What is the name of the girl from the group little big. Little Big: the composition of the group and its features


Kasterova Anna - a girl who has achieved her position in society exclusively on your own. Brilliant career a TV presenter and journalist can become the pride of a young woman. Step by step, Anna Kasterova moved towards her goal, while not forgetting to monitor her self-development, physical form, as well as paying attention and personal life.

How it all started

Anna Kasterova was born in the city of Zelenograd on September 21, 1984. An ordinary provincial girl, Anya grew up under the supervision of her parents, grandparents. The girl has younger brother. Anna devotes a lot of time to her family today, tries to spend more time with her, despite her heavy workload. Anna has higher education, in her diploma there is a specialty "Psychology". The girl graduated from the Moscow City Pedagogical University.

Currently, Anna Kasterova is a sought-after personality on television. And her creative activity began with a small one. Today, many people know the name - Anna Kasterova. The biography of the TV personality as a journalist began with work on the TNT channel. A small project launched on TNT in 2006 called "Moscow: instructions for use" allowed the girl to appear on the air at the age of 22, after graduating from university. During the year, the talented girl worked together with TV presenter Vladimir Tishko as the editor of the program.

The rise of a TV career

Then the stars aligned the best way for the novice presenter - she was noticed on the VGTRK channel. The offer to change jobs was not rejected by Anna Kasterova, her biography continued on a more solid channel. In the future, the journalist once again changed her "deployment" and worked with Vladimir Takmenev on the NTV channel. Software " Central Television"Introduced Anna to the audience in a new light, no less bright. But nevertheless, the girl eventually gave preference to the Rossiya2 channel, where she still works. Popular programs" Vesti.ru. Friday", the sports program "Headbutt" are Anna's favorite projects. In the program, which aired on Fridays, TV presenter Anna Kasterova, in her usual manner, presented the most interesting and relevant news that happened during Lately in the country and abroad. Internet, politics, relationships between people, interesting stories- in the center of the review. The most ambiguous situations complex destinies- there was something to discuss behind the scenes. Fans of the TV presenter watched with interest every episode of the program on Fridays. "Header" also actively gathered an audience, thanks to the presenter, who could interest not only men with football news, but also women every time in a new way.

Anna Kasterova and Timur Solovyov

Among famous novels TV stars her fans could track down a couple of the most colorful and notable relationships. For a long time Anna met with her colleague Timur Solovyov, today the young man is the host of the Morning program on Channel One, and earlier he was the host on the Muz-TV channel. The couple did not advertise the relationship, tried not to attract attention to themselves for as long as possible, but at the same time did not hide too much from the paparazzi in in public places. The pages of the press were full of general photographs of Anna and Timur, who appeared here and there together. How exactly the relationship of young people developed, what connected them when the couple started dating - both participants in the novel are silent about this. Fans of the TV presenter, who are watching the personal life of the stars with interest, only know that since 2014, Anya has a new friend.

Favorite hockey player

The lovers have already decided to get married. Anna Kasterova and Evgeni Malkin secretly met for about two years. They did not bring their relationship to the discussion of society, but simply enjoyed each other. In 2014, the TV presenter's fans became aware that she visited the Maldives with her lover, where the couple had a great time in each other's company. Anna has already ceased to hide that she is dating a famous hockey player, she gave interviews on a topic of interest to everyone. She said that Eugene is a very kind and sympathetic person, and she feels good next to him, like with no one else. At the end of 2015, Anna Kasterova and Evgeni Malkin decided to get married, the future husband proposed to his girlfriend.

Career or family

Today, lovers are preparing for the wedding and decide what to do next. Young people, by virtue of their work, live in different countries. Eugene stays in the USA, where he has a contract, and Anna works in Russia. But still, the girl chooses love and family when the question becomes an edge. Anna's mother, Natalya Mikhailovna, says that her daughter has already moved abroad to her future groom. By the way, the future mother-in-law really liked the potential son-in-law, she fully approved the choice of her daughter.

