Smart casino is a space for smart people. Teacher Universities



  • expand the horizons of knowledge;
  • develop the desire to learn;
  • receive and acquire knowledge independently;
  • follow the rules of the game.

I. Opening remarks.

Good afternoon, my dear smart and smart girls!

The ray of the sun makes us laugh and tease,
We are having fun in the morning
Winter gives us a ringing holiday,
AND chief guest on it is a game.

'Cause today we're dreaming
Know more about everything
We play our dreams
We are living our dream.

Let these words become the epigraph of our today's meeting, and let the motto be a free interpretation of the Russian proverb: "That good student who does not dream of becoming an excellent student is bad."

There are 12 good students in our class. Do you guys dream of becoming excellent students? I want to wish you that you get a lot of knowledge this year. Let's sing the song “Hymn to an Excellent Student” and try to finish the 2nd grade with “4” and “5”. (Melody of the song “Hope”)

It is impossible not to love excellent students -
We admit they are cute -
Loyal, reliable friends.
Those who bear the title of "excellent student".

Who always learns well
Who knows how to help comrades,
Who will always cope with the task
And all our doubts will dissipate.

Excellence is my hope
We can be proud of you.
Excellence - we We love you,
But we can fight you.

P. Communication of the rules of the game.

I welcome you again to our intellectual casino. We open Ozhegov's "Explanatory Dictionary" and read what is intelligence?

Intelligence- mind.

And our casino is the very place where everyone who is honest and brave can earn money with their own mind. Only, chur - we have special money! These are banknotes with a denomination of “one mind”. Remember? As they say: one mind is good, but two is better ...

And you, dear players, have “minds” – today there will be exactly 5 for each. Moreover, during the game you can both increase your mental state and become bankrupt, losing all your talents. In the game you are waiting for questions from the subtle sciences: literature, mathematics, natural history, linguistics.

I name the field of knowledge and the question, and if you decide to answer, you must bet “one mind”.

If you are lucky, your bet is doubled, you earn one more “mind”. If you make a mistake - and then do not despair - your "minds" will replenish the cashier of a fun casino. As you can see, the conditions of the game are simple: I give a question and give 3 possible answers. You must choose the correct answer and hold up the sign.

  • red - 1
  • green - 2
  • yellow - 3

But let's agree - only the one who makes the bet has the right to answer the question. The rest are silent!

Shall we rehearse? Here is a math question. Who is not afraid? We place a bet.

Question: what is nine five?

Answer options: 20, 45, 35.

I ask for an answer. Quite right, the correct answer is number 2 - 45.

Sh. The game begins.

A question from the fascinating field of linguistics - i.e. In Russian. We place bets.

Attention, question. What rule are these words for: fairy tale, grass, mug, mushroom, watermelon.

Answer options:

1. Unstressed vowels.

2. Paired voiced and deaf consonants.

3. Unverifiable unstressed vowels.

I ask for an answer. The correct answer is number 2.

We place bets.

Attention question. What is an attachment? Answer options:

1. Part of speech.

2. Main Member offers.

3. Part of the word.

I ask for an answer. The correct answer is number 3.

I ask everyone to concentrate. The next question is more difficult, it is from the field of mathematics. Who wants to try their luck? We place bets.

Attention question. The brother asked his sister how many points she got on the test. “Guess for yourself,” she replied, “I was given a score that can be obtained from both addition and multiplication of two single-digit numbers.” What grade did the sister get on the test?

Answer options:

I ask for an answer. The correct answer is number 2.

Next question. We place bets.

Attention question. Vera and Nadia are sisters. Vera said that she had two brothers, and Nadia said that she had two brothers. How many children do Vera and Nadia have in their family?

Answer options:

I ask for an answer. The correct answer is number 1.

You. You must have heard that “risk is a noble cause”? The next question is literary. We place bets.

Attention question. This fairy-tale hero is very old: he is already more than a thousand years old! Its prototype in ancient times was the pagan god of the cold north wind. Later, in folk tales, he began to be called - cracker or student.

Answer options:

1. Kashchei the Immortal.

2. Santa Claus.

3. Baba Yaga.

I ask for an answer. The correct answer is number 2.

We place bets.

Attention question. This boy, as a punishment for impoliteness, was turned into a little man by a dwarf and traveled with a flock of geese.

Answer options:

2. Carlson.

I ask for an answer. The correct answer is #3.

Which of you, O most worthy of the worthy, is in harmony with the study of nature? Place your bets.

