How to get turquoise color from watercolor paints. How to get pale turquoise


Tangerines are perhaps the most favorite citrus fruit for both children and adults. For some, this is due to memories of childhood, some simply love tangerines for their sweetness, which is rarely found in fruits of the citrus family. However, all this does not matter - tangerines, like all other fruits, bring a lot of benefits to the human body, but in some cases they can cause quite tangible harm.

Varieties of tangerines

China is considered the birthplace of this fruit - in this country, tangerines have been known for a long time, but earlier only wealthy people could afford to use them. Now tangerines are available to everyone, and the suppliers of this citrus fruit are Spain, Morocco, Sicily and Argentina. Of course, there are also Abkhazian tangerines, but the above countries are the largest suppliers of the delicacy in question.

Consumers commit big mistake, calling absolutely all orange citrus fruits tangerines - even they can count many varieties. For example:

  • sweet pitted tangerine - satsuma;
  • the thickest-skinned mandarin is the santra;
  • a hybrid of mandarin and orange - natsumikan;
  • a hybrid of mandarin and kumquat - calamondin;
  • the most sour mandarin is unshiu.

And this is only a small fraction of all existing varieties of the fruit in question! But experts have a clear division: yellow-fruited fruits are tangerines, and bright orange varieties are called tangerines.

Despite the fact that in nature there is a wide variety of types of tangerines, their vitamin composition does not differ.

Tangerines: composition and calorie content

Nutritional value of 100 g:

A distinctive feature of the citrus fruit in question is the content in it of a large amount, which is stored in fruits long time. The composition also includes fiber and phytoncides, sugars and organic acids, beta-sitosterol and mineral salts. Even the peel of these fruits is valuable, as it contains vitamins C and P, aldehydes, citral, and essential oils.

Useful properties of tangerines

It is worth noting the most valuable useful property the product in question is the restoration of the amount of vitamins in the body. In addition, tangerines:

  • perfectly remove thirst;
  • saturate the body with the necessary amount of ascorbic acid;
  • when partially helps to reduce body temperature;
  • provide improved digestion;
  • help to alleviate the condition of a person with.

Tangerines are recognized as antimucus and decongestant, so they have a beneficial effect on the bronchi. Relatively recently, it was found that regular consumption of tangerines reduces the risk of developing heart pathologies, prevents deposition on the vessel walls and prevents development.

Note:to get the maximum benefit from tangerines, you need to use them together with a white mesh that envelops the fruit slices - it contains glycosides that positively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

An excellent option for saturation with vitamin C, the body of a pregnant woman will also be the use of tangerines, but given that their excessive consumption can lead to development in both the woman and the fetus, a maximum of 2 fruits per day will be absolutely safe. Incidentally, women interesting position"can also prepare a decoction of tangerine peel in the proportion of raw materials from one fruit to a glass of boiling water. This remedy perfectly removes, which will help to cope with toxicosis.

Possible harm to tangerines

Despite the excellent taste and great benefits, the product in question can cause harm to a person:

And one more thing - you can not use immediately a large number of tangerines, because this can provoke the development of hypervitaminosis. Eating 2-3 kilograms of the product in question at once and “stocking up” with vitamins for two to three months will not work, but the body can react to such “exploits” with the appearance of a rash and a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Features of the selection and storage of tangerines

In order for the use of tangerines to bring pleasure and benefit, you need to be able to choose them. First you need to focus on the country of origin of this product - for example, Spanish tangerines are considered the most delicious / sweet and, alas, expensive, but citrus fruits from Turkey will be the cheapest, but also sour with stones. If the variety of tangerines is still embarrassing, then you need to do it simply - purchase one fruit of each type and select the most suitable one by sampling.

Of course, it is important to buy tangerines with a whole peel, which should not have stains or rot.

Ripe tangerines cannot be stored for a long time, so you need to know the features of this process - as a rule, before winter holidays people try to buy the fruit in question in advance. If you put tangerines in a special compartment of the refrigerator, which maintains the right temperature specifically for fruits, then they will last for a long time. It is important not to let the tangerines dry out, but also to pack them in tightly closed containers. plastic bags it’s also impossible - they will simply “suffocate”, acquire an unpleasant aroma.

Note:tangerines, which are sold with a sprig and a leaf, are stored for a long time. You can also extend the shelf life in a “folk” way - process the peel of the fruit vegetable oil.

