Where Kuprin was born and lived. Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin: life and work, interesting facts


The personal life of the writer is very interesting and will reveal inner world this creative person.

Alexander Kuprin personal life

The writer loved two charming beauties in his life - Maria Davydova and her friend Lisa Rotoni. It so happened that the first marriage ended without a "happy ending". Maria Davydovna was known socialite and dreamed of making her husband fashion writer in a suit from curry, but this way of life was alien to Alexander Ivanovich because of his proud disposition and impatience with flattery. They had a daughter, Lydia.

Although, literary career Kuprin - in some part the merit of his first wife Maria. The writer was more fond of spending time in taverns, but walking along Nevsky Prospekt. But Maria was unhappy with this outcome and drove her husband out of the house to the hotel, demanding not to return until he wrote a new chapter. It was in this way that the work “Duel” was written, which made Kuprin a world writer!

Once, during the illness of her daughter Lyulusha, Maria invited her friend Elizabeth to look after the child for a small fee.
Over time, Kuprin fell passionately in love with Lisa Rotoni, but the woman proudly left her friend's house so as not to destroy the family. Only now Kuprin did not accept such a fate, broke up with Maria and fell into drunkenness.

After some time, Elizabeth still gave up and also confessed her feelings for the writer, so the lovers lived all their lives. They had two daughters, Ksenia and Zinaida.

After the First World War, Kuprin took his family to France with the hope of a brighter future. But abroad, the writer's work was not successful, earnings were negligible, out of desperation, Kuprin more and more often fell into drunkenness. The family returned to Russia only after 20 years, but in home country the writer, emaciated from cancer, could not live even a year, died on August 25, 1938 in Leningrad, and was buried near the grave of Turgenev. Kuprin's wife Elizaveta died during the siege of Leningrad 5 years after the death of the writer.

Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich (1870-1938), prose writer.

Born on August 26 (September 7, n.s.) in the city of Narovchat Penza province in the family of a petty official who died a year after the birth of his son. Mother (from the ancient family of the Tatar princes Kulanchakov) after the death of her husband moved to Moscow, where the future writer spent his childhood and youth. At the age of six, the boy was sent to the Moscow Razumovsky boarding school (orphan), from where he left in 1880. In the same year he entered the Moscow military academy, transformed into the Cadet Corps.

After graduation, he continued military education at the Alexander Junker School (1888 90). Later he will describe his military youth"in the stories "At the Break (Cadets)" and in the novel "Junkers". Already then he dreamed of becoming a "poet or novelist."

First literary experience Kuprin had poems that remained unpublished. The first work that saw the light of day was the story "The Last Debut" (1889).

In 1890, after graduating military school, Kuprin, with the rank of second lieutenant, was enrolled in an infantry regiment stationed in the Podolsk province. The life of an officer, which he led for four years, provided rich material for his future works. In 1893 1894 in the St. Petersburg magazine " Russian wealth"his story "In the Dark" and short stories were published" moonlit night"and" Inquiry. "A series of stories is devoted to the life of the Russian army:" Overnight "(1897)," Night shift "(1899)," Campaign ". In 1894, Kuprin retired and moved to Kiev, having no civilian profession and having In the following years, he traveled a lot around Russia, having tried many professions, eagerly absorbing life impressions, which became the basis of his future works.

During these years, Kuprin met Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. In 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg, began working as a secretary for the Journal for All, married M. Davydova, and had a daughter, Lydia. Kuprin's stories appeared in St. Petersburg magazines: "Swamp" (1902); "Horse Thieves" (1903); "White Poodle" (1904). In 1905, his most significant work, the story "Duel", which had big success. The writer's speeches with the reading of individual chapters of the "Duel" became an event cultural life capital Cities. His works of this time were very well-behaved: the essay "Events in Sevastopol" (1905), the stories "Staff Captain Rybnikov" (1906), "The River of Life", "Gambrinus" (1907). In 1907 he married a second marriage to sister of mercy E. Heinrich, daughter Ksenia was born.

Kuprin's work in the years between the two revolutions opposed the decadent moods of those years: the cycle of essays "Listrigons" (1907 11), stories about animals, stories "Shulamith", "Garnet Bracelet" (1911). His prose became a prominent phenomenon in Russian literature at the beginning of the century.