Attention question: The closest star to Earth. It is visible even during daylight hours.

Answer options:

1. Sun.

2. Polaris.

I ask for an answer. The correct answer is #1.

Place your bets.

Attention question: The deepest lake in the world?

Answer options:

1. Ladoga.

2. Baikal.

3. Onega.

I ask for an answer. The correct answer is #2.

The next question will reveal how carefully you watch programs for children on television. We place bets.

Attention question: What was the name of the popular Austrian television series starring a Scottish Shepherd?

Answer options:

1. Commissioner Rex.

3. White Bim - Black ear.

I ask for an answer. The correct answer is number 2.

We place bets.

Attention question: What is the name of the dish in which porridge is cooked in the oven?

Answer options:

1. Frying pan "tefal".

2. Kettle.

3. Cast iron.

I ask for an answer. The correct answer is number 3.

IV. Student concert.

A Russian proverb says: "Learning is always useful." We continue to learn after we count the "minds" of each player in order to honor one of them according to all the rules of our childish kingdom.

I want to talk about our guys: many of them go in for sports, attend circles and sections, go to music school, in a choir circle. Concert.

V. "Pig in a poke".

And now, isn't it time to identify the wisest and reward them? Or can we play some more? Okay dear friends. Be your way. Who will tell me what the expression “buy a pig in a poke” means? That's right, to get who knows what ... So, I announce the first and last, mysterious auction of our game "Pig in a Poke".

The sale starts. Show wisdom, friends: spend money on a “pig in a poke”, do not save money. We buy for "minds". I recommend.

In the bag is what every excellent student has. A good man may or may not have it.

The starting price is just one mind. So, lucky guy, get - "pig in a poke" is "5".

Today you dreamed about them.
Someone has lost them.
Can't you do without them?
Then pay and don't be stingy!

The starting price is “one mind”. (5 minds).

I thank you for participating in the game. We reward - for active participation.

Did you like the game?

VI. Summary of the game.

And let the boys and girls
All the naughty kids
Today they will say loudly:
"Till the next meeting - the game."

At the end of the holiday, the Yum-Nyam cafe opens in our casino. We will offer a little rest, a snack to relieve the tension in which we have been for an hour!

Voronina Yulia Yurievna,
teacher of Russian language and literature
gymnasium No. 205 of St. Petersburg


The intellectual game is interesting for students of any age, as it involves a sharp spirit of competition. Such a form extracurricular activities not only helps to increase the intellectual level of schoolchildren, the development of heuristic abilities, the ability to work in a team, but also allows you to simultaneously repeat and check the degree of assimilation of the studied material.

In the world of literature

Smart Casino for high school students

Goals: repeat and expand students' knowledge of literature, art; development of thinking; fostering interest in literature, art, striving for an independent search for information on the subject.

Equipment: a multimedia projector and a large screen that shows slides with questions and correct answers for quick verification; black box.

Members: teams of 10-11 grades,

Game scenario.

Two teams are playing. The team with the most correct answers wins. The host reads the questions to the players. 1 minute is allotted for discussion of the question.

Game progress

We are glad to welcome you to our intellectual casino.

Our casino is a place where every person who is honest, brave and unknown can earn money, and not just somehow, but with his own mind. Only, mind you, we have special money. These are banknotes with a denomination of one "mind". Remember, as they say: "One mind is good, but two is better." "Minds" today will be exactly ten for each team. Moreover, during the game, each team can either increase its fortune or become bankrupt, having lost its “minds”. In the game you are waiting for 11 questions from the field of literature.

So, I name the field of knowledge and the question, and the team, if they decide to answer, will have to bet on one “mind”. In case of a win, the bet is doubled and the team earns one more mind. If you are wrong - do not despair: your "minds" will replenish the cashier of our fun casino. As you can see, the conditions of the game are simple: I ask a question and give three possible answers. Teams must choose the correct answer and raise a sign with the corresponding number: 1, 2 or 3. But let's agree: only the team that makes its bet has the right to answer the question. The rest are silent! Shall we rehearse? Place your bet, ladies and gentlemen!

(The team that decides to answer the question "makes a bet": gives the leader one of ten cards - one of ten "minds").

So, question.

So, question.

· Who wrote the poem "Borodino"?

1. A. Pushkin

2. M. Lermontov

3. N. Nekrasov

(The guys who made bets raise their cards).

Are the rules of the game clear to everyone? Then we start.

