What names are suitable for red girls. The name of the kitten is white-red


Blondes, brown-haired, brunettes - people with fiery red hair, milky-white skin and freckles stand out sharply against this background. At all times, such a bright and unusual appearance caused a lot of curiosity and doubt. But only one thing is clear: red-haired people are unique and carry a solar charge, a special temperament and disposition.


Before talking about features and talents, it is necessary to understand where red-haired people came from. There are two versions of their origin. The first is due to a historical factor and suggests that people with red hair are descendants of Neanderthals. Their gene is several tens of thousands of years older than the Homo sapiens gene, that is modern humanity. According to scientists at Oxford University, the hypothetical ancestors of the redheads were dexterous and cruel hunters, stockier and stronger than "a reasonable person." Over time, both subspecies intermingled, but retained information about the unusual appearance (hair pigmentation) and "explosive" and rebellious disposition. Neanderthal footprints have been found in Western Europe, just where today you can meet red-haired Irish, Scots and Gauls (Germans).

The second version of the origin is ufological. She assumes that these unique creations came to earth from parallel world or another star system. As evidence for this hypothesis, a number of historical cases are cited. These include medieval records of interrogations of sorcerers and witches. All of them, according to the description, had red hair and possessed supernatural powers(they predicted the future, treated people for complex ailments, influenced the weather and communicated with other worlds). And today this trend has not yet outlived its usefulness. Many fire-haired are credited with extraordinary talents and abilities. For example, there is an opinion that red-haired nurses and doctors patients recover faster.

Another proof of the ufological hypothesis is the sensitivity of red-haired people to solar radiation. Researchers at the University of Newcastle in the UK found that ordinary person When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, two types of melanin are released in the skin for protection. In red-haired people, this process occurs partially, so they hardly tan, are more prone to sunburn and skin cancer.

Types of redheads

Red-haired people, the features of their appearance at all times worried those around them, giving rise to an incredible amount of controversy, legends and prejudices. However, not all redheads are the same. Unlike the "stamped" blondes with light eyes and brown-haired with brown, they are divided into several types.

  • The classic (or common) type is a combination of red hair with green eyes and freckles. As a rule, such natures are rather eccentric, gentle and vulnerable. They do not immediately get close to new acquaintances, but if friendship nevertheless began, then it will last forever. Because the classic "saffron milk caps" are very loyal and stable.
  • A rarer combination of fiery hair with brown eyes and swarthy skin. Usually passionate, a little cunning people have such a set. They love to dominate and be the center of attention. They know their worth and are always ready to favorably present their talents and dignity to others. Become soft and obedient from praise.
  • The ideal of beauty among redheads is people with fiery hair and rich blue eyes. Such "lights" are very capricious and sentimental. If something cannot be obtained with tears and complaints, they will find another way, but they will achieve their goal. Red-haired people with blue eyes are not vengeful, they quickly cool down after quarrels, but they remember insults for a long time. This is a very complex cocktail of contradictions, desires and excitement.

Character features

Many psychologists draw a relationship between hair color and the characteristics of his temperament. Despite the external differences that red-haired people possess, their characteristic is conditionally reduced to general parameters.


Red-haired people are very sensitive to all sorts of external stimuli. Their soul resembles a tense nerve, which is always ready to suffer, to suffer from pain. And even if outwardly they smile and dance, hurricanes rage inside them. Hot temperament often pushes fiery owners to dangerous adventures and makes vulnerable to allergies and nervous diseases. But otherwise the life of "saffron mushrooms" will become insipid and mundane, which will certainly cause depression. Such extremes are the norm of life for almost every red-haired person.


Ever since childhood, "saffron mushrooms" have been hyperactive. As a rule, sunny kids are restless, overly curious and mysterious. Their mood can change quickly, and it is very difficult to guess what to expect in the next minute from such a child: a smile or another whim.

Growing up, they seem to be immersed in their unreal world, like to play alone and imagine themselves as heroes of their own invented stories. Over time, this quality can develop into a musical or literary talent. Red-haired children, if you do not miss the moment, almost always show early unusual abilities that need to be developed.


Red-haired men always stand out against the background of brutal brunettes and cute blondes. They are bright, charismatic and individual, which gives them great confidence and determination. Psychologists note that their non-standard perky appearance helps them win over others, causing more curiosity. They are prone to creativity, selfishness is alien to them. A great sense of humor and sexiness are the perfect complement to such a perfect cocktail.

