What are the laws of the gypsies. No formal religion


Gypsies are considered a free and mysterious people, which is characterized by an ambiguous attitude of society. This is due to their way of life, traditions and customs. Some do not like the nationality for fraud and deceit, others "do not have a soul in it" and invite its representatives to various events and holidays to enjoy songs and dances. Signs of what gypsies look like include bright appearance and clothes that make them stand out from the crowd.

Characteristic signs of gypsies

Gypsies - numerous ethnic group Indian origin. A common self-name is Roma, Roma (or Romals in the vocative case). However, other ethnonyms are also used: the Finnish and Estonian peoples call the gypsies "black" (kale), the French - Bohemians, the British - Egyptians. They are also called sinti, manush and so on.

Since ancient times, the people have been wandering around cities and countries, without having their own state.

On April 8, 1971, at the First World Gypsy Congress, they were proclaimed a single non-territorial nation. Since then, this date is listed as the international day of the gypsies. Traditionally, they light a candle in the evening and carry it down the street.

The territories where the people live include the countries of Europe, North Africa, North and South America, Australia. According to Wikipedia, the number of European gypsies is 8-12 million. In Russia in 2010, the number of representatives of the nationality is 220 thousand. In many countries, there are few gypsies, and they are scattered throughout the territory. Such few groups are found among the Croats or in China.

However, it is difficult to say exactly how many Roma live in a particular territory. This is due to their feature- lack of "legal visibility". Gypsies and their children live in a camp, often not registered, do not have documents, passports, are listed as “missing”.

The nationality belongs to the Indo-Mediterranean race caucasian race. They speak the gypsy language of the Indo-Aryan group Indo-European family, which is divided into a number of dialects.

The gypsy religion includes christian religion, islam. Representatives of the nationality Orthodox faith highly revere God and observe church holidays and customs. Significant events for Christians are Easter and Christmas.

The self-name of the gypsies who profess Islam is Ogly.

Depending on the territorial affiliation, 6 branches of the nationality are distinguished.

Western Gypsies include:

Eastern Gypsies:

In addition to those named, there are narrow groups: British, Scandinavian kale, Romanichels, and so on. An ethnic group known as the Lovari formed in Hungary. The composition of a large branch of Roma also includes various groups, for example, kotlyars, shown in the photo.

In European countries, there are ethnic groups that are close to the gypsies in their way of life: Irish travelers, Central European Yenish. However, they have a different origin.

Hindus are truly anthropologically similar to gypsies. The first stand out tall, Hungarian representatives are characterized by average indicators.

Face and head shape

Gypsies are characterized by dolichocephaly (long-headedness), a straight and slightly sloping forehead.

The photo shows famous boxer Johann Wilhelm Trollman "Rukeli".

A gypsy is easily distinguished by a swarthy complexion, reminiscent of a shade of chocolate or old parchment.


Mostly the eye color of a representative of the people is dark, brown, green is possible.

The latter is especially revered by the gypsies, since it is characterized magic power. But they avoid blue-eyed people because of the "bad look" that can send trouble.

The photo shows an actress, dancer, singer Soledad Miranda, who tragically died at the age of 27.

Gypsies are distinguished by their expressive, piercing and quick look, which introduces a person into a state similar to hypnosis, helps to see the past and the future.


The forms of the olfactory organ in gypsies are varied. The nose is predominantly large size. At the same time, it is long, thin. The shape is possible straight or aquiline with a hump.

The photo shows the footballer Zlatan Ibrahimovic.


For gypsies, hair is a sign of happiness - the longer, the better. Previously, they were often sheared exiled and isolated. Therefore, women and men try not to wear too short hairstyles.

Dark and curly hair is characteristic, red color is considered to attract happiness. Gypsies also have chestnut, golden brown shades.

The photo shows a dancer, model, artist Adelina Plakhotnaya and singer, member of the Roots group Alexander Berdnikov.

Adelina Plahotnaya

Alexander Berdnikov

In France, there are Zhitans - blue-eyed representatives of the nationality with blond hair.

Blonde gypsies are shown in the photo.

