Maxim sparrows diesel. The value of Vorobyov's work


Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Russian Aquaculture

In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

He holds an MBA from the IESE Spanish Business School in International Economics.

Since 1997, he has been working at CJSC Russian Sea. He started working in the company as a sales manager, then moved to the position of plant manager.

2006-2007 - General Director of Russian Sea Management Company LLC.

Since November 2007 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Sea Group of Companies

Since 2007 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Glavstroy-SPb.

Since April 2009, he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Saint Petersburg.

In 2009, he was also the General Director of the Russian Sea company and the Russian Sea group of companies.


Maxim Vorobyov in the news

Control over RRPK will pass to Gleb Frank

Gleb Frank, one of its co-founders, will become the controlling shareholder of the Russian Fishery Company. He acquires the share of his partner Maxim Vorobyov.

The "Russian Aquaculture" has decreased shareholders

The son-in-law of billionaire Gennady Timchenko, Gleb Frank, left the shareholders of the Russian Aquaculture company. For 37.1% of the shares, he could gain 1 billion rubles, according to Vedomosti.

"Murmansk salmon" will conquer Siberia

On May 21, the Russian Sea Aquaculture company opened a new fish processing plant in the Murmansk village of Ura-Guba. Chilled products are designed to compete with Norwegian salmon, primarily by reducing the delivery time to the consumer.

"Russian Sea - Production" will cease to be "Russian"

LLC Russian Sea - Dobycha, which this year became the owner of large fishing assets in Far East, ordered marketing research, which will result in a decision to change the name of the company.

The new CEO of Russian Sea will focus on business growth

Dmitry Dangauer returned to the post of General Director of the Russian Sea Group of Companies. The Board of Directors believes that his candidacy is optimal for solving the problems of developing distribution and aquaculture.

"Russian Sea" has lost interest in processing

The Russian Sea Group of Companies is selling its fish and seafood processing division. The group will focus on the development of fisheries, distribution and aquaculture.

Pacific Andes was asked from the Russian fishing industry

The head of the FAS, Igor Artemyev, said that a number of Russian companies is already negotiating the acquisition of assets from the Chinese holding company Pacific Andes. However, the largest market players do not yet confirm this information.

How the family clan of the governor works Vorobiev, in which Andrey Yurievich carries out political cover, and is responsible for promoting business interests younger brother Maksim.

Recently it became known that the brother of the governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov Maxim, by the way, the official billionaire, together with the son of the ex-Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Gleb Frank, appealed to the President of the Russian Federation Putin with a request to change the scheme for distributing quotas for crab production. Both are co-founders "Russian Fishery Company" (RRPC), and they badly needed new rules for distributing quotas for the production of a particularly valuable Far Eastern marine animal for the next generation of super profits.

IN currently Vorobyov transferred his share to Teterkin

Without going into the intricacies of the organization of fishing in the Russian Federation, we note that the very fact that industrialists contact the head of state directly is evidence that this industry is so profitable that entrepreneurs literally “lost their heads” from calculating probable income. And they became so insolent that they demanded special preferences from the head of state for themselves.

Relationships are the key to business success

Maxim Vorobyov

Allocation of quotas through trading auctions disadvantaged others Russian participants market, since trading auctions require solid working capital. To date, it has not yet taken place, although the industry is still in a panic, since the proposal destroys all established practices, and in the future may cause significant damage to other business entities, workers and their families. Nature, finally, since the rules of auctions imply only one thing - the uncontrolled catch of a rare marine animal to the one who paid more money for the right to retrieve it. But in this case, even this is not what attracts attention. All of this is reminiscent of the story of the “obsessed” (according to Putin himself) businessman from Nizhny Tagil, when he announced that he would pay wage arrears to workers “if the President asked him to do so.” The "oborzevshiy" Tagilian was taken into circulation, but the young and arrogant relatives of big officials from Moscow and the Moscow region remained "afloat". True, the cautious Maxim Vorobyov, smoothly “left the topic” and left the scandalous RPKK, but remained a co-owner of no less scandalous in the Moscow region, Leningrad region, and several other regions Samolet Development LLC.

To date, several dozens of such “aircraft” have been registered in the Moscow Region, but all of them are united by two founders - a Singaporean company «Aircraft DEVELOPMENT PTE. LTD. Address 101 CECIL STREET, 22-01A, TONG AND BUILDING, SINGAPORE, 069533. And another office from the British Virgin Islands called Murlan Services Limited. Co-founders there and there are also legal entities with different names but the same leaders - Evtushevsky Igor Viktorovich(TIN: 5003106029), and Grishin Dmitry Mikhailovich(TIN: 7731471400). But the family of Governor Andrey Vorobyov “rules” the whole economy, who during his governorship has grown family ties“to the point of indecency,” as V. Vysotsky sang. For example, at the head of the entire chain of Samolet partner companies is the mother of the governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov, Lyudmila Vorobyeva. The governor's son-in-law got into the company Mark Tipikin- son of a banker Pavel Tipikin, and, accordingly, the daughter of Andrei Vorobyov Ekaterina Tipikina(Vorobeva).

