Measures to increase sales. Ways to increase sales in the wholesale business


Hello! In this article, we will talk about increasing sales in wholesale business.

Today you will learn:

  • What is wholesale trade;
  • How to increase the volume of wholesale sales;

Features of wholesale trade

Is the production volume of your enterprise large enough and you do not have time to sell products? Then it's time for you to think about wholesale sales.

Wholesale - a type of trade in which one enterprise provides another enterprise with goods in large quantities.

If you decide to hire new employees, it is best to look at the sellers retail stores similar specificity. They are already familiar with the product, they know the features of sales, they know how to work with needs.

Another equally successful source of personnel are competing companies. By enticing several employees to your staff, you will kill two birds with one stone - you will unsettle your competitor and get professional salespeople.

However, be careful. A competitor's employee may turn out to be a spy or simply return to the old place over time, taking your customer base with him.

In search of employees, you can go to companies from related industries. Such candidates will be easier to train than those who worked with a completely different product.

You can not look for new employees, but train existing ones. In addition, there are various ways to increase sales. For example, host a competition among account managers, according to the results of which you will be awarded the best seller of the month.

How to attract new customers

  1. Through cold calling. We have already talked about them before, so we will not stop. Let's just say that when choosing this method, special attention should be paid to the database itself with contacts of potential customers and information about them, as well as. Script - a conversation script that your manager will follow.
  2. A great source of customers - your customers. If you have established a trusting relationship with your customers, then ask them to recommend your company to their partners. This is a pretty efficient method.
  3. Look for clients on various events : get acquainted, exchange contacts.
  4. Use to attract customers. It will be especially relevant and personal sales via the Internet or telephone are also relevant.

Wholesale optimization mistakes

Mistake 1. A good salesperson will generate high sales volume.

There are not so many really good merchants, so there won’t be enough of them for everyone. In addition, it is very difficult to determine the degree of professionalism of each individual employee. Therefore, if you rely only on your staff, you are unlikely to get high results.

Mistake 2. Expansion of the product range will cause an increase in sales.

This is the misconception of most entrepreneurs. The introduction of new product categories can reduce profits, especially if the new product has nothing to do with the main one.

Example. The Bis company several years ago introduced solid perfumes into its range, the bottles of which resembled a lighter in shape. However, the project turned out to be unprofitable and soon the perfume-lighters were discontinued.

No, it will not. It is necessary to advertise the product, but in moderation. Excessive advertising will not only hurt your pocket, but will also annoy potential consumers. It is better to advertise not much, but qualitatively, that is, personalize your messages, choose the right communication channels.

Mistake 4. Reduce the price and sales will grow.

This is not always the case. The wholesale business is characterized by large volumes of purchases, which increases the risk of buying for the consumer. If your price is below the market average, then the client may suspect the low quality of the goods or your dishonesty.

Remember that too high or too low a price must always be justified.

For example, if you set a high price, you can show the client that your product is of very high quality. In the case of a low price, tell the client that you have your own system that you save on, or you own several levels of production at once, or the raw materials from which the product is made are supplied to you at a deep discount due to long-term cooperation with the supplier.

Sales is one of the foundations of a successful business, no matter what it does. Even if the most necessary products for the population are manufactured, they still need to be sold. And within the framework of the article, we will consider how to increase sales in retail.

general information

  1. To begin with, you should take a look at companies that offer goods delivery services. It is quite possible that the supplier sells food products quite expensively and you can find companies on the market with a more pleasant pricing policy. In this case, it will be possible to reduce the selling price.
  2. You should experiment with the placement of goods and see what is taken most often together.
  3. Considerable attention should be paid to the identified patterns and try to turn them to your advantage.

Non-standard ideas

In this case, the greatest attention should be paid to the following approaches:

  1. Sensitivity to trends. Consider an example. When winter ends, the demand for rolled metal products for houses, sheds, fences, and so on increases. For additional effect mutual advertising, gifts and referrals may be used.
  2. Exactly the same, but better. The essence of this approach is that there is a choice of goods that are similar in value. In such cases, the highest quality is chosen. Using such a "background" can do a good job.
  3. More expensive means better. Many people think that the more a product costs, the better it is. And this is often true. In other cases, they simply profit from it.
  4. symbiotic partnership. Consider where is the best place to place a retail outlet? Here are a couple of combinations: a pharmacy and a grocery store, or auto parts and bicycles. Related areas and can help in a very qualitative way in increasing the level of sales.

