“People still live in the stable. “If you want to lose weight - ask me how!”


The Fermi Paradox, first expressed by physicist Enrico Fermi, is: “Is humanity the only technologically advanced civilization in the universe? If not, where are all the aliens? Considering the vast size of the universe, the number of terrestrial planets, and a number of other variables (as indicated by the Drake equation), there should be several tens of thousands or more in the galaxy. extraterrestrial civilizations. And since the galaxy is about 10 billion years old, scientists say that intelligent civilizations have already had enough time to communicate with each other. Therefore, it is not clear if aliens should theoretically exist, why people have not yet encountered them.

1. Earth is special

The uniqueness of the Earth hypothesis suggests that the chain of events that led to the creation of life on our planet was so complex that it is almost impossible to repeat. Although there may be Earth-like planets, none of them have the combination of conditions required for the development of intelligent life. In other words, humans have not encountered any aliens because either they are not there, or they are so few and far between that contact is extremely unlikely. The main factor that makes the Earth ideal for life is its long period of relatively stable climatic conditions due to the planet's unique orbit and its distance from the Sun.

2. Intelligent life ran into obstacles

According to the Great Filter Theory, alien life exists, but this intelligent life is not technologically advanced enough to be capable of space communication or travel. Although modern spaceships, satellites and radio stations bring people closer to this moment, the theory says that humanity will inevitably face some kind of obstacle or disaster that will either destroy it or make communication technology impossible. Everyone knows that catastrophic natural disasters periodically fall on the Earth, so it is quite possible that similar events apply to other worlds where intelligent life rolled back into stone Age before the technology was properly developed there. Or maybe humanity annihilates itself, for example, with the help of nuclear war. Whatever this "filter" is, it doesn't seem to bode well for people.

3. They left the universe

According to futurist John Smart and his Supremacy Hypothesis, intelligent alien life once existed in our universe, but it became so perfect that it began to develop in a new way. In other words, the aliens have evolved so much that they stopped paying their attention to space and instead focus on their inner world.

This concept can be compared to the miniaturization of computers. What were originally huge room-sized machines have now become handheld devices that are both much more complex and powerful at the same time. Supporters of this theory believe that intelligent life could have developed in a similar way, constantly working towards a denser and more effective use space, time, energy and matter. As a result, the representatives of these civilizations became so small that they began to live in black holes outside this space-time continuum.

4. Earth is not as unique as everyone thinks

Maybe it's just too stupid to think that aliens are interested in people and the Earth. There may be worlds far more interesting and habitable, and sentient beings prefer to spend their time on more best places and not to Earth. This theory is the complete opposite of the hypothesis about the uniqueness of the Earth. An alien race capable of traveling or communicating many light-years away would be no more interested in communicating with humans than a man with a fly. In addition, the aliens undoubtedly have their own superior technology and do not need earthly resources. Therefore, why would they waste a lot of energy to get to the Earth, if only in Milky Way There are 8.8 billion Earth-like planets.

5. People live in virtual reality

Perhaps one of the most interesting explanations for the Fermi paradox is the "planetarium hypothesis". Our world is supposedly a "form virtual reality- a planetarium that creates the illusion that the universe is empty. People have not discovered any extraterrestrial life because this is not provided by the program. The foundations of this theory were put forth by Descartes, who once asked, "How can we know that the world around us is real, if we just might just be brains in a jar who think they're living in real world". Most modern proponents of this theory think that humans are not brains in a jar, but are in a computer simulation developed by aliens who are able to handle enough energy to manipulate matter and energy on a galactic scale.

6. People live on the outskirts of the galaxy

While intelligent alien life may exist, our planet may be too far away from others to make communication possible. Earth can be so far away from other inhabited planets that it is simply not noticed, and aliens prefer to communicate with those who live closer to them. The roots of this idea come from mathematical theory, known as "percolation", which describes how all things accumulate in a random environment.

