How to learn tectonics at home in a short time. How to learn to dance tectonik at home


Do you like to dance in a club and want to conquer all your friends at the next party? Learn how to quickly learn to dance tectonics. Just a few simple exercises a day, and you can surprise everyone with your moves on the dance floor.

Dance features

Among the many modern trends tectonics occupies a special place. Dancing in this style, you will definitely stand out among other girls and guys and will be able to attract the attention of others. This fashion trend is striking in its unusualness, it includes elements of various styles, such as hip-hop and techno.

There are several ways to learn how to dance tectonics. First, you can sign up for dance studio, professional trainers will help you learn the main elements of this style. There is another option - to study at home with the help of video lessons. After watching various videos on the Internet, you can quickly master the basic movements of this dance, and in a couple of weeks you will show your skills to friends at the disco.

How to learn to dance tectonik at home - the preparatory stage

1. First you need to prepare a place for training. A large room is perfect, it is desirable that it has a lot of free space and a mirror. So, you can not be afraid that you will touch a chair or other object during class. And with the help of a mirror you will follow your every movement.
2. You should also take care of proper clothes and shoes. It is best to train in comfortable sweatpants or leggings, as well as sneakers. Top - T-shirt or top, you can also wear a hoodie.
3. The next stage in preparation - you need to find a video on the Internet on how to learn to dance tectonics. Video lessons are different - sometimes these are videos from real classes, there are also professional dancers, standing right in front of the camera, showing every movement and combinations in detail. It is advisable to choose only those videos where all the exercises are shown very clearly and step by step.
4. Also choose music for classes. Most suitable contemporary compositions with a distinct rhythmic pattern. Before class, listen to different songs to understand which ones are best for training. Of course, do not forget that you should really like the selected compositions, then you will be more happy to practice under them. Give preference to driving and fun tracks.
5. You can also cover the floor with a special sports mat. It will reduce the noise from your activities, so that the neighbors will not complain about the knock. In addition, you will be able to move more smoothly.
6. Once you have cleared your seat, put on the appropriate clothing and footwear, and have selected the music and instructional video, you can begin the class.

How to quickly learn tectonics - step by step instructions

1. Get started with good mood and the right motivation. If you practice with more enthusiasm, you will be able to achieve greater results in shorter lines.
2. The first stage of the lesson is warm-up and stretching. You can do these exercises on your own or with the help of a video lesson. They are very important for the entire workout, because after a good warm-up, it will be much easier for you to perform complex inclinations and movements. In addition, this way you take care not to get stretched.
3. After warming up, turn on the training videos on your computer. To get started, just watch it to familiarize yourself with the main elements.
4. Then turn on the video again, but do not just watch, but start repeating after the dancer.
5. Closely follow every movement of the coach, pay attention to all the little things.
6. If you can't keep up with the teacher, you can stop the video and do the element yourself.
7. To better understand this or that movement, you can watch tips and video tutorials from different trainers.
8. Try to do workouts as often as possible, so you quickly master the main movements.

Now you know how to learn tectonics at home, the video and our tips will help you master this style faster. The main thing is to constantly train and approach this lesson with pleasure. And then in a couple of weeks you will surprise everyone with your movements on the dance floor.

Video: how to learn to dance tectonics

Like to dance in clubs? Do you want to stand out among your peers at a party or draw the attention of the opposite sex? In this case, learn to dance tectonics. A few simple exercises every day - and you are guaranteed success on any dance floor.

