Group with a dwarf. Little Big: how Russia's ugliest group came to success


- Why does the Khleb group have concert tickets for 900 rubles, and you have 1800?

I do not know. I have nothing to do with the organization of the concert.

With the participants of "Bread" - YouTubers who successfully took up music - you came out of the same media "Thank you, Eva!".

At that time there were only two sites - Caramba Media and "Thank you, Eva!". I had to join someone. In "Thank you, Eva!" there was more creativity. I wanted to do this kind of show, but I didn't know that video blogging existed. You see, what is the main problem of new video bloggers now - they know that they can become a star and earn a lot of money. This is their goal. And in 2010 it was impossible to earn. There was no video blogging, there was no market. There was Maddison, but I didn't know about him either.

Do video bloggers really make that much money?

Many, very many.

Can you buy an apartment for them?

Someone can. And he openly says that he earns a lot - Sasha Spielberg, for example.

First video Little bands Big "Everyday Iʼm Drinking" was released in April 2013 and turned out to be so popular that Ilya Prusikin and his colleagues had to continue. In addition to music, Ilyich has many activities - he is an actor, video blogger, director, screenwriter, creator and just popular character Russian YouTube scene.

There are two points of view. The first thing Russian YouTube- it's like Russian MTV of the late 90s, it makes musicians stars, and it is here that people who say something to the camera (then VJs, now video bloggers) become known throughout the country. The second point of view is that Russian YouTube has turned into a collection of shit. Which one is closer to you?

Well, everything is developing now, new formats are appearing, and production on the Internet is getting better than on television. What kind of a bullshit is this? Vice versa.

- Does video blogging allow you to jump into TV?

Certainly. There are examples - the same guys from "Bread". When we made the series "Police Weekdays", we were all invited to TNT, and the guys stayed there. Now they call everywhere and very actively. But I don't see the point.

- Because your content is not for TV?

You can always do for TV. But this takes a lot of time. The TV project requires 2-3 months, during which I could not do anything else of my own. But if they offered very large sums of money, one could still think about it. And so ... On television, the most simple jokes, not harsh, cause the reaction "whoa, whoa, this is impossible." Because of this, many series look neither here nor there. It would be possible to pressurize, but do not pressurize. Not because there bad people work, they are just within the framework. The same HBO releases the coolest series, because they have no censorship. You can touch on any topic. The series "On the Edge", where members american government show as complete idiots, we would have rejected ideas at the stage of discussion. They would bring a synopsis, and they would say to us: “Guys, are you fools?”

- What does your work schedule look like?

He's completely jammed. We are on tour now. You come back - immediately some shooting, editing, new briefs. We don't have any free time. We agreed that we were leaving for January to rest, and before that we were only working.

Before the advent little big Prusikin had at least five more musical projects. The earliest of these is the emo band Tenkorr. It is extremely difficult to recognize Ilyich in the hero of the video “I Believe”.

- Who came up with the idea to shoot the clip "Everyday Iʼm Drinking", after which you were recognized?

It, like all the following clips, was shot by Alina Pyazok and I. We worked together, but a lot of people helped. There are a lot of accidents in the history of Little Big - they just filmed a video on April 1st. It turned out that he shot. And everyone began to say: “Maybe you will make a group?” But the group still might not have existed if we had not been invited to warm up to Die Antwoord. We're like, "Wow, wow, we don't have songs." "But you have a month." And we wrote six songs, shot videos, they dispersed. Nobody thought that we would make money on these songs. So it happened.

- You just set yourself the task - to shoot cranberries about Russia, which will go well in the West?

We wanted to make a global virus. We took all the stereotypes about Russia - do you see us like that? OK. The funny thing is that people in Europe understand that we are laughing at them. But in Russia people...

-… are you sure that you are discrediting the country?

Yes. … [abnormal]! Or they ask: “Since you are for Russia, why don’t you sing in Russian?” Yes, because we work for the world. Why glorify Russia in Russia? I have a super idea, I want the Russian group to become a global one. And I'm glad that it turns out to prove to people who claim that it's impossible to become popular there, because we are Russians and no one needs us. Russian guys look at this and understand that they are not shit.

