Interesting and scary facts. Cannibals in Siberia


It didn't sound. But it's one thing to go to another world in old age, in own house on a soft bed, and it is completely different - to die in the prime of life with the most terrible death.

To begin with, we will tell you some stories about the most terrible and mystical deaths in the world.

Two brothers

No wonder they say that the twins are connected by an invisible thread, they not only feel each other at a distance, but even experience the same feelings at the same moment in time.

Two seventeen-year-old twin brothers from Finland tragically died two hours apart under the same circumstances. They were both motorcyclists, and both were hit by trucks while crossing the same road, but at different kilometers.

Burnt out like a match

In the 90s, information began to appear about spontaneous human combustion. Several hundred cases were confirmation that this phenomenon actually exists.

For unknown reasons, the bodies of people ignited and continued to burn until the fire "ate" them completely.

One of the oldest deaths in the world, among others, chose the American Henry Thomas. He was watching TV while sitting in a chair when the flames suddenly engulfed him. No things in the house, and, in fact, the house itself, were not damaged. But from the body of Henry there was only a skull and part of a leg in a shoe.

killer animals

No, no, these animals are not predators at all. The point here is quite different.

  • An Italian farmer lay down to rest on the grass while hunting rabbits. The man placed the gun beside him. One small rabbit, running past, touched the trigger. The gun fired straight at the farmer. He died on the spot.
  • Fisherman from South Korea Gutted the fish he caught to put it up for sale. He raised the knife over a large fish, but it turned out to be alive and unexpectedly waved its tail, hitting the knife. It fell out of the hands of the fisherman and hit right in his chest, not even leaving the slightest chance for salvation.

The reasons for these ridiculous and some of the most scary cases death - in the banal negligence of people.

Death in the shadow

Two elderly Italians argued for a long time about which of them would take a place in the shade of a palm tree. The old man who won the argument did not even have time to properly enjoy his victory, the tree fell on him and crushed him to death.


  • In the Vietnamese city of Hishim, 50 onlookers gathered on a small bridge watching a young girl commit suicide. The bridge could not withstand the load and fell. 9 people died. The girl who tried to commit suicide was saved.
  • In Prague, at least tragic case. A woman who believed the rumors about her husband's infidelity decided to take her own life. She stepped from the balcony of her apartment on the 3rd floor and fell right on the head of her husband, who was returning home. The man died, and his wife woke up in the hospital.


  • A New Yorker who was hit by a car but received no injuries decided to capitalize on the situation and lie under the car, pretending to be crippled. As soon as he was under the car again, he moved and ran into the crook, crushing him to death.
  • A resident of Bonn wanted to rob the local Museum of Art. Caught in the eyes of the guards, he started to run. Turning the corner, I came across one of the exhibits called "Instrument of Justice". The meter sword pierced the failed thief through and through.

The scariest celebrity deaths

From sudden departure no one is safe in the other world. Very often one hears about the death of a beloved star, especially if there are a lot of idols.

Perhaps you have already heard about these terrible deaths people famous all over the world.

Bruce and Brandon Lee

The famous actor died right on film set. Official version- Allergic to the painkiller that Bruce was injected with so that he could continue filming. However, some argue that Bruce Lee was inflicted death blow delayed action, which is owned by some representatives of the Chinese mafia (there was evidence that in his youth the actor had enemies from that environment). Surprising is the fact that the film on the set of which the actor died was called "Games of Death".

Brandon Lee repeated the fate of his famous father and also died on the set, but under different circumstances. The actor starred in the movie "The Crow". In the final scene, his character is killed off. The double was filmed, but even after the director reported that the scene had been successfully filmed, Brandon continued to lie like a dead man. The assistants who came to the rescue saw that the actor was actually bleeding. He died in the hospital 12 hours later.