Tangerines are an amazing fruit that is not only enjoyed fresh, but also actively used for cooking meat dishes, vegetable salads and various pastries.

Despite the fact that Asia is considered the birthplace of the mandarin, that in China and Japan it acts as a symbolic fruit, for most people the sweet orange fruit is firmly associated with the winter season and the Christmas holidays. Indeed, it is during these months that the market stalls begin to dazzle with different varieties, most of which are not tangerines, but its “relatives” and hybrids. This fruit is of medium size and color, the color of the mandarin varies from yellow to light orange.

The benefits of tangerines of all kinds are as noticeable as their bright aroma, thanks to which the fruit will bring not only taste pleasure, but also heal the body.

Composition and calorie content of mandarin

Regardless of the variety, the common chemical composition remains the same, which allows people to choose the best taste for themselves (sour, sweet or sweet-sour) without losing benefits for the body. The peel of the fruit stores many esters, resulting in a persistent and refreshing smell. And the pulp includes:

  • Minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese);
  • Vitamin C - 100 grams contains 44% of it daily allowance, which is comparable in quantity to the content of ascorbic acid in oranges;
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Potassium and some sodium.

The nutritional value of 1 tangerine consists of carbohydrates (~13 g), dietary fiber (~1.8 g), protein (~0.8 g) and fat (~0.3 g).

Also, the fruit has valuable and rare substances. For example, choline, which is responsible for the performance of the brain and the functioning of memory. Zeaxanthin neutralizes the effects of ultraviolet rays on the human body, while lutein keeps vision healthy, sharp and clear.

How many calories are in a tangerine depends on the size of the fruit and its hybridity, as the sweeter varieties will have around 50-53 kcal per 100 grams. And if you buy the usual sour types, then the calories in mandarin will be 41-49 kcal.

What are the benefits of tangerines?

Bright citrus tangerines, the benefits and harms of which have been repeatedly proven by scientists and ancient Chinese healers, ripen in late autumn, so they can be used by residents of the northern hemisphere as an additional source of vitamins and minerals. Like all gifts of nature, they have a positive effect on human health.

Tangerines are useful for health almost entirely: the pulp, peel and juice are successfully used. But it is better to throw away the bones, since they contain hydrocyanic acid, a poisonous substance that, in large doses, is harmful to the human body.

In order for the fetus to be beneficial, the dosage must be observed. Doctors have long determined how many tangerines can be eaten daily, their amount depends on the age of the person. Children 3-6 years old should not be given more than 1-2 medium fruits, children 6-12 years old can increase the number of fruits to 4. Adults who do not have allergic reactions and contraindications can use as much as they like; although it is recommended to eat no more than 5 pieces of tangerine, however, if a person feels great after 7-8 pieces, then you can not be limited.

It is important for the fair sex to keep youth and improve attractiveness; orange fruits filled with antioxidants and a vitamin complex will perfectly contribute to this. Regular use of the fruit will smooth and cleanse the skin, and vitamin B1 will make the hair shiny and the nail plates strong.

For female body The benefits of tangerines are as follows:

  • The normal menstrual cycle is restored;
  • External use of juice relieves thrush;
  • Abundant menopausal bleeding is reduced due to the hemostatic properties of the fruit;
  • The emotional background is stabilized during PMS, postpartum depression, autumn blues, general fatigue disappears.

No less useful will be tangerines for pregnant women, because it is an undeniable source of micro and macro elements, vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Iron is needed during childbearing and breastfeeding, and folic acid contributes to the formation of the neural tube and the formation of red blood cells in the child. If there is not enough folic acid in the woman's body, the baby may be born small or have defects in the development of the neural tube.

Is it possible to eat tangerines in the later stages - yes, after discussing with the doctor. And on early dates fruits and infusions from the pulp will help reduce the manifestations of toxicosis. However, it is advisable to limit them to two pieces per day.

Contraindications to the use of tangerines

Like any citrus fruit, the fruit can be a strong allergen for allergic people. As a result, there will be disturbances in the body and a rash will appear.

Tangerines are harmful to health if consumed when:

  • , since the fruits increase the acidity even more and irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal organs;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • enteritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • Colitis;
  • Acute nephritis;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Tangerines for diabetes are contraindicated later, because they contain a large amount of sugar, which can aggravate the situation. In addition, their excessive consumption can cause this ailment in healthy people or provoke another aggravation.