· In which work does A. Pushkin repeat "there" 14 times?

1. "Ruslan and Ludmila"

2. "Eugene Onegin"

3. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

You've probably heard that risk is a noble cause. Whoever makes a bet risks losing one "mind". But the one who does not place a bet is at risk - he will lose the opportunity to increase his fortune. Attention, question.

· Which of the Russian writers skated at the age of 70, was fond of cycling at the age of 75, rode a horse at the age of 82?

1. I.A. Goncharov

2. L.N. Tolstoy

3. I.A. Bunin

Next question.

· Which of the heroes of Russian literature, according to his own statement, drank 17 bottles of champagne at dinner?

1. Onegin

2. Nozdrev

3. Chatsky

· We all love flowers: garden, meadow, and forest.And in what fate literary heroine did these same buttercups, chamomiles and daisies play a very important role?

1. Malvina (A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key")

2. Little Red Riding Hood (Ch. Perrot "Little Red Riding Hood")

3. Cinderella (Ch. Perrot "Cinderella")

All of you, when you were little, read the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". So now we will check who remembers this fairy tale well.

· Who was the third, from whom Kolobok left?

1. Bear

2. Hare

3. Fox

Attention old legend!

Once upon a time in a village there lived a girl, Anyuta, with good heart and trusting eyes. She believed every word, found an excuse for every deed. Somehow, to her misfortune, she met an insidious seducer and fell in love with him with all her heart. And the young man was afraid of her love and hurried on the road, assuring that he would return soon. Anyuta looked at the road for a long time, quietly fading away from melancholy. And when she died, flowers appeared at the place of her burial, in the tricolor petals of which hope, surprise and sadness were reflected.

· What were these flowers?

1. Lilies of the valley

2. violets

3. Carnations

Once Aristotle was asked: “How can students succeed?” “Catch up with those ahead and not wait for those behind,” he quickly replied. And, of course, he was right! So, feel free to place bets, catch up with the first ones, so as not to end up with a nose.

Travel is exciting. Nobody argues with this. If you like to read books about travel, then this question is for you.

· This writer traveled to Lilliput, to Brobdingnag, to Laputa, Valnibari, Lognengg, Glubbdobdrib, Japan, and to the land of the Guingignoms. Who is this writer?

1. Jules Verne

2. Jonathan Swift

3. Daniel Defoe

I see Russian classics and foreign literature You know. What about 20th century literature?

Captain Tatarinov and Sanya Grigoriev never met, they lived in different time. But they were united by one thing: they were people of honor and above all valued justice. In what book can you read about how their fates intertwined?

1. L. Panteleev "Republic of Shkid"

2. V. Kaverin "Two Captains"

3. N. Dubov "Woe to one"

This writer published all his books under a pseudonym. And although he lived all his life in Russia, the heroes of his books live in fictional world, in nonexistent on geographical map cities. Odessa, Sevastopol, Feodosia under his pen turned into the cities of Zurbagan, Liss, Gelgyu, San-Tol. Real surname and the name of this writer is Alexander Grinevsky. And the pseudonym?

1. M. Gorky

2. A. Belyaev

3. A. Green

We all love fairy tales and cartoons. We watch them with pleasure.

· Does everyone remember the fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"?How many participants were in the animal ensemble?

1. Six

2. Four

3. Five

So, the first half of our game is over. And now - musical pause(song from the cartoon "The Bremen town musicians").

Black box

Our next half is called "Black Box".

(Three “black boxes” are brought into the hall. The host explains that in this half, 1 “mind” will be received by the team that guessed what is in the black box).

· Attention, black box! This box contains an object designed to hide from indiscreet looks like material values, and physical evidence of cardiac propensity. This younger relative of the chest was not let go of the heroine of Pushkin's story, going into a snowstorm for a secret wedding. Name this item. (Casket.)

What is in the black box has been used by many literary characters. For example, almost colleagues - one detective from numerous works of English, the other - French author who, by the way, used it himself. What's in the black box? (Smoking pipe.)

· The history of their invention has a thousand years. It is unlikely that someone will take the liberty of calling himself their inventor. In ancient times they were called clepsydras. Almost every one of you has such a thing. This thing goes without leaving its place. This item does not have singular. What's in the black box? (Watch)

Time flies fast. The second half of our game is over.

· But who will tell me what the expression "buy a pig in a poke" means?(Answer guys)

That's right, to get something without knowing in advance what it is.

