Who are the real Goths? Goths are dangerous? Gothic clothing brands



Goths are not some external stylization of death and everything connected with it. Goths are adherents of the subculture in its original sense. Theirs is individual. Their attitude to certain phenomena of objective reality is a purely personal opinion and is not clear to an ordinary person. Goths even have their own romance. However, do not confuse the true Goths with the so-called pseudo-Goths! Pseudo-goths - those who simply wear black, play death, but at the same time have nothing to do with the real goth movement. These people only repeat the main features gothic image. By the way, those who believe that the Goths are completely and completely connected with gloomy and afterlife music are also wrong. This is wrong! Gothic can and ordinary people: This is mood music.

Gothic began to spread and develop widely at the end of the last century, and the Goths were people for whom both the world itself and its values ​​\u200b\u200bare alien. However, one should not equate all the Goths under the mere concept of their subculture. It should be understood that behind each of the adherents of this movement (mainly youth), wearing dark robes and other specific paraphernalia, is separate person with certain problems. To understand who the Goths are, it is necessary to learn to see in these people not their image, but the images that dominate the Gothic environment. However, you need to look not at the images of demons, monsters and death, but at the loneliness that runs like an invisible thread through the whole life of a Goth.

Psychologists and sociologists believe that teenage Goths are maximalists and romantics. In such people, these feelings are manifested to a much greater extent than in their peers who are not representatives of this subculture. Psychologists say that many young Goths have quite high intelligence, allowing them to think about the meaning of life and about those things that their peers still do not care about.

Modern Goths have mixed elements of several styles. For example, piercings and metal chains were taken from punk. From there, the Goths adopted the predominance of black fabric in the form of velvet, suede, satin or leather. Gothic pendants and pendants look like skulls, the bats, coffins, etc. Modern Goths prefer silver as a metal for their paraphernalia. The beautiful half is ready to acquire lacing, corsets, lace, flounces, etc. Unfortunately, many modern goths are not adherents of the gothic subculture, but of some kind of informal lifestyle, however, the goths also have a special view of the world and current events, though different from the general gothic orientation.


