Unknown events and facts in the life of the green. Other biography options


Grin Alexander Stepanovich (real name Grinevsky) (1880 - 1932)

Russian writer. Grin was born on August 23 (according to the old style - August 11), 1880 in Slobodsky, a county town of the Vyatka province, in the family of an "eternal settler" - an exiled Pole-rebel, exiled at the age of 16 to Siberia for participating in the Polish uprising of 1863 and serving as a clerk at the brewery. Mother is Russian; died when Greene was 13 years old. Soon after the birth of their son, the Grinevsky family moved to Vyatka. “I didn’t know a normal childhood,” Greene wrote in his Autobiographical Tale, “in moments of irritation, for my self-will and unsuccessful teaching, they called me a “swineherd”, “golden bear”, they predicted for me a life full of groveling among successful, prosperous people " . Explaining the origin of his pseudonym, Green said that "Green!" - the guys at school called Grinevsky so briefly, and "Green-pancake" was one of his childhood nicknames. In the summer of 1896, after graduating from the four-year Vyatka city school, Green left for Odessa, taking with him only a willow basket with a change of linen and watercolor paints. He ended up in Odessa with six rubles in his pocket. Thin, narrow-shouldered, he tempered himself with the most barbaric means, learned to swim behind the breakwater, where even experienced swimmers drowned. Hungry, ragged, in search of a "vacancy" he went around all the schooners standing in the harbor.

In the first voyage, on the transport ship "Platon", he first saw the shores of the Caucasus and Crimea. Green sailed as a sailor for a short time - after the first or second voyage, he was usually written off for his rebellious temper. Later he was a lumberjack and a gold digger in the Urals. In the spring of 1902, the young man found himself in Penza, in the royal barracks. From the official description of his appearance at that time: height - 177.4, eyes - light brown, hair - light blond; special signs: on the chest there is a tattoo depicting a schooner with a bowsprit and a foremast carrying two sails. The seeker of the miraculous, raving by the sea and sails, gets into the 213th Orovai reserve infantry battalion, where the most cruel morals, subsequently described by Green in the stories "The Merit of Private Panteleev" and "The Story of a Murder". Four months later, "Private Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky" flees from the battalion, hides in the forest for several days, but he is caught and sentenced to a three-week strict arrest "on bread and water." The Penza Socialist-Revolutionaries help him escape from the battalion a second time, providing him with a false passport and transferring him to Kyiv. From there he moved to Odessa, and then to Sevastopol. For propaganda activities in Sevastopol, he paid with prison and exile. After being released from the Sevastopol casemate, Green leaves for St. Petersburg and soon ends up in prison again. Green is exiled for 4 years in the city of Turinsk, Tobolsk province. After arriving there "in stages" Green escapes from exile and gets to Vyatka. His father gets him the passport of the "personal honorary citizen" A.A., who recently died in the hospital. Malginova and Grin returned to St. Petersburg, so that a few years later, in 1910, they would again go into exile, this time to the Arkhangelsk province. Prisons, exiles, eternal need... Not for nothing did Greene say that his life path was strewn not with roses, but with nails ... He returned to St. Petersburg in May 1912. Having joined the St. Petersburg literary circles, has contributed to many magazines. In 1916, in Petrograd, he began to write a "fairy story" " Scarlet Sails"From the end of 1916, he was forced to hide in Finland, but, having learned the February Revolution, he returned to Petrograd. In 1919, he was drafted from Petrograd to the Red Army, where he served as a signalman. In 1920, the seriously ill Grin, who fell ill with typhus, was brought to Petrograd, where with the help of M. Gorky, he managed to get an academic ration and a room in the "House of Arts".

The father expected that his eldest son, in whom the teachers saw enviable abilities, would certainly become an engineer or doctor, then he agreed to become an official, at worst, a clerk, would live only "like everyone else", would give up "fantasies". .. The first story, "The Merit of Private Panteleev" (a propaganda brochure signed by A.S.G. was written in 1906) was confiscated and burned by the secret police. The first publications (stories) were in 1906, in St. Petersburg.

The signature "A.S. Green" first appeared in 1908 under the story "Oranges" (according to other sources - under the story "The Case" in 1907).

In 1908, the first collection, The Cap of Invisibility, was published under the subtitle Stories about Revolutionaries. Not only in his youth, but also at the time of wide popularity, Green, along with prose, wrote lyrical poems, poetic feuilletons and even fables.