Beauty secrets of Anna Kasterova

One of the sexiest young ladies in Russia very responsibly monitors the condition of her body. Physical exercise, a strict diet, the education of willpower are the girl's constant companions. Anna Kasterova carefully controls her height and weight. And if growth is not subject to any of us, then we can perfectly keep the weight in the right range, which is what Anya does with success. The girl grew up on grandmother's donuts and pies, so adult life she had to make a lot of efforts to put herself in order, so much so that she became one of the sexy ladies. Anna goes to the gym, this is a must for her. He does boxing. Eating after seven in the evening is a taboo for her. It is very difficult, the TV presenter herself admits. For all her great love for hamburgers and fries, it is extremely difficult to control herself. However, Kasterova succeeds. The young woman is a model of perseverance, willpower and, in a good way, real stubbornness, which could lead her almost to the top of Olympus. At 31, Anna Kasterova has reached considerable heights in her career, profession, and personal life. Now new horizons are opening up before a woman - a family, life in another country. But these heights do not frighten the stubborn at all. Everything will turn out the way it should, no one can doubt it. Anna will always have the support of a loved one, family and millions of TV viewers.

- Why does the Khleb group have concert tickets for 900 rubles, and you have 1800?

I do not know. I have nothing to do with the organization of the concert.

With the participants of "Bread" - YouTubers who successfully took up music - you came out of the same media "Thank you, Eva!".

At that time there were only two sites - Caramba Media and "Thank you, Eva!". I had to join someone. In "Thank you, Eva!" there was more creativity. I wanted to do this kind of show, but I didn't know that video blogging existed. See what's in now the main problem new vloggers - they know that they can become a star and earn a lot of money. This is their goal. And in 2010 it was impossible to earn. There was no video blogging, there was no market. There was Maddison, but I didn't know about him either.

Do video bloggers really make that much money?

Many, very many.

Can you buy an apartment for them?

Someone can. And he openly says that he earns a lot - Sasha Spielberg, for example.

The band's first video little big"Everyday Iʼm Drinking" was released in April 2013 and turned out to be so popular that Ilya Prusikin and his colleagues had to continue. In addition to music, Ilyich has many activities - he is an actor, video blogger, director, screenwriter, creator and just popular character Russian YouTube scene.

There are two points of view. The first thing Russian YouTube- it's like Russian MTV of the late 90s, it makes musicians stars, and it is here that people who say something to the camera (then VJs, now video bloggers) become known throughout the country. The second point of view is that Russian YouTube has turned into a collection of shit. Which one is closer to you?

Well, everything is developing now, new formats are appearing, and production on the Internet is getting better than on television. What kind of a bullshit is this? Vice versa.

- Does video blogging allow you to jump into TV?

Certainly. There are examples - the same guys from "Bread". When we made the series "Police Weekdays", we were all invited to TNT, and the guys stayed there. Now they call everywhere and very actively. But I don't see the point.

- Because your content is not for TV?

You can always do for TV. But this takes a lot of time. The TV project requires 2-3 months, during which I could not do anything else of my own. But if they offered very large sums of money, one could still think about it. And so ... On television, the most simple jokes, not harsh, cause the reaction "whoa, whoa, this is impossible." Because of this, many series look neither here nor there. It would be possible to pressurize, but do not pressurize. Not because there bad people work, they are just within the framework. The same HBO releases the coolest series, because they have no censorship. You can touch on any topic. The series "On the Edge", where members american government show as complete idiots, we would have rejected ideas at the stage of discussion. They would bring a synopsis, and they would say to us: “Guys, are you fools?”

- What does your work schedule look like?

He's completely jammed. We are on tour now. You come back - immediately some shooting, editing, new briefs. We don't have any free time. We agreed that we were leaving for January to rest, and before that we were only working.

Before Little Big, Prusikin had at least five more musical projects. The earliest of these is the emo band Tenkorr. It is extremely difficult to recognize Ilyich in the hero of the video “I Believe”.

- Who came up with the idea to shoot the clip "Everyday Iʼm Drinking", after which you were recognized?

It, like all the following clips, was shot by Alina Pyazok and I. We worked together, but a lot of people helped. There are a lot of accidents in the history of Little Big - they just filmed a video on April 1st. It turned out that he shot. And everyone began to say: “Maybe you will make a group?” But the group still might not have existed if we had not been invited to warm up to Die Antwoord. We're like, "Wow, wow, we don't have songs." "But you have a month." And we wrote six songs, shot videos, they dispersed. Nobody thought that we would make money on these songs. So it happened.

- You just set yourself the task - to shoot cranberries about Russia, which will go well in the West?

We wanted to make a global virus. We took all the stereotypes about Russia - do you see us like that? OK. The funny thing is that people in Europe understand that we are laughing at them. But in Russia people...

-… are you sure that you are discrediting the country?