people of Germanic origin, which is part of the East Germanic (Gothic, Vandal) group and played a prominent role both in historical life Russia, and in the history of the great migration of peoples. ancient homeland their area was in the east from the lower Vistula to Pregel, but their influence - political and cultural - extended far beyond the borders of this river and probably covered the entire Baltic region. The southern limits of their dominance or influence cannot be determined. According to a legend that lived among the Ostrogoths as early as the 6th century (Jordan, ch. 4), G. moved to the lower reaches of the Vistula in time immemorial, from Scandinavia; but this tradition is not confirmed by any data. The towns of the mainland have nothing in common with the Gauts of Southern Scandinavia. G.'s connection with the same-named population of the island of Gotland (Guts, Goths) is more likely, although it has not yet been proved; indicated, except common name, still folk legends preserved in Gutasag. - We have almost no information about the first period of the historical life of G.. Tacitus ("Germania", ch. 43) testifies that they were ruled by kings and that royalty was stronger among them than among other Germanic peoples. This political organization was supposed to give G. a significant advantage over the scattered Slavic-Baltic peoples, who had neither a cultural nor a political center, their closest neighbors in the east and south. Facts such as borrowing by the Slavs and Finns from the Gothic language. words for a prince, etc., as well as some geographical names outside the ancient Gothic region, indicate that the predominance of G. affected in political life neighboring tribes. - In the second half of the 2nd century A.D., G. began to move south, probably due to an increase in population. In connection with their movement is probably the Marcomannic war (see). Part of the Gothic population, however, remained in the old places and merged here, on the islands formed by the mouths of the Vistula, with the Baltics advancing from the east. The main mass, led by King Filimer, the son of Gudarich, passed through the swampy region of Pripyat and, having defeated the people of the spals (Slavs?), blocking their path, reached the coast of the Black Sea. G. encountered the Romans for the first time around 215, under Caracalla, already on the Danube. Around this time, they occupied all of present-day Ukraine and Romania, so that their possessions extended from the lower Danube to the Don (?). In their new dwellings, they broke up into several separate nationalities. The eastern region, from the Don steppes approximately to the Dniester, was occupied by the Ostrogoths (Ostrogothi), otherwise called the Greutungs (Greutungi - "steppe inhabitants"); in the west, in present-day Bessarabia and Moldavia to the Carpathian Mountains and the Lower Danube, they were joined by the Visigoths (Wisigothi), or Tervingi (Tervingi - " forest dwellers"); between the lower Danube and the Transylvanian Alps lived the Taifalis (Thaifali, Taiphali), who are almost always in the society of the Visigoths and independent value have not purchased. Northern borders of Gothic possessions in Southern Russia cannot be determined exactly. The hypothesis is very likely that the "city of the Dnieper, in the river region, the capital of the glorious G." mentioned in the Scandinavian sagas. there is nothing but our Kyiv. There is quite a lot of news about Gothic rule in Southern Russia (the "Gothic period" of Russian history), but they are so incomplete and inconsistent that clear picture we cannot make up our own mind about it. It is most likely that every Gothic nation since the time of migration to the south had its own king, and only for a time the Ostrogothic kings, the most powerful, several times received hegemony over the rest. For the first time this happened, apparently, around the middle of the 3rd century, under King Ostrogoth, cat. owned, according to Jordan, a huge state, subjugating the Gepids, Vandals and friends. He was the first king of the Amal dynasty, from the cat. in the 5th century Theodoric the Great also came out. Under Ostrogoth, the Gothic generals Argayt and Guntarik crossed the Danube and devastated all of Moesia. His successor Kniva, who belonged to another dynasty, also invaded the Balkan Peninsula and in 251 defeated the emperor Decius at Abrita in Thrace; Decius himself was killed in battle. Since that time, a long series of G.'s raids on Roman possessions begins, then by the Black Sea - on Asia Minor, then by land - to Moesia and Thrace. The lack of system and incoherence of the raids proves that G. did not have political unity in this era. For the G. themselves, these invasions had, among other things, the significance that the numerous Christian prisoners of war, who they led out of the Roman provinces, brought Christianity into their country, which apparently spread very quickly. Wolfila himself (see), the translator of the Holy Scriptures into the Gothic language, descended from Christian slaves taken from Mal. Asia. To free the empire from barbarian raids, imp. Aurelian (in 274) ceded to G. and their neighbors all of Dacia; the border of the empire was now, as before Trajan, the course of the Danube. Only under Constantine, in 321, do invasions resume; peace was, however, concluded as early as 336 by King Ariarich. His successor Geberic increased his possessions by completely ousting the Vandals from Dacia. His power was inherited (about 350?) by the mighty Ermanarih (Germanrich, see), whose glory was sung by all the Germanic peoples, who compared him with Alexander the Great. Jordanes gives a list of the peoples conquered by this most powerful of the Gothic kings. Next to the Heruli, we find in the list all the Slavs (Venethi, Antes and Sclaueni), Finns, Cheremis (?), Mordovians, Meryu, Perm (?), All, Chud on Lake Ladoga and several other nationalities whose names defy explanation. According to this legend, it means that almost all of European Russia was part of the state of Ermanaric. A contemporary, Ammianus Marcellinus, also testifies to his power, so there is no doubt about him. Nevertheless, the tradition preserved by Jordanes hardly conveys in all its details historical fact; it is, apparently, rather the result of a later idealization of this glorious ancestor Theodoric the Great, which could be affected by the memories of the first period of the history of G., preserved in folk songs. There is no doubt, however, that at this time the whole Slavic world, still concentrated in Central Russia, was strongly influenced by Gothic life and culture. - Ermanaric was the last representative of the Gothic power in the South of Russia. Even during his lifetime, the Visigoths fell away (see). Since then, the isolated life of the Visigoths and Ostrogoths begins. The Ostrogoths held out for some time in their southern Russian. possessions, under the rule of the Huns, and finally left them only in the 5th century (see Ostrogoths). Their remnants merged with the Slavs advancing from the north, leaving no clear traces behind. A recent attempt to link the origin of Rus' with the name G. does not stand up to criticism (see Rus', name).