After October revolution the writer did not accept the policy of war communism, the "red terror", he experienced fear for the fate of Russian culture. In 1918 he came to Lenin with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - "Earth". At one time he worked in a publishing house " world literature founded by Gorky.

In the autumn of 1919, while in Gatchina, cut off from Petrograd by Yudenich's troops, he emigrated abroad. The seventeen years that the writer spent in Paris were an unproductive period. Constant material need, homesickness led him to the decision to return to Russia. In the spring of 1937, the seriously ill Kuprin returned to his homeland, warmly welcomed by his admirers. Published an essay "Moscow dear". However, new creative plans was not destined to come true. In August 1938 Kuprin died in Leningrad from cancer.

Articles about the biography of AI Kuprin. complete collection works of A. I. Kuprin Biographies:

Berkov P. N. "A. I. Kuprin", 1956 (1.06mb)
Krutikova L.V. "A.I. Kuprin", 1971 (625kb)
Afanasiev V. N. "A. I. Kuprin", 1972 (980 kb)
N. Luker "Alexander Kuprin", 1978 (excellent short biography, in English, 540kb)
Kuleshov F. I. " creative way A. I. Kuprina 1883 1907", 1983 (2.6MB)
Kuleshov F. I. "The creative path of A. I. Kuprin 1907 1938", 1986 (1.9MB)

Memories, etc.

Kuprin K. A. "Kuprin is my father", 1979 (1.7MB)
Fonyakova N. N. "Kuprin in St. Petersburg Leningrad", 1986 (1.2MB)
Mikhailov O. M. "Kuprin", ZhZL, 1981 (1.7MB)
East Russian lit., ed. "Science" 1983: A.I. Kuprin
Lit. history of the Academy of Sciences 1954: A.I. Kuprin
A brief introduction to creativity
Literary code of Kuprin
O. Figurnova about Kuprin in exile
Lev Nikulin "Kuprin (literary portrait)"
Ivan Bunin "Kuprin"
V. Etov "Warmth to all living things (Lessons of Kuprin)"
S. Chuprinin "Rereading Kuprin" (1991)
Kolobaeva L. A. "Transformation of an Idea" little man"in the work of Kuprin"
Paustovsky about Kuprin
Roshchin about Kuprin 1938

Army prose:

I.I. Gapanovich "Military stories and stories of Kuprin" (Melbourne slavistic studies 5/6)
At the turning point (Cadets)
Duel (1.3 MB)
Ensign army
Night shift
Staff Captain Rybnikov
In the barracks
lilac bush
The Last Knights
In the bear's corner
One-Armed Commandant

Circus stories:

In the menagerie
At the circus
Daughter of the great Barnum
Olga Sur
bad pun
In the cage of the beast
Maria Ivanovna
Clown (A play in 1 act)

About Polissya and hunting:

silver wolf
Enchanted Capercaillie
On capercaillie
Night in the forest

About horses and racing:

Red, bay, gray, black ...

Last debut
in the dark
moonlit night
Slavic soul
About how Professor Leopardi gave me a voice
Al Issa
Secret revision
To glory
forgotten kiss
At the siding
Terrible minute
No title
holy love

Kyiv types all 16 essays
strange case
Natalya Davydovna
dog happiness
Yuzovsky plant
On the river
Fairy tale
someone else's bread
Stronger than death
Barbos and Zhulka
First person

Miraculous Doctor
In the bowels of the earth
lucky card
Spirit of the Age
Lost Power
travel pictures
sentimental romance
autumn flowers
By order
Tsaritsyno conflagration
Ballroom pianist

at rest
horse thieves
white poodle
evening guest
peaceful life
empty dachas
White Nights
From the street
black mist
good society
Events in Sevastopol
How I was an actor

river of life
fairy tales
mechanical justice
Small fry

A bit of Finland
My passport
The last word
About poodle
In Crimea
Above the ground
Poor Prince
In the tram
fashion martyr
Family style
The Tale of the Trampled Flower
dragonfly jumper
My flight
Garnet bracelet
royal park
Easter eggs
telegraph operator
big fountain
Head of thrust
sad story
alien rooster
white locust

