Little big group history. Olympia ivleva


TrendSpace met with three people of small stature and found out what difficulties they face in ordinary life.

Olympia Ivleva

Employment: front-woman of a musical rave group little big
Age: 25 years
Height: 130 cm

I never focused attention of myself or other people on my height, and in most cases I always found mutual language with the people around me. I first encountered this only when children appeared in my life, known for their cruelty and misunderstanding in the younger adolescence At school.

Naturally, I had difficulties at school, but they were so rare that until some time I did not understand why the children were trying to show such an increased interest in my person. After some time, I myself conveyed to everyone who was burning with curiosity to find out why I was so “non-standard”, and all questions disappeared. I just spoke to them calmly, without showing aggression, something like this: “Look at you and look at me. How are you and I different? That's right, nothing, we can see, hear, speak and think, as well as feel and love. So why do you think I'm inferior to you? Maybe physiologically yes, but does that change anything? I have always had many friends, as well as an exceptionally positive attitude towards the world.

Except perhaps only with high bar stools and growth restraints on the rides.

In ordinary stores, but I have a significant bonus - an expanded choice: I can buy clothes in the adult and children's departments. This significantly expands the boundaries of choice. In general, I believe that if you want to look cool, for this it is worth making some effort and having a sense of style, and everything will be fine.

The vast majority, considering average height 170–180 cm. Again, the concept of medium, low and tall very concerning for me in particular. There are no limits and laws of growth. Therefore, it is difficult to say which of my friends is a person with an average height.

No way.

It seems to me that no one thinks about it, except for people with short stature. Well, again, I always get out of the situation very simply: I ask the people around me for help. Men, by the way, really appreciate it when they understand that they can help someone in something.

I would like to see changes in people. I want them to be kinder and more smiling. This is the most important thing.

Sergei Lekhkobyt

Type of employment: actor
Age: 21 years old
Height: 138 cm

How did you feel when you first realized that you were different from most people?

Honestly, I don't remember when I felt that I was different from other people. Probably in school years. I remember when we went to the doctors, then I already understood that I had a problem with growth. I was even given a third disability group.

Did you experience bullying and bullying as a child?

Yes, I did. Especially at school, various insulting words were spoken to me. It was very embarrassing. And I could not then hit or shut someone's mouth. It was unpleasant. I often told my mother and cried because they offended me. Now nobody offends me. Let them just try!

What difficulties do you face in everyday life?

I would not say that I really feel any difficulties. With legs, arms, I'm all right, like an ordinary person. I can do everything. Everyone has difficulties, no matter who they are. For example, one of the difficulties is to get something in the supermarket. There are very high shelves, and you have to either jump up or ask someone. Also, at different ticket offices, for example, at railway stations, it is difficult to get to the window, and there it sits mostly fat woman, and it is even difficult for her to lift one place.

Where do you buy clothes and shoes?

I buy clothes in ordinary stores. For example, T-shirts, shirts, sweaters - everything is on me. Pants are also easy to find, only then you need to bring them in to be cut off. Shoes are also easy. I have a size 39 foot, so, thank God, there are no difficulties in this regard.

I would not say that my life is somehow different from the life of another person. I decided that I am the same man as all men. I live like everyone else and do not look at what I have short stature. It is, on the contrary, my uniqueness, which everyone pays attention to. I walk, relax and do everything, like everyone else.

On this moment I am a young and single guy, so far without a soulmate. I emphasize, so far without the second half, very soon it will appear. And I don't see any reason to rush into it. I'm still quite young, only 21.

Do you have friends of average height?

I have few faithful friends, but they are different height- both small and large. Mostly I have friends. I hang out more with girls than guys. They are all taller than me, it is convenient and comfortable with them.

Do you feel isolated from society?

In no case. I am the same person as everyone else. I am open, uncomplexed, I set an example that I am cheerful and sociable, I went to my goal and was not afraid of anything. Life is one, and you need to take from it what you can.

Do you think there are conditions for people of small stature in the city?

If we talk about conditions in cities, then they are nowhere to be found, since there are only a couple of tens of thousands of small people in the world. Why should they think about the little ones? We ourselves adapt to their conditions, which they create for us.

What changes would you like to see in social and urban life to make your life more comfortable?

I like everything. I feel comfortable, I'm not afraid of anything, I'll climb where I can't climb a common person. I never even paid much attention to it.

Anna Nikishina

Type of employment: unemployed
Age: 33 years
Height: 113 cm

How did you feel when you first realized that you were different from most people?