And if you are interested in how to increase sales in the retail trade in flowers or other fast-moving items, then the latter option will be literally ideal for growth. If you think about it, then find a good place possible almost everywhere.

Automated sales systems

It's a popular way to organize, customize, and improve customer experience when it's done in multiple steps. Let's say we have an online clothing store. Can its performance be improved? How to increase sales in clothing retail in times of crisis and hard times?

An automated sales system will help with this! With its help, you can facilitate the establishment of contact, the clarification of requirements and requests, the formulation of requests, their processing and execution, including delivery. Also, an automated sales system helps in after-sales service and subsequent interactions. Exists a large number of benefits and useful features that they can offer.

Building a sales system

A lively mind, sensitivity to the market and ingenuity provide ample opportunities. But to improve performance, it is necessary to attend to the construction of a sales system. It will allow you to understand the structure of goods sold in the picture of the general assortment and analyze intermediate results.

Using an automated sales system as a basis will significantly streamline the available information. In addition, it will be easier to build relationships with customers, from his first call to the issuance of an invoice. The ability to make accompanying notes also helps a lot. In addition, they may have various add-ons such as the ability to send instant messages or emails.

Various tools to increase sales

Let's consider such a case when a retail sale of something is carried out through the World Wide Web. Only we will pay attention not to sites, but to social networks. These are quite popular sites where a large number of people are located, and all of them are potential buyers.

According to a fairly large number of people, the presence of a company representative who maintains feedback through social media, increases the number of sales in the amount of a third of the existing turnover. You should not neglect various pleasant bonuses and souvenirs that can please customers with their availability. It may also be an offer to make an additional purchase along with the product.

Consider this case: a person buys a computer, and they offer him a router at a reduced cost, or even give it for free. You just have to follow the rule that additional service should not cost more than the main purchase. You can also use the establishment of a certain purchase threshold.

It should be noted that in this case there is no specific model of interaction and you can work here within the framework of your imagination. The general gist is something like this:

  1. When the value of purchases exceeds a certain amount, the buyer will receive a gift, a raffle coupon or free shipping. Although it could be something else.
  2. When two goods are bought, the third is given free of charge.

Non-standard models

Overall list various ways can go on for a very long time. Yes, and it would be useful to try to turn on your imagination and come up with something new that will help increase the level of sales. Finally, remember this:

  1. Payment of change of goods. This technique can not be called widespread, but it is still quite interesting. So, when the buyer pays for the goods, he receives change not in money, but in some small things. For example - chewing gum, sweets or matches.
  2. Multi-colored price tags. This technique is used in cases where it is necessary to draw attention to a particular product and show that it is special. For example, that a food product will soon deteriorate, and therefore it is sold at a discount.
  3. Time limited price. It has a strong motivating effect on buyers, literally forcing them to buy goods in this moment.
  4. Possibility of return. There is a pretty neat trick here. There is a law that requires you to take back an item if it is returned 14 days after it was purchased. You can play extra on this. It is enough to offer customers that if they do not like the product, they can return it after 14 days.
  5. Price hints. In addition to the cost, in this case it is useful to post information about what is taken together in this particular product.


It is impossible to say exactly how effective these measures will be. Here much depends on the practical implementation and many different aspects. But the fact that the result will be is without a doubt. The main thing is to build a strategy. No need to put everything in a heap and pile one on the second. In which case, you can always use one first, and then something else. In addition, various special moments can be timed to coincide with dates such as the New Year, the summer season, etc.

But in pursuit of the number of sales, do not forget about the minimum required price. For the client, of course, is a valuable person, but it is not worth working at a loss. Therefore, it is necessary to look for the golden mean. And if one person leaves, you should not be sad, but you need to concentrate on the rest of the people who are in the status of a potential client.