Appearance of a gypsy

The image of the representative of the weaker sex among the gypsies is bright, there is always an expressive make-up, lush colored skirts, beautiful jewelry from gold: rings, brooches, chains.

At the same time, modern Western European standards of beauty are alien to them - they do not show long naked legs.

It is believed that the area below the belt is clear only in young girls before the birth of children. After it becomes "bad" and you can not touch this area. Two puffy skirts to the toes cover the "dirty" area, while one is not enough.

The photo shows gypsies in traditional costumes.


The look of the beautiful gypsy is mesmerizing, you can look into her “diamond” eyes endlessly. Their color is predominantly brown or green.

Hair is lush, long, thick, black, dark chestnut, red, light brown shades. Curl often. The skin is usually dark, but a light color is also possible.

One of the most beautiful gypsy women recognized actress, model, dancer Rita Hayworth.


A good look at the figure of a gypsy allows traditional gypsy dances.

Such dances help fathers to look after the girls who are suitable as brides for their sons.

Gypsies are characterized by a flexible, graceful body. Young girls are slender, fragile, tender.

The photo shows the actress and singer Diana Savelyeva.

Since families with many children are characteristic of gypsies, the figures of a woman become rounder and fatter towards maturity. However, numerous births do not affect natural grace and grace.

Gypsy names and surnames

The full name of the nationality includes 3-5 parts:

  • official;
  • secular;
  • patronymic;
  • surname;
  • the nickname of a branch of the family.

The official name is registered in documents or received at baptism.

Secular is widely used when communicating in Everyday life with gypsies or other nationalities. These include:

  • A nickname is a peculiar characteristic of a person or the events taking place with him ("Waterman", "Crow").
  • Baptismal - if it differs from the official one;
  • Name in gypsy or other exotic language (Tagari).

Secular names may coincide with official ones or be their abbreviations: Dmitry - Mito. At the same time, a person is called so not only in childhood and adolescence, but throughout his life.

Patronymic is used when you need to introduce yourself officially (when interacting with government agencies, with solemn congratulations, and so on).

The peculiarity of the naming system is present in boilers. They may have a middle name from their father, mother, or both parents.

A gypsy suits a secular name, which is used even together with a surname.

Surnames are used in the same way as other Europeans. With a large family, a special nickname is added to the surname. In Russia, it usually comes from the secular name of famous ancestors.

In gypsy society good names those that are associated with faith, God, jewelry, the sun are considered. These are Bogdan (given by God), Zlata, Vera, Drago (precious), Ruby, Diamond and so on. "Flower" names for women are also welcome: Lily, Jasmine, Rose and others.

To designate a character trait in a person, they call: Vesselina (cheerful), Svetlana (bright), Shanita (calm), Shuko (beautiful) and so on.


In the world

The roots of the Gypsy people originate in India. This is evidenced by their genetic analysis. Haplogroup H (Y-DNA) is present in Gypsies (60%) and Indigenous Indians (27%). It is also found in Tajik, Syrian peoples, Kalash, Kurds from Turkmenistan.

Gypsies come from the north-west of India and appeared about 1.5 thousand years ago. Their language was influenced by the Persians and Greeks. Gypsies are home to Rajasthan, Kashmir and Gujarat.

After 6 centuries, there was an immigration of the people to Europe, most likely due to their oppression by Muslims. At the same time, there is a mixture of blood with other nationalities. The main part of the representatives of the nationality occupies the territory of Europe, but most of all there are Romanian and Hungarian gypsies. Their number is in the range of 2.5-8 million people. In Bulgaria, the share of nationality is 4.7% of the population (370 thousand people). A sufficient number of representatives among the Serbs.

The photo shows gypsies in Romania and Hungary.

Gypsies in Romania

Gypsies in Hungary

The description of the story during the tyranny of the German fascists led by Adolf Hitler includes the massacre of the Gypsies, along with the Jews.

For a long time, the attitude of other nationalities towards the gypsy people has been ambiguous. Until the 15th century, Europeans were friendly towards them, but then the situation changed to the opposite. Why this happened is explained by the behavior of the gypsies: it turned out that they steal, deceive, beg, which earned them a reputation as swindlers and vagrants.

