My opinion about the picture harvest. Lesson for the development of speech in the Russian language "Work on an essay based on picture A



Plastov in his painting Harvest depicts an old man surrounded by young children who have taken a break from work to have a bite to eat. Perhaps they are from the same family or just from the same village and the children help the adult do the mowing. The man in front of us is elderly, but he is clearly physically strong and wiser by experience; against his background, the more mobile and frisky figures of children contrast.

The artist divided the front part of the composition, as it were, into two halves, on the one hand a haystack, on the other - people. As we found out earlier, the wheat ear can refer to the symbolism of the cycle of nature, but the second half of the composition also speaks of this. We see not only the continuity of generations, but also life cycle, which is embodied in specific people.

The old man will outlive his old man, these kids will come to replace him, they will also have children and will also sow and reap, cultivate the land and create, work and create, in order to fertilize the earth with themselves and germinate again. Such is the eternal cycle, the continuous movement of existence.

In the picture, Plastov depicted a distant perspective, the landscape stretches as far as the eye can see and beyond. When you look, it seems that you can cover the whole planet with your eyes. This, in my opinion, the artist emphasizes his idea.

On the one hand, we have a particular perpetual motion, which lies in ordinary people. On the other hand, there is the all-encompassing nature of this movement, which stretches without limits and there are many such people, old people and children all over the earth. As spikelets in a haystack pressed against each other, so people press against each other, making up a whole.

When you look at such a picture, some kind of light sadness embraces. Longing for limitation human existence, however, and the joy of realizing the greatness of this world.

IN traditional culture the symbol of the wheat ear has always been associated with the idea of ​​eternal return, natural cycles and the timeless nature of the soul. Just as an ear of wheat falls into the ground to germinate and become something new, the entire flowing structure of the universe is being built.

At times Soviet Union people tried to stay away from religious belief and mysticism. However, awareness and understanding of the world is practically impossible to completely take away from a person and people always comprehend the universe. Especially if we are talking O creative people such as artists.

Option 2

"Harvest" - a painting by the famous Russian artist Plastov Arkady Alexandrovich. The author depicts a simple lunch peasant family in the field during the harvest.

Members of a peasant family settled down next to a high haystack. They've been hard at work and it's time to eat and rest during their lunch break. The painting depicts an old man, two boys and a girl. The old man has a long gray beard, shaggy uncut gray hair, coarse peasant hands. Even though they are warm summer days, grandfather put on a brown jacket and put on boots. The children are wearing lighter clothes: the boys are sitting in shirts and pants, and the girl is wearing a red dress, a sweater and covering her head with a scarf. One of the boys is drinking from an earthenware jug, the rest of the children are eating. A dog looks at the peasants with a pitiful look, begging them for food for himself.

Next to the heroes of the picture are their working tools: rakes, sickles, a scythe. The boys work with sickles, and the girl, apparently, works with a rake, raking the mowed ears of wheat into heaps. The gray-haired old man works obliquely. All the heroes of the picture do very hard work: the boys and the girl have to work without straightening their backs, and the grandfather works hard with a scythe. Not far from the old man and children who are having dinner, there are other people who, like the main characters in the picture, are working in the field. There are large sheaves in the field, spikelets of wheat and horses are visible.

The picture evokes a whole range of feelings in the viewer. On the one hand, she radiates kindness, warmth and care, as family members work together and work together. Little children help the old man already in this early age. However, on the other hand, the viewer is very sorry for these people, because they have to do very hard work to feed themselves.

Plastov very accessible managed to convey the emotional component of the picture. The author depicts the difficult life of a typical village family, in which both "old and young" work. "Harvest" is a picture illustrating one of the hundreds of thousands of simple peasant families in Russia.

Description of the painting Harvest

When you look at this canvas, you should remember the year in which it was written. It's 1945! That is peaceful domestic scene, shown to us, takes place either in the still military 1944, or in the first post-war 1945. Yes, and the forty-fifth is conditionally peaceful: the surviving fathers and brothers have not yet returned, in August there will be a new massacre - a war on Far East with imperialist Japan, new funerals will come to many families ...

In the foreground, an old collective farmer with his grandson and two little granddaughters are having an afternoon snack in a rye or wheat field, sitting on the stubble near the sheaves. Simple rural food: porridge, which they carefully take with wooden spoons, bread, cucumbers and milk in a jug.

The old peasant makes a special impression. He is thick-set, strong, despite his age. It is immediately clear that this man had to endure a lot, but the trials did not break him and never will break him.