Black Lightning
The Bears
elephant walk
liquid sun
Azure coast
light horse
wine barrel
holy lie
Garden of the Blessed Virgin
Two saints
Sealed Babies
Goga Veselov
Brave Runaways
Pit (1.7 MB)
Star of Solomon

goat life
bird people
Peregrine Falcon's thoughts about people, animals, objects and events
Sasha and Yashka
skewbald horses
Royal clerk
magic carpet
lemon peel
Fairy tale
Dog Black Nose
Golden Rooster
Blue Star
crimson blood
south blessed
poodle tongue
animal lesson
The last of the bourgeois
paris home
Shadow of Napoleon
stories in drops
Violin Paganini
Hero, Leander and the shepherd
four beggars
small house
Cape Huron
red porch
Pink pearl
early music
Everyday singing
Easter bells

Paris and Moscow
sparrow king
Lord's Prayer
Wheel of Time
Printing ink
At Trinity Sergius
paris intimate
Light of the kingdom
bird people
Tribe Ust
Lost heart
The story of the fish "raskass"
"N.-J." - an intimate gift of the emperor
night violet
Tsar's guest from Narovchata
Moscow dear
Voice from there
fun days
Two celebrities
The story of the skewbald man

Artworks different years, articles, reviews, notes

Dome of St. Isaac of Dalmatia
Cabin driver Peter (unpublished, with annotation by P.P. Shirmakov)
In memory of Chekhov (1904)
Anton Chekhov. Short stories, In memory of Chekhov (1905), About Chekhov (1920, 1929)
In memory of A. I. Bogdanovich
In memory of N. G. Mikhailovsky (Garin)
About how I saw Tolstoy on the steamer "St. Nicholas"
About Anatoly Durev
A. I. Budischev
Fragments of memories
Mysterious laugh
The sun of Russian poetry
beaded ring
Ivan Bunin - Falling leaves. G.A. Galina Poems
R. Kipling Courageous Mariners, Rudyard Kipling
N. N. Breshko-Breshkovsky Whisper of life, Opera secrets
A. A. Izmailov (Smolensky) In bursa, Fish word
Alexey Remizov Clock
About Knut Hamsun
dumas father
About Gogol, Laughter died
Our justification
A note on Jack London, Jack London
pharaoh tribe
About Camille Lemonnier, Henri Rochefort
About Sasha Cherny, S.Ch.: Detsky Ostrov, S.Ch.: Non-serious stories, Sasha Cherny
Free Academy
Reading minds, Anatoly II
Nansen's roosters, Premiere fragrance, Folklore and literature
Tolstoy, Ilya Repin
Peter and Pushkin
Fourth Musketeer
From the interview
Kuprin about Gumilyov
Yangirov about "Voice from there"
Answer O. Figurnova

Many literary critics believe that Alexander Kuprin never became a "great writer", but readers do not agree with them - Kuprin remains one of the most widely read and republished Russian authors today. A man of difficult fate, he tried many professions: he was a fisherman, a circus wrestler, a land surveyor, a firefighter, a military man, a fisherman, an organ grinder, an actor and even a dentist. We want to tell our readers about the main passions in the life of this wonderful writer.

Passion one - Maria Davydova

For the first time, Alexander Kuprin married at the age of 32 a 20-year-old daughter
the well-known publisher of the magazine "The World of God" and the late director of the St. Petersburg Conservatory Masha Davydova. She was witty, bright, noisy and always claimed the first roles. Kuprin adored his young wife passionately, treated her literary taste with trepidation and always listened to her opinion. Maria, in turn, did everything possible to curb violent temper husband and make him a salon writer. But noisy taverns were closer to him.

Maria struggled with the disorganization and restlessness of her husband with rather harsh methods. Because of the spree, Kuprin could not finish his story “Duel”, then his wife forced him to rent an apartment, escorting him out of the house. He could visit his wife and daughter only if he brought new pages of the manuscript. But somehow Kuprin brought the old chapter. Maria was offended by the deceit and declared that now she would take the pages of the manuscript only through the door ajar on the chain.

In May 1905, the story was finally published. This work brought Kuprin not only the All-Russian, but also world fame. But the family was not happier. The spouses then diverged, then converged, and as a result they became strangers and parted peacefully.