Markusha and Katyusha Tipikin. Clan Sparrows

All these "comrades" manage businesses in the Moscow region, which could not even exist without the decisions of the governor Vorobyov and the government of the Moscow region. But, however, they exist, and even bring billions of dollars to their co-owners. At the same time, the government of the Moscow region is doing everything possible to make life difficult for other developers. Bribery and bureaucratic lawlessness flourish in the construction market. For example, in 2015 Andrey Vorobyov's officials monopolized the issuance of building permits. The City Planning Council is engaged in this, and it is necessary to “bring it in” there in order to obtain permission. And to bring a lot - from 10 to 30% of the cost of a future new building. From 8 to 12% the cost of intermediary services. If we take into account that in the Moscow region about 8 million square meters housing with an average cost of 1 square meter of a thousand dollars, it is not difficult to calculate the amount of bribes - about 1 billion rubles. Meanwhile, in the Moscow region today there are more than 300 unfinished projects. And these are only residential buildings, to which one and a half million square meters of commercial space should be added. By the way, there are houses and townhouses that are completely built, but they are not connected to communications - there is no permission to connect. Such “rules” of the Moscow Region government have led to the fact that thousands of people who have already paid their money for construction cannot move in, and homeless people are happy to settle in new buildings.

“Russia, do you hear the itch? Two sparrows are crawling on you"

Meanwhile, Maxim Vorobyov and the companies of his partners continue to develop in the Moscow region and Moscow. Now on hearing (officially announced) information about the launch of new projects together with Roman Abramovich and Alexander Klyachin. Samolet, the two capitals and JSC Khimki Molzhaninovo signed an agreement on the construction of a new residential area 10 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road near Sheremetyevo Airport. It's about on the construction of one and a half million square meters worth about 60 billion rubles. Today, this is Vorobyov Jr.'s first project of "Airplanes" on the territory of Old Moscow. Analyst CIAN (real estate website) Alexander Pypin believes that Vorobyov Jr.'s "Airplane" was taken into the Moscow project because the companies have experience in building large volumes of housing at relatively low prices. The average spread can be from 65 to 75 thousand rubles per square meter. But here it is worth paying attention to the quality of housing being built, which is provided by the companies of Maxim Vorobyov.

Today, the entire Moscow region is moaning from this “quality”, and Samolet-Development feels like a fish in water (speaking of the fish business of Maxim Vorobyov - he is the owner of the Russian Aquaculture company). In 2016, when the population gathered in Tomilino to take part in public hearings on the development of the microdistrict, the Vorobyovtsy drove a whole bus full of militants there. Strong young people did not even let their mouths open to the inhabitants who had their own opinion. Threats and forcible expulsion of "dissenters" from the site where the hearings were held were used. The houses built by Samolet-Development are already called "foam", which means that their service life will hardly exceed 20 years. And besides, the layout of the dwellings (15 - 18 meters) is a studio apartment, which should not be considered a full-fledged housing. Construction by the governor's brother is carried out with gross violations environmental standards and laws, and is accompanied by the illegal transfer of land from one category to another in order to create the most comfortable conditions for Maxim Vorobyov. Speaking of ecology, for example, in Lyubortsy, Samolet-Development is now building housing on aeration fields (a type of sewage treatment plant - a piece of land on which waste and sewer water is distributed for their purification). That is, half of the Moscow region suffers and suffocates from the stench of landfills, and here the inhabitants will be driven into the sewers for their own money. This area has already been called the Dioxin Ghetto.

The business of the Vorobyov brothers in the Moscow region turns the region into an absolutely depressive territory, where the interests of residents are at the very top. last place, but the billions of Maxim Vorobyov will always be in the first place.

“An incredible tangle of infrastructural problems that could only appear as a result of a disregard for people, a thirst for profit and managerial mediocrity,” blogger Vladislav Naganov described the situation in the Moscow Region.

He notes that the "barbaric" development creates not only health problems for residents, but due to the high population density creates a whole range of infrastructural problems. In particular, the burden on social services is growing, which, with their miserable salaries, are simply not able to cope with the tasks of serving a growing population.

Surname: Vorobyov

Name: Maksim

Surname: Yurievich

Job title: Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian Sea Group of Companies


In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, in 2006. - Global Executive MBA course of the Spanish business school IESE.

He has been working in CJSC "Russian Fish Company" since its foundation - he went from a sales manager to the chairman of the board of the Russian Sea Group of Companies.

Since 2002 - a professional participant in the securities market (certificate of the Federal Securities Commission of Russia).

Source: Kommersant


According to the United state register legal entities, 75% of the shares in Glavstroy SPb belonged to Glavstroy-invest LLC, the remaining 25% belonged to the Cypriot offshore Clears Partners and Development. The beneficiaries of this offshore are the controlling shareholder and chairman of the board of the Russian Sea fish processing company Maxim Vorobyov (brother of the head of the Central Executive Committee of the United Russia party Andrei Vorobyov) and his partner Mikhail Kenin, two sources close to the Glavstroy corporation said at once. "Mikhail and I really own a quarter of Glavstroy St. Petersburg," Mr. Vorobyov confirmed yesterday.

