Exhibition of Vasily Nesterenko "Our glory is the Russian state" in the Manege. The walls of the Manezh caved in: a strange exhibition of the artist Vasily Nesterenko


From February 10 to March 3, 2017, the Central Manege will host a retrospective anniversary exhibition People's artist of Russia, real member Russian Academy art of Vasily Nesterenko, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the artist and the 35th anniversary of his creative activity. The exhibition will be held with the support of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation, the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow, the Russian Academy of Arts and the Russian Military Historical Society.

Vasily Nesterenko is a recognized leader in modern Russian art. Widespread fame brought him historical paintings And temple paintings. Having received a full academic education, he masterfully masters all the means of painting. His works are in Russian and foreign museum collections, he is the author of solo exhibitions in almost all major cities Russia, in many countries near and far abroad. For example, Vasily Nesterenko's exhibitions at the State Art Museum of China in Beijing and at the Vatican Museums were held with great success recently.

For Vasily Nesterenko, this is the third personal exhibition in the Manege - the largest exhibition hall in the country. Hundreds of picturesque and graphic works masters.

The name of the exhibition is “Our glory is the Russian State!” most fully reflects creative way painter, his goals and objectives, artistic and emotional orientation of his works. Russia is here main topic exhibitions and all the work of Vasily Nesterenko. This is our glorious past, and a reflection of historical and spiritual traditions in today's world, and the diversity of nature, and images of contemporaries.

The basis of the exhibition historical works on key points Russian history. "Getting rid of the Troubles", "The death of the invasion", "Moscow meets the heroes of Poltava", "Defend Sevastopol!", "Triumph Russian fleet"," We are Russians, God is with us! — the very names of his monumental historical canvases speak for themselves.

For Vasily Nesterenko, turning to the past is, first of all, an opportunity to speak the language of history about the problems of the present. For example, the painting “Defend Sevastopol!” devoted to Crimean War mid-nineteenth century, but it is obvious to everyone that this is a call to contemporaries. The canvas became one of the symbols of the heroism of the Russian people, anticipating the return of the Crimea to Russia.

Painting "We are Russians - God is with us!" Dedicated to World War I. In clubs of deadly gases, Russian soldiers and officers, not having gas masks, go on the attack. “What does “enlightened” Europe bring us?”, the periodical press of the early twentieth century asked, “Poison gases and batons to finish off Russian soldiers. Cultural barbarians! Of course, this is the history of the First World War, but in front of Nesterenko’s picture, you involuntarily ask yourself the question - are there any similarities between those events and today?

The theme of history in the artist's work is closely connected with spiritual painting. He recreated the colossal murals of the Temple Christ the Savior, painted many churches in Russia and abroad. On the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos, Vasily Nesterenko painted the church of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. Numerous sketches and cardboard paintings, a whole series of works on spiritual subjects will be presented in the Manezh exposition.

landscape painting Nesterenko is an attempt by means of art to convey sensations that are beyond the scope of painting: the sound of the surf in Kamchatka and the smell of the waves of the Black Sea, the transparency of Baikal and the cold of the Altai lakes, the heaviness of wet snow on the branches and the noise of falling leaves in autumn forest. The works devoted to the nature of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East are united in a cycle called "Frontiers". A series of works "Oh, Russian land!" - the anthem of Central Russia, with its poetic nature, temples and monasteries.

Among the heroes portrait works Vasily Nesterenko - characters of past eras and heroes of our time. historical portraits Prince Pozharsky, Ivan Susanin, Peter the Great, associates of Catherine, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna and Patriarch Tikhon side by side with the images of our contemporaries. These are famous figures of Russian culture and science, representatives of the clergy, women's and children's portraits.

Vasily Nesterenko's still lifes are also interesting. He came up with his own kind of historical still life, which, in addition to the subject plan, often includes elements of landscape, interior and, often, half-figures of people.

Thus, the exhibition will present the works of the artist, made over the past few decades in all genres of painting. A large number of works will be exhibited for the first time for a wide audience.

With his works, the artist glorifies Russia with its rich history, the height of spiritual thoughts and accomplishments, majestic nature. With all his work, he reveals the inexhaustible possibilities of realistic art.