Passion Two - Elizabeth Heinrich

Lisa Heinrich was born in Orenburg in the family of the Hungarian Moritz Heinrich Rotoni, who married a Siberian woman. She lived for several years in the Kuprin family and, for a rather modest remuneration, helped with the housework and nursed their daughter. But Kuprin drew attention to her a few years later at a fashion party where the future famous actor Kachalov.

Kuprin confessed his love to Lisa, and in order not to destroy the family, she left the Kuprins' house and got a job in a hospital. However, this did not save the family, in which discord already reigned. Kuprin left home and began to live in the Palais Royal Hotel, and then bought a house in Gatchina on an installment plan, where he lived with Liza for eight years of complete serenity.

Elizaveta Moritsovna was modest, accommodating, and, unlike Kuprin's first wife, she did not claim the first roles. Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva, the wife of Ivan Bunin, recalled one episode when her husband and Kuprin once dropped in for a short while at the Palais Royal, where they "caught Elizaveta Moritsovna on the landing ... of the third floor. She was in the home wide dress(Liza was expecting a baby at that time). "Having thrown a few words to her, Kuprin and the guests went on a hike through the night dens. It lasted not an hour or two, and all this time the pregnant woman stood waiting on the landing.

Sometimes the Kuprins parted for a short time: Elizaveta Moritsovna, denying herself everything and carving out the necessary amount of money from the meager family budget, sent her missus to the south to rest. Kuprin was traveling alone - there was not enough money for his wife's vacation. True, having lived with Elizaveta Moritsovna for 22 years, he wrote to her: “There is no one better than you, no beast, no bird, no man!”

Passion three - alcohol

Kuprin certainly loved women, but he also had a truly pernicious passion - alcohol. He was already famous writer, and newspapers were full of stories about his drunken antics: the writer poured hot coffee over someone, threw him out of the window, threw him into a pool with sterlet, stuck a fork in someone’s stomach, painted his head oil paint, set fire to a dress, drank in a restaurant, inviting the entire male choir of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra; then for three days he disappeared with the gypsies, and then he brought home a drunken priest-defiant.

Those who knew Kurin said that one glass of vodka was enough for him to run into a quarrel with everyone he met. There were even epigrams about Kuprin: “If the truth is in wine, how many truths are there in Kuprin” and “Vodka is uncorked, splashing in the decanter. Should I call Kuprin for this reason?

Once his 4-year-old daughter from his first marriage read a poem to the guests own composition:
I have a father,
I have a mother.
Dad drinks a lot of vodka
His mother beats him for this ...

And Ksenia Kuprina, his daughter from his second marriage, as an adult, recalled: “Father went to Petersburg regularly, but sometimes he got stuck there for weeks, falling under the influence of literary and artistic bohemia. Mother selflessly fought against the bad environment of her father, protected his peace, snatched him out of bad companies, drove some literary "bugs" out of the house. But too many mighty contradictory vitality wandered then in the father. Not even a large number of alcohol turned the kindest Kuprin into a violent, mischievous person, with furious outbursts of anger.

Passion Four - Russia

In 1920, after the end of the First World War and the defeat of the Whites in the Civil War, Kuprin left Russia. He lived in France for 20 years, but was never able to adapt in a foreign country. Financial situation spouses was very difficult. The earnings of Kuprin himself were of an accidental nature, and the commercial enterprises of Elizaveta Moritsovna did not work out. She translated into French famous works Kuprin, and it was increasingly difficult for him to write new ones. He was constantly oppressed by longing for Russia. The only thing major work, written in exile - the novel "Junker", in which the "absurd, sweet country" appears before us so bright, cleared of everything unimportant, secondary ...

Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (1870-1938) was born in the city of Narovchat, Penza province. Human difficult fate, a career military man, then a journalist, an emigrant and a "returnee" Kuprin is known as the author of works included in the golden collection of Russian literature.

Stages of life and creativity

Kuprin was born in a poor noble family August 26, 1870. His father worked as a secretary in the regional court, his mother came from a noble family of the Tatar princes Kulunchakovs. In addition to Alexander, two daughters grew up in the family.