Source: Kommersant, February 27, 2009

By virtue of his deputy status, Andrey Vorobyov is deprived of the right to engage in legal business. However, his brother Maxim Vorobyov owns Glavstroy-SPB LLC. This company won the competition for the development of the block between Shkapina and Rosenstein streets, and at the same time decided to grab the territory that lies outside the allotted area. Orion-2 LLC worked there - a small car repair shop combined with a cafe for drivers. The owners of Orion-2 have been honestly working in this small company for the second decade, paying taxes legally and, of course, they did not want to leave their land for the sake of the appetites of United Russia Vorobyov. After that, they were run over by bandits who arrived in jeeps in tracksuits led by a muzzle, according to police records, previously listed as a militant of the "Kazan" organized criminal group. Having met with a rebuff from the hard workers who stood up to defend their enterprise, the brothers retreated, but tried to repeat the assault. Bloodshed did not happen only thanks to the crisis of 2008, which completely cut off the projects of Glavstroy.

Source:, 03/20/2011

Olga Slutsker is connected with Maxim Vorobyov by a common business - she has long entered the capital of Glavstroy-SPb. Technically, this was done through the assignment of a stake in the corporation's founder, the Cypriot offshore Clair Partners and Development. Billionaire Suleiman Kerimov tried to buy the main block of shares of Glavstroy-SPb, which had somewhat recovered from the crisis, from Oleg Deripaska. Characteristically, this gentleman also did not neglect Slutsker, being her closest acquaintance and neighbor in the country.

Some of the company's projects, such as the scandalous Apraksin Dvor reconstruction project, are now on hold. In particular, Aprashki's perestroika was slowed down by strange stories with arsons of shops of current tenants and embezzlement of funds allocated for the reconstruction of public utilities. But in general, the asset seems underestimated, so now the energy of the Vorobyovs and their companion is directed to the speedy resumption of construction.

In 2011, Olga Slutsker, at the suggestion of her brother Maxim Vorobyov, head of the Central Executive Committee of the All-Russian political party"United Russia" Andrei Vorobyov - joined the United Russia, received the required number of votes in the internal party primaries of candidates for the State Duma and became the coordinator of the entire sports program parties in power.
In recent years, with the son of the vice-speaker of the Federation Council and the chairman of the CEC " United Russia» Andrey Vorobyov, the elite matchmaker has developed a particularly close relationship. For the inhabitants of the State Duma, it has long been no secret that this gentleman is actively offering the stars supplied by Olga to the fathers of the nation, including the inner circle of the prime minister and president. This has the effect - Vorobyov's career is rapidly developing, and no one in the Kremlin or the White House is trying to inquire why the humble civil servant is a de facto oligarch - with billions in assets formally assigned to brother Maxim.
Moreover, World Class received a contract to retrain physical education teachers in fitness and aerobics, and the Glavstroy SPb company, which Slutsker owns with Maxim Vorobyov and Oleg Deripaska, is literally turning the city of St. Petersburg upside down. Together with affiliated companies, its owners are building 462 parking lots in the northern capital, renovating 22 microdistricts, building the Alla Pugacheva Theater and refurbishing Apraksin Dvor.

The closest relatives of Andrei Vorobyov - brother Maxim, mother Lyudmila, uncle Sergey, nephews - Artem, Dmitry, Maxim Opeti (a French citizen who took his wife's surname) own dozens of business structures in the food industry, restaurant business, real estate and finance, including including in partnership with Sergei Shoigu's wife Irina (Barvikha-4 LLC), Matvienko's son Sergei and Putin's friend Gennady Timchenko.

As political scientist Dmitry Orlov explained, intrigue in the last elections could have taken place only if the ex-deputy State Duma Dmitry Gudkov, who gained popularity thanks to the protests of 2011-2012, could make an alliance with the communists. However, the intrigue remains in a different respect: what will happen to the Moscow region? For twelve years, the region was led by General Boris Gromov, who left behind an unpleasant “legacy”: an impressive budget debt, through corruption and a large number of colleagues and comrades in the veteran organization “Combat Brotherhood”, who infiltrated both business and power structures.

by the most famous representative"Gromov galaxy" was the ex-deputy of the State Duma, Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Sablin, as it now turns out, the co-owner of the company "MDK", the largest landowner in the region.

However, Boris Vsevolodovich’s associates, although they were “people in uniform”, but the shoulder straps are army, not Chekist, so they were not “their own” for the Kremlin.

Therefore, after Gromov's resignation, the Moscow region began, probably, to a greater extent than any other region of Russia, to be controlled from the federal center.


In the spring of 2012, the ex-Minister for emergencies Sergei Shoigu. For half a year of work, he replaced the team of Boris Gromov in the administration, introduced the post of regional prime minister, returned the forests near Moscow (which left in 2007) to the regional administration, forced the resignation of several heads of municipalities, came into conflict with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and bombarded the federal Ministry of Finance with requests for financial support. When did Sergei Shoigu "mobilize for military service”, His successor was also a person very close to the Kremlin - Andrei Vorobyov, head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma, who had ten years of deputy experience and no less experience in the central apparatus of the party.

However, an analysis of the seemingly ordinary question of why it was Andrei Vorobyov who became Shoigu's successor and how he made a career in general led observers to identify the "clan" structure of our elite, in which family, business and political ties turn out to be completely inseparable from each other.

“By analogy with the Yeltsin “family”, there is a concept and the “Shoigu family” is a very old clan, whose members will always be faithful to each other. The Vorobyovs in it are the closest to the ex-governor, ”commented political scientist Mikhail Tulsky.