In 1912, he arrived in St. Petersburg and began to create his own famous work- fairy tales "Scarlet Sails". It is believed that the prototype of Assol, main character story, became Green's wife, to whom the author dedicated the story of an unshakable faith in a miracle.

Having finished the novel "The Shining World", in the spring of 1923 Green went to the Crimea, to the sea, wandered around familiar places, lived in Sevastopol, Balaklava, Yalta, and in May 1924 settled in Feodosia - "the city of watercolor tones". In November 1930, already ill, he moved to Stary Krym. Green died on July 8, 1932 in Feodosia. In 1970, the Alexander Grin Literary and Memorial Museum was created in Feodosia.

Among the works - poems, poems, satirical miniatures, fables, essays, short stories, stories, novels, novels: "The Case" (1907, story), "Oranges" (1908, story), "Reno Island" (1909, story), "Colony Lanfier" (1910, short story)," winter fairy tale"(1912, story), "The Fourth for All" (1912, story), "Entrance Yard" (1912, story), "Zurbagan Shooter" (1913, story), "Captain Duke" (1915, story), "Scarlet sails" (1916, published 1923, extravaganza story), "Walking to the Revolution" (1917, essay), "Uprising", "Birth of Thunder", "Pendulum of the Soul", "Ships in Lissa" (1918, published 1922, story ), The Pied Piper (published 1924, a story on the theme of post-revolutionary Petrograd), The Heart of the Desert (1923), The Shining World (1923, published 1924, novel), Fandango (published 1927, a story on the theme of post-revolutionary Petrograd) , "Running on the Waves" (1928, novel), "Mistletoe Branch" (1929, story), "Green Lamp" (1930, story), "Road to Nowhere" (1930, novel), " Autobiographical story" (1931).

Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky(Grin is his literary pseudonym) was born on August 23, 1880 in Slobodskoy, a county town in the Vyatka province. And in the city of Vyatka, the years of childhood and youth of the future writer passed. The first word that the first-born Sasha Grinevsky put together from letters, sitting on his father's lap, was the word "sea" ... Sasha was the son of a participant in the Polish uprising of 1863, exiled to provincial Vyatka. The accountant of the Zemstvo hospital, the father barely survived - without joy, hope and dreams. His wife, emaciated and ill, consoled herself with the purring of songs—mostly obscene or thievish. So she died thirty-seven years old ... The widower, Stefan Grinevsky, was left with four half-orphans in his arms: 13-year-old Sasha (the eldest) then had a brother and two sisters. Over time, the father of the future writer remarried, and the stepmother brought her son to the house. And for the completeness of happiness, a common child was born in due time.

... What the family of the Polish exile was lucky with was books. In 1888, Lieutenant Colonel Grinevsky, Sasha's uncle, died in the service. An inheritance was brought from the funeral: three large chests full of volumes. They were in Polish, French and Russian.

It was then that eight-year-old Alexander for the first time left reality - into the attractive world of Jules Verne and Mine Reed. This fictional life turned out to be much more interesting: the boundless sea ​​space, impassable thickets of the jungle, the fair strength of the heroes forever conquered the boy. I didn't want to go back to reality...

When Sasha was nine, his father bought him a gun - an old, ramrod, for a ruble. The gift put the teenager away from food and drink and took him to the forest for whole days. But not only prey attracted the boy. He loved the whisper of the trees, the smell of the grass, the twilight of the thickets. Here no one knocked me out of my thoughts, did not spoil my dreams. And shooting is a small science. Gunpowder - from the palm of your hand, wad - from paper, shot - by eye, without a number. And fluff and feathers flew - jackdaws, woodpeckers, pigeons ... Everyone ate everything at home.

In the same year, the undergrowth was sent to the Vyatka Zemstvo real school. Acquiring knowledge is difficult and uneven. The law of God with history was marked with excellent success, geography was marked with an A plus. Arithmetic was selflessly solved by the father-accountant. But for other subjects in the magazine, deuces and cola loomed ...

So I studied for several years, until they were expelled. Because of the behavior: he pulled the devil of rhyme to weave, well, he bungled a rhyme about his favorite teachers. And I paid for the verses ...

Then there was a city four-year school, in the penultimate class of which Alexander was arranged by his father. Here the new student looked like a lonely encyclopedist, but over time he again turned out to be expelled twice - for good things for all sorts of deeds ...