In addition, it has been historically proven that they are very courageous and courageous. A prime example these qualities are desperate Vikings and Celtic warriors.

The disadvantages include inconstancy in the love of "fiery" men. Sexologists claim that they inherited this quality from distant Neanderthal ancestors. At the biological level, they are trying to make up for the "deficit" of redheads on the planet, and therefore often walk to the left.


Psychologists have recently discovered a relationship between male character and beard color. So, men with a red-red beard have a calm and friendly character. The golden color speaks of some prudence and secrecy of the owner.

The grooming of the beard matters. A clearly edged and "combed" beard speaks of a neat, reasonable and attentive character. Red, sloppy facial hair usually characterizes creative man or doing hard work.

And finally, the so-called skipper's beard is inherent in creative and self-confident people. The Spanish type is chosen by red-haired people with a stubborn and fickle disposition. In addition, they tend to be adventurous. People with and with sideburns, on the contrary, are a sign of reliability and constancy.


If the cartoon song "Red-red, freckled" is usually addressed to "sunny" men, then women with fiery hair are called red furies. And this is not surprising! As a rule, these natures are very emotional, exalted, proud and independent. They have a complex and stubborn nature, but at the same time they are very energetic, optimistic and sexy. Red-haired girls are always in the spotlight, they are able to seduce any man and settle in his heart for a long time.

Red-haired women are often impetuous and too straightforward, they do not recognize compromises and danger. For which they often fall into unpleasant situations. But their perseverance and flexible, cunning mind help to get out of them with dignity.

Psychologists distinguish two types of red-haired women: sophisticated, prone to creativity (poetry and music) and strong women with a masculine character. The first type includes classic red-haired ladies with pale skin, light eyes and freckles. They are dreamy and fickle in their decisions, prone to solitude. The second type is more determined and, as a rule, has darker skin and dark color eye. Both types do not strive for a quiet, family haven. Rather, on the contrary, career and self-realization are always in the foreground.

famous redheads

External originality always carries extraordinary qualities, talents, abilities. From ancient times to the present, history has many famous people with a "sunny appearance". These include people of art (Leonardo da Vinci, Vivaldi, Van Gogh), scientists (Galileo Galilei), rulers (Emperor Nero, William the Conqueror, George Washington), etc. All of them left a bright mark and confirmed their supernatural originality.

Famous red-haired people of our time are also seen in Hollywood cinema (Mila Jovovich, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Juliana Moore). On Russian stage this is the Brothers Grim group, Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov. All these redhead celebrities are united Creative skills, independent disposition and great charisma.

  • Redheads make up only 2% of the world. This is about 20 thousand people. Of course, this number includes people born with red hair, and not subjected to chemical coloring of their hair.
  • A larger percentage of redheads live in Scotland and Ireland. In Russia the largest number they are concentrated in the Udmurt Republic.
  • Red-haired girls, because of their complex and unbridled nature, are often called vampires. Perhaps these are echoes of medieval prejudices.
  • In the same connection, two phenomena arose in psychology: gingerism and gingerophobia. The first is prejudiced attitude towards “sunny” people, their intimidation and discrimination. The second phenomenon is back side moment, fear of redheads.
  • Scientists suggest that in a century and a half, the red-haired gene will disappear. Although this idea is quite controversial, and only time can confirm it.

Often, fiery names are taken as the basis for choosing a name for red-haired children. According to statistics, only 2% of people have fiery hair color by nature. But today solar names are especially popular, because it is believed that they can give the baby new character traits that will help him to be more persistent in life and purposeful, but at the same time give an additional range of emotions to the child.

Is it necessary to highlight the hair color in the name

At times Ancient Greece it was believed that names for redheads should be chosen very carefully and in no case should this hair color be singled out in a child, because after death he would be doomed to become a vampire.

And here modern research showed that red-haired people are naturally more energetic and passionate natures, therefore, these character traits can be further strengthened by giving the baby a fiery name. It is also interesting that Napoleon was also red-haired, but in addition, his parents picked up fiery name red-haired boy, because in literal translation it means “red” or “fire”.

In addition, often hearing a name, people associate it with a certain appearance of a person. For example, the names Gina or Sophie are most often associated with brunettes, Elizabeth and Jessica with brown-haired women. Of course, you can not highlight the hair color in the name, but you can additionally emphasize the appearance of a person and reveal it. spiritual qualities, ardor and emotionality, which will help the names for redheads.