Yes. … [abnormal]! Or they ask: “Since you are for Russia, why don’t you sing in Russian?” Yes, because we work for the world. Why glorify Russia in Russia? I have a super idea, I want the Russian group to become a global one. And I'm glad that it turns out to prove to people who claim that it's impossible to become popular there, because we are Russians and no one needs us. Russian guys look at this and understand that they are not shit.

Released at the beginning of the year, "Big Dick" with 20 million views is the most popular clip Little big. He then inspired the editors of Afisha Daily to publish a listing of the most disgusting videos of the St. Petersburg project.

- Stupid question - how do you decide what the next song will be about?

Just somehow. For example, we are told: “Everyone has songs, they are cool, why don’t you? Still, they measure themselves with pussies. And we did not beat around the bush, but wrote the song "Big Dick". This is a banter over the world's pop culture.

- What did you do to get concerts abroad?

They started contacting us. Two years ago they started to invite us, Belgium. At first we had a booker from France, now we are handled by a German agency. We were brought together by the drummer Guano Apes, who loves Little Big very much. And fees there were actually higher than in Russia. But for Last year the situation leveled off - sold-outs also began in Russia. I think it's the last clips of "Big Dick" and "Hateful Love" that worked so well.

The “Hateful Love” video has a very glossy picture, emtivish. Once upon a time, these clips had exorbitant budgets. Like now?

There is such little secret: the main thing is not how much money you spend, the main thing is the idea. And the ability to implement it. Skill is the most valuable thing. We just learned how to do everything, this big team is a group of like-minded people who initially just wanted to do it. As a result, they united in a large trade union. For others, our work is expensive, for ourselves we can do it almost for free. "Big Dick" we just filmed at home in 3-4 days. We bought backdrops, and we also had a budget for cameras, lights and props - not to say that it was expensive. For "Hateful Love" we rented a room, put up the cyclorama ourselves, and that's it.

- Where did you learn it?

Learned on the go. I am a psychologist by training. And it turned out that I am a creator, director, and now also a musician. I also learned how to make viruses in practice - I figured out what to do in order to surprise, how to look for intersections between different generations And social groups. When you love what you do, you learn quickly. Our production for several years has become on the same level with television, and sometimes even higher. It is believed that there are professionals who have devoted their whole lives to this. It's just that we're not so cool, they're not very motivated.

- Do you need a TV as musicians?

No, television rotations have not affected anything for a long time. Only a piece product remained - something like " Evening Urgant”, otherwise YouTube is long ahead.

- Are you ready in this case that censorship and other content regulation will soon come to you?

It would be foolish not to. The media must always be under control. Can you imagine a blogger has a million people who follow him?

- Why immediately follow? They just look.

At 14-year-olds, loyalty is almost one hundred percent. Whatever the popular blogger says, everyone takes it at face value. And imagine that he begins to promote Nazism. I believe that there should be no censorship as such, but there should be control.

- To assign a commission of pot-bellied uncles to you?

We have adopted a law on criminal liability for reposting - this must be changed, because anyone can be brought under this. But if you imprison people for what it is worth imprisoning people, then everything will be fine.

"Hateful Love"

- When you watch the clip, at first you don’t understand for a long time - is this again a parody or is everything sincere?

This is also done for the Europeans, for the rest of the world. There is politics, but let's put it aside and look at our country as it is. But again there were those who were dissatisfied - “you were such bastards, you mocked Russia, but now you love her?”

- What books or films, from your point of view, most accurately explain our country?

I have not seen such.

- Maybe "Brother"?

I don't think it reflects the Russians. His main character- not far away gopnik. Yes, there are some, but there are others.

- You played up stereotypes about Russia a lot ...

We only have a few of these clips.

- No, after all, there were quite a lot of them, plus a show with Tommy Cash about Russians in America - you are on this pedal. Was it necessary to somehow specifically study the country, its people?

In Europe, we met immigrants from Russia, they are the grandchildren of Russian emigrants, they call themselves Russians. I say: “No, you are not Russian. Russian is a state of mind.” The origin is not so important, I have Polish-Jewish roots. You have to be born here and live 20-30 years to understand all this… [mess]. When you live in ... [a mess] all your life, but you adapt to it - and in principle everything suits you. Here is Russian.

