Cossack folklore oral creativity (traditions, fairy tales, epics, proverbs and sayings, riddles). epics


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Cossack folklore oral creativity(legends, fairy tales, epics, proverbs and sayings, riddles) songwriting (dance choruses, ditties) music and dances. The people have invested in these works all the best: folk fantasy, knowledge of life, fiction and wisdom. And the word "folklore" means " folk wisdom».

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1. “Yellow color Not suitable for Christmas trees and pines,” Complains _______. 2. Oh, and he is evil: Every time Makes us Cry _____. 3. Labor feeds a person, but _______ spoils. 4. Glued, sewn, without doors, but closed. Whoever opens it, He always knows a lot _______________. 5. A beautiful girl ______________ rolls across the sky. 6. A person without friends is like _______ without roots. F 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Proverbs and sayings Cossacks are well-known wits, and it is the word that is “a load that does not pull on the way and does not fill the shoulders, but warms the soul, or even saves,” as the Cossacks said. Proverbs and sayings poured out of the mouths of every adult. Dumplings for chieftains, bumps for Cossacks Without a horse, a Cossack is an orphan all around. Cheerful halts where the Cossacks began to sing. The life of a dog, but the glory of a Cossack. The Cossack would rather die than leave his native land. Tolerate a Cossack - you will be an ataman. There is no translation for the Cossack family. A Cossack will get drunk from a handful, dine from the palm of his hand. They would still sing in the stomach too thinly.

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Elk will not lead to good. They don't look for good from a beaver. IN healthy body healthy fluff. You can't spoil Sasha with oil. It's not the legs that burn the pots. Hunger is not a brush. I bought a whale in a bag. We ourselves have ears. He runs to the catcher and the door. The hat is on fire. One mustache is good, but two is better. Seven of one do not go. They cut the forest - caps fly. A coward is afraid of his laziness. A GAME. Proverb, we know you, But you were not like that: Is it really a mischievous letter Has again taken someone's place?

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Tales - fairy tales, fairy tales - dialogues, fairy tales are funny and scary, funny and serious. Cossack tales are part of Russian folklore, although they have their own characteristics. - Odnosum, what is it that blew your face so? Yes, yesterday I was fishing - a wasp sat on my lip ... And stung? Thank God I didn't! Her brother killed her with an oar! (fairy tale-dialogue-joke)

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1. New crockery, but in holes. 2. A yellow ball of sype heat. 3. To stand Antoshka on one leg, they joke about him, but the wine does not respond. 4. The boys stood in a row, do not wag. 5. Golden Demid looks at the sun all day. PUZZLES

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The songs of the Cossacks are not only an ideal expression of the Cossack soul, but also a true reflection of the fate of the entire Cossacks. The song surrounded the Cossacks from childhood to the grave. They were born with songs, they went to war with songs, they measured distance with songs, drinking songs and songs of wedding ceremonies. Historical, epic and fabulous songs. Anthems of military and regimental songs. Cossack service was difficult and dangerous. In short moments of respite, a Cossack walked - his daring and fun sounded in the songs. Each Cossack knew more than a thousand songs.

Epics - the heroic epic of the Russian people, dating back to the times of Kievan Rus, until the middle of the 20th century.

Epics were preserved mainly in the Russian North (Arkhangelsk region, Karelia) in the mouths of storytellers who called these songs "old men" or "old men". The term " bylina” in relation to them was put into use in the 30s. XIX century by the collector and publisher of folklore I. P. Sakharov, who borrowed it from the epic "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" (the author of which leads the story were us of this time", and not according to the old songs "glory" in honor of the princes, created prophetic singer Boyan).

Now it may seem strange, but in the middle of the XIX century. our domestic science did not have information about the existence of epics, nor about their performers - and this at a time when the Bogatyr epic, as we now know, was still widespread in Russia! The reason for this phenomenon can be found in the Petrine reforms, as a result of which the educated strata of Russian society joined the European culture and at the same time they moved away from the bulk of their people so much that they had only the most approximate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bRussian folk art (and sometimes the language itself: it is no coincidence Pushkinskaya Tatiana, “Russian in soul”, “knew Russian poorly” and “expressed with difficulty in her native language”).