This fashion trend arose quite recently in the French subway. The dance combined elements of locking, techno, hip-hop and other styles. At first it was the lot of youth parties, and on " big stage"appeared only in 2007, at the Paris Techno Parade. A distinctive feature of tectonics, like most club dances, is impeccable coordination of movements, the ability to listen to your body. Therefore, start training with exercises that develop flexibility And coordination. Simple exercises with apples will improve coordination: we take a piece of fruit in each hand, spread our legs shoulder-width apart, close our eyes and toss apples, trying to catch them without leaving the spot. Instead of fruits, you can use tennis balls. When walking, try to walk along the narrow edge of the curb, and when entering the transport, do not hold on to the handrails. Here are a few basic tips before starting classes:
  1. Prepare a place to practice. A large room with a full-length mirror is ideal. Objects should be located at a considerable distance from the training site.
  2. Need comfortable clothes and shoes. For starters, worn sneakers and leggings are suitable, or sports trousers in which you are comfortable. Upstairs - a top or a T-shirt, you can wear a hoodie.
  3. Find a video lesson on the Internet or a better training course. Try to take advantage video with professional dancers, where all movements and ligaments are demonstrated very clearly and step by step.
  4. Choose the appropriate musical accompaniment. Cutting-edge melodies with a clear rhythmic pattern will do. Dance is the music of the soul. Give preference to groovy, driving tracks.
  5. Lay a sports mat on the floor. This will significantly reduce noise, which is important for your neighbors, and will also allow you to move more relaxed, without fear of hurting yourself.
  6. If you strive faster master tectonics We recommend that you devote more time to your studies. It is desirable 2 times a day at intervals of 5 hours, or to engage intensively for 2-3 hours, if possible.
Tectonic has absorbed many modern dance styles, but this independent direction, its essence is “ hand dance". Learn to feel the rhythm and feel the musical accents. Give yourself completely to the melody, expressing it with your body. Your plastic And acrobatic stunts must be fully combined with the nuances of the music. Learn to catch the tempo, first "count" the rhythm in your mind.

To improve flexibility will help tilt the torso, the "bridge" (try to get the floor or at least the table) and yoga. Constantly improve leg strength, speed of movement. To develop this, alternate running in place (tempo to the maximum), with hand movements (sharp forward blows). Duration of classes - 30 seconds, one approach, only 10 approaches for running and 10 for strikes.

For professional tectonics have to go to dance school. Coaches will teach you the basics of technique and help you perfect the movement. But this does not mean that you cannot achieve excellent results on your own. Remember: the more intense the training, the better the result. And having natural abilities, you can surpass the professionals by adding a little of your soul to the dance pattern.

Looking at professionals dancing this newly emerged type of dance, you involuntarily want to repeat these movements that are simple at first glance. However, you soon realize that this is far from being the case. After that, the question may arise of how to learn to dance tectonics.

A bit of history

The dance movement originated in early XXI century and combining such trends as techno, hip-hop, jumpstyle, etc., can boast of its uniqueness. Tectonic - modern dance, which is part of a separate culture. This word has long become almost a brand, and it is often called not only the style of dance, but also certain styles in music. Modern youth dance tectonics everywhere: on the street, in clubs, on stages, in underground passages and even at home.

The direction gained wide popularity in 2007 thanks to videos from the Techno Parade Paris festival in France, which spread all over the world.

This was the reason for the appearance of many admirers and followers of the tectonist at every point. the globe. There is no need to think that only young people were among this audience. Dance is able to attract the attention of a representative of any age. It's hard to walk past the dancing guys without looking at them. A little later, we will talk about how to learn to dance tectonics.

France or Belgium?

Very common in certain circles is the dispute about where the tectonics originates from - from Belgium or from France. Many are inclined to believe that it was Belgium that served as a "springboard" for the subsequent development of tectonics in the world. The young people danced Jumpstyle, kicking the bass to a variety of music including Eurodance and Eurotrance.

In parallel with this, in the French club Metropolis, young people, bringing novelty during dance culture, actively moved to energetic music, learning the first lessons of tectonics during Tektonik Killer parties. However, supporters Belgian origin consider the French wave of tectonics to be an imitation of Belgian sentiments.

Where to begin?

One of the questions that will arise in our reader will be: "How to learn to dance tectonics?" This question is the reason for part of our discussion. But soon the reader will come up with the question of whether it is possible to do this and how to dance the tectonics at home. Such an environment in most cases is more desirable for any person, no matter what he learns. But in this case, do not forget that home conditions limit you in the level of those goals that you can try to realize in the direction of tectonics. After all, it’s one thing to prepare at home, dance for yourself, for your own pleasure, and be ready to enter the arena of the local dance floor on weekends, and another thing is to set yourself the goal of mastering professional skills on the highest level. In the second case, home exercises can at best serve as a start, and then a direct road to special professional schools dance.

Let's take a look at the music first. Perhaps there are dances that you can learn without her, but this is not a tectonist. Music needs to be experienced. Don't worry if you have hearing problems. This is fixable and can be worked on. It is not for nothing that many dancers at the stage of training are given the task of clapping to the beat of a melody, tapping it out. This is how the sense of rhythm is developed in the dancer. It is necessary to immerse yourself in music, to feel the individual notes of various instruments in it. Having learned to predict the next measure in the course of a composition, you can safely begin to learn the lessons of tectonics.