As is known, modern society dislikes individuals who somehow stand out from the crowd. For this reason, people who are outwardly different from the rest often withdraw into themselves and become infrequent. Smiling and radiant Petersburger Anna Kast broke these stereotypes, declaring itself to the whole world. Anna's height is less than 130 cm, but this did not prevent the girl from acting in several films, winning the love of fans from many countries as part of a rave group, opening her own tattoo parlor, becoming the most sought-after animator on holidays and turning into a real celebrity. “I have been positive all my life,” Anna explains her success. - Everywhere with a smile, and the world is powerless before me. If you love the world and radiate warmth, then everything in life turns out!

Russian girl with Spanish appearance

Anna was born in the family of a Russian worker and a Spanish teacher who came to St. Petersburg to lecture on chemistry. When Anya was born, her father was embarrassed by her height and even persuaded the girl's mother to abandon the child. Fearing possible difficulties, Anna's father went home to Cuba. Since then, he saw his daughter only once, when the girl was a year old. Of course, Anna does not remember this meeting. In memory of her Spanish father, she had huge brown eyes, gorgeous black hair, an old Cuban tape recorder and unusual name - Anna Khoseevna Castellanos. One day a girl tried to contact her father and sent a letter to e-mail, but he did not answer: perhaps he did not receive the message, or maybe he simply did not want to answer.

Anna spends a lot of time to look irresistible. Photo: AiF / Yana Khvatova

Anya never worried about her height. “As a child, my mother always told me that I was the best, smartest and most beautiful,” the girl recalls. “I didn’t look in the mirror: I used to trust not glass, but my own eyes.” Among friends, Anya was the leader and even created a kind of Robin Hood gang: the guys figured out the children who appropriated other people's toys and drove them out of the yard. On her school desk, the girl often found her favorite Board games- gifts from boys: since childhood, Anna has not been deprived of male attention. At breaks, the boys crossed their arms, put Anya on this “seat” and rolled their classmate along the school corridors with a breeze.

As a child, Anya was a leader among friends. Photo: From the personal archive

Worked at school during the day and at the club at night

After graduating from school, Anna studied to be a librarian, but the girl was not accepted to work in the library because of her height: there were very high shelves with books in the halls. Then Anna got a job as a teacher on duty at the school: she had to make sure that the children did not misbehave, did not run and did not go home ahead of time. Anna immediately developed an excellent relationship with the guys. “The children loved and respected me,” says Anna. “I was like a camp leader for them. Once a first grader came up to me and asked why I was short. I answered that in childhood I ate little and decreased, and also that my friend, who is even smaller than me, is sitting on my shoulder, that he looks at her and smiles. The girl believed, and after a couple of years, of course, she already understood why I was so small. I don't think parents should teach their children to avoid people with physical disabilities or see them as inferior. Parents should immediately explain to the child that all people are different: tall, short, fat, thin. Only in this way will children treat everyone humanely.”

Anna knows how to turn flaws into virtues. Photo: From the personal archive

If Anna had complete mutual understanding with schoolchildren, then relations with the administration and the teaching staff did not work out. The principal of the school did not like the fact that the girl came to work too dressed up and did not try to be strict with the students. And the teachers envied the girl’s success and earnings: by that time, Anna had several roles in films shot at Lenfilm, and at night the teacher on duty worked as an animator in St. Petersburg clubs under the pseudonym Anna Kast.

“They did not take into account that at school I earned only 7 thousand rubles a month,” says Anna. Everything else was not easy at all, I worked hard and hardly slept. During the day she worked at a school, at night as an animator, and then she took a vacation at her own expense and went to shoot films. I was shown on TV, they wrote about me in the newspapers, and my colleagues told me that I was dishonoring the school with all this. After nine years of work at school, Anna had to leave: she did not fit into this system too much. Graduates still do not forget the girl: some sometimes come to visit her, while others do not miss the opportunity to chat when they meet Anna on the street.

Anna Kast was able to become successful and independent. Photo: From the personal archive

“I’d rather starve, but I’ll look beautiful”

Despite the frantic pace of life, Anna even managed to become a member of the famous rave group LittleBig. Thanks to this, the girl had fans not only throughout the country, but also abroad - in France, Germany and Holland. Last year, Anna left music and opened her own tattoo parlor: she has long been interested in this area, and in 2009 she even received the title of queen among tattooed girls. The girl arranged her own salon at home and called it "Kast Home". Now Anna has no end to clients, and she performs less often in clubs or at holidays: now she has the opportunity to choose which event to go to and which one not to. “There was no such opportunity before,” Anna recalls. “For the first year and a half, with my earnings as an animator, I only beat off the costumes that I purchased for performances.”