Based on the theory of percolation, some scientists believe that the universe formed naturally, with areas of large clusters of stars and intelligent life, and a few smaller areas that are on the outskirts. Renowned scientist Stephen Hawking believes that people "should not stick out", even if they pick up alien signals, but need to develop further, otherwise they will happen the same as with the Native Americans after the arrival of Columbus.

7 Humans Just Didn't Pick Up Alien Signals

Scientists such as Frank Drake and Carl Sagan have already argued that "lack of evidence is very different from evidence that aliens are absent." The "alien hunt" is hampered by the lack of government funding needed to run an extensive alien tracking program. Historically, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) programs have been forced to rely on borrowed radio telescopes and other equipment that researchers could only use for a limited time. These obstacles have made any real progress virtually impossible.

However, there is some good news. In 2007, the Allen Telescope Array, a huge radio telescope (consisting of 42 individual telescopes 6 meters wide), was commissioned, specifically designed to search for extraterrestrial signals. Its creation was funded by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

8 Humans Can't Recognize Alien Signals

Even if there is life on other planets, it does not necessarily evolve in the same way as on Earth. Maybe these creatures are so different from humans that we simply cannot recognize their signals. It is not worth looking far for an example - the bats visualize sound waves, while humans only see light waves. It is possible that humans and aliens have completely different senses.

As cosmologist and astrophysicist Lord Reese noted, “We could look them straight in the eye and just not recognize them.” The problem is that people are looking for something very similar to them, but it is possible that life and intelligence can exist in forms that people cannot even imagine. A highly advanced race can use much more advanced methods of communication (such as neutrinos or gravitational waves) that are simply beyond the technological understanding on Earth. In addition, human primitive radio emission may look like nothing more than white noise to aliens.

9 Superorganisms Are Suicidal In Nature

The "Medea Hypothesis", coined by paleontologist Peter Ward, is that humans and other superorganisms carry within them the "seeds of self-destruction". So this is consistent with the "Great Filter Theory", i.e. humans will eventually die before they evolve enough to make contact with aliens.

The hypothesis is named after Medea from Greek mythology who killed her children. In this case, Medea is associated with the planet, and all living beings on it are associated with its offspring. Allegedly, extinction is "built into" human biology itself to ensure that humanity dies out before too much imbalance is created on Earth. After humans "become an incurable plague on the planet", nature itself will do something to ensure their demise.

10. Aliens among people

It sounds like Science fiction, but some people believe that aliens live and work among people. For example, former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer gave an interview in 2014 in which he claimed that there were 80 various kinds alien life. Some of them (including Scandinavian blondes) look almost identical to humans. Another group, the "gray shorties" look like stereotypical aliens and remain hidden from the population. Hellier is not alone in his assertions. Physicist Paul Davis of Arizona State University and Dr. Robert Trundle of Northern Kentucky University feels the same way. In their opinion, the Fermi paradox has already been solved - aliens really exist and people communicate with them every day, without realizing it.

And in continuation for everyone who is interested in this topic, both for skeptics and for optimists, .

In the Saratov region, 196 residents suffering from severe forms of chronic diseases, including 98 children with disabilities, are on the waiting list for housing. Almost half of them confirmed their right in court, but the decisions are not enforced for years. Parents of special kids got a meeting with the governor, and officials promised to allocate 77.9 million rubles for the purchase of apartments (203.8 million in total are required). As mothers say, children with complex diagnoses need housing in areas where rehabilitation centers and remedial schools.

"Everything, like ordinary boys"

House on Ulyanovsk. In the 19th century, there was a merchant's estate here. Photo: Matvey Flyazhnikov / especially for Novaya

In the house on Ulyanovsk street, you can open a museum of ethnography. A narrow wooden staircase leads from the hallway to the second floor. Above is a thick door, like in a merchant's chamber, with carved hinges and a deadbolt. The floors in the kitchen are made of wide boards. In the corridor on the right is an antique chiffonier, behind a curtain there is a washbasin and a toilet bowl. The residents recently installed sewerage into the house, before they had to use the amenities in the yard. “You can’t wash the ceilings, you can only glue them with tiles,” a resident of the house, Kristina Aleshina, talks about the prospects for the repair that has begun. “It’s inconvenient even to call a pediatrician here.” If necessary, she takes her son to the clinic herself, Bogdan has autism.

