Abstract on drawing for a group of different ages. Outline of a drawing lesson (group) on the topic: Abstract of the GCD on non-traditional drawing techniques in the age group “Spring is coming - spring is the way


Synopsis of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) in mixed age group on the theme "Golden Autumn"

Program content:

Teaching function:

    To teach children to reflect in the drawing the impressions of the golden autumn, to convey its comfort.

    Learn to transfer in a drawing bright colors autumn.

    Learn to use three colors: the younger subgroup - red, orange, yellow.

    Improve technical skills.

    Learn to place the image all over the sheet: above, below, to the right, to the left.

    To acquaint with the landscapes of Russian artists (I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", V. Polenov "Golden Autumn").

educational function: V to instill in children a love for nature, to develop curiosity and the desire to know the world, to find an explanation for the environment.

Development function: activate the dictionary: leaf fall, foliage, leaf; about the color of foliage - crimson, gold.

Equipment: reproduction of paintings by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", V. Polenov "Golden Autumn", album sheets, brushes, cotton buds, sponge, watercolor paints, gouache paints, palettes, napkins, jars of water.

Course progress.

caregiver : Good morning, Guys! I am very pleased to see you. Today we have guests at the lesson, let's greet them.

Now listen to the poem and determine what season it says:

Golden leaves fall, fly,
Golden leaves cover the garden.
There are many golden leaves on the paths,
We will make a good bouquet of them,
We'll put the bouquet in the middle of the table,
Golden autumn has come to visit us.
E. Blaginina

Children : - about autumn!

caregiver : Right. Guys, let's close our eyes for a minute and imagine that you and I are in autumn forest. What changes in the forest with the advent of autumn?

Children: On trees and bushes turn yellow and redden, fall off, wither, leaves fall. blowing strong winds. Animals are preparing for winter, etc. Bird flocks fly away to warm lands. Often windy. Almost all trees are bare. Leaves fall, fly and spin. They cover the whole earth with an autumn carpet.

caregiver . Guys, let's play the game "Pick a word"

    In autumn, the mood is sad, and in summer - ... (funny)

    In spring, the leaves on the trees are green, and in autumn - ... (yellow)

    In summer the rain is warm, and in autumn - ... (cold)

    Days are short in autumn, but in summer... (long)

    In the spring the birds arrive, and in the autumn - ... (fly away)

    Cloudy days in autumn, but in summer... (clear)

Educator. Autumn nature fascinates and delights not only us, poets, but also artists. Artists talk to people without words, with the help of paints.

Now we will look at reproductions of paintings famous artists: Isaac Ilyich Levitan "Golden Autumn" and Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov "Golden Autumn".

    What season is shown in the picture?

    Why do you think so?

    What autumn did the artist see? (Gold autumn)

    That's right, the artist conveyed the signs of autumn: different colors of foliage (gold, crimson, red, brown)

So you should show the bright colors of autumn in your drawings.

Educator. Today you will also be artists, and we will also draw in our paintings golden autumn. The younger guys will draw with cotton swabs autumn leaves, and the older ones use stamps.

Senior subgroup

Educator. Guys, paint the leaf with autumn colors in a free manner with a brush, leaving the tree unpainted.

Junior subgroup

Educator. Guys, dip a cotton swab in water, then dry a little on a napkin, and now in paint. Our wand should run along the branches, leaving traces. And under the tree there are fallen leaves, do not forget to run with a stick there too (draw using different colors).

Educator. Let's let the paints dry for a couple of minutes and have a physical education session.

We are leaves, we are leaves, we are autumn leaves,

We were sitting on a tree, the wind blew and flew.

We flew, we flew, and then we got tired of flying,

The wind stopped blowing, they gathered together in a circle.

Junior subgroup

Educator. Guys, look how beautiful your drawings turned out. What colors did you use today? Do you like drawing with sticks?

Educator. Drawn, and now you can play.

D / and "Leaves"

Senior subgroup

Educator. And you guys are paint dry. Now the most exciting thing awaits you: please complete your drawings with the missing elements - leaves, which we will draw not with a brush, but with the help of stamps (sponge).

At the end of the lesson, the teacher and the children look at the drawings.

Educator. Is it possible to find out what season is shown in the drawings?

How did you know it's autumn?

How can you call autumn in bright yellow colors?