G. Crimean. Probably already in the third quarter of the 3rd c. according to R.H.G., they occupied the Crimea. Having initially mastered the entire peninsula, they, pressed by the Hunno-Bulgarian peoples, were subsequently to concentrate on the southern mountainous part of the Crimea, between Sudak and Balaklava. This mountainous region during the Middle Ages and almost to our time was called Gothia (Gothic climates); a handful of G., who were not touched by the Hun storm, survived in it; she retained her nationality here for another millennium, until late XVI V. They should not be confused with G. tetraxites, who lived on the Taman Peninsula and died much earlier. According to Procopius (6th century), the Crimean G. were excellent warriors and lived in friendship and in alliance with Byzantium; their number stretched up to 3000. They were dependent on the Eastern Roman Empire, and this relationship was not violated in principle until the fall of the latter in 1453, although in fact their dependence on the empire. often turned into fiction. Their connection with Byzantium was maintained without interruption by the Church: the bishops (later archbishops and metropolitans) of G. were directly dependent on the Patriarch of Constantinople even when Constantinople was already in the hands of the Turks. In the 7th and 8th centuries we find Crimean G. depending on the Khazars, who then owned Tauris. By this time, precisely to 787, the uprising of G., described in the life of St. John, Bishop of Gotha. Dependence on the Khazars was expressed, probably, only by tribute; G. continued to be controlled by their prince. G.'s position did not change in the 9th-10th centuries, when the Khazars were replaced by the Pechenegs. Their relationship with Ancient Russia. An important monument for solving this issue, known as the Notes of a Gothic Toparch, is interpreted by researchers in different ways. From the 11th century to the beginning of the 13th century, Georgia, while continuing to be nominally dependent on Byzantium, partly depended on the Polovtsians. When in 1204 Constantinople was taken by the crusaders, the traditional power over Gothia passed to the emperors of Trebizond. The Tatars, who came to the Crimea for the first time in 1223, made their tributaries and G. At this time, the Gothic rulers (toparchs), initially only Byzantine officials, achieved almost complete independence. Pressed on the one hand by the Tatars, on the other hand by the Genoese, who owned rich colonies on the southern coast of Crimea, the Gothic princes had to be content, however, with only the southwestern part of the peninsula; their residence was Mt. Theodoro (now Mankup). The last prince Gothic (Mankup) was Isaiko. In 1475, the Turks took possession of both the Genoese possessions and the Gothic principality. Prince Isayko was captured, killed or taken to Constantinople. One of the members of the dynasty, to the cat. belonged to Isaiko, moved out at the end of the 14th century. to Russia and became the ancestor of the Golovin family here. The Gothic people survived the fall of their principality, preserving the Gothic language. Baron Busback, the ambassador of the German emperor to the Great Porte in 1557-64, collected some information about him and wrote down about 90 Gothic words, which irrefutably prove the existence of Gothic speech on the peninsula even at that time. late time and make it possible to determine some facts of the phonetic development of this language. But already in the XVII century. all traces of it disappear; the last remnants of G. were Tatarized, retaining, however, Orthodoxy. In 1778, being persecuted by the Turks, they turned to Russia for help. Under the leadership of the last Gothic metropolitan, Ignatius, they all settled on the shores Sea of ​​Azov, where vast lands were assigned to them by the Russian government. They founded the city of Mariupol and 24 villages here. Their descendants ("Mariupol Greeks") speak Tatar and Greek. Memories of the former independence in the Crimea and the Gothic nationality completely disappeared from their memory.