"Pig in a bag"

So, I announce the first and last, but very mysterious auction of our game - "Pig in a Poke".

(3 bags are brought into the hall. When conducting an auction, the host puts each of them in turn in front of him.)

The sale starts. Show wisdom, friends, do not save money.

Place your bets...

· This bag contains a thing that every reader needs if he is a real reader.(Book.)

Place your bets gentlemen. Attention, next bag!

These two things that are in the bag are the companions of any literate person. They have long been necessary for those who want to express and preserve their thoughts. Name these items. (Pencil and notepad.)

Place your bets gentlemen. Attention, the last bag!

· What lies in the last bag - the brainchild of the space age, the name of which Winnie the Pooh would love, exists in many forms. The most expensive copy - 18 carat gold, pink and white diamonds - costs $66,000. Another original model fits on the visor of the cap. A person with THIS cannot come closer to Yasser Arafat than 200 meters. What is it? (Cellular telephone.)

Resources used:

Intellectual and educational game



  1. Development cognitive activity students.
  2. Expanding students' horizons.
  3. Developing the ability to make decisions independently and in a group.


  1. Audio recordings of the songs "Hymn of Dunno and his friends", "Hymn of Znayka and his friends".
  2. Presentation "Intellectual Casino".
  3. Black box with needle, scissors and ball.
  4. A wooden gavel for the auction and a bag with prizes for the Cats.
  5. Cards with "minds", cards with answer numbers "1", "2", "3".

Event progress:

Children are seated in a semicircle. The song “Hymn of Dunno and his friends” sounds (chorus and verse).

Leader (teacher):Good afternoon, my dear smart and smart girls! I welcome you to our Intellectual Casino!* (click to show presentation slide)How much of everything in the world you already know, and how much is still unknown and you do not know! No wonder the cartoon monkey sang: “Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting” and vice versa.

Our casino is the very place where everyone who is honest, brave and unknown can earn money not just somehow, but with their own mind, their own knowledge. Only, mind you, we have special money! These are banknotes with a denomination of "1 mind" ...* Remember? As they say: one mind is good, but two is better. And you, dear players, will have exactly five “minds” for each of them today. Moreover, during the game you can both increase your "mental state" and become bankrupt, having lost all your cash.

In the game, questions from such sciences are waiting for you: literature, mathematics, history, geography, linguistics, etc. I name the area of ​​​​knowledge and the question, and if you decide to answer, you will have to bet on “one mind”! If you are lucky, your bet is doubled, you earn one more "mind". If you are wrong - and then do not despair - your "minds" will replenish the cashier of our fun casino.

As you can see, the conditions of the game are simple: I ask a question and give three possible answers. You must choose the correct answer and hold up the sign with the corresponding number: 1, 2, 3(or show the same number of fingers).

Attention! The first half of the game is called"One mind is good, but 10 is better". *

  1. * A question from the field of linguistics. Who is brave?
  • What does the phrase "mind over mind" mean?*

1) the person is tired and does not understand +

2) thinks a lot

3) dreams

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * The next question will reveal how close you are folk image thoughts, folk wit. So let's place our bets!
  • The Russian proverb says that he "will give odds even to a thief." Who is this about? *

1) fool 2) robber 3) gambler +

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Question from the field of mathematics. Please be smart... Who wants to try their luck? Let's place bets!
  • What is more expensive: a royal wagon with gold coins of 5 rubles or half of it with gold coins of 10 rubles?*

1) full for 5 rubles +

2) half of 10 rubles

3) are equal

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * A question from the field of literature. Let's place bets!
  • Which of the Russian classics was born in 1799?*

1) Pushkin + 2) Gogol 3) Lermontov

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Did you know folk omens about the weather? Who understands signs, place your bets!
  • If there was frost at night, then in the morning it will be… *

1) snow 2) rain 3) clear weather +

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Which of you, O most worthy of the worthy, is in harmony with geography? Let's place bets!

Attention riddle:

I go - and he goes, I stand - and he is with me,

I decided to fly up - the edge of the circle moved away.