What did you use to create the drawings?

What color paints did you use?

Educator. All the guys did their best, and the drawings turned out bright and expressive, and finally golden autumn came in our group.

Zalesova Olga
Synopsis of a conversation on fine arts in the age group "The World of Painting"

Synopsis of GCD conversation on fine arts in a group of different ages.

Subject: "World painting» Target: consolidation of the material covered; the formation of spiritual and moral qualities. Tasks: educational: to develop children to answer questions; expand and deepen knowledge of the world, its beauty; developing: develop speech, thinking, memory; develop a sense of beauty artistic perception paintings; educational: enrich moral feelings, educate artistic taste. Software content: Vocabulary Job: activation: painting, landscape, still life, portrait, artist; enrichment: reproductions. Equipment: art reproductions, still life by A. Gerasimov "Roses". Supposed result: children develop speech, the ability to answer questions; children learn the beauty of the world around them.

Lesson progress:

Stages Activities of the educator Activities of children Techniques and methods

introductory Conversation about fine arts. IN: “Everything beautiful that we see around us, everything that surrounds us, we can depict, convey in a drawing, capture on long years. Fine art allows us to develop our imagination, to develop a sense of beauty. Tell me, what lessons in kindergarten do you get acquainted with fine arts?” IN: "Right. In these classes, you get to know and become familiar with the fine arts. In drawings, you convey your attitude to the world around you, depict it as you see it. But since you are still small, your drawings do not always work out. Tell me, who creates paintings that we can admire for many years?” "Who are the artists?" “What do they write about, do they tell in their works?” “How do artists create their works?” In "Well done. And with what kind visual arts do you know each other?" "What's happened painting?” What genres painting you know?” What do artists depict in landscapes? "Right. What is a still life and what is depicted in a still life? “And what is depicted in the portraits?” In "Well done. You answered all the questions” “And now I invite you to an exhibition of paintings.” I explain to the children that real paintings by artists can be seen in museums, and here we can look at reproductions, that is, reduced copies of paintings. In “What genre painting do these pictures belong? What did the artists depict in the paintings? A conversation about the seasons, their signs. IN: “And this is how poets sing the seasons in their works.” I read poetry. A. Pleshcheev A. Fet Autumn. Winter Boring picture! A wonderful picture, Clouds without end, How do you like me native: The rain is pouring, White plain, Puddles at the porch. Full moon, stunted mountain ash The light of the high skies, Gets wet under the window. And the shining snow, The village looks And the distant sleigh A gray spot. Lonely run. Why are you early to visit, Autumn, come to us? The heart also asks for Light and warmth! A. Pleshcheev Ya. Akim Spring. Summer. Already the snow is melting, streams are running, Do you want to look at the summer? The window blew in the spring. They let you into the forest without a ticket, Soon the nightingales will whistle, Come! And the forest will be dressed in foliage! Mushrooms and berries Pure azure sky, So much - The sun has become warmer and brighter, Do not collect even in a year! It's time for evil blizzards and storms And by the river, and by the river Again passed for a long time. With fishing rods little men. Children stand in a semicircle.

Children's answers: development of speech, modeling, drawing, application.

Children's answers: "Artists". "Artists are people who create beautiful things - paintings, drawings in books, come up with drawings of dishes, fabrics, paint toys." “About nature, about people, animals, birds, scenes from life, that is, about what surrounds them. “Think, observe, study, remember what they saw, fantasize.” Answer children: “Painting". “Painting- Creation artistic images with paint." “Landscape, still life, portrait” “In the landscape, artists depict nature.” Answer children: “Still life - “dead nature”, image inanimate objects. Such pictures depict things and objects that surround a person ”Answers children: “In the portraits, the artists depict people. It can be composers, poets, pilots, workers.” Children approach the paintings depicting the landscape, examine, answer the teacher's questions. Answers children: “It's a landscape. The artists depicted the seasons in their paintings.”

The children are listening.

Questions Try to answer in full.

Artistic word.