Exhibition "Our glory is the Russian State!" is the creative report of Vasily Nesterenko, one of the most famous Russian artists, in front of his country, compatriots and all Russian art.

The cost of a full ticket is 300 rubles, a reduced ticket is 50 rubles. Tickets can be purchased at the box office and on voxxter.com

Yesterday in the Manezh opened an exhibition of the famous Russian artist Vasily Nesterenko "Our glory - the Russian state." More precisely, the exhibition starts on February 10, and yesterday was the official opening.

The artist's works are exhibited on two floors of the Manege. On the first floor there are landscapes, portraits, and, of course, works dedicated to the theme of patriotism, on the minus first floor there are sketches.

Opening of the exhibition in the Manege

The opening was solemn: a huge number of guests, television,

solemn speeches.

Visitors looked at the paintings with interest, walked through the huge halls, just talked to each other - the atmosphere of the exhibition contributed to this.

There were many famous people, for the sake of meeting with whom you could come to absolutely any event.

Were just recognizable people which you often see on TV.

Historical works of Vasily Nesterenko

Most of all, Vasily Nesterenko is known for his historical works. Therefore, the central place was occupied by paintings dedicated to the decisive battles. Russian army at different times.

Here, for example, is a portrait of our sailor who went through the entire war. The picture is called “Unconquered”.

"We are Russians - God is with us" - a fragment.

The painting "Defend Sevastopol"

And about the work "Defend Sevastopol" they just want legends. It was written in 2005 for the 150th anniversary of the defense of the city in the Crimean War. The picture somehow became popular in the Crimea and Sevastopol, which greatly irritated the leaders of Ukraine in those years. It would seem that it was painted by a Russian artist, but born in Ukraine, albeit in Soviet time. What they were so worried about is not clear ...

Although, perhaps, the artist knew something ...

By the way, Vasily Nesterenko turns 50 this year.

Personal exhibition of Vasily Nesterenko
“Our glory is the Russian state!”
in the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege"

WITH February 10 By March 3, 2017 V Central Exhibition Hall "Manege" Anniversary retrospective exhibition of the People's Artist of Russia, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts Vasily Nesterenko “Our glory is the Russian state!”, timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the artist and the 35th anniversary of his creative activity, under the auspices of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Arts and the Russian Military Historical Society. This is a creative report of one of the most famous Russian artists to his country, compatriots and Russian art in all genres of painting. Many of the Master's canvases were exhibited for a wide audience for the first time.

The exhibition was attended by: His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R. Medinsky, Minister of the Government of Moscow - Head of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow A.V. Kibovsky, who noted the highest level the skill of the artist, appreciated his contribution to the culture and art of Russia and the great social significance of this event. The exhibition received a wide response and warm appreciation of the audience. Thousands of grateful visitors left rave reviews.

Press reviews:

Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society TV Culture News
Moscow Patriarchate Evening Moscow YouTube
Pravoslavie.ru portal Evening Moscow YouTube
Literary newspaper Russian Athos YouTube
Online newspaper "Century" Russian culture TV Union

