Goths vs goths. Men in black, or Who are the Goths? The history of the emergence of modern Gothic culture


Goths are a subculture shrouded in secrets, rumors and rhinestones. Who are these mysterious "men in black" who love the night, vampires and charming romantic-tragic stories? How do they live, what do they preach and how do they seek the meaning of life? We will introduce the reader to this unusual and rather bold youth movement Let's talk about who these people are and what they bring to the world. True, the Goths are a subculture that cannot be briefly described. It is too complex and multifaceted, and therefore even more interesting.

Gothic origins

The youth subculture "Goths" is a relatively new movement, which is not yet 40 years old. The first representatives of the "men in black" appeared in the UK in 1979-1980. Interestingly, the "ancestors" of the Goths were none other than the punks. A new genre of music called "gothic rock" also contributed to the development of this "dark" subculture. This music was based on intellectual and philosophical conclusions about the meaning of life, as well as on dark romance and nihilism, which denies any meaning of human existence. Most prominent representatives this musical genre- groups The Cure, Christian Dead, Bauhaus. At the same time, in the wake of the development of the Gothic subculture in London, it opened worldwide famous club Batcave, which contributed to the expansion of this movement among young people.

Dark romantics

Goths are a subculture associated with gloominess. A typical goth is easy to recognize: black clothes and hair, thickly summed up, as if drawn in charcoal eyes, the same lips and, of course, nails. In addition, on every decent goth you can see the abundance of all kinds of metal chains, vintage silver jewelry including piercing. In addition, Goths often decorate themselves with themed tattoos.

Beautiful representatives of this subculture - the Goths - dress in clothes decorated with lace, puffs, frills and flounces. Also, goth ladies adore corsets with and without lacing, long dresses and skirts. When choosing a fabric, preference is given to velvet, velor, suede, latex, vinyl and satin. Color can be red, burgundy, purple. However, black dominates. Goths are a subculture that does not recognize light shades.

Looking inside

In order to be a goth, it is not enough to wear black clothes, draw dark eyes and apply black lipstick on your lips. It's not about the color of the clothes and not about the appearance - it's about the state of mind, without which a goth is not a goth, but a cheap caricature.

Goths are a subculture English language whose name sounds like "goths" and literally means "barbaric, rude." These informals are walking negativity, despondency and depression in one bottle. They do not believe in God and goodness, and their love is always dark, tragic and meaningless. It is interesting that in death the Goths find their own special romanticism, their own philosophy.

However, "the devil is not so terrible ...". Goths live by the principle of "die with a smile", express themselves through clothes, appearance, special music, paintings. They spend their whole lives in search of beauty, finding it even where, it would seem, it cannot be.

The fact is that it is vital for the Goths to constantly experience sad emotions, thanks to which they are in a detached state of hopelessness, mental pain and incessant despair. These "black angels" perceive every day of their lives as the last and try to live it as emotionally as possible, believing only in themselves.

Light "dark"

Goths are not born - they are made. This is facilitated different reasons and it's different for everyone.

Psychologists agree that shy, timid, vulnerable and defenseless people are hiding behind a frightening mask and black clothes. Dressing their bodies in gothic robes, painting their faces, and wearing ornaments, they try to protect themselves from the harsh realities of the world around them. You can be sure that before becoming a Goth, a young man or girl experienced a severe mental trauma. They close in on themselves, fixate on their resentment and do not let anyone inside. It is easier for them to live without hoping for a miracle - so at least no one will hurt them. Melt frozen heart only patience, infinite kindness, understanding and sincere love can gotha.

Dancing in the graveyard

Goths are mostly loners. They do not have the usual hierarchy, no one dominates anyone, everyone is equal. However, like any living being, they periodically need to communicate with their own kind.

Favorite place ready - resting places and abandoned buildings. The cemetery for the Goths is a kind of temple, a place saturated with tragedy, sadness and death.