After that, the displacement of the people from the territories began, rottenness, mockery of them and even murders. However, after 3 centuries the situation stabilized, the gypsies are more tolerant.

In the nationality, there is a division into sedentary castes, semi-sedentary and nomadic. The latter lived in a camp, in which the vaida, the leader, was the main one. He allowed internal conflicts, represented people before the authorities of the country where they were wandering at that moment.

Settled or semi-sedentary took root everywhere, adjusting to religious customs and accepting the faith of the people where they were located.

In Russia

The ways where the gypsies came from on Russian soil are the Balkan countries (in the 15th century), Germany, Poland (in XVI-XVII centuries). They appeared in the 17th century on the territory of modern Ukraine.

The increase in the number of gypsies occurred with the expansion of the borders of Russia. When part of Poland was annexed, Polish Roma appeared, Bessarabia - Moldavian, Crimea - Crimean.

Before the 1917 revolution, men traded horses, women engaged in fortune-telling and magic. Nomads were fond of begging, divination and witchcraft, sometimes blacksmithing. Gypsies who settled in St. Petersburg in the 30s of the 19th century filled up the choirs, many of which were freed by the government from serfdom. The popularity of the people and their culture at that time was extremely high. Notable people married gypsy girls.

After the revolution, a decree is issued for the people to organize a way of life suitable for labor activity. So the gypsies joined the Soviet family, the peoples fought the enemy together during the Great Patriotic War.

The only gypsy who was awarded the title of "Hero Soviet Union”, became Timofey Prokofiev, marines. Thanks to the gypsy, the Germans did not defeat the Nikolaevsky landing. He fired machine-gun fire to the last, and even after a mortal wound to the head, having gathered his strength, he fired a burst at the approaching Nazis.

In 1956, a decree was issued again, after which the majority of nomads accepted sedentary life. Modern Gypsies empowered to: choose the sphere of work, receive secondary and higher education. However, only a few use them.

The origin of the gypsies is known to scientists, but there are rumors everywhere about who they are and where they came from. There are versions that they are Moldovans or Romanians. And even the gypsies are the descendants of the sunken Atlantis. Moldovan and Romanian people belong to other ethnic groups. And the version of belonging to Atlantis is due to the mystical abilities of the ethnic group.

Nationality is spelled correctly in plural"gypsies", despite the fact that the poem by Alexander Pushkin is called "Gypsies" - this is an outdated form.

Features of the character and life of gypsies: customs and laws

In 1971, after the World Roma Congress, the national anthem and the flag shown in the picture were adopted.

As a coat of arms, the people use symbols: a deck of cards, a horseshoe, a wheel.

Gypsies are characterized by a free way of life. To this day, its representatives are engaged in primordial affairs: they sing, dance beautifully, walk, play the guitar, train bears and other animals, and like to guess. At the same time, mostly friendly and warm relations develop in the community.

Cheerful jokers are invited by order for holidays: birthdays, weddings, anniversaries.

Gypsies are often represented as swindlers, beggars. They can be found at stations, in trams, trolleybuses, electric trains, sitting on the roadsides with small children, where they beg.

They pester passers-by with an offer to tell fortunes, they are excellent psychologists who can ingratiate themselves. If a person speaks and answers, they beg him for alms by suggestion. In this case, the victim voluntarily gives all the money from the wallet.

Of interest is the ethnic group of sea gypsies - Bajo, roaming the Indian Ocean. They live in huts above the water, they are engaged in fishing. They land on land exclusively for trade, boat repair, replenishment of fresh water, or in the event of a funeral.

However, today's young sea gypsies are often unwilling to live by the rules of their ancestors. They move to land, study and work in normal conditions that u previous generations was not accepted.

Movies are made about the life of gypsies, rules and traditions: “The Return of Budulay”, “The camp goes to the sky”, “Gypsy” and so on. Many world-famous actors have gypsy roots.

For example, People's Artist Russian Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya, shown in the photo.

The famous actor and comedian Charlie Chaplin was a gypsy.

About belonging to the nationality of many famous people there are disputes. The data are given that famous singer Elvis Presley comes from a family of German gypsies who emigrated to the United States.