Vasily Nesterenko is a recognized leader of contemporary Russian art. Widespread fame brought him historical canvases and temple paintings. Having received a full academic education, he masterfully owns all the means of painting. Vasily Nesterenko's works are in Russian and foreign museum collections, personal exhibitions have been held with great success in almost all major cities of Russia, in many countries of the near and far abroad. For example, most recently, in the State Art Museum of China in Beijing and in the Vatican Museums.
In the entire history of the Great Manezh, the largest exhibition hall in the country, only a few artists have been able to decide to organize an exhibition on its premises. For Vasily Nesterenko, this is the third solo exhibition at the Manege. Hundreds of paintings and graphic works of the Master will be placed on two floors.
The name of the exhibition is “Our glory is the Russian State!” most fully reflects the creative path of the painter, his goals and objectives, the artistic and emotional orientation of his works. Russia is the main theme of the exhibition and all the work of Vasily Nesterenko. This is our glorious past, and a reflection of historical and spiritual traditions in today's world, and the diversity of nature, and images of contemporaries.
The basis of the exhibition is historical works dedicated to the key moments of Russian history. "Getting rid of the Time of Troubles", "The death of the invasion", "Moscow meets the heroes of Poltava", "We will defend Sevastopol!", "The triumph of the Russian fleet", "We are Russians, God is with us!" – the very names of his monumental historical canvases speak for themselves.
For Vasily Nesterenko, turning to the past is, first of all, an opportunity to speak the language of history about the problems of the present. For example, the painting “Defend Sevastopol!” is dedicated to the Crimean War of the middle of the 19th century, but it is obvious to everyone that this is an appeal to contemporaries. The canvas became one of the symbols of the heroism of the Russian people, anticipating the return of the Crimea to Russia.
Painting “We are Russians, God is with us!” dedicated to the First World War. In clubs of deadly gases, Russian soldiers and officers, not having gas masks, go on the attack. “What does “enlightened” Europe bring us? - the periodical press of the early twentieth century asked, - Poison gases and batons to finish off Russian soldiers. Cultural barbarians!” Of course, this is the history of the First World War, but before the picture of Nesterenko you involuntarily ask yourself the question - are there any similarities between those events and today?
The theme of history in the artist's work is closely connected with spiritual painting. He recreated the colossal murals of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, painted many churches in Russia and abroad. On the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of Russian monasticism on Mount Athos, Vasily Nesterenko painted the church of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. Numerous sketches and murals on cardboard, a whole series of works on spiritual subjects will also be presented in the Manezh exposition.
Landscape painting by Nesterenko is an attempt to convey sensations that are beyond painting by means of art: the sound of the surf in Kamchatka and the smell of the waves of the Black Sea, the transparency of Lake Baikal and the coldness of the Altai lakes, the heaviness of wet snow on the branches and the noise of falling leaves in the autumn forest. The works devoted to the nature of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East are united in a cycle called "On the Distant Frontiers". A series of works "Oh, Russian land!" - the anthem of Central Russia with its poetic nature, temples and monasteries.
Among the heroes of Vasily Nesterenko's portrait works are both characters of past eras and heroes of our time. Historical portraits of Prince Pozharsky, Ivan Susanin, Peter the Great, Catherine's associates, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna and Patriarch Tikhon side by side with the images of our contemporaries. These are portraits of famous figures Russian culture and science, representatives of the clergy, women's and children's images.
Vasily Nesterenko's still lifes are also interesting. He came up with his own kind of historical still life: in addition to the subject plan, the composition on the canvas often includes paintings by old masters, elements of landscape, interior, and sometimes portraits of people.
With his works, the artist glorifies Russia, with its rich history, the height of spiritual thoughts and accomplishments, and majestic nature. With all his work, he reveals the inexhaustible possibilities of realistic art.

An exhibition opened in the Manege building in Moscow folk artist Vasily Nesterenko. On the first day, only the press and dignitaries were invited to the opening ceremony. The first came, the second turned out to be a very tight schedule.

Correspondents, photographers and editors wandered attentively among the huge number of paintings, peering at the images that the artist presented to them.

To criticize and praise him, in general, there is nothing. Except for the size of the paintings and their abundance. But, as one of the visitors said, Vasily Nesterenko obviously does not report paints on such canvases. I don’t know what the commentator had in mind, but it also seemed to me that the characters in the paintings were written far from being very clear. However, obviously, Nesterenko did not pursue the goal of repeating reality exactly the same. Apparently, his task is to convey a hint, and then let the viewer himself think out and finish everything in his mind - to the extent of his development.

The general focus of Nesterenko's paintings is religion. The artist understands by the term "art" fantasies on the themes of biblical characters. They never existed in reality, but Vasily Nesterenko is considered a painter. Painting and fiction are two concepts that are incompatible, but fantasy, including religious themes, is good because the strength of the visual image depends on the degree of the artist's immersion in the topic.

Vasily Nesterenko considers himself ill. Of course, in allegorical terms: “Art is like a disease. Many do not get infected. Many of those who become infected will recover sooner or later. And only a few "get sick" all their lives. So I am one of those who became infected for life. This phrase is from his interview with Naslednik magazine (No. 16).