The grandchildren of the old man look in contrast and at the same time harmoniously. They are still very young, they should play, not work in the field, but life forced them, like their grandfather, to grow and harvest bread, which is so necessary for the Motherland and rightfully, they eat their simple food in the field.

This picture keeps you around, calls you to think and realize what trials fell to the lot in those days. common people both adults and children!

An essay on this topic is written in the 6th grade.

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    In the foreground of the canvas is a country road. Despite the fact that the whole landscape is made in dark colors, the season is guessed - early spring.

The artist painted the picture in the summer of 1945.

Looking at the picture, the heart is filled with love and peace. The artist used warm color scheme, which does not excite the viewer, but rather attracts attention. Warmth emanates from the painting.

In the very center of the picture, Arkady Alexandrovich depicted an old man and three children who sat down to dine after hard work.

We see an old man. His hair and beard were white with age. Hair carelessly disheveled by the wind. Dressed in a dark blue shirt and pants. The clothes are already worn out, but no one pays attention to it. The old man is also wearing a brown jacket and worn boots. Even though it's the height of summer, the old man is dressed like that. He may have fallen ill, but he needs help harvesting the crop they were able to save from the Nazis.

There are three children next to him. Two boys and a girl. Presumably these are his grandchildren.

The girl braided her hair in two pigtails, and tied a snow-white scarf on her head. She wears a dark jacket and a red skirt. She has reddish boots on her feet.

A red-haired boy sits next to her. He has long thick hair and a green shirt. And behind him kneels a boy in a snow-white shirt and dark pants. He drinks from a jug.

They all sat down to eat together. Each has a wooden spoon. And in a red clay pot there is a stew. At the time, it was a delicacy. We also see how a couple of cucumbers lie. A dog sits next to the old man. He carefully looks at the food in the hope that he will get at least a piece. Near the dog is a small basket with spikelets. Behind them are the sheaves of grain they have gathered. And on the horizon you can see carts of people, they collect these sheaves. The sky is light blue color, without a single cloud.

Everyone knows that the most difficult summer was in 1945. This is the first summer after the war. The soldiers have not all returned to their homes yet, and people are gradually restoring the virgin lands. The famous Russian artist of that time Plastov Arkady Alexandrovich had a special talent. He could paint a canvas at a glance, on which one could feel the mood and feelings of the moment captured by the artist. Most of his work has been awarded prizes, but no awards can compare with the viewer's love for paintings. One of these works of the author is the painting "Harvest".

Description of the painting by Plastova Harvest

This is a nice picture. In the sense - everything is beautiful, everyone is resting. Lunch in nature. Here the harvest continues, and this is a break.

The heroes here are old and young, as they say. One grandfather and three children (eight years old - two boys and a girl). Maybe it's his grandchildren (or grandson and neighbor's children). And to the right is a dog. It almost blends in with the color of the rye, which I understand they harvest. And it's time! The sky is gray-gray, which means that rain is possible, and you need to collect before the rain. But still, you need to eat. They didn't even cover anything. Probably, the earth is very warm, warmed up during the summer.

The characters sit around a bowl of food. It's probably porridge. They eat with spoons. The dog is waiting for a handout. Grandfather is sitting in a sheepskin coat, he is cold, as often the old people. And, in my opinion, he is in bast shoes. He has a beard (now it is also fashionable)! He is still holding a piece of bread in his hand.

A girl with pigtails and, as expected in the village, in a headscarf. She has a red skirt, some kind of gray jacket. Behind her is a boy in a light pistachio shirt. The other is in white. And this one is not quite sitting, but half-rising and drinking from a jug. There may be milk or water, compote.

This meal is against the backdrop of a haystack, it is even beautifully tied up at the top. All sorts of harvesting tools are thrown here. Like a pitchfork and so on ... Some huge "scrapers", rags for some reason. But everything, of course, was not just dragged into the field. There is a basket behind the grandfather. Looks like they brought lunch.

In the background there are still sheaves, a compressed field. Maybe there are more people there. I see a cart with a horse in the distance. Some people also...

Our heroes eat calmly, concentrated. No talking yet, no pranks. They're just all tired. The backs are hunched. But if they eat here, then they still have to stay here and work in the field. And it's already dark!

Only on the horizon light streak. Not sunrise or sunset, but just where the veil of clouds ends.

I still like the picture. I think that they will refresh themselves, everything will be completed quickly. They won't get caught in the rain, they'll have time to compress everything! What's left to do?

Description of the mood of the painting Harvest

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Probably not every person in his life could directly observe the harvesting of bread and in what a difficult way this delicious product ends up on our table. Plastov's painting "Harvest", as well as "Haymaking" written in 1945, tell us about everyday life ordinary people, collective farmers employed in the fields harvesting.