The disobedient was restored only by the grace of God. But recent months Grinevsky studied diligently: he learned that the certificate of graduation opens the way to seafaring classes.

Finally - here it is, the road to the big, alluring, unknown world! Behind shoulders - sixteen years, in a pocket - 25 rubles. Their father gave them. The pilgrim also took grub, a glass, a kettle and a blanket with a pillow.

The steamer set sail, taking to the rapids. The sisters howled younger brother sniffled. Father squinted against the sun for a long time, following the traveler with his eyes. And he, full of excited openness to novelty, had already forgotten about the house. All thoughts were occupied by the ocean with sails on the horizon ...

Odessa shocked the young resident of Vyatka: the streets planted with acacias, or Robinia, bathed in sunlight. Terrace-covered coffee shops and exotic thrift shops crowded each other. Below, the port was noisy, stuffed with the masts of real ships. And behind all this bustle, the sea breathed majestically. It separated and united lands, countries, people. And when the next ship was heading into the gleaming blue embrace of the distant distance, the sea seemed to be transferring it to the sky - there, beyond the horizon. Such an effect only strengthened the impression of the involvement of both elements in the Higher Providence.

But it's out. Close by, bitter prose prevailed. Bypassing the entire port, Alexander was nowhere able to hire a ship. Only one assistant captain sympathetically offered:

I can take a cabin boy...

However, the newcomer already knew that the students were not paid - on the contrary, they were charged for food. Acquaintance with a wonderful future ended in a doss cellar. Loaders with tramps swarmed here, but wait was a penny. The boy began to extort from the unemployed sailors-neighbors about distant countries, terrible typhoons, daring pirates... But those, as if by agreement, reduced the answers to money, rations and cheap watermelons.

Over time, the young seeker of distant wanderings developed a familiar route: a tramp canteen - a port - a boulevard bench. Boredom was dispersed by a five-time swim behind the breakwater - until one day, forgetting, the swimmer almost drowned. God knows how the wave cleared up, and he, already exhausted, could not get out onto the deserted shore. Only the 99th wave mercifully threw the poor fellow on land, taking payment with his simple clothes. So, in what the mother gave birth, and had to snoop along the piers! Some loader took pity, lent in rags...

Two months later, finally, he was lucky: Alexander was taken as a cabin boy on the ship "Platon". Eight and a half rubles for an apprenticeship was sent by telegraph from my father. Science began from the basics: experienced sailors advised swallowing anchor mud - it helps with seasickness. Jung willingly obeyed everyone, but ... He never learned to knit knots, twist lines, signal with flags. It was not even possible to “beat the flasks” - due to the lack of a sharp double blow on both sides of the bell-rynd.

During the entire voyage, Sashik never went down to the engine room - what can we say about the names of sails, gear, rigging, spars. The guy was held captive by his own ideas about marine life...

Swimming on the "Plato" was replaced by the former worthless existence, complicated by the approaching cold. Monotonous gray weeks turned into months.

The proposal to go to Kherson "as a sailor for everything" seemed magic music in deathly silence. Vessel - sailboat "Saint Nicholas"; team - the shipowner, he is also a skipper, and his son; cargo - tiles. The fee is six rubles. I didn't have to choose.

The flight was difficult. Green cooked, chopped wood, stood watch and slept on bare boards under wet rags. And the wind whistled around in a four-degree cold. But the sea was so close, the distances were so clear, and the dolphins, frolicking, looked so sweetly! ..

In Kherson, Alexander demanded a settlement. It turned out that he still owed for the tiles crushed in the run. As a result, the parties parted, each with his own. Green returned to Odessa as a stowaway on some vessel.

In early spring, he was lucky: he was taken as a sailor on the ship "Tsesarevich", owned by the Russian Society of Shipping and Trade. The flight to Alexandria was the only foreign one in his life. Neither the Sahara nor the lions Alexander saw in Egypt. Coming to the outskirts of the city, I stumbled into a ditch with muddy water, sat on a dusty roadside, dreamed ... And then returned to the port: time was running out. Thus ended his African epic. Green's life palette abounded in gloomy colors. After Odessa, he returned to his homeland, to Vyatka - again to odd jobs. But life stubbornly skimped on a place and occupation for the unfortunate ...