The life of the family changed dramatically when, a year after the birth of his son, the head of the family died of cholera. Mother, a native Muscovite, began to look for an opportunity to return to the capital and somehow arrange the life of the family. She managed to find a place with a boarding house in the Kudrinsky widow's house in Moscow. Three years have passed here little Alexander, after which, at the age of six, he was sent to an orphanage. The atmosphere of the widow's house is conveyed by the story "The Holy Lie" (1914), written by a mature writer.

The boy was accepted to study at the Razumovsky orphanage, then, after graduation, he continued his studies at the Second Moscow Cadet Corps. Fate, it seems, ordered him to be a military man. And in early work Kuprin, the topic of army everyday life, relationships among the military is raised in two stories: "Army Ensign" (1897), "At the Turn (Cadets)" (1900). At the peak of his literary talent Kuprin writes the story "Duel" (1905). The image of her hero, Lieutenant Romashov, according to the writer, was written off from himself. The publication of the story caused a great discussion in society. In the military environment, the work was perceived negatively. The story shows the aimlessness, petty-bourgeois limitations of the life of the military class. A peculiar conclusion to the dilogy "Cadets" and "Duel" was autobiographical story"Junkers", written by Kuprin already in exile, in 1928-32.

To the rebellious Kuprin army life was completely alien. Resignation from military service took place in 1894. By this time, the first stories of the writer, not yet noticed by the general public, began to appear in magazines. After leaving military service, wanderings began in search of earnings and life experiences. Kuprin tried to find himself in many professions, but useful for starting a professional career. literary work was the experience of journalism acquired in Kyiv. The next five years were marked by the appearance the best works author: the stories "The Lilac Bush" (1894), "The Picture" (1895), "The Night" (1895), "The Barbos and Zhulka" (1897), "The Wonderful Doctor" (1897), "Breget" (1897), stories "Olesya" (1898).

The capitalism that Russia is entering has depersonalized the working man. Anxiety in the face of this process leads to a wave of workers' revolts, which are supported by the intelligentsia. In 1896, Kuprin wrote the story "Moloch" - a work of great artistic power. In the story, the soulless power of the machine is associated with an ancient deity who demands and receives human lives as a sacrifice.

"Moloch" was written by Kuprin already on his return to Moscow. Here, after wandering, the writer finds a home, enters the circle of writers, gets acquainted and closely converges with Bunin, Chekhov, Gorky. Kuprin marries and in 1901 moves with his family to St. Petersburg. His stories "Swamp" (1902), "White Poodle" (1903), "Horse Thieves" (1903) are published in magazines. At this time, the writer is actively busy social life he is a candidate State Duma 1st convocation. Since 1911 he has been living in Gatchina with his family.

Kuprin's work between the two revolutions was marked by the creation of the love stories Shulamith (1908) and The Garnet Bracelet (1911), which differ in their light mood from the works of literature of those years by other authors.

During the period of two revolutions and civil war Kuprin is looking for an opportunity to be useful to society, collaborating either with the Bolsheviks or with the Social Revolutionaries. 1918 was a turning point in the life of the writer. He emigrates with his family, lives in France and continues to work actively. Here, in addition to the novel "Junker", the story "Yu-yu" (1927), the fairy tale "The Blue Star" (1927), the story "Olga Sur" (1929), more than twenty works were written.

In 1937, after an entry permit approved by Stalin, the already very ill writer returned to Russia and settled in Moscow, where Alexander Ivanovich died a year after returning from exile. Kuprin was buried in Leningrad at the Volkovsky cemetery.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is a famous writer, a classic of Russian literature, whose most significant works are "Junkers", "Duel", "Pit", "Garnet Bracelet" and "White Poodle". Also high art considered short stories Kuprin about Russian life, about emigration, about animals.

Alexander was born in the county town of Narovchat, which is located in the Penza region. But the childhood and youth of the writer were spent in Moscow. The fact is that Kuprin's father, a hereditary nobleman Ivan Ivanovich, died a year after his birth. Mother Lyubov Alekseevna, also descended from a noble family, had to move to Big City where it was much easier for her to give her son upbringing and education.

Already at the age of 6, Kuprin was assigned to the Moscow Razumovsky boarding school, which operated on the principle of an orphanage. After 4 years, Alexander was transferred to the Second Moscow Cadet Corps, after which the young man enters the Alexander Military School. Kuprin graduated with the rank of second lieutenant and served exactly 4 years in the Dnieper Infantry Regiment.