Isadora Duncan and her children

famous American dancer died very strangely and absurdly. Shortly before her death, a strange woman looked into her room in Vienna, where the dancer was on tour, and said that she was sent by God to strangle Isadora. Later it turned out that this woman was mentally ill. However, the plans of God were destined to come true. Isadora did indeed die of asphyxiation and a broken neck when her beloved long red scarf got caught on the axle of the car she got into. The car started moving, the scarf wound around the wheel, Isadora died tragically.

14 years before own death Isadora lost two children. She went on business to Paris, and sent the children with a chauffeur to Versailles, where she then lived with her family. On the way, the car stalled, the driver went out to see what was the matter, and the car rolled down into the river. The babies could not be saved. The worst deaths in the world are the deaths of your own children. Isadora could not find peace until the end of her life.

Jack Daniel

American Jack Daniel - the creator of the famous whiskey Jack Daniel's - long and painfully died of sepsis. He got blood poisoning as a result of numerous kicks on the safe, the code from which he could not remember. By the way, it was his famous whiskey that was stored in the safe. If Jack still managed to open it, he could treat the finger with his own product and prevent infection from entering it. Alas and ah.

The most terrible death: top 8

Not always a person dies under mystical or mysterious circumstances. We present to your attention the 8 most terrible causes of death, which, according to doctors, are the most painful:

  1. Hunger. A person can live without food for about two months. However, after 10 days of hunger, there is no strength left at all. The body begins to suck out nutrients and energy from fat. The liver begins to malfunction, releasing toxic substances that eventually kill the person.
  2. Shipwreck. During a shipwreck, a person is not only in danger of drowning, starvation or hypothermia. Even if you still managed to survive, loneliness in the middle of the ocean can drive you crazy. And also the threat of shark attacks does not leave you alone for a minute. Dehydration leads to a painful death. Some, in the hope of salvation, begin to drink sea ​​water, but it only increases the lack of water in the body, because salt draws all the remaining fluid from organs and tissues.
  3. Fall into a volcano. Of course, it is very difficult to get into the mouth of the volcano, however, if there are such daredevils, they will face a painful and most terrible death. The top layer of lava is not as hot, but as you dive deeper into it, the human body will burn for several minutes.
  4. Sacrifice. One of the most terrible deaths for people is death in the process of sacrifice. If several centuries ago this was the norm in some societies, then in today's civilized countries this crime is committed only within the framework of sects, the mere entry into which is already like death, because a person "drops out" of life and renounces everyone, including myself.
  5. Plane crash. The most terrible deaths of people in the world are deaths in a confined space. When the plane starts to fall, not only a sense of panic seizes all passengers. The rapid approach of the aircraft to the ground leads to a loss of consciousness for a couple of minutes due to lack of oxygen. When a person wakes up, the speed of the falling plane will already be prohibitively high, and no more than a few minutes will remain to live ...
  6. Predator attack. Tigers and lions kill the victim immediately, so she does not have to suffer for a long time. But hyenas and jaguars eat prey while still alive, and starting from the feet.
  7. Frostbite. Low temperature affects the human body very insidiously. At first, the muscles begin to tremble from lack of heat. Then, as a result of too active trembling, they break, and the ability to move is lost. Attempts to crawl on the ground lead to nothing. Body temperature continues to fall, and faster than the internal organs freeze. The work of the brain is disrupted, the person is no longer able to understand whether he is alive or dead.
  8. Shame."Burn with shame", everyone has heard such an expression, but no one thought that this feeling can actually "burn out". High level anxiety and stress on the basis of some act or event can lead to cardiac arrest. Prolonged self-digging slowly develops into self-destruction and possible suicide.

I would like to think that the most terrible deaths in the history of mankind happened only at a time when the death penalty not only was the only way of justice, but also carried out publicly. In fact, the insidious "old woman with a scythe" lies in wait today literally at every turn, and it's not a fact that it's safer to live today than several centuries ago. The worst thing about death is the unknown: no one knows at what point it will sneak up and what will happen after.