A year later, Alexander ended up in Baku, where the first thing he caught was malaria. This ailment became attached to the writer for a long time.

Short-term work in the oil fields gave way to a long miserable inactivity; the fishing career lasted a week at all: the fever knocked down. Having sailed for a short time as a sailor, Green again returned to his father ...

And in the spring he went to the Urals - for gold nuggets. But there, as elsewhere, dreams turned into harsh reality. The mountains, overgrown with blue forest, took care of their gold veins. But I had to suffer a lot in mines, mines and depots.

Black work at the domain, at cutting areas and rafting. Rest on the barracks bunk, where, instead of the tropical sun, the iron stove blushed red...

Grinevsky decided to voluntarily join the tsarist army - it was an act of desperation ... In the spring of 1902, the young man found himself in Penza, in the tsar's barracks. One official description of his appearance of that time has been preserved. Such data, among other things, are given in the description:

Height - 177.4. The eyes are light brown. Hair is light brown.

Distinguishing features: a tattoo on the chest depicting a schooner with a bowsprit and a foremast carrying two sails...

The seeker of the miraculous, raving by the sea and sails, ends up in the 213th Orovai reserve infantry battalion, where the most cruel morals reigned, later described by Green in the stories “The Merit of Private Panteleev” and “The Story of a Murder”. Four months later, "Private Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky" flees from the battalion, hides in the forest for several days, but he is caught and sentenced to a three-week strict arrest "on bread and water." The obstinate soldier is noticed by a certain volunteer and begins to diligently supply him with Socialist-Revolutionary leaflets and pamphlets. Green was drawn to the wild, and his romantic imagination was captivated by the very life of the "illegal", full of secrets and dangers.

The Penza Social Revolutionaries helped him escape from the battalion a second time, provided him with a false passport and sent him to Kyiv. From there he moved to Odessa, and then to Sevastopol. The secondary escape, and even aggravated by his connection with the Social Revolutionaries, cost Grinevsky a two-year prison term. And the unsuccessful third attempt to leave captivity ended in an indefinite Siberian exile ...

In 1905, 25-year-old Alexander fled and reached Vyatka. There he lived on a stolen passport, under the name of Malginov, until the October events.

“I was a sailor, a loader, an actor, rewrote roles for the theater, worked in gold mines, at a blast furnace, in peat bogs, in fisheries; was a lumberjack, a tramp, a clerk in the office, a hunter, a revolutionary, an exile, a sailor on a barge, a soldier, a digger ... "

For a long time and painfully, Alexander Stepanovich was looking for himself as a writer ... He began his literary path as a "bytovik", as the author of stories, the themes and plots of which he took directly from the reality surrounding him. He was overwhelmed with life impressions, accumulated in abundance during the years of wandering around the wide world ...

With special love, Green recalled the Ural lumberjack hero Ilya, who taught him the wisdom of felling the forest, and winter evenings forced to tell stories. They lived together in a log cabin under an old cedar. Around the dense thicket, impenetrable snow, wolf howling, the wind is buzzing in the stove pipe ... In two weeks, Green exhausted all his rich stock of fairy tales by Perrault, the Brothers Grimm, Andersen, Afanasiev and began to improvise, compose fairy tales himself, inspired by the admiration of his "regular audience ". And, who knows, maybe there, in a forest hut, under a century-old cedar, by the cheerful fire of a stove, the writer Green was born ...

In 1907, his first book, The Cap of Invisibility, was published. Reno Island was published in 1909. Then there were other works - in more than a hundred periodicals ...

The pseudonym of the author also crystallized: A.S. Grin. (At first there were - A. Stepanov, Alexandrov and Grinevich - a literary pseudonym was necessary for the writer. If a real surname appeared in the press, he would immediately be placed in places not so remote).

In post-revolutionary Petrograd, M. Gorky procured an illegal writer a room in the House of Arts and an academic ration ... And now Green was not alone: ​​he found a girlfriend, faithful and devoted to the end, as in his books. He dedicated the immortal extravaganza "Scarlet Sails" to her - a book that affirms the power of love, the human spirit, "shone through like the morning sun", love for life, for spiritual youth and the belief that a person in a fit of happiness is able to create with his own hands miracles...

In 1924, Grin and his wife Nina Nikolaevna (we highly recommend her wonderful memories of Grin) moved from Petrograd to Feodosia (she uses a “saving trick” to distance her husband from the addictive bohemia: she fakes a heart attack and receives a doctor’s “conclusion” about the need relocate).