For these paintings about the summer season Arkady Plastov was awarded Stalin Prize that at that time for Soviet artist was simply unattainable peak.

In the painting "Harvest", the artist depicted a short rest, during which the family has lunch. The wheat harvest is mowed and swept into large stacks. Some haystacks are already loaded onto carts that are visible on the horizon. Huge shocks are also visible there, waiting for their turn to go to the current.

The grandfather, who also went out to harvest with his teenage grandchildren, of course, did not have time to reap so much. In an elderly man, the forces are no longer the same as in his youth, and he regrets his grandchildren. It is not easy for them, because the father has not yet returned from the front, and all the burden of the difficult peasant labor lay on the shoulders of such old people and teenagers. But in their hearts lives the hope that everything will be fine, if only the father would return ... “Then it would be easier for the mother,” the children think. For an incredibly long four years, the village, which sent men to the front, provided the country and the front with food. And now the long-awaited day of Victory has come, but the way of the soldiers home to their relatives is still so long. And not all of them will knock on the door of their home, where they are still waiting for them, no matter what.

Grandfather and grandchildren slowly eat simple peasant food, scooping thick porridge from the pan with painted wooden spoons. Cucumbers are laid out on a scarf. One of the boys drinks water from an earthenware jug, in which the water remains cool for a long time. Nearby, a yard dog sits quietly, his ears up, he patiently awaits handouts. The figure of a bearded gray-haired old man is very colorfully depicted. While working, his hair was very disheveled. He holds a small piece of rye bread in his large, overworked hands, and it is clear to the audience that he only occasionally bites off of it, trying to ensure that the guys have enough food.

Although the children are wearing light clothing, a worn brown jacket is thrown over the old man's shoulders. Perhaps he is not completely healthy and therefore is afraid of catching a cold and falling asleep. Then it will be even harder for the family to manage the household.

Plastov depicts a field stretching from edge to edge, the wheat on which is already almost all harvested and only the stubble colors it in yellow-green color. Plastov always preferred to use color and shades that most accurately characterized the theme, conveyed his attitude to the depicted event.

Next to the mop one can see the tools of labor of this peasant family. Apparently, the grandfather worked with a scythe, which he leaned against a haystack for the rest, and the boys with sickles. The picture also shows a wooden rake. Perhaps the girl was raking the spikelets with them.

Currently, the painting "Harvest" is on display at the State Tretyakov Gallery, causes bright sadness from the contemplation of the endless expanses of fields and the modest meal of the peasants after the war.

Item _________________________________________

Class _________

Date _____________________

Lesson topic: “R.r. No. 13. Composition - description of the painting by A. Plastov "Harvest" ».

The purpose of the lesson:- to acquaint with the work of the artist A.A. Plastov; continue to teach how to make a plan, interest in creating your own text; the desire for speech self-improvement; build oral statement, using an art history text and a picture of the artist; to form the ability to analyze a work of painting and argue your answer, draw conclusions; develop Creative skills students; develop spelling vigilance, memory, attention, imagination.

Planned results:
subject: build an oral statement using an art history text and an artist’s picture, arrange a written speech in accordance with literary norms.

metasubject: organize their work, work with the text, conduct self-assessment, correct their work.

personal: sufficient volume vocabulary and acquired grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings when creating a text in writing.

Lesson type. Lesson in the development of speech.

Equipment: Computer, visual and demonstrative material, task cards, slide presentation.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

The lesson starts.

He will go, guys, for the future.

Try to understand everything

Learn to unlock secrets

Give complete answers

And don't yawn in class!

    Formulation of the topic, objectives and goals of the lesson. Slide #2, #3

III. Preparing students for active perception of the picture.

Teacher. You answered correctly. Today we have a speech development lesson. Students write the numbers in their notebooks Classwork, topic of the lesson: Composition-description based on the painting by A.A. Plastov

"Harvest". Slide #1

More recently, we have already written an essay, but according to the supporting words.

Do you remember what picture we described?

Was it easy to describe this picture. Indeed, there were few difficulties, because. you used key words and cards to help you make sentences.

Today we have to open wonderful world Russian painting. We will get acquainted with the work of the outstanding Russian painter A. Plastov, we will see his paintings.

Paul Gauguin said that paintings are a real treasure human culture. Do you agree with this statement?

Today we have to write an essay on the picture. But first, I suggest that you become real scientists, in whose hands an invaluable creation of a Russian artist fell into. You and I will become pioneers who will try to reveal the secret of painting.

How did the masters manage to create their masterpieces? What techniques do artists use to create their paintings?