The peculiarity of the life of the nationality lies in the fact that its representatives are often either fabulously rich or poor. In the first case, their houses resemble palaces with luxurious and expensive furnishings.

In the second case, the gypsies live in extreme poverty in the absence of basic living conditions. They often act as illegals.

Gypsies eat simple food, in dishes national cuisine traced Hungarian, Bulgarian, Romanian tendencies. They like chicken, lamb, beef, beetroot soups, sauerkraut, prepare tumals (tamals) - minced meat wrapped in a corn cake, harbu - a product made from blood, liver and lard. national drink- black tea with herbs and berries.

Gypsy life is filled with customs and rules, many of which are subject to mandatory execution.

Other nationalities have beliefs associated with gypsies. If you dreamed of a camp, the dream book speaks of the desire for a promiscuous sex life with a frequent change of partners. A dream, when gypsies ride from place to place, signals nostalgia for the past. The fortuneteller is seen to hand over fate to the wrong person. In general, what gypsies dream of means haste in decisions and actions. If you went to buy something from them, this portends a loss of money.


The rite is responsible for the transition of young guys and girls to a new hierarchical status. This is the reason why gypsies marry early. If a girl is 19 years old unmarried, she is considered an old maid. At what age young people get married, parents often decide. The girl is recognized as a potential bride after 14 years. Only in late marriages are the feelings and choices of the lovers taken into account.

The wedding is preceded by the betrothal performed by the parents. In early marriages, the decision to marry does not depend on the will of the children.

It is possible to ransom the bride, but in this case, she is expected to work off the money spent.

The girl marries a virgin. Proof in the form of a bloody bed sheet is provided after the wedding night. If a gypsy girl not a virgin - it is considered a disgrace by the nation.

Marriages between representatives of the nationality of different states are unlikely. This is tantamount to marrying a non-gypsy, which is discouraged by gypsy law. Remarriages are not approved.

The funeral

The rite, how the funeral takes place, is due to the belief that a person in the other world needs things that are in life. Gypsies prepare for the burial in advance, children save up money in order to worthily see off their parents. A tombstone of impressive size is considered luxurious, where the deceased is depicted in full growth.

When a person is buried, 3 items are passed to relatives or friends through the coffin: an icon (male or female), a carpet and a bed. Inside put the essentials and alcohol. Mirrors are hung for 40 days, mourning is observed for a year.

gypsy curses

Rituals are recognized as carrying magical power and are considered among other nationalities the reason why gypsies are dangerous. However, not all of them are characterized by mystical abilities. A real magician will not waste complex rituals. Therefore, curses from angry fortune-tellers are usually an empty phrase.

Gypsies can curse when hurting the family. Usually there is no charge for it.

Signs that a person has a curse are:

  • weight loss or gain, deterioration in well-being, appearance(getting old);
  • the development of diseases that are not treatable;
  • apathy;
  • nightmares;
  • a believer does not wear a cross, refuses to attend church because of fear;
  • scandals in the family;
  • care of pets from home.

To remove spoilage, it is advisable to use water - wash your face in the river in the morning for 12 days, saying special conspiracy. Also, to get rid of damage, cemetery rites and others are used.

gypsy law

It is an unwritten set of rules for execution in gypsy society and outside it. Currently, each country has its own law, and even within it. different types nationalities.

Compliance is monitored by elderly members of the community, conflicts and violations are sorted out by a gypsy court, which includes authoritative people.

The most terrible sentence is the expulsion of the criminal.

The main postulate of the law is the observance of the rules and restrictions of non-Roma society in dealing with it.

Murder, rape, severe physical harm are prohibited.

The rules of conduct within the gypsy society are also announced: clothing, holidays, household layout, an overview of professions, and so on.

Common stereotypes

The stereotypes about the Roma come from numerous stories about their lives, stories of victims of fraud and people's own observations, since Roma are present in almost every country in the world.