The image is good, and through it one should understand the general message of the exhibition: the painter, who did not present a single painting work, but striking the audience with the scale of his immersion in religion. If you do not go into antagonistic phrases, then it would be more correct to call Vasily Nesterenko an icon painter. This follows from his work.

The political aspect of the exhibition is also extremely obvious, and it should also be considered inside out. Firstly, Ukrainian artist became a "people's artist" in Russia. Although at the same time it is not known whether the Russian people know that such high titles go to Ukrainians with a clear defeat in the rights of real folk - Russian artists?

However, if you look at this side of painting through the easel of politics, then here the Ukrainian roots turn inside out. Vasily Nesterenko's activity began in the USA: in November 1991, a personal exhibition was held at the Citi Bank Gallery in New York. Then, in March 1992 - a solo exhibition at the Ambassador Gallery in SOHO, New York. Then in April 1992 - an exhibition in the building of the National Westminster Bank, New York.

As a result, the real Ukrainian and future People's Artist of Russia was admitted to the American League in the same year. Professional Artists. Then the continuation of exhibitions in the USA, after the abundance of which there is no doubt that this country has done too much for Vasily Nesterenko to be considered his stepmother.

The United States has become a godfather for the future great artist. Today there is a lot of gossip on the topic of recruitment, so american period in the life of Vasily Nesterenko, he very frankly signals to society that the US special services fell in love with the Ukrainian because he brought them Russian pictorial culture, in which he reflected Greek and Jewish religious motives.

Such cosmopolitanism ended up closing in on the monument of victorious democracy: the US democracy victorious in the USSR. We are talking about the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. In February 1995, having returned from the USA, he was already titled and recognized by everyone Western World the future People's Artist of Russia began work on sketches of murals in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

According to Senka and a hat: in 1995 Vasily Nesterenko became a member of the Moscow Union of Artists. Then in 1996 - 1997 he had a solo exhibition at the Mercer Gallery, New York. After another portion of insinuations from the United States, Vasily Nesterenko immediately got to the Kremlin, where his personal exhibition was held at the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Boris Yeltsin, a slave of the United States and the lowest slave of Israel, was then the President of Russia.

Thus, God himself took Vasily Nesterenko away from real painting. He never painted Russian landscapes or Russian portraits. On the other hand, the walls of the Manezh caved in under huge panels with images of saints, clearly demonstrating that Vasily Nesterenko is really sick of art, but he is sick of it in the square - through splitting into religion.

Hence the recognition: 1999 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation; 2000 - Order of Sergius of Radonezh II degree Russian Orthodox Church for murals in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior; 2003 - Patriarchal Diploma for the creation of new murals in the Assumption Cathedral in Dmitrov; 2004 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation; 2004 - Order of Andrei Rublev III degree from the Moscow Patriarchate.

As a response message to the US intelligence services, which gave such an amazing start to the picturesque iconography of Vasily Nesterenko, the Russian intelligence services were marked by alternativeness: 2010 - FSB Prize in the Fine Arts nomination.

The ability to hang out for the artist is above all. But now Vasily Nesterenko has clearly fallen out of the cage. Some associate the beginning of his descent with the congestion of his canvases with a religious theme. In particular, the Jews are extremely negative about the fact that the title of “People's Artist”, although it went to one of them, is frankly not according to the modern trend. Not a single rabbi was present at the opening of the exhibition.

Others attribute problems to the fact that they see Vasily Nesterenko as a candidate for the post of head of the Russian Academy of Arts, where Zurab Tsereteli, an equally successful artist, is currently present. If so, then soon we will witness a behind-the-scenes fight between a Ukrainian and a Georgian for another post in a Russian educational institution.

The fact that the clouds over the icons of Vasily Nesterenko began to thicken was shown by the opening of the exhibition, which was not attended by high officials, and even the Minister of Culture did not come to fix the significance of the figure of the people's artist. This frank spitting of power towards outstanding religious paintings was successfully dampened by the abundance of priests and various hierarchs of the Church. But also - everything is low, low ...