Anna is personally acquainted with the lead singer of the HIM group Ville Valo. Photo: From the personal archive

Anna has a whole room of costumes for different images. Among them is a Charlie Chaplin costume, puffy dresses, graceful masks and a whole suitcase with nothing but belts. Clothes for Everyday life the girl has a lot too. “Many little people have problems with clothes,” Anna explains. Often they just don't have the taste. I don't have such a problem. I see my thing and I can buy it without even trying it on. In this country, especially in our physical condition, people are greeted by clothes. I used to spend a lot of money on clothes: I’d rather starve, but I’ll look beautiful! To help other little people with advice on clothing and other areas, Anna created a group on the Internet with the ironic name "Meter with a cap."

The girl appears before the audience in different images. Photo: From the personal archive

A few years ago, Anna began to be recognized on the streets: fans approached her, asked to be photographed and leave an autograph as a keepsake. Over time, such situations became more and more frequent, and the girl had to leave the house an hour earlier if she wanted to arrive somewhere on time. For this reason, a year ago, Anna completely stopped using public transport and travels only by taxi. With fans, the girl is happy to communicate on social networks.

"If I love, I will have a baby"

Anna Kast has about 7 thousand friends and the same number of subscribers on VKontakte. Anna admits - real friends who will never leave and support in any life situation- only three.

Not so long ago, Anna broke up with her boyfriend, whom she had been dating for five years. The girl's chosen one was burdened by Anna's popularity, in the end he could not stand it and left. Now Anna has a new boyfriend, but he is also embarrassed vigorous activity girls. “He wants me to be ordinary,” Anna complains. - And I understand that I can no longer be without what I do! Other little people often withdraw into themselves, live poorly and badly, because they cannot find themselves in life, but I found myself. My destiny is to live for people, I can't exchange the stage for a stove. I consider myself happy because I have brains, my own “I”, my loved ones do not get sick. But if I love someone very much, I will bear him a child.”

Sometimes Anna uses a stool to get food out of the refrigerator. Photo: AiF / Yana Khvatova

I didn’t go to the “Bachelor” and to Malakhov

Anna is often invited to various talk shows and TV shows. One day I called a girl Andrei Malakhov and invited to the air, but the trip did not work out: for the transfer, it was necessary that Anna had a young man, and at that time the couple had already broken up. Another time the girl was invited to new season but she refused. “Firstly, I would have to go at my own expense,” says Anna. - In addition, I take a sober look at life and understand that a famous and rich man is unlikely to choose me from hundreds of girls. Let them film without me!”

A few minutes before the meeting with the AiF.ru correspondent, the editors of the Wait for Me program contacted Anna Kast. The girl was offered to organize her trip to Cuba and shoot a story about a meeting with Anna's father - all that remained was to secure the consent of the Cuban himself. The girl was very excited by this proposal: she would very much like to see her father for the first time in her life. “I don’t resent him,” says Anna. - I would like to meet with my father in order to show him with all my appearance that everything is in order with me, that I live well. I will thank him for giving me life!”

Anya lives with her beloved dog Pa. Photo: AiF / Yana Khvatova

The first conversation took place between the St. Petersburg actress, model, designer and performance artist Anna Castellanos and the writer Linor Goralik. According to Castellanos, the diagnosis of achondroplasia, which made Anna a "little man", not only did not ruin her life, but became her main "gain", a sign of uniqueness. About why she is not offered offensive roles, what parents of a “small” child should do, why it is impossible to live within four walls and how to choose clothes for themselves, Anna told the writer Linor Goralik.

: Yes. And also school teacher, animator, performer, participant of live installations at art exhibitions.

LG: How did your acting career begin?

A.K .: I was just walking down the street, and they noticed me. Lenfilm always needs small people, and there are very few of them.

LG: Why?

A.K .: Little ones do not like to live “outside”.

LG: Have you ever explained to people why you are ready to live a public life? Why did you choose the life of a person who can be seen?

A.K .: I am often asked: “How did you do it?”

LG: And how?

A.K.: Fortune. I caught it and I use it, but I use it to show the same little ones that we can be happy. For the sake of this, I grab for interviews, for reports that are filmed about me on television. Not in order to lie about how happy I am, but in order to convey to the little ones, sitting in four walls: "We can live differently."

L.G.: Is it a direct mission?

A.K.: Yes. I use my luck to convey to the mass consciousness, and to other small ones, that we, firstly, exist, and secondly, we can live normally if we want.