It is there that they find a kind of solace, draw inspiration and hide from overly prying eyes. Goths are a subculture that is not associated with aggression. Unlike Satanists, they are not prone to vandalism, sacrifices and other terrible acts.

Their main occupations are writing poems and songs in the style of "horror", writing original paintings with a Gothic sense, a discussion of the frailty of being.

Evolution ready

In addition to the "classic" representatives of the gothic movement, cyber-goths are increasingly common - a subculture that has evolved towards technogenic development.

Representatives of this movement look a little different than the "standard" Goths. For example, their clothes are usually made of high-tech materials - no velvet and velor! Only vinyl, mesh, phosphorescent plastic. Of the jewelry, instead of the usual chains, wires are put on, pendants and earrings are various gears, molecular compounds.

From the "classic fashion" ready cyber-goths left eyeliner, painted lips and nails. True, representatives of this movement gravitate not to black, but to acidic, bright colors.

Their worldview is very different from the classic Gothic: the essence of this subculture is based on literature in the style of "cyberpunk", "sci-fi" and "post-apocalyptic". Cyber-Goths are confident in the inevitability of a man-made or any other catastrophe that will entail the death of all life, and it is technology that will save humanity.

Hence the attraction to the "unearthly", "cosmic" appearance, shiny elements in clothes, colored high boots and fancy glasses. Cyber ​​Goths love electronic music.

Appearance - clothes and shoes, paraphernalia, hairstyles and makeup - are one of the most important components of the subculture. As already mentioned, the legislators of gothic fashion were musicians, whose appearance their fans were guided by, and since the gothic subculture was born on the basis of the punk movement, at the initial stage of its existence characteristic value was given to individual elements of the punk image - piercings, mohawks and spiked hairstyles. Thus, the gothic fashion of the 80s was more outrageous than it is now. Most representatives of the subculture sewed things for themselves, or altered already purchased clothes (recut, torn, repainted, decorated with stripes, spikes, pins), jewelry was also made from improvised materials. The main elements and attributes of the Gothic image are: black color - prevailing in clothes, characteristic make-up, accessories: ankh - the ancient Egyptian symbol of immortality, crosses, magical or occult signs. Also, the appearance depends on the specific style direction, to which Goth belongs.

Goth clothing can be tight-fitting - tight, loose. Women often wear corsets (velvet, brocade, leather, latex). Men are mostly trousers and shirts. Shoes - often leather boots, on a high platform or on heels (for women - on a thin stiletto heel) with a high top, or army-type boots.

Makeup is used by both men and women, as a rule, it is applied before visiting concerts, clubs, theme parties. Basic makeup elements: white powder, dark eyeliner, black or red lipstick. Sometimes contact lenses are used - red, bright green, yellow. The accessories also include piercings and false fangs, in rare cases, representatives of the subculture "decorate" themselves with tattoos. In modern Goths, hairstyles have not changed much, representatives of the subculture wear long hair or hair of medium length, dyed black or bright white, straight or sticking out in different directions, in the form of spikes or mohawks - when the hair on the sides is shaved or cut very short , and from above they are lifted and fixed in the form of spikes or tangled into a lump. Also, some representatives of the subculture prefer clothes stylized in the fashion of the 18th-19th centuries (“Victorian Goths” or “Romantic Goths”). Women wear long dresses, corsets, lace veils, gloves, decorative umbrellas. Men - tailcoats, top hats, blouses, sometimes canes. Sometimes you can see ready "vampire" appearance, in style of clothing they are similar to the Victorian. Among some Goths, Western style is popular - cowboy hats, leather vests, fringe pants, cowboy boots. This style came into fashion thanks to the bands Fields of the Nephilim and The Cult, who used this image to create an image of single romantics. Gotabilly fans, whose clothing style is retro, also adjoin this style. Gothic fashion is close in style to such trends as, for example, rivetheads or fans of metal music. This is expressed in the form of accessories that the Goths often wear - chains, collars, things of fetish cultures. In the 1990s, within the Goth subculture, such a direction as cyber-goths stood out, their fashion is a cross between gothic and industrial fashion. Representatives of this style wear clothes and accessories of bright - "acid" colors, made of non-natural fabrics. At present, the Goths cannot afford to maintain their chosen style in Everyday life, so they try to preserve in their appearance at least its individual elements. It is interesting to note that at the present stage, the gothic style is used in their projects by couturiers of various haute couture houses: John Galliano, Alexander McQueen, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Yoji Yamamoto.

