They smile, have fun and enjoy their lives. Connect with people on a deeper level


People admire success stories, love to read biographies of people who have radically changed their lives. But, few people know that all global changes begin with small steps. Small but regular steps towards change can make you the protagonist of a success story. Let's take a look at 10 habits that can change your life forever. better side.

1. The habit of getting enough sleep.

Many people live in self-deception. They think they become more efficient by staying up late at work, drinking liters of coffee, and forcing themselves to focus. But, instead of increased efficiency, a person develops irritability, health problems and chronic fatigue. If you make regular and full sleep your habit, you can increase your personal efficiency, normalize your mental state and become healthier and more beautiful. You can start getting enough sleep today, and the changes from such a habit will become noticeable in a few days.

2. The habit of smiling.

Perhaps you think that such a trifle as a smile is not capable of bringing change to your life. But, if you try to develop the habit of smiling, you will notice a change very soon. Firstly, you will become less sensitive to stress, your relationships with people will improve, you will feel more attractive and forget about a bad mood.

3. The habit of planning.

The best way to become successful in life is to plan for it. Try to develop the habit of making plans for the year, for every day and for life. Through this habit, you will move consistently and quickly towards your goals, and order will appear in your life.

4. The habit of rest.

Regular rest is the key to good efficiency in any activity. Develop the habit of finding time to rest every day, and be sure to give yourself a real weekend after a fruitful day. working week. You will see how your life will change. A rested person is filled with energy, and he needs much less time to solve the tasks. Rested people feel stronger and more confident, and thanks to this they easily overcome obstacles.

5. The habit of dreaming.

A person without a dream does not have many chances for positive changes in life. The habit of dreaming gives a person the opportunity to generate energy for the realization of desires. In addition, dreams reveal the potential of our brain. A person who is able to let his imagination fly free can do much more than someone who is skeptical about life and considers the habit of dreaming stupid.

6. The habit of getting up early.

Whether you're a morning person or a night owl, getting up early can be a life-changing reality. Getting the right sleep and wake schedule will help make getting up early painless - it just takes some getting used to. Those people who have decided to change their habits and have learned to get up early note that the most productive hours of work and study occur in the early morning.

7. The habit of not making excuses.

To no one. If a person makes excuses, he feels guilty. This happens automatically. Therefore, it is worth developing the habit of not making excuses and not defending your case to anyone. Disputes do not give rise to truth - they give rise to painful experiences, complex emotions and strife in relationships between people. The habit of not making excuses to anyone will make you calmer, and bring relationships with other people into a healthy direction.

8. The habit of developing.

Every person has the opportunity to become better every day. The problem is that only a few use it. Try to develop the habit of improving your most best qualities, develop professional skills, acquire new knowledge. Even a small step forward, if it is daily, will make a big difference in the long run.

9. The habit of getting rid of excess.

It's a principle hot air balloon- the more weight and trash go overboard, the higher it is able to fly. The secret is that we need to regularly get rid of everything superfluous that prevents us from living in harmony and moving towards own goals. These are not only things, but also unnecessary activities, relationships that are exhausting, life principles that do more harm than good. Deal with everything superfluous in your life constantly - develop the habit of not accumulating "trash" and you will see significant changes in life.

10. The habit of giving love.

If you give someone part of your money, you will have less of it. If you give someone your love, you will have even more of it. Life in love is the only way to harmony, peace with yourself and the world around you. Develop the habit of giving love without expecting anything in return. And you will never be alone. The habit of giving without demanding anything in return enriches, fills with meaning and joy.

Have you heard the saying, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person”? Sounds strange, but it's true. It is busy people who can usually achieve impressive results, despite the fact that they have significantly less time to complete the task assigned to them. So what is so special about these people? They need to do a million things, but they are not stressed. Here are some secrets of such people that you should learn and try to use in your own life. If you make these moments your habits, you will notice how not only your productivity and efficiency will increase, but also your stress tolerance, as well as your overall satisfaction. own life. And this is exactly what everyone should strive for.

They accept help

Why is a mother with four children also the head of the parent committee? And what about a couple with three children, because each of the parents has an office job for full time? How do they cope? In both cases (which, by the way, are taken from real life) families had the opportunity to provide their children with full care from other people, and they took advantage of this opportunity. In both cases, the busy parents used other people's help to be able to go about their business at their own pace.

They prioritize sleep, proper nutrition, and exercise.