Greek history is also rich in sunny names. Among them are such as Halianta, which means "beautiful sunny flower" or the familiar name of Nelly, which symbolizes a sunny woman. But the name Fotina symbolizes a radiant person, it has male version. Fairly common in Russia Greek name Eulampia means “pleasant light”, also such girls are very kind, sometimes they can give up leadership even to their competitor.

Sunny girl names can be multifaceted. For example, among the names Jewish origin you can choose the most suitable names for red-haired girls. Among them are Eliana, which means "sun", Ramina, which translates as "child of the sun" or another name that has a similar meaning - Anariel.

But among the English names, one can single out the name Aden, which means "sun". Interestingly, the Latvian name Lesma, which translates as “flame”, has been used quite recently and has already gained popularity among Slavic countries. But originally Bulgarian name Spark, which means a small light, is not popular among the inhabitants of Russia and is popular only in their homeland.

It is possible to distinguish such Arabic names that suit fiery girls: Shamsi and Juna. These names symbolize light and sun man. And here Armenian name Zara is immortalized in the history of this people, because in the past it was worn by the priestess of the temple of fire.

One of the most popular Hungarian names, Ilona, ​​also refers to fiery and translates as a “bright” woman. Living in the 18th century, she became famous for organizing and leading the heroic defense of the castle of Mukachevo (today in Ukraine), which lasted more than a year. Then she showed her ardent and steadfast character in front of the enemy. Therefore, they tend to name truly strong women with such a name.

You can also highlight the most unusual fiery names of the world. Among these are Yoko, which means "child of the sun" in Japanese, Keche, a Mari name that has a similar meaning. It is also interesting that in the days of the USSR, red-haired girls were often called the name Anfisa, which at that time gained extraordinary popularity, but today it does not occupy a leading position.

English names also have in their arsenal those that are suitable for sunny children. The name Aden is considered one of the most ancient here and means "fire". Another name that also symbolizes fire is Edan. But quite rarely, Conley in translation means "cleansing by fire."

Interestingly, in Lately are gaining popularity Scandinavian names. Which of them are suitable for red-haired boys? Experts distinguish the following: Volcano, which symbolizes the god of fire and crafts, or ancient name Solgerd, which means "protection of the sun." Recently, such fiery names have gained the greatest popularity: Brand, which means "fire" and Kenneth, born in fire.

Among the most unusual names, pay attention to Kagutsuchi, which has Japanese roots and means the god of fire and volcanoes. Also, these include muslim name Yadar, symbolizing the fiery man.

It is these names for red-haired children that numerologists advise, as they will be able to reveal all the facets of a person - from emotional to creative. It is also interesting that such names give charm to anyone who wears them, and some of them are even among the most cute-sounding names in the world. It is up to the parents to decide which name to choose for their baby, however, those who are trying to find a sunny and fiery name for their child should take a closer look at the proposed options.

If you are faced with the question of what to call a red cat, then the family has replenished with a fluffy four-legged friend. It is easy for someone to come up with a nickname, and some, sometimes for several days, puzzle over what name to give their pet.

How to call a red cat (boy) cool and unusual

To get around the difficulty of picking a nickname, imagine choosing a name for a child. Of course, such an example is not entirely ethical, but for clarity, you can try. If it is customary to call a baby a name related to a certain nationality, then this is not important for a pet. Therefore, you can come up with a nickname that pleases.

For example, you can take as a basis the common word - "lantern". By adding the diminutive suffix -ik- to it, you get a good nickname for a little fiery red fluffy - Flashlight. A very original name for those who do not know how to call a red cat boy.

How to call a red cat (boy) in Russian

If a pet was brought for a child, then it is more correct to entrust important decision, regarding the nickname, to the little owner. Children can easily come up with names for red fluffies: Orange, Gosha, Apricot, Zhora, Kontik, Nikita, Spark, Torch, Funtik, Kid, Tiger, Red or Ryzhok.

How to name a white-red cat

As you can see, nicknames are different. There are so many of them that some consist of many hissing, others are more pretentious, others are too long. But the main thing that pet owners should be guided by when the question arises of how to name a red cat is its behavior.

All animals have distinctive features by which inclination is determined. Also, in addition to coat color, you can focus on the shade of the eyes. But do not delay with the process of inventing a nickname. The kitten may not get used to his name, which the owners gave too late.

