The main character of which work was Tikhon Krasov. Artistic features of the story "The Village"


The story "In the Village" can be called a poem in prose. Its plot is a story on behalf of a boy who studies at a city gymnasium and therefore is forced to live away from his family, about how his father takes him from the city for the Christmas holidays and brings him to the village (the first chapter of the story). The second chapter tells how the boy spends two weeks of vacation. The third chapter tells how the father takes the boy to the city.

The beginning of the story surprises readers: “When I was little, it always seemed to me that spring begins along with the Christmas holidays.” “And it seemed to me that only in the village you can notice that spring is beginning,” says the narrator. The main content of the story is a poetic description of pictures of nature, village life. Feeling. the boy’s spring was caused by a meeting with nature, freedom, life in the family after a long forced life in the city, in a strange family. Going to go skiing, the boy joyfully repeats: "I'm Vogul, I'm Vogul ...".
When the boy is on his way to the station, his father expresses his cherished thoughts to him. He says that when the boy grows up, he will understand that you need to be closer to nature, you need to love and appreciate your native river, sky, fields and forests. He says that life in the village is poor, but not boring, and in order to reduce this poverty, you need to help the village people, work with them and for them ... And you can live well in the village! It seems to us that the sincere thoughts of the author himself are expressed through the lips of the father.

Bunin's story "The Village" is considered the largest first work. Bunin wrote this play for ten years, in which he depicted what was happening in post-revolutionary Russia. Bunin describes what is happening without a mask and exaggeration, shows the harsh and merciless truth. The writer takes the life of the ordinary Russian people as a basis, depicts their reaction to the revolution and other changes in the country.

The story is divided into several periods.

The first period is devoted to describing the feelings of a simple Russian peasant. The living conditions of the peasants are described, their terrible and unsuitable conditions even for existence. Bunin says that the people became illiterate and fell to such a state because of themselves. The people themselves cannot resist unrest and violation of rights.

What problems does Bunin raise in his story? In the story "The Village" the author managed to depict almost all the problems of post-revolutionary Russia. eternal questions, for example, who is still to blame for what is happening also find a place.

And the name of the village speaks for itself - Durnovka. This collective image, which personifies the whole of Russia.

The actions are told in an unusual way, first on behalf of Tikhon, then on behalf of Kuzma, and after their narration follows a summary. Through this narrative, the author can see the ordinary everyday life of a peasant, fights between men, domestic squabbles.

The brothers (Kuzma and Tikhon) are opposed to each other. For Tikhon, money is a priority, he loves to work and work, but he does it for the sake of profit. Kuzma is a poet, he often talks about the fate and future of Russia. Through his words, the pros and cons of serf Russia are shown.

The third part is the end of the life of the brothers. Kuzma is lonely, does not see happiness, and Tikhon is sad that he will not leave children behind. Both brothers understand that their life has become meaningless, nobody needs them, society has rejected them. Despite the fact that the brothers were different, one was only bothered wealth, and another thought of the great, they end up lonely - their social status at the very bottom.

Thus, it can be said that Bunin was able to depict, without fear, the reality of Russia in 1905-1907.

Analysis of the story Village 2 option

Bunin's story "The Village" is one of his very first works written in prose. It immediately equated him with the most famous writers of that time. When writing this story, Bunin fully fulfilled his task - to describe the Russian people as they really are without idealizing them. And spent quite a hard time psychological analysis village life.

The village has become a rather psychological story, it not only describes village life, it reveals the very essence of people and the depth of their experiences. Described very realistically scary picture poverty and distress rural life. Bunin lamented with all his heart the troubles of the peasants, he deeply felt their poverty and exhaustion by a hard life. He was able to transfer the entire burden of exhausted work and discouragement to their eternal need and humiliation.

In the center of the whole story lies the life of the two Krasovsky brothers, they come from the small village of Durnovka. They are ordinary descendants of serfs in their youth, they traded together, but then quarreled and each went his own way.

Kuzma went into rent, and Tikhon was able to rent an inn and, as a result, was able to become quite wealthy and even bought the estate. Everything weighed on him, and his wife could not give birth to an heir. God sent her only dead girls. And Tikhon found his solace in taverns. But by his 50s, he felt all the pain and despair and decided to try on his brother.