What music to choose?

The movements of the tectonics are predominantly energetic, and the music should be appropriate. For starters, it will be enough to have a couple of tracks selected on this topic. Having got used to them with both hearing and body, it will be possible to try to work out the movements for other compositions. You can search for themed mixes or albums with names like Electro dance, Tektonik killer, etc. modern world and with such progressive use of the Internet, it will not be difficult to find many suitable options. For example, teachers of the largest tectonics school in Russia presented their musical proposals at the First Pro Tutorial distribution. And these guys probably know how to dance tectonics correctly. You can also look at other options. Start simple and small: filter out the composition that you like the most among everything, and start practicing the rhythm and comprehending the movements. But in order to keep up with the times and keep up with musical trends, it is useful to try to find fresh works. And the fresher the better.

Useful with pleasant

Very important point is the development of plasticity, flexibility, strength endurance, etc. Like any load, dance, especially such an active one, requires a good general physical training. If there are difficulties with this, the desire to learn how to dance tectonics can serve as a good motivator for action.

And the better shape the student is in, the easier it will be for him to dance. And the better and more energetic he will dance, the better he will develop physically. Such a positively vicious circle with interdependent circumstances that allow a person to successfully improve in parallel directions. The formula is simple: we learn to dance tectonics - we bring ourselves into good physical shape. However, we should not forget that everything should be in moderation, and you need to start, as in sports, gradually, without fanaticism.

Important Details

Remembering that we decided to learn how to dance at home, we should take into account a number of factors that at first glance are insignificant. The most important thing to keep in mind is probably the presence of your neighbors. And behind the walls, and the floor below. If the issue with the walls is more difficult to solve, then you can put a carpet on the floor or purchase a thin gymnastic mat. In any case, this way you will feel much freer.

One of the most necessary elements become a regular mirror. It will be very important to look at yourself while doing the connections. This can be especially acute at first. Attention should also be paid to the quality of musical equipment. Due to its unimportant quality, after a week, or even much earlier, the taste for your new passion may disappear without letting it open. In this case, the best solution, I think, would really be to search for a dance school or a group of like-minded people who organized their own club or company with a place for training.

Getting ready, getting ready

If the memory has already been erased, how and when in last time you went in for sports, it is very important to pay attention to a good warm-up and warming up the muscles and joints. You can devote time to this before you start learning how to learn how to dance tectonics, and before you start dancing training itself.

It will be useful to remember the slopes to the floor without bending the knees; sitting, stretch alternately to the spaced left and right foot; remember the "bridge", and you should not ignore the elbow joints and the spine. Good physical form will play a good service in terms of coordination of movements.

Workout elements

Going straight to execution dance moves, we must remember that here, like any sport, there are special exercises. Juggling is good for developing coordination of movements. For starters, you can arm yourself with tennis balls or small balls and try to catch them, tossing them in front of you in turn. Gradually developing coordination of movements and confidence, you need to eventually come to do it in rhythm with the playing music. Close attention should be given to the training of the legs, since they take part in all movements, and given that the control of the rhythm also lies with them, this cannot be neglected.

The next object of attention of the student should be the hands. Objectively, they play a smaller role than the legs, but from the outside, it is the work of the hands that catches the eye first of all, as a rule. It is recommended to study and train the movements of the arms and legs separately, and when they are already honed to perfection, combine them.

The main source for compiling the training program and the complex special exercises become video tutorials. It will be great if friends are also fond of this dance - it will be possible to share experience with each other and learn something additional.

First fruits and changes

The main thing is perseverance and an adamant desire to bring the idea to the end. By demonstrating these qualities, a person necessarily wins, and his first victories begin with himself. After all, it often finds laziness or simply does not want anything, but it is important not to succumb and methodically, step by step, go towards the goal. And you will definitely get there. Lyrics - lyrics, and regular classes will definitely teach you how to dance. In parallel with doing the exercises, you can study the culture of the style of the representatives of the tectonics and update your wardrobe a little. For more complete picture. Why not? Initially dancing tectonics wore skinny jeans, a short T-shirt or tight-fitting T-shirt (often with the symbols of tectonics or bright color), a white belt, basketball shoes and bright leggings on his hands.