Do not forget about the most common nicknames: Vaska, Muska, Murzik, Barsik. For those who are fed up with them, you can pay attention to unusual names. After all, such kittens often have a bright red color, which means that the nickname should be appropriate. For example: Orange, Ryzhok, Krosh, Crete, Achi, Brandy, Diaz, Lerry, Rancho, Nathan, Tiger, Mickey, Mason, Orion or Rojo (translated from Spanish as red).

How to call a red cat (boy) beautiful

Such pets are compared with people with fiery hair - bright and creative personalities. Since ancient times, red cats have been considered healers.

The sages noticed: next to them, the process of recovery was much faster. It is thanks to their golden color that fluffies have become a symbol of prosperity, but more on that later.

Be that as it may, the appearance of a pet is happy event, during which the question arises: how can you call a red cat in an original way and with a European bias.

Here are some examples of nicknames:

  • Carrot;
  • Ocher;
  • Saffron;
  • Garfield;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Melon;
  • Goldie;
  • Imbi (short for Ginger);
  • Felix;
  • Oscar;
  • Mango;
  • Michelle;
  • Tooty.

How to name a red fold cat

Are you in a hurry to get home after work, and you know the ingredients of cat food better than most? Do you live by the principle that there are no ordinary cats? Can you spend hours talking to your loved ones about the paws, antennae, eyes, fur and character of your new pet? All these signs give out the fact that not just a four-legged friend has appeared in your house, but a real handsome man - a lop-eared purr. This raises the question: how to name a cat (boy) of the Scottish breed?

So that your pet does not think that his name is " utibozem", It is necessary with all responsibility to be puzzled by this question. After all, in your house is not just a cat, but a thoroughbred, noble representative of pets. Don't call him Vaska...

The following names are perfect for a boy:

  1. Arro;
  2. Zhador;
  3. Aston;
  4. Quentin;
  5. Yavrik;
  6. Ludwig;
  7. Prince;
  8. Charro;
  9. Samur;
  10. Darling;
  11. Borges;
  12. Junior;
  13. Christian;
  14. Laval;
  15. Milan;
  16. Rodrigo;
  17. Roberto;
  18. Eros;
  19. Julian;
  20. Charles.

How to name a red cat to attract money to the house

Many people want the fluffy to not only please his existence, but also become a real talisman that attracts good luck, wealth and even love. Recently, names that cause specific associations have been popular.

To turn a cat into a talisman, you need to choose a name that symbolizes what is missing in your life.

Nicknames that bring love:

  • Dream;
  • Love (love translated from English)
  • Theo (Te amo).

Cats with a red color are recommended for single women who dream of finding a soul mate, getting married and starting a family. But in order for the energy of the pet to begin to act, it is forbidden to have animals with a similar or black color. It is also undesirable to have red cats for girls with a fiery shade of hair.

To attract money and increase wealth, you can name your pet one of the following names:

  • Euro;
  • Rublik;
  • Dollar;
  • Bucks;
  • Pesso;
  • Lb;
  • Million;
  • Veles ( slavic god wealth);
  • Hamer (relevant for those who want a car of a similar brand);
  • Cent;
  • Kwacha (money in Zimbabwe);
  • Hatei (God of wealth in China);
  • Shekel (Jewish money);
  • Inti;
  • Baht or Batik (Thai money).

To attract happiness, name your pet Lucky or Lucky. For the fulfillment of desires - Ginny. For calm and peace - Bayun.

It is not advisable to name a cat after a person you like. Such a decision, perhaps, will harm not only the pet, but also your friend.

"Precious" names

After so many suggestions, they could not decide on the question of how to name a red cat (boy)? Here are a few more options distributed by direction.

Option 1

So, what do we associate with the word red? Of course, the sun. Therefore, we boldly call the kitten Sun or Sunny (sun - translated from English " sun"). You can also refer to German and come up with the nickname Zone. But that's not all. Here are some more "sunny" names for the cat: Fox, Fuchs, Fox, Fuchsi; Mandarin, Makki, Gold, Fakir, Godik, Agni, Red, Rud, Ronaldo, Altyn, Helios (Greek God of the sun), Rouge (translated from French as "red").

Option 2

For red fluffies, it is advisable to come up with a name starting with the letter “r”: Rox, Romka, Roberto; Rulya, Rafik, Rubik.