Kuzma's life turned out differently, from childhood he was strikingly different from his brother and dreamed of learning. He accumulated knowledge in every possible way, learned to read and write and read a lot. He tried to compose a story about his impoverished life, then he switched to poetry and even managed to write a book, but he himself was not aware of the perfection of his work. Yes, and his books did not bring him profit, he spent many years looking for work. In his wanderings, he had seen enough of injustice, cruelty and indifference. Unable to bear all this, he took to drink, and began to fall lower and lower, but in the end he decided either to go to the monastery or commit suicide.
At this difficult moment for Kuzma, Tikhon finds him and offers him a job as the manager of his estate. He is glad that there was a place for him in life and goes to the village. But even there he is overcome by longing and he becomes seriously ill. And then he is faced with inhumanity, when the cook Avdotya throws him into serious condition without any sympathy.

Ate, having coped with the disease, Kuzma goes to his brother. But Tikhon is preoccupied with the idea of ​​marrying Avdotya to a village man. Long ago, in the hope of finding an heir, he sinned with her. But the dream did not come true, and she was disgraced. After a while, he decided to atone for his guilt.

Tikhon turned to his brother, laying on him all the troubles associated with the wedding. Kuzma was against because the groom was just a beast who even beat his father. But Avdotya completely submitted to the will of Tikhon and Kuzma yields to his brother.

The wedding was in every order: the guests drink and sing. The bride sobs bitterly, and Kuzma blesses her with a heavy heart.

Essay on the story 6, grade 8

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MBOU "Borisovskaya secondary comprehensive school№1 named after the Hero Soviet Union A.M. Rudogo"

Teacher of Russian language and literature Galutskikh Natalya Andreevna

The language of the story by I.A. Bunin "Village"

O.S. Akhmanova does not distinguish between the concept of style and language, believing that “style is one of the differential varieties of language, a linguistic subsystem with a peculiar dictionary, phraseological combinations, turns and constructions, which differs from other varieties mainly in the expressive-evaluative properties of its constituent elements and is usually associated with certain areas of speech.

The language of the "Village" is condensed, economical and short; it is as close as possible to the expressive colloquial speech. The form of speech is predominantly dialogical; even in the case when it is conducted in the third person, it is ready to pass or passes into an emotionally colored oral statement. Rural Rus' speaks in Bunin as if by herself and in her own name. The characters of the "Village" think and speak in habitual fixed phrases drawn from the arsenal of folk phraseology, commonly used, close to a proverb, proverb, joke, saying, etc.

The role of phraseological units is only partly to give the characters' speech the greatest expressiveness; least of all it is associated with the individualization of speech characteristics. On the contrary, the dominant function of phraseological units is aimed at the destruction of sharp individual specificity: Bunin seeks to convey the nationwide character of the thoughts and words of the characters, to give them, if possible, a single - historical and national - symbolic meaning.

The verbal aphorism of Bunin's characters either completely repeats folklore phraseological units, or is a variation on the usual folklore forms. Folklorization artistic speech serves for Bunin as a way to achieve its exotericity. His characters speak common and at the same time poetic language folk wisdom containing settled speech formulas national consciousness and psychology.

Thus, speaking about the style of the story "The Village", we will have in mind the manner of writing, the ideological and artistic features of the writer. Considering the language of the story "The Village", we will pay more attention to the language of the heroes of the work.

The language of The Village differs significantly from the earlier stories.

Undoubtedly, within general design one of the greatest difficulties for the writer was the individualization of the speech of the characters and some "dilution" of the dialogue, so that the language of the story as a whole was not too thick, tart. Naturally, the main possibility for this was the use of copyright digressions and landscape inserts.

Bunin well individualized the speech of the Krasov brothers. Both of them are peasants, they spent part of their lives together, and then their paths diverged for a long time. Kuzma wandered, at one time lived in the city, was engaged in self-education. The environment in which he lived from an early age left an indelible imprint on him, he remained a peasant in some ways, but ceased to be one in some ways.