Released at the beginning of the year, "Big Dick" with 20 million views is the most popular clip Little big. He then inspired the editors of Afisha Daily to publish a listing of the most disgusting videos of the St. Petersburg project.

- Stupid question - how do you decide what the next song will be about?

Just somehow. For example, we are told: “Everyone has songs, they are cool, why don’t you? Still, they measure themselves with pussies. And we did not beat around the bush, but wrote the song "Big Dick". This is a banter over the world's pop culture.

- What did you do to get concerts abroad?

They started contacting us. Two years ago they started to invite us, Belgium. At first we had a booker from France, now we are handled by a German agency. We were brought together by the drummer Guano Apes, who loves Little Big very much. And fees there were actually higher than in Russia. But for Last year the situation leveled off - sold-outs also began in Russia. I think it's the last clips of "Big Dick" and "Hateful Love" that worked so well.

The “Hateful Love” video has a very glossy picture, emtivish. Once upon a time, these clips had exorbitant budgets. Like now?

There is such little secret: the main thing is not how much money you spend, the main thing is the idea. And the ability to implement it. Skill is the most valuable thing. We just learned how to do everything, this big team is a group of like-minded people who initially just wanted to do it. As a result, they united in a large trade union. For others, our work is expensive, for ourselves we can do it almost for free. "Big Dick" we just filmed at home in 3-4 days. We bought backdrops, and we also had a budget for cameras, lights and props - not to say that it was expensive. For "Hateful Love" we rented a room, put up the cyclorama ourselves, and that's it.

- Where did you learn it?

Learned on the go. I am a psychologist by training. And it turned out that I am a creator, director, and now also a musician. I also learned how to make viruses in practice - I figured out what to do in order to surprise, how to look for intersections between different generations And social groups. When you love what you do, you learn quickly. Our production for several years has become on the same level with television, and sometimes even higher. It is believed that there are professionals who have devoted their whole lives to this. It's just that we're not so cool, they're not very motivated.

- Do you need a TV as musicians?

No, television rotations have not affected anything for a long time. Only a piece product remained - like "Evening Urgant", otherwise YouTube is long ahead.

- Are you ready in this case that censorship and other content regulation will soon come to you?

It would be foolish not to. The media must always be under control. Can you imagine a blogger has a million people who follow him?

- Why immediately follow? They just look.

At 14-year-olds, loyalty is almost one hundred percent. Whatever the popular blogger says, everyone takes it at face value. And imagine that he begins to promote Nazism. I believe that there should be no censorship as such, but there should be control.

- What books or films, from your point of view, most accurately explain our country?

I have not seen such.

- Maybe "Brother"?

I don't think it reflects the Russians. His main character- not far away gopnik. Yes, there are some, but there are others.

- You played up stereotypes about Russia a lot ...

We only have a few of these clips.

- No, after all, there were quite a lot of them, plus a show with Tommy Cash about Russians in America - you are on this pedal. Was it necessary to somehow specifically study the country, its people?

In Europe, we met immigrants from Russia, they are the grandchildren of Russian emigrants, they call themselves Russians. I say: “No, you are not Russian. Russian is a state of mind.” The origin is not so important, I have Polish-Jewish roots. You have to be born here and live 20-30 years to understand all this… [mess]. When you live in ... [a mess] all your life, but you adapt to it - and in principle everything suits you. Here is Russian.

little big- St. Petersburg rave group, known for its controversial and daring clips not only in Russia but also abroad. Ilya Prusikin (Ilyich), Sergey Makarov (Gokk), Anna Kast and Olympia Ivleva position themselves not as a musical group, but as a whole collaboration of musicians, models, video makers, make-up artists, a millionaire clown and a writer. With such a composition for the year of existence, they have already released five clips and one full-length album.

gokk: Our album was released on March 15, and on March 22 there will be only a presentation. So there is already a reaction, and it is, of course, ambiguous: some praise, while others write: “How can you? You are a disgrace to Mother Russia." Even those who think the album is disgusting repost and tell their friends about it. So, no one is indifferent, and this is the main thing. By the way, there are literally two songs of such banter in the album, the rest are great stories about the country and our friends.