First of all, the current governor of the Moscow Region owes his political career to the fact that his father, now vice speaker of the Federation Council Yuri Vorobyov, was a longtime associate of Sergei Shoigu. Yuri Vorobyov and Shoigu in Soviet time worked together in the Krasnoyarsk regional committee of the CPSU, and after the collapse of the USSR, Vorobyov Sr. for sixteen years was Shoigu's deputy in the structures he headed - from the Rescue Corps to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

In the 1990s, Andrei Vorobyov did not even dream of political career, and was engaged in business - fish trading and fish processing, from his business projects the Russian Sea group was gradually formed. But here in early XXI century, Sergei Shoigu was appointed deputy prime minister, he needed an assistant, and the son of his longtime colleague was in demand as such. Andrey Yuryevich himself tells about it this way: “I was engaged in business and, I confess, I did not imagine that I would somehow be involved in social and political life. But he said: "Andrey, I need a partner, an assistant." And he invited me. I have a lot of respect for this man, of course. And I accepted the invitation. This is where it all started. When he had already left the business, it seemed like returning ... In addition, my brother was already engaged in business, he received an education.

Andrey Vorobyov called Shoigu "his godfather in politics". And this is true: from the position of assistant to Shoigu, Mr. Vorobyov very quickly moved to the chair of a senator, then a deputy of the State Duma, while becoming a prominent figure in the United Russia apparatus. Experience in business allowed Andrey Yuryevich to create and head the Interregional public fund support of United Russia, which not only accumulated contributions from sponsors to support the party, but also sent them to various investment projects such as opening restaurants. Later, when in 2005 Andrey Vorobyov headed the central executive committee(CEC) of United Russia, he, along with many other projects, very thoughtfully, getting into details, led a network of similar regional party funds.

The friendship between Yuri Vorobyov (left) and Sergei Shoigu played a significant role in his political career. Photo: PhotoXpress

As far as business is concerned, according to official version, Andrey Vorobyov sold his own stake in the Russian Sea to his brother Maxim. However, not everyone believed this. For example, Mikhail Tulsky expressed suspicions that Andrei Vorobyov controlled his business through offshore companies. But this is absolutely not important, since the entire Vorobyov clan has now acquired business structures.

native people

According to open sources, many different business structures in the field of food industry, restaurant business, real estate and finance are registered with the closest relatives of Andrey Vorobyov: brother Maxim Vorobyov, mother Lyudmila Vorobyova, uncle Sergei Vorobyov and nephews - Artem Vorobyov, Dmitry Vorobyov and Maxim Opet (citizen France, who took his wife's surname). Just listing all the companies they own would take up a lot of space, but it is important that the business allows them to become people "close" to other members of the elite.

The Vorobyovs' business is closely connected with the Ministry of Emergency Situations. So, the wife of Sergei Shoigu, Irina, and the wife of Yuri Vorobyov, Lyudmila, were co-owners of Barvikha-4 LLC, which was engaged in development.

Lyudmila Vorobyeva was also listed as the founder of the Grand Land company, Irina Shoigu also worked for it at one time, while Grand Land is a co-owner of the Emergency Insurance Company established under the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which provided loans to the structures of the Russian Sea.

"Strings" from the Vorobyov clan extended to the chairman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko. The son of the "chief senator" Sergey Matvienko was a co-founder of the already mentioned above "Barvikha-4" and, in addition, the company "Discord City", where Andrei Vorobyov's nephew Artem acted as his partner.

Finally, oil trader Gennady Timchenko became a partner of the Vorobyov clan. The Timchenko Volga Resources Group acquired 30% of the Russian Sea. It is curious that his son-in-law Gleb Frank, the son of the ex-Minister of Transport and the head of Sovcomflot Sergei Frank, began to represent the interests of Mr. Timchenko on the board of directors of the Russian Sea. As part of the “barter”, the main owner of the Russian Sea, Maxim Vorobyov, became a member of the board of directors of the Stroytransgaz company controlled by Timchenko. True, in December 2012, after the appointment of Andrei Vorobyov as acting head of the Moscow Region, his brother Maxim stated that he had resigned from the boards of directors of Stroytransgaz and Saint Petersburg Bank, explaining that he did not want to "give a reason for talking on a possible conflict of interest in the Moscow Region”. However, in August 2013, the partnership resumed: it was reported that Maxim Vorobyov was buying a stake in the construction holding Stroytransgaz Holding Limited created by Timchenko. In March, Acting Governor Andrei Vorobyov even had to make a special statement about the fact that he sees no conflict of interest in the fact that Gennady Timchenko, a business partner of his brother Maxim, is one of the major investors in the Moscow Region and a potential participant in important infrastructure projects in the region. Mr. Vorobyov assured that he does not single out Gennady Timchenko.

There is an "apocrypha" about how Andrei Vorobyov became Shoigu's successor in the Moscow region. Allegedly, immediately after Vladimir Putin offered Sergei Kuzhugetovich the post of Minister of Defense, Shoigu gathered his closest associates for a meeting: Senator Yuri Vorobyov, his son Andrei, head of the administration of the Governor's Office Yuri Sadovenko, Vice Governor Ruslan Tsalikov and Valentina Matvienko. At this meeting, it was decided to offer Vladimir Putin Ruslan Tsalikov as the main candidate and Andrei Vorobyov as a fallback. But the president, as always, unexpected in his personnel decisions, settled on a reserve candidate.