Our history is full of various strange, and at times frankly shocking facts. We all know that many of school curriculum removed so as not to injure the fragile child's psyche. But is it right? Users of the popular social network Reddit decided to tell us about what they know about the story, and what scary facts they were never told by the teachers.

Parents ate their children so as not to starve to death

“During Stalin's time, when Russia was in the stage of industrialization, he took away all the food and crops of the farmers, which they had been growing for so long, and the common people began to starve. This led to the fact that people began to eat other people. Many cases have been documented of parents even eating their children to keep from starving.” - R3ddittor.

People were cut off their heads and loaded into cannons

“During the Great Siege of Malta, the commander of the Turkish forces, Mustafa Pasha, ordered the bodies of knights found on the battlefield to be beheaded, nailed to wooden crosses and allowed to float in the bay in mockery of their Christian enemies. In retaliation, the enraged master La Valette ordered that all Turkish prisoners be cut off their heads, loaded into cannons and shot towards the Turkish camp ”- Fakezaga.

Squad 731 scientists performed horrific experiments, such as cutting a fetus out of a mother's womb.

“It was a group of Japanese scientists who carried out various terrible experiments with people from China during World War II. The way these people were mocked was captured in photographs, and when I read about it, I dreamed that they would simply disappear, because I had no strength to look at all this horror. I read about this incident in a book some time ago, but I remember some things clearly.
Frozen people who were on the verge of life and death were thrown into boiling water; syphilis patients were forced to have sex with completely healthy people; a child was cut out of the womb of a woman while she was on weak painkillers and so on. And I am sure that there were no experiments there. Everything they did to people was purely for fun. They were curious what would happen if... What was the worst thing about this book?
So it is that the chief "scientist" got away with it. Not only that, he recorded everything they did, and it was these recordings that gave him a ticket to freedom. Apparently, many of his studies were useful and greatly expanded our understanding of the human body "- davisbobavis.

Soldiers raped and tortured millions of innocent people

“Japanese soldiers killed, tortured and raped thousands of innocent Chinese people. In addition, they cut off the genitals of both men and women, abused children in every possible way, and also forced patients with a venereal disease to have sex with healthy ones. It's just awful" - ThatGuyYouKnow905.

He killed his own wife and blew up a school that killed many children.

Massacre at Bath School in Michigan. In 1926, a man named Andrew Kehoe was removed from his position as local clerk. In retaliation, a year later, he first killed his wife, and then blew up the school and killed quite a few children and some of the teachers. He was an electrical engineer and suffered a head injury that may have caused him to go insane. Or maybe he was just crazy from birth." - IFudgedTheMath.

Rosemary Kennedy had an unsuccessful lobotomy

“The lobotomy of Rosemary Kennedy, which brought her back to two years of age and left her disabled for life. The woman couldn't walk, and she couldn't talk." - Silly_Bun.

Francisco Macías Nguema ordered his soldiers to fire on the spectators

“Francisco Macias Nguema, the first President of Equatorial Guinea, once invited all his political rivals to big stadium on Christmas Eve under the pretext of some social event. When they all gathered and took their places, the soldiers, dressed as Santa Claus, began to shoot the audience with machine guns to the popular Christmas carols" - FuzzyMeep7.

Their hearts were torn out while they were still alive

“The Aztecs committed acts of mass human sacrifice of slaves. In one such event, over 10,000 slaves had their hearts torn out while they were still alive. By the time the Spaniard Cortes arrived, thousands of natives from the captured tribes had joined him to get rid of the Aztec empire. Over 90 percent of the army that fought against the Aztecs were native tribes" - deroque.

Cannibals in Siberia

“On one island there was a guard named Kostya Venikov, a young man. He looked after beautiful girl and also protected her. One day he had to go away for a short time, and he said to one of his comrades, "Take care of her." Unfortunately, Kostya's friend could not cope with all the people who were on this island. People caught the girl, tied her to a poplar, cut off her chest, muscles, in general, everything that could be eaten. They were hungry, they had to do it. When Kostya returned, she was still alive. A young guy tried to save his girlfriend, but she lost too much blood" - Spinner1975.