About favorite tracks

Ilyich:"Freedom" is a track about the pointlessness of war, when people are simply played off and told to fight for the redistribution of spheres of influence or resources. I really don’t understand this: how can people go at each other - a million to a million, although no one has caused personal harm from either side?

And do not think that this song is the answer to the current political situation. Because it has always been like this - there have always been these senseless wars.

gokk: My favorite song from the album is "My way". The track is so soulful, about all of us, our friends, with whom we make our story, compose music, shoot videos, just spend time together and try to make ourselves and this world better.

Anna Kast on the set of the video invitation to the Die Antwoord concert
Sergey Makarov (Gokk) on the set of the video invitation to the Die Antwoord concert
Olympia Ivleva on the set of the video invitation to the Die Antwoord concert

Ilya Prusikin (Ilyich) on the set of the video invitation to the Die Antwoord concert

About your audience

gokk: We looked at the attendance statistics of our group: 63% are people over 18 years old. That is, a very young audience is only 30 percent. Most are from 18 to 25, then those who are about thirty and after 50.

Ilyich: No kidding, we want to become world stars. If it works out, great. We already have a global audience, the number is about the same as in Russia. Many people listen to us in France, Germany, Holland. There is also an audience in Canada and Australia. The first clip sold more in France than here.

Claims usually come just from those who themselves come abroad and puke in the pool

About them and our perception

gokk: Foreigners perceive our videos and songs, first of all, as a healthy satire, but the Russian public does not always react adequately. Some people say that we make Russians look bad. Claims usually come just from those who themselves come abroad and puke in the pool. It's like they listened to our album and said, "I'm going to puke in the pool."

Olympia Ivleva on the set of the video Everyday I'm drinking

About stereotypes

Ilyich: In our songs and videos, only existing stereotypes are played up, and we have not invented or added anything new - Russia does everything for us. This Russian person insults the country and himself with his behavior, and I don’t want to have anything to do with such people. We're just poking fun at it.

In general, these stereotypes are also delusional: on the one hand, they are true, but at the same time they are exaggerated. And we want to bring them to such an absurd level that one day they just disappear. Our foreign fans will watch the clips and say: “Well, what the hell, everything is really wrong, this is Russia. Everyone is smart there, they read books.” But it will still be a stereotype, just the opposite: we have a huge number of illiterate people. So no matter how much we want to, we will still lie.

We are regularly compared to Die Antwoord - mainly because of Ilya's hairstyle

About Russian people

Ilyich: the main problem Russia has been and will be - it's people. 80% are happy with everything, and they do nothing, they live like animals. And if you go to the regions, then this is generally madness. Trouble is not roads, it is just a consequence that cannot be eliminated until people change.

And the officials are ordinary people who were born in the Soviet Union. They are exactly the same as the rest of us, only they became rich. Politicians are a complete reflection of our society. And if these 80%, who rot the authorities, thump and do not want to change anything in their lives, put those officials in their place, we will still get today's Russia.

About comparisons with Die Antwoord

gokk: We are regularly compared to Die Antwoord - mainly because of Ilya's hair. Only he has been walking with her since 2009, and Ninja got her much later. And the music is different, and the style, but because of the hairstyle, it must be said that we are similar. It is necessary and convenient for people to compare us with them by this insignificant external resemblance, well, okay.

In general, Die Antwoord are great guys, last year we performed as an opening act for them in St. Petersburg and it was very cool. We met, took pictures, they invited us to visit. Maybe we can get together and write something cool together.

About the concert

gokk: Everyone who watches and listens to us on the Internet should definitely come to the concert and see it all live. Now we are doing cool program with installations, light and sound will be on high level. We want it to be fun for us to play, and for everyone else to enjoy it. And by the way, with everyone who comes to the concert, we are going to shoot a cool mass scene.