G. moesian(Moesogothi, Gothi minores) - the name of those G.-Christians who, around 350, during the persecution of Christians by Atanarichus, moved to Moesia, where they were allotted lands near Nikopol. Wulfila was at the head of the movement (see). Nothing reliable is known about the further fate of the patriarchal community founded by them. There are traces of their existence until the 9th century. (Walafrid Strabo).

Gothic language and literature. - Ancient monuments Gothic language - runic inscriptions on the tip of a spear found in Kovel district. Volyn province. (probably 3rd century A.D.) and on a gold hoop found in Pietroasse in Romania (late 4th century). The first place in importance is occupied by the translation of St. Wulfila's writings, excerpts cat. have come down to us in manuscripts written at the beginning or middle of the 6th century. in Southern Italy, but retaining quite faithfully the features of the Gothic language of the second half of the 4th century BC. Ostrogothic language of the 6th century. preserved in the so-called charters from Naples and Arezzo. For further destinies of both the East and Visigothic languages, see Ostrogoths and Visigoths. Differentiation on the basis of language probably began very early. When speaking of the Gothic language, it usually refers to the language of the Visigoths of the time of Wulfila. It is in many respects closer to the Proto-Germanic type than all other Germanic dialects. Only the vowel system has been greatly simplified, while the consonants have undergone almost no changes. Distinctive features of the Gothic language are in the field of phonetics: ê from the Proto-Germanic open è, transitions e to i, o to u in all cases and the reverse transition to e resp. o before r and h; the preservation of many features of the Proto-Germanic conjugation and declension. In rare cases, only other Germanic dialects surpass the Gothic Wulfila in antiquity of sounds and forms; most often - the language of the oldest Scandinavian inscriptions and forms restored for the Gothic language from words borrowed in prehistoric time Finns and Slavs in G. This explains the importance that the Gothic language has in general German philology. Wulfila's translation caused a lively scientific and literary activity among G. (see Wulfila). The only monument of her that has come down to us is the so-called Skeireins (Chit. Skîrîns) - excerpts from the interpretation of the Gospel of John, probably the 4th century BC. About rich development folk poetry Roman and Byzantine historians testify among G.. For general works on the history of G., see the articles of the Visigoths, Vandals, and Gepids. Also: V. Thomsen, "Ueber den Einfluss der german. Sprachen auf die finnisch-lappischen" (Halle, 1870, translated from Danish); Vasilevsky ("J. M. H. Pr.", v. 105). About the Crimean G. - Brun ("Zap. Aka. Nauk", vol. XXIV, 1874); Kunik (ibid.); Vasilevsky ("J. M. N. Pr.", vol. 185, 1876); W. Tomaschek, "Die Goten in Taurien" (Vienna, 1881); F. Braun, "Die letzten Schicksale der Krimgoten" (St. Petersburg, 1890); F. Brown, "Mariupol Greeks" (in "Living Antiquity", 1890). On Language and Literature - Sievers (in Paul's Grundriss, vol. I, pp. 407 et seq. and II, 65 et seq.).

F. Brown.

encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

This article will talk about the Goths, but not about the representatives of the common in our time youth subculture, respectable citizens shocking with their appearance, but about those barbarians of antiquity, whose tribes, passing from north to south through all of Europe, founded one of the most powerful states of the Middle Ages - the Kingdom of Toledo. The Goths (tribe) disappeared into the darkness of centuries as completely and mysteriously as they appeared, leaving historians with a wide scope for research and discussion.

Europe in the first centuries of our era

On the historical stage, this people appeared at a time when Europe was going through a kind of transitional period. The former ancient civilization was a thing of the past, and new states and nations were only in the process of formation. Huge masses of peoples constantly roamed across its vast expanses, set in motion by constantly changing living conditions.

What was the main reason for such active migration. According to scientists, two factors contributed to this. The first of them is the periodically occurring overpopulation in previously inhabited and developed areas. And besides, stronger and more aggressive neighbors, who appeared from time to time, forced them to leave their homes, from which they had to hastily move away, attacking those who met on the way, and could not give a proper rebuff.