Christopher Columbus fed animals to humans

"At one point, Christopher Columbus gave a live sex slave to feed his dogs." - Junko_Enoshima.

Over a million people were hacked to death with machetes

“The genocide in Rwanda lasted 4 months. Four fucking months and a million dead. Most died from machetes" - Mumtaz3580.

Even the most ordinary things sometimes hide something terrible. Have you ever wondered how many times in your life you could be next to a dangerous criminal and not distinguish him from other passers-by? Or a sign with the warning "Swimming is prohibited" - should it be ignored? This is what some citizens do, thinking that “some kind of bacteria” will not eat them, although they just can do it - literally.

We have compiled a small selection of facts about our world, and some may seem frightening to you, although there is nothing supernatural in them.

13. Until the late 1980s, some doctors did not believe that newborns could feel pain.
A 1988 study among physicians in the UK and Ireland showed that 13% of those surveyed were sure that children aged 0 to 12 months could not feel pain, and another 23% were not completely sure. Therefore, even during major operations, doctors often managed only with local anesthesia.

The question of whether children under 1 year of age can experience pain has been the subject of debate over the years. But now it has been proven that newborns and even unborn children feel pain in the same way as adults.

12. You are more likely to die while taking a bath than win the lottery jackpot.
According to various estimates, the chances of hitting the jackpot range from 1 to 176 million ( Mega Millions) up to 1 to 15 million (“6 out of 49” lottery). Alas, the probability of death in your own bathroom is much higher - 1 in 840 thousand. But still, people continue to believe in their luck, and some people are really lucky in a big way. For example, married couple from Scotland (pictured) won £161m in 2011

11. You can be close to a killer thousands of times in your life and not notice it.

This figure depends on where you live and how many people you encounter on a daily basis. If a resident small town runs the risk of meeting about 16 murderers in his life, then an inhabitant of the metropolis, who passes by hundreds of people every day, during his life may well find himself next to a thousand criminals and not notice this.

After all, most criminals, including such cruel serial killers, like Ted Bundy (pictured), outwardly no different from other people and can lead a seemingly normal life. For example, the same Bundy worked for some time in a telephone helpline, where he provided people psychological help and even called rescuers for those who were on the verge of suicide.

It becomes uncomfortable that behind the mask of a respectable citizen was a kidnapper, a murderer and a rapist who confessed to 30 murders committed between 1974 and 1978.

10. You are 6.7% more likely to die on your birthday than any other day.

Scientists from the University of Chicago found that the probability of dying on your birthday is on average 6.7% higher than on other days. Moreover, it is highest in young people aged 20 to 29 years - 25.39%. Scary number, isn't it?

Despite the availability of drugs, it is not always possible to save people from this disease. Therefore, do not ignore the warnings that swimming is prohibited, or that you should not inhale water through your nose when swimming.

8. The bodies of climbers who died on Everest, in many cases, remain there forever.

On Mount Everest there is a so-called "death zone", which begins after the mark of 8,000 meters. Climbers who died in this zone most often remain in it forever, since the helicopter does not rise to such a height, and in such conditions carrying the bodies of the dead on oneself is an extremely dangerous task even for very experienced rescuers.

It is also shocking that the bodies of some of the dead become landmarks for other climbers. For example, one such landmark was a man known as "Green Shoes". His brightly colored shoes led the way to the top from 1996 to 2014, until his remains disappeared. Perhaps they were swept away by the wind, or someone buried the body of the unfortunate under the stones.

7. Those who spend more than 2 hours in front of the TV a day shorten their lives by 1.4 years.

This problem is far from new, as until recently TV and radio were the main source of daily news. For example, in this photo from 1991, you can see two Israeli sisters watching TV during an air raid.

The tick feeds on skin cells and fats (sebum secretion) and usually does not cause any problems, but in some cases (during illness or stress) the number of mites increases dramatically, which leads to a skin disease - demodicosis.