Little Big Concert in support of debut album will be held on March 22 at 20:00 in the club "Cosmonaut". Ticket price - from 600 rubles. Details can be found by calling (812) 303-33-33.

The creator of cult Internet projects, Ilya Prusikin, fell in love with the public because the 32-year-old intellectual keeps up with the times, not being afraid to raise acute social issues in his work, which in modern society not accepted to speak.

The future scandalous video blogger was born on April 8, 1985 on the border of Russia and China - in Transbaikalia. Later "Ilyich" ( creative pseudonym) will move to St. Petersburg with his parents. Contrary to popular belief, it is cultural capital will become a city of great opportunities for an ambitious guy.

In addition to the fact that Ilya loved to shock the audience since childhood, the network figure grew up as a mischievous, agile child: he played baseball as an outfielder, was fond of football and went to an aircraft modeling circle.

In addition, parents, having seen in their son not a hefty creative potential gave their son to music school, in the piano class. From the biography of the Internet star, it is known that in addition to the average and musical background, Ilya also has higher education. The man graduated from the psychological and pedagogical faculty of St. Petersburg state institution culture.

In 2011, a promising young man began to cooperate with the subsidiary label company "Thank you, Eva!". Later, Prusikin's projects would bring great popularity to the channel. So, stylized as a children's program "The Gaffy Gaff Show" (2012) and "The Great Rap Battle" (2012), in which, through recitative powers of the world that confront each other, will be the highest rated on the video grouping platform. In fact, both programs denounced the social ulcers of society and ridiculed the well-known vices of mankind.

A little later, in 2012, the young man will become a producer and part-time actor of the analogue of the series "Real Boys" - the Internet sitcom "Police Weekdays". In the film of "blogger" production, the most prominent representatives YouTube: a pioneer in the field of streaming, members of the rap group "Bread", "pajama army general" Sam Nickel and many others. Despite such an abundance of youth idols on square meter, the series did not find a response in the hearts of young viewers, and after 3 episodes the unpromising project was closed.

A year later, with a friend on the YouTube video hosting, a man creates a Klikklak association. According to the creators, the Klikklak audience is guys and girls with an active life position and a good sense of humor. Shows such as Give Bream, Kids Thrash Games, As You Say, Shocking Karaoke, and Experiment Breakers are published on the channel page.


In 2006, Ilyich became a member of the little-known emo-rock band Tenkor. The Russian public liked the guys' creativity so much that enterprising young men released several records (EP “It Will Be Late”, LP “My last letter”, EP “ROCK, baby!”, “SEX POLICE). Also, the "hero of YouTube" had experience working with the bands "Like A Virgin", "St. Bastards" and "Constructorr".

Despite this abundance musical groups, world-wide fame "Ilyich" was brought by the rave team "Little Big".

April 1, 2013 Prusikin with friends as April fool's joke posted the clip "Every Day I'm Drinking" online and instantly divided the country into two camps. The first one believed that the group was denigrating a great power, exposing all the worst that is in Russia, the second saw satire in the work of the collective pure form.

The band members themselves publicly declared: “Little Big” is musical reflection society. In their songs, the guys openly ridicule national stereotypes behavior and life of a Russian person.

According to the stories of Ilyich, the infamous band could not have existed at all if in July 2013 the guys had not been invited to warm up for the eminent South African band Die Antwoord. At that time, Little Big's repertoire consisted of one song. Hard-working young people wrote six songs within a month and shot videos that sold like hot cakes.

On May 21, 2016, the videos for the song "Give Me Your Money" and "Big Dick" became winners of the Berlin Music Video Awards 2016. "Big Dick" won first place in the Most Trashy category, and "Give Me Your Money" - 3rd place in the nomination Best Performer.

The "viral" project has taken root not only in Russia, but also abroad. So, in France and Holland, an art group with balalaikas and vodka gained immense popularity.

The satirical collaboration of the rave group Little Big has won the hearts of listeners around the world.