The gas stove in the nursery is a little warm. You can drown it no more than twice a day, "otherwise we will burn, everything here is ancient." Bogdan presses the buttons on the remote control, flipping through the games on the TV screen. “He likes to play consoles, draw - not on paper, but on a computer. He collects legos,” says Christina and repeats several times: “Everything is like ordinary boys.”

Bogdan is a very desirable child. Before the birth, the family agreed with the doctor in good perinatal center. The doctor took the deposit. He ordered the patient to take ginipral. According to Christina, he tried to delay the birth, since the maternity hospital at that moment was closed for washing. Did not work out. Kristina was rushed to a medical facility on the outskirts of the city, where women are usually taken without a home or documents.

At the local polyclinic, neurologists said that the boy was healthy. When Bogdan was two years old, his mother found specialists at the municipal medical rehabilitation center. “The doctor gave very accurate information about the diagnosis. I began to get used to and fight, first of all - with myself. There was no one in our family with mental disorders". At the age of 6, Bogdan was issued a disability.

Saratov has a large selection of correctional studios for children with autism. A half-hour lesson costs 350-400 rubles, you need to do it at least twice a week. Up to 3,500 rubles is spent on medicines. The drugs prescribed by a neurologist and a psychiatrist should be taken in courses every one and a half to two months. The disability pension is 12,000 rubles, the allowance for a mother caring for a disabled child is 5,500 rubles.

Previously, Kristina with her husband and children (Bogdan has a younger sister) rented an apartment. It took 20 thousand rubles a month. There was not enough money, and the young family returned to their parents, to the house on Ulyanovsk. “Every morning at seven o’clock you need to fire up the stove,” Christina describes the usual daily routine. The house warms up for two hours. Boil a bucket of water on the stove. We turn on the heater in the kitchen and wash ourselves in basins. To make a shower, you need 15-20 thousand rubles. Payment for public utilities in ruins - 5 thousand.

According to the regional law, residents suffering from a severe form of chronic diseases are entitled to a separate apartment out of turn. Bogdan has been on the housing register since May 2016. In November 2016 Kirovsky district court Saratov made a decision: to force the regional Ministry of Construction to comply with the law.

In fact, the family had to move back in 2014, when the interdepartmental commission recognized the house on Ulyanovsk as emergency, and the mayor's office issued an order to resettle. According to experts, the load-bearing structures are worn out by 70%. “We were temporarily settled in this communal apartment 30 years ago by order of the director of the sports school where my husband worked,” recalls Natalya Alekseevna, Bogdan’s grandmother. — In the 19th century, there was a merchant's estate here. People still live in the stable, a solid building. We are in the servants' house."

A few meters from the emergency building, Rakhova Street sparkles. Last year, a boulevard was opened here with pomp, landscaped according to the project of the Moscow consulting bureau Strelka in the amount of 110 million rubles. As part of the "Strategy for the development of the housing sector of the Russian Federation until 2025", Saratov was chosen as a pilot site for developing new federal standards integrated development of urban areas.

78 steps and one carriage

Ludmila and Kamil. Photo: Matvey Flyazhnikov / especially for Novaya

Lyudmila and five-year-old Kamil are going for a walk. Mom puts on knitted pants and downy socks for her son - due to low mobility, children with cerebral palsy often get cold feet. The Fazlinarovs bought white orthopedic boots with their own money. Shoes that are offered to disabled children at public expense cannot be worn by a child. The parents also bought a stroller themselves: “Camille cannot sit on his own. He needs special fastenings and supports. They are not in wheelchairs that are purchased at government tenders, says Lyudmila. - We spent more than 40 thousand rubles on a stroller. The budget reimbursed only part of the costs. Even diapers (they also count technical means rehabilitation) must be purchased at your own expense. Those that are given out for free cause irritation on the baby's skin. The Fazlinarovs buy diapers in large boxes for about 20 rubles apiece. Compensation is calculated at the price of the state contract, it turns out 8 rubles apiece.