Take a look at the example of one 60-year-old CEO who has a simple recipe for a successful day. You should make breakfast the biggest meal of the day, and then gradually reduce portion sizes. In addition, you need to exercise every morning, make it part of your Everyday life. This leader goes to bed at ten o'clock in the evening, and at six in the morning the next day he is already in gym. His mind is clear and sober, and he is ready for whatever the world has in store for him.

They care about their emotional health

One couple jokes that they needed to see a therapist when they realized they were in serious relationship but not yet married. At that time it was (potentially) her first marriage, for him it was the second marriage, and from the first he had a child. Before them was a rather frightening stage of life: foster parenthood, marriage, moving, and also the newlyweds wanted more kids. To deal with this, they needed help. And today these people have been married for almost ten years and are raising four children.

They avoid drama

People who live fast paced lives know how to avoid bumps in their path, and drama is one of life's biggest bumps. Gossip may seem witty for a short amount of time, but rarely does it make you feel really good. And as they say, you reap what you sow. People who don't have stress problems don't gossip, they avoid gossip like the plague. Gossip takes time and emotional energy, which are better spent on more useful things.

They have a social network of people they can rely on

One woman became a foster mother for a teenager. It quickly became clear that the boy needed things (shoes, backpack), as well as services (dentist, other doctors), which added up and turned out to be very expensive. Instead of taking on this burden entirely, she turned to her wide network of acquaintances for help. By reaching out to her friends and community, she was able to give the foster child the care it needed so badly. She simply did not take all the hardships solely on herself.

They know how to restore energy

Effective people know how to recover. Whether they spent a night at the club, a weekend with friends, or just a Saturday night at home with a book, these people know how to catch the moment when they run out of energy, and also know how to replenish it. They know whether they just need to hang out with other people or stay at home alone, go to nature or watch TV. These people do not wait for the moment when they will feel very bad, will be depressed, they can see that their tank is almost empty, and they know how to fill it up. If at the cinema the movie is on, which such a person really wants to see, he does not wait for one of his friends to express a desire to go with him - he just goes to the cinema himself.

They are athletes and artists

When a potential client approaches a psychologist and the psychologist learns that this client is a tennis player or musician, he immediately understands that with such a client it will be easy to determine a specific goal and achieve it. A person who already has a track record of achieving big goals (whether running a marathon, winning a regional high school championship, or becoming an actor) knows what it means to work hard and achieve something. Such people have a sense of discipline, and such people know that they will have to sacrifice some other area of ​​their life in order to succeed in something.

They take sick leave when they are sick

The most effective people stay at home when they get sick. Such people understand when they are seriously ill, and do not try to resist it, because they know that the sooner they can get enough sleep, the sooner they will recover. They also think about the people around them, so they make sure that other people do not get infected from them. People who do not suffer from stress and achieve success in life go to the doctor, get a mammogram, and also see the dentist regularly. Such people know how important their health and care is.

They avoid analysis paralysis

General Patton said: Good plan, which can be implemented now, is better than the ideal plan next week, "and this quote has become very popular. Successful people are making major changes. They don't spend too much time thinking. These people look at something that doesn't work, come up with a solution, implement it, and move on, even if they don't get the perfect result. They do not sit on one decision for days. They evaluate the problem and then solve it.

Two of the psychologist's clients wanted to leave New York and continue their development in the Midwest. They didn't know where they wanted to be, but they knew it was time to move. After selling their home in New York and touring the US for a bit, they bought their own trailer to keep them moving around. They realized they weren't ready to settle down yet, so they didn't.

They smile, have fun and enjoy their lives

Life moves more smoothly and pleasantly if you are positive about everything. You feel good, you have more friends. Life is usually more forgiving to those who appreciate it. People who are not stressed and yet achieve high performance distinguish between what they can control and what they cannot control. Flight delays, traffic jams, snowstorms do not upset them. They recognize that these things can happen, and if they want to avoid them, there are always ways (not to fly, work from home, or move to Hawaii). They defend themselves against commitment and interference, often saying no to plans, parties, and people who don't seem good to them. They care about the life they have created, appreciating what they already have.

Every person wants to be successful in life. But not all of us can boast of a good job, a decent education, strong family, interesting hobbies. These components of success seem to be running away from us.
The fact is that some of our habits scare away success. Because of them, we fall out of the rhythm of life, constantly feel stress and dissatisfaction. Here are 10 habits that prevent you from becoming a successful person. Get rid of them urgently, and then you will become a successful and happy person.

