I want to be emo. Who are emo? What are emo groups


Emo in English means emotional. Now the emo subculture is heard by every teenager and youth. This movement is widespread in different countries.

The youth subculture of emo appeared relatively recently. Sometimes on the street or in public transport you can meet interesting young people dressed in all black, talking about completely mysterious things. The movement also has peculiar symbols and distinctive features that distinguish this movement from other subcultures.

Appearance of emo kids

The clothes of representatives of the emo subculture are characterized by dark and pink shades. Numerous piercings, large grinders, the eternal theme of death and suicide. In this, the emo subculture is somewhat reminiscent of ready. But there are some differences here as well. Emo are characterized by increased sensitivity, emotionality. Some emo kids also prefer pink color in company with black.

Representatives of this subculture dress quite peculiarly for ordinary citizens. These are teenagers and young people with black hair falling over their foreheads. Girls prefer to wear often funny, childish hairstyles, bright hairpins, a few ponytails.

Both girls and boys paint their lips in light color, use various powders and foundations to give the skin a livid look. They prefer to paint their eyes with dark shadows, eyeliner. Skinny jeans with various patches, a T-shirt with the image of your favorite band, bright makeup, and bangs to the side are all attributes of this subculture.

T-shirts with children's drawings in combination with black clothes look quite funny. On their feet they wear sneakers, on their hands there are various bracelets made of beads of different shades. Pink or black polish is usually present on the nails, headphones with emo music turned on in the ears. Adolescents of this course often have suicidal tendencies.

Features of the emo subculture

A fairly common phenomenon among emo-bisexuality. Adolescents often form couples with same-sex partners. Which often shocks society. But they live by their own special rules.

Emo kids often adhere to the principles of a flow called straightedge. This is a movement that promotes healthy lifestyle life. Many of the representatives of this subculture are quite disturbing and vulnerable people who usually live in their fantasy world. They suffer from depression, fence themselves off from the outside world and its aggression, hide their faces under long bangs. Sometimes you can meet a large crowd emo kids . This usually happens before the performance of some famous musical group.

According to psychologists, the main mistake of parents and educators is to start discouraging children from being interested in emo culture, or even worse, to ridicule. So you can forever lose the trust and disposition of the child. The interest of a teenager, on the contrary, must be shared: read about emo, listen to their music, find something positive, and then unobtrusively discuss. Moreover, interest should be shown sincerely and constantly.

Currently, more and more often we have to deal with the concept of "emo". Questions arise: what kind of subculture is this, how to behave with teenagers who consider themselves to be part of it, is it worth it to be afraid if a child begins to impose himself as an emo kid, listen to emo music and wear snaps, slips or plugs?

Emo (from the English emo (emotional) - emotional) - a subculture formed on the basis of the genre of the same name in music, distinguishing feature which is the manner of vocals, which often includes screeching, crying, moaning, whispering. Teenagers belonging to this subculture call themselves emo - kids (from the English Kid - child, baby)

Appearance.Emo kids have a special style that distinguishes them from representatives of other subcultures. These are usually teenagers with coarse, straight, black hair. Hairstyle to the side, oblique, torn bangs to the tip of the nose, covering one eye, and behind - short hair sticking out in different directions. Girls are possible: children's, funny hairstyles - two small ponytails; bright hair clips - hearts on the sides; bows.

Often emo kids pierce their ears or make tunnels, there may be piercings (for example, in the lips and left nostril, eyebrows, bridge of the nose).

Both boys and girls can paint their lips to match their skin color, use a light foundation. The eyes are thickly lined with pencil or mascara, making them look like a bright spot on a pale face. Nails are covered with black varnish. Such makeup is done mainly for attending concerts.

The main colors in the clothes are black and pink (magenta), although other shockingly bright colors are considered acceptable. Often the names of emo groups, funny drawings or split hearts, a pistol or crossed pistols with the inscription "bang - bang", a skull and crossbones, a five-pointed star are depicted on clothes.

The preference for black can be caused by depression, unhappiness, rejection. Bright color(for example, pink) reflects joyful moments. This is a challenge to the general gloominess, a denial of the connection of the emo style with the gothic subculture and an approach to pop - punk.

Shoes typical for emo kids are sneakers with bright or black laces, as well as flips, slips, checkered vans.