Also, fruits should not be abused, because a large number of useful substances can provoke the occurrence.

Christmas tangerines. Benefits and calories

Fragrant, bright and juicy tangerines have long been associated with us with the New Year. The aroma of these fresh citrus fruits, along with the smell of a Christmas tree or pine, saturates the house with a sense of celebration and comfort in a cold winter evening. This smell is so closely intertwined with the coniferous aroma of spruce that it is sometimes difficult to know where one ends and the other begins.

Under the tree, in addition to beautifully wrapped gifts and various sweets, there is always a large dish of tangerines. it new year tradition, which came to us from the scarce Soviet times, has also taken root in the expanses of Russian democracy. Moreover, the choice of these fruits has become much more extensive, and you can get them without problems at any time of the year. Different varieties carry different taste and color sensations, but invariably one thing is a special tangerine-New Year spirit. Probably in every house in New Year you can see tangerines. They are not only pleasant to the taste, but also very useful and New Year's table always occupy a prominent place, and children often prefer them to candy.
It is generally accepted that Orange color tangerines already subconsciously evokes in people a feeling of joy, delight, elation. At the sight of these bright cute fruits, it already becomes fun and good. In Japan, there is a tradition according to which they symbolize the longevity of the family. So eat more tangerines - and there will be many, many more wonderful holidays ahead of you.
These orange fruits appear in our markets and stores from late autumn and bring with them a good mood, a charge of vivacity, vitamins and a sense of celebration.
All citrus fruits are rich in special substances - phytoncides, which really cause a good mood, and a high content of vitamins and organic acids enhance the positive effect. Mandarin juice improves digestion and goes well with meat, and some of the elements that make up solar fruits improve visual acuity and prevent many diseases from appearing.
There is a version that the mandarin got its name in honor of the rulers Ancient China. Fragrant citrus was considered a great luxury in those days, only the richest and noblest inhabitants of the country, tangerines, helped to afford to feast on them. At the same time, the custom appeared to present the fruits of the tangerine tree to the rulers of China as a sign of devotion and respect. Mandarin received its wide distribution in the countries of Asia because it is the most cold-resistant of all citrus crops. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, it was brought to Europe, from where it spread throughout the southern and western Mediterranean and along the regions of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in Azerbaijan.
Mandarin is a member of the citrus family, which means that it contains a lot of vitamin C, contains vitamin D, which has an anti-rachitic effect, and vitamin K, which can ensure the elasticity of blood vessels. But nitrates do not exist in these fruits, because these substances do not get along with citric acid.