The situation began to change only in the era of romanticism, which awakened the attention of educated Russian society to the creations of " folk spirit”, transmitted orally among the mass of the illiterate peasantry. In the 1830-1850s. the activity of collecting folklore works was launched, organized by the Slavophil Pyotr Vasilyevich Kireevsky (1808–1856). Kireevsky's correspondents and himself recorded about a hundred epic texts in the central, Volga and northern provinces of Russia, as well as in the Urals and Siberia, but these records saw the light only in 1860–1874, when the collection folk songs Kireevsky was published by P. A. Bessonov.

Before mid-nineteenth V. epics were known to the Russian reader only from the collection of Kirsha Danilov, the first (highly abridged) edition of which, under the title "Ancient Russian Poems", was published in Moscow in 1804, the second (much more complete) - in 1818 ("Ancient Russian Poems, collected by Kirsha Danilov”). It was believed, however, that the songs presented in this book had already ceased to exist among the people.

The very identity of the compiler of this collection of works of the folk song epic, as well as the place, time and circumstances of its occurrence remained a mystery until recently, when, through the work of scientists who undertook extensive historical and archival research, it was established that Kirill Danilov was a factory foreman in Demidov Nizhny Novgorod. Tagil. Owning an extensive folklore repertoire, he mid-eighteenth V. wrote it down (or dictated it for recording) on ​​behalf of the owner of the factories, Prokofy Akinfievich Demidov, who, in turn, wanted to convey these songs as an important historical source famous historian, academician Gerard K. Authors, V. Kovpik, A. Kalugin. ". historical songs. Ballads»

Friedrich ("Fyodor Ivanovich", as he was called in Russian) Miller. It is very likely that Kirill Danilov ended up beyond the Urals not of his own free will: in Russia, for a different song, they could be exiled “to places not so remote” both in the 20th and in the 18th century. The phrase dropped by P. A. Demidov in a letter to G.-F. Miller on September 22, 1768: “I got [this song] from the Siberian people, because all reasonable fools are sent there, who past history sing with their voice."

In the section of the site that we offer to the reader, the best examples of the song epic of the Russian people are published: epics, historical and ballad songs, as well as buffoons. They reflected in poetic form, on the one hand, the historical consciousness of the people, the idea of ​​serving the Motherland, love for native land, to agricultural work, to close people, and on the other hand, the denunciation of enemies encroaching on Rus' and ruining cities and villages, condemnation of villainy, ridicule human vices and mean deeds.

The protagonist of the epic "Sadko" is a musician who went on holidays and feasts, and played the harp there. But one day it happened that Sadko was no longer invited to feasts, and out of boredom he began to go to Lake Ilmen and play the harp there. From his game, the lake was worried every time. Once from the lake appeared sea ​​king, praised for wonderful music and decided to reward the musician. He persuaded Sadko to go to Novgorod and argue with the merchants that he would get three wonderful fish with golden feathers from the lake.

Sadko did just that. In Novgorod, he argued about that with the merchants. From himself, Sadko set his violent head, and three merchants put up three of their shops with goods. Sadko won the argument, caught three unprecedented fish with golden feathers, and after that he lived the life of a rich merchant.

And one day he could not resist and started a new dispute that he would buy every single goods in Novgorod with his own money. On the first day, he went with his retinue and bought up all the goods that were in the city. But the next day brought new goods. He bought them too. And only on the third day Sadko realized that he could not be richer than the whole city.

He compensated for the loss, built ships, loaded them with goods bought in Novgorod and sailed through the blue sea to Golden Horde sell these goods. He traded with great profit and returned back much richer. But the sea became agitated with waves and the ships froze in place. Sadko began to offer gold to the king of the sea, but the ships did not budge. He understood that the king of the sea needed a human sacrifice and everyone who was on the ships began to cast lots. And it turned out that Sadko himself had to go to the bottom. He disposed of his inheritance and let the ships go, and he went to the sea king, taking his favorite harp.

