Georgian nicknames. Georgian female names


Georgian names absorbed rich history Georgian land and the friendly nature of its people.

Georgian folk names.

Meaning large group of ancient Georgian names associated with the languages ​​of numerous ethnographic groups of Georgians - Khevsurs, Pshavs, Imeretians, Mengrelians, Svans, Gurians. Folk names formed from different concepts And common nouns. As in many other languages, they are very similar to nicknames - Mgelika (wolf cub), Dzaglika (puppy, dog), Chichiko (little man), Bichiko (boy), Gogola (girl), Mzekala (sun-maiden), Tsira (red girl). Some names became popular after being famous famous people. For example, male name Vazha (courageous, man) was originally part of the pseudonym of the Georgian poet Vazha Pshavela. And his grandfather was the first bearer of the common name Imedi (hope). Among the Georgians and now you can meet a man with the traditional name of Badri or Mindia, a woman Dali or Tsialu.

Eastern borrowings.

The geographical location of Georgia at the crossroads of Western and Eastern civilizations has led to the fact that the Georgians have always been in close contact with the peoples inhabiting neighboring lands. Naturally, these contacts were reflected in the borrowing of names. Origin story some Georgian names begin with literary works Iran and the Arab Caliphate. Rostom, Bezhan, Givi are the Georgian forms of the Iranian names Rustam, Bizhan, Giv from the epic Shahnameh. Eastern borrowings also include such common Georgian names as Vakhtang, Zurab, Ramazi, Leila, Rusudan.

Christian names and Russian borrowings.

In the 4th century Christianity became the state religion of Georgia. Since that time, Hebrew, Greek and latin names taken from the Bible - Giorgi (George), David, Ioane (John), Isak, Mose (Moses). As in Russia Georgian names from religious value they chose based on, which were replenished with the names of Georgian saints - Abo, Archil, Luarsab, Ketevan, Shushanik. At all times, parents willingly named the boy in honor of St. George, and girls in honor of St. Nina and the legendary Queen Tamara.

Georgia has long had close cultural ties with Russia, and in early XIX century and became part of Russian Empire. Therefore, in many Georgian families, children wore, which in a peculiar way adapted to the Georgian language - Iagora (Egor), Vladimiri (Vladimir) and its form Lado, Valiko (Valentin), Andro (Andrey).

In the modern Georgian nomenology, names occupy a certain place Western Europe- John, Carlo, Maurice, Edward, Irma, Inga, Diana.

Like almost any nation, Georgians have traditional names, religious and borrowed from other languages.

Original names were called children born in countryside , for example: Mgelika - "wolf cub", Badri - "fidget".

Under the influence of Byzantium on the territory of Georgia, church names having Jewish and Greek origin. This:

The names borrowed by Georgians are also quite common:

  1. Eastern Slavs:
    • Vladimir (Vladimir).
    • Iagora (Egor).
  2. Among the Ingush: Jokola.
  3. Ossetians: Tatash.
  4. For Europeans:
    • Maurice.
    • John.
    • Edward.
    • Carlo.

Boy naming traditions

When choosing a name for their baby, Georgians are guided by the following principles:

  • give the child the name of one of the relatives (grandmother, grandfather) to demonstrate their respect for the older generation;
  • choose a name according to church books (Georgian saints);
  • give the name that parents like and is combined with the surname;
  • generate the name of the child from the names of the mother and father (a rather rare option).

Some parents, guided current trends give their children the names of their favorite movie characters or characters from books.

List of all modern variants alphabetically and their meanings

The harmonious Georgian male names are the following:

  • Badri- "full moon". This boy has a heightened sense of justice. He persistently achieves his goals and rarely renounces his own principles.
  • Berdia- "Given by God" Serious, sometimes even sullen boy. Rarely needs the approval of others. Loves loneliness.
  • Vakhtang- "wolf body". Little Vakhtang is a reliable friend and a real support for his own parents. He is honest, open and inquisitive.
  • Vaso- "royal". A boy named Vaso has been showing his talents since childhood. It can be music, painting, theater. In any case, this child is naturally gifted and comprehensively developed.
  • Genatsvale- "Friend". A brave, independent, inquisitive boy. Able to make serious and thoughtful decisions independently.
  • Gotcha- "old man". Wayward, sometimes selfish. Rarely needs support and approval. He is able to achieve his goal thanks to his willpower.
  • David- "Darling". Sociable, friendly and obedient boy. Very attached to mother. All his life he needs her love and support.
  • Janico- "in love". Romantic nature, dreamer and inventor. He has a very fine mental organization. Needs strong patrons, which can be parents or friends.
  • Elijah- "Fortress of the Lord" Secretive, closed, sometimes seeming too gloomy. Likes to listen more than talk. Able to think logically and make informed decisions from childhood.
  • Irakli- "hero". Bold, independent, but very cautious and economical. Will never share with strangers and with those who are not sure. Does not forgive insults.
  • Kakha- "winner". Born leader: decisive, responsible, resourceful. He knows how to take responsibility for his words and actions.
  • Koba- "follower" The bearer of this name is a reliable friend who you can always rely on. He does not betray and hates traitors. Koba will always say to his face if the person himself or his actions seem outrageous to him.
  • Lado- "owning the world". Little Lado, despite his mobility and restlessness, rarely causes inconvenience to his parents. He gets sick a little, studies well and respects his elders.
  • Levan- "a lion". Levan grows calm and not capricious. He studies well, helps his parents around the house, shows interest in sports and the exact sciences.
  • Malkhaz- "prince". Malkhaz has a natural charisma, so he is loved and appreciated in society. Able to easily and naturally get out of any situation. Has a well-developed intuition.
  • Mamuka- "Sunrise". Cheerful, active, honest. Easily finds friends and just as easily parted with those who, according to Mamuka, are not worthy of his attention.

Otar - "medicine". Otar with young years quick-tempered, capricious and demanding. It is difficult to surprise him with something and not easy to calm him down. But the name Otar carries a powerful energy charge. The bearers of this name are successful in business and career.

  • Pavliko- "small". Responsive boy who is always ready to help. Balanced, honest, friendly.
  • Peto- "stone". It has a vulnerable and unstable character. Needs a reliable friend and a strong family.
  • Revaz- "great". In appearance, Revaz may seem unnecessarily strict and even gloomy, but at heart he is a kind, open and very affectionate boy. Appreciates his family and friends.
  • Rustam- "bogatyr". Little Rustam is the brightest and most extraordinary boy in any company. He has a natural artistry and knows how to win the attention of society.

Sula- "soul". Sula seems quiet and inconspicuous. He listens more than he talks. But such a Sula is only in appearance. This is a true leader who knows how to lead and make responsible decisions from a young age.

Khvicha- "brilliant". Khvicha strives to be in charge always and everywhere. He feels great potential in himself and patronizes all the weak since childhood.

Chichiko - "little man". Chichiko is a kind and sweet boy. Parents love him for complaisance and diligence, friends - for disinterestedness and openness.

  • Shaliko- "world". Shaliko is a mobile and disorganized kid who finds it difficult to sit still and focus on one thing. He needs to be everywhere and everywhere. Loves books, but rarely shows great academic success.
  • Shota- "fire". Shota is demanding both to himself and to others. This is a small idealist who persists in achieving his own goals and does not stop at anything.

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Georgian names

Georgian male and female names and their meaning

Georgia is a state in the South Caucasus, the capital is Tbilisi. The population is 4.5 million people.

The Georgian name book (name book) consists of large groups names, due to the fact that throughout their history, the indigenous peoples of Georgia have been in close contact with the peoples of neighboring states - Russia, the North Caucasus, Armenia, Iran, Byzantium, the Arab Caliphate, Azerbaijan, Turkey, etc.

Georgian names include:

- names formed from common words. For example, Shota is fire, Endzela is a snowflake.

- names borrowed from Perso-Arabic literature. For example, male Rostom, Bezhan, Givi are Georgian forms of the Iranian names Rustam, Bizhan, Giv.

- biblical names. Many names appeared among Georgians in connection with the spread of Christianity, starting from the 5th century. Biblical names include Hebrew, Greek and Roman names. For example, Aviv, David, Giorgi, Ioane, Isak, Isidore, Mose.

- names of Slavic origin(Vladimir and others)

- names from Western Europe: Albert, Maurice, Carlo, Edward, Diana, Inga, Irma, etc.

Georgian male names

Avtandil- the heart of the country

Auto- the heart of the country

Bijo- young

importance- courageous

Vaso- royal

Vakhtang- wolf

Vepho- tiger

Genatsvale- Friend

Gia- farmer

gogi- brave

David- Darling

Kakha- from Kakheti

Mamuka- Sunrise

Revaz- ginger

Born- martyr

Shalva- world

Shota- fire

Shukri- farmer

Archil, Zurab, Dato, Levan, Tamaz (Tomaz), Heraclius, Nodar, Guram, Givi, Otar, Gela, Gocha, Mamuka, Merab, Shalva, Tengiz, Teimuraz, Nuzgar, Malkhaz, Amiran, Sergo, Gia, Vasili, Iosib , Zviad, Badri, Iuri, Akaki, Ramaz, Anzori, Koba, Zaur, Omari, Grigoli, Kakhaberi, Kakha, Koto, Rezo, Jumberi, Murmani, Dato, Emzari, Soso, Valiko, Mzevinar, Murad, Zakaria, Manuchar, Andro , Leri, Grigoli, Petre, Vano, Jaba, Ruben, Jimsheri, Nukri, Vardo, Dzhambul, Jaba.