Hello! In this article, we will talk about ways to increase retail sales.

Today you will learn:

  • What are the characteristics of retail;
  • What are the ways to increase sales in a retail store;
  • : step-by-step instruction.

Retail Features

Retail sales - sale of goods by the piece to the final consumer for his personal use. This short definition characterizes retail in the best possible way.

Retailers sell goods to the most ordinary consumers, individuals who use it for their own needs. To understand what kind of product the end consumer market needs at the moment, it is necessary to carry out a complete analysis.

However, it should be noted that retail covers almost all areas of business: from consulting services And Food Industry to mechanical engineering and construction.

Retail trade requires less capital investment compared to wholesale. This makes entering the market accessible to almost everyone. However, not everyone should jump into retail because of its affordability.

First you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this type of trade in order to understand whether it is right for your company:

  1. If you produce or purchase goods in large quantities, and you do not have several hundred square meters or an established distribution system in multiple geographies, then retail is not for you. The end consumer market will not be able to accommodate a very large volume of products. There are exceptions: for example, branded goods. They are bought on the first day they enter the market. Remember the queue on Red Square for brand new apple smartphones. However, this is the exception, not the rule. If your product is not yet very popular, then your offer should match the demand.
  2. If you are not ready to spend your money on, then retail is not for you. Important role emotions play in the retail market, they influence the decision to buy. Brilliant advertising campaign. In addition, retail is characterized by a large number of consumers who buy goods in small batches. And this means that in order to ensure sufficient sales, the company needs to notify a large number of consumers about the product. This can be done through marketing communications. We will definitely talk about them.
  3. If you are not sure about the "hardness" of your final price, then retail is not for you. Demand in the end-user market is quite elastic. There are exceptions - these are essential products, such as bread, matches or salt.
  4. There is a need for permanent marketing research. Otherwise, you will miss the moment when your company's sales began to decline and will not have time to eliminate the negative factors that we will talk about now.

Why sales are declining

There are many factors that can have a negative impact on sales. And sometimes it can be circumstances that we have no control over. These include economic, political, technological, socio-cultural, legal and environmental factors external environment.

To determine the strength of the influence of these factors on your business, you need to conduct a PESTEL analysis. In the event that the strength of the influence of these parameters on the market is too great, then it is better not to take risks and refuse to exit. This will save you from financial losses.

But there are negative factors in the occurrence of which the company itself is to blame. We can influence these parameters, so it will be useful to consider each of them in more detail.

Bad store location.

This is the most common mistake new entrepreneurs make. Before or stall, do a little research. Find out where yours is, in what cases your product is purchased. If you answer these two questions, you can save a lot on marketing.

Example. We want an economy format. Our target audience is female students and working women aged 18 to 35. It is not practical to open a salon near the university, as we will cover only female students. It is also unprofitable to choose a sleeping area for opening, since we will cover only one geographical region. But to open a retail outlet near a shopping center near the university and not far from sleeping area would be a good solution. It will be visited by both of your segments.


We opened and decorated the window. But clients do not come to us. What is the reason? Walk up to your point of sale and look at it through the eyes of a consumer. Perhaps it looks unattractive or does not represent your product, and consumers simply do not understand why they should go to you.

When registering an outlet, follow the following rules:

  • The showcase should reflect your product, be associated with it;
  • Give examples of prices. This attracts consumers, especially if these prices are low. But do not deceive, they must correspond to reality;
  • Duplicate information about your promotions on the showcase;
  • Use hot topics for decoration.


There can be many options here, let's look at each:

  • Insufficient assortment width. Your clients don't come back to you after the first visit. This is one of the signs of this problem. Compare your range with your closest competitors, ask consumers what your outlet is missing. This will allow you to eliminate the problem and attract visitors;
  • Too wide range. In this case, the consumer simply cannot choose one product and leaves without buying. One of the marketing agencies conducted an interesting study. First, the client was asked to choose one of three jars of jam of different flavors. The consumer made his choice. The same customer was then asked to choose from 24 different jars of jam. In the second case, the consumer either chose the taste that he chose the first time, or left without buying. The researchers concluded that an assortment containing more than eight items negatively affects sales volumes;
  • The assortment does not match the location of the outlet. For example, our nail salon is located next door to the bridal salon. A good solution to increase sales would be to include a wedding manicure in the assortment.