Marina Vetrova

As part of the Days of Moscow in Nizhny Novgorod region exhibition of Vasily Nesterenko "Oh, Russian land!"
Nizhny Novgorod
September 6, 2018 - October 7, 2018

Art exhibition "Oh, Russian land!" represents the work of the outstanding contemporary painter Member of the Academy of Arts of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Vasily Igorevich Nesterenko. The exhibition is organized in the program of celebration of the Days of Moscow in the Nizhny Novgorod region, it presents more than forty paintings by the artist.

Vasily Nesterenko writes in a realistic style of Russian classical painting and works in different genres. And above all, he is a master of large plot-thematic paintings dedicated to major events history of Russia. The author emphasizes the scale and significance of these events with the striking formats of his program canvases, the skill of depicting heroes in dynamics real life. Historical events and heroes, thanks professional qualities artist, find themselves with the viewer in the same time dimension. The heroic past becomes authentic and tangible.

Paintings by V.I. Nesterenko carry a great ideological, patriotic, spiritual content. They are dedicated to the history of Orthodox holiness, the exploits of Russian weapons, the conquests of great rulers. When contemplating them, there is a deepening into history, into the awareness of its complexities and contradictions, the greatness historical heroes, the power of the rulers of Russia and the attractiveness of ordinary people.

Geography of exhibitions V.I. Nesterenko is extensive. IN Nizhny Novgorod his exhibition will take place for the second time. Audience interest in his work is unusually high.

"Hegumen of the Russian land", 265x200 cm,
canvas, oil, 2005
The image of the Savior in the crown of thorns,
70x55 cm,d wood, oil,2000

" Alena", 190x110 cm, oil on canvas,

Exhibition of works by Vasily Nesterenko "Russia. Historical and spiritual frontiers"
14 July 2018 - August 19, 2018

Vasily Igorevich Nesterenko is called the "artist of the Russian idea", the conductor of the Russian and Orthodox in modern society our country and the world as a whole. His paintings are deeply patriotic, imbued with love for Russia, for her amazing nature, historical monuments and shrines. This is a bright master, possessing multifaceted talent, individuality, consonant with modernity. Being an artist of the classical direction, having a full academic education, he boldly takes on large-scale works in various genres. The list of his works includes historical canvases, temple paintings, portraits, still life landscapes. Each of his works is unique and, as the audience notes, gives powerful positive energy.
Kaluga viewers will be presented with canvases reflecting the nature of the Far East and Altai, partially included in the "Frontiers of Russia" cycle, as well as a new cycle of works "Syrian Land".
As you know, the works of the artist reflect his inner world. What does it mean for Vasily Nesterenko to love his Motherland? With all his work, he answers this question: to love your country means to know its history, geography, respect and love the people inhabiting it. In addition to the amazing landscapes of Sakhalin and Altai, the exhibition “Russia. Historical and Spiritual Frontiers” presents portraits depicting images of Russian people - “Keeper of Altai”, “Alone with Himself”, triptych “Echo of the Past War”. The triptych "Echoes of the Past War" includes the paintings "Unconquered" depicting the hero of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 Yuri Alexandrovich Fomichev, who passed under fire from Stalingrad to Kenisberg and "Sister of Mercy" with the image of the brave nurse Lidia Sergeevna Bushueva. The triptych "Echoes of the Past War" is the artist's homage to the heroes of the past war.
At present, the author has paid tribute to the defenders of Russia's interests in the cycle of paintings "Syrian Land", placed in a separate hall of the museum. The artist got a unique opportunity to learn about the war in
Works presented at the exhibition talented artist Vasily Nesterenko allow you to feel the connection between the times and generations of our country, to realize the greatness and scale of Russia, to be imbued with its heroic spirit and the deepest national spirituality.

Sister of Mercy, 250x170 cm,
canvas, oil, 2010
Alone with yourself, 180x100 cm,
oil on canvas, 1995
In the mountains of Sakhalin, 150x110 cm ,
canvas, oil, 2010

Russian Shikotan, 250x180 cm,
canvas, oil, 2010
Biya, 150x270 cm,
canvas, oil, 2017
Guardian of Altai, 150x270 cm,
canvas, oil, 2017

Ancient Palmyra, 260x180 cm,
canvas, oil, 2017
Return to life, 270x190 cm,
canvas, oil, 2017
New Palmyra, 260x180 cm
canvas, oil, 2017

Exhibition of paintings by Vasily Nesterenko "Sea..."