  • They don't have a homeland. Gypsies are people without a specific citizenship, which they are often denied even if they were born in a given country. Recognition of the nationality as non-territorial made them legally "invisible".
  • They don't like to study. Representatives of the nationality send their children to school to teach elementary knowledge: to read, write, count. Often, after that, the child quits classes, helping parents in the trade.
  • Gypsies consider it honorable to drink a lot and not get drunk at the same time.
  • Gypsies are good psychologists with hypnosis. For this reason, they should be avoided, divination from them will do more harm than good. the main objective gypsies - get income. Rare individuals have the ability to predict, the rest create a magical image around themselves: witch balls, tarot cards and other paraphernalia.
  • Gypsies have high stats domestic violence. The wife bears a heavy burden, submitting to her tyrant husband, and at the same time she is forced to endure, since the tradition assumes marriage for life.
  • A gypsy family must have at least one son. If this does not happen for a long time, the boy is taken from the shelter, regardless of his nationality. This was one of the reasons explaining the claim that the gypsies stole children. Often people, seeing a bright, blue-eyed and completely different child in the camp, declared that he had been stolen.
  • If the family two-storey house, a woman cannot go up to the second floor if her husband is on the first

Well, so what are we on there.

Yeah, we asked Zhanna, what does she herself think, why is there such a strong negative attitude towards gypsies in society? Why do they hate working so much?

- Well, of course, for what! They steal, they deceive... I don't know. It has already historically developed - if the gypsies, then something is already unclean, you can’t believe it. When the gypsies were nomads, how could they study, work? Where else was there to take money to feed the children. They stole exactly as much as was needed for food. They were never rich. Would you steal a child?

- To deceive - is it shameful or worthy?

- It is not worthy to deceive, it is a shame. But for this we scold only within the family, the elders, out of habit, probably, do not scold for such trifles. It still takes a long time to etch. It's just that others from the gypsies in this, in my opinion, are not much different.

- Can a gypsy steal from his own?

— God forbid! He will be kicked out and punished.

- Well, why, after all, do gypsies steal? Why don't they work?

— ….
My grandfather told how they got to the collective farm. At one time, gypsy collective farms were created and all nomads were caught and forced to work. These farms lasted for three years. Well, what kind of workers are gypsies when they don’t know how to do anything at all? At most, a blacksmith could turn out good from a gypsy. And that's all. The settled people were able to learn and find a job, and even become famous. For this, it is necessary that more than one generation live in a civilized way. Always looked at as savages. Both in schools and kindergartens. They kept their children at a distance. And now here are mine - the best in school. Gypsy children have a flexible mind, they are rarely born fools. In the blood since childhood - to think how to contrive, to live. Similarly, the Jews, I think, are more smart than fools, they, too, are a small nationality, and maybe a dying nation ...

- How do they feel about “masked” gypsies (theatre, restaurants, wedding services), in their opinion, is it anyway gypsies or not anymore?

- Fine. Regular work, well done. Everyone earns as he can. We respect.

Ask them to tell you about their religion.

We are Orthodox. But there are Jews and Muslims, I know ... probably, with faith, things are the same as with others. Nothing special. I don't know gypsy atheists. Children from infancy go to church, they know prayers. We ask God for the same thing as all people - health for parents, children and ourselves, and we ask for well-being.

- Where is their home?
(Well, every gypsy knows about this and answers the question with pride. So Jeanne's eyes lit up, like a beauty's - main character some colorful Indian film).

We are from India. Perhaps that is why the clothes are so colorful and cheerful among the gypsies, and the songs are dances from there.

- Why do they rejoice at the wake of their fellow tribesmen, dance, sing, and this "triumph" lasts for 2-3 days?

- This is found only among the gypsies of some tribes in the territory, I know, Latvia and Lithuania, Finland. They explain this by saying that great joy is deliverance from earthly torments and resettlement to another world. Here they rejoice. But all the other gypsies condemn them, do not accept this and do not understand.

- Can a gypsy, let's say, a Moscow one, understand the speech of a Latvian resident of gypsy nationality?

Well, a Moscow gypsy will understand Latvian, although it is already a little hard. And, for example, we will not understand Hungarian, Romanian at all. They are foreigners to us. The language is already very different. Both laws and customs.

Is there a fashion for clothes? Our young gypsies have been flaunting in miniskirts and jeans for a long time.

In miniskirts, maybe only in Moscow and you can. We only say goodbye to teenage girls. We have not accepted. It is forbidden. And until you see a gypsy in trousers.