Georgian female names

Dariko- a gift from God

Kekela- beautiful

Lamar– marine

Manana- revealed to God

Mzia- Sun

Natela- Firefly

Nana- mercy, grace

Nino, Nina- Nin - the god of fertility

Sofiko– wisdom

Suliko- sincere

Tatia- organizer

Tamriko (Tamara)- fig tree

Endzela- snowflake

Eteri, Guliko, Ketevani, Natia, Khatuna, Lia, Nanuli, Rusudani, Makvala, Lela, Nona, Nani, Keto, Naira, Tamila, Eliko, Tsiuri, Katino, Sonia (Sona), Naziko, Taliko, Karine, Tamuna, Nutsa , Eliko, Pati, Gogutsa, Khanuma, Giuli, Nukri, Vardo.

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Georgian names. Georgian male and female names and their meaning


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Georgian male names sing of ancient legends, heroic deeds, natural phenomena, strong animals and the best human qualities. Now there is a tendency to name children in a European way, but interest in the culture of other peoples also does not fade away.

The history of the origin of Georgian names

There are three groups of names: native, Christian and foreign.

  • The original ones belong to the pre-Christian period (until the 4th century). This is "native" Georgian words not influenced by other cultures.
  • With the adoption of Christianity, church names with Greek and Jewish origin. Their use has become mandatory.
  • Foreign words came in the course of cultural exchange. Georgians actively adopt them through literature and cinema.

List of beautiful Georgian names for boys

There are no ugly Georgian names: they are all beautiful both in sound and in meaning.

But there are a few special ones that we have included in a separate list of Georgian names:

  • Berdia, Berdo - "granted by God";
  • Atanas - "immortal";
  • Vano - "God's grace";
  • Mamuka - "sunrise";
  • Janiko, Jano, Jansug - "in love";
  • Lukia, Lucian - "light";
  • Shota - "fire";
  • Sula - "soul";
  • Khvicha - "shimmering";
  • Shaliko, Shalika, Shaluta - "peace".

Georgians used to have a beautiful tradition: surnames depended on baptism. For example, the parents named the child Nikoloz, in the church he was baptized as Nikolai, so his last name was Nikoladze.

Rare male names of Georgian origin

In the old days, the rural population, choosing how to name a newborn, took ideas from the outside world, life, and mythology.

For example:

  • Mghelika means "wolf cub";
  • Dzaglika translates as "puppy";
  • Velho means "tiger";
  • Jumber is a "little lion cub";
  • Badri means "full moon";
  • Mindia is a character from mythology who understood the language of animals, birds, plants;
  • Aguna was the patron saint of winemaking;
  • Morige was considered "highly revered lord of heaven";
  • Armazi was recognized as the "main deity".

How beautiful these names sound! Why have they become rare? The adoption of Christianity obliged people to use the names corresponding to religion (David, Isaac, Ioane) instead of the old Georgian ones. It was possible to save the original words only thanks to the ancient folklore.

The most popular Georgian names and their meaning

According to the Georgian registry offices, the most common male name is Giorgi (“farmer”), as well as its varieties Grigoli and Iagora.

In addition, the list of popular Georgian names included:

  • Genatsvale - "friend". Its carrier is self-confident, possesses strong character, clean, disciplined.
  • Soso - "addition". Future eminent scientist or creative person, able to concentrate on one thing for a long time, thanks to which he achieves perfection in any of them.
  • Irakli - "hero". Reliable comrade, pleasant conversationalist, defender of justice, possesses great feeling humor.
  • Zurab - "divine". The key character trait is selflessness. This man is capable of sacrificing himself for a great cause.
  • Leo is "lion". Strives to be the first in everything, does not shy away from entering into conflicts in order to prove his strength and get out of the situation as a winner.
  • Otar, Otia - "fragrant". He is open to the new, dreams of creating something great, extraordinary, which will make him known to the whole world. Possesses high level empathy.
  • Titus, Tito, Titico - "honor". Freedom-loving, does not like to depend on anyone (including family members). Strives to be useful.
  • Peto, Petre, Petrua, Petua - "stone". The character traits of their owners are not attributed to “stone” at all - they do not sit in one place, love change, possess sharp mind and fast response.
  • Sergi - "high". Aesthete, loves beautiful (sublime) things. Strives for a rich, eventful life, surrounds himself with comfort, creating a pleasant atmosphere for life.