5. 27,000 trees are cut down every day to become toilet paper.

Another creepy figure that makes you think. We can hardly do without toilet paper, but it is possible to improve the situation if recycling technology is developed (which is done in all developed countries) and arrange the production of paper from other vegetable raw materials.

4. There are 10 times more bacteria on the surface of a smartphone than on a toilet seat.

It's no secret that many of us place our smartphone next to us on the table during lunch. Imagine a toilet seat in its place. Unpleasant, right? But at the same time, it is much less dangerous than your gadget: scientists from the University of Arizona found that there are 10 times more bacteria on the surface of a smartphone.

How to deal with it? According to experts in microbiology, it is enough to regularly wipe the smartphone with an alcohol-containing liquid or disinfectant wet wipes. There is a more radical way - to purchase a device (pictured) that kills bacteria on the surface of the gadget.

3. At the bottom of the oceans there is a whole cemetery of ships

According to UN estimates, about 3 million ships rest at the bottom of the oceans. Among them are civil and military ships of various eras, several nuclear submarines and, of course, the infamous Titanic. If you raise all these ships, then a chain of them could encircle the Earth twice along the equator.

2. Thousands of people die every year due to the illegible handwriting of doctors.

Estimated medical institute at the US National Academy of Sciences, every year in this country alone, 7 thousand patients die due to prescriptions written in illegible handwriting. To combat this phenomenon, an electronic prescription system has been introduced, which relieves pharmacists of the need to spell doctors' handwriting.

Unfortunately, this innovation is not yet available everywhere, and patients can only rely on the experience of pharmacy staff in reading prescriptions.

1. In this photo there are, albeit invisibly, all the people on Earth. All but one

This photograph captures the lunar module of the Apollo 11 spacecraft with astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin on board, the surface of the Moon and our Earth, along with all its inhabitants, including those who ever existed at that time, that is, the living, and already dead. Even those born after 1969 are, in a sense, also in this photo, as it shows their parents or grandparents.

The only person not in this photo is Michael Collins, the third lunar mission astronaut who was left alone in the command module in lunar orbit while his comrades explored the surface of our satellite. It seems that this is what universal loneliness looks like.

How many strange and incomprehensible things are happening on our planet. A selection of 10 incredible and scary facts will help you better understand what surrounds us.

1. Some butterflies are known to drink blood.

It would seem that such gentle creatures as butterflies should flutter from flower to flower, delighting human eye their beauty, well, the maximum to eat the leaves of plants. But where is it heard that butterflies drank blood, and not only animals, but also human blood. These are real vampire butterflies and call them scoops. Everything would be fine if not for one “but”: such butterflies were found in Siberia. Fortunately, only males indulge in blood. In addition to Siberia, such vampire butterflies live in some countries of Asia, Europe and Africa. hours.

2. An ordinary toilet has 400 times less bacteria than an average office desk.

You should not think that hands washed with soap will remain clean if you have to work at a desk. And those employees who monitor the cleanliness of the desktop and carefully remove any dirt from it, make the soil for the growth of bacteria even more favorable. Occupations such as teacher, accountant, banker, radio host and doctor have the most germ-infested desks. Of course, no one forces you to sleep on your face in the toilet after reading, but it’s a big delusion to think that this place is the most polluted.

3. 450 grams of peanut butter can contain up to 150 insect fragments and 5 hairs of various rodents.

Almost no American can imagine their breakfast without peanut butter-covered toast. The fact that the oil may contain some ingredients that are different from the usual for perception is not immediately believed. But this is true. According to the norm, 30 elements of insects per 100 grams of the finished product are allowed in peanut butter, that is, in each jar of oil there can be 1 element of an insect, whether it be a tail or an ear.