Main We approach the paintings - still lifes. To what genre painting do these pictures belong? What do they show? Guys, we seem to be in a small garden. How many flowers around. They are the most beautiful thing that nature gives us on earth: That is her priceless gift, For all arts, a flower is an unchanging sample. Here is how the poet Jacques Demil writes about flowers. They sound so beautiful lines: flowers are a priceless gift of nature, that is, it has no price. And, indeed, artists and poets, musicians and artists have repeatedly turned to the beauty of flowers, their fragility and fragility. Flowers are soulless, inanimate, but a person endows them with the beauty of his soul. - Where do flowers grow? “It's nice to admire the flowers in the field, in the forest, in the garden. I want to bring them home, give them to friends, but you should not pick wild and forest flowers. But garden - specially grown for cutting. Flowers are selected by color, name, height and make up different bouquets. Flowers in bouquets certain time look like different”. I propose to get acquainted with the still life in more detail. A. Gerasimov "Roses". “What are the names of the flowers depicted in the picture?” “What are they? Describe them.” “How many bouquets do you see in the picture? How many bouquets are there really?” “In this picture, we meet with the play of a mirror, which creates the impression that in a still life there is not one bouquet, but two.” I am reading a fragment of a poem by I. Myatlev “Roses” How beautiful, how fresh the roses were In my garden! How they deceived my eyes! How I prayed spring frosts Do not touch them with a cold hand! How I cherished, how I cherished the youth of My cherished, dear flowers, It seemed to me that joy blossomed in them, It seemed to me that love breathed in them. In “Who admires flowers?” “What words does the poet say about roses, what are they?” “Where did roses grow? How were these roses cared for? We approach the paintings - portraits. In "What genre painting before us?” “Who is depicted in the portraits?” “Who is P.I. Tchaikovsky? I turn on for listening the work of Tchaikovsky “ Swan Lake“What did you hear? What sounded now? IN: “Music is also an art form, just like painting. It is created by man (composer) and for a person. Music has its own intonation, just like a person's voice, so it is often said that music tells. Sounding music gives people the opportunity to communicate, to express their feelings. Performer performs musical composition and listeners experience the music they hear.” “Who is N. Nosov. And what of his works are you familiar with? “Well, who is K. Chukovsky?” “Looking at portraits, tell me, can you determine the mood of a person?” “What else can tell about a person’s mood?” Well done, you answered all the questions. And this is where our tour ended, in conclusion, let's say again what a landscape, still life, portrait is. Children read a poem by A. Kushner “What I learned”:

The children look at the pictures.

Children: “These are still lifes. The artists depicted flowers in their paintings.”

Children's answer: "In the forest, in the field, in the garden, in the park, in the flowerbed, in the greenhouses."

Children: "Roses".

Children talk about roses.

Children's answers.

Children's answer: "Poet" Children: "How good, how fresh they are, so they are beautiful."

Children's answers: “Roses grew in the garden. They were protected from frost and cold.”

Children: "Portraits". Answers children: "P. I. Tchaikovsky, N. Nosov, K. Chukovsky”. Answer children: “Composer. A composer is a person who writes music.” Answer children: “Music played.”

Children's answers: “Nosov - children's writer. His works: “Live hat”, “Mishkin's porridge”, “Dreamers”, etc. ”.

Children's answer: “This is also a children's writer. His works: “The Stolen Sun”, “Moydodyr”, “Aibolit”, etc.”.

Children's answers: “Yes, you can. By the expression of the face, by the expression of the eyes, lips, eyebrows. Children: "His gait, movements." Children read a poem by A. Kushner “What I learned”: If see: the picture shows a river, Or a spruce and white hoarfrost, Or a garden and clouds, Or a snowy plain, Or a field and a hut, The picture is definitely called - a landscape. If you see in the picture a Cup of coffee on the table, Or a fruit drink in a large decanter, Or a rose in crystal, Or a bronze vase, Or a pear, or a cake, Or all objects at once, Know that this is a still life. If you see that someone is looking at us from a picture, Or a prince in an old raincoat, Or a climber in a robe, A pilot or a ballerina, Or Kolka, your neighbor, Be sure the picture is called a portrait. Artistic word

Final B: “Guys, talking today about painting, we touched on other types of art - music, literature. All of them teach us to empathize, convey feelings, emotions, that is, everything that overwhelms the soul of a person.” .- Where have we been today? - What did you see at the exhibition? - Did you like our tour?

And in conclusion, I suggest that children in free activity depict one of the genres painting: still life, landscape or portrait (mom, dad, yourself) Children share impressions. answering questions.

svetlana tretyakova

Abstract of a drawing lesson

mixed age group

« Large and small firs» teacher Tretyakova S. N.