LG: How do other little ones perceive you?

A.K.: Everything is not easy here. Some little ones do an operation to increase their height - and then pretend that all this does not concern them anymore. Even if they added only 15 centimeters. When I tell such people that I am against operations and for accepting myself, I am an enemy. Plus, they like to say that they went through a “special school of life”, but we, those who remained small, did not. Kind of a stupid conversation.

L. G .: And what do other little ones think about the fact that you have chosen a public lifestyle?

A.K.: There are those who are envious. There are those to whom my lifestyle prevents them from appearing as unhappy people in a hopeless situation and constantly asking for help. There are those who ask for advice on how to get out of the swamp, but want to do nothing at the same time. They think that I only speak my tongue from the stage, but there is no help from me. And what can be done to help those who do not want to move? I myself call these people “the generation of humanitarians”. They want humanitarian aid, that's all.

LG: Does it happen that you, as an actress, are offered offensive roles related to your height?

A.K.: No. By the way, in general, I often meet with amazement when I say that I play normal roles. Many believe that acting is humiliating for a small child: they will force the gnomes to play.

L.G.: Lenfilm “discovered” you in 2006. What was life like before that?

А.К.: Children's camps, counselor. With various sick children, not only disabled ones. Pioneer camp is rented, children have a rest without parents. Volunteers and counselors work there, seminars are held for them: there was a whole program of this kind in St. Petersburg. Then everything fell apart, half of the "carriages" are no longer alive. And I moved on to another life.

L.G.: People rarely develop such harmonious relationships with their own bodies as you do. I look at your tattoos, makeup, clothes, how you pose for photographers, how you act as an actress. What did you do to be in tune with your body?

А.К.: I generally live in harmony with the world. And she experimented with appearance for a long time, from the age of fifteen, and now, it seems, she has finally found herself. And there is restraint, and there is no vulgarity. And tattoos, I think, adorn me and complement my unusualness, make me even more unique. Many people say to me: “You are not lucky, you are so small.” But I got lucky. Others remake themselves: lips are pumped up, silicone is sewn in ... But I don’t need to remake myself, I already have.

LG: And what were the stages between this appearance and fifteen years?

A.K.: I was, for example, a rapper. Cap, wide jeans, T-shirts, All Saints and all that. Then there was a quieter stage. Then I got yellow hair - I call it "yellow like a drunkard." It happened by accident: I wanted white, but I have very dark mine - it didn’t work out.

LG: And then?

A.K.: There was a period - short hair, a la the 60s. There were hairstyles for Edita Piekha. At that time, I was generally interested in the 60s, I bought clothes in second-hand shops. Crimplene, for example. Then I started sewing something, started wearing heels - in a word, I adjusted to the Soviet fashion of the 60s. It was easy: what for normal women a blouse is a dress for me.

LG: How do you choose clothes?

A.K.: I have a nose for things. And lately skinny trousers have come into fashion, and I even stopped hemming them. I buy trousers in the Zara nursery - they are just on the hips, and at the bottom they just gather along the leg. No need to redo.

L.G.: And if you remake not for the sake of convenience, but for the sake of creativity?

A.K.: Oh, it's constant. Today, a friend was trying on my striped dress, which I made from a long T-shirt in size L, sewing guipure on the edge of the T-shirt - I need to hide my knees.

LG: What should a designer who creates clothes for little ones know?

А.К.: Visually, of course, things should add growth. There should not be trousers that are narrow in the pope and in the hips: they interfere with blood circulation, the legs begin to fail, and the back hurts. What else? Three-quarter sleeves - lengthens the arm.

LG: And what about the underwear?

A.K .: I am against thongs, I immediately say. And against foam bras. It's kind of dishonest. But bones in bras must be mandatory: because of osteochondrosis, this is important for us. And remember that our arms are short. It's hard to get to the zipper on the back.

LG: And how do you manage cabinets, by the way?

A.K.: Yes, it's fine. How do I manage the elevator? I take off my shoe and use it to press the button. Everywhere I somehow manage. I'm used to it. When I was about twelve years old, we had an old intercom, high. I left the entrance before going to school, and substituted a pebble. I come - there is no pebble, the janitors removed it. I waited for people with kind faces, came up and said: “Could you help me open it?” And she herself did a kind face, so that they would not think that I was a swindler or something. It's easier now.

L.G.: Your apartment is arranged, probably, the way it is convenient for you to live. Comfortable - what is it?