The sea king ordered Sadko to play the harp, and he himself began to dance. From these dances at sea, excitement began and ships with people began to die. People began to appeal to Mikola Mozhaisky. He came to Sadko and began to ask him to stop playing the harp. And Sadko excuses himself by saying that the king of the sea ordered him to play without stopping. Then the old man advised to pull the strings from the gussel, and predicted that the sea king would reward Sadko, beautiful wife he will be allowed to choose and will be returned to Novgorod. And so it happened. When Sadko pulled out the strings, the sea king stopped dancing and allowed Sadko to choose a beautiful wife for himself and returned him to Novgorod.

Sadko ended up in Novgorod before his squad, which sailed on ships. People were surprised when they returned that Sadko was alive and well before they were at home. And Sadko unloaded the gold from the ships and built a church for Mikola Mozhaisky with that money. Sadko no longer went to sea, but lived in Novgorod.

Takovo summary works.

The main idea of ​​the epic "Sadko" is that you have to pay for everything in this life. With the help of the sea king, Sadko enriched himself, but forgot to thank him. For this, the sea king took him to his bottom. It was only by a miracle that Sadko returned home, having listened to the advice of Mikola Mozhaisky. Bylina "Sadko" teaches to listen to advice wise people who do not teach bad things.

In the epic "Sadko" I liked main character, which occupies the active life position. He was not afraid to risk his head and entered into a dispute with Novgorod merchants, which made him rich. When he lost the second dispute, he managed to competently dispose of the purchased goods and sold them profitably in the Golden Horde, becoming even richer. Sadko knows how to listen to advice, knows how to be obligatory.

What proverbs are suitable for the epic "Sadko"?

Debt good turn deserves another.
Himself dare, where is the coast, where is the edge.
Adversity teaches a person wisdom.

epics It is one of the oldest genres of literature. These are ancient tales in which people's memories of the distant past have been preserved: about wars with enemies of the people, about the struggle of three heroes known to us all against monsters and robbers, about legendary heroes who performed feats in the name of the people.

Read epics to kid more difficult, than other genres of literature: fairy tales, poems, stories. Let us immediately explain why this is so: in these legends (unlike other genres) there is no dynamics, i.e. they are designed for slow, relaxed reading. There is a very thoughtful text structure here, too detailed description Total. And the child loves a quick change of actions. The child has KLIPO CONSCIOUSNESS, i.e. he thinks in pictures. Therefore, in order for him to have a picture of what is happening in a fairy tale, one phrase is enough. For example, “a hen laid an egg” - and immediately an image! Is not it? And in order for an image to arise when reading an epic, much more words will be needed:

"In the capital city in Kyiv,
And at the affectionate prince at Vladimir,
An honorable feast was started at the prince
And for many princes, for boyars
And all the clearings are remote.
Everyone got drunk at the feast,
Everyone ate at the feast,
Everyone is at the feast and drunk and cheerful "...

It also follows from this that the child does not like to read works of this genre, for him it is difficult and uninteresting. The question arises:

How to read epics?

1) need to saturate them with images so that the child gets used to their complex language!

2) everything needs to be done!!! incomprehensible words and expressions. Indeed, in epics, many obsolete words are used to create images of antiquity, and now these words are not used. The child must understand what we are talking. And for this you need to understand the words.

Only by working through these steps will the child be ready for full reading and perception of epics.

How to do it:

- The first reading of the epic should be exemplary (either an adult reads, or the speaker's reading sounds).

- Find and explain all incomprehensible words and expressions.

Auxiliary material when working with epics:

1. Draw pictures: heroes, prince, troops, etc. But before that, read those lines that will help us present this picture, and then formulate the idea in simpler words understandable to the child, so that an image immediately arises.

2. You can sculpt the heroes of the story from plasticine.

3. You can prepare drawings for the child, and let him choose which lines they fit. And if these drawings are black and white, let him decorate them too!