Integration of educational regions: "Knowledge", « Artistic creativity» , "Reading fiction» , « Physical Culture» , "Communication", "Socialization", "Safety".

Tasks: To develop in children an aesthetic perception of the environment, hand motor skills. Teaching children 4 years old draw a Christmas tree, children 5-6 years old continue to learn draw a Christmas tree, achieving an expressive transmission of needles in various ways. To teach to convey the difference in height of old and young trees, their color and structure, brush tip drawing. Cultivate accuracy in work, careful attitude to nature.

Material: gouache, tinted paper, illustrations, didactic game "Build a Christmas tree"- cubes "Fold the Pattern".

Preliminary work. Examining fir trees while walking on the site, as well as examining illustrations in which the needles are depicted different ways.

Course progress.

Children go to the middle of the carpet.

Guys, guests have come to us, let's say hello unusual: with each other, with guests, with fingers.

finger game "Good morning".

Children sit on chairs.

Guys, listen to the riddle.


She looks like a hedgehog

Like a hedgehog, she's in needles too

There are fruits on it - cones.

The girls are waiting for her, the boys,

When she is on New Year's Eve

He will come to them for the holiday.

What is the riddle about? Christmas tree.

Listen to the poem.

I. Tokmakova "Eli..."

Ate on the edge-

To the top of the sky -

Listen, be silent

Look at grandchildren.

And the grandchildren are Christmas trees,

fine needles-

At the forest gate

They lead a round dance.

caregiver: Children, what is the poem about? - about Christmas trees.

And what kind of Christmas trees are we talking about? - about Christmas trees big and small.

Show illustrations that show big and small trees.

Questions for children:

What is shown here?

What trees do you see? - high and low.

What color are the trees? - green.

Children, what are the branches on the Christmas trees covered with? - needles.

And which Christmas trees are more fluffy? - big trees fluffier, they have a lot of branches and needles (pine needles).

Children, how should we treat them, and the nature that surrounds us? - do not break branches, do not cut down Christmas trees, do not light fires in the forest.

Get up, let's rest: physical education minute - Our Christmas tree.

Our Christmas tree is large, Make circular movements with your hands.

Our Christmas tree is high, They stand on their toes, raising their hands up.

Above mom, above dad, Squat, hands forward, and stand on their toes.

Reaches the ceiling. Pull up.

We will dance merrily, put our feet alternately on the heel,

We will sing songs, spreading our arms to the sides and putting them on our belts.

For the tree to want

Come visit us again!

If you want to build a Christmas tree out of cubes, go to the beds. Didactic game "Build a Christmas tree" Ask who has high, who has low ate. Children, today we will be with you draw Christmas trees - big and small come to the tables.

I show you how to consistently draw fir. I'll take a sheet and lay it vertically, what color will we be draw the trunk - brown. We start from above, draw with the tip of the brush, gradually pressing the brush with the whole pile. To show how thick the trunk of an old spruce paint on the other side, we also draw another trunk, on the other hand, we got such a gate. And now it's dark green paint draw the branches, start from top to bottom, with the end of the brush do small strokes. It turns out such spruce "paws".

A small trees next to big ones, at the forest gate in the clearing they dance. Let's depict them with light green paint thin trunks small Christmas trees, paint on the branches, paint as if skirts, triangles.


At the end classes we consider all the drawings and choose the ones that the children liked.

Guys, find the highest spruce.

In which picture is the most fluffy Christmas tree?

Which Christmas tree has beautiful, fluffy branches?

Well done guys, everyone did their best, we got a real spruce forest, and if you want to play the game, you will be bunnies.

mobile game "A gray bunny jumped".

Children arbitrarily jump on the carpet, perform movements according to the text.

A gray bunny was galloping, A bunny was looking for food, Suddenly, at a hare on top, Ears rose like arrows, A quiet rustle is heard, Someone sneaks through the forest, A bunny confuses tracks, Runs away from a fox.

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Summary of drawing classes in a mixed age group


Gabitova Zulfiya Tagirovna

Educational activities

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

Subject:"Mustachioed - striped" (st. group)

Target: To teach children to convey the image of a kitten in a drawing. To consolidate the ability to depict animals, using the skills of drawing with a brush and paints. Cultivate accuracy when working with paints. Develop figurative perception and imagination. Cause joy from the created image. Learn to see the variety of images, the expressiveness of the image.