A.K .: Yes, everything is like everyone else, only the switches are lower. Before, she turned on the light with a mop.

LG: And what is the most difficult thing to do?

A.K.: My back hurts. But this is generally a feature of people like me. And that's how I generally manage. Here I have small men, they suffer with hemming of sleeves, with such things. I tell them: “Why? Bent over and everything. Why are you wasting your life and time on this? That is yours natural body, wear it."

LG: You sometimes wear insanely extravagant things. What is your craziest thing?

А.К.: I had a Pierrot outfit with a transparent white corset. I am everything that counts underwear, I put it on for performances, but combine it with normal clothes: it seems to me that it is beautiful and appropriate in the appropriate situation - in a club, for example.

So, to the corset were shorts, like a page, a black band-aid on the chest, white fishnet tights and a white make-up. This is what I came up with.

LG: Was it for some role?

A.K.: Animator. I am often invited just to attend parties, to decorate parties in my own way. In the coming days, I have to work as a dancer at a house music party. I don't like this music. I have to dance there for four hours, I don’t even know how, it’s very difficult for me. The organizers say: "Come up with something, you can." I thought for a very long time and decided that I would be a bride with a Mexican scary makeup like the idols. I hope it doesn't leak in four hours. And so, of course, such events are not entirely mine.

LG: And what is yours?

А.К.: Everything connected with the circus, for example. Soon they will shoot about me documentary"Thumbelina", it will be filmed in the circus arena. All the heroes of "Thumbelina" will live in this circus: Mole, rat, toad. And I am a heroine, and such people live around me.

LG: And they are all big?

A.K.: Yes, of course.

LG: A lot of people without disabilities don't know how to talk to little ones. They are embarrassed, afraid to say the wrong thing, do not understand how to sit down, anything else. What is right to do and what is wrong? For example, I approached you and did not know whether it was appropriate to give a hand: what if it would be uncomfortable for you to shake it. Squat down, right?

А.К.: On the contrary, it confuses us. Some elements of politeness, for example, to help get into the transport - this is just humanly normal. And you don't have to sit down to talk. This will not bother me, I will smile, I will say “well, get up, why”, but those who have complexes, on the contrary, are even more depressing. I constantly look at a person from the bottom up. And what?

LG: What can be done to make the little ones less complexed?

А.К.: This is a question of psychology. You know, after all, in the USSR, disabled people sat in factories and were “invisible”, it was a terrible environment, and children grew up in it terrible. And even now, little people have two main “normal” jobs: a pharmacist and a nurse, and then through pull. Less often - network marketing. Sometimes an accountant. And I chose to work at the school as a teacher on duty.

L. G. In the ordinary?

A.K.: In ordinary public school. Since 2006. I have two lives: night and day. Do you know why the director took me? To bring up goodness in children. There should be no boundary between the disabled and the healthy. There should be no boarding schools. Here is the answer to the question of what to do.

LG: How do students perceive you?

A.K .: I came on the first day, I said: “Hello, children, I will work with you, we will be friends.” And that's it.

LG: What classes are these?

А.К.: From the third to the eleventh. I am in their authority, because they know about my second life - and respect me. At school, I'm all so closed, dressed differently. And they told me: “Oh, we saw you in the video!”

LG: What to say to parents who have a child with a diagnosis of achondroplasia?

А.К.: When I was born, my mother had a shock for the first days. And the professor told her: “A girl like that studied with me at the medical institute, we were proud of her.” Mom now says to me: “Anya, after that I began to meet little ones on the street. And I didn't seem to see them before." They frightened my mother, persuaded me to refuse. But she held on. And she was so proud of me, my every success, every step. Then I went to a kindergarten and delighted her with my exhibitions - I drew well. Then some cool kids started inviting me to my birthday party. For me it was cool, but for them it was interesting. She let me go. I was chasing balls with the boys in the yard, fighting - it's all important to pass. What's small, what's big. What should a parent do? You need to help your child live normally. In an ordinary yard, in an ordinary kindergarten, in a regular school.

Name: Anna Cast (Anna Castellanos)

Age: 37 years

Height: 129

Activity: actress singer

Family status: Single

Anna Kast: biography

Petersburg actress Anna Kast, whose height does not exceed 130 centimeters, has become popular due to her unusual appearance. Fans call her "Little Miss Happy", but being a happy famous girl isn't easy.