Exhibition Hall "Chekhov's House"
July 10, 2018 - October 14, 2018

Vasily Nesterenko is known as outstanding master monumental historical canvases and temple paintings. He restored images in the newly rebuilt Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, his brushes belong to the murals in the Assumption Cathedral in Dmitrov, in the Temple of Panteleimon the Healer on Mount Athos, in the halls of the Jerusalem Patriarchate, in the Temple Life-Giving Trinity on Borisov Ponds, in the recently built Temple of the Holy Righteous Warrior Feodor Ushakov in South Butovo, etc. The artist is also widely known as the creator of military historical paintings. Such canvases as “We will defend Sevastopol!”, “We are Russians – God is with us!”, “The death of the invasion”, “Getting rid of turmoil” and the latest “Letter to the Enemies of Russia” have become significant in the life of the country.
However, Vasily Nesterenko is also a subtle and sensitive lyric poet who perceives reality poetically. He can unexpectedly surprise the audience with a gentle landscape or a soulful portrait.
This time, in the Exhibition Hall "Chekhov's House" on Malaya Dmitrovka, the author gives the viewer a wonderful gift: a selection of paintings depicting the sea. His sea is different: warm and cold, salty and fresh (our glorious Baikal sea), calm and stormy, holy and ordinary, affectionate and gentle ... The artist has a special love for the sea, inner element the creator is very close to the element of water. Painting depicting the sea by Vasily Nesterenko a large number of. His very first works were devoted to the Black Sea, Crimean peninsula, in America he painted the oceans washing it, trips to Europe added views of the Mediterranean, North and Baltic seas, then followed the landscapes of Athos, with the Aegean Sea washing it. After traveling through Siberia and the Far East, he depicted Pacific Ocean, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea, the stunning beauty of Lake Baikal. You can look at these pictures, as well as at the sea element, endlessly ...

At the distant frontiers, 150x270 cm,
canvas, oil, 2009
Kuril Bay, 130x200 cm,
canvas, oil, 2009
Guardians of Sakhalin, 130x230 cm
canvas, oil, 2009

Mallorca, 150x250 cm,
canvas, oil, 2016
Corfu island, 45x65 cm,
canvas. oil, 2003
Pacific Ocean, 180x280 cm,
canvas, oil, 2015

Exhibition "Vasily Nesterenko. Painting"
Novosibirsk city
From May 18 to August 5, 2018 at the Novosibirsk State Art Museum exhibition will take place works of People's Artist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Vasily Nesterenko.
Russia is the main and favorite theme of Vasily Nesterenko's work. The exhibition will feature paintings masters written in different periods and in different genres. These are historical canvases, paintings of spiritual content, portraits of our contemporaries. The exhibition includes such famous paintings such as "The Oath of Prince Pozharsky", "Susanin's Prayer", dedicated to the Time of Troubles, the cycle "Seasons", portraits of Vasily Lanovoy and Svyatoslav Belza.
At the same time, in the halls of the Novosibirsk State art museum paintings by Vasily Nesterenko, painted by him in foreign trips. Some of them refer to the period of study and internship in America, some to the time when, after a 70-year break, we again got the opportunity to travel freely around Europe. A separate hall will be dedicated to the saint for all Orthodox people place - Athos, the earthly lot of the Virgin.

Oath of Prince Pozharsky, 260x196 cm,
canvas, oil, 2008

Prayer of Susanin, 270x200 cm,
canvas, oil, 2009

Dali beyond the Okka, 150x200 cm, canvas,
oil, 2002

Morning on Athos, 72x110,
canvas, oil, 1998

Exhibition "Women of Russia. beauty, love and fidelity"

A new exposition of works by Vasily Nesterenko "Women of Russia. Beauty, love and fidelity" began its work in the exhibition hall "Chekhov's house". The exhibition is dedicated to the beautiful image of a Russian woman and everything that is associated with her: tenderness, spirituality, nature, the beginning of spring. We invite you to visit the exhibition hall "Chekhov's House" and plunge into the calm, peaceful beauty of Vasily Nesterenko's painting.