Useful and medicinal properties
There are many ways to use tangerines for medicinal purposes. So tangerine juice is a useful dietary and medicinal drink. It is especially recommended for children, even infants, and the sick. The abundant use of juice is an excellent prevention of helminthiasis.
The juice is used in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. These fruits are high in the phenolic amino acid synephrine, a well-known decongestant and decongestant. To cleanse the lungs of mucus, it is recommended to drink a glass of tangerine juice every morning.
In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea, fresh fruits are very useful. Tangerine peel is part of a mixture of medicinal plants to produce a bitter tincture, which is used in medicine to increase appetite and improve digestion, it is taken 10-20 drops 15-30 minutes before meals.
In diabetes, it is recommended to drink a decoction of the peel that helps lower blood sugar levels. The peel of 3 fruits is boiled for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water, then the drink must be cooled. Keep the decoction in the refrigerator unfiltered and take half a glass twice a day.
In case of skin diseases, the effect of phytoncides contained in these fruits is so strong that fresh juice kills some fungi - trichophytosis, microsporia. To heal the skin and nails affected by the fungus, you should repeatedly rub juice from a slice or peel of a tangerine into them.
Despite the medicinal properties, tangerines can do harm. So, they irritate the kidneys and the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, they should not be used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, enteritis, colitis and exacerbations, inflammatory diseases intestines, as well as with cholecystitis, hepatitis and acute nephritis.
First of all, they love orange fruits for their taste - sweet, without a bitter aftertaste, the sugar content is 7% more than in oranges. Their crust is easily separated from the slices, there are seedless varieties, they do not deteriorate during long-term storage, while retaining all the vitamins, and do not contain nitrates. But in terms of the content of vitamins, valuable acids and trace elements, they can be safely entered into the category of champions. Tangerines contain folic and beta-carotene acid, potassium, magnesium and calcium, vitamins C, P, B1, B2, A, D, K.
It is recommended to eat whole fruits - together with a white mesh containing glycosides - substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Yes, and you should not throw away the peel, it is also very useful, due to the content in it essential oils, organic acids, flavonoids, vitamin C, carotene. A drink made from a decoction of tangerine peel and honey improves the production of gastric secretions and stimulates the absorption of food, and is simply very tasty.
You can make delicious candied fruits from the peels, which are an excellent substitute for sweets. The main scope of application is fruit salads, jams, compotes and jelly, and not only. These citrus fruits get along well with various vegetables, rice, meat and fish, so they can also be used as an ingredient in a variety of salads and hot dishes.
Tangerines smell like a miracle, a mystery, a fairy tale, snow, a Christmas tree and good mood. It is worth starting to peel them, moreover, at any time of the year, and, inhaling this delicate, sweet, peculiar aroma, we mentally move into the atmosphere new year holiday. For that alone, you can love them.
The amazing effect of the smell is in the essential oil of mandarin, which is so rich in its orange peel. This oil is quite caustic and changes its properties depending on temperature and sunlight- it can burn. It consists of α-limonene, citral, aldehydes, alcohols, anthranilic acid methyl ester. The combination of these components gives the oil, fruits, leaves and young shoots a peculiar smell that uplifts the mood and gives vigor. Yes, and looking at these fruits is a pleasure, bright orange, they give us a feeling of joy, delight and elation.

What else is useful tangerines
They are rich in B vitamins, provitamin A and vitamin P, ascorbic acid, mineral salts. But they should not be used if you are allergic to citrus fruits.
Mandarin juice will help to cope with fever, quench thirst, cleanse the lungs, those with asthma and bronchitis, and restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines. By rubbing the juice into the skin, diseases such as thrush and nail fungus can be cured.
Tangerine peel tinctures help improve appetite, and a decoction softens coughs. Well, the essential oil from these fruits is recognized as one of the best means from depression and bad mood.
The oil is widely used in cosmetology and is suitable for almost all skin types and age categories. It equally effectively fights wrinkles and acne, and also soothes sensitive skin. It also helps to get rid of cellulite.
With obesity
Studies conducted in South Korea have shown that eating tangerines reduces fat accumulation in the abdominal cavity.
Experiments have demonstrated precisely such medicinal properties of this type of fruit, which is called "tangerine" in South Korea. During the experiment, 30 fat schoolchildren regularly drank a tangerine drink for two months and performed physical exercises. Participants in the other control group also exercised for two months, but were not given a drink. As a result, it turned out that the participants in the first group got rid of 1.5% excess weight.
In another experiment, rats injected with tangerine concentrate for two months lost 59% of their abdominal fat and lost 45% weight. Similar injections to another group of experimental rats showed that these fruits help restore the liver.
Now, the Korea Rural Development Service is developing a mandarin-based medicinal drink to help fight obesity as well as senile dementia.
Earlier studies have shown that the bark of the fruit contains a large amount of polymethoxylated flavones, which have anti-atherosclerotic effects. Once in the body, they neutralize free forms of oxygen, accelerate the process of disintegration of low-density lipoproteins. In addition, an increase in their content in the body leads to a decrease in total cholesterol. When 1% flavones were added to the diet of hamsters, the content of low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol decreased by 35-40%.
Scientists from South Korea have proven that tangerines help in the functioning of the liver. Their juice reduces the degree of fatty liver, and this disease occurs in many people. Moreover, it helps to lose weight.
Japanese scientists have found that the substances contained in these citrus fruits prevent the deposition of cholesterol, help protect the heart and blood vessels from atherosclerosis. The pulp is approximately 89.7% water and 7.6-12% sugars. At the same time, nitrates do not exist in them, the guarantor of their absence is lemon acid.
In order to clear the lungs and bronchi from the accumulated mucus, in the morning you need to drink a glass of fresh juice. With bronchitis or tracheitis, a decoction of dry mandarin peel in water is useful, which has an expectorant effect. These fruits also help with heavy menopausal bleeding. Fresh juice is recommended for children and patients as a dietary and medicinal drink. At elevated body temperature, the juice will help to cope with thirst. Due to its antiseptic properties, mandarin has an antimicrobial and antiviral effect, which means that it can be used to prevent acute respiratory infections and influenza.
These delicious fruits, for all their sweetness, are included in the group dietary products and contain from 28 to 52 kcal per 100 grams of product. Calorie values ​​may vary, depending on the degree of ripening, size and variety of the fruit.
Choosing the most delicious tangerine is not difficult at all. Taste can be determined by eye. The most sour - slightly flattened, medium-sized - Unshiu. Their only plus is the absence of bones. Huge, thick-skinned Santra tangerines are the easiest to peel, but they also lack sweetness.