How to affectionately call a girl? Many representatives of the stronger sex want to have this information in order to deliver pleasant moments to their loved ones as much as possible during communication. Psychologists have long proven that the sound own name for any person, at the subconscious level, it is the most favorite sound, and girls especially love with their ears, and this is a well-known truth for a long time.

Young people of the opposite sex often call each other not by real names, but by affectionate nicknames. Often people do not think about the sound of these nicknames. There is simply a complete analogy with the name of a person. IN affectionate nicknames ah for girls, the sound "k" is used (the suffix "-ka"). Suffix "-ka" in terms emotional state expresses the idea of ​​lightness, closeness, simplicity.

In affectionate nicknames, the sound “l” is also very popular, giving an emotional coloring to the name. Often a person, using certain nicknames, does not think about the emotional coloring of the sounds included in this word, and everything happens unconsciously. Words are chosen by a man subconsciously, reflecting deep experiences and feelings.

Psychologists recommend that those wishing to win a woman's favor address the fair sex by name as often as possible. But guys often have a question: how to affectionately call a girl so as not to offend her and it looked beautiful? Often funny nicknames that men like can seriously "hurt" femin. The most important thing is not to shine with your wit in the selection original nickname, but come up with something gentle and affectionate to express your feelings.

Affectionate nicknames are often used by guys to achieve their goals when they need to ask the ladies for something or apologize. But not all men indulge their girls with pleasant words. Perhaps they do not underestimate the importance of affectionate names for the fair sex.

To determine how to affectionately call a girl, you need to make a little effort. You should think about what the girl does, what features she has. If she has red hair, you can call her a fox, if she sings wonderfully, then the word “bird” or “nightingale” will do, if her beloved is fast and hardworking, then you can call her “squirrel”. In this way, one can emphasize her dignity and demonstrate personal admiration for her beauty and abilities.

And yet, many representatives of the stronger sex are interested in how to affectionately call their beloved girl, so as not to offend her. Of course, there are times when the fair sex is offended by the gentle words of men. For example, if a girl has excess weight, then you don’t need to call her a “cow” or “mumps”, because, in addition to everything else, complexes can also begin to develop in her.

Love is a serious thing, so the approach to affectionate name must also be serious. Guys, under the influence of a feeling of love, try to name their chosen one with some unusual word, which, in their opinion, will be a kind of expression of love. But often they do not know which one would be more appropriate to choose. The most standard words are "fish", "bunny", "beloved" and so on.

These nicknames have become so familiar that they quickly get bored. And you have to come up with something new. Psychologists in this case are advised to improvise. For example, we take any animal and affectionately call it our girlfriend. Tell your loved one gently "You are my mouse." She will surely like it. But at the same time, one must be very careful in choosing the word and observe the reaction of the girl.

How to affectionately call a girl - list

How to find out what your loved one really thinks, calling this or that nickname? Below is a list of the most common affectionate nicknames, as well as the meaning of the feelings of men that these nicknames use when communicating. This interpretation will help to understand the true feelings of a beloved man in relation to a girl.

Baby - the chosen one often uses this nickname, pursuing sexual intentions.

Baby - a guy, calling a girl that way, is not inclined to complicate anything in a relationship.

Hippo - the partner's feelings are absorbed by the femin, he is attentive, but not averse to playing.

Dear - a partner appreciates certainty and confidence in a relationship. Feelings for him at this moment in second place.

Durynda - a man is ready to forgive any mistake and take control of the situation.

Hedgehog - a partner attaches special importance to relationships, deep down he is afraid of losing a girl and is often unrestrained.

Bunny, bunny, bunny - the guy is prone to excitement and is not averse to playing.

Gold, gold, gold - the partner emphasizes the importance of relationships, while his mind prevails over feelings.

Goat, goat - the representative of the stronger sex feels complete closeness with the feminine and is not averse to teasing.

Pussy - relationships are aimed exclusively at a pleasant pastime and inspire open eroticism.

Kitten - a man feels an inextricable connection and closeness with a girl. He wants to be believed, and he tries to convince of his loyalty.

Krokozyabra - the guy is ready to forgive the girl for any mistake, often his behavior is unrestrained, picky, but insults quickly pass.

Lapusik, lapulya - the partner is very active, ready to live and work for the sake of the girl.

Chanterelle, fox cub - all the attention of the partner is absorbed by the femin and he expects the same from her.

Lyalya - the guy is not able to restrain his feelings.

Baby, baby - the feelings that a girl evokes in a partner are immeasurable. She absorbs all his attention, he expects the same from the girl.