Exhibition "Russian Winter"

Moscow, exhibition hall "Chekhov's House"
08.02.2018 - 11.03.2018

Exhibition of works by People's Artist of Russia Vasily Nesterenko "Russian Winter" is dedicated to beauty native nature in winter time.
The master is known as a devotee realistic direction in painting. His landscapes, executed at the highest professional level, spiritually filled, affect the viewer gradually, but powerfully, awakening deep feelings and forgotten emotions. The talent and skill of the artist lies in the fact that he skillfully captures the moment and angle of this or that natural phenomenon and recreates this rare state of nature on the canvas, allowing the viewer to feel present in the place where it happens. The paintings will not leave anyone indifferent, the views of Russian nature are beautiful at any time of the year, and winter ones are especially magical and enchanting.
For a viewer familiar with the work of Vasily Nesterenko, this will be a joyful meeting, long awaited and desired. Those who see the paintings for the first time will discover new source joy and inspiration

Winter crimson, 150x200 cm,
canvas, oil, 2003
The sun on the pines, 150x110 cm,
canvas, oil, 2003

Christmas Eve, 84x70 cm,
canvas, oil, 1999
Stu real sunset, 60x90 cm, canvas,
oil, 2003

"Personal exhibition of Vasily Nesterenko"

Moscow, hall cultural center Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation
21.02.2018 - 23.03.2018

"Syrian Land" exhibition of works by Vasily Nesterenko, made following the results of a creative trip to the Syrian Arab Republic.

Moscow, exhibition hall "Chekhov's House"
06.12.2017 - 06.02.2018

Triptych "Syrian land", oil on canvas, 2017

In the exhibition hall "Chekhov's House" on Malaya Dmitrovka, large-scale paintings by the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Vasily Nesterenko, made by him following the results of a creative trip to the Syrian Arab Republic, will be exhibited.
The exhibition is called "Syrian Land" and is special among the events held by the Moscow State art gallery Vasily Nesterenko. This exhibition is about the war. About the war that recently took place in Syria and where our soldiers are still doing their hard service.
Vasily Nesterenko received a unique opportunity to learn about this war not from the material brought in and not from the words of people who had been there, but to see everything with his own eyes. During the time that was given to him by the Ministry of Defense, he managed to visit the liberated cities, where peaceful life is just beginning to improve and where people are returning, to live in garrisons with our military, to feel their difficult everyday life. He was able to persuade the command to allow him to participate in the flight to the distant garrison, which was located directly on the border with ISIS positions and where fighting. It was there that the idea of ​​the central painting of this exhibition “Letter to Enemies of Russia” was born. This picture reminds us of famous painting I.E. Repin “The Cossacks write a letter Turkish sultan». Different time, different characters, but Russia's enemies are still the same. And they are not getting smaller. And as in old days representatives of all the peoples of our country are fighting with them.
The artist also visited the pearl of the East - the long-suffering Palmyra. This barbarously destroyed ancient city will appear before the viewer in the triptych "Syrian Land". We will see what happened to the ancient policy and what the bandits turned into a new one modern city built nearby.
In addition to these monumental canvases, the exhibition will feature other works by the master, written as a result of the impressions received as a result of this dangerous but interesting business trip.

Vasily Nesterenko, "Letter to the Enemies of Russia", 270x500 cm, oil on canvas, 2017

Vasily Nesterenko, triptych "Syrian land", oil on canvas, 2017. P the right part "Ancient Palmyra", 260x180 cm, the central part "Return to Life" 270x190 cm, "New Palmyra", 260x180 cm.

Exhibition of works by People's Artist of the Russian Federation Vasily Nesterenko "Vasily Nesterenko. Landscapes"

Moscow, exhibition hall "Chekhov's House"
01.11.2017 -03.12.2017

Vasily Nesterenko is an unsurpassed master of landscape. Spectators have a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the magnificent views of the Russian North during the white nights, sultry Crimean landscapes, city sketches made on foreign trips and images of Orthodox places.

