Sports dances that they include. What are the dances? Name of types of dances


To express the emotions and feelings that overwhelmed them, expectations and hopes, our ancient ancestors used rhythmic ritual dances. As the person himself and the social environment that surrounded him developed, more and more different dances appeared, becoming more and more complex and refined. Today, even experts will not be able to indicate the name of the types of dances - all performed by people for centuries. However, dance culture, having passed through the centuries, is actively developing. On the basis of folk and classical, new and modern styles and trends appear.

What it is?

Before considering what types of dances are, let's clarify what it really is? The most short-lived and most complex of the arts, in which human body and its plastic possibilities are used to create a unique image - this is a dance.

It is impossible without the personality of the artist and music. Performer based on content piece of music, builds a "picture" of the dance and embodies his vision and sensory perception in motion. This action can be used as a way of social communication and self-expression, a competitive sports discipline and part of a religious cult, as well as a demonstration art form that is constantly evolving and changing. All new styles and forms appear in it, different types dances, the variety of which puts even specialists into a dead end.

History of appearance

The very first dances of people were ritual, performed by them in the hope of a successful hunt or a bountiful harvest, healing the sick or winning a war. Over time, rhythmic movements were generalized, which was the beginning of the formation of ethnic art, which each of the peoples has its own characteristics and traditions.

All the variety of dance steps originated from the main types of human movements - running, walking, jumping, swinging and turning. Over time there were the following types household (for themselves), as well as performed for show - cult and stage.

Main directions

Among the various dance styles and directions can be called the following, the most popular and well-known:

In this article, we will consider in more detail what types of dances are in modern

Beginning and middle of the 20th century

Such a division into two stages is not accidental. According to many performers of the beginning of the last century, dance as an art form was supposed to reflect new reality, and not adhere to the canons of the old ballet schools “frozen” in time. At this time, such choreographic directions arise, which are still popular today, such as:

  1. Free dance.
  2. Modern.
  3. Buto.
  4. Contemporary (Contempo).
  5. Jazz Modern.

Let us dwell in more detail on each of them, since they had a great influence on the formation and development of many styles and trends of modern dance art.

free dance

First of all, this is a special worldview of the performer, formed under the influence of Nietzsche's ideas. Performer, denying the canonical rules ballet choreography, sought to combine dance and real life, manifesting itself as a liberated spirit of creativity. It was on the basis of the free style that such trends as modern and butoh, jazz-modern and contemporary were born and developed.


Arising at the beginning of the century, this dance direction today it is very popular and is one of the leaders in the Western choreographic school.

Just like the free one, he denies any ballet norms and strives to embody various forms on the stage, using new original methods. It is characterized by semantic fullness, a wide range of movements, high jumps and flexibility, “broken” poses and movements unusual for ballet choreography, various twists.

contemporary dance

It is quite reasonable to say that such popular in late XIX and the beginning of the 20th century, styles like free dance and modern, served as the basis for the formation of such a direction as contemporary (contempo). This one offers the dancer, through various choreographic styles, to demonstrate as fully as possible in improvisation all the inner emotions and resources he has.

Jazz Modern

The main feature of this direction is the combination of jazz improvisational rhythms and energy, coordination and work with the body and breath of a modern performer, as well as movements inherent in classical ballet school. Thus, the body of a jazz-modern dancer becomes another musical instrument, manifesting the melody through the plasticity of his own body.


This is one of the youngest dance techniques that appeared in Japan in the fifties of the 20th century. Buto, despite its rather long existence, remains for people today Western world the most difficult to understand. It is based on the cultural, philosophical, religious and aesthetic values ​​of the country rising sun. This dance seeks to show earthliness everyday life ordinary person, as well as comprehend and demonstrate the body and its capabilities in space and time.

Modern dance of the late XX and early XXI century

The whole variety of contemporary dances can, of course, be conditionally divided into two large groups:

  • street;
  • club.

street dance

Hip-hop and Krump, popping and locking, break-dance and C-walk - all these are the names of the types of dances, "born" not on stages and in choreographic studios, but on the streets and in the courtyards of megacities, discos and clubs.

Most of them are based on hip-hop. The performer is not limited by any form and can boldly improvise and experiment, creating an individual and unique pattern of movements, as well as interact with both other dancers and the public. In a "pure" form, they are extremely rare, and for the most part they began to be performed in clubs, and not on the streets, which is why they often fall into the club category. Here are the most popular and common destinations:

  • New style (NewStyle).
  • Krump is short for Kingdom Radially Uplifted Mighty Praise, meaning "Empire of the Absolute Power of Spiritual Praise".
  • Locking.
  • Popping.
  • L.A.Style.
  • Crip walk (C-walk).
  • Brakedance.
  • Hip-hop (Hip-Hop).