Wristbands on the hands are also an indispensable attribute. However, these days it is increasingly possible to notice dancers who do not comply with the original dress code. And the main and invariable aspect is the convenience of dancing.


It's been some time since you gave your first tectonics lesson for beginners, and you already know a thing or two. Enough to confidently enter the dance floor and realize the first fruits of their studies. Any undertaking must be brought to some logical conclusion, and this result does not have to be a star from the sky. The most important thing is a feeling of inner harmony and pleasure from achieving your goals. Having absorbed new skills and abilities, we can successfully develop them or take on new tasks. Dance is an art, tectonics is its element. Having comprehended at least a particle of this art, you will certainly become a head taller than when you first began to be interested in how to learn how to dance tectonics.

Tektonik is not just an ultra-modern dance that is definitely worth learning - it is a whole subculture that lives by its own rules. Tectonic for beginners is not always clear, but once you figure it out, learn how to do basic movements, then it’s up to your imagination and skill.

Video training "Tectonic for beginners"

The movement originated in one of the clubs in France, it quickly went out into the world and won fans and supporters on all continents.

Tektonik contains elements of many styles: hip-hop, electro, techno, locking.

Yes, and movement, in spite of yet short story divided into currents

  • vertigo (hardstyle);
  • tecktonik-mix;
  • jumpstyle;
  • electrostyle;
  • milky way.

How the world learned about tectonics

As already mentioned, tectonics was invented by avid clubbers, the French club Metropolis, became his small homeland. It happened in 2000, and 7 years later the dance was presented at the Paris Techno Parade festival, a new trend, unlike other styles, quickly resonated with representatives of the youth environment. The dancing video was actively uploaded to YouTube, and other exchangers, the number of views was considered to be in the millions.

Entrepreneurial businessmen could not stand aside, and soon the informal dance became nonsense, there were clothes with the symbols of tectonics, energy drinks.

How to learn to dance tectonik at home

Most effective way learn tectonics is to go to dance school, or to a master class, but in our country there are not many such institutions and training in them is not available for many people. There is nothing left but to learn to dance at home.

  1. Learn to listen to the rhythm and perform movements in accordance with it. This point is fundamental in teaching tectonics. You can learn chords and dance elements, but if they don't fit into the music, consider that you haven't learned anything.
  2. Constant training, without them it is simply not possible to work out the elements with high quality. Listen to music, show perseverance and perseverance.
  3. Learn from the experience of other, more experienced dancers, watch videos, repeat the movements. Learn to dance by looking at yourself in the mirror. So you will see your mistakes and be able to correct them.

If you want to be your own in a fashionable crowd, be sure to learn how to dance tectonics. A little diligence and patience and you will be able to light without hesitation, in all clubs.

Tectonic or electro-dance is extremely popular today dance direction which has become widely known all over the world. Not a single club party today is complete without dancing with elements of the aforementioned dance style. Modern youth with great pleasure dances the tectonics, which is organically combined with the current fashion electronic music. Tectonic like Musical direction exists relatively recently, but its young age is by no means an obstacle to the wide popularity of this dance. Now you can also learn how to dance Tectonic, and you don’t have to go to a dance class, you can use the video lesson “Tectonic for Beginners”, which tells and shows in detail how to dance this popular dance.

How to learn to dance tectonics

It should be noted that special hallmark tectonics is its eclecticism, because this dance combines elements of many others dance styles, in particular, such as hip-hop, popping, jazz-funk, krump and so on. However, at the same time, the tectonist is distinguished by a bright individuality. Despite numerous borrowings, this dance has its own unique style and rhythm, which cannot be confused with any others. The author of the video lesson brought to your attention will help you learn how to dance tectonics almost from scratch. Of course, you will need to start with the simplest, basic movements, without mastering which further education it just doesn't make sense. You may not succeed the first time, but do not despair and quit what you started halfway. The lesson demonstrates how not only an experienced choreographer dances, but also ordinary teenagers who also decided to learn how to dance tectonics. If they can do it, then you can too! You only need sincere desire learn to dance and a little perseverance.

Lessons from tectonics

A video lesson on learning tectonics will allow you not only to develop your dancing skills, but will provide you with an exciting hobby, which also helps to keep yourself in good shape, because dancing requires significant physical effort. Enjoy watching and great results!

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