I do not remember. Probably, since childhood, I understood that I was different from other people.

Did you experience bullying and bullying as a child?

Yes, I did, but I dealt with it. Dad explained to me from childhood that I was the same person, just small in stature.

What difficulties do you face in everyday life?

In ordinary life, these are trips to shops, to supermarkets. Products are up there. Now is the 21st century, so almost everything has already been done for the disabled. It used to be hard on the buses, now it's not a problem. They are now with low steps.

Where do you buy clothes and shoes?

I buy clothes in children's shops. It is very difficult with shoes, I have the 25th size. I also find it only in children's stores.

How does your life differ from the life of a person of average height?

It is very difficult for us to get a job. Because of the growth they do not take anywhere. Well, at home it’s good, because we arrange everything for ourselves.

Do you have a loved one?

Yes. He accepts me for who I am.

Do you feel isolated from society?

No, I don't. I can visit whatever you want. There used to be problems with carousels, but now I'm not interested. There were growth restrictions. There are also problems with the rights, we are not given the right to drive.

Do you think there are conditions for people of small stature in the city?

No, not created. Shops, some banks, subways, where cash registers are high. This is very inconvenient for us.

Russian singer and actress Olympia Ivleva known as a member musical project little big and performer leading role in the movie Lily.

Biography of Olympia

Olimpia (shortly just Lipa) was born in 1990. Graduated from the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology. She was engaged in organizing holidays. Today she lives in St. Petersburg, where she performs as part of Little bands Big as vocalist.

In 2017, Olympia first entered the film set as a film actress. She became main character the film "Lily", where she played a girl with a small stature, who performs in a traveling circus troupe.

“I am very happy that I was able to become a part of this and I am extremely grateful to everyone who was involved in this! I proudly declare that this is the project in which there is a soul, in which there is love. I'll miss".

Olympia worked together with such actors as Sergey Batalov, Yulia Serina, Ilya Malakov, Sergey Gazarov and others.

Olympia has a lot in common with the heroine of the film: like Lily, she was ridiculed by other children as a child, but now she has countless fans.

“I never focused on myself or other people on my height, and in most cases I always found a common language with the people who surrounded me. I first encountered this only when I had children known for their cruelty and misunderstanding in their early teens at school in my life.

According to Olympia herself, her height never seemed to her the most uncomfortable, and she “measures” other people not in centimeters. The only things that are difficult are the high bar counters and height restrictions in the amusement park.

Today we will talk in detail about the Little Big project. The composition of the group will be given below. The team first made itself felt on April 1, 2013, posting their debut video Everyday I "m Drinking on the YouTube platform. Just a few months later, the first line-up of the Little Big group was invited to perform at a concert at the sensational ones, after which they were immediately nicknamed Russian greetings.

Such an analogy only played into the hands of the team. Until recently no one famous band from St. Petersburg at one point became popular not only in native Russia but also far beyond. The project was also dubbed by the fans as funeral rave (“funeral rave”) and “thrash tent”, due to the wild, incomparable energy both in videos and at concerts.

The name Little Big is due to the difference in the growth of the team members. The fact is that initially the group included two vocalists no taller than 130 cm. To this day, Olympia Ivleva is an active member who, despite her unique height, has incredible, powerful energy.

Little Big: line-up

  • Ilya "Ilyich" Prusikin (group frontman, vocals).
  • Sergey "Gokk" Makarov (sound producer, DJ).
  • Olympia Ivleva (vocals)
  • aka Mr Clown (vocals).
  • Sofia Tayurskaya (vocals)
  • Anna Kast ( former member, the first member of the group).

Rock and more

According to the group's vocalist Ilya "Ilyich" Prusikin, the rave genre, like all electronic music, is quite popular in our time, so the creators of the group did not invest a dime in its promotion, but at the same time they became known throughout Europe. He says that the band members position themselves, first of all, as rock musicians. They consider their style of performance new form this direction. At the same time, passion for electronic music helped to combine these two genres into one organic style.

During its existence, the group released two albums: With Russia From Love (2014) and Funeral Race (2015). The discs were in demand, thanks to which the main line-up of the group traveled almost all over Europe with concerts. This is how it started creative takeoff Little Big project. The composition of the group has changed somewhat since its inception. So, for example, vocalist Anna Kast left the band. Her place to this day is occupied by Sophia Tayurskaya.

