger de Lisle, he wrote the future French anthem in Strasbourg, where he performed it for the first time.

75. In France, the state pays an allowance even for the maintenance of dogs.

76. In general, the less money you have, the more the state gives you in the form of subsidies, financial assistance, allowances, etc.

77. A student can buy a public transport ticket for a month for 10 (!) cents.

78. France is the second largest producer of nuclear electricity after the United States.

79. There are 59 nuclear power plants in France.

80. This is about 0.9 power plants per 1 million people, in the USA - about 0.3 per 1 million inhabitants.

81. The French spend the most time sleeping and eating among residents of OECD countries.

82. On average, the French sleep about 9 hours a night (OECD study).

83. As the French themselves say, "we do not live in order to work, but quite the opposite."

84. Lunch break in many companies - from 12 to 14 hours.

85. The French are ALWAYS late.

86. Being 15 minutes late is the norm for communication and doing business.

87. France gave the world a device called the guillotine.

88. For the first time, the guillotine was proposed to be used in 1792 (French Revolution).

89. Louis XVI was executed by guillotine in 1793.

90. For the first time, diplomatic relations between Russia and France were established in 1717, when the first Russian ambassador to France presented his credentials signed by Peter I.

91. Triumphal Arch Carousel (Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel), built in 1806-1808. to commemorate Napoleon's victories.

92. Bugatti cars are produced in the French region of Alsace, near Strasbourg.

93. Biggest National holiday- Bastille Day (July 14, 1789).

94. The Bastille was built in Paris in 1370 as a fortification, and in the 17th century it was made into a prison for dissidents.

95. But at the time of its capture there were only a few prisoners, the main purpose of the capture was weapons.

96. France has one of the highest tax burdens among EU countries.

97. Income tax - 34.3%

98. VAT rates - 2.1, 5.5 and 19.6%.

99. In 2006, a law was passed limiting a citizen's tax burden to 50% of his income.

100. In the World Bank's Doing Business ranking, France is ranked 26 out of 183 countries.

Today is Friday again, and again the guests are in the studio, spinning the drum and guessing the letters. next issue capital show Field of Miracles is on the air and here is one of the questions in the game:

What is the word now familiar to us came from the French "can't sing"? 8 letters

Correct answer - SHANTRAPA

There are a lot of borrowed words in Russian, including those from French. Some convey the meaning accurately, and in some it is guessed rather vaguely.

For example, the French expression chantera pas is translated as “cannot sing”, but in Russian it is chantrap.

The word "Shantrapa" has several sources of origin.

So called the French tutors who served in the Russian noble families. They were usually hired for the same pay, regardless of their capabilities and abilities.
The French, a cunning people, so as not to waste their strength in vain, were not going to bother themselves too much, they came up with the idea of ​​taking some time off from some activities with children.
Among the nobles, teaching a child music was considered especially prestigious.
So, in order not to do this, the French, all as one, when checking the child's hearing, made an irrefutable conclusion - he would not sing, there was no hearing.

What is translated into French as chantera pas - will not sing. That's how the Russians called these tutors - shantyrap.

The modern meaning of the shantrap lexeme in literary language(“an insignificant, worthless, worthless, worthless person”) can still be deduced from the described historical situation, but how to explain the fact that this word is found everywhere in Russian folk dialects: Cherepovets, Poshekhonsky, Voronezh - with the meaning “bastard, rubbish ”; Smolensk - "poor, needy", Ustyuzhensky - "trifle".

After analyzing the data various languages, etymologists considered it possible to talk about the connection of the Russian dialectism of santrap / shantrop with the Old Czech šantrok, šantroch “deceiver”, which, in turn, goes back to the Middle High German santrocke “deceit”.

So, from a historical point of view, a shantrap is by no means a mediocre and worthless little man, but rather a clever rogue and a rogue.

Not without reason in " explanatory dictionary”, published in the humorous newspaper Krasnaya Burda (1997-1998), the following definition was given:
“SHANTRAPA - ballet step. When performing Sh., the dancer (dancer) imperceptibly pulls out the wallet from the partner (partner) from the pack, pointe shoes or leotards.

Some changes in the meaning of the word shantrapa are taking place literally before our eyes: now it is increasingly used in combination with definitive pronouns any, different, some as a collective noun, identical to a less expressive rabble “accidentally gathered together insignificant, insignificant or socially harmful individuals ".

Shantrapa is an adventurer, a clever deceiver and a rogue.

  • Andrey Pochechun July 20, 2010
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First reason:

For the love of dogs. Everything would be fine, but the French do not want to clean up after their pets. More than 5,840 tons of dog excrement is collected from the streets of Paris alone.

The second reason:

For being rude. There is a so-called type of depression "Paris Syndrome", which is officially recognized by French medicine. It is characterized by persistent rudeness towards foreigners.

Third reason:

For damage to nature. Every year, more than 3 million ducks and geese are killed on poultry farms, of course for such a popular dish - foie gras. By the way, average price one portion is only 20 euros.

Fourth reason:

For lack of hygiene. 50% of men and 35% of women do not change their underwear daily. And only 45% take a shower every day.

Fifth reason:

Behind former president Jacques Chirac. This man opposed the liberation of Iraq, because everything that happened had a very favorable effect on French wallets. To hell with starving kids and the fact that their dads can never get back to them.

Sixth reason:

For incredible arrogance. The French do not consider it necessary to study the cultures and languages ​​of other peoples. The French don't speak French at all. foreign languages, and not because they do not know them, but because they simply do not see the point. And if you do not know French, then do not expect a good-natured answer.

Seventh reason:

For the venality of politicians. French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin and Jacques Chirac still sold nuclear technology to Saddam Hussein.

Eighth reason:

For lack of a sense of humor. The French do not like, do not know how and do not want to joke. Although, if you still manage to hear some kind of joke addressed to someone, then you will immediately remember this reason.

Ninth reason:

For not working shops on Sundays. Sunday is the only day when all shops and kiosks have a "fermé/closed" sign on their doors. If you did not manage to make all the planned purchases on the remaining days, then this is absolutely your problem.

Tenth reason:

For lack of proper service. If you visit an ordinary cafe or restaurant, for example, in Paris, then a Russian waiter will seem to you a well-mannered, punctual and highly qualified specialist. Moreover, you will be very offended for your dissatisfaction.

Despite all these reasons or facts, as you wish, relations between France and Russia can be called good, and this, in my opinion, is excellent. I look forward to when the visa to Europe is cancelled.

The article was prepared with the support of French students who live and study in Moscow.

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