Having become rich, Tikhon Krasov to a certain extent moved away from the peasantry. He even left Durnovka and settled in an inn, which he rented not far from the village. He, like Kuzma, also occupies a certain intermediate social position. In his psychology, thinking, everyday practice, he is far from being a peasant. I.A. Bunin needed to be “divorced” so that, along with similar elements of colloquial speech, there were features that distinguish the language of one from the language of another.

Kuzma's social searches developed in him a need for long speeches. He loves and knows how to speak. When Kuzma keeps his accusatory speeches before Tikhon or argues with Balashkin, his language is almost literary, for he operates mainly with ready-made concepts, sayings, proverbs, cited by him as evidence of the misfortune and guilt of the Russian people. In Kuzma's everyday conversation, along with literary turns of speech, there are also colloquial words, such as: “especially”, “maybe”, “not long”, “if only”, “at first”. However, Kuzma uses colloquial words very rarely, with selection: slips, for example, he has a local word “gandobit” - instead of “equips”. And Kuzma's colloquial words are one of those that do not cut the ear very much. Bunin himself describes Kuzma's speech in this way: "He had a manner of rapping out syllables." Kuzma is voluble and, as a rule, when talking, he is worried, therefore, most often he speaks in short sentences jumping from item to item.

When the point of view of the brothers converges on any issue, there is a rapprochement in their manner of expressing their thoughts. And, on the contrary, when they disagree, Kuzma's great erudition, his broader outlook and ability to generalize, come out more clearly.

Having decided to marry off Young and brushing aside Kuzma's objections, Tikhon says: “Keep in mind: crush the water - there will be water. My word is holy forever and ever. Once I said, I will. I will not light a candle for my sin, but I will do good, even though I gave one mite, but for this mite the Lord will remember me ”(1, III, 124). Tikhon's speech is figurative and strong, but it is clear that he took his convictions from church sermons. Kuzma answers him no less strongly and figuratively: “Remember, brother ... Remember, our song is sung with you and no candles will save us with you” (1, III, 128).

To Tikhon's remark, in the style of Church Slavonic speech, Kuzma answers "in a secular way", based on a peculiar understanding of the position of the Russian peasant. Inclining to the idea that the people are more unfortunate than guilty, and thereby taking a step towards the truth, Kuzma, however, painfully admits that for him, even though he himself is from the peasants, the peasant soul is darkness.

N.I. Volynskaya examines in great detail the psychological dialogues of the Krasov brothers. The first dialogue scene of Tikhon's meeting and conversation with Kuzma is one of the elements of the plot's plot (after reconciliation with his brother, Kuzma settles in Durnovka). The dialogue of the brothers is preceded by detailed description provincial tavern and appearance of Kuzma. The conversation of the brothers points to their complete inner opposition, different attitudes towards people and life, reveals their view of the Russian people. The opposition of Tikhon and Kuzma is also found in their speech manner. If Kuzma's speech is more passionate, accusatory, then Tikhon's speech is firmer, calmer. He uses many proverbs and sayings that correspond to his psychology: “I would be glad to go to heaven, but they don’t let sins” (1, III, 344), “If you read it, you won’t count it in your pocket” (1, III, 37). Tikhon speaks about the concrete, his desire for generalizations is imperceptible, and there is no stylistic inconsistency in his speech.

In the statements of Kuzma, the arguments about the Tatar-Mongols and Slavophiles are combined with colloquial, dialect vocabulary. In the structure of his phrases, one can feel the desire to clearly explain everything not only to his brother, but also to himself, to pronounce and understand every thought to the end.

In the first dialogue scene, Bunin does not consistently and in detail convey the entire conversation of the brothers. He is limited only to milestone moments, and sometimes resorts to a new technique: he partially retells some moment in their conversation, which is largely dictated by the writer's desire for maximum brevity and generalization.

The author's remarks (small in volume) give characteristic gestures, favorite postures, movements that indicate the experiences of the characters. So, Tikhon, who mourns over his useless life, often “sighs” (1, III, 33), “frowns” (1, III, 35), “drums his fingers on the table” (1, III, 34), etc. Kuzma's range of feelings is more varied and complex. He says “strictly” (1, III, 35), “energetically” (1, III, 35), surprised, “raises his eyebrows” (1, III, 33), “slaps the table with his palm” (1, III, 35 ). The author's remarks not only indirectly express feelings actors, but also contains the emotional-evaluative beginning of the author. It can be seen that the sympathy of the writer is on the side of Kuzma, and not Tikhon.