Does the baron have power or are these relics? If the age limit, obtaining the title of baron or is it inherited?

Baron - yes, these are relics. There are no barons now. They were when they wandered. And even then, they had no such great power, more than the council of elders. They just managed the cash register, let's call it mutual assistance.

Now there are no barons, these are fairy tales for Russians. There is the head of the gypsy diaspora. Of course, all the gypsies respect him and even obey him, but he does not really have much power. Rather, he is an intermediary between the local gypsies and the local authorities.

And there is no cash desk, but mutual assistance exists. When to Help poor family(fire, funeral, etc.), we add up as much as we can, and give it to them.

Tell us about your plans for life.

- Just live well, raise children, arrange in life. That's all the plans.

- Is there any truth in the series "Carmelita"?

- The same lies as in other serials, non-gypsy. For Russian film. We don't watch soap operas.

- Such a custom: on the second day after childbirth, sleep with your husband. Painfully???

— Horror what! Well, it’s definitely a miracle Yudo. I don't know that. On the second day, in fact, a woman in labor in the hospital ... how is it ... why?

- How do you manage to influence people, make them give money, things, jewelry?

- Well, actually, it's true that gypsies often know how to guess well, and are engaged in clairvoyance, and even master hypnosis. But not all, far from all. Such abilities are usually inherited, there are very few such people. Maybe one out of a hundred or two hundred gypsies knows how to do it. Of course, there are more gypsies than, for example, Russians, but it's easy to explain - gypsies learn this from childhood and all their lives. Those who want to do it. If you were taught from the cradle to guess, conjure, and you would now become a good gypsy! ( laughs).

- Is it true that gypsies can predict the future?

- Some do.

- Is there equality between women and men among the Roma? Can a modern gypsy woman marry a non-gypsy?
Like everyone else. The more civilized the family, the greater the equality. We have equality.
Maybe a gypsy will marry whomever she wants, and a gypsy will marry. But you will have to live according to gypsy laws, observe customs, and provide for your family. Rarely do Russian men correspond to this. Gypsies, for example, do not drink. And Russian women very easily get used to a gypsy family. Gypsy husbands are usually good. And fathers.

- How many local youth need to be put on a needle in order to build a three-story mansion?

(I didn’t ask the question. Not at the address. Yes, and my house is twice as big as that of my gypsies. By the way, they have a one-story, three-room apartment. And, for example, I didn’t put anyone on the needle for this).

- What do you think about the criminalization of gypsies, about clans involved in extortion of money or drug business? Do you see any solution to this problem?

Seeing that Zhanna was confused and looked into the living room, where her husband and children were sitting on the floor in front of the TV, I suggested that we finish on this “fun” note for today, especially since the kettle had been whistling for a long time ...

I’ll come tomorrow for, until they told me politely The End ... There are still a couple of questions left, the answers to which I myself can’t come up with.

Gypsies are one of the most, perhaps, incomprehensible and mythologized peoples on our planet, and this has been the case for many centuries. There are rumors around the world that when gypsies come to town, they seduce men and women and then steal everything they see, including children. There are also many myths about cunning and mysterious gypsy fortune-tellers and gypsy camps. In any case, even if we put all the myths and misconceptions aside, the gypsies remain one of the most interesting ethnic groups in history.

1. Where did they come from

The origin of the gypsies is shrouded in mystery. Sometimes it seemed that they appeared on the planet in some mysterious way. This in itself may have evoked a sense of fear among the Europeans and contributed to an atmosphere of mystery around the Roma. Modern scholars suggest that the Gypsies originally migrated en masse from India in the fifth century.

This theory suggests that their flight was due to the spread of Islam, which the Roma were desperate to avoid in order to protect their religious freedom. This theory claims that the Gypsies migrated from India to Anatolia and further to Europe, where they split into three separate branches: Domari, Lomavren, and the Gypsies themselves. Another theory suggests that there were as many as three separate migrations over several centuries.