Goths differ from ordinary people in a special way. life position, which for the uninitiated in the "Gothic" secrets, may seem unattractive. The most important principle of this direction is “carpediem”. Its essence is that you need to live every day as if it were your last, but at the same time, the Goths do not know how to enjoy positive emotions, on the contrary, they are inspired by heartache, despair and condition.

The "Gothic" style in art, no matter books, films or music, is characterized by an atmosphere of "gloomy" romance, that is, a certain mystery is inherent in any work, as well as a share of mysticism and obscurity. By the way, there are no exact criteria for evaluating this atmosphere, so there is a lot of controversy about whether this or that work is Gothic. Today MirSovetov will help its reader to understand all the intricacies of this subculture.

The history of the emergence of modern Gothic culture

To delve deeper into Gothic culture, of course, you need to familiarize yourself with its history. It is interesting that it appeared quite a long time ago, but close attention only now they started to pay attention to it. Throughout its existence, this subculture has experienced many ups and downs, but its supporters at all times have been the young generation of intellectuals who were bored with living “like everyone else”.

It is known that the Gothic subculture originated in Western Europe And North America at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s. Then, as today, the youth of the middle class followed this current. It was at this time that her financial situation began to improve and, feeling it in full, young people increasingly began to suffer from internal instability and lack of self-identification. This led to the fact that they could not achieve an internal balance and were guided solely by the system of values ​​that was imposed on them from the outside. By the way, it is believed that this was the prerequisite for the formation of their own culture, which was based on the dramatic events and traditions of a particular historical period.

At the beginning of the eighties, representatives of the Gothic culture were divided into two camps:

  1. Appolonian, whose representatives were engaged in various aspects in art and philosophy, characteristic of this subculture. They were not prone to rebelliousness and devoted themselves entirely to the process of creating musical and literary works. Some representatives of the appolonian unsuccessfully tried to legitimize this trend, but society perceived them as harmless and painful dreamers.
  2. Dionysan were obsessed with the pursuit of pleasure and prone to self-destruction, which is why this direction was considered unsightly and dangerous.

Over time, both of these currents disappeared, mingling with traditional culture, because the youth grew up, and the philosophy of the Goths did not fit in any way with the entry into adulthood. However, the next generation of "sufferers" soon grew up and Gothic culture began to gradually revive. At the beginning of the 90s, there was a substitution of concepts, and the dress code turned out to be at the forefront, that is, people who call themselves Goths sincerely believed that it was enough to dress in the style of Goths to be called Goths. And yet, this trend is still at the peak of popularity to this day, and the new generation has successfully begun to develop its creative potential, which was previously considered the idea of ​​​​a basic ready school.

The image and image of modern ready

The goth wardrobe is quite diverse, ranging from Renaissance outfits to the traditional image of the "dark" punks of the 80s. By the way, the clothes in almost all cases are made in black, but sometimes the image can be “diluted” with other shades: white, red, blue, less often green. Unusually popular are outfits made in an old style full of romance, the main attributes of which are lace, corsages and frills. The gothic wardrobe as a whole is distinguished at the same time by flashiness, rigor and eroticism, combining a large number of styles and patterns. As a rule, Goths prefer clothes made of silk, wrinkled velvet, vinyl, brocade, latex and mesh, but it must be admitted that leather is the dominant material.