He always dreamed of living in the city warm sea. Here passed the most calm and happy years of his life, the novels "The Golden Chain" (1925) and "Running on the Waves" (1926) were written here.

The Crimean period of Green's work became, as it were, the "Boldino autumn" of the writer, at this time he probably created at least half of everything he wrote. His room was occupied only by a table, a chair and a bed.

And on the wall, opposite the headboard, there was a salted wooden sculpture from under the bowsprit of a sailboat. The ship's maiden accompanied the writer to sleep and met him at dawn. Green plunged into his hard-won fairy-tale world...

But by the end of the 1920s, publishers who had previously been willing to publish Green's books stopped taking them altogether. There was no money, and the efforts of friends about the placement of an already ill writer in a sanatorium did not help either. Green fell ill, in fact, from malnutrition and from longing, because for the first time life seemed to him "the road to nowhere." He did not know that his true glory was yet to come...

Green was not only a great landscape painter and master of the plot, but also a very subtle psychologist. He wrote about the unexplored and power of nature, about self-sacrifice, courage - the heroic features inherent in the most ordinary people. Finally, very few writers have written about the love of a woman as cleanly, carefully and emotionally as Green did.

Green's literary heritage is much broader, more diverse than one might assume, knowing the writer only by his romantic novels, short stories and novels. Not only in his youth, but also at the time of wide popularity, Green, along with prose, wrote lyrical poems, poetic feuilletons and even fables. Along with romantic works, he published in newspapers and magazines essays and stories of a domestic warehouse. last book, on which the writer worked, was his "Autobiographical Tale", where he depicts his life in a strictly realistic way, in all its genre colors, with all its harsh details.

The last unfinished work of the writer was the novel "Touchless" - a novel about delicate, vulnerable and sympathetic natures, incapable of lies, hypocrisy and hypocrisy, about people who affirm goodness on earth. "Until the end of my days," wrote Green, "I would like to roam the bright countries of my imagination."

In the mountainous Old Crimean cemetery, under the shade of an old wild plum, lies a heavy granite slab. There is a bench, flowers near the stove. Writers come to this grave, readers come from distant places...

“When the days start gathering dust and the colors fade, I take Green. I open it on any page. So in the spring wipe the windows in the house. Everything becomes light, bright, everything mysteriously excites again, as in childhood.- D. Granin

“This is a wonderful writer, getting younger with age. It will be read by many generations after us, and its pages will always breathe on the reader with the same freshness as fairy tales breathe.- M. Shahinyan.

“Alexander Grin is a sunny writer and, despite difficult fate, happy, because deep and bright faith in man, in good beginnings victoriously passes through all his works human soul, faith in love, friendship, fidelity and the feasibility of dreams.- Vera Ketlinskaya.

In the 1960s, in the wake of a new romantic upsurge in the country, Green became one of the most published and revered domestic authors, the idol of a young reader (before that, at the height of the campaign against the "rootless cosmopolitans", the writer's books were crossed out from the plans of publishing houses, were not issued in libraries) ... Now libraries and schools named after him were opened, Green's House Museums were founded in Feodosia , Old Crimea and Vyatka ...

And this love has not faded to this day... First in the Crimea, and in August 2000 - on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Grin - and in the writer's homeland, in the city of Kirov (Vyatka), on the embankment that bears his name , the bust of the writer was solemnly opened.

Green's work is a feature of the face of the era, a particle of its literature, moreover, a special particle, the only one ... In 2000, the All-Russian literary prize named after Alexander Grin, it is awarded annually "for works for children and youth, imbued with the spirit of romance and hope", among the winners of this award are Kir Bulychev and Vladislav Krapivin. "Invented by the writer, never existed on geographical maps The country of Greenland, outwardly realistic and artistically perfect, also penetrating almost all the main works of science fiction (in a wide range - from science fiction to fantasy, gothic novel and "horror literature") and general romantic innuendo, allow us to consider Greene one of the founders of modern fantasy literature... underestimated in life ... "- A. Britikov

The works of Alexander Grin are loved and have been disturbing the hearts of readers for a hundred years...