Photo: Matvey Flyazhnikov / especially for Novaya

The eldest, Karina, lowers the stroller down the stairs from the fifth floor. There are exactly 78 steps. Lyudmila follows with Kamil in her arms. It already has 16 kilograms. In my mother - 58 kg, "the back is not the same, but the children still need to be raised and raised." A small concrete ramp descends from the porch into the yard - to install it, Lyudmila had to contact the mayor personally, although by law residential buildings must be equipped for the needs of people with limited mobility.

Lyudmila confidently pushes the carriage along the icy ruts. “It’s a joy, consider it cleaned up,” she laughs. On a narrow strip of asphalt Camille enters the park. “We have been living here since 2011, we walk every day, but we have not seen other special children yet. Apparently, the mothers are lonely, there is no one to help them, so they cannot get out of the house.

As Lyudmila recalls, they were waiting for their son. Camille was born with the help of caesarean section. Parents soon noticed that the baby did not hold his head. At six months, computed tomography showed that his cervical vertebrae were damaged. A month later, epilepsy was discovered.

The Fazlinarovs - mother, father, two children, nephew, grandmother and grandfather - seven of them live in a two-room Khrushchev. Most The room is occupied by a sofa. A synthesizer is clamped in the left corner - Camille loves to sing with her grandmother folk songs. On the right is a developing corner: Lyudmila herself made a sensory sandbox - she poured semolina with lentils into a large container, and a sorter - a jar with a hole in the lid where you need to push the balls.

A list of medicines is stuck to the closet: when, how much and what kind of medicines were given to Kamil for free. According to the interlocutor, for several years there were "fights" for the Belgian keppra. Interruptions with imported anticonvulsants began in the Saratov region in 2013. “At first they said that nothing was allowed, because disability was not registered. Then they answered that we were not on the order for the distribution of medicines, ”recalls Lyudmila. - Then another direct line with the president was planned. I threatened the Saratov Ministry of Health that I would call there, and five minutes later they invited me to the pharmacy for the drug! A package of keppra costs 3,700 rubles. It lasts for a month.

In September last year, Kamil was put on a housing register, and in December a court decision was made.

See Volodin

Families of special children who are experiencing housing difficulties united in a group on Viber. The idea was submitted by Oksana Ilyina, a resident of Engels. Oksana has four children, the middle, eleven-year-old Roma has autism. Roman has been on the housing register since 2015. In 2016, the Kirovsky District Court confirmed that the regional Ministry of Construction should give him an apartment.

In 2015, the regional budget allocated 1 million rubles for the purchase of apartments for the disabled, which was enough for one family. In 2016 - 18.5 million rubles for 20 families. In 2017 - 16.6 million for 17 families. For three years, the queue of Saratov residents with severe chronic diseases has grown from 130 to 196 people, of which 74 confirmed their right in the courts. To provide them with housing, 203.8 million rubles are needed. The regional Ministry of Construction shrugged their shoulders: the federation lowered the obligation to provide housing for the disabled to the regional level, without transferring funding.

“One day I got a call from three mommies of special kids in one morning. Everyone had a housing problem. I realized that if we want to get a result, we need to unite, ”recalls Oksana. In January, the group sent a collective appeal with two dozen signatures to the regional government, the Duma, the children's ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova and President Vladimir Putin.

In February, the parents decided to personally meet with the speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, who came to Saratov Lyceum No. 3. “They tried to keep us out. They offered to fit the "gazelle" and take it to the Ministry of Construction for a conversation. But we did not give in and waited until Volodin and the governor left the assembly hall. They appreciated our onslaught, ”recalls Oksana. On the same evening, the group members were invited to a reception with the governor.

Governor Valery Radaev promised to help. Budget allocations allocated for the purchase of apartments for the current year, increased from 18.2 to 77.9 million rubles.