2. Gypsy nomadic lifestyle

Many stereotypes have been formed around the gypsies for a long time. Who does not know the phrase "gypsy soul" (which is applied to freedom-loving people). According to these stereotypes, gypsies prefer to live out of what is called the "mainstream" and eschew social norms in order to be able to lead a nomadic lifestyle teeming with fun and dancing. The truth is much darker.

For many centuries, the Roma were often forcibly expelled from the countries in which they lived. Such forced evictions continue to this day. Many historians have suggested that true reason The nomadic lifestyle of the Gypsies is very simple: survival.

3. Gypsies have no homeland

Gypsies are people without a specific citizenship. Most countries refuse to grant them citizenship, even if they were born in that country. Centuries of persecution and their closed community have left the Gypsies with no homeland. In 2000, the Roma were officially declared a non-territorial nation. This lack of citizenship renders Roma legally "invisible".

Although they are not subject to the laws of any country, they cannot access education, health care and other social services. Moreover, the Roma cannot even obtain passports, which makes their travel very difficult or impossible.

4. Gypsy persecution.

It's worth starting with the fact that the gypsies were actually enslaved people in Europe, especially in the 14th - 19th centuries. They were traded and sold like a commodity, and they were considered "subhuman". In the 1700s, Maria Theresa, the Empress of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, passed a law that outlawed the gypsies. This was done to force the Roma to integrate into society.

Similar laws have been passed in Spain, and many European countries Gypsies were banned from entering their territory. The Nazi regime also persecuted and exterminated Roma by the tens of thousands. Even today, gypsies are persecuted.

5. Nobody knows how many gypsies there are in the world

No one knows how many gypsies live all over the world today. Because of the discrimination Roma often face, many of them do not publicly register or identify as Roma. In addition, given their "legal invisibility", the birth of children without documents and frequent moves, many Roma are listed as missing.

Also problematic is that Roma are not provided with social services, which would help to paint a clearer picture of their numbers. However, The New York Times estimates the number of Roma worldwide at 11 million, a figure often disputed.

6. Gypsy is an offensive word

For many people, the term "gypsy" means nomad and is not considered a racial slur. But for the "Roma" themselves (or "Romals" - the self-name of the gypsies), this word has ominous overtones. For example, according to the Oxford Dictionary English word"gypped" (derived from "gypsie" - gypsies) means a criminally punishable act.

Roma, often referred to as gypsies, were considered losers and thieves, a word burned into their skin during the Nazi regime. Like many other racial slurs, the word "Gypsy" has been used for centuries to oppress the Roma.

7. Future, cheap...

There are many myths surrounding gypsies. One of these myths says that the gypsies have their own magic, which has been passed down for centuries from generation to generation. The myth is associated with tarot cards, crystal balls and fortune-telling tents, as well as other stereotypes. Literature is replete with references to the gypsy language and the magical arts of this people.

In addition, there are many films that show the curses of gypsies. Even in art, there are many paintings describing Roma as mystical and magical people. However, many scientists believe that all this magic is fiction, derived from the fact that people simply did not know anything about gypsies at all.

8. Lack of formal religion

European folklore often claims that the Roma made a temple out of cream cheese. Presumably, they ate it when a period of severe famine set in, so they were left without an official religion. As a rule, gypsies join the church that is the most common in the country in which they live. However, there are many traditional gypsy beliefs. Some scholars believe that there are many links between Roma beliefs and Hinduism.

9. Modesty

Although gypsy weddings often accompanied mass celebrations and sumptuous garments, casual clothes gypsies reflected one of their main life principles- modesty. Gypsy dances most often associated with female dance belly. However, many gypsy women never performed what is commonly considered belly dancing today.

Instead, they perform traditional dances, in which only the stomachs are used for movement, but not the hips, since the movement of the hips is considered immodest. In addition, the long, flowing skirts commonly worn by gypsies serve to cover their legs, as exposing the legs is also considered immodest.

10. Gypsy contribution to world culture is huge

From the very beginning of their existence, the gypsies have been closely associated with singing, dancing and acting. They carried this tradition over the centuries, significantly influenced world art. Many gypsies assimilated into different cultures by influencing them. Many singers, actors, artists, etc. had gypsy roots.

Mysterious peoples lived on our planet in the past. For example, such as .

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