Most typical clothing: tight, tight T-shirt; jeans black or ashy - of blue color, possibly with holes or patches; black or pink belt with studs, loose chains and a large badge with symbols. Girls can wear long dresses, usually black, headbands with a bow, striped leg warmers.

Emo kids are easy to recognize by the accessories they prefer: a shoulder bag; badges pinned to clothes and shoes; glasses in a wide bright or black frame; bright multi-colored (usually silicone) bracelets on the hands; large beads on the neck.

Characteristic gestures for such adolescents are: hands folded in the form of a heart; tilting the head so that the bangs hang down; put two fingers to the temple in the manner of a pistol.

Features of the worldview

A feature of the worldview of emo kids is the desire to experience bright and pure emotions and express them. He is distinguished by a thirst for self-expression, opposition to injustice, a special sensitive attitude.

For a representative of this subculture, the main values ​​are mind, feelings, emotions. The ability to combine all three components is the main essence of emo. But positive emotions, as well as individuality, are not forgotten and appreciated.

An emo kid lacks love and understanding, often a vulnerable and depressed teenager. He stands out from the crowd with a bright appearance, is looking for like-minded people and dreams of happy love.

The emotionality of such a teenager is so strong due to private manifestations of extremes: grief and happiness, sadness and joy. It is this feature that distinguishes emo from other subcultures, which, as a rule, reflect no more extreme manifestation moods.

Emo is characterized by: based on the aesthetics of beauty, a fundamentally infantile view of the world; introversion; emphasis on inner experiences; romanticism; a healthy lifestyle (avoiding cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and promiscuous sex), and sometimes vegetarianism.

Is being emo good or bad?

According to psychologists, emo culture simply meets the psychological needs of a certain part of young people suffering from an emotional illness that is quite common among young people - teenage depression (which is why teenagers aged 12-16 enter the emo subculture).

If the emo movement is not considered superficially, then one can avoid that direct and not very correct assessment that emo is a call for suicide by depressed teenagers and nothing more. It is worth noting that emo kids profess in many respects sound ideas: about world peace; about helping people to live full life to experience vivid emotions. If young people really follow these ideas, and not just chase after a bright image, it can be said that such a philosophy in many ways helps them solve the psychological problems of their age, providing a ready-made recipe for an emotionally rich life.

Currently, due to the wide popularization of this subculture, many people forget about it. true meaning and focus only on appearance. As a result, there was a separation of its representatives, but true emo, who call themselves "true - emo" (from the English true - true, real), and those who prefer popularity and fashion, rather than music. The latter are called "poseurs" (poser from the English poseur - imitator). The conflict between imitators and true representatives of the emo subculture led to the emergence of the so-called "anti-emo", the aggression of which is manifested through cutting the bangs with "posers" (bangs - characteristic appearance emo kids).

Such people distort the ideas of emo and reduce them to the simplest and most catchy ideas and the imperfection of the world and the need to leave it.

All this cannot but lead to negative consequences. The most dangerous sign of emo is posing on the hands (this is an attempt to show adults their pain) interest in suicidal culture. Cuts can leave ugly scars for life, and interest in suicide sometimes hides real suicidal behavior. It is important not to confuse passion with a psychological problem. A healthy child will not commit suicide, even if he is into emo style. If a teenager has signs of suicidal behavior, everything is much more complicated. In this case, the interest in the emo subculture is rather a consequence than a cause. This is where expert advice is required.

In addition, teenagers who are passionate about emo ideas have already become a source of income for smart businessmen: selling clothes and accessories with movement symbols, organizing special parties for representatives of this subculture. More and more emo culture is being commercialized.

Both boys and girls want to challenge their parents, teachers, peers, the whole world, finally. The goal is simple - to prove that they are no longer children, but adults, individuals, full members of a society that "is not perfect yet, but they will definitely fix everything." And one of the ways how this can be done is to join one or another youth movement, in informal subculture, which today exists, as they say, for every color and taste.

Let's talk today about what emo culture is and how to become its representative. The term itself appeared in the mid-1980s. the last century. It was an abbreviation for English word"emotional", which denoted a specific type of hardcore music with a particularly sensual vocal performance (with whispers, wheezing, anguish) and melodic instrumental accompaniment.

How to become emo: where to start?