Ready, gentlemen, scientists for discoveries? Then let's get started.

Today your task is more difficult. You will describe the picture without key words, i.e., using the experience of the last lesson, you will choose the words yourself.

Let's remember what type of speech you will use in your essay.


IV. Work on the painting

a) Conversation about the artist A.A. Plastov (acquaintance with the work of the artist)

Our textbook will help you get acquainted with the life and work of another famous Russian artist Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov. Open p.89, under the heading "It's interesting" read a short article about this artist. Reading Marina L.

Now look at the screen. slide number 5

Before you is a portrait of the artist. Pay attention to his eyes. They say: “The eyes are the mirror of the human soul. His eyes are kind and attentive." Only true a kind person can love children. Most of his life, the artist lived in the village, watching hard life rural residents. His paintings reveal beauty and power native land, express admiration for a person - a worker. Plastov's favorite heroes are village children. They are present in almost every of his canvases. ("The First Snow", Tractor Drivers' Dinner", "In the Village",

"Fascist has flown" and many others. Slide #6, #7

Arkady Alexandrovich left us a legacy a large number of paintings. His paintings reflect life common man. And all together they add up to the great chronicle of the country, difficult and heroic.


“Our rest is a physical education minute,
Take your seats.
One - sat down, two - got up,
Everyone raised their hands up.
Sit down, get up, sit down, get up
Vanka-vstanka as if they had become,
And then they took off running
Like my bouncy ball.

b) Examination by students of a reproduction of the painting "Harvest"Slide #8

The painting "Harvest", on which we will work today, was created by Plastov in 1945, a very important year for the country. What is this year?

This picture of the bitter price of wartime bread. In every piece of bread that went to the front, the warmth of children's and old man's hands lived who sowed, grew grain all these long war years. Here it is the sad face of war. There are no obvious signs of war on this canvas, but we can feel it through the description of the picture. In the foreground Old man with small children. The question immediately arises why an old man, who needs to rest for a long time, and children who cannot bear this work are working at such hard work. Yes, because all adult strong men are at the front, defending their homeland. So those who remained plow, sow, mow: old people and young children. The artist, like a magician, showed us a small episode from that life far from us. And we can feel both a sense of bitterness and a sense of pride in our great country.

c) "Immersion in the picture"(during the analysis of the picture, students write down answers in their notebooks)

Teacher. Having got acquainted with the life and work of the great painter Arkady Plastov, let's fast forward to the world of his painting "Harvest".

Reproduction of this painting.

    What first caught your attention?

    Consider the picture more closely. Who is the artist in the foreground?

    (in the foreground of the picture we see a group of people. This is an old collective farmer and three children. They have lunch, rest after hard work)

    Describe the old man, what is he like? (bearded, beard almost completely white, gray, thick hair not combed) Slide #9

    Pay attention to the hands of the old man. The artist carefully wrote out his hardened, darkened from work, calloused hands heavy, hard-working hands. They are big, big. In one hand, the old man holds a piece of black bread, and in the other, a wooden spoon, with which he carefully sips simple food from a reddish clay pot. The old man threw an old dark brown coat over his shoulders, under it a blue canvas shirt .. On his feet are old broken shoes.

    In front of him are three children. Let's talk about the girl first, because she's closer to us. What is she wearing, what is she doing? (The girl’s head is covered, tied with a white cotton scarf, from under which two pigtails are knocked out. A dark blouse, a red dress, stockings on her legs tucked under her and cherry-colored boots. She also has a spoon in her hand Slide #10

    What can you say about boys? Probably her brothers. (near the girl sits her brother, a red-haired, swirling boy. He has not been cut for a long time: either there is no time, or maybe there is no one to put his head in order. And again I remember:

After all, the war, and you never know where the mother of these children is. The little boy is also focused on food, like all his relatives.

    What do you think about the second boy? (The boy greedily drinks water from an earthenware jug, and maybe milk. Apparently he was very tired and thirsty, not even before eating. Both are simply dressed - in shirts, yellow and white, and dark pants.).

    What can you say about the dog? Slide #11

(the dog looks intently at the diners, impatiently waiting for a piece to fall to it)

10. What is to the left of the diners? (To the left of the diners is a large stack, only assembled, on which scythes and rakes are piled). What is the family food like? (Cucumbers, black bread, stew are laid out on a scarf. Simple peasant food). Slide #12

11. What is shown in the background. (An endless field stretches out, the same huge haystacks. A gray pre-stormy sky rises above all this. Apparently, due to bad weather, grandfather and grandchildren were in a hurry to harvest).