Lesson progress:

Introductory word of the educator

Salima and Bulat gathered in the city. They have a kitten. They will miss the kitten. Let's draw a portrait of a kitten, Bulat and Salima will take them with them.

Educator: Look, what a beautiful kitten. Guys, what words can describe a kitten?

Children: Small, fluffy, striped, funny, mischievous.

Children: Red, brown, black, white, striped, spotted



"Sleepy red cat stand at the table

Rested his stomach - to stretch

Got up and arched my back into the bridge - bend over,

Fluffed a beautiful tail - bend over

Softly paws went - draw a cat

Quietly started a song - sit at the table

Stages of drawing

Educator (demonstrates):

Kitten drawing

Now get to work.

Summary of the lesson

Did you enjoy drawing?

Exhibition of children's works

Subject: Pets (reg.pr.s.52) "Kitty" (medium group)

Target: to form the ability to create plot compositions, observe the proportions of objects when drawing. Cause joy from the created image. Learn to see the variety of images, the expressiveness of the image.

Material: Watercolor, album sheets for each child, rags, brushes, jars of water.

Lesson progress:

Introductory word of the educator

Guys today we have a guest. Do you want to know who it is?

Educator: Then guess my riddle:

"Sharp ears,

pillows on the paws

mustache, like a bristle,

arched back."

Children: Kitten.

The teacher takes out a toy kitten.

Educator: Right. Look what kitten came to us. Guys, what words can describe a kitten?

Children: Small, fluffy, striped, fluffy, funny, mischievous.

Educator: Guys, what color are kittens?

Children: Red, brown.


"Sleepy red cat stand at the table

Rested his stomach - to stretch

Got up and arched my back into the bridge - bend over,

Fluffed a beautiful tail - bend over

Softly paws went - draw a cat

Quietly started a song - sit at the table

Stages of drawing

Look, I'll show you how else you can draw a cat.

Educator (demonstrates):

I collect paint on the brush, squeeze the excess paint on the edge of the jar and draw big circle- the body, I paint over. Then, I draw a small circle with a different paint - this will be a muzzle, then I add a fluffy tail with a wide stroke, and by adhering to the large circle I will make paws. What did I forget to draw?

That's right, ears, I'll draw them too by priming. Draw eyes and nose cotton swab- poke.

But I will draw the mouth and antennae with the tip of a thin brush. I rinse the brush in water, dry it on a napkin and put it in a glass with the hairs up.

Look how the cat turned out!

Kitten drawing

Now get to work.

Turn on background music. Independent work children. Remind them how to properly sit at the table, to provide assistance as needed.

Summary of the lesson

What wonderful cats you have!

Everyone has different cats turned out both sad and funny! What good fellows you are!

Did you enjoy drawing?

Exhibition of children's works

Subject: Theme: Balls for a cat (younger.group)

Target: to consolidate the ability to work with a pencil: learn to hold a pencil with three fingers above the sharpened end, draw rounded objects; learn to determine the color of an object; develop attention

Material: pencils, sheets

Lesson progress:

Introductory word of the educator

Children a kitten came to us. Kittens love to play with balls. They roll them on the floor, run after the rolling ball. Let's give them colorful balls. Here, for example, are. (Shows colored balls.) Look, here I have red, yellow, green, blue balls. Name the color of the ball that I will show. (Children's answers.)

Didactic game "Which ball was lost?".

The teacher puts three balls of different colors on the table, asks the children to remember them, then covers the balls with a handkerchief and discreetly removes one of the balls.

Task: name the color of the lost ball.

Educator. What shape are the balls? Look, the ball is round. Trace the outline of the ball with your finger. Now draw the ball with your finger in the air. This is how we will draw the ball.

Ball drawing.

The teacher distributes sheets with the image of kittens to the children, on which they will draw a ball. Shows ball drawing techniques, drawing children's attention to how to hold a pencil correctly.

The children begin to draw. The teacher offers the children to choose the pencil that they like best, controls the methods of work, helps children who find it difficult to complete the task.

Summary of the lesson

What wonderful balls for kittens you got!

What good fellows you are!

Did you enjoy drawing?

Exhibition of children's works

Abstract classes uneven-aged groups.