Sweetheart - the guy promises a strong relationship.

Mouse, mouse - the guy's feelings go beyond, he is very attached to the girl, although sometimes he is not restrained.

Donut - the partner wants to attract attention.

Pusechka, pusya - the guy is looking for full contact.

Mumps - the guy energetically calls for contact.

Baby elephant - a partner attaches great importance to relationships and expects complete reciprocity.

Tiger cub - the guy respects the complete independence of the girl, is not averse to making fun of her, but in fact he is for an equal union.

Chicken - the guy offers an active rapprochement, but deep down he is afraid of something.

How to call a girl affectionately and originally

The romantic mood in a couple depends on the two participants, but the male initiative occupies a leading position. Since a girl is a gentle, mysterious and charming creature, the right approach to her is the key to a strong relationship, because everything starts with courtship.

So, how can you affectionately call a girl? Below is a list of common affectionate nicknames.

Angel, barberry, squirrel, brilliant, bead, bead, bell, yummy, vanilla, witch, dove, galchenok, dobroulechka, baby, hedgehog, the only one, lively, buzzing, hare, lighter, gold, baby, capriculka, goat, caramel, kisulechka, kitty, pussycat, bell, baby doll, murochka, lapulechka, swallow, cutie, baby, carrot, murmusechka, goosebump, little mouse, sissy, cloud, adorable, fluffy, pandochka, baby doll, rodnula, rosette, chamomile, little fish, sweet, sun, heartbreaker, sweetie, shy, scrambler, slender, chocolate, berry and so on.

Girls are like keyholes, everyone is completely different, and each needs its own key. If the guy invented is original pet name, inserted in a conversation, will make the chosen one smile, then you can use it in communication, but if the girl pouts her lips funny, then you should no longer pronounce such an affectionate nickname.

Rose Leslie- British actress Rose comes from the ancient Scottish clan Leslie, we know her for her role Wildling Ygritte from the series "Game of Thrones" and the role of a maid Gwen Dawson from the series "Downton Abbey".

Esme Bianco- English actress, fashion model and burlesque show participant. Known to us by the role of a red-haired prostitute Ros in the series "Game of Thrones", not every actress will agree to star in such explicit scenes How Esme, and not everyone can find such a rich collection of erotic photos in their photo album.

Sophie Turner- the young British actress, although she has dyed red hair, is quite worthy of being in this ranking of the most red-haired celebrity girls, especially since this bright and rich hair color really suits her. become a redhead Sophie passed for filming in the series "Game of Thrones", but she liked this hair color so much that the actress decided to leave it, and she did not lose!

Learn more about Sophie Turner here

Caris van Houten- Dutch actress, familiar to many in her role Melisandre (red woman) in the series "Game of Thrones". But in the filmography of the actress there are a lot of wonderful films and one of them is "Black book", where the actress played a Jewish singer who decided to take revenge on the Nazis for the death of her family. Karis prefers to dye her hair in chestnut color with a red tint.

Julia Roberts - American actress, familiar to us primarily from the film "Gorgeous", where her heroine conquered an enviable groom with a shock of her red hair. This actress manages not only to act in films, but also to raise three children.

Anna Kendrick- a very red-haired American actress and singer, known to many from the saga "Twilight" where she starred Jessica Stanley. This girl was nominated for an award "Oscar" in 2010 for best role supporting role in film "I would like the sky".

Lily Cole is an English model and actress. Who watched the movie "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus", he could not help but notice a lovely girl there Valentine, whose nickname was "Appetizer". Lily redhead and freckled - no doubt about it!

Jessica Chastain- American actress. Since this site is dedicated to the actors who played in "Game of Thrones", then I hasten to notice that Jessica starred in the film "Mother" With Nikolai Coster-Waldau, after all, after she appeared in the film "Servant", roles fell on her like from a cornucopia.

Julianne Moore- American actress. This red-haired beauty is ready to take on any role, but only if she likes the script. Whom she just did not play: a porn star drug addict in the film "Boogie Nights", an artist painting with her own vagina in "The Big Lebowski", witch-monster Malkin's mother "Seventh Son". Julianne Moore really splendid and courageous actress worthy of admiration!

Lindsay Lohan is an American actress and singer. Lindsay in fact, a redhead and there is no doubt about it, just look at her childhood pictures, because she has already starred in commercials since she was three years old, and since she started acting in television series since she was ten years old. Early fame played with her bad joke, and very for a long time Lindsay was the heroine of many scandalous news, but we hope that the actress will finally take up her head and continue to pursue her career.