1. The habit of postponing everything for later.

She often provokes stress and emergency work at work. Think you can finish this project in a day? Think again about whether you will be able to allocate time in the future for the task. It's better to do everything at once. So you are guaranteed not to forget anything. And if you make mistakes, you will have time to redo everything in a short time.

2. The habit of blaming others for everything.

A person who does not know how to take responsibility will never become successful. He will hide behind other people's backs and push the blame onto others. Will such an individual win respect? Hardly. They just don't want to deal with him. He will be clean, and everyone around will be to blame.

3. Fear of making a mistake.

If you are always afraid of missteps, then you need to sit in one place and look at one point. A person who improves himself is doomed to make mistakes. Without them, progress is impossible. They help to know their abilities, gain experience, find their way. With the help of mistakes, we learn our personality, evolve professionally and personally.

4. Low self-esteem.

Thousands of people have given up on their dreams because of her. When you doubt your abilities, your spirit gradually declines. It seems impossible to complete even the most elementary task. Self-confident people are used to acting, not doubting. Therefore, they achieve success in life.

5. The habit of not planning anything.

Life without a plan is aimless and boring. It has no starting point and no end. Everything is the same. How will you know that you have achieved success if you have not set even the smallest goal for yourself? Successful people have a plan for every stage of their lives. It helps them focus on key things.

6. The habit of pleasing everyone. Except yourself.

The desire to adapt to the tastes of others threatens to lose one's own personality. You don't have to please everyone. Focus on your problems and goals. Successful people act in their own interests. They do not think how they will be looked at, what they will think.

7. Fear of success.

It is strange, but some people are afraid to even imagine themselves as a successful person. It is scary to assume that everyone will look at you, discuss, wash the bones. A successful person becomes an object close attention surrounding. Not all people are ready to be the center of attention, so they are simply afraid to be successful.

Why allow typical mistakes? You can analyze the experience of other successful individuals, listen to their advice. You can read smart books about self-development, there is also a lot to learn there. In a word, try to fill fewer bumps. Successful people try to learn from the mistakes of others.

9. The habit of talking but not doing.

First, in the eyes of the public, you will be a windbag. Secondly, the habit of throwing words to the wind affects the development of personality. A person who is accustomed to scatter empty words in the future does not dare to take active actions. He dreams of success, but does nothing to make his dream come true.

10. Inability to concentrate.

People with scattered attention practically do not achieve success. They are so unassembled that it is difficult for them to complete even one simple task. Learn to prioritize tasks and focus on them. Then get down to business with less urgency. So you streamline your life and learn to concentrate on the most important.

These 10 habits are preventing you from achieving success in life. You can get rid of them with iron willpower and discipline. Positive changes will not be long in coming. You will see that success can be achieved when you work on yourself and build character.

What can not be done if you want to live together happily ever after?

1. Dissolve in a partner

"You are my everything" ("You are everything to me") - was there such a song in the 1970s? and it is still popular today. Romantic, right? Not really. You can’t assume that your partner is everything to you. After all, then it turns out that everything else, including you, your habits, goals, aspirations and desires, means nothing. Relationships, when one person dissolves into another and lives for him, cannot be healthy. Especially if the second partner does not require such sacrifices at all.

2. Always be in touch

Communication is good. This is the key to a strong relationship. However, constant communication is strange. I have a colleague whom a girl calls at least 12 times a day. Call topics are mostly minor: “Hi! I'm going to lunch. Have you already eaten? Well, good bye." And after half an hour: “Can you imagine who I met in a cafe? Former classmate. You do not know her". And an hour later: "I'm thinking, cook dinner tonight or order pizza."

Such communication is adequate only for eighth graders. But in adulthood, you need to become more self-sufficient. It is not necessary to share with your partner every thought that comes to mind and report on every little thing that happens to you.

3. Take out a bad mood

You were yelled at at work, your coat was soiled in the subway, there was a queue in the store. You come home in a lousy mood, and ... then your partner says something out of place. You fall for him. It is he who is to blame for the fact that your day was not a success. Do it like this - special form selfishness, testifying to the inability to separate the personal from the general. If you behave like this all the time, then soon you yourself will believe that the partner - main reason your his bad mood. Then the relationship is over.