The optimal age to become emo is 12-13 years old. At this age, all information is absorbed as fully as possible, and you will not be required to radically change your addictions to cosmetics and clothing, since they have not really been formed yet. Read the information posted on thematic sites and forums dedicated to emo. Decide for yourself whether you need it or not, whether this philosophy will cause dissonance with your worldview. It will not be superfluous to listen to the relevant music bands. Then you can already start working on your emo image.

How to become emo: image issues

The external emo style is manifested in bright makeup, so you must (regardless of gender) have black mascara, dark lipstick, shadows (black, raspberry) without fail. In terms of wardrobe, you should stock up on skinny jeans (also black), T-shirts with the image of your favorite emo artists or psychedelic drawings, sneakers, as well as wristlets, badges, a messenger bag, studded belts. It would not be superfluous to go to the hairdresser, dye your hair black (you can add a few contrasting strands - white or raspberry) and make a torn oblique bang covering one eye. If parents allow, then you can get pierced. This is how girls and boys traditionally look who identify themselves as emo.

Emo music is more than just music. Representatives of this subculture can almost always be found with a player and headphones in their ears, since it is the songs that help them deeply feel the emotions expressed in tearful lyrics and touching melodies. If initially musical style here one of the directions acted, today emo prefer to listen to everything that can hurt their soul for the living. As a rule, the theme of songs revolves around suffering, pain, death.

How to become emo inside?

If you think that in order to become emo, it is enough to dress up appropriately, you are mistaken. It should be understood that in any it is not posturing and not a tribute to fashion that is important, but exactly what you feel inside yourself. Therefore, true emo (real emo) leads an appropriate lifestyle (does not eat meat, does not drink, does not smoke, does not take drugs), does not hesitate to clearly express (even throw out) his emotions in public (both positive and negative), is not afraid society's condemnation. Learn to be emotional and truly understand the pain of others. Learn to sympathize sincerely and from the bottom of your heart.

Remember that any business should be given with soul. Therefore, if you are really close to the emo culture, study all its aspects and in no case take it just as a fashion inspired by today.

Nowadays, it is not uncommon to find teenagers on the streets of the city with black-dyed hair, peculiar bangs, in black and pink clothes, and a bag covered with various badges. You probably know that these teenagers are called emo, but who are they and how to become emo?.

Who are emo?

The beginning of the emergence of emo can be considered the 80s of the twentieth century. It was at this time in England that a branch arose hard rock called emocore. After some time, this direction of music gave rise to a lifestyle. Real emo who stick to the tradition of the 80s are called true emo. True emo do not use cigarettes, alcohol and drugs, and are also vegetarians. Dress up true emo in plaid clothes classical style prefer to listen to music only on cassette players or vinyl records.

The music that emo people prefer to listen to tends to have a lot of emotional content, lyrics that try to hook the listener (mostly sad ballads about death, pain and love), sharp transitions from low to high notes are also welcome.

Musicians in emo bands try to write music and lyrics on their own, in addition to writing poetry, emo people take a lot of pictures, using photography as another way to express their emotions and experiences. Piercing is also very common among emo, which serves as a kind of proof of the absence of fear of pain and death. Besides, most of emo, is bisexual. Usually, weird teens, which we see every day on the streets, are an awkward likeness of real emo. Society perceives emo as ordinary crybabies who are not capable of anything. Although, in fact, real emo are people who are not afraid to show their emotions in public. They easily show their emotions in public, because they do not care what others think about them, they are not afraid of condemnation. the site claims that in order to become emo, it is not at all necessary to dress strangely, because emo culture is aimed primarily at inner world person. Of course, you can dye your hair black and dress in a combination of pink and black, but this does not make you a real emo. It is because of various imitators that people forget that emo is a state of mind, equating the emo subculture with another fashion. However, like all fashion trends, the fashion for black and pink clothes will pass and in time only real emo will remain, who do not need to imitate anyone, because they have their own own opinion and his own view of the world, and his place in it.

Is it worth it to be emo?

To some extent, being emo is even useful. This is because people who do not hold back their emotions - laugh when they are having fun and cry when they feel like crying - are less likely to nervous breakdowns and as a result live longer. Those who love open people, will support you, getting a lot of pleasure from communication. After all, you must admit that many people are already tired of seeing in front of them not faces, but masks, and for them communication with an open, lively person is a real gift, as well as an opportunity to trust, open up to someone who is not afraid of openness. There are, of course, disadvantages as well. So, for example, in order to be a real emo, you need to show some courage, because not all the people around you will agree to accept you as you are, with your experiences and emotions. And since we all live among people, the refusal to accept us as we are can be a very strong blow .. Of course, you can try to convince your loved ones and if they also value you, then sooner or later they will accept you. After all, we all know that sooner or later people change, someone develops, someone, on the contrary, degrades, but we all change and it is impossible to freeze our appearance, character, and mental development.