Warlike Scandinavians in Europe

So, according to him, the Goths are tribes Scandinavian origin moving south across Europe. In 258 they reach the Crimea, and some of them settle in it, changing to a settled one. According to some data, about fifty thousand families then settled in the eastern part of the peninsula. A number of researchers note that until the end of the 18th century, the Gothic language continued to sound in those areas, which had completely disappeared by that time in other parts of the world.

However, this was only a single case, and among other European nomads, the Goths (tribe) still occupied one of the leading places. The history of the people of that period is filled with incessant clashes with the inhabitants of the territories along which their path lay. The chronicler Jordan, mentioned above, assures that as a result of this they literally did not have to spend the night twice in one place. From generation to generation they were born, grew up and died on the road.

Barbarians on the borders of the Roman Empire

Traveling in this way, at the beginning of the 4th century they approached the borders of the Great Roman Empire. Oddly enough, but the best army of the world at that time was sometimes powerless against the unexpected attacks of these savages wrapped in skins, crushing the legions, fighting against all existing rules, and then disappearing without a trace in the depths of the forest thickets.

Instilled fear and their large number. On the border of the state, not scattered detachments appeared, but many thousands of people with carts, women, children and cattle. If in summer period Their advance was hampered by two natural barriers - the Danube and Rhine rivers, then in winter, when they were covered with ice, the way for the barbarians was open.

By this time, the empire, torn apart by the most severe crisis, the cause of which was the corruption and decay of its ruling elite, still resists the Goths, but in general it is no longer able to restrain their advance. In 268, having crossed the ice of the Danube, the Goths - Germanic tribes, replenished at the expense of some other small peoples who joined them, plunder the border province of Pannonia. This territory, which includes part of modern Hungary and Serbia, became the first combat trophy of the Goths in the Roman Empire.

At the same time, a second separation of families took place, breaking with eternal wandering and giving preference to settled life. They settled in the provinces of Moesia and Dacia, which are now part of the borders of Bulgaria and Romania. In general, the Goths, a tribe whose history had by that time totaled more than two centuries, became so strong that soon the Roman emperor Valens considered it good to conclude a diplomatic non-aggression agreement with him.

Huns - the scourge of God

In the second half of the 4th century, a terrible misfortune befell Europe - countless hordes of Huns invaded from the east, led by the famous Attila. Even by the standards of that cruel and far from humanistic time, they amazed everyone with their unbridled ferocity and cruelty. The threat posed by their invasion affected both the Romans and the Goths in equal measure. No wonder they were called nothing more than "the scourge of God."

Simultaneously with the invasion of the Huns, the Goths are ancient tribes that previously constituted united people, divided into two independent branches, which went down in history as the Visigoths (Western) and the Ostrogoths (Eastern). The latter were utterly defeated by the Huns in 375, and their king Ermanaric committed suicide out of grief and shame. Those who happened to stay alive were forced to fight on the side of their former enemies. On this, the history of the East German tribe of the Goths was almost completed.

Alliance with the Romans

Having witnessed the death of their fellow tribesmen, and fearing to share their fate, the Visigoths turned to the Romans for help, which made them pretty happy. They were given the opportunity to freely settle in the border regions of the empire, provided that they would defend its borders. For this, under the terms of the agreement, the authorities promised to supply them with food and everything necessary.

In reality, however, things were quite different. Extremely corrupt Latin bureaucracy seized the opportunity to commit large-scale and brazen theft. By appropriating the money allocated for the maintenance of the Gothic outposts, they kept their defenders and their families starving, depriving them of the most necessary. The Goths are a tribe accustomed to all sorts of hardships during their wanderings, but, in this case, there was a humiliation of their dignity, and they could not come to terms with this.

Revolt and capture of Rome

Officials did not take into account that by this time yesterday's barbarians, closely communicating with the Latins, had managed to assimilate many concepts of high civilization. Therefore, treating oneself as savages, who can be fused with impunity under the guise of pork, was considered an insult. In addition, the Goths are ancient tribes, from time immemorial accustomed to solving all disputes with a sword. The result was a riot. The government sent regular troops to suppress it, which in August 378 were utterly defeated in the battle of Adrianople.