As Oksana explains, it is important that apartments are given out close to correctional schools. There are only two of them in Engels educational institutions. Her son Roman is in fifth grade. From home to school - 15 minutes on foot. Teachers come to his house. For some lessons, Roman goes to class. “Last year - for drawing, this year - for physical education,” says Oksana. — Our teacher Svetlana Yurievna has become part of the family in five years. For ordinary children, transferring to another school is stressful. For a child with autism, a break in relations with a teacher is the collapse of everything that has been accumulated during their studies.

Looking at the dark-haired beauty from the series "Secrets of the Investigation", it seems that famous actress Olga Pavlovets is the same ambitious, elegant, career-driven woman in real life. But what the actress went through is not to be wished on the enemy. At the age of four, her son Prokhor died. When Olga ran out of tears and she was able to speak, she admitted: "The trouble destroyed me. I was out of this life." At that time, she had already broken up with the father of the child, actor Dmitry Shcherbina. How did this fragile and tender girl survive such a cruel blow of fate?

Olga was born in creative family. Grandparents were actors, uncle - artistic director Astrakhan Youth Theater, mother - a teacher of stage speech. When Olya was very small, the family moved from Astrakhan to Leningrad. They lived in a communal apartment, they often came to their house famous actors, arranged gatherings. Without changing the tradition, Olga followed in the footsteps of her parents and entered LGITMiK.

After graduating from the institute, Pavlovets moved to Moscow. "It was a time of real rebirth Russian cinema. The 90s ended, the TV series "Brigada" appeared on the screens. Other films began to appear. I went to the capital, went to film studios and knocked on all the doors. And soon they took me to the picture "Stiletto-2," the actress recalls.

On film set series "Stiletto-2" Olga met her first husband, actor Dmitry Shcherbina. Then she immediately realized that he was the kind of person who "does not throw words into the wind." They began an affair, almost immediately they began to live together. And soon Dmitry proposed to Olga and wanted to get married. “I didn’t understand what a wedding was. It seemed to me that this was a vow for a lifetime. But inside I didn’t have the feeling that it was for a lifetime. It was love, but not love,” Pavlovets admitted.

According to the actress, the main landmark in her life has always been her grandparents. "These are people of extraordinary energy who had a rare gift to love. They lived together for 60 years," she said. Olga believes that even today they continue to help her in Hard time. "Once, when we were still together with Dima and I was pregnant, I had a dream about my grandfather. He asked me:" Olya, are you sure you want a child from this person? "I think it was a warning, some kind of sign," Olga said.

Olga had already broken up with Dmitry when a tragedy happened in her life. terrible tragedy. Their common son Prokhor died, he was four years old. "Prokhor was with my parents in St. Petersburg. He stumbled on a stone, hit his head. There was a groove nearby, and a misfortune happened," the actress said. At that moment, she was filming the film "Terror by Love", and her father called her to tell her the terrible news.

The actor Ivan Shibanov, who at that moment was next to her, helped Olga survive the tragedy. They met at a movie premiere. Ivan tried to court the actress for a long time, but they only got together a year after the meeting, when Olga was already ready for a new relationship. In 2010, their son Makar was born, but after a few years the couple broke up. “We have wonderful friendly relations, nothing has changed. There remains a feeling of gratitude, friendship, respect. For this, it is not necessary to live together,” Olga admitted.

And more recently in the life of an actress happened happy event- She had another son, Andrei.

What relationship did Olga and Alexander Domogarov have? How did she get over the death of a child? And who is the father of her son Andrei? Answers - in the program

Indians come from all over the world. Holy city, center of the universe. Is it any wonder that the strangest and terrible events are happening right here.

Death in Hinduism is just one of the stages of samsara, a milestone in the wheel of rebirth. And all Hindus strive for moksha - the completion of this cycle, the end point. The Aghori, an ascetic religious sect of Varanasi, take a shortcut. They are cannibal-corpse-eaters who feed on sewage, perform nightly rituals on the remains of people and animals. They are easy to recognize: Aghori are smeared from head to toe with cremation ash and wear necklaces made of bones.


The Vari tribe from Brazil, on the contrary, ate pious and worthy people (enemies too) until 1960. The level of poverty in the slums was simply unbelievable. So there are still bursts of cannibalism in those places.