One more hallmark, inherent in the Goths are hairstyle and makeup. The hair should be long and straight, and sometimes they are lifted with a gel, collected in buns. A little less common is the Iroquois. As a rule, hair is dyed black, white or purple colors, but double staining is also found, for example, bright purple strands against a background of black hair. Goth makeup can lead a simple layman into a state of bewilderment. Girls prefer to make up in the vamp style - a dense layer of white, designed to give the face a deathly pallor, black eyeliner, and lipstick and nail polish can be either black or blood red. By the way, young men use the “raven” style and also use makeup, which differs little from the female one. And sometimes both sexes, using cosmetics, imitate bruises under the eyes.

Symbols and attributes of modern Goths

Among the Gothic symbols, Egyptian, Celtic (crosses and ornaments) and occult (pentagrams, inverted crosses and others) attributes are equally common. Although it must be admitted that there is no specific single sign for everyone, it all depends on the personal preferences of the representative of this subculture. As a rule, all jewelry - rings, bracelets, brooches and chains are made of silver (gold is excluded due to "banality"). The main attribute of the Goths is considered to be the Egyptian ankh cross, which is also called a symbol of life. A little less often, you can find Goths using another symbol that came from Egypt - the “Eye of Ra”. Both of these symbols are worn as in the form traditional jewelry, and in the form of stripes on clothes.

What's up Christian symbols, it must be admitted that it is used very rarely. Basically, preference is given to crucifixes, only they must be stylized as "Gothic". A striking example- Cross of St. James (cross-knife). Quite actively used various symbols death - the Goths tend to decorate themselves with skulls, coffins and images of bats (a symbol of vampires).

In addition to the above paraphernalia, you can find studded collars, contact lenses that mimic the eyes of animals or a colorless iris. As well as tight leather armlets and black bandages on the wrists.

Another important addition to this subculture is gothic literature, photos, music and films, the so-called "spiritual food" is ready. To summarize, this is an art that not only gives impetus to the development of thinking and makes you shudder with horror, but also to understand yourself and your addictions.

The worldview of modern Goths

The Goths have a peculiar worldview, which can be characterized by two concepts:

  1. Absolute individualism is the direction of thoughts, feelings and desires, which puts the life and views of one specific person higher than the life of a large society.
  2. Unusual (dark) romance.

Representatives of this culture believe that you should always try to get as much out of life as possible, search for beauty where there is none, and always look at all events (good and bad) that take place in life with a wide open eyes. They also seek to change gray days, introducing into them emotions gleaned from art, image and other sources. Goths prefer to know the truth in order to treat it with dark sarcasm, the main principle is "die smiling". Another nuance is an attempt to turn all emotions, be it joy, pain, resentment, and others, into vital energy.

Goths draw inspiration from such sources ( special books, movies) that other people find abstruse and heavy. Representatives of this subculture live and enjoy exclusively what affects their emotions. Music in the Gothic style is distinguished by a bright emotional color, and ordinary people not only do not need this spectrum, but can also lead to a depressive state. Goth, on the contrary, needs an abundance of colors and sensations - pain, absolute depression, boundless sadness and joy from the fact that every day you have to overcome certain obstacles. If we talk about sadness and joy as two dimensions, then we must admit that the Goths are approximately in the middle. Their emotions are cold, and joy and vitality they draw in depression and gloomy sadness. The Goths are sure that you need to live here and now, love - to the grave, look - bright and sexy, while respecting the individuality, and if we speak, then only the truth.

“The Goths are gloomy and depressing, they go to cemeteries and drink absinthe and beer there.” Approximately six months ago, light hand of a young person who was trying to prove her belonging to the Goths, this thesis went around the entire Runet, but clarified little in this issue. So who are the Goths anyway? In order to learn more about these peculiar personalities who love to sleep in coffins, we delved into their inner world- and here's what we found out.