Kuzma's character emerges more fully and deeper in his second dialogue with Tikhon. This scene gives powerful push further development actions. Tikhon repents of the "sin" he committed against Young and follows his brother's advice to help the offended woman with money, and then hire her to Kuzma as a cook. In the second dialogue, Kuzma speaks predominantly. Instead of Tikhon's direct speech, the author briefly reports the content of his confession, that is, the author's beginning remains leading, because, we noted this fact earlier, the proportion of improperly direct speech is so large. This is someone else's speech, directly included in the author's narration, merging with it and not delimiting from it. It is conducted on behalf of the author, retains all its features, but does not stand out against the background of the author's speech. In essence, Kuzma, paying little attention to Tikhon's interrupting, now mocking, now confirming remarks, delivers a long monologue. It is especially important to understand ideological meaning And artistic structure lead the entire third dialogue of the Krasov brothers, immersed in an emotional atmosphere, in the last part of the story "The Village". Here are the results past life Krasovye and unusually clearly given the feeling of her futility. Being antagonists all their lives, Tikhon and Kuzma now express approximately the same thoughts about their personal lives, about the historical doom of the Russian people. And the picture of the wedding between Young and Deniska that completes the scene, which is the denouement of the plot of the story, in a figurative form embodies only what has already been expressed in the dialogue.

In an effort to generalize, Bunin does not convey in detail the entire conversation of the brothers. Just as before, he compresses it, concentrates the replicas of the speakers in separate parts, transfers it in the form of an author's retelling: “And Tikhon Ilyich turned the conversation into action. Apparently, he thought just now, in the middle of the story, only because he remembered something much more important than the executions - some kind of business ”(1, III, 121).

Unlike the previous dialogues, in the last one Bunin tends to emphasize the common speech characteristics brothers than excellent. The most important thing for a writer is to show what is typical for the linguistic manner of a certain social environment - the petty-bourgeois stratum of society. And yet, in the speech of Tikhon and Kuzma, the individual clearly emerges. Kuzma is more categorical in his assessment of his personal fate and the life of his brother (“Remember: our song is sung with you ... Do you hear? We are Durnovites!” (1, III, 123) than in conclusions about the people. The speech of Tikhon, indulging in bitter reflections, more and more emotionally colored. Vivid figurative expressions and comparisons appear in it. For example, he calls his life a "golden cage", compares it with a cook's scarf, worn inside out to holes during his life, so that it does not fade and on a holiday it was possible to enjoy its flowery side: "And the holiday came - only rags were left ... So here I am ... with my life" (1, III, 125).

The author's remarks to the words of the characters, which indicate their feelings, make the dialogue also more emotional. So, Kuzma listens to Tikhon "almost with fear" (1, III, 121), looks at him with "suffering eyes" (1, III, 123), the older Krasov's eyes are "stopped, crazy" (1, III, 121). Compared to previous scenes, the dialogic pattern here has become even thinner and more diverse.

We examined some of the most important dialogic scenes in Bunin's story "The Village" and came to the conclusion that dialogue is the most basic and defining component of the entire ideological and artistic structure of the work.

List of used literature

  1. Bunin, I.A. Collected works in 9 volumes / I.A. Bunin. – M.: Khudozh. lit., 1965. – 503 p.
  2. Bunin, I.A. Selected / I.A. Bunin. – M.: Artist. lit., 1970. – 496 p.
  3. Bunin, I.A. Memories / I.A. Bunin. - Paris, 1937. – 371 p.
  4. Afanasiev, V.N. I.A. Bunin. Creativity essay: Teaching aid/ V.N. Afanasiev. - M., 1966. - 383 p.
  5. Akhmanova, O.S. Dictionary linguistic terms/ O.S. Akhmanova. - M., 1966. – 606 p.
  6. Blagasova, G.M. On the rhythmic-melodic structure and style of I.A. Bunin's story "The Village" / G.M. Blagasova // Problems of Methods, Genre and Style in Russian Literature: Interuniversity. Sat. scientific works. - M., 1997. - 162 p.
  7. Kolobaeva, L.A. Prose I.A. Bunina: To help teachers, high school students and applicants / L.A. Kolobaev. - m.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2000. - S. 15-20.
  8. Kucherovsky, N.M. I. Bunin and his prose (1887-1917) / N.M. Kucherovsky. - Tula: Priokskoe Prince. publishing house, 1980. - 390 p.