Not far from Moscow

Among the factors that influenced Vladimir Putin's decision may have been Andrey Vorobyov's extensive experience in holding elections: the Central Election Commission of United Russia led all election campaigns significant for the party. However, the population also had to evaluate the policy of the new regional leader. Meanwhile, the Moscow region is a relatively prosperous, but difficult region.

Yes, the Moscow region does not have "generic" demographic and economic problems available in many neighboring Russian regions. The existence of a huge metropolis in the center of the region solves the problem of both unemployment and demand for products of local manufacturers. The average growth index of the gross regional product in the Moscow region from 1998 to 2011 was 6.3%, which is higher than in Moscow, higher than in Russia, and higher than in all other regions of the Central federal district, with the exception of the Belgorod region. However, a relatively prosperous economy, oddly enough, is adjacent to neglected social and infrastructural problems. “The Moscow region has become something of an appendage to the capital of Russia: cheap housing compared to Moscow prices, proximity to Moscow and relative transport accessibility - all this led to the development of the region and its use as a residential area of ​​​​Moscow. Meanwhile, no one thought about social infrastructure, there are not enough kindergartens, schools and hospitals, own production are empty, and there are no jobs,” says Zufar Khakimov, CEO of Sintegro. — Energy in the region is also not in best condition- there is no centralization, in the region there are more than a hundred medium and small companies that provide the region with energy, with vague responsibilities and orders, which is why accidents occur that are eliminated over a long time. The problem of gasification has been solved only recently.”

“Almost all the pluses and minuses of the position of the Moscow region are due to its proximity to Moscow. One of the key problems is the budget structure, - explains Natalia Kruglova, director of the Real Estate business area of ​​the consulting company Pro Consulting Global Limited. - For example, corporate and income taxes are paid in Moscow, where those who live in the Moscow region work. And living in the Moscow region, these citizens create a burden on municipal budgets - their social components and housing and communal services.

Andrei Vorobyov himself was shocked by the picture that opened up to him. “I didn’t think that an hour’s drive from Moscow you can still find “killed” kindergartens, clinics that are more than a hundred years old, and they look like these hundred years old,” he stated. “There are no computers there, the floors have collapsed, the fungus on the walls is just the beginning of the 20th century!” And it hurts. Just like the lack of jobs in areas remote from Moscow is often a tragedy!”

It seems that the shortage of kindergartens is most acute, in any case, both Sergei Shoigu and Andrei Vorobyov proclaimed the construction of new kindergartens as their priority. Under Vorobyov, the massive construction of kindergartens really unfolded - with great PR and public reprimands to negligent officials.

The second most acute, after social difficulties, in the Moscow region today is the problem of the road network. Speaking about the lack of roads, Andrei Vorobyov emphasized: “With such a jump in the growth of automobile and freight transport, the number of factories that open in the region, a collapse is inevitable.” When Sergei Sobyanin forbade transit trucks to travel along the Moscow Ring Road, the situation on the roads of the region became even more aggravated. Vorobyov tried to protest against the decision of the Moscow mayor's office, but was not successful.

Now Andrei Vorobyov, in fact, announced the construction of the Central Ring Road (TsKAD) as his megaproject, which, according to him, is capable of doubling the gross regional product of the Moscow region. However, Vorobyov will be able to realize his “huge plans” only if he receives federal funding. According to the latest data, the cost of the Central Ring Road will amount to 300 billion rubles, of which 74 billion rubles. will allocate the federal budget, and 150 billion rubles. - The National Wealth Fund, that is, in essence, also the federal budget. At the same time, BCS experts predict that the main work on the construction of the Central Ring Road will go to the structures of Arkady Rotenberg and Gennady Timchenko, who has already been repeatedly mentioned in the article.

“All the projects declared by the acting governor and the government of the Moscow Region are “sick” with gigantomania and do not take into account the interests of the inhabitants of the region, but they help to realize the interests of the business elites of Moscow and the region,” says Dmitry Naumov, coordinator of the Pushkin city branch of the Yabloko party. - As an example, we can name the Central Ring Road (plus the creation of a network of shopping and warehouse complexes along its perimeter) and the park and entertainment complex "Russia" (declared as the largest park with the "coolest" set of entertainment). The governor in the Moscow region both before and now is a function that distributes federal transfers and makes sure that the region does not try to get out of the vector designated by the federal center.”

"As they built, so they build"

Another problem faced by Andrey Vorobyov is a completely disordered development. There are practically no vacant lands in the region, during the governorship of Boris Gromov they were bought up, and spontaneous construction began there, which leads both to the reduction of forests and to complete chaos in the urban infrastructure and urban planning plans of cities and towns.

The regional administration seems to have begun to take action. “The main thing, in my opinion, is that we were able to change the ideology of the region’s development, to formulate a new urban planning policy focused primarily on the needs of the residents of the Moscow Region, and not on the profits and super profits of developers, developers, realtors,” said Ko » Marina Ogloblina, Minister of the Construction Complex, Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region. - The first thing we did for this was to stop the chaotic, disorderly development of the territories of the near Moscow region, to limit the height of newly erected buildings in cities to nine floors. We carry out all new development projects through the City Planning Council of the Moscow Region, created on the initiative of Andrey Yuryevich Vorobyov.”