The members of the group state that semantic load lyrics of their songs, as well as video clips make fun of national stereotypes about Russians. By the way, the entire video is shot by Alina Pyazok, who is the founder of the group. Since Little Big has experience in creating videos and owns their own production company, the team releases all the clips on its own. It's hard enough to unequivocally call the group musical. Rather, it is a kind of art project with a rather diverse team. The frontman has already earned popularity in the past thanks to his YouTube channel show.


The band members admit that they were influenced by completely different musicians, from the famous giants of the rock scene, such as Cannibal Corpse, to the great classics. Despite the similarity of style and manner with the mega-popular South Africans Die Antwoord and constant comparison with them, Little Big themselves are distinguished by their individuality.


Each new track, like the clip, is a mixture of original humor filled with its own view of Russian culture and folk songs, and rigid social position. The musicians have repeatedly emphasized that their manner is not connected with hatred for the Motherland, it is just such a peculiar way to draw the attention of society to its problems. But despite such a social position, the team remains a bright mix of seemingly incompatible styles and incredible, contagious energy.

Now you know what are the features and originality of the project called Little Big. We also described the composition of the group above, as well as the changes that took place in it.

The creator of cult Internet projects, Ilya Prusikin, fell in love with the public because the 32-year-old intellectual keeps up with the times, not being afraid to raise acute social issues in his work, which in modern society not accepted to speak.

The future scandalous video blogger was born on April 8, 1985 on the border of Russia and China - in Transbaikalia. Later "Ilyich" ( creative pseudonym) will move to St. Petersburg with his parents. Contrary to popular belief, it is cultural capital will become a city of great opportunities for an ambitious guy.

In addition to the fact that Ilya loved to shock the audience since childhood, the network figure grew up as a mischievous, agile child: he played baseball as an outfielder, was fond of football and went to an aircraft modeling circle.

In addition, parents, having seen in their son not a hefty creative potential gave their son to music school, in the piano class. From the biography of the Internet star, it is known that in addition to the average and musical background, Ilya also has higher education. The man graduated from the psychological and pedagogical faculty of St. Petersburg state institution culture.

In 2011, a promising young man began to cooperate with the subsidiary label company "Thank you, Eva!". Later, Prusikin's projects would bring great popularity to the channel. So, stylized as a children's program "The Gaffy Gaff Show" (2012) and "The Great Rap Battle" (2012), in which, through recitative powers of the world that confront each other, will be the highest rated on the video grouping platform. In fact, both programs denounced the social ulcers of society and ridiculed the well-known vices of mankind.

A little later, in 2012, the young man will become a producer and part-time actor of the analogue of the series "Real Boys" - the Internet sitcom "Police Weekdays". In the film of "blogger" production, the most prominent representatives YouTube: a pioneer in the field of streaming, members of the rap group "Bread", "pajama army general" Sam Nickel and many others. Despite such an abundance of youth idols on square meter, the series did not find a response in the hearts of young viewers, and after 3 episodes the unpromising project was closed.

A year later, with a friend on the YouTube video hosting, a man creates a Klikklak association. According to the creators, the Klikklak audience is guys and girls with an active life position and a good sense of humor. Shows such as Give Bream, Kids Thrash Games, As You Say, Shocking Karaoke, and Experiment Breakers are published on the channel page.


In 2006, Ilyich became a member of the little-known emo-rock band Tenkor. The Russian public liked the guys' creativity so much that enterprising young men released several records (EP “It Will Be Late”, LP “My last letter”, EP “ROCK, baby!”, “SEX POLICE). Also, the "hero of YouTube" had experience working with the bands "Like A Virgin", "St. Bastards" and "Constructorr".

Despite this abundance musical groups, worldwide fame"Ilyich" was brought by the rave team "Little Big".

April 1, 2013 Prusikin with friends as April fool's joke posted the clip "Every Day I'm Drinking" online and instantly divided the country into two camps. The first one believed that the group was denigrating a great power, exposing all the worst that is in Russia, the second saw satire in the work of the collective pure form.

The band members themselves publicly declared: “Little Big” is musical reflection society. In their songs, the guys openly ridicule the national stereotypes of the behavior and life of a Russian person.

According to the stories of Ilyich, the infamous band could not have existed at all if in July 2013 the guys had not been invited to warm up for the eminent South African band Die Antwoord. At that time, Little Big's repertoire consisted of one song. Hard-working young people wrote six songs within a month and shot videos that sold like hot cakes.

On May 21, 2016, the videos for the song "Give Me Your Money" and "Big Dick" became winners of the Berlin Music Video Awards 2016. "Big Dick" won first place in the Most Trashy category, and "Give Me Your Money" - 3rd place in the nomination Best Performer.