The story "The Village" is one of the first major prose works I.A. Bunin, which immediately put him on a par with famous writers beginning of the 20th century.

In the center of the story is the fate of two Krasov brothers: Tikhon and Kuzma. Both of them are descendants of serfs. However, in the new economic conditions, Tikhon, a man with a strong-willed character, quickly went uphill and bought out the very estate, the owner of which once hunted his great-grandfather with greyhounds. Becoming the owner of Durnovka ( speaking name the village reminds of the absurdities and contrasts of Russian life in general), Tikhon Ilyich showed himself to be an imperious master: “He followed every inch of the earth like a hawk.”

Through the description of the life of the Krasov brothers and other heroes of the story, a panoramic picture of the life and customs of the Russian people emerges: poverty, superstition reign all around, there are rumors of upcoming riots. However, Bunin, as you know, was an opponent social revolutions and tried with all his might to reconcile the interests of the master and the peasant, believing that the life of a prosperous peasant and an impoverished nobleman in Russia is approximately the same.

The disorder of Russian life is clearly emphasized in the story by the interior. In the house of Tikhon Ilyich, a dirty heavy blanket lies in the hallway, and two large sofas are overflowing with live and crushed dried bugs. What can we say about the hut of a poor peasant, which is described by I.A. Bunin on the example of Gray's dwelling, where there is no light, people live in the same room with cattle, and in the middle of the hut a hungry baby is writhing in a cradle from screaming.

Tikhon's brother Kuzma is a less practical man. By conviction, he is an anarchist, writes poetry. Handing over the management of the estate to him, Tikhon thinks: “An unreliable brother, an empty one, it seems, a man, well, as long as he can do it!”

In disputes between Kuzma and Balashkin, I.A. Bunin is trying to embody the controversy about the Russian people.

Kuzma often thinks about why he lives in the world, and bitterly realizes his hopeless loneliness.

A special role in the story is played by the image of Young, who, due to his master's whim, was taken by force by Tikhon Ilyich, then dishonored by the townspeople. This image of a disenfranchised Russian woman, hunted down by poverty, heavy physical labor and reluctantly.

Having raped Young, Tikhon Ilyich shows an imaginary concern for her. Helping her first husband, who brutally beat a woman, get out into the other world, he marries her to Deniska, promising a rich dowry. This wedding, in fact, no one needs. Young - a woman is calm, economic. She has by nature kind heart. This is evidenced by her attitude towards the old Ivanushka, whom she affectionately, carefully feeds. “She smiled only at him alone,” writes I.A. Bunin. How many unspent tender feelings are hidden in the heart of this woman, who is not spoiled by fate.

Having learned about the upcoming wedding with Deniska, Young first agrees to her in order to somehow arrange her fate. Newlyweds are given gifts, a pig was slaughtered for the wedding. IN last moment Kuzma, who dissuaded Young from this marriage, asks her: “Maybe we should throw this whole story away?” However, she feels that it is embarrassing to refuse, since she has already incurred expenses because of her.

In the wedding scene, this idea of ​​​​an unnecessary wedding looks even more ridiculous. Pain and sadness are heard in the words of the author when he writes: “And the hand of the Young, which seemed even more beautiful and dead in the crown, trembled, and the wax of the melting candle dripped onto the frills of her blue dress ...”.

The author's anxiety for the fate of Young in this unequal marriage associated with pain for the fate of Russia. The village of Durnovka in the story symbolizes, in fact, our entire long-suffering country. A central characters works - Krasov brothers - two sides Russian life: the desire from the village to the city, and from the city to the village.

After the revolution of 1905, Bunin was one of the first to feel the changes in the life of Russia, namely the mood of the post-revolutionary village, and reflected them in his stories and novels, especially in the story "The Village", which was published in 1910.