12. Recall from the lessons visual arts about cold and warm colors. What (warm or cold) did the artist use in the picture? (Warm - red dress, red-brown jug, orange-red hair, a lot of yellow,

They make the picture bright, light; cold ones - green cucumbers, a blue shirt, a brown coat - create a feeling of bitterness. (not many of these colors).

13. What mood do we get when looking at the picture? What did you feel?

She pleases with her bright colors, the beauty of nature depicted. Summer is especially attractive - the time of the year when all nature blooms. From the canvas breathes a deep sincere love for people and for the Motherland.

d) Vocabulary workSlide #13

To write an essay correctly, you need to use words correctly in your speech. To do this, we will find out with you the meaning of some words.

We write in a notebook: a dictionary.

The name of the painting is "Harvest". What do you think this means?

Harvest - harvest time

What time of year is the harvest? (late summer, early autumn)

Haystack - a pile of densely packed hay or compressed cereals under open sky, cylindrical shape with a rounded top.

A sheaf is a tied bunch of ears of some kind of cereal.

Stubble (stubble) - a compressed field of wheat, the remains of stalks of compressed cereals on the field (they are very prickly when you step on them bare feet).

To avoid repetition in the essay, I propose to find synonyms for some words.

A. A. Plastov - artist, painter, master, author.

Painting - canvas, canvas, work, reproduction

Harvest is the harvest.

When describing a picture, we use adjectives - definitions. What are colorful beautiful definitions called (Epithets)

Old man - an elderly man, tired from work

The face of the old man is bearded, a beard with gray hair, which indicates his age. Hair on one's head - disheveled wind, s confused, hair not combed

Old man's hands overworked strong, strong, calloused, hardened, darkened from work. The artist wanted to show us that this old man - hard worker.

The old man's clothes are a dark old coat, brown, blue shirt and old shoes.

Girl - white, cotton handkerchief, light, red, scarlet, cherry, shoes, boots


A) red-haired, swirling, uncut.

B) white shirt, dark pants, black

Dog - looks intently, greedily, wants to eat

The picture is dominated yellow, we select synonyms: golden, bright yellow, sunny, straw (remember the spelling compound adjectives)

There are shades of brown: light brown, fawn

V. Planning

Any essay is a text that obeys the rules. In order for your story about the picture to be logical, you need to make a plan.

Let's remember the composition of the essay. Work with the textbook. Pay attention to "Assistant Tips".

What is another name for the beginning of an essay? (Introduction)

What can you write about in an introduction? (About the theme of the picture, about general impression from her, about the artist who created it).

The introduction is followed by the main part (What will you write in the main part? The picture and what is depicted on it are described).

In the final part, we will write about our impression of the picture. Slide #14

Plan (approximate)

I famous artist- landscape painter Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov

II Painting "Harvest"

1. Foreground. People depicted in the picture (old man, children)

2. The background paintings (stacks, tools)

III. My impression of the painting.

I remind you: each paragraph of the essay begins with a red line.

VI. Summarizing. Reflection.

Tell us about the mood that appeared in you when considering Plastov's painting "Harvest".

What emotions does this reproduction evoke?

VII. Homework. Make a plan for describing the picture, prepare for writing an essay.

Before us is the picture of A.A. Plastov "Harvest". WITH big love and skill, the artist reveals the beauty and strength of his native land. There is a deep admiration for a hard worker.

The picture is painted in warm colors: a yellow boundless field, golden haystacks, a girl's red dress. It would seem that nothing portends trouble. And only the pre-stormy sky reminds us that everything happens in the difficult year of 1945.

In the foreground we see an old man and children. Having finished the hard work, they have lunch. The man is already quite old, his beard is almost completely white, and his thick hair is not combed. The artist carefully wrote out his heavy hands, darkened from work. In one he holds a piece of black bread, in the other a wooden spoon, with which he carefully picks up food from a reddish clay pot. On his shoulders is an old dark brown coat, under which a blue canvas shirt is visible. On his feet are broken shoes.

There are kids next to him. The girl is dressed in a dark jacket and a red dress, her head is covered with a white scarf. There is also a spoon in her hand. Boys near her. One red-haired, uncut, also passionate about food. Another greedily drinks water, apparently very tired. They are dressed very simply: yellow and white shirts, dark trousers. The dog is looking at them with curiosity, looking forward to when he gets a piece.

Stacks are visible in the background of the painting. One of them is piled with scythes and rakes. Cucumbers, black bread, stew are laid out on a scarf.

This picture leaves a bright feeling of joy, looking at the endless expanses of fields. The artist managed to convey his love for working people and for the Motherland.

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