4. We eat insects every day.

As a rule, eating various insects is the prerogative of the South African population. For residents of other countries, for example North America, this is not the norm. Although, given that insects enter the finished product through raw materials, this will turn out to be the norm. Without knowing it, each person consumes about 430 insects per year, which is 1.2 insects per day. For example, pizza sauce can contain up to 30 fly eggs, and 100 grams of chocolate contains about 60 insect fragments. As a rule, when collecting raw materials, many insects are simply impossible to notice, so they easily get into the finished products that we eat every day.

5. The owner of the largest sexual organ on Earth is ...

The blue whale is a unique animal. It is famous not only for the size of its body, but also for other sizes. Blue whales are considered the largest animals on earth, even larger than dinosaurs, and the size of the blue whale's penis reaches 2.7 meters, from which 20 liters of seminal fluid erupt when copulating with a female. This attraction can be viewed in the museum, which is located in Iceland. True, the museum presents as an exhibit the dried genitals of a blue whale, the size of which is only 1 meter 70 centimeters.

6. Very useful "living fossil"

The horseshoe crab is a mysterious creature in every sense that lives in the ocean. Horseshoe crab does not belong to the class of crabs. This creature is more related to spiders and scorpions. Horseshoe crabs are unique in that their blood does not use an iron base for oxygen carrier, but copper. Therefore, their blood is not red, but blue. Their blood is used for medicinal purposes, and the chitin that makes up the horseshoe crab's shell is used to heal wounds. They are also used in the production of fertilizers.

7 Hunger Makes You Eat Human Bodies

The coming famine North Korea between 1995 and 1999 forced peasants to dig out of their graves and then eat human bodies. This period in history was euphemistically designated as the Difficult Campaign. It was a very difficult time for North Korea. During the famine, according to various sources, from 220 thousand to 3.5 million people died. The reasons for this situation in the country were unfavorable weather conditions, resulting in a poor harvest, as well as a sharp reduction in international supplies and ineffective management policies. The survivors had no choice but to engage in cannibalism, no matter how scary it may sound.

8. Useful properties of marijuana

No matter how strange it may seem, but the substance that is obtained from marijuana stops the growth of cancer cells in the human body, and also helps to stop their growth. TO useful properties This herb can also be attributed to the fact that it awakens the appetite of cancer patients undergoing treatment. Another plant is used in industry, construction. Does marijuana seeds contain a large number of essential amino acids so necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

9. What horror lurks in our mattresses

In addition to the dust that the mattress is saturated with during its operation by a person, it contains many more "interesting" things. Over time, the mattress is inhabited by dust mites - these are invisible pests for our health. For 10 years, thanks to mites and their feces, dust and keratinized skin flakes, the weight of our mattresses has approximately doubled. Therefore, you need to change the mattress more often.

10. Alcohol has many health benefits.

It turns out that small doses of beer (350 ml) are useful, as they contain antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on heart health, which cannot be said about large doses. And vodka is generally a universal product. This drink can be consumed not only inside, but also used as compresses. Vodka also helps with herpes, fever and Alzheimer's disease. For scurvy, a mixture of rum and wine with lime juice is used.

Who in childhood did not sit by the fire, when, under the crackle of firewood, everyone takes turns telling “horror stories” about ghosts, demons and zombies. But scientists know that there is real facts much creepier than ghost stories. Today 10 amazing facts which are far stranger and scarier than fiction.

1. Space Madness

There is a lot of talk these days about going to Mars and even colonizing the Red Planet. The United States says it is ready to make this project a reality by 2030. But the results of one study in which laboratory mice were exposed to the highly charged particles that astronauts would be exposed to in deep space led to very disturbing findings.

Exposure to particles caused brain inflammation in mice, leading to dementia, loss of cognitive ability and the disappearance of the "fear instinct" - the process by which the brain cuts off associations associated with fear over time. The absence of this instinct leads to a state of constant anxiety. This "cosmic madness" did not pass in rodents even six months after their irradiation. There is currently no known way to completely shield astronauts from exposure to these particles.