4. Try to arrange home performance from toys to epic. To voice the speech of the characters, first simplifying it, and then as it is, with complex turns. This, by the way, will help in the development of your child's speech.

5. Play role play, for example: "You are a hero, and I am the Nightingale the Robber." This will help make the story more dynamic.

6. In addition to all of the above, after reading the epic, for easier understanding of it, watch its film adaptation (cartoon) with your child.

All these ways will help you bring your child closer to the world of literature and show him how exciting such a genre as epics is!

And for dessert, I prepared this picture for you: Proverbs and sayings about heroes.

Everyone knows what creative legacy from ancient ancestors, every country has. For any nations, it can be safely put on top cultural heritage of all times, because here the wisdom of generations and even the self-consciousness of the people as a whole is manifested to the greatest extent.


As is known, works of art attributable to a single author no.

Its author is the people passing on different knowledge from generation to generation. What is most interesting is that this includes music, theatrical performances, and the so-called catchphrases, and sayings, and proverbs, and riddles, and songs, and epics, and fairy tales. Very often folk wisdom in the works of oral folk art associated with the concept we will now consider in more detail.

The concept of folklore

In general, the very concept of folklore comes from English word folklore, which is a combination of two terms - folk (folk) and lore (knowledge, wisdom). From this it becomes clear that, in essence, folklore means folk wisdom, and no matter in what art form it is expressed.

What are the manifestations of beauty and folk wisdom in the works of oral folk art

Russian folklore in the world is considered one of the most unique and rich in terms of the heritage that our ancestors left us. Judge for yourself: no matter what kind of work you take - it always has a moral like fables. But only in this case, you need to look much deeper, read between the lines, in order to fully understand what exactly folk wisdom is expressed in the works of oral folk art. Proverbs or the same catchphrases with sayings, for example, are some instructive elements of the creativity of the people.

By by and large it can be said that they the main idea as if it warns us against wrong actions. Often such statements take on a certain allegorical form and do not always have a literal meaning, for example, as in the phrase that, without making efforts, you will not catch a fish.

Let's take, for example, famous expression: - shallow water in a reservoir). It is clear that initially it really was applicable to avoiding danger when fording a reservoir. However, over time, it has acquired a broader meaning associated with the fact that in advance to think over the outcome of any situation, so that it does not end badly. Similar folk wisdom in the works of oral folk art can be traced in the phrase "Measure seven times ...". And there are many such examples. For example, it is clear that a phrase stating that you need to give time to business, and an hour to fun, in understanding boils down to the fact that until you finish all the work, you can’t rest, or that you first need to finish what you started, and only then relax .

What can be learned from folklore

The wisdom of generations can teach a lot. One more element looks very interesting, which includes in the works of oral folk art. Epics, tales or legends, for example, are works that combine literary and musical aspects. Very often they were performed by wandering storytellers.

For the most part, they describe some historical events or the hopes of the people for better life. Thanks to such works, one can even study the history of a particular people. Although the plot or images of the main characters can be heavily embellished, but nevertheless, the main idea or move historical events remain unchanged. One of the most important assets of Russian folklore is considered to be "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

In almost all genres, you can also find some associations that help to understand why some phrases used in everyday life arose. Bogatyrs have always been considered strong as oaks in Rus'. Well, it’s not for nothing that people came up with such a comparison about the invincibility of their heroes? Sometimes good fellows compared with eagles (sometimes with drakes), and the red girl - with a swan or a dove.


In terms of teachings, folk wisdom in the works of oral folk art carries more deep meaning than people think about it. Many believe that the same fairy tales are just fiction. Eh no! Although they contain animated animals, birds, plants, objects or elements, as well as heroes and phenomena that do not exist in nature, the people themselves say about them that although a fairy tale is a fiction (lie), it contains a hidden hint that should serve as a lesson for the future.

If you think about it carefully, it really is. At the same time, it is not necessary to perceive works folklore literally. Here you need to delve into the very hidden essence of the story. The most interesting thing is that many classics of literature adopted this technique of comparative allegories from folklore.

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