Low quality of service.

The modern consumer is very demanding. He wants to enjoy the process of making a purchase. The boorish behavior of the staff will not save even the highest quality product. , conduct trainings, . A good retail salesperson is 90% successful.

Ways to increase sales in a retail store

In fact, there are only two ways to increase sales - increasing the consumption of products by existing consumers or.

Attraction of new clients

This method can be implemented by poaching customers from competitors or by entering new segments.

In both cases, you will have to turn to marketing tricks. Tools for implementing each of these methods are given in the table. Some methods are generic.

Looting customers from competitors

Entering new segments

Accompany your potential customer on the way to the store. This method is especially effective if you are in mall. In this case, the consumer who went to your competitor will be interested in your product, because he needs a product, and not a specific company. But be careful, excessive advertising can scare the client and cause irritation.

Use discounts, bonuses and gifts. Passing by your point of sale, the consumer will see tempting offer. Even if he first passes by, then, not seeing the benefits of his "pet", most likely, he will return to you. But this technique will only lead to a short-term increase in sales

Show that your product is better. This can only be done by improving the quality of products and improving service.

Cross events. Agree on a joint promotion with any enterprise. This can be an event (for example, a product tasting in a supermarket), a gift for a purchase from a partner (remember the joint action of the Perekrestok supermarket and the Sunlight jewelry store). The main thing is that your the target audience and your partner's target audience matched

Increasing sales volume through existing customers

It also has two options for implementation: increase in consumption and increase in sales conversion.

Increasing sales conversion.

Sales Conversion - the ratio of the number of visitors to the store to the number of buyers.

From the definition, we can conclude that the conversion is mainly influenced by the parameters of the outlet itself. Therefore, we will work with them.

  • We improve the quality of service. A good seller will be able to sell any product. The bad one will not sell and the best one. There is such a thing as intra-company marketing, which is determined by the company's attitude towards its staff. How better conditions labor, the more sales you get. Also, don't forget about training and motivation;
  • Merchandising. has a direct impact on the sales of your products. There is a rule in marketing outstretched hand. According to this rule, the client in 80% of cases takes the goods to which he can reach without special efforts. If your product is above or below this zone, then sales will be low;
  • Promotions, sales, bonuses. This method will allow you to increase the conversion, but only for the duration of the incentive events.

Increase in consumption.

In this case, all our actions will be aimed at increasing the average check.

You can do this in the following ways:

  • Price increase. By increasing the price of your products, you will increase the average purchase amount, but may decrease the conversion rate. So you won't get an increase in sales. To prevent this from happening, remember a simple rule: any price change must be justified. The client must understand that you raised the price for a reason, but because your packaging has changed to a more convenient one (in fact, the price and packaging may not be related to each other).
  • Additional services or goods. After your consumer has chosen the main product, offer to complement it with a service or another product. For example, you sold a necklace, offer the buyer a gift box. This add-on will not be a significant expense for the client, but in total will bring you a good additional sales volume in monetary terms.
  • Loyalty program. The Loyalty Card will not increase the average check, but it will lead to an increase in the number of purchases by the consumer in your store. There are several types of discount cards: bonus, accumulative, privileged. Each of them has its own tasks, but combines them common goal- increase in sales.

How does the loyalty program work? For example, we own a grocery store and we have a loyalty card, which is provided free of charge when buying from 1000 rubles. There is another grocery store across from us, but it doesn't have own program loyalty. Customers who have a card of our store will come to us to receive a discount, bonuses or gifts (depending on the type of card). Thus, we "tie" consumers with a card, forcing them to buy only from us, increasing sales.

Step by step guide to increase sales

Each business is unique, but there is a certain sequence of steps that will increase sales for both a furniture store and a consulting company.

Step 1 . We define the specifics of our outlet.

There is a huge amount various forms retail stores.