On the pages of the story "The Village" the author paints a horrifying picture of the poverty of the Russian people. Bunin wrote that this story was "the beginning of a whole series of works that sharply depicted the Russian soul, its peculiar interweaving, its light and dark, but almost always tragic foundations."

The originality and strength of Bunin's story is shown dark sides peasant life, stupidity of the villagers, poverty everyday life men. Bunin in his work relied on real facts reality. He knew the life of the village well, managed to give in his story a vivid and truthful picture of the life of the peasants.

Critics noted that in the story "The Village" there is no through plot action and a clear conflict. The story alternates scenes of everyday life. village life and episodes of clashes between peasants and the village rich. Wonderful artist, Bunin gives a series of portrait sketches of men, describes their housing. Many landscapes in the story are filled with philosophical thought the author on behalf of whom the story is being told.

Bunin shows the life of the Russian village through the eyes of the brothers Tikhon and Kuzma Krasov, the main characters of the story. The true appearance of the village arises as a result of long conversations and disputes between Tikhon and Kuzma. A bleak picture of the life of the village, no hope of rebirth among the dead fields and the gloomy sky. The whole vast Russia rests on the peasant. How does he live, what does he think about? The author in his story speaks the bitter truth. The villagers are rude savages, little different from their livestock - stupid, greedy, cruel, dirty and downtrodden.

Bunin brilliantly, in several paragraphs, tells the story of the Krasov family: “The great-grandfather of the Krasovs, nicknamed a gypsy in the household, was hunted down with greyhounds by captain Durnovo. The gypsy took away from him, from his master, his mistress. Further, just as simply and calmly outwardly, Bunin describes the fact that the Gypsy rushed to run. “And you shouldn’t run from the greyhounds,” the author remarks succinctly.

In the center of the story is a biography of two Krasov brothers. Tikhon is a powerful man. His only goal is to get rich. Tikhon Krasov "finished off" the ruined master Durnovka and bought his estate. The second brother, Kuzma Krasov, is a weak-willed dreamer, a self-taught intellectual. Against the backdrop of the biography of the Krasovs, Bunin unfolds a wide canvas of the life of the Russian peasantry.

The brothers exchange views, talk about the causes of the plight in the countryside. It turns out that here “chernozem is one and a half arshins, but what! And five years does not pass without hunger. "The city throughout Russia is famous for its grain trade - this bread is eaten to the full by a hundred people in the whole city." Bunin's men were robbed not only materially, but also spiritually. There are more than a hundred million illiterate people in the country, people live, as in "cave times", among savagery and ignorance.

Many Durnovians are mentally retarded people who do not understand what is happening around. For example, the worker Koshel was once in the Caucasus, but could not tell anything about him, except that there was a "mountain on a mountain." Purse's mind is poor, he pushes away everything new, incomprehensible, but he believes that he recently saw a witch.

The teacher in Durnovka is a soldier, by appearance the most ordinary peasant, but he "was talking such nonsense that he had only to make a helpless gesture." Teaching children with him consisted in imposing the strictest army discipline. The author shows us the peasant Gray, "the most impoverished and idle in the whole village." He had a lot of land - three acres, but he became completely impoverished.

What prevents Gray from establishing a household? IN better times Sery managed to put up a new brick hut, but in winter it was necessary to heat, and Gray burned the roof, and then sold the hut as well. He does not want to work, he sits in his unheated hut, there are holes in the roof, and his children are afraid of a burning torch, as they are used to living in the dark. material from the site

The mental limitations of the peasants give rise to manifestations of senseless cruelty. A man can “kill a neighbor because of a goat”, strangle a child to take away a few kopecks. Akim, a rabid, vicious peasant, would gladly shoot the singing nightingales with a gun.

“Unfortunate people, first of all, unfortunate…” Kuzma Krasov laments.

Bunin was sure that the peasants were only capable of rebellion, spontaneous and senseless. The story describes how on one day the peasants rebelled almost all over the county. The landowners sought protection from the authorities, but "the whole revolt ended with the muzhiks shouting around the district, burning and destroying several estates, and falling silent."

Bunin was accused of exaggerating, not knowing the village, hating the people. The writer would never have created such a poignant work if he had not rooted for his people and the fate of his homeland. In the story "The Village" he showed everything dark, wild, which prevents the country and people from developing.

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