This is a temperamental, bright and incredible mixture of various modern styles allowing you to express yourself in motion. Everyone, as they say, “on hearing” the name of the types of dances in this direction:

  • Tectonic or electro dance.
  • House (house).
  • Jumpstyle (jumpstyle).
  • Melbourne shuffle (shuffle).
  • Waacking (waking).
  • Go-Go (club Go).
  • Square dance (square dance).
  • DnBstep.
  • Ragga (ragga) and many others.

It is impossible to list all kinds of dances. The list of names of modern styles and trends is constantly changing and supplementing. Today, dancing is not only a plastic art, but also a fairly common sport.

Dance Sport

If in former times dances were perceived only as an art form, then the complication of technical and choreographic requirements for performance led to the need for excellent physical form those who do it. Today, sports dances are, first of all, ballroom dances. Their feature is the execution by partners of a set of certain mandatory movements and figures to predetermined music. Evaluated at the competitions consist of three parts: compulsory, original and free.

Over time, new musical and choreographic styles and trends appear. And now such modern views sports dances like break or locking, jumpstyle or pole dance(pole dancing), attract more and more fans from different age groups. To participate in competitions in these areas, athletes need not only excellent choreographic, but also physical training. For those who do not seek to win international competitions, but try to keep their own body in good shape, fitness classes in various dance techniques can be recommended. Twerk, high heels, go-go, strip plastic, belly dance, zumba, sexy R&B, ragga, booty dance - these are the most popular beautiful dancing. Girls are attracted to them not only by the opportunity to correct the figure, but also to improve plasticity and increase their own self-esteem.

September 8, 1997 in the world of dancesport happened significant event. On this day, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced the full recognition International Federation Dance Sports (IDSF) as a "Recognized Federation" and a full member of the IOC. This worldwide recognition is regarded as the main achievement of IDSF and dancesport in general. It was also the culmination long history development of sports dances, a six-year hard work IDSF, the huge efforts of National Federations and hundreds of thousands of dancers all over the world.

In the past, dancing was considered a form of art. Today it is customary to consider competitive ballroom dancing as an "artistic sport". Why is dance considered a sport? Because it demands from the dancer the qualities that most "real" sports have.

Physical strength. ballroom dancing in terms of the intensity of the lifts and the complexity of the elements, they can be compared with ice dancing (many combinations came to ice dancing from ordinary dances).

Flexibility and coordination. These qualities are necessary for maneuvering on the floor and performing figures and lines. Similar qualities are characteristic of such sports as diving, sailing, surfing, basketball and even football, but this is closest to gymnastics.

Musicality. All dancesport competitors must demonstrate an understanding of music and rhythm in the same way as required in rhythmic gymnastics.

Endurance. Dance sport competitions are held in several rounds - from preliminary to semi-final and final. In each round, dancers must perform five two-minute dances. A 1996 study found that the degree of muscle tension and breathing rate of dancers who performed one two-minute dance was similar to that of cyclists, swimmers, and middle-distance runners (over the same amount of time). The finalist of the World Championship in 10 dances performs 30 dances during the tournament!

discipline and team spirit . Dance sport is a team sport. A team can be one couple. A team can consist of 16 members (8 couples) in formation competitions. The discipline requirements for 16 people performing up to 13 dance tempo changes, and at the same time constantly coordinating their position on the floor with respect to other team members, are much higher compared to other sports.

grace and style. Like ice dancing and rhythmic gymnastics, in sports dancing an important component of success is the smooth movement and attractive appearance couples.

However, unlike most other sports, dancing has features that make it possible to consider it not only a sport, but also an art.

The motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius" - "Faster, Higher, Stronger" - seems to express the spirit Olympic Games. However, it does not cover all aspects of the Games today, as, however, it did not cover them in the 4th-5th centuries. BC E. This motto truly reflects the ancient spirit of competition, but it cannot convey the full range of competition included in the Games. Obviously the competition is salient feature modern society not only in the sports arena, but also in business and career. Therefore, the concepts of comparative and excellent, good and better are familiar to everyone.