They can differ in the following parameters:

  • Form of service: self-service, Internet trading, catalog sales, self-service machines and stalls, traditional service, pre-order;
  • According to the form of organization: a single outlet, a network, small retail trade, mobile trade;
  • By type of goods: food and non-food.

The shape of the store determines the range of problems that can affect the decline in sales. For example, in a clothing retail store, the main reason for the decline in sales may be the low qualification of contact staff, and this is unlikely to be the reason.

Step 2. We are looking for weaknesses.

Main weak side retail stores are:

  • Small volumes of a one-time purchase by one client;
  • Too much high price. Big margin is good. But do not go too far, otherwise you will lose customers;
  • Too wide target audience. You want to sell everything to everyone, but it is very difficult to do so. A much more effective solution would be to focus on one segment.

Separately, I would like to highlight the problems of online trading:

  • Inconvenient location of active buttons. These include the button "buy", "pay", "place an order" and others. If the client has to look for such a button for a long time, then he will simply leave without buying;
  • The site is not adapted for mobile devices. According to statistics, about 40% of sales are made from mobile devices, so displaying a site from a phone should be as convenient, understandable and informative as from a computer;
  • Too complicated and long checkout and registration forms. The client is not enough nerve cells to fill out your form and place an order. Don't test his patience;
  • Insufficient information about the product, low quality photos. The consumer must know what he is buying.

Step 3. We choose methods for solving the problem.

Scroll up and see which method and tool to increase sales can increase sales in your store.

For example, if your customers are shopping for small amounts, then you should use the increase consumption method. Offer additional goods at the checkout, enter a cumulative bonus card.

In trade, the question of increasing sales is absolutely commonplace. No matter how much you sell now, the plan will always be a little higher. Otherwise it's just not the right plan. And most importantly, the answer to the question of how to increase sales has long been found. You just need to be not too lazy to use the best practices and achievements of successful companies.

Sales success formula

On difficult path Increasing sales volume is important to know the formula for sales success. This formula works for everyone, this formula captures the very essence of sales. If you learn how to use it, then you will get what you want. Here is the formula for sales success:

The Sales Success Formula tells you a few important things:

  1. If you want to increase sales, influence such as: traffic, conversion and average check;
  2. You must constantly monitor the above indicators. If you do not know your current values ​​of these indicators, this is an alarming signal - you are not in control of the situation;
  3. No matter who you are a business owner or a simple seller, these indicators do not depend on the scale, they can simply be called differently;
  4. While working on one indicator, monitor and control the others. It often happens that the conversion was increased, but the average check fell and, as a result, did not change.
  5. In an established system, these indicators are in balance and it is not so easy to influence them.

The last point is especially important on the way to increase sales. For example, you have a store that sells groceries in a residential area of ​​a microdistrict. The audience of the store is constant, the average check and conversion will not change much. In such a system, without changing the assortment and without attracting new customers, sales cannot be increased much, there is a ceiling for the consumer market. And your task is to decide whether you have reached the ceiling of this market. If yes, then all the standard methods to increase sales will not help you much, you are unlikely to recoup the costs.

What affects the main KPI indicators

So, analyzing the issue of increasing sales, we have already learned 3 main indicators through which you can increase sales. Let's see what affects these indicators.

How to increase traffic

Traffic is the number of visitors to your store i.e. potential buyers. Generally speaking, there are two main ways to influence traffic.

Attract new customers to the store

It is worth noting that there are a lot of ways to express yourself to the consumer. All you need to do is choose the ones that suit you and are the most effective in your sales segment. Here are the main sources of attraction:

  • Outdoor advertising and;
  • Advertising on the Internet - contextual advertising, targeted advertising, banner advertising;
  • SEO- search engine optimization, as well as other free advertising on the Internet;
  • SMM - promotion in social networks;
  • Customer recommendations (word of mouth);
  • Advertising in the media - TV, newspapers, magazines;

By the way, in, and network marketing, you increase incoming traffic solely due to your active actions. This tool is also available for stationary sellers, primarily by working with the existing customer base.