After the resignation, the 24-year-old young man leaves for Kyiv, then to Odessa, Sevastopol and other cities Russian Empire. The problem was that Alexander did not have any civilian specialty. Only after meeting him can he find permanent job: Kuprin goes to St. Petersburg and gets a job in the "Magazine for All". Later, he will settle down in Gatchina, where during the First World War he will maintain a military hospital at his own expense.

Alexander Kuprin enthusiastically accepted the renunciation of the power of the tsar. After the arrival of the Bolsheviks, he even personally approached him with a proposal to publish a special newspaper for the village, Zemlya. But soon, seeing that the new government was imposing a dictatorship on the country, he was completely disappointed in it.

It is Kuprin who owns the derogatory name Soviet Union- "Sovdepiya", which will firmly enter the jargon. During the Civil War, he volunteered to join the White Army, and after a major defeat, he went abroad - first to Finland, and then to France.

By the beginning of the 30s, Kuprin was mired in debt and could not provide his family with even the most necessary things. In addition, the writer did not find anything better than to look for a way out of difficult situation in a bottle. As a result, the only solution was to return to his homeland, which he personally supported in 1937.


Alexander Kuprin began to write in his last years cadet corps, and the first tests of the pen were in poetic genre. Unfortunately, the writer never published his poetry. And his first published story was "The Last Debut". Later, his story "In the Dark" and a number of stories on military topics were published in magazines.

In general, Kuprin devotes a lot of space to the topic of the army, especially in his early work. Suffice it to recall his famous autobiographical novel"Junkers" and the story preceding it "At the Break", also published as "The Cadets".

The dawn of Alexander Ivanovich as a writer came at the beginning of the 20th century. Came out became later classic children's literature story "The White Poodle", memories of a trip to Odessa "Gambrinus" and, probably, his most popular work - the story "Duel". At the same time, such creations as “Liquid Sun”, “Garnet Bracelet”, stories about animals saw the light.

Separately, it must be said about one of the most scandalous works of Russian literature of that period - the story "The Pit" about the life and fate of Russian prostitutes. The book was mercilessly criticized, paradoxically, for "excessive naturalism and realism." The first edition of The Pit was withdrawn from print as pornographic.

In exile, Alexander Kuprin wrote a lot, almost all of his works were popular with readers. In France, he created four major work- "The Dome of St. Isaac of Dalmatia", "Wheel of Time", "Junker" and "Janet", as well as a large number short stories, including the philosophical parable about beauty "The Blue Star".

Personal life

The first wife of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was the young Maria Davydova, daughter of the famous cellist Karl Davydov. The marriage lasted only five years, but during this time the couple had a daughter, Lydia. The fate of this girl was tragic - she died shortly after giving birth to her son at the age of 21.

The writer married his second wife Elizaveta Moritsovna Heinrich in 1909, although they had lived together for two years by that time. They had two daughters - Ksenia, who later became an actress and model, and Zinaida, who died at the age of three from complex shape inflammation of the lungs. The wife survived Alexander Ivanovich for 4 years. She committed suicide during the blockade of Leningrad, unable to withstand the constant bombing and endless hunger.

Since the only grandson of Kuprin, Alexei Yegorov, died due to injuries received during the Second World War, the family famous writer interrupted, and today his direct descendants do not exist.


Alexander Kuprin returned to Russia already in bad health. He was addicted to alcohol, plus old man rapidly losing sight. The writer hoped that in his homeland he would be able to return to labor activity but the state of health did not allow it.

A year later, while watching a military parade on Red Square, Alexander Ivanovich caught pneumonia, which was also aggravated by esophageal cancer. On August 25, 1938, the heart of the famous writer stopped forever.

Kuprin's grave is located on literary bridges Volkovsky cemetery, not far from the burial place of another Russian classic -.


  • 1892 - "In the dark"
  • 1898 - "Olesya"
  • 1900 - "At the turning point" ("The Cadets")
  • 1905 - "Duel"
  • 1907 - "Gambrinus"
  • 1910 - "Garnet bracelet"
  • 1913 - "Liquid Sun"
  • 1915 - "Pit"
  • 1928 - "Junkers"
  • 1933 - "Janeta"

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