Personal life

Until 2016, nothing was reliably known about the personal life of Ilyich.

Fans assumed that the undersized (Ilya's height is 165 cm) man was dating the eminent vlogger Ira Smela. The reason for the speculation was that the girl appeared more than once in commercials both on the Klikklak channel and on Prusikin's personal channel.

Moreover, the frontman of the Little Big group is the ideological inspirer musical project"TATARKA", in which Ira is a key character. Contrary to popular belief, the cloud rapper did not appear out of nowhere. The audience knew her before from the DIY shows “Fashion Trashon”, “M / F” and vlogs called “Tatar Weekdays”. By the way, the Bold channel on the popular video hosting has 577 thousand subscribers. On a national scale, the charismatic brunette was talked about at the end of 2016, after a “viral” video appeared on the network - “Altyn”.

Rumors surrounding famous media personalities were confirmed on July 6, 2016, when the marriage ceremony took place star couple. Only close friends and relatives were invited to the wedding. But young people have not forgotten about loyal fans. Ilya posted a one-minute video on his YouTube channel, where he and his wife are captured at the time of painting.

Member Name: Ilya Prusikin

Age (birthday): 08.04.1985

City: St. Petersburg, Moscow

Family: married to Irina Smelaya, has a son

Height and weight: 1.65 m

Channel direction: humorous sketches and vlogs

Channel created: 10.01.2013

Number of subscribers: more than 770 thousand subscribers

Found an inaccuracy? Let's fix the questionnaire

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Oddly enough, but for Ilya Prusikin, a personal channel on YouTube video hosting became a fleeting springboard that led to great fame. Although he has quite a lot of fans, but with other, later projects of the young man, he cannot be compared. But first things first.

Ilya was born in northern capital Russia in 1985. As a child, the boy was always distinguished by eccentricity and a desire to surprise others. As a child, he succeeded, but over time he honed his skills to the limit.

With the first project, the young man launched the show "The Great Rap Battle", in which various famous characters(starring Ilya Prusikin and Igor Eit) competed with each other. There was almost no such format on YouTube hosting, and the project quickly went uphill.

Prusikin's next step was to take part in the filming of a real television series. It was called "Police Weekdays". As long as it The only job movie blogger.

But the real extravaganza in the career of a blogger was creation in 2013 of the rave group "Little Big". The first step this team took, of course, was on YouTube video hosting and it was the release on April 1 of a video called “Every Day I’m Drinking”.

By July, the group had become so popular that they were able to perform in a real hall in front of real people. Ilya became not only the ideological inspirer of the band, but also its frontman.

At the moment, "Little Big" is incredibly popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe. In 2015, they even received prizes at the Berlin Music Video Awards 2016. Their composition "Big Dick" took first place in the "Most Trashy" category, and the song "Give Me Your Money" took third place in the "Best Performer" category.

Jokingly or seriously, the guys call their style “a satirical art collaboration”. For the team, not only words and music are important, but also the visuals and shows that accompany all this.

By the way, when the first videos of the group just appeared on the network, the Russians thought that the guys were against politics home country and generally adherents of everything Western. Ilya claims that this is fundamentally wrong. The group loves Russia very much and has nothing against it, and the video is a satire that apparently not everyone understood.

Ilya Prusikin speaks simply about his work - it is an inspiration for people. The young man himself does everything not for earnings, but for the soul!

Ilya also has a joint project “ClickKlak” with friends where he now appears most often. There are several out there popular shows: Trash Lotto, Give a bream, Dorisuyka, Mice and many others. In the videos of the guys, you can often see other popular video bloggers. Also on the channel:, Yuri Muzychenko, Irina Smelaya, Andrey Smirnov (old).

Ilya has a lot of tattoos on his body, each one means something to him, some he got not in Russia, but during a tour of Europe.

Little is known about the personal life of the blogger, but fans are aware that Ilya is officially married. His wife's name is, she is also a video blogger. But on roller skates before the wedding, the guys hid their relationship. Now they live together and in Ira's videos, you can see their apartment.