I went down lower - the edge became closer to me,

But still, do not dream of grabbing that circle by the edge.*

1) beam of light 2) horizon + 3) compass

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * A question from the realm of history. Let's place bets!
  • Which country is the birthplace of our Russian nesting dolls? *

1) India 2) Japan + 3) Russia

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * A question from the field of literature. Who is betting?
  • You know, fairy tales are folk and author's. Fairy tales are divided into several groups. What group of fairy tales does not exist? *

1) magical 2) economic + 3) about animals

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Zoology. Those interested please place your bids!
  • Which snake venom is considered the most deadly? *

1) efa 2) king cobra + 3) gyurza

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Sport. Let's place bets!
  • What is the name of the sport in which downhill skiing is carried out from the mountains on special ice tracks on a controlled sled?*
  1. bobsleigh + 2) slalom(mountain skiing, rowing, water skiing) 3) freestyle (ski ballet)
  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Question from the field of geography. Who is betting?
  • Which island is the largest?*
  1. Madagascar 2) Honshu 3) Greenland +
  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Education. Those interested please place your bids!
  • What was the first writing material invented by the Egyptians around 2000 BC?*
  1. papyrus + 2) birch bark 3) parchment
  • So, the correct answer.*

* (game splash screen)

dynamic minute. * (Sounds "Hymn to Znayka and his friends")

Presenter: The next half is called"Black box". * This assignment is for a team. Five of them discuss it for exactly 30 seconds, one person gives an answer. If the answer is correct, then each team member gets "one mind". Attention! "Black box"!

  • It contains an item with which you can make the most wonderful things, and you can even kill one scary character Russian folk tales.(needle)
  • This box contains something that showed the path not only to Ivan Tsarevich, but also to one of the mythical heroes of ancient Greece.(ball of thread)
  • This box contains something that can find a needle in a haystack, and without which the profession of "killing seven in one fell swoop" is inconceivable.(scissors)

So the second half of the game is over. Now we have to calculate who has the most "minds" and reward the lucky one! (Rewarding.)

And this minute the last one begins"mysterious" auction "pig in a poke". * Hammer sale begins...

Cat number 1. In the bag is what every excellent student has. A good person may or may not have it ... The starting price is only "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! So, lucky man, get a "pig in a poke" - this is a "5" in literary reading or the environment of your choice. (Handed "5", cut out of cardboard.)

Cat number 2. This item will help to be neater and more accurate, and therefore more successful.

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Comb.)

Cat number 3. Today you dreamed about them

Someone lost them today

You can't do without them

Then pay and don't be stingy!

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (5 "minds")

Cat number 4. He, according to educators, is simply necessary to inspire and support what is good in children.

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Chocolate.)

Cat number 5. This item will make your creation and your life brighter and more colorful.

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Pencils or paints.)

Cat number 6. Usually, at first glance, the owner of this thing is taken by everyone for an excellent student. Who wants to buy it? It's good for the image. Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Masquerade glasses.)

Cat number 7. This item is necessary to wipe your nose with all your brilliant knowledge.

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Handkerchiefs.)

Cat number 8. This is a puzzle game that develops attention, logical, imaginative and thinking, arbitrary, as well as deductive thinking. (Puzzles.)

Cat number 9. This item is needed in order not to lose and fix smart thoughts.

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Pen - 6 pcs.)

Cat number 10. This item is simply necessary for both the artist and the draftsman.

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Pencil - 6 pcs.)

Incentive prizes from the cafe "Yum-yum". (Candies.)

* So the work of our Intellectual Casino is over. With your activity and intelligence, you ruined our casino today, which cannot but rejoice. Read more, explore the world and welcome to our Smart Casino, where everyone who is honest, smart and unknown can glorify his name with his mind.

The game "Intellectual casino"

One often hears the opinion that children, even those who go to school with a desire, soon lose it. Why is this happening? But because as soon as a child enters school, a whole string of oppositions is imposed on him. He was a "kid", and now a "student". He had a carefree, almost festive life, and now all work and duties. Is it not this truth that kills the child's desire to learn and even just go to school? That's why Primary School should keep the element of celebration, joy in the souls of little students. It should be full of discoveries that will invite children to class, and then these years of happiness will be filled for a long time.

Purpose of the game:

Intellectual game activates cognitive activity students primary school, forms interest, enthusiasm, quality of knowledge. The game allows talented children to discover and activate their abilities. Insecure and lazy students - to develop initiative, quick wits. Even the smallest achievements give rise to a student's faith in his abilities. It is necessary to support the curiosity of the children, to show that the teacher believes in their strength, together with them rejoices at the success of each. Such games also develop attention, memory, the ability to quickly respond, make decisions.

Holding intellectual games encourages teacher-student collaboration. The game provides an opportunity to show and show their talents.