“There is no pure or mixed fiction. A writer should use the extraordinary only to draw attention and start a conversation about the most ordinary.- Alexander Green

Green Alexander (1880–1932), present surname Grinevsky, Russian prose writer, poet. Born on August 11 (23), 1880 in the Sloboda Vyatka province. in the family of an exiled Pole, a participant in the uprising of 1863. He graduated from the four-class Vyatka city school. He spent six years wandering, worked as a loader, a digger, an artist of a traveling circus, a railway worker.

You have to know how to love, but that's something they can't.

Green Alexander

In 1902, due to extreme need, he voluntarily (“I will be full and clothed”) entered the military service, spent several months in a punishment cell. The severity of a soldier's life forced Green to desert, he became close to the social revolutionaries and took up underground work in different cities Russia. In 1903 he was arrested, was imprisoned in Sevastopol, was exiled to Siberia for ten years (fell under the October amnesty of 1905).

Until 1910, Grin lived under someone else's passport in St. Petersburg, was again arrested and deported to Siberia, from where he fled and returned to St. Petersburg. He spent the second, two-year exile in the Arkhangelsk province.

The years of life under a false name were the time of a break with the revolutionary past and the formation of Green as a writer. After the first published story To Italy (1906), the following - Merit of Private Panteleev (1906) and Elephant and Pug (1906) - were withdrawn from print by censors.

... all happiness will lose half of its shiny feathers when the lucky person sincerely asks himself: is it heaven?
(Quotes from the work "Scarlet Sails")

Green Alexander

Green's first collections of short stories The Cap of Invisibility (1908) and Short Stories (1910) received critical attention. In 1912-1917, Green worked actively, publishing about 350 stories in more than 60 editions. They strengthened the writer's manner to extract from the tragic reality the dream of human happiness. Invented by Green noble people inhabited the fictitious cities of Liss, Zurbagan, Gel-Gyu - that "mainland" that would later be called Greenland.

He enthusiastically met the February Revolution of 1917, and considered the subsequent events a tragedy. Greene saw and described “people who covered their faces with their hands… they raced and fell… they were covered in blood” (note Trivia, publ. 1918 in the New Satyricon magazine).

In the midst of the savagery and chaos that the Bolsheviks brought down on the country, Green wrote such works as the extravaganza story Scarlet Sails (1923), the novels The Shining World (1924), The Golden Chain (1925), Running on the Waves (1928) and other works in which he created his own romantic world of human happiness.

During the day, a person listens to such a multitude of thoughts, impressions, speeches and words that all this would make up more than one thick book.
(Quotes from the work "Scarlet Sails", 1916)

Green Alexander

Extravaganza Scarlet Sails, one of the brightest and most life-affirming works Soviet literature, was painted at the Petrograd House of Arts. In hungry and cold Petrograd, it was supposed to happen, according to original intention writer, and the action of Scarlet Sails.

However, as he worked, Green moved the action to the city of Caperna, in the name of which literary critics later found consonance with the gospel Capernaum. The love story of Assol and Gray, their dream come true, was based on the conviction expressed by Green: “I understood one simple truth. It is to do miracles with your own hands ... "Scarlet Sails became a landmark book of the thaw generation of the 1960s and romantics of the 1970s.

The real surrounding life rejected Green's world along with its creator. Critical remarks about the uselessness of the writer appeared more and more often, the myth of the “foreigner in Russian literature” was created, Green was printed less and less. The writer, sick with tuberculosis, left in 1924 for Feodosia, where he was in dire need, and in 1930 he moved to the village. Old Crimea.

Alexander Stepanovich Green - photo

Alexander Stepanovich Green - quotes

Alexander Stepanovich Green was born on August 11 (23), 1880, in the city of Slobodskaya, Vyatka province. His father, S. Grinevsky, a Polish gentry, was a participant in the January Uprising, for which he was exiled to the Tomsk province.

The home education of the future writer was not consistent. Causeless caresses were abruptly replaced by severe punishments. Sometimes the child was left to himself.

In 1889, Sasha entered the preparatory class of the local real school. There the nickname “Greene” was “born”, which later became his pseudonym.

Alexander studied badly, and, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, he was "an inveterate hooligan."

When the young man was fifteen years old, his mother died of tuberculosis. Having married a second time, the father moved away from his son, and young Green was forced to start an independent life.

The beginning of the creative path

In 1906-1908. in the life of A. Green came a turning point. In the summer of 1906, two stories came out from his pen, which were published in the fall of that year. Genre early stories was defined as a "propaganda pamphlet".