"View of the village of Mala near Izborsk",
70x140 cm, oil on canvas, 1995
"White Nights. Veliky Ustyug",
50x70 cm, oil on canvas, 1988
"Old Gurzuf", 44x70 cm,
canvas, oil, 1989

"Summer near Moscow", 70x84 cm,
canvas, oil, 1997
"Autumn in the Pskov-Pechora Monastery"
70x85 cm, oil on canvas, 1995
"Sunny terrace", 65x80 cm,
canvas, oil, 2001

Exhibition of works by People's Artist of the Russian Federation Vasily Nesterenko "Russia. History and Modernity"

Maykop, North Caucasian branch State Museum art of the peoples of the East
12.10.2017 - 06.11.2017

Russia is the main theme of Vasily Nesterenko's work. He directs all the power of his talent to create a multidimensional image of the Motherland. More than 50 picturesque and graphic works written by the artist in different periods and in different genres, telling about Russia as a state: with its historical past and present, unique nature and people. Vasily Igorevich Nesterenko is a recognized leader contemporary art. His work is realistic and truthful. It deserves to be used in great demand in the audience, as it has a powerful effect on the soul and mind, forcing them to feel the philosophical sound of being, to feel belonging to their country, to feel a patriotic upsurge and involvement with the world. It is in demand not only in our country, but also abroad, because it tells about universal human values. Vasily Nesterenko exhibited with great success in America, France, Japan, China and the Vatican. Holding a traveling exhibition is fraught with great difficulties. but despite this, Vasily Nesterenko placed in this exposition two epic canvases “We Russians - God is with us!” and "The Death of the Invasion", which will certainly be appreciated by the audience. It is not often that viewers who do not live in the capital manage to see paintings of this magnitude and such content. Also, from historical cycle, the canvases "Moscow meets the heroes of Poltava", "Susanin's Prayer", "The Oath of Prince Pozharsky" and a sketch of the painting "The Triumph of the Russian Fleet" are shown. The portraits include the expressive and powerful "Vladimir Matorin in the role of Boris Godunov", the philosophical "Alone with myself", the latest "Keeper of Altai" and several others. Without a doubt, the landscapes of the master will fill the audience with delight. As always, there are many of them at Vasily Nesterenko's exhibitions. The beauty of nature is the artist's favorite theme. In general, the exhibition is designed to create a generalized image of Russia for the audience, this is a story about its formation, development and life today, as well as to acquaint as fully as possible with the work of the recognized master - People's Artist of Russia Vasily Nesterenko.

Exposition of paintings by Vasily Nesterenko donated to the city of Moscow in "Chekhov's House"
Moscow, exhibition hall "Chekhov's House"
25.08.2017 - 29.10.201 7

On August 25, in the exhibition hall on Malaya Dmitrovka (house 29, building 4), an exhibition of works by People's Artist of Russia Vasily Nesterenko began its work. The exhibition includes paintings that Vasily Igorevich donated to the city of Moscow. A total of 36 pieces of art were donated. These are paintings that were not included in the exposition, and sketches of church murals, and cardboard murals. The exhibition exhibits part of the transferred collection: the triptych "Echo of War", a portrait of Patriarch Tikhon, "Athos Elder", "Monastic Blessing" and great views Holy Mount Athos.

Monash blessing Athos elder Saint Tikhon
240x160 cm, oil on canvas, 2016 . 150x110 cm, oil on canvas, 1998 110x90 cm, oil on canvas, 2001

WITHvyataya mountain Skete of St. Anne View of Stary Rusik
from the Pochaev cell
170x125 cm, oil on canvas, 2016 1 00x130 cm, oil on canvas, 1997 70x50 cm, oil on canvas, 2016

Iviron Epiphany Snow on
Old Rusik
Skit Stary Rusik
60x80 cm, oil on canvas, 2016 150x220 cm, oil on canvas. 2016 120x150 cm, oil on canvas, 1997

Evening prayer coast of salvation Morning on Athos
140x230 cm, oil on canvas, 2016 140x260 cm, oil on canvas, 2016 72x110 cm, oil on canvas, 1998

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