4. Control emotions

"You didn't hug me hard enough", "You're not happy to see me", "Why are you so serious", "You don't love me anymore". You can’t constantly find out what emotions a partner is experiencing and why he does it. And it's just as stupid to think that he is sad, sad or nervous solely because of you. Perhaps he is having trouble at work or he is tired.

It is normal to worry about the problems of another, especially if he is close to you. But you do not need to try to control and analyze his feelings all the time. If he wants, he will tell about everything.

5. Do everything together

Brush your teeth together, commute to work, spend the weekend, go to visit... what's next? Wear the same T-shirts? No, it's weird. Just because you're together doesn't mean you're alone now. common life for two.

People in a couple complement each other. You can and should even have different hobbies, hobbies, friends, biorhythms and habits. You don't have to adjust your life for someone else. Moreover, every living person sometimes just needs to be alone.

6. Be extremely honest

Telling the truth is right, but you don't have to tell your partner everything. He might be better off not knowing how much your shoes cost, that you don't like the way he sings in the shower, and that you find his friend sexy. The main thing is not to get carried away. Some things that confuse or worry you are best discussed right away.

7. Settling scores

Some relationships eventually turn into a competition to see who screwed up the most. Partners begin at any opportunity to remember each other's past grievances, mistakes and debts. This only exacerbates the feeling of dissatisfaction and mutual distrust. And in the end, it encourages partners to lie big, cheat and pretend.

8. patronize

“You need to have lunch / dress warmly / drink medicine / go to the doctor” ... When one partner turns into an annoying mommy for the second, it's annoying. Taking care of your loved one is great, but you don't have to do it like it's 8 years old. He himself is able to decide when he needs to eat, how to dress.

9. Show off your relationship

This is the problem of our time. You are so happy that you want to inform the whole world about this through social networks. And now your page turns into " memorial Complex» love with daily photos, sensual messages and confessions. Do not be surprised that friends are no longer able to like them.

10. Speak in hints

Instead of openly telling your partner about your problems, you are pushing him to the right solution. Say: "No, I'm not offended," but with all your appearance you demonstrate the opposite. This passive aggression, which shows that you are closed when communicating with a partner. This behavior causes uncertainty and irritation. It is better to be open about your desires, doubts and problems.

about the author

University of Pennsylvania professor of cognitive neuroscience Martha Farah recently shocked the public with the findings of her years of research. The audience was stirred by a phrase from the report, which says: "A poor, deprivation childhood destroys the brain and endows its owner with a deficient intellectual potential!" In fact, Farah stated indiscriminately that the brain of a child who grew up in poverty simply does not give him a chance to become rich in the future!

Let's say right away that Marta Fatah's statement is by no means unfounded. A group of scientists under her leadership for 4 years conducted observations and arranged experiments to test cognitive functions in children. Among them was an IQ test familiar to many, in which kids with low social status showed worse results than kids with medium and high social status. This allowed scientists to conclude that the intellectual abilities of a child depend not only on genetics, but also on the environment in which he grows and develops. Moreover, scientists were able to identify 10 signs that characterize people who have been programmed for poverty since childhood. Let's study them.

1. Feeling sorry for yourself

The first and most obvious feature of people programmed for poverty is the constant desire to feel sorry for themselves, and it does not matter at all for what. One suffers because of his own height, figure or skin color, the other regrets that he is still alone and has not started a family, and the third is worried because he was not born a man, since men have more opportunities and chances in life. If this old man, he can constantly groan and grieve about the past youth, and if a teenager - nod at his inexperience. All these people constantly focus on completely trifling, unimportant facts, without which it is quite possible to live, be rich and happy. And the worst thing is that with this pity they hang a multi-ton anchor around their neck, which pulls to the bottom, preventing them from moving along the path of personal development, to a happy, prosperous life. Remember, if you feel sorry for yourself, you will never find a high-paying job, but with a high degree of probability you will doom yourself to a miserable existence.

2. Greed

It is generally accepted that only stingy people who save every penny can become truly rich. In fact, life has long proved that greed towards the employees of your own company, the desire to deceive business partners for financial gain, attempts to work harder, for the sake of a large number a low-paying job is the "stigma" of a person who will never become rich. The same can be said for people who seek to save even on mere trifles and spend their days looking for stores that say “Sale” or “Discounts”. It is important to understand that the desire for marginal savings is not at all a sign of wisdom, but only the wrong approach to solving the problem of lack of money. A person whose brain is programmed for well-being and prosperity will never regret good money for the purchase of worthy things and will always generously pay the worker for his conscientious work, because he is firmly convinced that life will also treat him generously.