Tilda Swinton- British actress, her ancestors belong to the oldest Anglo-Scottish family. Tilde has a very bright appearance. Once you see her, you will never be able to confuse her with anyone. She is known to many for her role. White Witch V "Chronicles of Narnia". True, now this actress is increasingly dyeing her hair blonde.

Debra Messing- American actress, known to us for her lead role in a comedy "Groom for Hire".

Gemma Arterton- British actress And although this red-haired beauty often dyes her hair in various colors, nevertheless, from birth she has her rich chestnut hair color with a redhead and cute freckles on her face. Did you know that this red-haired actress was born in the family of a welder and a cleaner. In addition, the baby had six fingers on both hands. But all this did not stop Gemme become one of the most beautiful and sought-after actresses in Hollywood. I remember her best from the movie. "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" where she played the role of a princess Tamina, and based on the mini-series "Tess of the D'Urbervilles"- there she just perfectly played a girl who had severe trials, I want to note that this actress looks amazing even without makeup!

Julia Kogan- singer, known to us as the vocalist of the group "Leningrad", Julia extravagant and very bright woman, she not only does not hesitate to swear, she can easily sing an obscene song for a huge audience of band fans "Leningrad".

Irina Zabiyaka- soloist of the group "Chile"- the owner of a magnificent rare timbre of voice. At one time, many believed that she was a man, but there was no doubt about Irina after she gave birth to a child.

Natalia Podolskaya - redhead singer, the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., she probably tints her hair, but judging by the children's photos, her hair is still red!

Mylene FarmerFrench singer known all over the world. Mylene dyed her brown hair red and hasn't changed that color ever since.

Anastasia Stotskaya. Our list of the most red-haired singers and actresses cannot do without this bright, chic diva protégé of Kirkorov! Hair the color of a ripe juicy carrot, Nastya cannot be imagined with a different hair color.

Cynthia Dicker- Brazilian model. Razhaya beauty, and even covered with freckles. Who said freckles are not pretty? Freckles are great and so positive!

Katherine Tate– British comedienne, known to us by the parody-comedy sketch show "The Catherine Tate Show". But at school, classmates laughed at the red-haired Catherine How often does this happen to great people!

Molly S. Quinn who played in the film "We're the Millers" to Melissa Fitzgerald, that funny girl who traveled with her parents who wanted to get to know the family better Millerov. Moreover, it is Molly voices fairy bloom in the cartoon series Winx Club. The actress is only 20 years old, but she has already starred in many projects. And yes, she is a real redhead, perhaps because she has Irish blood in her veins?

Lena Katina- ex-soloist of the group "Tattoo". Lena does not close our list red-haired celebrities, and who knows how long the list could get. If you remember someone else from the red-haired beauties - write, I will gladly replenish this honorary rank!

Emily BrowningAustralian actress. the very first leading role she acted in the movie "Lemony Snicket: 33 misfortunes" and recently starred in Kit Harington in film "Pompeii".

Emma Watson - redhead actress Hollywood with brown eyes, the girl carefully disguises her freckles, but she is in no hurry to get rid of the red hair color, because it gives expressiveness to her appearance. Although Emma has already grown up, she still seems to me to be an unopened bud - tender, vulgar and talented!

Andrea Riseborough- English actress. Andrea often dyes her wonderful red hair black and dark brown. riseborough withdrew from Tom Cruise in a fantasy movie "Oblivion", where she played his red-haired partner Wiki. And in the movie "We. We believe in love", directed by Madonna, Andrea Riseborough played one of the main roles, but in this film she was a brunette.

Bela Thorn is a red-haired young American actress, model and singer. This beauty is only 16 years old.

Shailene Woodley- a very popular red-haired American actress now, you may have seen her in the films "Devergent", "The Descendants", "The Fault in Our Stars".

Kaya Scodelario- British actress 1992 year of birth. Another red-haired beauty in our piggy bank! Blue-blue eyes, freckles and curls of chestnut-red hair. Can you see her in the movie? "Maze Runner" where she starred Teresa.

Lana Del Rey- American red-haired singer, composer and model, the hair of this beauty is a bright saturated color.

Victoria Tarasova - Russian actress. This beauty most likely dyes her curls red, she looks so fiery, bright, sunny that I simply can’t imagine her in another color!

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