2 Spider Virus

The WO virus only infects bacteria that live inside spiders and insects. As you know, bacterial viruses often "steal" parts of the DNA code of bacteria that they infect. But it was recently discovered that WO stole an entire gene from the black widow spider that actually makes this spider so venomous. This gene is thought to have helped the WO virus fight its way through cell walls bacteria. It was also found that the virus also borrows other genes that help it cope with the victim's immune system. Overall, WO is now a virus that mutates rapidly, is resistant to the immune system, and has the strongest poison gene. Luckily, it doesn't "touch" people yet.

3. Second fault

For years, seismologists have reported that California's famous San Andreas Fault was long overdue for a major earthquake of magnitude 8 or higher on the Richter scale. However, the reason why it has not yet happened has recently come to light. A second fault, 56 kilometers long, was discovered that runs parallel to the San Andreas Fault under Salton Lake. It is he who can "restrain" an earthquake. His discovery prompted a complete reassessment of the seismic hazard for the southern region of the state, in particular, for Los Angeles, San Diego and San Berdardino. However, if an earthquake does occur, it will be much more destructive due to the Salton Fault.

4 Killer Machine

While there are many potential applications for artificial intelligence (AI) in the future, a group of researchers at Carnegie Mellon University decided to demonstrate one application that everyone feared and hoped would not happen. They taught advanced neural networks kill everyone indiscriminately. As long as they made it to virtual world, designed specifically for this purpose, namely in the game Doom. The AI ​​navigates this world by learning what is happening on the screen like a normal human player. Eventually, artificial intelligence, who was trained to kill using the carrot and stick method - "rewarding for killing and punishing for taking damage and death", it took very little time to completely dominate all human opponents. Currently, the killing machine can only play video games, but retrain it to " real life"It's not difficult at all.

5. Carolina Butcher

Paleontologists State University North Carolina recently discovered a previously unknown species of animal that is older than dinosaurs and early relatives of crocodiles. Even though this creature has been extinct for over 230 million years, the fact that it once roamed the Earth is enough to cause nightmares. They named him Carnufex carolinensis ("Caroline Butcher"), which is very appropriate name for a crocodile-like creature that was 3 meters long and walked on two legs like a human. It is also interesting that this animal did not live in water, but on land. With blade-like teeth and much greater mobility than modern crocodiles, Carnufex was probably one of the best predators before dinosaurs.

6. Worm

7. Supernatural song of Jupiter

NASA's Juno spacecraft has now orbited Jupiter for 20 months, collecting data on the mysterious gas giant. During one of the flybys of the planet, Juno collected data on radio emissions from the planet's auroras. Scientists on Earth then decoded the resulting data into sound files. The result is a real soundtrack of a horror movie from the depths of space. These emissions in the planet's atmosphere, which are the strongest of their kind in solar system, are generated by electrons of unknown origin. Scientists are now hoping to find out where they come from.

8. Ghost in the car

Often people feel, for no good reason, that they are being watched. Even if there is no one around, this feeling is terribly unnerving. Scientists may have discovered why this happens and how it can be replicated. In 12 patients who experienced similar sensations, areas of the brain corresponding to self-perception were damaged. The researchers hypothesized that in such people the brain misinterprets the signals it receives from the senses and which are intended for orientation in space.

As part of the experiment, the robot imitated the movements of the subject's finger, as if drawing on his back. The participants did not report anything suspicious until the robot's movements were out of sync with their own. Patients immediately reported strong feeling someone standing behind them, and many were so frightened that they asked to stop the experiment.

9. Living Dead

10. Matthew's face

Hurricane Matthew, currently raging in America, is the first Category 5 hurricane since 2007. Matthew caused catastrophic destruction and hundreds of deaths. The island of Haiti was particularly affected, where, according to various estimates, from 500 to more than 1,300 people died. When Matthew hit Haiti on October 4, a NASA weather satellite took an infrared image of him. The shape of the storm bears an obvious resemblance to a grinning skull in profile, and the "eye" of this skull is actually the eye of the storm.

Especially for those who are interested in astronomy and everything connected with it.

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