3. Doing things you hate

If you ask any poor and unfortunate person if he likes his work, and, having heard in response: “I hate it!”, It immediately becomes clear that such a person will never become rich. But there are millions of such people around. Day after day, year after year, they go to unloved jobs, just to feed their own family, to pay for their studies or pay off a loan they took last year. They spend their lives in a cause that they despise in their souls, and for which they have no desire! Tell me, can a person, doing a business that disgusts him, get rich? Of course not. The only way out of this vicious circle there will be a courageous decision to quit a job you hate and start doing something you really enjoy. Only in it you can reveal your potential and achieve success, which means becoming happier and richer.

4. Measure success with money

The habit of reducing everything to money is a quality inherent in a person who will never become truly rich. Such a person feels free and happy only when the amount in the bank account satisfies him. Such a person can feel happiness only in the presence of beautiful expensive clothes, a solid car or a chic mansion. However, as soon as the bank account begins to melt, this person immediately loses the meaning of life and becomes completely helpless. Here you need to understand that only one who measures his happiness by other categories - relationships, friendship, love, fidelity, but not money, can become a truly rich person in his soul. And whoever cannot understand this is not on the path with wealth.

5. Spending more money than you can afford

Separately, it is worth mentioning people who, in fact, live on credit. The mania to take a loan for everything and everything, completely disregarding their income, clearly divided people into those who know the value of money, and those who are ready to sink into debt until they hit the bottom. Bank employees are only happy to have such people from whom you can easily extract everything to the last penny, because these people are slaves of things. In general, if a person does not see the difference between a really necessary loan for business development and a completely useless loan for purchasing an expensive mobile phone He will never get rich.

6. Choice of Instant Benefits

The desire to have everything at once - distinguishing feature perpetually poor people. As a rule, such individuals do not count own forces, but they want to have a solid job, respect and a millionth bank account at the snap of a finger. But people with such requests usually do not have the potential to confirm their position. Therefore, it is not surprising that very soon they will have to descend from heaven to earth and continue to vegetate in poverty. A prime example such an attitude to life are negligent students who believe that the university only takes away their precious time, which can be spent on “making money”. Will such a student succeed in the future? Very doubtful.

7. Constant whining

Have you ever interacted with people who are constantly whining and whimpering over every little thing? There is no money, life is unbearable, the boss is constantly shouting, there is only rudeness, high cost and crime around. We can say with a high degree of certainty that this is what a born loser says. A person is simply not used to looking for the causes of failure in himself and trying to correct them. He easily will find a reason his failures in others, but will not take a step to make life better. Is it possible to somehow correct the situation? Of course you can, but for this you need to change your own worldview and start looking for ways out of the current situations, and not scold everyone around for your own failures.

8. Comparing yourself to others

The hardened losers have one more bad habit- Constantly compare yourself to others. Some look up to their work colleagues and consider themselves the most professional, others look up to their classmates and are sure that they are a weak link, and still others look with envy at their neighbor’s expensive car, subconsciously assuring themselves that they definitely can’t buy such a thing. All these people are losers, they have practically no chance of getting rich, because they do not see and do not want to see their inner potential, which, of course, everyone has. Their outer world captures the inner one, and does not allow them to adequately assess their strength in order to constantly develop.

9. Measuring wealth with money

We have already mentioned that poor people tend to measure their success with money. In the same way, they value their wealth. For them, there is simply no other concept of wealth, except for rustling banknotes, and the more there are, the richer a person considers himself. At the same time, the main fear in his life is not illness or even death, but the loss of this same money. It is very difficult for such people to come to the understanding that a truly rich person is a person who knows how to create a business on empty place, managing to make money out of thin air, attract investors and skillfully bypass competitors. Such people are not afraid of any losses, they can start everything from scratch at any time and also provide for themselves. That is, a truly rich person does not depend on the volume of his bag of money.

10. Isolation from own family

Finally, one of the biggest mistakes of losers is to distance themselves from own family. This is explained different reasons- unwillingness to lend money, support relatives in Hard time or share their ideas. Such people simply do not understand that the family is the foundation, it is a powerful source of support that you can resort to when there is no one else left in the whole world.

Perhaps, having become familiar with the signs of a poor person and a loser, you will begin to change your own worldview, and this will help you become freer, happier and richer! Take care of yourself!

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