Cannibalism among the Vari had a ritual character. After a person dies, they keep the body until all the relatives of the deceased can arrive at the place. It usually takes about three days. When relatives arrive, they eat the heart and internal organs without touching the skin and hair.

Cannibals Fiji

Fiji is called the Cannibal Island, and it's not just a figure of speech. local tribes

Naive post-Soviet citizens were an excellent target for scammers in the 90s. However, modern Russians have not gone very far from them. In fact, the fraudulent schemes of those times are still working, they have only changed a little - the names, brands, names have changed ... But the good old scam is alive and well.

Let's remember together the classic "divorces" of the 90s, which have successfully migrated to the present.

(Total 6 photos)

Millionaire from Limpopo

"Nigerian letters", or "Deception 419" (named after the corresponding article number of the Nigerian Criminal Code), appeared in the late 80s in the United States. “Nigerian letters” broke into Russia in the early 90s. At first, messages came to people in ordinary paper envelopes or by fax. Then via the Internet by e-mail.

These letters necessarily told some pitiful story of a Nigerian princess, a wealthy heir, a Limpopo millionaire, and so on. In fact, ordinary scammers wrote. This letter ended with a request for a money transfer.

At the same time, the recipient was promised a huge percentage of the amount of this transfer. And God forbid, a person fell for the bait: more and more money was gradually lured out of him for various, but "vital" purposes.

Here is one of the most clear examples"Nigerian letter":

My name is Bakare Tunde and I am the brother of the first Nigerian astronaut, Nigerian Air Force Major Abaka Tunde. My brother became the first African cosmonaut to go on a secret mission to the Soviet Salyut-6 station back in 1979.

Later, he took part in the flight of the Soviet Soyuz T-16Z to the secret Soviet space station Salyut-8T. In 1990, when the USSR fell, he was at the station. All Russian crew members managed to return to land, but my brother did not have enough space in the ship.

From then until today, it has been forced to stay in orbit, and only rare Progress cargo ships supply it with what it needs. Despite everything, my brother does not lose his presence of mind, but he longs to return home to his native Nigeria. For those long years that he spent in space, his gradually accumulating wage amounted to 15,000,000 US dollars.

IN currently this amount kept in a bank in Lagos. If we manage to get access to the money, we will be able to pay the required amount to Roskosmos and organize a flight to Earth for my brother. The amount requested by Roscosmos is 3,000,000 US dollars.

However, in order to receive the amount, we need your help, as we, as Nigerian civil servants, are prohibited from all transactions with foreign accounts. Yours forever, Dr. Bakare Tunde, Leading Astronautical Specialist."

Well, it's an action-packed thriller! But the saddest thing is that people were led and sent money. Some because of their own greed, others - to raise money for expensive operation close person.

Resourceful "Canadians"

"Canadian wholesale company" - that's what those who sold absolutely unnecessary cheap rubbish to people for a lot of money called themselves. Sellers caught a passerby at the entrance to the subway or in other crowded places and big smile they handed him some thing (a pot, a pen, a kettle, a razor - whatever). And, starting with the phrase “You are very lucky today,” without letting you come to your senses, they talked about a “useful and necessary” product. The magic tricks were the expressions: “today is the only sale”, “have time to buy several times cheaper than in the store”, “this thing performs 1001 functions” and stuff like that.

And they did buy. Only when they came home did they discover that the miracle pan or super mop had a defect or “didn’t fry” at all.

Representatives of the "Canadian Wholesale Company" (and others like it) followed the four golden rules:

  • Exceptionally pleasant appearance: clean shoes, white shirt, tie.
  • A conversation with a potential buyer should be such that he answers only “yes”. For example: “Do you want guests to admire what a wonderful hostess you are?”, “Do you want to have smooth skin without irritation?”, “What price will suit you? 600 rubles - is it expensive?
  • The main thing is to put the product in the hands of a person. Then he, most likely, will buy a thing - after all, subconsciously, the one who takes it will feel the goods as his property and will not want to give it away.
  • To inspire a person that he is the chosen one, and not one of the crowd. This is done with phrases like: “I have been waiting for you here all day!”
  • “If you want to lose weight - ask me how!”

