Russian life moose. Elk Island National Park


Museum "Russian life"
national park « Moose Island»

Game program "Maslenitsa"

(the building of the Museum "Russian Life")

Costume program!

Meets children near the museum fairy tale character- "Forest Raven". He greets them, talks about himself and the upcoming Maslenitsa holiday, and then offers to play various games with him. active games. After the games, "Raven" invites everyone to the hut to taste hot sweet tea with pancakes. During tea drinking, the guides of the "Russian Life" will tell the children a lot of interesting things about Shrovetide traditions and the custom of seeing off the holiday. The event ends with the burning of an effigy of "Maslenitsa" in the courtyard of the museum.

Game program "Christmas evenings"

The main action takes place in an old Russian hut

Costume program!

The hostess of the hut cordially welcomes guests in her house on the eve of "Baptism". He sits everyone at the tables, treats them to sweet tea, and indulges in stories about history. Yule divination, about Russian traditions, all evil spirits rampant at this time. Then she offers a little fortune-telling in the old Slavic ways (on logs, on wax, straw, etc.). After a while, fortune-telling is interrupted by a knock on the door. It was a gypsy who came to the guests. She brings confusion into the house and tries to interfere with the holiday, but soon she herself offers to continue the evening - with ancient gypsy fortune-telling on cards. The event ends in the courtyard of the museum, where guests will be offered several more types of street divination. For example, throwing a boot over a fence to find out which side to wait for the narrowed or narrowed one.

game program "In Search of Treasure"

next to the building of the museum "Russian Life".

Costume program!

This is the most popular program for spring and autumn. Our guides meet the children at the entrance to the park at Yaroslavskoe shosse, 54 (Nash hypermarket) and lead them along the forest path to the Russian Life Museum. Along the way, they tell about the forest dwellers, their lives, about the local plants and trees, their healing and mystical properties. Suddenly, a costumed character - Kikimora or an Indian - comes out across the group and invites the children to find a real treasure in the forest! (anything can be a treasure: you can bring something with you or purchase park souvenirs from us in advance). But in order to find out where the treasure is, you need to get a number of tips from Kikimora or the Indian. And their character gives only for playing with him. So the kids spend an hour in interactive games approaching the museum. When the treasure is discovered, her mistress is waiting for the children in the hut. She will give them sweet tea and offer them quiet games into the room.

game program "Visiting Aunt Lukerya"

Duration 2 hours. Designed for any age.

The main action takes place in an old Russian hut

(the building of the museum "Russian life").

Costume program!

Aunt Lukerya greets guests in the courtyard of the museum and plays traditional Russian games with them, dances with them, sings ditties with the guests. Then she invites everyone present to go to the hut to taste sweet tea made from medicinal herbs. While the guests are having tea, Aunt Lukerya entertains them with stories about folk legends and traditions, and after the meal she gives them a tour of the Russian Life Museum.

game program "Christmas adventure"

The main action takes place in two places: in the Losiny Ostrov park

and in an old Russian hut (the building of the Museum "Russian Life").

Costume program!

The Snow Maiden meets the children at the museum gate. She greets them, tells them what a magical place they ended up in, and how Santa Claus will be delighted with the guests. But bad luck, Santa Claus left in the morning to decorate the forest with snow, ice, and hoarfrost and has not yet returned. Don't worry! The Snow Maiden knows which path Santa Claus is returning home and she invites the children to rush to meet him. Together they go to the forest, where they soon meet Baba Yaga. At first, she in every possible way prevents the children from continuing their journey, but, in the end, helps to find Santa Claus. In turn, Santa Claus invites children to play with him a little (about 40 minutes) on fresh air, and then goes with the guests to the hut to drink sweet tea. But the program doesn't end there! In the hut, children also play many games, solve riddles, and, of course, get new Year gifts from Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The program concludes with a round dance around the Christmas tree and common commemorative photographs (bring your cameras with you).

Distance from the city, games in snowy forest, the atmosphere of a Russian hut will remain in the memory of children for life!

Excursion along the ecological trail "Such a familiar forest"

The main action takes place in the Losiny Ostrov park

The trail "Such a familiar forest" passes through the almost untouched part of the "Elk Island", which adds mystery to the journey, both for children and adults. The guide will tell you about the nature and history of the unique forest area, located near the metropolis and at the same time retaining its natural naturalness. In addition, on the route you can see not only the beauty of the forest, but also meet forest inhabitants: tits, wild ducks, jays, woodpeckers, snakes, hedgehogs, squirrels and other living creatures. Or maybe you will even be lucky enough to see with your own eyes the king of "Elk Island" - a real elk, because these animals live in the reserve in freedom!

During the tour, emphasis is placed on the importance of preserving natural wealth, its strength, and on the vulnerability of the forest to people.