The "viral" project has taken root not only in Russia, but also abroad. So, in France and Holland, an art group with balalaikas and vodka gained immense popularity.

The satirical collaboration of the rave group Little Big has won the hearts of listeners around the world.

Personal life

Until 2016, nothing was reliably known about the personal life of Ilyich.

Fans assumed that the undersized (Ilya's height is 165 cm) man was dating the eminent vlogger Ira Smela. The reason for the speculation was that the girl appeared more than once in commercials both on the Klikklak channel and on Prusikin's personal channel.

Moreover, the frontman of the Little Big group is the ideological inspirer of the TATARKA musical project, in which Ira is the key character. Contrary to popular belief, the cloud rapper did not appear out of nowhere. The audience knew her before from the DIY shows “Fashion Trashon”, “M / F” and vlogs called “Tatar Weekdays”. By the way, the Bold channel on the popular video hosting has 577 thousand subscribers. On a national scale, the charismatic brunette was talked about at the end of 2016, after a “viral” video appeared on the network - “Altyn”.

Rumors surrounding famous media personalities were confirmed on July 6, 2016, when the marriage ceremony took place star couple. Only close friends and relatives were invited to the wedding. But young people have not forgotten about loyal fans. Ilya posted a one-minute video on his YouTube channel, where he and his wife are captured at the time of painting.

Member Name: Ilya Prusikin

Age (birthday): 08.04.1985

City: St. Petersburg, Moscow

Family: married to Irina Smelaya, has a son

Height and weight: 1.65 m

Channel direction: humorous sketches and vlogs

Channel created: 10.01.2013

Number of subscribers: more than 770 thousand subscribers

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Oddly enough, but for Ilya Prusikin, a personal channel on YouTube video hosting became a fleeting springboard that led to great glory. Although he has quite a lot of fans, but with other, later projects of the young man, he cannot be compared. But first things first.

Ilya was born in northern capital Russia in 1985. As a child, the boy was always distinguished by eccentricity and a desire to surprise others. As a child, he succeeded, but over time he honed his skills to the limit.

With the first project, the young man launched the show "The Great Rap Battle", in which various famous characters(starring Ilya Prusikin and Igor Eit) competed with each other. There was almost no such format on YouTube hosting, and the project quickly went uphill.

Prusikin's next step was to take part in the filming of a real television series. It was called "Police Weekdays". As long as it The only job movie blogger.

But the real extravaganza in the career of a blogger was creation in 2013 of the rave group "Little Big". The first step this team took, of course, was on YouTube video hosting and it was the release on April 1 of a video called “Every Day I’m Drinking”.

By July, the group had become so popular that they were able to perform in a real hall in front of real people. Ilya became not only the ideological inspirer of the band, but also its frontman.

At the moment, "Little Big" is incredibly popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe. In 2015, they even received prizes at the Berlin Music Video Awards 2016. Their composition "Big Dick" took first place in the "Most Trashy" category, and the song "Give Me Your Money" took third place in the "Best Performer" category.

Jokingly or seriously, the guys call their style “a satirical art collaboration”. For the team, not only words and music are important, but also the visuals and shows that accompany all this.

By the way, when the first videos of the group just appeared on the network, the Russians thought that the guys were against politics home country and generally adherents of everything Western. Ilya claims that this is fundamentally wrong. The group loves Russia very much and has nothing against it, and the video is a satire that apparently not everyone understood.

Ilya Prusikin speaks simply about his work - it is an inspiration for people. The young man himself does everything not for earnings, but for the soul!

Ilya also has a joint project “ClickKlak” with friends where he now appears most often. There are several out there popular shows: Trash Lotto, Give a bream, Dorisuyka, Mice and many others. In the videos of the guys, you can often see other popular video bloggers. Also on the channel:, Yuri Muzychenko, Irina Smelaya, Andrey Smirnov (old).

Ilya has a lot of tattoos on his body, each one means something to him, some he got not in Russia, but during a tour of Europe.

Little is known about the personal life of the blogger, but fans are aware that Ilya is officially married. His wife's name is, she is also a video blogger. But on roller skates before the wedding, the guys hid their relationship. Now they live together and in Ira's videos, you can see their apartment.

In July 2017, Ira revealed that she was pregnant. At the end of autumn 2017, Ira gave birth to a boy.

Photo of Ilyich

Ilya has an unusual appearance, in clips he often demonstrates this. He leads instagram, where he uploads personal photos and shots from the filming. The guys do not show photos from the wedding, but their friends posted a couple of shots online.

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