What to do to become emo?

First of all, start with your inner world, not clothes. Stop being shy about showing your emotions in public, but remember that you shouldn't overdo it either. The bangs on the side, which has become a symbol of emo, are worn in order to cover part of the face, thus, the open part of the face symbolizes that emo are open to the world, and the closed part symbolizes the inner world, which is closed to outsiders. Therefore, in order to become one of the real emo, you just need to become more open than the people around you. While most of humanity only slightly opens the soul, your soul must be slightly covered so that the most important thing is still closed from strangers. Your strengths are your emotionality and the ability to feel the surrounding reality deeper and sharper. Emo are able to sympathize not only in words, but also to truly feel the pain of another person.

As for the style of clothing, there are no restrictions. Of course, you can dress true emo or new emo, but you can also just wear whatever you like and still be a normal looking person. IN Once again the site wants to remind you that emo is a state of mind, not a style of dress, and in order to become a real emo, you just need to change inside.

The emo subculture has its own unique ideology, which is absolutely harmless to others and any person has the right to support it or not accept it. However, do not forget that any person has an inalienable right to choose the style of clothing, favorite music, and much more.

And sweet pink vanillas, strange sadboys, and absolutely unimaginable tumblr girls. In the same row with them, you can find another, quite popular subculture, which is called emo which means you can read a little below.
However, before continuing, I would like to advise you to read a couple of other interesting news on the subject of fashion slang. For example, what does Poser mean, who is Anarchist, what is Flex, who is called the Steamer, etc.
So let's continue what does emo mean? This term was borrowed from in English"emo", which is short for " emotion", which can be translated as "excitement".

Synonyms for emo: emotional, emotions, emotionality.

Some people are interested what does emo sax mean?

Emo sax(emo suks) - so they say when they want to humiliate supporters of emo culture, it can be translated as "emo suck", which equates the latter with gays, whores, and other equally beautiful sections of society. "The word sax" is now used as a way to show what you don't like, like "gothic is sax"

As a rule, Emo people become mentally unstable, such people are called emotionally labile in medicine. These teenagers are very mobile nervous system, at one moment they can laugh joyfully, and then cry desperately. Usually they are either melancholic or choleric, and the former are prone to depression, while the latter love life and try to take everything from it. In that youth movement there are rules of conduct, and overalls. Usually emo wardrobe consists entirely of clothes of exclusively dark tones. Moreover, they must paint their nails and eyes in all shades of black. They pretend that they don't care about anyone and everything, but in fact, they want to be paid attention to. The basic rule of Emo-kids is the desire to experience pure and vivid emotions. Emo differ from the rest in opposition to injustice, an urgent thirst for self-expression, a special sensual worldview.

Unfortunately, teenagers are very wary of emo, and sometimes even aggressively. The fact is that no one likes people who indulge in depression, and constantly go full of sadness, with eyes on " wet place". That's how most people see strangers emo kids. Of course, such an attitude to life is rather strange, but with age, people grow up and remember their bright youth with humor.

Emotions are one of the main components human being Each of us experiences both positive and negative experiences. Then why are people who put emotionality at the forefront treated so hostilely?
Teenagers psyche only develops, many of them do not want to show what they feel and experience in this moment so they hide in their shell. All this can later lead to "cutting out" if the parents do not pay attention to it.

However, emo kids, differ in that, on the contrary, they show their emotionality, put it on display, they are not afraid of others. Therefore, on their faces you can see both tears and perky laughter, everything is open to other people. In fact, sharing your feelings deserves respect, because a person overcomes himself and breaks the inner shell in which he was squeezed before.

Of course, there are many rumors around this subculture that such individuals love to open their veins, and in general, they are constantly looking for ways that will send them to another world. However, this is nothing more than speculation that came up with them. detractors, after all, they just put on insensitive "masks".


These days, emos are practically extinct as a class, but they are a dime a dozen on the internet. Most crowd on

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