Good afternoon, dear smart and smart people! I welcome you to our intellectual casino! Today you will need all your knowledge, erudition and talents.

Our casino is the very place where everyone can earn money not somehow, but with their own mind. Our money is special. These are banknotes with a denomination of "one mind". As the saying goes, "One mind is good, but two is better." And you, dear players, will have exactly five each. Moreover, during the game you can both increase your mental state and become bankrupt, having lost all your talents.

There are 4 halves in the game: 1st half - questions, by answering which you will earn your money, in 2nd half you will show your talents, 3rd half is called the "Black Box", 4th half - the mysterious auction "Pig in a Poke". Here you will spend the earned money. After the game earned "minds" - the money can be exchanged for prizes.

In the game you will find 18 questions from different areas of knowledge: literature, mathematics, linguistics, art, nature, history. I name the field of knowledge, and if you decide to answer, you will have to bet on "one mind". If you are lucky, your bet is doubled, you earn one more "mind". If you are wrong - then do not despair - your "minds" will replenish the cashier of our casino. As you can see, the conditions of the game are simple: I give a question and 3 possible answers. You must choose the correct answer and hold up the sign with the corresponding number. But let's agree - the one who makes his bet has the right to answer the question. The rest are silent! Are the rules of the game clear? BEGIN!!!

1 half

1. A question from the fascinating field of mathematics.

Who is brave? Place your bets ladies and gentlemen!

Bets are placed (gong).

Attention, the question is: How many coins did Pinocchio have?

Answer options: one, ten, five.

Answer: Pinocchio had 5 coins.

You've probably heard the saying, "risk is a noble cause." It's just about us. Whoever makes a bet risks financially, but the one who does not make a bet also risks! It is not known whether he will succeed in increasing his fortune?

2. A question from the field of linguistics.

Place your bets (gong).

Question: What word has the prefix "PO" in its composition?

Answer options:




Answer: Plantain - from the word: with the help of the suffix -nick-.

Please concentrate! Mathematicians play.

Place your bets, experts!

3. Question and task: Three little pigs, celebrating the victory over the wolf, opened a large box of chocolates. How many sweets were in it if: Nif-Nif ate 1/3 of all the sweets, Naf-Naf - the same amount, and Nuf- Nuf- the remaining 17 pieces. How many candies did they eat?

Answer options:




Answer: There were 51 candies in the box. Pigs ate 17 candies each.

4. - Place your bet soon, ladies and gentlemen.. The challenge is a joke.

The rooster crowed and woke up 1 person. How many roosters does it take to wake up 10 people.

Answer options:

Answer: 1 cock.

Did some of you guess? No big deal, well done anyway. After all, even the great Socrates once said: "I only know that I know nothing."

Chinese philosopher Confucius said: “It is good to have natural talent, but exercises, friends, give us more than natural talent.”

Who will play with me?

5 . Question from the field of zoology.

Zoology is the science of ... (animals).

Why does an ostrich hide its head in the sand?

Answer options:

Looking for food.

Because of fear.

Free from insects.

Answer: Get rid of insects.

6. - Another question from this area.

Why do rabbits have long ears?

Answer options:

To hear better.

To not overheat.

For cornering braking.

Answer: In order not to overheat. The hare sweats them. The ears serve as organs of heat transfer.

7. - All of you, dear wise men, lovers of history.

Place your bets, historians!

During the hunt, the ancient Slavs left the first killed animal to the owner of the forest. And what was his name?

Answer options:




Answer: Goblin. The Slavs believed that their owner, the goblin, was in the forest, and the lord of rivers and lakes was called the water one. Brownie, goblin, water - these are not people, but spirits. Nobody saw them, but the Slavs imagined them to look like people. They believed that many things in people's lives depend on the will of the spirits. Kikimora is a small invisible woman in the house. Evil and harmful.

Aristotle was once asked:

How can students succeed?

To catch up with those who are ahead and not wait for those who are behind, - he quickly answered. And he was, of course, right.

8. - Question from the same area of ​​history.

Which of the heroes did not learn to read and write, did not sit down to read books, but learned from an early age to wield a spear, shoot from a bow, tame heroic horses?

Answer options:

Ilya Muromets.

Alesha Popovich.


Answer: Alyosha Popovich.

There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

9. - Place your bets, gamers. A fairy tale awaits you!

What flowers did the stepdaughter collect in Marshak's fairy tale "12 months".

Answer options:


Lilies of the valley.


Answer: Snowdrops.