Mandarins are evergreen shrubs from the genus Citrus. The name has Spanish roots and means "easily cleaned." Tangerines appeared in China and from there they spread to other countries.
The area of ​​growth is: China, Egypt, Japan, Mediterranean countries, Africa, India, Brazil, South Korea, Georgia, Azerbaijan.

Tangerines are always and everywhere associated with sunny fruit, as their bright color, aroma and taste, even in winter, create a feeling of warmth and celebration. Not everyone knows that these fruits are very useful, although they have contraindications, the benefits are much greater. Not only the pulp and juice are useful, but also the peel of this fruit.

The main advantage of these fruits is the high content of ascorbic acid. With the use of just a couple of tangerines a day, you can quickly strengthen your immunity and normalize blood cholesterol levels.

In addition to vitamin C, tangerines contain vitamin A, B, D, K.

  • Vitamin A reduces eye fatigue and improves vision.
  • Vitamin B improves metabolism, memory, normalizes sleep, improves the functioning of blood vessels and the endocrine system.
  • Vitamin D very useful for children and adults, as it helps to absorb calcium.
  • Vitamin K makes blood vessels more elastic.

Fruit detoxifies. They help with sexual dysfunction in men. For women, tangerines help to normalize the menstrual cycle.

In tangerines there is such a substance as rubidium, which normalizes the work of the muscles of the digestive and nervous systems, and besides, it does not cause allergies, as it slows down histamine receptors. Rubidium is useful in small doses, as it refers to toxins.

Tangerines contain folic acid, which stimulates the brain, stomach, liver and has an antitumor effect in the prevention of ovarian and breast cancer.

Tangerines contain natural antiseptics - phytoncides, which help fight various infections. They are useful for flu, colds and other viral diseases.

Tangerine juice protects the body from diabetes mellitus, liver cancer, viral hepatitis, and also quenches thirst and alleviates the course of fever in infectious diseases. For patients with asthma and bronchitis, this juice is practically a salvation, as it removes phlegm from the bronchi and lungs.

A decoction and infusion of the peel relieve heat, have a tonic effect, have astringent and antiemetic properties.

Tangerines have decongestant, decongestant properties, relieve dry cough, flatulence and dysbacteriosis.

The decoction helps with colds, flu, depression, stress, lowers blood pressure, relieves tachycardia.

There are many useful substances in these fruits and for this reason they are used in cosmetology. In the fight against stretch marks of the skin on various parts of the body, tangerine oil is used. Postpartum seams when using this oil overgrow faster.

Video about the benefits and harms of tangerines

Harm, contraindications

In addition to the benefits, there are contraindications to this tasty and healthy fruit.

  • Tangerines act irritatingly on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, kidneys.
  • With enteritis, colic, intestinal inflammation, gastritis, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, this product is contraindicated.
  • You can not use it for cholecystitis, hepatitis and acute phase of nephritis.
  • People with allergies and young children can consume tangerines in limited quantities.

These fruits accumulate harmful substances. If abused, this product can seriously harm the body.

Tangerines, if abused, can lead to the destruction of red blood cells, stopping the formation of blood cells, and even death.

A large amount of calcium and phosphorus when overeating these fruits can lead to the formation and growth of kidney stones, gallbladder.

With diabetes of the 2nd degree, it is better not to eat tangerines, since glucose and carbohydrates are contraindicated in this disease.

At what age and how much can children eat tangerines?

Tangerines are undoubtedly useful for children. Tangerines and tangerine juice can be introduced into complementary foods from six months of age. Before this age digestive system does not yet contain the necessary amount of enzymes to easily digest tangerine juice.