    This inscription was emblazoned on the badges of thousands of people with shopping bags who sold miraculous bioadditives for big money. It's about about "Herbalife" - a product supposedly capable of destroying excess weight, cleanse the body, rejuvenate and cure the most dangerous diseases.

    Work at Herbalife promised to bring large earnings. And so it was for someone. The principle is simple: you had to pay an entry fee of $ 150 for the initial set of products. Then this product had to attract other buyers.

    If buyers became distributors of Herbalife, then the person received a percentage already from someone else's sales volume. It turned out to be a kind of pyramid - a system familiar to everyone who worked in Oriflame, Mary Kay, Faberlic or similar organizations. Only these three companies sell cosmetics, and Herbalife sold useless slimming cocktails.

    In Russia, Herbalife went on sale in the 95th. The first consignments of goods that came to the CIS from Israel in fact as smuggling turned out to be mostly overdue. After some time, the media began to print devastating articles about the product and even that it is harmful to health. Sales of weight loss products have declined. It was also said that the meetings of the Herbalife distributors were more like sectarian ones.

    But the most interesting thing is that until 2010 there were still those who sincerely believed in the power of Herbalife and defended it. In principle, it is clear why - similar means long-term use causes addiction in people.

    Herbalife products are still on sale.

    Fact: the founder of Herbalife (translated from English as “grass of life”) Mark Reynolds Hughes died in 2000 at the age of 44 - the miracle drug did not help him ...

    Not a random passerby

    In the early 90s, the so-called lottery drums stood on the streets - devices that eject balls from winning numbers. The journalists of Moskovsky Komsomolets, in their article about fraud, called this case a scam. So this word appeared, further denoting any “wiring”.

    Now about the most street "scam". Fraudsters handed out tickets to passers-by for a "free" lottery (although in the original version it was necessary to pay, but literally a penny). Played in it, as a rule, some household appliance. There was a bright box from under this unit nearby, but what was inside it was not visible.

    The organizers of the lottery began to apologize to the person (there was only one prize) and offered to hold a sort of auction between him and the "passerby" - whoever gives more, he takes both the prize and the money of the loser.

    And what a coincidence: the “random passerby” looked poor, as if by chance he could let slip that he had only a thousand rubles or opened his wallet, where there was very little money. Naturally, those who got involved in the lottery voluntarily, noticing this, agreed to the auction.

    Further development of events suggested several options. In the first, "true" and "random" passers-by put their money in envelopes and hand it over to the organizers of the "scam".

    The victim's money was imperceptibly added to the amount of the "passerby". Therefore, when opening the envelopes, it always turned out that the “random” one had more money, and he won.

    In the second option, the auction is held with a bid increase each time twice. But both participants give the money immediately to the organizers.

    Another scenario Appliances it really was in the box, but it was defective and very cheap. People were stupidly bred for excitement. As a result, they overpaid for the thing at times.

    "You cut my car!"

    Very common in the 90s were auto-setups, more like extortion. Imagine: you do not suspect anything and are driving in your lane, when you suddenly notice a car behind you. She is actively trying to drive your car into the next lane: flashing her headlights, “beeping”.

    In the end, you give way. At this moment, suddenly a second car appears in front of you or behind you from the "blind" zone, into which you naturally crash.

    The first car quickly leaves, and a jock-criminal comes out of the second car, lined by you. He explains with arrogance how much it costs to repair his cool car. As a rule, the machines for such a scam were really used expensive brands- Merci, Audi, Behi, etc. Only inside such cars were a wreck.

    Thus, you had no choice but to give money for car repairs. Otherwise, the scammers called fake traffic cops.

    As a victim, the scammers chose people from the middle class or inexperienced drivers. Especially often such things happened then on the Moscow Ring Road.

    After the appearance of compulsory third party liability insurance (OSAGO), such cases on the road have become much less.

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