The event ends with a tea party at the Russian Life Museum.

Excursion "The path of the Vyatichi"

Duration 2-2.5 hours. Designed for any age.

The main action takes place in the Losiny Ostrov park

not far from the building of the museum "Russian Life".

This excursion is the pearl of "Elk Island"! By visiting it, you will learn a lot about the Vyatichi tribes who once lived here, their way of life, way of life and beliefs, as well as visit their burial mounds (burials of the 10th-12th centuries). At the end of the event, you will have a tea party at the Russian Life Museum.

Attention! In all the above programs, you can additionally includemaster classes :

* Coloring wooden figurines moose. Interesting for both adults and children. They can also be put in Santa's bag as gifts or in a treasure chest. Losiki will remain a memorable souvenir of the trip to Elk Island.

* Manufacturing ritual doll. Ritual dolls were created in Rus' from time immemorial. Moreover, both old and young, both women and men, did this. We will teach you how to make one of these dolls without the use of needles, tell you about its meaning, and the significance of many other dolls for our ancestors.

One of the world's largest reserves is located in the north-east of Moscow. Losinoostrovsky Park starts from Sokolniki and extends to Balashikha, Mytishchi and Shchelkovo. About 12,000 hectares in the metropolis have been set aside for conservation natural form the nature of central Russia.

History of the Losiny Ostrov park

From the XV century. the lands near Moscow were royal hunting grounds. The Russian nobility visited here, and Ivan the Terrible himself liked to spend time, so the forest was protected and guarded. The name “Elk Island” appears during the time of Alexei Mikhailovich the Quietest, who often came hunting with hounds and falcons.

IN early XIX Art. "Elk Island" is recognized as a protected area, and a hundred years later it is included in the "green belt" around the capital. Losinoostrovsky Park received the status of a national park in 1983.

What is the park "Elk Island"

More than 80% of the park area is reserved for forests, with almost a third located in Moscow.

About 5% of the territory is reservoirs, swamps, swamps. The rest is sandy and glacial plains, meadows, moraine hills.

Being scientific institution The park is divided into zones:

  1. A specially protected area where mammals live and birds nest in natural conditions. Tourists are not allowed to enter.
  2. Well-maintained recreation area. Asphalt paths are laid here, there are benches, gazebos, places for picnics, beaches are equipped on 2 reservoirs.
  3. Walking excursion part of the park, where environmental centers operate. In this zone, you can move on foot or on horseback along marked routes.

The unique flora of the park

The natural vegetation of the Central Russian Upland is represented in Losinoostrovsky Park. Special meaning has Alekseevskaya grove, where 40-meter pine trees grow up to 220 years old, and Lipnyak, where the trees are 160-180 years old.

Since 1865 Pine Grivka has been preserved, there are also 250-year-old oaks in the park. The system of reed and lowland bogs is represented by the Mytishchi floodplains and the Upper Yazuz wetland complex, rare lichens grow on the High Bog, orchids grow in the shallow waters of the Budaika, Ichka, Pekhorka rivers.

Many plants that can be seen in Moscow's Losinoostrovsky Park are listed in the Red Book of Russia. In total, the protected flora has 600 species of plants.


About 40 species of mammals, 180 species of birds, 20 fish and 9 amphibians live in the protected area.

Scientists divide the inhabitants of Elk Island into 3 groups depending on their habitat:

  • taiga;
  • European deciduous forests;
  • forest-steppe and steppe.

The pride of the reserve is the elk population, which exists freely, but at the same time is capable of self-reproduction. Sika deer, hares, squirrels, martens live in the Losinoostrovsky park. Wild boars, ferrets, ermines and muskrats have found shelter. About 120 species of birds have chosen the park as a nesting place, among them the sea eagle, partridge, kestrel, owl, serpent-eater. Many birds, such as cranes, waders, swans, stop during the wintering flight.

Visitor Centers of Losinoostrovsky Park

The Elk Station, stables, an arboretum, as well as several educational environmental centers (EPC) operate in a popular recreation area among Muscovites.

Employees of the EOC conduct excursions along ecological paths, environmental campaigns, lectures and master classes, game programs celebrate national holidays.

In the "Red Pine" you can visit a corner of nature and the House of Fairy Tale, where Baba Yaga is in charge.

By visiting the EOC "Tea drinking in Mytishchi", you can find out where the water came from to Moscow, what samovars were used, how they drank tea. Near the ecological center there is a monument 19th architecture Art. - a water intake station that is still operating.

Museum " royal hunt” is located in the visit center of the same name and introduces the traditions of Russian hunting, tells how they dressed for hunting and organized the departure of the king, oriented themselves on the ground. Near the visitor center are the remains of the hunting lodge of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

ERC "Abramtsevo" is located in the former rangers cordon of the XIX century.