Direction history

The first sprouts of the gothic subculture in Russia appeared in the mid-1990s. Of course, Gothic came to us from the West, where it has many followers and trends. In the late 70s, as the punk wave began to take on new forms in England, post-punk emerged. Groups whose work fit into this concept, differed from their counterparts in the punk workshop with a more depressing sound and a pronounced decadent image. These forerunners of the modern Goths became known as "dark punks", and the new dark aesthetic became widespread among the masses.

Since the mid-80s, the second wave of gothic bands has risen - The Shroud, Rosetta Stone, London After Midnight, Mephisto Walz, Corpus Delicti. The resulting community is ready to begin to show interest in the world's "Gothic" heritage - artistic Gothic literature, "gloomy" art in the widest range. It is believed that the impetus for the development of Gothic culture was the film about two modern vampires - The Hunger ("Hunger") and in particular one musical composition that was included in its sound track. It's about about the song of the Bauhaus group called Bela Lugosi's Dead ("Bela Lagosi is dead"), dedicated to the cult Hungarian actor, who plays the role of Count Dracula. Later, the Gothic image and aesthetics were also strongly influenced by the vampire image. Among the Goths, many vampire films gained popularity - Nadja ("Nadia"), The Addiction ("Addicted"), Interview with a Vampire ("Interview with a vampire"), as well as vampire novels - Bram Stoker, Anna Rice and others. Regardless of whether vampires exist or not , there are people who call and consider themselves vampires... "Vampires" have their own clubs, websites and conferences.

The most active Gothic style is developing in Germany, America and England. There are new gothic trends in music - darkwave (" dark wave”), ethereal (“incorporeal”), dark folk (“dark folk”). Depending on musical preferences, there is a division of the audience, various types of goths appear. By the mid-1990s, the world gothic subculture was a developed isolated infrastructure - with the same attributes: gothic magazines, radio, symbols, clubs, shops, etc.

In the second half of the 90s, a dark culture (“dark culture”) was formed. This common name for the entire subculture, which includes goths, vampires, and other gloomy characters. In addition, the Goth subculture was enriched by the influx of immigrants from the "metal" environment. Thus, gothic metal was born - a new style metal music, close to gothic aesthetics.


Looking at a Goth, one does not need to be very smart to understand how gloomy he perceives the world around him. Romantic-depressive outlook on life - that's it gothic outlook.

It is typical for a real Goth to be closed, to experience frequent depression, melancholy, misanthropy. At the same time, he is an aesthete, a mystic who avoids stereotypes in behavior and appearance, striving for artistry and creative self-expression. Most Goths perceive death as a fetish.

Aesthetics of death

Gothic aesthetics is directly related to the image of death, and even the look of Goths with pale faces and dark circles under the eyes is very indicative in this regard. "Thanatophilia" is one of key concepts in the goth subculture. The Goths themselves believe that this is the desire of the individual to use the practices and plots associated with death.

Such a worldview is expressed in walks in cemeteries, addiction to works that describe death and some sexual deviations. Necrophilia or sexual attraction to corpses in pure form extremely rare among Goths. If there are real necrophiles among the ready, then they carefully hide their addictions. Although the option of sexual intercourse is not ruled out, when one of the partners “pretends” to be a corpse and does not respond to the partner’s actions. This also includes getting sexual pleasure from strangling a partner (or strangulation itself) - asphyxophilia (otherwise - scarfing), love for having sex in cemeteries, or surrounded by symbols of death, such as sex in a coffin.


The Gothic worldview is not tied to a specific religious doctrine, here the Goths are no different from ordinary people. Among them there are many who do not believe in anything or even radical atheists. But at the same time, there are quite a few very religious ones - adherents of both traditional confessions and newfangled or, conversely, ancient teachings.
There are also Christian Goths, although they are in the Gothic subculture and are represented in a minority. By the way, the Goths borrowed some elements of Christian symbols. These mysterious personalities have an increased interest in the supernatural, that is, in magic and the occult. Therefore, among the Goths, most of all are pagans and Satanists.