Return customers who have bought before

The return of customers is influenced by such indicators as: the quality of service, the competitiveness of your offer, loyalty systems and bonus cards. Every sane seller works in this direction. In sales to the corporate segment, this is called building a base. A seller with a large base of his customers is very much appreciated. At the same time, not all trade organizations are seriously engaged in collecting contacts of their customers and their further involvement.

Very interesting point is the long-term nature of these activities. New customers can be attracted quickly enough, but the cost of attracting events is quite high. And vice versa, creating conditions for customers to return to you again and again is less expensive, but you will not get the effect quickly.

How to increase conversion

Conversion is the percentage of customers who bought to the total number of potential customers (traffic). The number of leads for each type of sale will be different. So for a store, it will be customers who come to the store, for a site it is site traffic, for SMM audience coverage, for contextual advertising, the number of clicks on ads and the number of ad impressions.

First of all on internal state store (seller, site), the more conditions for purchases are created, the higher the conversion will be. Conversely, the difficulties that the client faces when buying reduce the conversion. Conversion is a hygienic indicator of management professionalism. The main difficulties that reduce the conversion in the store:

  • , or rather its absence, for example, the lack of price tags or inconvenient store navigation;
  • Queues at the checkouts and other factors that reduce the speed of purchase;

In fact, these points are relevant for other types of sales, for example, for a website:

  • Ease of site navigation, intuitive clear design, mobile version and so on.;
  • Unqualified personnel;
  • Complicated form filling on the site;
  • High prices for goods or non-competitive offer;

In general, as we can see, in order to increase conversion and, as a result, sales, it is necessary to put things in order and train staff. What is generally not so difficult, it is much more difficult to maintain order and the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of your salespeople.

Increasing the average check

The average check is how much money one customer spends in your store. The average check consists of two components - the number of goods in the check and the average purchase price. There are many ways available to you:

  • Cross sale (cross sale,) - this is a related product to the main one;
  • - this is the sale to the client of a more expensive product;
  • - the location of related products next to the main one;
  • also increases the number of goods in the check;
  • Expansion of the assortment - often the increase in the average bill is hindered by the absence of a particular product or the absence of expensive goods;

What are the clients

An increase in the average check is, first of all, the correct monetization of incoming traffic. Remember that among the customers who come to you there are always loyal people who will buy everything that you offer them. Anyone who has worked in sales will confirm that there are 3 categories of customers:

  1. Shopaholics - buy everything in their path. They get true happiness from the buying process, boldly go to communicate with the seller. The main thing is to create positive attitude. They are rare, depending on the scope of sales from 2 to 10% of total clients.
  2. Skeptics - are suspicious of any activity of the seller. They like to make their own decisions. With the advent of the Internet, such customers have almost completely moved there, although life still drives them to offline stores. No more than 5% of all clients.
  3. Middle class - ordinary customers who need to understand what they pay for. They can show the qualities of both shopaholics and skeptics, it depends on the terms of the sale. The vast majority of clients are like that. If you correctly explain to them that the product meets their needs and is worth the money, then they will buy from you.

Your task as a seller is to create conditions for shopaholics and middle class got what they need. Unfortunately, many sellers avoid using methods to increase the average check because they see no reason to scare customers. At the same time, the same seller may puzzle over the question of how to increase sales.

Most entrepreneurs who started their business from scratch, and experienced businessmen, are concerned about the question how to increase store sales?

This article will cover 9 effective ways that can increase profits.

A big plus: they do not require additional solid investments in implementation.

How to increase sales in the store: we determine the main factors

Before moving on to the main topic, how to increase sales, it is necessary to determine what their level depends on:

    A huge role in the sale is played by the location of products on shelves, racks or hangers.

    There is even a special "science" - merchandising.

    What matters is how the product looks.

    For example, it will be difficult to convince a client that this meat is worth buying if it looks like it has been in the window for a week.

    Products must be whole, clean, look presentable.

  1. Also, of course, the level of sales depends on the ratio of price and quality.

And now let's go directly to the study of the main tricks that will help increase sales.

9 effective ways to increase sales in the store

Rule number 1. The more expensive, the better

For each visitor in the store, the sales assistant should be closely monitored.