In general, the history of this people, the very name of which is fraught with something epic and heroic, remains largely mysterious and not fully explored. From the pages of ancient chronicles, the names - Tulga, Wamba, Atanagild - sound like a spell. But in this understatement lies that attractive force that beckons us again and again to peer into the mysterious depths of centuries.

04 February 2013

Would you like to know as soon as possible inner world human? Take a look at the clothes. She is his reflection. Everyone famous proverb about what is met by clothes, in various life situations This has been proven time and again in practice. If you look at people whose favorite color is black, including them long hair, thickly lined eyes, nails and even lips, it is not difficult to guess who is in front of you and what is hidden behind this “blackness”. Obviously, in the soul of such individuals there are no signs of bright motives, striving for harmony and peace.

Remember how in childhood? We loved to scare our peers with different horror stories: “In a black, black city; in a black, black house; in a black, black room lived a black, black man who loved to wander around on black, black nights...”. It's just about the Goths.

If earlier it seemed to us that everything was “for fun”, now it is, that neither is the real reality. And, unfortunately, there are more and more representatives of this no longer a new youth movement. There is even an anecdote about this: “New Goth! New Goth! - shouted the Goths near the maternity hospital. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

A detailed study of them today is more than ever an urgent need. After all, not every teenager knows about the origins of this informal association, the habits of the "children of darkness" (as they are sometimes called), the motives for the appearance and further consequences.

"Who are the Goths? Where did their culture come from? And what have they forgotten in our world?” Many people are thinking about this today. Starting from parents, ending with young people, who, if they do not belong to this group, are still trying to stand out, to become different from everyone else. Unfortunately, he chooses, it seems to me, not The best way. “BRAIN must be different. Moz-ga-mi!” - once a phrase sounded in the humorous program "Town".

Where do the "legs" come from?

"Goths" (from the English goths - goths, barbarians) are, as a rule, representatives of the goth subculture, who are inspired by the aesthetics of the gothic novel, death, and gothic music.

Representatives of this subculture appeared in 1979, when the direction of punk rock began to decline. Some bands changed their sound to more tragic ones. Appearance started to turn black. This is how the gothic post-punk wave appeared, after which there were groups that played gothic rock. So punk outrageous turned into vampire aesthetics, their view of the world gradually became far from the light.

What are they - modern Goths?

The Goths of that time were, so to speak, more educated. Even the attire of the "great-great-Gods" looked more refined. Today, the mohawk has changed to straight strands. Whiskey and the back of the head began to be completely shaved.

From the punk style, the Goths took metal chains and other accessories, piercings and tattoos, as well as the predominance of black fabric, in the form of leather, velvet, satin, suede. The preferred metal is silver. Pendants and pendants look like bats.

Lace, flounces, lacing, corsets are accepted by the representatives of the fair half of the ready. Symbols of various cultures are usually used in clothing and jewelry. Next to the Celtic ornaments, the Egyptian ankh (symbol eternal life) or Victorian monograms. Various colors: burgundy, purple... Rarely, but there are extravagant ones: white, pink, salad. However, black dominates.

Sometimes dresses are made of latex, vinyl. For decoration use buckles, rings. Men also wear skirts. From outerwear they prefer coats, overcoats, leather raincoats, capes. An indispensable attribute of this subculture is army-style boots.

What's inside, so outside

It's not easy being a goth. Such informals have a special view of the world, people, society. "Isn't it a terrible morning," - it is with this thought that the day begins with the Goths. There are no poseurs here. If everyone can become emo, if desired, dressed in pink and black, then it’s not so simple for the ready. Only those who are truly (as the media describe) imbued with the enchanting atmosphere gothic culture, or whom, despondency, murmuring, unwillingness to hope in God took possession of, can truly become one.