The diagnosis of achondroplasia made her life different from others, as it dictates an individual path for everyone who has encountered it. This helped Anna to show her bright personality, challenging society and stereotypes.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the girl is Anna Khoseevna Castellanos. The father of a girl far away Soviet years came to Leningrad from Cuba. The young man planned to defend his diploma in chemistry and met Anna's future mother. She worked at the Bolshevik factory and created an unfavorable reputation for herself by her connection with a foreigner. The girl was constantly called in for questioning and threatened with dismissal.

Despite admonitions from superiors and others stakeholders The family lived together for a while. When Anna was one year old, her father left Russia. Probably, he was frightened by a medical diagnosis, which foreshadowed that, growing up, his daughter would not reach her usual height. Subsequently, Anya tried to establish contact with her father, but all was in vain.

The life of a Petersburger developed like that of other children. The girl went to school, talked with classmates and rarely noticed that she was different from her peers.

The first problems arose when, after graduating from school and receiving a diploma in librarianship, Anna tried to get a job. She could not find a suitable vacancy due to her small stature. Employers did not give a chance to be realized and constantly refused. Then the girl got a job as a teacher on duty at the school. She liked working with children, but with the administration educational institution relationships didn't work out.

Compensating short stature, Anya emphasized her individuality with non-trivial outfits that caught the eye. In parallel with her work, the girl began acting in films, worked as an animator in clubs to provide for basic needs and a comfortable standard of living.

The headmaster didn't like it. Anna's popularity grew, in St. Petersburg she was recognized on the streets. The girl took the pseudonym Anna Kast and after 9 years of work she was forced to quit school due to increased attention. Parents and administration considered this a hindrance to communication with children.

Music and films

Anna's biography is associated with creative activity. In an interview with the media, the girl says that, unlike her usual position, she does not withdraw into herself and prefers to be open. Her example helps people with similar problems feel more confident and trust the world.

The first popularity came to Anya after filming for glossy magazines, participating in the creation of clips for Russian artists and screen appearances.

In the filmography of the girl, the projects "Cop Wars", "Treasure", "Pen and Sword" appear. Cast did not stop at the activities of the animator and became a member of the performative project "Neverporn". She regularly appeared as a guest and contestant on public events like the premiere of cartoons, the opening of the Kinotavr festival, a fashion show " Mercedes Benz».

Anna reveals herself in several creative directions. For some time she was fond of music and was the lead singer of the rave group "Little Big", which today is led by a blogger and musician. Thanks to the concerts that the team held abroad, they learned about Anna in the cities and countries of Europe.

The girl brought a soloist to the group, and after some time she herself left the team. As a memory, the fans were left with the clips and songs "Little Big", recorded together with the group. Having completed a short musical career, Anna Kast realized herself as a producer and manager.

The body of the girl is decorated with drawings that attract the attention of passers-by. At an international conference in 2009, she was recognized as the queen among girls with tattoos. For like-minded people, Anna opened a tattoo parlor and called it "Kast Home". Today, the brainchild of Kast is developing successfully. She has a constant flow of clients, which allows her to devote less time to the usual shootings.

Anya pays special attention to people who are faced with the same physiological feature as hers. On the Internet, the artist created a group called "Meter with a cap." In this community, Anna Kast communicates with fans and gives advice to short people on what clothes to choose and how to emphasize their own uniqueness.

The wardrobe of “Little Miss Happiness” is bursting with extraordinary clothes, and the girl shares parting words with those who need them.

Anna Kast is 130 cm tall and weighs 50 kg.

Personal life

Despite the specific appearance, Anna has many admirers among young people. True, not every man is able to come to terms with the popularity of Kast and increased attention to her person. The artist is constantly approached to be photographed on the street, and Anya herself often scares away with ambition and determination. Like any girl, Cast dreams that she will have a husband and children, but now the heart of the model is free.

In her personal account in "Instagram" No romantic photos. Anna Kast devotes all of herself to her favorite work and communication with people of small stature. Fans can learn more about the girl’s personal life using her personal page on social networks. Anya actively shares news about her projects and everyday life.

Anna Kast now

Today, Anya Castellanos is very much in demand in the media circles. She tirelessly tries herself in new areas and rejoices when people with a familiar appearance perceive her as an equal.

By 2018, Kast managed to realize herself as an actress, designer and model. Anna is still involved in a variety of performances. The actress remains in demand for glossy magazines and the film industry. Now the girl has the opportunity to choose projects in which to participate.

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