They were dedicated to the soldiers tsarist army who, after the revolution of 1905, often staged bloody punitive raids.

The novice writer received a fee, but the entire circulation was destroyed.

In early 1908, Green published his first collection. Most of The collection was dedicated to the Socialist-Revolutionaries.

In 1910, the writer released a second collection. Most of his stories were written in the genre of realism. Having shown himself as a promising writer, he met M. Kuzmin, V. Bryusov, L. Andreev, A. Tolstoy. He became closest of all with A. I. Kuprin.

Mostly the writer published in the "small" press. His stories were published in Birzhevye Vedomosti, Niva, Rodina. Sometimes he published in the "Modern World" and "Russian Thought".

In 1914, Alexander Grin began to collaborate with the New Satyricon magazine. This magazine published his collection "The Incident on Dog Street".

After the outbreak of the First World War, another turning point was outlined in the writer's work. His stories began to take on an anti-war character.

Getting to know the content short biography Alexander Green, you should know he's had enough complicated relationship With Soviet power. Condemning the Red Terror, he was sincerely perplexed, not understanding how the apologists of the new government could destroy violence with even greater violence. He expressed this idea more than once in the New Satyricon.

As a result, the magazine, like other opposition publications, was closed. This happened in 1918. Green was arrested and narrowly escaped execution.

Continuation of literary activity

In early 1920, Green began his first novel, The Shining World. After 1924, the work was printed in Leningrad. Its most striking literary talent manifested itself in the stories "Fandango", "Pied Piper", "Loquacious Brownie".

In 1926, the writer finished work on his main novel - "Running on the Waves". The work was published in 1928. With great difficulty, the "sunset" works of the outstanding writer, "The Road to Nowhere" and "Jesse and Morgiana" were also published.


Alexander Grin passed away on July 8, 1932, in Stary Krym. The cause of death was stomach cancer. The writer was buried in the city cemetery. His grave is located on a site overlooking the sea so beloved by Green.

In 1934 was published latest collection Green's stories, Fantastic Novels.

Other biography options

  • In his youth, Green was a desperate rebel. Relations with the royal authorities were very difficult for him. From the end of 1916 he hid from persecution in Finland. He returned to Russia only after the February Revolution.
  • Becoming a famous writer, Green got rid of the need. But the money did not stay in his hands. The writer was a fan card games and nightly sprees.
  • In May 1932, the writer's wife, N. Green, received a transfer from the Writers' Union. The strange thing was that he was sent in the name of the "widow", although Alexander Stepanovich was still alive. According to some reports, this happened against the background of the writer's mischief. A few days before, he had sent a telegram saying "Greene is dead send two hundred funerals".
  • The writer's wife, Nina, was his muse. It was she who became the prototype of Assol from Scarlet Sails.
  • A small planet was named after the writer. In Riga there is Alexander Grin street. But it was named after the full namesake of Alexander Stepanovich, who was also a writer.

Alexander Grin - Russian writer and poet, representative literary direction neo-romanticism. He is the author of philosophical and romantic works with elements of fantasy. In total, he has about 400 literary works. Real surname writer - Grinevsky.


According to the Wikipedia portal, the writer was born on August 23, 1880 in the Vyatka province. His father, Stefan Grinevsky, was a Polish nobleman, his mother was Anna Stepanovna Lepkova. Alexander was the first-born in the family, later his brother Boris and sisters - Ekaterina and Antonina were born to him.

At the age of 6, Sasha learned to read. The first book he read was Gulliver's Travels. From childhood, Sasha became addicted to literature about travelers and sailors. He dreamed of becoming a sailor and going to sea and even made repeated attempts to run away from home.

At the age of 9, Sasha was sent to the preparatory class of a real school. It was there that he received the nickname Green. Being a very unsuccessful student, he nevertheless completed the preparatory class and moved to the first. However, while studying in the second grade, he wrote a poem about his teachers, which was considered offensive, for which he was also expelled from the school. The father petitioned for the boy to be admitted to another school in Vyatka, which was very notorious.

When the boy was 15 years old, his mother died of tuberculosis. A few months later, my father remarried with the widow Lydia Avenirovna Boretskaya. Alexander did not have a relationship with his stepmother, and he began to live separately from new family. The teenager lived independently, moonlighting as a correspondence of documents and the manufacture of book bindings. Very much and with pleasure read. For some time the boy was fond of hunting, but often returned without prey, which was due to his very impulsive nature.