The Goths have their own philosophy, their own principles, their own attitude towards everyone and everything. Individuality is above all. They even have their own romance. "Dark". If music, then it is mystical rock with gothic elements, philosophical motives or "cold" electronics. If a specific work, then it should be characterized by a certain mystery, unrecognizability. Even in death, in their opinion, there are similar manifestations of romanticism.

Their life according to the principles of absolute individualism and gloomy romance is amazing! Yes, they always strive for more (in life, music, art), looking for beauty even where there is none. They try to change every gray, banal day - to bring new emotions and feelings into it through music, clothing style, make-up and other sources. But just think about how this is achieved!

"Die laughing!" (die smiling) - that's the motto ready! They know the truth and sadly mock it. They like to be in a state of pain, despair, indifference. If for an ordinary person "black" melodies "load", keep in suspense, fear, anxiety, then the Goths draw vital energy from this negativity.

They need to feel emotions all the time. And the whole spectrum, for the most part, is sad. Goths are between two dimensions: joy and sadness. They are in the middle. Their emotions are cold. The holders of this "status" do not weaken from the sad prose of life, but the joy for them is too simple, too boring. Therefore, the Goths are constantly on the lookout. They are looking for something that stimulates the senses, makes it possible to stay in their secluded world.

“You need to live your day like it’s your last,” the Goths are sure, and at the same time, they live to the last on the principle of faith in themselves, true love and friendship. To love - so to the end, to look - so boldly, to speak - so true. In general, informals of this type live according to the ideals of Viktor Tsoi (maximum shown in the film "The Needle"), the spiritual ideals of Remarque's novels (" Triumphal Arch”, “Black Obelisk”) and believe in the truths underlying the film “The Raven”.

Goths are not born

According to psychologists, the choice of black color in clothes indicates a deep psychological trauma of minors "ready". With their piercings, wristbands, heavy, studded bracelets, they seem to be trying to protect themselves from everyone, to save themselves from pain.

Behind the terrifying drawings, shocking image, photographs, inscriptions stands a simple shy person, defenseless, with a vulnerable soul, about whom God thus has his own providence for salvation. In the soul of these young boys and girls lie eternal questions: “What is love?”, “What do I live for?”, “What is life and what is death?”.

Such teenagers must be treated with understanding, passing their mental illness through themselves, without offending and humiliating, because in this way we will repel them even more. The soul of such guys is naked, vulnerable, like a vase, if you drop it, it will break. Then it will take many months, and maybe even years, to regain the favor, to gain trust. Only ardent love can melt their icy heart.

Goths are dangerous?

The color of the night is most often associated with the dark, devilish power. The love for the supernatural, the occult, which is inherent in the Goths, is twofold. Goth goth strife. In some cases, we can safely say that they carry a social danger: vandalism, associations associated with confession distorted forms paganism, suicide...

But on by and large, amateurs gather in cemeteries do not do this in order to cause riots there. If there is emptiness and chaos inside, it means that the external form in which he is denounced must be filled. That's because, through the paraphernalia of the cemetery, the clothes of vampires, the dead, children want to express themselves. So they create the illusion of spiritual wealth, their own significance.


Basically, the cause of suicide is an unresolved internal conflict between the individual and the environment, as well as a lack of communication between parents and children. Therefore, the prevention of suicide among adolescents should begin not with the prohibition of addiction to one or another informal trend, but with filling the lack of communication between parents and the child.

Suicide rates among adolescents can be significantly reduced by improving family relationships. Otherwise, if parents do not sincerely respond to the concerns and difficulties of their children, but continue to use their formal authority, such excesses will be repeated more and more often.

Adults need to live the life of a child, not “strangle” with their love, but at the same time not make upbringing permissive, but simply devote more time to listening carefully to their children and try to understand what they think, what worries them, worries.