Educational area: "Creation".

Section: "Drawing".

Theme: "Funny Snowmen".

Purpose of the lesson:

Know: 2nd junior, middle group.

What time of the year does it snow, what color is the snow, call the season - winter, that you can play games with snow, make snowballs and a snowman. In winter, sledding down the hill, skiing, skating (middle group). Know what shape the Snowman is, how to sculpt it. Know what color to call snow. Be able to:

2nd junior group: draw a circle (large and small), correctly hold the brush in your hands and pick up paint, carefully paint over without going beyond the outline of the circle. Bring the product to desired image with the help of markers.

Middle group: correctly draw a circle, hold the brush in your hand above the metal tip with three fingers, pick up the brush pile carefully white paint squeeze the excess on the edge of the jar. Compose an image using felt-tip pens, add your own elements to the image and drawing.


Teach children to work in a team and not interfere with each other, but help. Cultivate independence, creativity, perseverance, accuracy. Develop imagination love for drawing. Cultivate positive emotions from the work done.

move classes:

Motivational - incentive:

The teacher uses a game technique: he reports that a hare has come to visit. Offers to show him how we can play and practice. The teacher tells the children that his friend came with the bunny, but who will he help to guess the magic snowflake in this.

(Children show interest, listen carefully to the riddle).

The teacher makes a riddle:

I wasn't raised

Blinded from the snow

Instead of a nose deftly.

Inserted a carrot

Eyes are coals.

Lips - knots

cold, big

Who am i?

Children guess the riddle in chorus, I answer the Snowman.

Organizationally- search:

The teacher offers to draw a snowman, but so that it does not melt, put a magic snowflake next to it and listen to the snowman's story.

I was a sad snowman.

And looked sad

Didn't find any friends

And so he was sad.

But one day I went

On a visit to kindergarten went.

The teacher offers to consider it and asks the question: What kind of snowman?

Children answer: he is sad, sad.

Why is he sad?

The children answer: he has no friends.

The teacher offers to help the snowman find friends, but before considering him, he asks questions:

What shape is it?

The children answer: The snowman is round, a large “ball of snow”, show with their hands the size of the “lump of snow”, then a smaller “lump of snow”.

The teacher offers the children junior group draw in the air with your index finger circular movements of the shape of a circle, each "lump of snow", large and small.

What colour?

Children of the younger group answer: snowman white color.

The teacher clarifies what parts the snowman consists of, offers to show each detail and fix the name with group repetition

Children answer: the head is a small circle and the big circle is the torso.

The teacher offers to remember what else the snowman has, helps the children with the answers.

Children answer (middle group): there is a bucket on the head, a carrot on the face, eyes and mouth, and there is a broom nearby.

Offers to start drawing friends for the snowman at their workplaces.

Reminds you how to properly hold the brush in right hand with three fingers and gently pick up white paint, squeeze the excess on the edge of the jar.

Children listen and observe the actions of the teacher, following his instructions. The teacher asks: “Where do we start the work?”

Children ( middle group) answer: “First draw a large circle - the torso, and paint over it, and then a small one - the head.

The teacher draws attention to the landing at the table. In the process of drawing, if necessary, conducts an individual demonstration. Offers to play a game while the paint dries.

Invites, children are held on the carpet, physical education.

Physical education minute: « Let's warm up pens».

My hands are frozen. How can they be warmed up? We rub our hands vigorously.

Children answer: blow on them, rub against each other, put on mittens.

The teacher offers to go to their places to complete their work. Children of the middle group work independently, the teacher recalls the technique of painting round shapes. To complete and obtain the desired image, the teacher suggests drawing additional parts with a felt-tip pen (bucket, eyes, nose, mouth)

Children of the middle group draw a broom next to the snowman.

The kids are finishing up.

Reflexively - corrective:

The teacher sums up the lesson, hangs the work on the board, offers to consider. Children evaluate their work and comrades, rejoice at what happened. The snowman thanks the children for drawing such beautiful snowman friends for him. The teacher notes different variants snowman decorations, and different moods. Encourages the desire of children to make the drawing beautiful, neat, done by themselves.

KSU "Pervomaiskaya secondary school".

Abstract of a drawing lesson

in a mixed age group.

Theme: "Funny Snowmen".

Educator: Galenko E.R.


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