10. 100 questions, 100 answers,

In them I will find 100 secrets.

All the secrets I know

If I visit a fairy tale.

What did the soldier cook in one fairy tale?

Answer options:

Soup from a broom.

Porridge from an ax.

Pilaf from a boot.

Answer: Porridge from an ax. Russian folk tale(grade 2).

11. - Your bet will be doubled if you answer correctlyquestion from the field of literature.

Which of these fairy tales is literary?

Answer options:

Frost Ivanovich.


Two frosts.

Answer: Moroz Ivanovich. Who wrote? - Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky.

12. - IN fine arts many genres . Here we will talk about them ...

What, have you already placed your bets?

Wonderful! But remember that false knowledge, like one of the great ones, is worse than total ignorance.

What is the name of the artist who depicts animals?

Answer options:



Animal painter.

Answer: Animalist

13. - Question for lovers and connoisseurs of the Russian language.

For a crazy idea

We invite literates.

Come on, dear literate,

Sit and sweat!

Question: Pa.?.bishche.

Answer options:



Answer: Pasture.

14. - Let's take a quick look at the map. How many memorable names and titles are there.

Let's place bets!

Which continent has no rivers?

Answer options:




Answer: Antarctica. The coldest place on the planet is Antarctica. Ice-bound continent at the South Pole.

15 . Now let's turn our cheerful look at biology.

Biology is the science of animals, plants, bacteria and fungi.

Place your bets, nature experts.

Which of these poisonous mushrooms growing in our forests, is the most poisonous?

Answer options:

Fly agaric.

Death cap.

Bile mushroom.

Answer: Pale toadstool. Pale grebes look like edible mushrooms champignons, but in white grebes the underside of the cap is greenish-white, and in champignons it is pink.

16 . - Another question for biologists.

What is the best plant to purify the air from pollution?

Answer options:




Answer: Poplar.

17. - Please focus. This is an entertaining, witty question for mathematicians.

Write the answer to this expression as a number:


Answer options:

Answer: 2.

18. - "Everything that comes to mind, think twice and thrice" - says a popular saying.

But I'm afraid you'll have to hurry today, because it's last question my dears.

Place your bets.

Who used to be called a brain shaker?

Answer options:

Lobotryasa (loafer, lazy person).



Answer: Lobotryaska.

Couldn't answer correctly?

The Greek Chilo said two thousand years ago: "Even a philosopher like me finds it difficult to answer stupid questions."

I am glad that you answered my questions without much difficulty.

Let's count the earned "minds" and honor the winner according to all the rules of our casino.

(Name) more than all earned "minds". Let's rejoice for (name)! (clap)

Encouragement Prize! In your name, we open an account in our intellect bank and deposit a fireproof amount of … minds into the account.

( Name) earned ... minds. rejoice for (Name). In your name, we also open a bank account and deposit a fireproof amount ... minds into the account. (Give passbook).

If during the game someone lost all their minds:

- ( Name) is bankrupt.

Don't worry! The casino gives you the “Golden Mind” as a keepsake (On yellow cardboard, behind the words).

Thank you (names) for participating in the game (applause).

2nd half .

Homework“I can… I love…”

Now let's get some rest!

Show your talent. And the jury will rate 1,2,3 "mind".


Let's prepare pens, leaves.

There are 2 items in a box.

Guess the 1st item.

Bet 2 minds. If you guess what is in the black box - your bet is doubled, if you lose - your "minds" are transferred to me.

Good luck.

Who is betting?

Bets are made.


I read the description of the subject, you write the answers large on a piece of paper.

Attention: black box.

There is a book in the black box. You all love fairy tales. I will tell you summary fairy tales, and you try to guess its name. "The tale tells about the cultivation of a new variety of vegetables, requiring the maximum cost of harvesting."

Answer: the book "Turnip".

The manager is in the black box school life, to which not only students, but also teachers, and even the director of the school obey!

Answer: call.

I show the item, but I do not give it away.


"Cat in a bag". Mystery Auction.

Hammer sale begins! Show your wisdom, friends, spend money on a "pig in a poke", do not save money.

We will have 2 "pig in a poke".

cat number 1 . There is a very truthful thing in the bag (from Pushkin's fairy tale).

Starting price 1 "mind".

Who wants to buy valuable thing for 1 mind?

For 2, for 3… 1-2-3 sold!

So, lucky guy, get a pig in a poke.