Tangerines in more early age can cause allergies.

The best age for introducing mandarin into the diet is considered to be a year and a half. Tangerine pulp and juice are easily digested and without allergic rashes.

You need to start introducing with a drop of juice or a small piece of tangerine slice. If the cheeks turn red, a rash appears, complementary foods are postponed for an older age.

The fruits contain many essential oils that improve mood, improve memory, give strength during active games. For children with overweight tangerines are considered an indispensable product. Tangerines do not allow rickets to develop in children.

If the child has diabetes, the product will better limit in use.

With increased acidity, diseases of the stomach, the use of mandarin is also minimized. A one-year-old baby needs a few slices. An older child can be given several fruits per week (1 - 2 per day). Moderate consumption of tangerine benefits the growing body.

Vision benefits

Zeaxanthin, lutein and vitamin A, which are contained in tangerines, have a beneficial effect on the structure of the optic nerve. These elements increase blood supply, which increases visual acuity.

For the retina, lutein is simply irreplaceable. The retina is strengthened. Zeaxanthin improves the perception of colors, they become brighter and more expressive.

With the use of 2 tangerines a day, the functionality of the optic nerve improves. Regular use avoids wearing glasses when minor changes in sight. More serious eye diseases are treated with medication, and tangerines help in the treatment.

The benefits of mandarin for the intestines

A few things about this healthy fruit per day will not hurt and will be an excellent prevention of food poisoning, indigestion, intestinal infections.

Tangerines have a lot of fiber and this allows you to create the effect of long-term saturation, which is important when losing weight. Any meal can be easily replaced with tangerines, while the calorie content will be negligible.

calories of this fruit is 40 kilocalories per 100 grams and therefore this product can be eaten without fear for your figure. They remove fluid from the body, acting as a mild diuretic. Fruits normalize digestion, which also helps with weight loss.

With their help, you can make fasting days by eating a kilogram of these fruits per day. 3-4 days is enough for a visible result. This accelerates all the necessary functions in the body and weight loss occurs faster.

Tangerines can replace dinner (3 times a week) or go instead of desserts at any time of the day. These fruits can also be consumed after weight loss, the main thing is that after unloading the body is not overloaded with a large amount of food.

Tangerine peel: benefits, harms, recipes

Infusions, decoctions from dried tangerine peel in a ratio of one to ten, they improve expectoration in tracheitis and bronchitis.

To get rid of sputum every morning you need to take a glass of fresh tangerine juice. At elevated temperatures, tangerine juice quenches thirst.

Tea with mandarin peel, prevents the risk of cardiovascular disease. It removes toxins from the liver, strengthens the immune system and rejuvenates the body.

fresh zest activates the production of digestive juice, helps to digest and assimilate food, acts as a natural aphrodisiac and tonic.

Mandarin peel in tea breaks down fats in muscles and blood vessels.

Three tablespoons of dried peel is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for two hours. Then the infusion is filtered, 2 tablespoons of honey are added. Such an infusion is taken warm, 100 grams 4 times a day for bronchitis and colds.

20 drops mandarin peel tincture half an hour before meals improves appetite and stimulates digestion.

100 grams of mandarin peel and 20 grams of licorice root are crushed, 0.5 liters of water are poured. Boil for half an hour over low heat. Then everything is filtered, the liquid is divided in half and taken twice a day. This decoction acts anti-inflammatory and helps with mastitis.

A decoction of the peel lowers blood sugar levels. 3 peels are boiled in a liter of water for 10 minutes. The broth is set aside from the fire to cool and is placed in the cold unstrained. Taken daily.

Fresh juice mandarin kills some types of fungi. Juice from the peel or slices is repeatedly rubbed into the affected area.

Video benefits of tangerine peel

Juice, pulp, tangerine peel is used in cosmetology

For oily skin lotion tangerine with peel is crushed with a blender or on a grater, 100 grams of vodka is added. Infused for 7 days, then filtered. For normal skin, a spoonful of glycerin and three tablespoons of boiling water are added to the lotion.

The juice from the peel is used for any skin. A cotton pad is wetted in juice. The skin of the face is rubbed with this disk. You can also make a mask, multilayer gauze is wetted in juice and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Then the skin should be wiped with a dry cotton pad. The course lasts at least 15 times every three days.