How applicable is the Olympic slogan to DanceSport today? Ten years ago, we witnessed the inclusion of dancesport into the Olympic family, as before rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming. Thus, these species were recognized as being in line with the Olympic ideas. At the highest level of performance, they involve unrivaled craftsmanship and understanding. Top-level athletes in any sport are completely selfless. All these sports are competitive and require a level of training of participants that guarantees the status of tournaments as sports events. However, none of these sports meet the "Faster, Higher, Stronger" criteria. Apparently, such comparisons as "more accurate", "more graceful" or "artistic" are more suitable for them.

Dance sport is not a hobby - it's a lifestyle. With serious studies, the head is always occupied with dancing. It doesn't matter whether you're having lunch or riding the bus - the rhythm of the music is in your ears, you calculate the movements, think about some new ones. interesting ideas. And it cannot be otherwise. After all, practice passes quickly - when you come to a lesson, to a workout, you no longer have to think - you must know and do.

Dancers usually have a very rigid schedule, which includes training (lessons and practical lessons) and tournament schedule. Classes in the majority dance clubs- every day, including weekends and holidays. The dancer himself decides how much he needs to train - with and without a teacher. High scores are never given for free - for this you need to work hard, and most importantly, think, look for new original solutions to problems.

It is equally important to constantly take part in regional, all-Russian and international tournaments. In order for the couple not to be forgotten by the judges, it simply needs to "be in sight", take its place in the ranking, in the list of competition results. Fame has not prevented any athlete, especially in such a subjective sport as dancing. Judges evaluate couples based only on their ideals in dancing, subjective perception. Therefore, the first place is not put for more turns or the pace of movement.

Sports dancing is one of the most popular areas among those who first decided to introduce their child to sports. It is better to engage in them from about 4 years of age. Dancing perfectly develops the body and contributes to the harmonious development of the personality, while being considered one of the less traumatic sports areas. For many years, sports dancing has been popular and in demand, because it is not only movements to the music, it is a whole image on the floor, complemented by chic costumes, makeup and hairstyles, especially for girls. This is a real holiday for both dancers and their parents. A beautiful sports dance is a spectacle that does not leave anyone indifferent in the hall.

Baby dance Sport
Dancing is not only hour-long classes in the hall several times a week. These are permanent “individuals” with coaches, master classes, lectures and practice, summer camps and regular trips to tournaments that are held in different points not only in their own country, but also abroad. Performances on the floor are divided into sections, in which couples or solo dancers perform, depending on age and class. The performances are evaluated by a competent jury, which, on the basis of the scores, awards places in the final of the tournament.

What dances are included in sports dances?
Ballroom sports dances are divided into two directions. Sometimes couples perform in two directions at once, but more often, especially older children, choose one and improve in it. These are the so-called "standard" and "latina", each of which includes five dances. The standard European ballroom dance program includes slow waltz, foxtrot, quickstep, Viennese waltz and tango, while latin sports dances include jive, cha-cha-cha, samba, rumba and paso doble. It cannot be said that some of these areas are easier, some are more difficult - it all depends on the temperament of the child and the qualifications of the coach. As a rule, there are some coaches according to the standard, and others according to the Latin. It is not always possible to deal with both at the same time.

Types of modern sports dances
For those who do not like ballroom dancing, there are many modern trends in this sport. This choreography will appeal to both girls and guys. These are jazz-funk, hip-hop, break-dance and even strip-dance. Each of these areas is unique. Separately, you can also highlight the contempo. This is the direction to contemporary choreography, which is constantly changing depending on the trends in dance and music trends in a given time period. The contempo lacks any specific structure, it is a complete improvisation.
Sports dancing as a sport is a great solution for those children and even adults who love to dance. Enjoying the dance, at the same time strengthens the immune system, develops all the muscles of the body. It is the perfect combination of sport and beauty. But it must not be forgotten that beautiful picture on the parquet there are hours of hard training, and sometimes disagreements within the dance couple.

Ballroom dancing is not just dancing, it is a whole art, and at the same time science, sport, passion, in a word - whole life embodied in motion. Also, ballroom dancing is not in vain called sports - it is a colossal workout for all the muscles of the body, as well as a correct and healthy cardiological load.

During the dance, the couple communicates with each other and with the audience with body language, which can express both a huge message of positive energy, and a gentle, peaceful, perhaps even dreary mood - an anguish of the soul, and this depends on the type of ballroom dance.