However, representatives of the public near Moscow, with whom "Ko" managed to talk, are sure that the "suspension of disorderly construction" took place only in words. “At a meeting with residents of the city of Korolev A.Yu. Vorobyov said that "... not a single new building permit in the city of Korolev will be issued." His phrase is printed in the official media. And what do we see? Granel Development LLC has begun construction of residential buildings on Valentinovskie Polye, which is a buffer zone " Elk Island”, according to construction permits No. RU50302000-717 and No. RU50302000-718, which were issued to Granel Development LLC by the city administration on July 1, 2013 signed by acting. Head of Administration A.A. Kanaev and extended until July 5, 2016. head of administration V.A. Chuvilin. The construction of commercial 25-story buildings in the Tekstilshchik microdistrict is proceeding at a fast pace, despite Vorobyov’s statement about preventing the construction of houses higher than 17 floors, ”Konstantin Marusov, chairman of the Moscow regional branch of the National Democratic Party, member of the board of the public organization “Defend the Queens,” told Ko. ".

Similar evidence is from Balashikha. “He flew in, “slapped” about a moratorium on construction and flew away - everything is as it was, and is being built, as it was sawn, and it is sawn,” Dmitry Konnov, head of the Balashikha branch of the Yabloko party, ironically remarks.

Wanted the best

Disorganized construction leads to cutting down forests near Moscow, which gives rise to ecological problems, which in the region are probably no less important than economic ones. After the forests near Moscow were withdrawn from the regional jurisdiction and transferred to the federal jurisdiction in 2007, the number of foresters in the Moscow region decreased tenfold, from 5,000 to 500 people, which led to a sharp increase in such “cancers” characteristic of suburban forests as deadwood, mass breeding of bark beetles, unauthorized dumps, illegal logging and squatting of forest lands. As Elena Grishina, a former candidate for governor of the Moscow Region, a member of the central council of the Russian Ecological Party Greens, told Ko, Andrei Vorobyov has good will to solve environmental problems, moreover, for the first time, environmental topics appeared in his policy statements. However, the solutions proposed by Andrei Vorobyov are far from always optimal and often compromise, which can hypothetically be explained by the region's poor manageability and unwillingness to offend the interests of big business.

For example, Voskresensk, due to the activities of local industry, has practically lost its own drinking water. The main polluter in the city is Voznesensky Mineral Fertilizers (VMU), which is part of Dmitry Mazepin's Uralchem ​​group. Andrey Vorobyov put forward the idea of ​​laying a new pipeline, at first its financing was to be divided between the budgets of the region, city and district, then the region took over most, and the company "VMU" got off with the cost of designing the pipeline. “It looks like a mockery that the chemical plant has only undertaken to prepare a project for laying a water pipeline to Medvedka, although it should have paid ALL the costs of its construction,” comments Elena Grishina. - It turns out that the residents of Voskresensk and the residents of the Moscow Region are paying from their taxes for the sins of the plant, which continues to work, bringing huge profits to its owners, and Voskresensk leaves the White Mountain and losses. The situation turns out to be unfair – the chemical plant that poisoned the wells is pocketing billions and washing its hands.”

However, it cannot be denied that Andrei Vorobyov "wanted the best." According to Elena Grishina, just when the regional authorities finally paid attention to the ecological situation in Voskresensk and began to demand something from the main polluting enterprises, the number of stationary posts for monitoring atmospheric air quality was reduced in Voskresensk itself. “Oddly enough, thanks to this simple operation, “the ecological situation in the city has improved dramatically,” Elena Grishina says ironically. “And it’s true, if you don’t measure and document emissions from enterprises, then it’s as if these emissions don’t exist.”

“The fight against violations in the environmental sphere is activated only during the election period and is ostentatious. It is believed that it is enough to publicly scold some local official, for example, for deforestation, - Dmitry Naumov is sure. - There is no comprehensive concept. For example, talks about creating a network of modern and safe MSW processing plants in the region have been going on for several years, but there are no real cases. It’s easier to allow another dump to be opened in a wasteland.”

Confederate region

The fact that the intentions of the regional authorities sometimes diverge from real deeds is largely due to the high independence of the municipalities near Moscow, often being a "state within a state." As Dmitry Orlov explains, the uniqueness of the Moscow region elite lies in its fragmentation into large cities and spheres of influence. The Moscow region is actually a confederation with strong heads of districts, assemblies of deputies, influential entrepreneurs and socio-political organizations. At the same time, in many municipalities, organized crime plays the “first violin”, as in the “dashing 90s”. According to Dmitry Orlov, the greatest problems with it are noted in Solntsevsky, Lyuberetsky, Sergiev-Posadsky, Podolsky, Ramensky, Dmitrovsky districts, as well as in the cities of Dolgoprudny, Korolev and Khimki. The heads of cities and districts in the Moscow region, as a rule, are political "long-livers", rooted in the local environment and sitting on their chairs long years. For example, the head of the Domodedovsky district, Leonid Kovalevsky, has been in office for 23 years, the heads of Serebryano-Prudsky, Podolsky, Stupinsky, Noginsky, Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Odintsovsky districts, as well as the mayors of Dubna and Kolomna - 21 years each.