The craving for the mysterious has different manifestations: from the primitive use of magical symbols as an element of jewelry, to the serious study of magical mysteries. The occult traditions of various pagan schools are very popular among the Goths. For example, Wicca is a modern witch tradition based on pan-European shamanism; Druids - Druids trying to revive Celtic magical rituals; Asatru is a tradition based on Scandinavian paganism.

There are Goths who study other occult traditions - from Egyptian and Iranian to Voodoo and Kabbalah. Pagans include followers of the ancient occult or antiquity traditions of Wicca, Druids, Odinists, as well as followers of more modern and less common teachings - Thelemites, Theosophists, Ariosophists. Stathanist Goths are for the most part people attracted by the macabre religious aesthetic and its outward manifestation. Seriously, they can not be called Satanists.


The Goths use a variety of Egyptian, Christian and Celtic symbolism. The main Gothic symbol is the Egyptian ankh - a symbol eternal life. There is an obvious connection here with the goth subculture, which, as we remember, arose thanks to the vampire aesthetic. And there are vampires the walking Dead living forever. You can often see other Egyptian symbols on the Goths, such as the "Eye of Ra".

Christian symbolism is not so common, usually in the form of crucifixes, only with a more stylish design than is customary for tradition. Celtic symbols are represented by Celtic crosses and various ornaments. Pentagrams (regular and inverted), inverted crosses, eight-pointed stars and other occult symbols are often used. Various symbols of death are popular - decorations with coffins and skulls. Bats can also be attributed to Gothic symbols.

Hangout places and types of buzz

It is difficult to imagine the Gothic subculture without a "stage" or gathering place, a hangout with all the attributes of a movement. In cities with a developed goth scene, these are clubs, pubs, regular concerts of goth bands, goth shops, designated gathering places in abandoned buildings, in cemeteries. Accordingly, if a person starts attending these events and somehow becomes known in the goth "scene", they begin to be considered part of the goth crowd.

Like all ordinary people Goths quench their thirst with beer, vodka and fortified wines. Absinthe, Absenter and red wine are especially popular. All "parties" and home parties are accompanied by active libations. Rumor has it that the Goths do not disdain weed.

Division into types
Among the wide variety of ready, the most common:

Satano-goths appeared from among the fans of "symphonic black metal", related to the gothic direction. Specific attributes: similar to black metal. Appearance - long, black-dyed hair and nails, plentiful eyeliner with a black pencil. Clothing - leather jackets, black jeans, military boots. Jewelry: many chains, "satanic" symbols - pentagrams, inverted crosses, three sixes (the so-called "number of the beast") and so on.

Panko-goths. Appearance - shaved temples (like a Mohawk, which is not set, but combed to the side), black dyed hair, makeup - a whitened face, black eyeliner, mouth, "bruises on the eyes", black-painted nails. Clothing - mesh sweaters, leather jackets, black jeans (stylishly cut), sometimes torn tights, military boots.

Old Goths of the first wave. Exists small group, consisting of adults (oldovyh) is ready for the very first wave. By the nature of the subculture, they are closest to the Western ones. Norms of behavior correspond to satanic ethics: cynicism, arrogance and contempt for the Goths of the next wave, but without the occult component

Vampire Goths. In the west, it is one of the oldest and most numerous branches of the gothic subculture. Bisexualism is one of the declared behavior styles of the goth vampire. Characteristic- demonstrative biting on the neck: this is a kind of business card. Specific attributes: colors in clothes are dominated by black and red.
Appearance - long hair dyed dark natural colors. Make-up - a whitened face, "bruises" under the eyes, a highlighted mouth.

Our people

In Russia, vampire goths have great difficulty in acquiring clothing characteristic of this style. In the west, there are special gothic boutiques, and in our country such an extraordinary outfit is sewn to order in an atelier or altered from other clothes.