Not so long ago I read unique information. In fact, the Goths are abandoned people, people left without human attention, especially parental attention. They were dressed, shod, fed with bodily food, but they forgot to nourish them with spiritual food. They seek their salvation and support in various informal movements, where, as it seems to them, they find spiritual comfort. But he is false. And they subconsciously feel this and by their peculiar clothes, by their behavior they try to regain the attention they once lost, which was once precious to them, and ask us for help. And we must help them.

Natalia Stryukova

Specialists of the German-Slavic archaeological expedition KhNU. V.N. Karazin Kirill Myzin and Marina Filatova.

Origin story

Goth tribes. The Gothic historian Jordanes describes the legend of their origin as follows: “From the island of Skandza (Southern Sweden, island of Gotland - NS), the forge of peoples, or rather, as from the womb that gives rise to tribes, according to legend, the Goths once came out ...” Coming out “from the womb” at the beginning of the 1st century AD, these warlike tribes moved to the mainland, and at the beginning of the 3rd century they were already on the territory of modern Ukraine. After the inevitable clashes with the Roman Empire, to whose border they approached, the peace was signed only at the beginning of the 4th century. From this period, the "golden era" is ready. They are spread over Eastern Europe. However, in 375, as the legend says, the tribes of the Huns who appeared in these places forced the Goths to leave their “native” lands. In the 5th century, the Goths appear in Spain, Southern France and Italy, and having defeated the Western Roman Empire, they found the kingdoms of the Visigoths and Ostrogoths. After that, the Goths gradually disappear from the historical arena.

Goths are a subculture. Frightening compassionate old women, dressed in black, men and women are followers of a subculture that originated in the 1970s in Great Britain. (More about the Goths and other subcultures, as well as the future of informal movements, in the material "Pavel Goryunov: "Today a huge number of informal groups exist only in cyber reality"" - NS). The specific founder of this movement is essentially unknown. Goths originated from the punk movement. After the influence of punk in England began to weaken, a fundamentally new musical genre appeared, which was called post-punk, and later - gothic rock. Over time, a youth movement formed around this musical movement, which not only listened to gothic rock, but also imitated musicians in clothing and style. July 1982 is considered the alleged date of the emergence of the subculture: it was on this day that the Batcave music club was opened.

Goths are a subculture. It is very difficult to draw a parallel between the youth movement of the Goths and any religious and mythological movements, because representatives of this movement can belong to completely different confessions, be fond of the occult and magic, or even be atheists. The spiritual views of the Goths are manifested primarily in music.

Mores and customs

Goth tribes. About their morals, as well as about many other things from Everyday life ready, too, alas, almost nothing is known. However, Tacitus tells us about the "strictness of morals" and the "strength of family ties." It is also known that the ancient Germans were hospitable people, great hunters for drinking and gambling.

Goths are a subculture."One of psychological foundations Gothic movement is a "passive" aesthetic protest against established stereotypes, moral norms and culture of behavior, the authors of the article write. “Representatives of the subculture are often characterized by isolation and reticence.” Nevertheless various representatives Subcultures also have different worldviews. Most of them are already successfully integrated into society. They respect other informal movements and are especially sensitive to representatives of sexual minorities, although they themselves are most often heterosexual. They have a peculiar understanding of masculinity and femininity and the relationship between the sexes.

Relationships with others

Goth tribes. We have already spoken about the militancy of this people. The main enemy of the Goths at all times was the mighty Rome. At the same time, the Goths probably quickly found mutual understanding with the Sarmatians and entered into an equal alliance, as well as with other kindred Germanic tribes, with whom the Goths successfully robbed the unfortunate Romans. Not the best relations were with the Goths, apparently, with the Slavs, whom they drove into the forests, taking Slavic women for themselves. Despite everything, ready for ancient world respected. Probably because they were afraid.

Goths are a subculture. The intimidating look of the Goths has done its job: grandmothers in the metro are afraid of them, everyone else is distrustful. The media and cinema have shaped the image of the Goths as aggressive and suicidal. Some religious representatives also accuse the long-suffering Goths of Satanism. All this, of course, is not at all true. It is not surprising that it is not those around who suffer more often from Goths, but Goths from others.

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