And not because the buyer can appropriate something for himself and not pay for it at the checkout, but in order to offer the product more expensive in time and thereby increase the number of sales.

Sounds absurd?

For example, a sales assistant noticed that a visitor was already ready to buy a hat.

At that moment, he approaches, and without any obtrusiveness and trembling in his voice offers a similar product, only 15-20% more expensive.

Of course, not just like that.

At the same time, he refers to the fact that the hat he proposed:

  • several orders of magnitude better than the previous hat;
  • produced by a well-known company;
  • this brand will be popular next season;
  • be in the status of exclusive accessories, etc.

No fashionista can resist such a list of advantages.

In addition, psychology works here: most people cannot pronounce the phrases “this is expensive for me”, “I want something cheaper”.

This move allows you to increase the number of products sold, despite the fact that "misfires" in this scheme, of course, happen quite often.

But even if 30–45% of all visitors fall for this trick, this method will increase conversion by 22%!

Rule number 2. The more the better

In order for a consumer to buy not one, but several products, he needs a good reason.

Let's go back, again, for example with a hat.

Only in this case, the seller should increase sales by offering to additionally buy another position at the outlet, and not a similar product.

For example, purchase suitable gloves or an elegant scarf for a new hat.

In no case should an employee force them to try on the offered product and be intrusive!

This will have the opposite effect.

The shopper may even continue to bypass the store on the 10th road to avoid this 'sticky character'.

The seller must demonstrate the second thing, describing its merits.

It is important to explain to the person why he would leave with two purchases at all.

For example, noticing that the proposed scarf is in harmony with the chosen hat, while creating a full-fledged fashionable look.

This is a good trick that allows you to increase sales in the store.

Rule #3

This rule is in some sense "consonant" with the previous one.

In every clothing store there are products that can additionally increase sales, but are usually not offered to customers when choosing a main item.

This is the so-called small things, which are usually put up in the checkout area or on small racks around the trading floor.

Such related products can be:

  • scarves;
  • hairpins;
  • umbrellas;
  • bijouterie;
  • various cases, wallets.

How it works?

For example, a man buys jeans.

At the checkout, he is offered to purchase an additional pair of men's socks.

This is argued by the fact that then the purchase amount will reach the required minimum in order to open a discount card.

Few of the buyers will refuse: socks will always come in handy, and participation in the funded system is an opportunity to save on purchases in the future.

It seems to the consumer that this is a profitable investment, and he agrees.

Although the profit of the entrepreneur from one such sale is small, but if you sum up the results of the month, then the increase in sales using this method becomes obvious.

Therefore, store owners should not refuse to use such zones, and they should also motivate sellers and cashiers to mention the existence of such goods to customers.

Rule #4

Use methods that will allow you to find out the contact number of the buyer at the time of the sale of any product.

Most easy way is to ask to fill out a small questionnaire, for which the client can receive a discount card.

In this way, you can create a database of store visitors.

How will this help increase sales at the point of sale?

The collected contact numbers of consumers are used for calling.

Here's how consultants can argue a call to a buyer:

  1. Informing about new deliveries to the store.
  2. Messages about advantageous offers.
    For example, “buy one razor as a gift for a man on February 14, get the second as a gift” or “we will pack it in a beautiful gift paper for free".
  3. To find out why the customer has not visited the store for a long time, and whether he has any wishes regarding the service or product.

The ability to properly work with such a tool is a real art.

This should only be done by employees who have good diction are able to handle objections.

They also give a good response rate, and will also increase sales in the store.

The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by statistics:

Rule number 5. Enter a discount card

To increase sales in the store in this way, you need to familiarize yourself with the two sides of the coin of this process.

The positive side of the coin

How to increase sales in the store?

Basically, an increase in the number of consumers. And the discount card allows you to "get" them.

Buyers will always be attracted by the opportunity to save.

For example, a girl wants to buy a handbag. This model is in two nearby stores. Only in one she has a discount card, and in the other she does not. Of course, she will go to buy goods where at least a small savings awaits her. Reasonable, isn't it?

With the help of discounts, we can increase sales by attracting more customers, rather than inflating prices.

Negative side

When issuing such cards regular customers, the store loses the lion's share of the profits.