On this moment such directions as, for example, bachata or solo latina for girls are often considered types of ballroom dance, but this is not entirely correct. The traditional program of ballroom dancing (they are necessarily paired) includes ten dances, divided into European direction or program (otherwise called "standard") and Latin American ("Latin"). So, what are the types of ballroom dancing - let's start in order.

Dance King - Waltz

The most noble and solemn dance classical program- slow waltz. This direction of the waltz originated at the beginning of the last century and has not undergone any changes since then. The dance has a very measured movement in three counts, like all waltz ballroom dances. , and accompanied by lyrical music.

There is another waltz in the standard program - Viennese, which is distinguished by an abundance of rotations at a fairly high speed and is danced to a fast melody, thereby creating simply enchanting sensations for the audience.

Other elements of the European program

Filled with the breath of Argentine passion, tango is another element of the European program, very sensual, combining fast and slow movements. All types of ballroom dancing assign a dominant role to the partner, but it is tango that especially focuses on this.

The standard program also includes a slow foxtrot (they dance to a count of up to 4), which is distinguished by a moderate tempo with some transitions from slow and fast, and quickstep. The latter is the most mischievous dance of the entire program, based on jumps, quick turns. The task of the dancer is to connect these jerky movements with smooth transitions to very energetic music.

Dancing to incendiary Latin American rhythms

The types of ballroom dances of the Latin program are, firstly, no less exciting than tango, but at the same time, a very gentle dance - rumba.

The rhythm is slow, with an emphasis on even slower beats. Secondly, the exact opposite of rumba is jive, incredibly positive and very fast, the most modern and constantly acquiring new movements.

The carefree Latin American dance cha-cha-cha is the most amazing invention of mankind, it is characterized by movements of the hips and legs that cannot be confused with anything, and a very interesting manner of counting (“cha-cha-1-2-3”).

Akin to the incendiary cha-cha-cha, the samba dance, which can be both quite slow and incredibly fast, so much so that the dancers have to show the highest level skill.

Samba is based on "spring" movements of the legs, combined with smooth movements of the hips. And of course, both samba and other types of ballroom dances of the Latin program are a clear rhythm and frantic energy that extends to the dancers themselves and the audience, even if the dance is performed by non-professionals.

Development dance culture gave rise to the emergence a large number directions. If earlier there was a limited number of rooms, today their number is constantly expanding. A fair question often arises, what is the difference between sports and ballroom dancing.

And this is the right question, since the sports-ball direction is just a mixture between the types presented, although these options are different one by one.

ballroom dancing

They are represented by the Latin American and European program and originated in England. At least in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing them today. In this country, people were born who made their technique standard and released the first books. 1892 was marked by the release of the world's first association of dance teachers, an association was formed in Britain. A few years later, a whole ballroom dance society appeared. It is this event that can act as the start of a competitive direction. At first, dance acted exclusively as an art form, while after a few years it spread throughout the West and gained a mass character.

What are the characteristics of ballroom dancing

As a paired type of direction with many features, this direction already exists. long time. In the past, similar movements were used at balls and in rooms where the floor was made of parquet. In a pair of this direction there is always a man and a woman. The composition itself embodies elegance, emotionality and incendiary movements. This dance is full of romance and passion, it turns on the audience and sets a special charm in the hall. The list of ballroom dances includes such directions as waltz, tango, foxtrot, quickstep, rumba and other directions. The main features are such moments as pair performance in the form of heterosexual partners. It is also worth noting that the execution of the program occurs through the observance of contact points. Costumes are not always relaxed, on the contrary, they emphasize the female figure and courage in men.

Sports dance features

Over time, when it was decided to hold competitions and championships of an official nature, the features of the dances changed. The structural management moment was more like a sports organization. Over time, people who performed such numbers decided that a sports orientation was closer to them. They have long defended own position and found many facts for its solid reinforcement. And finally they got their way. In 1997, the IOC (International Olympic Committee) announced that a new link was being formed - the World Dance Sports Federation. In this regard, ballroom dancing received the name of sports ballroom dancing. This process was preceded by a long and painstaking work.

So are there any differences

Yes, they are available and consist simultaneously in several important points:

  • The costumes have become more open and relaxed, although the severity in ball gowns preserved;
  • ballroom dances are performed for pleasure, while sports dances are done on a competitive basis;
  • ballroom dancing is akin to the classics, and sports - modern direction with more democratic demands;
  • the rhythm of ballroom dancing is slower, while in sports it is more dynamic and fast.

These are the main differences between the areas under consideration. In our dance studio you can learn how to dance any of them.

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