Based on the oil, face masks and anti-inflammatory lotions from rashes are made. It is mixed with any vegetable oil and rubbed into the problem area twice a day.
Mandarin peel juice is used in hair masks.

Harm of tangerine peel

Mandarin peel can cause harm in allergic reactions.

Inflammatory lesions of the digestive tract, excessive acidity of gastric juice, this is a direct contraindication to the use of the peel of these fruits.

Tangerines for pregnant women

Tangerines during pregnancy are very useful for the body.

  • Vitamin C enhances the protective properties of the body weakened by pregnancy.
  • With anemia, the hemoglobin level stabilizes.
  • In the first trimester, tangerines saturate the body with folic acid, which is so necessary during this period.
  • In the second and third trimesters, tangerines can reduce swelling, which is also important.
  • An infusion of the peel relieves nausea with toxicosis.

To improve overall well-being, no more than 2 fruits per day are enough.

During feeding, mothers can eat tangerines in small quantities, starting with a couple of slices.

Tangerines give a sense of celebration. They are useful to almost everyone and, with precautions, are guaranteed to be beneficial.

It is located between green and blue.

It comes in many variations. It includes both soft and bright, intense colors. If you can’t find ready-made paint, you will have to mix green and blue yourself. As a result, we will get the desired shade. If you try to briefly answer the question of what colors to mix to get turquoise, it should be noted that cyan blue and less green will be used. We will discuss in more detail in this article.

Color selection

So, we need, How to get it in practice, now we will describe in detail. First you need to decide on the desired shade. The word "turquoise" most often refers to a mixture of green and blue with a predominance of the first. However, we can achieve different shades.

It's easy to add a drop of light gray or white paint. As a result, we get a more delicate shade. You can also mix rich blue, green and yellow. As a result, we get a bright turquoise. It remains to choose between a bright or soft shade.

The foundation

So, earlier we already managed to get the turquoise color. How to get it in other ways, we will consider further. We have already found out that we will need blue and green paint. Their basis can be any water, oil, acrylic.

However, it should be remembered that the same type of paint mixes better. It is best to buy everything you need in one of the specialized stores for artists. In this case, you should study the entire range presented. It may be possible to find the desired shade in finished form.


How to get a turquoise color when mixing paints, we already know: we need yellow, green and However, it is better to take them in a small drop in order to achieve extreme accuracy when creating the required paint. If you are an aspiring artist, it is better to give preference to watercolor. This type of paint is easy to handle. Plus, they mix really well. Watercolors are usually sold in small tubes. For pale shades, yellow paint is suitable.

Water and space

If you're wondering how to get turquoise mixed together to be more muted, mix green and blue with white. Suppose the picture is a tropical beach, then we use a warm cream as the basis for transferring the image of sea water onto paper.

A purer white would be suitable for creating a picture of a distant cold turquoise planet. Let's use shades of blue, which is close to the green spectrum. You can try ultramarine, azure, cobalt, cyan or any other similar option. The main thing is that it should be closer to green than purple.

Any pigment in itself contains a small amount of other colors. Thus, paint of an arbitrary shade will mix well with another color. In practice, this is very convenient.

Saturated color

So, to solve the question of how to get a turquoise color when mixing paints, blue and are used. However, you can achieve even more quality result. For this we will use blue paint containing green pigments. It is impossible to find a "pure" basis.

In particular, this applies blue color. In theory, it should give a good green with yellow, and a great purple with red. In practice, these lines are blurred. The fact is that blue always approaches red or green due to the imperfect chemical purity of each pigment.

To obtain an extremely saturated color, we take the necessary ingredients. It's about about the already familiar blue and green shades.

  1. We apply a small amount of cyan paint to the edge of the palette. In this case, it should be blue-green.
  2. Let's move on to the next step. Place some green paint next to it. If not, you can get this color yourself. To do this, mix an equal amount of yellow and blue. Instead of a palette, any clean, dry surface will do. However, an item that is used in this way can no longer be used for anything else.
  3. We mix blue and green in a ratio of 2: 1. The first pigment should be more. You can also experiment with proportions, but it is better to use the ratio given as a sample. A little more green paint will give a rich hue. sea ​​wave. If we reduce the amount of green, we get a subtle turquoise. It will approach blue.

So we figured out what elements the turquoise color consists of. How to get it is detailed above.

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