Like it or not, but the amount “underpaid” by the buyer is the lost profit of the outlet.

Therefore, the expediency of using cards must be calculated in each case separately.

Each owner will decide whether to use this method of attracting visitors.

But its effectiveness cannot be denied. Moreover, the efficiency is gradually increasing.

Pay attention to the comparative statistics of whether the presence of a discount card affects attendance:

Rule #6

This is another move that aims to increase sales in the store.

Calculate the average enterprise and add approximately 25–35% to it.

This amount will be the benchmark for bonus program.

For example, the average store check was about 2,000 rubles. Then, in order to receive bonuses, the buyer will need to cross the threshold of 2,500 rubles (2000 + 25% = 2500).

Come up with some gifts as an encouragement.

It can be both store products and any products of partner companies.

In this way, it will be possible to increase sales in the store.

In addition, teach your employees to pronounce words such as: “You made a purchase in the amount of 2,320 rubles.

If you purchase goods for another 180 rubles, we give you one of the gifts to choose from:

  • plush toy;
  • flashlight;
  • keychain;
  • handle;
  • fridge magnet".

It can be anything! The main thing is to interest the buyer and make him pay even more.

Also, instead of gifts, under the terms of the bonus program, you can earn points that customers can spend on purchases in the future.

It kills two birds with one stone: it attracts people and makes them become regular customers.

The scheme is this:

Rule #7

This list 10 better ways how to increase sales in the store, would be incomplete if you consider promotions.

Promotions will always exist, because this is the easiest way to increase the volume of goods sold.

They allow you to motivate a person and incline to more spending than he originally planned.

The most effective scheme that will help increase sales is 2 + 1 or 3 + 1 (buy three items and get the fourth one for free).

This method not only allows you to increase sales in the store, but also helps when changing products to new collection or move to another season.

The store sells several things at once that could lie without being sold, instead of writing them off and sending them to stock centers.

In addition, this method will help increase the number of customers in the store.

It was noted that information about such actions is distributed with the help of "word of mouth" especially actively.

Rule number 8. "Book of complaints and suggestions"

According to the law, each entrepreneurial business must have such a book and issue it at the first request of the client.

But often the owners completely ignore their presence: the document is sent “to the table”, and is issued only upon urgent requests (“or you never know what nasty things they write to us”).

Meanwhile, this may be one of the reasons why it is not possible to increase sales in the store.


The fact is that according to complaints and suggestions, self-respecting boutiques or retail outlets determine what exactly the buyers lack!

Of course, you should not offer every visitor to leave a record there.

Instead, short surveys can be introduced.

They can be carried out by cashiers when selling goods, and you can also place a box for requests and wishes on the trading floor.

Buyers can be asked how they feel about:

  • the price level in the store,
  • variety of assortment
  • service personnel,
  • the atmosphere in the store (playing music, decor, product layout).

In addition, you can unobtrusively ask to leave a comment about the work of the outlet on the site.

This will not only give feedback, but also attract new people to visit you.

Answer sheets should be USE, improving the work of the outlet, and not sending it to a distant box.

Then you can increase sales by correcting possible problems.

The video contains practical advice to increase the level of sales from an experienced entrepreneur:

Rule #9

To increase sales in the store, you need to think not only about selling “here and now”.

Work for the future.

For example, a person bought an expensive tablet, phone, laptop in your store.

And suddenly, after a day or two, representatives of the store call the buyer and ask:

  1. Is the consumer satisfied with the purchase?
  2. How quickly did you manage to set up an expensive acquisition?
  3. Do you need help with technology?
  4. Do you have any suggestions to improve the store?

Agree, this gesture is very pleasant.

Each person will appreciate such care.

In addition, you will definitely want to tell your friends and acquaintances about this step of the store.

And "word of mouth" radio - effective method free advertising.

The above methods will help you decide how to increase store sales.

But we must not forget about the main thing behind the "tinsel": the key to the success of the outlet is customer care, high-quality goods and highly qualified sales consultants.

If everything is in order with this “base”, the methods described in the article will help increase sales in the store in a short time.

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