In July 2017, Ira revealed that she was pregnant. At the end of autumn 2017, Ira gave birth to a boy.

Photo of Ilyich

Ilya has an unusual appearance, in clips he often demonstrates this. He leads instagram, where he uploads personal photos and shots from the filming. The guys do not show photos from the wedding, but their friends posted a couple of shots online.

One of the brightest and most provocative Russian rave groups "Little big" performs songs on English language, motivating this with their desire to become an international group and glorify the country far beyond its borders. They get it.

“I have a super idea, I want the Russian group to become a world one,” says the band's frontman Ilya Prusikin.

History of creation and composition

The history of the creation of the Little Big group begins in 2013. Petersburg video blogger, known on YouTube as Ilyich, decided to make a joke on April 1st. The musician, together with his friends, came up with, recorded and posted on the Web a video for the song "Every Day I'm Drinking".

The video "shot", immediately forming two opposing camps of listeners. Some condemned the musicians as discrediting their homeland, others saw in everything only a satire on surrounding reality. There were no indifferent people. The members of the group position themselves as broadcasters reflecting what is happening in Russian society.

The story about the group would not be complete without describing a few moments from the biography of its frontman Ilya Prusikin. Was born future musician in Transbaikalia in 1985, but later the family moved to the city Pinery near St. Petersburg. As a child, he played in KVN, and also graduated from a music school in piano. Musical career began in 2003 with participation in the emo rock band Tenkor, then in Like A Virgin, St. Bastards" and "Constructorr".

Going through different musical directions and having decided by 2013 with his own passions in creativity, Prusikin creates "Little big" and records the first clip. However, despite his popularity, the group may not have worked out. Its appearance can be considered a matter of chance and coincidence.

After the first resounding success on the Web, the team was invited to perform as the opening act for the South African hip-hop group Die Antwoord, whose concert took place in July 2013.

At that time, the musicians had 1 song ready. In the month remaining before the event, 6 new compositions were born, which were performed in the capital's club "A2". The audience accepted the group with a bang, forcing the guys to finally believe in themselves and move on.

The team includes: frontman Ilya Ilyich Prusikin, sound producer, DJ Sergey Gokk Makarov, soloists, and vocalist Anton Lissov (Mr. Clown).

At the beginning of its existence, she performed in the group, but she left the team, and Sofya Tayurskaya was taken in her place. At the beginning of the year, Olympia also left the team, deciding to start her own business projects. Alina Pyazok is the permanent clip maker of the group.


The debut album "With Russia From Love" was presented to listeners on March 17, 2014. There are 12 songs on the disc, including "Every Day I "m Drinking", "Russian Hooligans", "What A Fucking Day", "Freedom", "Stoned Monkey".

New clips appeared on the Internet, which rapidly gained views and likes. The team began to be invited to European countries. The musicians gave concerts in France, Belgium, Germany. Their performances appealed to sophisticated Western audiences.

In September 2015, the guys released a video for "Give Me Your Money", and in parallel - a pilot episode of the mini-series in English "American Russians". The clip in 2016 took 3rd place at the Berlin Music Video Awards festival in the Best Performer nomination. And at the end of 2015, "Funeral Rave" appeared with 9 tracks in the composition.

Song "Faradenza" by Little Big

In 2015, he confidently took 8th place on the Russian iTunes chart and 5th on Google Play. There are a limited number of rave groups in Russia and abroad, and the demand for such music is obvious.

“We did not invest a single penny in our promotion, but we became known in Russia and Europe. They wrote music and made videos. Everything,” said Ilya Prusikin in an interview about the promotion of “Little Big” and the reasons for its popularity.

The 2nd album included the song "Big Dick" with one of the band's most provocative videos. He not only became the winner of the Berlin Music Video Awards in the Most Trashy nomination, but in short term turned into a real virus, scattered across all social networks.