An interesting fact: the name George in one form or another is popular in many countries. The Englishman George, the Pole Jerzy, the Spaniard Jorge, the Turk Jirjis, the Portuguese Jorge - that's all about him.

Unusual and forgotten names

Surprisingly, some names that seem typically Georgian are actually borrowed from foreigners:

  • Vakhtang is from Persia. He has a very pleasant and life-affirming interpretation: “happiness”, “luck”.
  • Rostom and Bezhan are from Iran. According to the interpretation, such people are distinguished by courage and reliability.
  • Givi came from ancient Greek literature. This character is a "glorious hero."
  • Jokola was adopted from the Ingush, that was the name of the famous mountain leader.
  • Tatash is a hero-hero from ancient Ossetian literature.

It is important to mention one more forgotten name, this time already primordially Georgian - Archil. That was the name of the king of Imereti and Kakheti (these are the territories of modern Georgia). He contributed to the spread of Christianity and did not renounce his faith even under torture, for which he was canonized as a saint.

How to choose a name for a boy

Don't know what to start from to choose a name for the boy?

  1. Religion. The dominant religions in Georgia are Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Islam. Orthodox and Catholic families are guided church calendar, and the followers of Islam are guided by the prophets.
  2. Family history. There is a tradition of naming in honor of ancestors: grandfathers, grandmothers, more distant relatives.
  3. Numerology. You can take the date of birth as a basis and pick up a name from a directory of so-called name numbers.
  4. Interpretation. It is believed that the name defines a person, affects his character and destiny. Here you should first decide what kind of character traits you want to see in your son, and name him, focusing on the meaning of the name.
  5. Authority. Often, children are named after their favorite Georgian actor, writer, musician or other famous person.

Remember that numerology and interpretation are beautiful symbols, but no more than that. Yes, you can resort to them to simplify the choice, but relying entirely on numbers is pointless. How the boy will actually grow up, and how his fate will turn out, will depend on upbringing, environment and circumstances, and therefore choose a name to your liking - harmonious, caressing the ear, easy to remember and pronounce.

The anthroponymy of the Georgians reflected all the difficulties of their historical path. The sources of the Georgian personal name are very diverse. In the conditions of close and long-term communication of Georgians with the peoples of neighboring regions and state formations (North Caucasus, Armenia, Iran, Byzantium, the Arab Caliphate) foreign names were included in the Georgian anthroponymic "repertoire" in the traditions of local cultural and linguistic features. The early adoption of Christianity from Byzantium brought church names that became mandatory.

Oral names folk art, were distributed mainly among the masses and, as a rule, were not canonized, for example: male Mgelika "wolf cub", Dzaglika "puppy", "dog", female. Mzekala "sun-virgin". The names of this type also include such as the still popular male Badri, Mindia, female Dali, Piala.

Most of them are the product of the actual Georgian (Kartvelian) word formation. Especially numerous is the fund of Georgian anthroponyms that existed in the past in certain ethnographic groups Georgian people (Khevsurs, Pshavs, Imeretins, Gurians, Mingrelians, Svans); over time, these names gained nationwide distribution.
A feature of Georgian anthroponyms of foreign origin can be considered that they sometimes exist exclusively among Georgians. Such, for example, is the history of the name Vakhtang, which arose in the 5th century and is associated with the Iranian cultural world, although it is completely unfamiliar to Iranians. During developed middle ages, when close cultural contacts were established between the peoples of Transcaucasia and Iran, old traditions began to revive in Georgia. Iranian names and penetrate new ones. And in this case, we are faced with the peculiarities of borrowing names by Georgians. For example, husband. Rostom, Bezhan, Givi - Georgian forms of the Iranian names Rustam, Bizhan, Giv, which are the names of the heroes of the Iranian epic "Shahname". These names, unusual for the Iranians themselves, became widespread among the Georgians, since that part of the famous Iranian epic, in which the named heroes act, was especially popular among the Georgians and even became part of their folklore (“Rostomiani”). With the penetration of Perso-Arabic literature into Georgia, still popular female names of Persian and Arabic origin began to be borrowed from it: Leila, Turpa.