I'm getting a mirror! "Light, my mirror, tell me

Tell me the whole truth…”

Cat #2 . I have a magic wand, friends, with this wand I can build a tower, a house and an airplane and a huge steamship.

Answer: Pencil.

Starting price 1 min.

Who wants to buy this magic wand for 1 mind?...

The owners of this wand became (Name). build(Name) a tower, a house and an airplane, and a huge steamer and sail on it through the Land of Knowledge.

The sale has ended.


Now we just have to count the “minds” of each and issue a check for this amount. Minds count, write down.


(Name) receives a check for the amount of ... "minds", etc.

After the game, you can exchange the check for prizes.

In memory of our game of intelligence - the bank gives you a "golden mind"

I read the words on the back.

Thank you all for participating in the game and for your help!!!

This program has been firmly in the broadcasting grid of Channel One for several decades, where it has been since its inception. The times demanded updates regarding the design of the studio, rules, and tournament schemes. Those who constantly remained behind the scenes also changed. Who is the host of “What? Where? When?" This and other questions will be discussed further.

Simple rules and the main riddle

It is considered one of the first television mind games. The rules are quite simple and clear. Six people from the team must correctly answer questions sent by viewers. One minute is allotted for this. In case of an incorrect answer, the money wagered (the estimated amount of the question) is sent to the TV viewers.

From somewhere above comes the voice of the host. Neither connoisseurs nor viewers see him, and for a long time everyone was wondering who the host of “What? Where? When?" Is it a real person, or an edited voice? Of course, there were guesses, but now this fact leaves no doubt. Moreover, the presenters have changed several times since the creation of the program. Despite this, the image of an invisible person is still the main feature of the program.

Age is not a vice

The creation of the TV game is rooted in history and dates back to 1975. It was then that for the first time Vladimir Voroshilov presented his brainchild. He became a person who realized his own idea of ​​​​what the program should be like, and for a long time remained its permanent leader. Initially, the rules differed from those that are familiar to the current viewer, but in general, the general atmosphere of the game has been preserved for forty long years.

Almost immediately, the famous “top”, which is a symbol of the program, was invented. He decided which question would be considered, who would answer. The game was later positioned as a television youth club. During its existence, the program has gained a huge number of fans. But how well do they know all its ins and outs?

For example, few people remember that at first Voroshilov was involved in the program as its creator. He remained behind the scenes, watching what was happening from the side. In this case, it is quite logical to ask who is the host of “What? Where? When?" on the first game. Many will be surprised, but the debut issue was led by Alexander Maslyakov. He gave way to Vladimir Yakovlevich, and he returned to his "Club of the cheerful and resourceful."

At first there was no team of TV viewers. She showed up later. That is why Vladimir Voroshilov personally came up with the first tasks. When these duties were removed from him, the editors had to sort through thousands of letters, looking for the most interesting questions. Since 1991, significant changes have been associated with the usual rules of the game. So, it turned into an intellectual casino. According to the audience, this name most accurately reflected the real essence. The transfer made it possible to earn money with one's own mind, which was especially important in a difficult period for the country.

New faces, old trends

In 2001, Vladimir Voroshilov died. It was a big loss for the program, but the channel's management did not intend to close it. Boris Kryuk became the new host. "What? Where? When?" has not undergone global change, but added a touch of intrigue. In the first editions, where Boris participated as a presenter, his voice was distorted using a computer so that no one could guess who was hiding in the commentator's booth. After some time, he revealed his identity, but refrained from appearing in the frame.

Got on TV adolescence. His mother was Vladimir Voroshilov's main assistant in creating the program. Moreover, she married him. Vladimir Yakovlevich, thus, became a stepfather for Kryuk. From the first issues, he sat next to Voroshilov, listening to his technique and experience. For a long time hosted Love at First Sight and Brain Ring.

With the advent of Boris into the game, many noted his atypical refereeing style, which was not always liked by connoisseurs and spectators. At the same time, the transmission of “What? Where? When?" became more intense and emotional. The main thing is that intellectual excitement is still felt in it. In addition to his current position in the game, Boris Kryuk remains vice president of the club association. He also holds a senior position in the company "Game-TV".

Modern relevance

Having become acquainted with the path that the program has taken since its inception, we now know who the host of “What? Where? When?" Today, the program has not lost its former popularity. We have to admit that the game has become more commercialized. But the audience is still waiting for new episodes with the same interest, and connoisseurs are opening up new opportunities in the knowledge of the things around us.

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