The subculture is ready, probably one of the first to appear back in the late 1980s in the Soviet Union, and is so firmly rooted that no one will be surprised by gothic boys and girls dressed in all black. However, in spite of long history of this subculture, not only in our country, but also in the world in general, few people have tried to trace the history of the subculture and its basic principles of its worldview.
Let's start in order. Certainly modern goths have nothing to do with the ancient Germanic tribes of the Goths in the early Middle Ages.

But now the Gothic era in European art, which began in the 12th century and ended around the 16th century, enjoys special honor among representatives of the Gothic subculture. The subculture itself dates back to the late 1970s and was formed on the wave of punk, which by that time had already begun to lose its position among young people. The Goths of that time supported the protest moods of the punks, but were, so to speak, more educated. They were distinguished by more refined robes, which were boldly worn with the Iroquois. Subsequently, the Iroquois stopped setting, and already laid out in even strands. Modern Goths also almost never wear Iroquois, but they willingly shave their whiskey and the back of their heads (a kind of hello from the 1970s). From the punk style, the Goths took metal chains and other accessories, piercings and tattoos, as well as the predominance of black in clothes.

Simultaneously with the advent new subculture the gothic musical environment also began to develop. It is believed that at first musical style, and then came the Goths, but some goths "with experience" claim that the subculture gave rise to music, and not vice versa. I will not insist, and I will leave this moment to specialists. The bottom line is that gothic rock has been actively developing since then. The first team to play directly gothic rock was Joy Division. Then there were Bauhaus, Sex Gang Children, Southern Death Cult, Specimen and many others, which spawned a whole new direction in rock and numerous movements within this direction. Gothic music is developing even now. New styles appear that are attributed to the goth scene: dark folk, dark ambient, dark electro, darkwave, death-metal and so on, although the main groups of these styles began to form back in the 1980s. Among the most well-known representatives Gothic metal can be called Lacrimosa, Paradise Lost, Theater of Tragedy, Type O Negative, Tristania, Therion, Tiamat. The list can go on for quite some time, from which it can be judged that goth subculture made an invaluable contribution to the development of rock music.

Gothic style is reflected in literature, cinema and fine arts. Almost all horror literature can be called "Gothic", where mystical plots and vampire themes are widely used. Gothic novels mystical content appeared in the 19th century. Favorite authors in the Gothic environment are Bram Stoker, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley, Anne Rice. There is no concept of “Gothic cinema” in cinema, but the Goths prefer the noir genre, various mystical thrillers and, again, vampire themes.

As for external paraphernalia, everything seems to be clear here: a whitened face, black hair, jewelry made of beads, lace, silver or any white metal, preferably with inserts of natural stones. The clothes are also dominated by black, sometimes combined with white or red. gothic clothing strikes a variety of tissues and decorative elements. Of the fabrics, leather, velvet, satin, suede are most often used. Of the decorative elements - lace, flounces, lacing, corsets. In clothing and jewelry, the Goths often use the symbols of various cultures. So, Celtic ornaments can coexist with the Egyptian ankh or Victorian monograms. The make-up is quite recognizable - a pale face and black-lined eyes, and this is typical for both men and women. In general, the style is ready is very recognizable and does not require additional comments.

The gothic subculture, like any other youth subculture, is constantly criticized. Goths are accused of promoting suicide, cultivating the aesthetics of death, depression, and so on. However, some psychologists insist that the goth subculture unites teenagers with suicidal tendencies, helping them to adapt to society. The difference between Goths and representatives of other subcultures is that the Goths strive for creativity and are interested in art. According to the majority of Goths, a real Goth simply has to be a creator - write poetry, music, draw. The Goths cultivate refinement of taste and education. That is why, according to statistics, among all other representatives of other subcultures, Goths study more successfully, more than others strive for higher education and master creative professions. It is also stereotypical that the Goths are necessarily gloomy, depressive and melancholic creatures with suicidal tendencies. A real goth is very cheerful, he just sees the world around him from a different angle. In general, "the goth is not as scary as it is painted"

Gothic clothing brands:

Gothic materials:

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