Also in early middle ages were widely used among Georgians even now popular names of biblical and Greek-Byzantine origin: David, Isak (Isaac), Mose (Moses), Ekvtime (Evfimy), Ioane (John), Giorgi (George), Grigoli (Gregory). However, here we again encounter the peculiarities of Georgian borrowings. For example, the common female name Eteri comes from Greek word aither "ether". This word in the Georgian form - eteri - as a colorful epithet, is found in ancient Georgian literature. Thus, the name arose from "foreign material", but received a purely local national coloring. (Eteri is the heroine of the famous medieval Georgian love epic "Eteriani".)
Georgian names, especially male half-names, are often used in the form of a developed in Georgian language vocative case, for example: Andro (from Andria), Dato (from David). Nicknames have long been popular in Georgia: husband. Bichiko "boy", Chichiko "man"; female Gogol "girl", Tsira "beautiful girl"; metaphorical names like Raindy "knight", etc. You can even set the time of occurrence of some of them. For example, the first bearer of the now popular name Vazha "courageous man" was the famous Georgian poet Luka Razikashvili, who had the pseudonym Vazha Pshavela (1861-1915). It is noteworthy that for the first time among Georgians, the name of Imedi "hope" was called by King Erekle II (1748-1796) the grandfather of Vazha Pshavela, who initiated the popularity of this name among Georgians.
With the accession of Georgia to Russia (1801), the penetration into Georgian anthroponymy of Russian names and names popular in Russia began. And the newly borrowed anthroponyms receive a purely Georgian design. For example, the name Vladimir (Georgian Vladimiri), which has become widespread in Georgia, in the half-name Volodya in Georgian began to sound like Lado.

By some names, one can also judge the conditions of contact between Georgians and Russians at the time of borrowing one or another name. So, Georgian name Iagora entered Georgia through live communication from Southern Russia, where it sounded in the form of Yagor (from Yegor - the Russian version of George).
Among the Georgian names there are many that testify to the connections of Georgians with neighboring peoples at various stages of their history - the names of ancient Ossetian, ancient Vainakh (Vainakhs are the ancestors of modern Chechens and Ingush) origin, these include: Zaur from Saurmag "black-handed", Tatash from Tatraz - one of the heroes of the Ossetian Nart epic, Jokola from the anthroponymic fund of the Ingush, etc. Many names of Turkish origin are included in the Georgian name book, but we must bear in mind that Turkish names It was not the Turks themselves who spread among the Georgians, but the Laz, who from the beginning of modern times took the path of “turning into Turks” and who were usually called “Turks” in Georgia.

WITH late XIX and especially in the 20th century as a result of Georgia's accession to European culture among Georgians, the names of heroes are gaining wide popularity Western European literature: Albert, Maurice, John, Carlo. After victory Soviet power in Georgia (1921) Georgians paid tribute general trend of that time: artificial anthroponyms appeared, which, in essence, never took root: Dictatorship, Communards. In the process of the struggle for peace, which took on a particularly massive character after the Second World War, names like Omismteri "enemy of war" began to be popular.

It is extremely rare for men and women to have the same name ( Russian Vasily- Vasilisa, Valentine - Valentine). A rare, if not the only, exception is the name Suliko “darling” (there is no category of grammatical gender in the Georgian language), which entered Georgian anthroponymy thanks to the well-known song of the same name to the words of A. Tsereteli (1840-1915).

The ethno-tribal diversity of the Kartvelians was first of all reflected in the Georgian families. For example, Georgian surnames the flat zone, as a rule, ends in its western half on -dze and in the eastern half on -shvili. These anthroponymic formants are known even in the most early period ancient Georgian writing and are translated as "son", "descendant". For the surnames of the mountainous regions of Eastern Georgia - Pshavia, Tusheti, Khevsureti and some others, the ending -uri, -uli is characteristic. This formant, which generally plays an active role in the Georgian language, indicates a territorial or clan affiliation. In Western Georgia, and especially in such regions as Guria, Imereti, Adzharia, the same -dze and -shvili, as well as -eli, which plays the same role as in Eastern Georgia -uri, -uli, have been preserved. The Megrelochan subgroup has still retained three anthroponymic formants -ishi (performing the same functions as -uri, -uli, -eli), -ava and -ia, for example: Jashi, Tandilava, Kiria. The last two suffixes are possibly late origin, and their anthroponymic functions are not entirely clear. typical ending Svan surnames are -iani and -ani, for example: Kopaliani, Gulbani; the functions of these formants are the same as -uri, -eli, that is, they indicate territorial or clan affiliation.

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