In each visitor center, they will give you delicious herbal tea, treat you with bagels, ride horses and take you along the reserved park paths.


In recreational areas, birthdays and offsite marriage registrations are held, photo shoots and corporate events, promotions and banquets, hold sports activities. Many Muscovites come to Losinoostrovsky Park, post photos of their vacation on various resources.

Not far from the entrances to the park, next to the EOC "Tea drinking in Mytishchi", "Abramtsevo", "Red Pine", "Russian Life", cozy places for picnics are organized. These are wooden houses, sheds, gazebos and tents, which have everything you need:

  • tables and benches;
  • brazier;
  • firewood.

IN environmental centers you can rent log houses-refectories.

Horse rides

If you want to get better acquainted with the natural world in Losinoostrovsky Park, how to get deep into the protected area? There is only one answer - during a horseback riding tour.

There are 5 equestrian clubs in the park:

  • "Yauza-1";
  • "Yauza-2";
  • "Losinka";
  • "Mytishchi";
  • "Career".

Walking routes run through the Losinoostrovsky National Park, Mytishchinsky and Yauzsky forest parks. For 1-1.5 hours of travel, tourists will see animal tracks, admire the landscapes, get acquainted with the main natural complexes. The routes are 3-5 km long, you can go horseback riding without a guide, only accompanied by an instructor.

In winter, they arrange sleigh rides, in summer - on a cart or tarantass.

Guided tours in the park

More than 45 km of hiking trails have been laid in Losinoostrovsky Park so that tourists can see the diverse beauty of nature near Moscow.

Ecological trails "Such a familiar forest", "Mytishchi plavni" will lead through unique landscapes and ecosystems. During the trip, you can see not only small rodents and birds, but also meet large mammals, including the owner of the park - elk. An excursion to the Verkhneyauzsky swamps allows you to learn how beavers live and walk along the dam they built.

On the Alekseevskaya Grove route, you will get acquainted with ancient trees and search for the place where the travel palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was located. And the tour “The Vyatichi Path”, passing through the preserved burial mounds of the XII-XIII centuries, will show the distant past of the Moscow region.

It is extremely interesting to visit the Moose Biological Station, where you can communicate with moose calves, and in winter with deer. However, it should be noted that the tour is held only at 11 and 13 hours, and you must pre-register. This is due to the way of life of animals.

Fascinating and educational excursion held in the arboretum of Losinoostrovsky Park. Part of the route is laid along wooden bridges, laid at a height of 6 m above the ground. This allows you to see the forest through the eyes of its indigenous inhabitants. The guide will tell you not only about forest dwellers, but also about foresters, whose profession is to protect forest areas.

There is an excursion dedicated to the ancient roads of the XV-XVI centuries.

Excursion programs on ecology, Moscow studies, geography, history, natural history have been prepared for kids and schoolchildren.

How to get there by public transport

Losinoostrovsky Park is easy to get to, because. There are many entrances to the park, they are in different parts of the capital.

  1. To the EPC "Royal Hunt" from the station. m. Shchelkovskaya you need to go bus number 361, minibuses 506k, 485, 447k, 396k, 362k, 1222k and 380k to the stop. "Experimental field".
  2. To the EPC "Abramtsevo" from the station. m. Shchelkovskaya follows bus number 627 to a stop with the same name.
  3. If from Art. m. Printing College, then you can get into the "Red Pine".
  4. You can get to the Losinaya biostation if you use the train from the Yaroslavsky railway station and get to the Los or Perlovskaya station, then transfer to bus number 547 or 3. You can also go to the biostation from the station. m. VDNH on any bus that goes to the region.
  5. From Art. m. VDNKh to the visit-center "Russian life" go to the stop "Children's clinic" by bus 136, 172, 903 and 789.
  6. By Yaroslavl railway to Mytishchi station or from the station. m.
  7. Child Center located in the city of Korolev; go from the Yaroslavsky railway station to the Bolshevo station, then by bus number 7.

How to get there by car

It is even easier to get to the national park by car. The 95th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road crosses the park area in half. From the highway there are exits leading to recreational areas.

You can drive from Shchelkovo highway, the landmark is the traffic police post. There is an arboretum here.

How to get to Losinoostrovsky Park by car so as not to get stuck in traffic jams? In this case, it is worth leaving early in the morning along the Yaroslavl highway.

The recreational part of the park is open around the clock. Ecocenters and museums are open daily, some excursions require prior registration.

Losiny Ostrov National Park is a large national park located on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region (Balashikha, Korolev, Mytishchi). Losiny Ostrov is the largest forest area in Moscow. The park hosts numerous excursions and activities.

The Moscow part of Losinoy Ostrov is located in the eastern district of Moscow.