Sergei Shoigu came into conflict with the municipalities, having managed during his short "reign" to achieve the resignation of four mayors - Khimki, Sergiev Posad, Balashikha and Elektrogorsk. At the same time, it was precisely in order to “screen” the local elite that the regional administration quite unexpectedly began to encourage the holding of elections for the heads of municipalities, although in most Russian regions, governors appointed from Moscow usually curtail democratic procedures and replace mayors with city managers.

Andrei Vorobyov, during his so far short “reign”, dismissed Mayor Zhukovsky, but, as Dmitry Orlov predicts, he is unlikely to enter into the same conflict with the municipalities as Shoigu, and it is unlikely that his “reign” will turn out to be a “Red Guard attack” on municipal elites. This means that we will have to somehow negotiate with local clans, and the manageability of the region, in particular in terms of land use and streamlining construction, is still in question.

“His style of behavior is now standard for all proteges of the Kremlin during the elections - to portray a good, democratic prince with bad boyars,” explains Dmitry Naumov. “So far, no particular mistakes are noticeable, in dealing with local elites, he is cautious, probing the ground, acting publicly and harshly, unless there is no point in negotiating.”

We must pay tribute to Andrei Vorobyov: he has extensive experience, clear managerial skills and excellent contacts in the federal government, he knows what business is.

“Andrey Vorobyov, a former businessman, approaches the problems of the Moscow region primarily as a competent manager: he attracts investors to the region, solves gasification problems, unites energy companies around a single holding, holds business breakfasts with representatives of the economic elite, promises people new production facilities, workers places, low-rise buildings, etc.,” says Zufar Khakimov.

Vorobyov will undoubtedly be helped by funding from the federal treasury, especially since the federal elite has mansions near Moscow.

However, Vorobyov is undoubtedly burdened with obligations to members of his clan, which is connected with the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and now also the Ministry of Defense, which makes one assume that one corrupt ties can be replaced by others.

Everyone involved in the construction of business structures is interested in building forests near Moscow, and it is not clear whether the governor will be motivated to somehow resist this.

And it is not at all clear whether the Moscow region has an independent future, whether the region can be something else, and not just a sleeping area and the "food base" of Moscow. However, Professor Vladimir Klimanov, head of the Department of State Regulation of the Economy of the RANEPA, believes that “one cannot look exclusively negatively at the “serving” function of the metropolitan region. Although the Moscow region has many independent development opportunities associated with a powerful accumulated industrial and agricultural base, the availability of highly qualified resources, cultural and historical potential, the main vectors of the development of the Moscow region will probably be associated with Moscow for a very long time.”

Konstantin Frumkin

How did it happen that the wealthy Moscow region became one of the most inconvenient regions of the country for life?

What is the suburbs? Huge dormitory area, where unfinished houses stand instead of forests, parking lots are equipped instead of sanitary zones, and corruption is not a crime, but the norm of life.

Recall the residential complex "Vysokie Zhavoronki" ( Odintsovskii district), buyers of apartments in which for the third year on Constitution Day go to the center of Moscow and demand their apartments. They even pitched a tent camp in the village of Malye Vyazemy, but construction did not resume from this.

The construction of a large-scale residential complex began in 2014 on an area of ​​67 hectares. 45 buildings, kindergartens, schools, clinics - the developer promised to create a paradise on the land near Moscow, and Governor Andrei Vorobyov approved the project without a doubt.

January 2018. Construction stopped. “The First Anti-Corruption Media” quotes tired equity holders: “Summing up the sensational Liar of the Year award. Grand Prize- a week at the Vysokiye Zhavoronki residential complex resort (stunning views from the roof of the 7th building), where, by the way, you can sign permits for the construction of a number of long-term construction projects in a relaxed atmosphere). It is received by the undisputed leader - the governor of the region Vorobyov A.Yu.! After all, it is thanks to his speeches and promises that we have already decorated Christmas trees in our new apartments! What, in fact, no Christmas tree, no apartment? Well, so believe the words of the governor.

Thousands of people were affected by the stoppage of construction. There are three hundred families of military personnel alone who sold their apartments and took out a military mortgage under the state program. The Ministry of Defense cannot help them in any way - the decision to choose housing was made by the buyers themselves, "you had to watch who you buy from."

Andrei Vorobyov did nothing for these people. his deputy Maxim Fomin says that there are 11,000 deceived equity holders in the region, but is it possible to believe his words? At the same time, there are hundreds of empty high-rise buildings and townhouses in the region - they were built, but not populated.

Sometimes this leads to tragedy. "Krasnogorsky shooter" Amiran Georgadze not just arranged a shooting in the administration: his construction company was brought to bankruptcy. And the collapse of the SU-155? Shareholders of the famous company did not understand how the largest developer was without money at the very beginning of the construction of large facilities. Also the fourth year they are waiting for the weather by the sea.

It happens otherwise. The houses were built, but they were not connected to the communications. There is a building permit, but no connection. Someone in the regional government has changed the rules of the game, someone has not been brought something - and people cannot live in their own paid and built houses. But they are happy to settle in homeless people.