Ilyich in an interview Yuri Dudyu told why they decided to beat the topic of sex. The musician explains that in the clips of modern Russian and foreign pop artists, as well as in videos designed for sales, this topic is present to increase public interest. The group just exaggerated her and brought her to the fore, ridiculing this way of attracting attention.

The song "Polyushko Polye" by the group "Little Big"

The patriotic song "Polyushko Polye" found its place in the same album. The video contains beauty and recognizable sights from many parts of Russia. The footage included in the video was filmed by enthusiasts and sent to the team. More than 20 cities are shown in 4 minutes.

In March 2017, the band released the single "Rave On" and a video for it. And at the end of the year, fans saw new clip Lolly Bomb. In it, an actor who looks very much like the North Korean leader tends to his bomb. According to Ilya Prusikin, they took a hot topic and laughed at the threats of Kim Jong-un.

"In the song, the play on words lollypop and lollybomb refers to beautiful woman. Her beauty is as explosive as a bomb,” explains Ilyich.
Song "LollyBomb" by Little Big

In the first 2 weeks after being posted on YouTube, the clip was watched by 10 million users. At the end of the year, "LollyBomb" became the best at the Los Angeles Film Festival "Global Film Festival Awards" in the "Best Music Video" nomination. Little Big sometimes collaborate with other bands. So, in 2017, they teamed up with the German electronicor band "Eskimo Callboy", and the song "Nightlife" appeared.

The team has its own label, which unites directly "Little big", as well as the Russian folk-punk-hardcore band " The Hatters", trap performer Tatarka (, wife of Ilya Prusikin), a team, an Israeli rave group "Orgonite" and a rapper.

"Little big" now

Now the group is at the peak of popularity. They have hundreds of concerts, albums, bright clips behind them. In 2018, the album "Antipositive" appeared in the discography of "Littie big": in March - the 1st part, and in October - the 2nd. The band's music became noticeably "heavier", a mixture of punk, rave and rap came to the fore in it. Some tracks feature electric guitar.

All autumn the team was on a Russian tour in support of new records. Spectators from different cities heard the group's favorite compositions in live performance: "AK 47", "Real People", "Mon ami", "Punks Not Dead" and others.

The 2nd disc contains a new dance hit that explodes the Internet and makes fans copy the trending movement from the "Skibidi" video. IN official group in "VKontakte" "Little big" wrote that in 2 weeks the clip on this song garnered over 33 million views on YouTube channel. There are more than 59 million on Facebook, and on official page magazine "Mixmag" collected more than 642 thousand reposts.

Song "Skibidi" by Little Big

On April 1, 2018, Olympia Ivleva left the group. The girl wrote about the decision under the photo on her personal page on Instagram. The official comment from the band reads:

“For 5 years, together with Olympia, we have come a long way - we shot 14 million-strong clips, played about 300 concerts, traveled to a huge number of cities in a bunch of countries around the world and managed to turn from a small YouTube project into a musical group respected throughout Russia and Europe.”
The group "Little Big" in the show " Evening Urgant»

The vocalist explained her departure in an interview popular theory the need to change profession every 5 years. She said that she thought for a long time before taking a step. When I realized that I could give nothing more to the project, I made the final decision and left.

Now the group is on the wave of popularity. In September, the musicians performed the song "Faradenza" on Channel One in the program "Evening Urgant".


  • 2014 - "With Russia From Love"
  • 2015 - "Funeral Rave"
  • 2018 - "Antipositive", Pt. 1
  • 2018 - "Antipositive", Pt. 2


  • 2013 - "Everyday I'm Drinking"
  • 2013 - "We Will Push A Button"
  • 2014 - "With Russia From Love"
  • 2014 - "Dead Unicorn"
  • 2015 - "Kind Inside, Hard Outside"
  • 2016 - "Big Dick"
  • 2016 - Hateful Love
  • 2016 - "Polyushko Polye"
  • 2017 - Rave On
  • 2017 - "Lolly Bomb"
  • 2018 - "Punks Not Dead"
  • 2018 - "Faradenza"
  • 2018 - "Ak-47"
  • 2018 - "Skibidi"

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