Excursions Elk Island

Weekend excursion

They are held every Saturday on the basis of the environmental and educational center "Russian Life".

Subject: modern nature, history of nature of the Moscow region and Losiny Ostrov. Visitors will learn what landscapes were typical for this territory before the arrival of man, how the nature of the National Park changed during different stages development - from the Paleolithic to early XXI century, as well as how the forests of the National Park will develop in the future according to various scenarios.

Those wishing to take part in excursions must register in advance by calling:

8(916) 945–78–35 Tsentrova Elena Vladimirovna (Head of the Center);

8(903) 506–02–80 Kharitonenkov Maxim Andreevich (Guide).

Directions: m. "VDNH" Buses: 172, 136, 789 and 903; troll. 76 to the stop. "Children's clinic", then 200m. to the right from the Yaroslavl highway to the forest area of ​​the "Elk Island". Then 1km. through the park to the EPC "Russian Life".


The historical and archaeological complex "Old Russian hunting", it is also called "Royal hunting", is located in the famous Alekseevskaya grove. Within its limits, on the banks of the Pekhorka River, there are ancient settlements, pre-Mongol burial mounds, the remains palace building preserved in their natural environment.

The exposition of the Museum "Royal Hunt" is located in the building of the former country dacha of the chairman Supreme Council USSR N. Bulganin.

The central place in the exposition is occupied by an exhibition dedicated to the hunting theme. The exhibits of the museum will introduce visitors to the history of Russian hunting, as well as various types hunting: falconry, canine, animal. Getting acquainted with the exposition, the tourists will learn a lot of interesting things about the ceremonial royal hunting trips, weapons, ancient cartography. Museum exhibit can be not only historical monument but also nature itself.

On the ecological path laid in Alekseevskaya grove, you will see beautiful park and a pond, you will pass through old pine and spruce forests, mowing meadow, floodplain swamp.

On a relatively short route, you can see almost all natural communities characteristic of central Russia. It can be said that the vicinity of Alekseevsky museum complex- this is "Elk Island" in miniature.

Text: Sasha Zaitseva

Losiny Ostrov became the first National Park in Russia - a huge forest area in the North-East of the Moscow Region received this status about 30 years ago. Only a quarter of the park is open for free visits, a small part is for walking along clearly established routes, and the rest of the territory of Losiny Island is not accessible to the people. Nevertheless, this is one of the most interesting parks in the metropolitan area - especially for those who appreciate nature in its "unkempt" form.

Illustration: Alexey Stepikin

Seven Good Things in Losiny Ostrov Park

  1. Real forests (pine, birch, mixed ...), reserved swamps and many reservoirs. The feeling of proximity to the city is quickly lost here - dense thickets of fir trees are so convincing that it is hard to imagine that you are only 15 kilometers from the Kremlin.
  2. Moose, deer, hares and wild boars roam freely in the park. According to the biologists of the park, at least 27 elks live here, and 60-85 deer regularly come to the biological station for bait. It is difficult to meet them during a regular walk, but it is possible.
  3. Interesting excursions. Park employees regularly hold themed walks - "Such a familiar forest", "Vyatichi trail", "Mytishchi marshes" and others designed for children and adults. The program of such walks has not changed over the years, but its value lies in the fact that you can learn about the flora and fauna of the Moscow Region from the lips of a professional ecologist or biologist, and not an ordinary tour guide.
  4. Moose biological station. The “laboratory” famous throughout Russia, in which 25 adults and small elks live. Here you can feed them, and some even pet them. In addition, if you're lucky, you can meet a herd of spotted deer, which came to dine at the expense of the state budget - the animals are specially fed. Excursions to the biostation are conducted by appointment and only in winter - in summer, elk and deer go to the wild areas of the park.
  5. Museum "Russian Life", where you can participate in master classes on creating a Russian national rag doll or a real clay pot listen to a lecture on ancient traditions or take the children to Christmas festivities, which are organized according to all the rules of reconstruction, with dances, costumes and music.
  6. Horse rides: in summer - in a tarantass, in winter - in a sleigh with a bell.
  7. Long walking skiing and cycling routes that run through a real forest.

Moose Island is huge science Center, therefore, research, nature observations and educational projects such as ecological trails and popular science lectures are constantly carried out here. One of the peculiarities of the park is the lack of rubbish bins (they are not located everywhere, but only along the main routes), which ultimately does not in the best way affects the ecological state of Losiny Island. The advice to visitors is to carry an extra garbage bag with you and in no case leave anything extra in the forest - the vast territories of the park do not allow you to regularly clean it up here. Environmental campaigns are carried out, but new landfills appear spontaneously from time to time.

elk island, by and large, is not a park, but a nature reserve Most of it is not walkable. However, even those 45% that are available ordinary people enough for active rest over and above.

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