According to the regional government, there are a little more than 100 unfinished buildings in the region, but the regional Chief Architecture gives other figures - 300 residential unfinished buildings plus one and a half million meters of commercial space. About 500 objects were demolished - it turned out to be cheaper than to finish building them. The record holder is the Ramensky district, where, according to official figures, there are 16 unfinished projects.

But it wasn't always like that. A sharp increase in “incompleteness” began in 2015, when Vorobyov’s people monopolized the issuance of building permits through the Town Planning Council. Without “lubrication”, they work there slowly: according to the “First Anti-Corruption”, about three hundred unapproved site plans for the construction of high-rise buildings are now gathering dust in the City Council. Developers believe that if you bring the right people Everything will go much faster. They also name the amounts: from 10 to 30% of the cost of a new house. This tax was allegedly introduced by the former Minister of Construction and picked up by the current administration.

But this is not the only tribute paid by developers. It is believed that there is also a fee "for mediation", approximately equal to the classic tip - 8-12%. If we take into account that approximately 8 million square meters of housing are rented out in the Moscow region annually at an average of about $1,000 per square meter (the lower threshold), then the bribery of the sphere is about $1 billion. Plus fees for commercial real estate - here the volumes are smaller, but the amounts are more solid, this "wallet" can be estimated at half a billion dollars. In total - 1.5 billion dollars can migrate into the pockets of corrupt officials of the Moscow region annually.

Director of the Lenin State Farm, candidate for the presidency of Russia from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Pavel Grudinin says: “This is pressure on business, this is an absolute rejection of the laws of common sense - it increased under Vorobyov. When you compare Sobyanin with Vorobyov, Vorobyov is much worse than Sobyanin. This is corruption that has pierced all branches of government, which does not allow Russia to develop, because business in Russia is suffocating because of the huge number of regulations and the huge number of bribe-takers.” I wonder how many votes Grudinin will be allowed to collect in the Moscow region.

Because everything here is also bought and sold. look filmed year back wonderful video, where the then mayor of Balashikha (the largest city in the region) Evgeny Zhirkov tells how much and to whom it is necessary to carry (to a certain Kozyrev). His interlocutor is the vice-president of the Russian Professional Boxing Federation Anatoly Petrov, known for his authority in not the most law-abiding circles. The head of the Balashikha police took over the investigation Mikhail Moskalenko, concurrently a great friend of Zhirkov and Petrov - they watch boxing together ...

Another big boxing fan Andrey Ryabinsky, is building a New Pavlino human shelter in Balashikha - a set of concrete boxes placed close to each other without infrastructure. Permission for this construction was obtained thanks to the merger of Balashikha and Zheleznodorozhny - for major cities other town planning rules are provided. And the initiator of this merger was ... that's right, Andrey Vorobyov, the governor of the region.

This small (in stature) man generally managed to achieve fantastic success. The developer "Samolet-Development" works in the Moscow region, which has spawned a lot of companies with similar names. Among the owners - Maxim Vorobyov And Ludmila Vorobieva brother and mother of the governor. Other shareholders - Mikhail Kenin And Igor Evtushevsky, long and firmly connected by business interests with billionaire Maxim Vorobyov. The "airplane" pool of companies is registered, of course, in safe countries: Singapore, the Virgin Islands... But these people earn money here, in Russia, on us.

Another partner of the Vorobyovs - Mark Tipikin son-in-law of the governor. Tipikin's interests are diverse: Russobank, Medicom, Profaliance, Estate Leasing... And all this is under the careful supervision of kind relatives.

It is clear that the interests of the residents in such situations are in last place. Hence the construction of ultra-cheap (at cost) uncomfortable housing, the widespread violation of environmental laws, the transfer of land to other categories at the request of the left leg of the governor's beloved puppy. Buildings, construction sites, construction sites - "styrofoam" houses, which in 20 years will become uninhabitable (and the region will happily announce "renovation"), the layout of human kennels-"studios" with an area of ​​15-18 square meters. m, a daily increase in population density, which is already the highest in Russia, excluding city-regions.

No wonder blogger Vladislav Naganov harshly characterizes the New Izmailovo microdistrict (in the same Balashikha, by the way): “An incredible tangle of infrastructural problems that could only appear as a result of a disregard for people, greed and managerial mediocrity.”

Already now, as a result of barbaric construction, the burden on social services exceeds all possible standards - they do it with the beggarly wages of doctors, teachers, drivers (yes, on paper, salaries are growing, only directors of institutions distribute them - and it’s easy to guess how).

It is clear that the population is not enthusiastic about everything that is happening, but who will listen to him? On December 6, 2016, I even had to bring a full bus of strong guys to the public hearings on the development of Tomilino, who stopped all attempts to object to the next project of their beloved Samolet-Development. A little later, a rally was held here - they preferred to simply ignore it so that the story would not get into the media. "Samolet-Development" generally specializes in the most unsuitable housing for life - now the company is building up aeration fields in Lyubertsy. The journalists even proposed a name for the new district - "Dioxin Ghetto". Beautiful and meaningful. And in the Domodedovo district, the same developer sells housing near the airport, in an area with an unacceptable noise level (“Prigorod Lesnoye”).

As you can see, the problems of the "Larks" are not an accident, they are systemic character and are associated with the concentration of all power in the construction industry of the Moscow region in one hand. No less dirty than aeration fields.

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