At the age of 16, Alexander graduated from the fourth grade of the Vyatka city school and moved to Odessa, deciding to become a sailor. The father gave his son 25 rubles for the journey and the address of his Odessa acquaintance. At first, a sixteen-year-old teenager wandered in search of work and starved. In the end, he still had to turn to that very friend of his father. He fed the young man and helped him get a job on the ship "Platon", which ran from Odessa to Batumi and back. Once Green even had a chance to visit Alexandria, the capital of Egypt.

Unfortunately, Green did not turn out to be a sailor - he was disgusted by the hard and routine work of a sailor. Very soon he had a fight with the captain and left the ship. In 1897 he returned back to Vyatka, but a year later he left again - this time to Baku. Here he tried himself in the most different professions- was a laborer, a worker in railway workshops, a fisherman. Wandering around the country, he managed to work as a lumberjack, a gold digger in the Urals, a miner and even a copyist in the theater.

revolutionary activity

In 1902, Green served for some time as a soldier in an infantry reserve battalion, which was stationed in Penza. Here, in the service, Green's revolutionary views only intensified. Of the six months in the service, he spent three and a half in the punishment cell. Six months later, Green deserted from the unit, was found and captured, but was able to escape again.

During his service in the army, Green managed to make acquaintance with those who appreciated the mood young man and helped him hide in Simbirsk. At this time, he received the nickname Lanky and threw all his strength into the fight against the existing social order which he deeply hated. Nevertheless, Green did not take part in terrorist acts, limiting himself to propaganda among workers and soldiers.

In 1903, Grinevsky was arrested in Sevastopol for spreading revolutionary anti-government ideas. After a failed escape attempt, he was transferred to a maximum security prison, where he was held for more than a year. Greene was described in police documents as embittered, withdrawn, capable of anything even at the risk of own life. Grinevsky's case was investigated for more than a year and a half, during which he twice attempted to escape.

In 1905, the Sevastopol Naval Court sentenced Grinevsky to 10 years of exile in Siberia. Six months later, he was released under a general amnesty, but soon he was again arrested in St. Petersburg and exiled to the Tobolsk province for 4 years. After 3 days, he fled home to Vyatka, where, with the help of his father, he obtained documents in the name of Malginov, according to which he returned to St. Petersburg.

In 1908, Green married 24-year-old Vera Abramova. In his story "A Hundred Miles Down the River" under the names Knock and Gelli Green, he described himself and his wife.

The beginning of literary activity

The surname Malginov became Green's first literary pseudonym..

  1. In 1906, Green wrote the first two stories - "Merit of Private Panteleev" And "Elephant and Pug". The first of the stories was of an agitational nature and narrated about the atrocities of the military among the peasants. Green received a fee for his stories, but almost the entire print run was found by the police and burned. Miraculously, several copies were found. The same fate befell the second story.
  2. Green's works began to be printed and reach readers only in December 1906. His first legally published story was "To Italy". The story was published in the Birzhevye Vedomosti newspaper.
  3. Story "Happening" was first published under the pseudonym Green in the newspaper "Comrade".
  4. In early 1908, Green published his first author's collection in St. Petersburg. "Invisible hat". Most of the stories in this collection were about the Socialist-Revolutionaries.
  5. In 1910, the author's second collection was published - "Stories". Most of them are purely realistic in nature. However, in some of the stories one can already guess the handwriting of Green - a romantic and a storyteller. In stories "Colony Lanfier" And "Reno Island" The action takes place in a fictional country. According to Green himself, he began to feel like a writer precisely after these stories..

In the first few years of his writing career Green published 25 stories a year. He was quickly recognized as a young and talented author, the field of which he made acquaintance with the outstanding Russian writers of that time - Alexei Tolstoy, Valery Bryusov, etc. Green had especially warm friendly relations with Kuprin.

At this time, Green began to earn large sums money, but they did not stay with him for long, quickly slipping out of his hands during card games and parties.


In July 1910, the Petersburg police finally came to the conclusion that famous writer Grin and the fugitive exiled Grinevsky are one and the same person. He was again arrested and exiled to the Arkhangelsk province. Vera Abramova followed him, here they got married officially. After 2 years, Green's sentence was reduced and he was allowed to return to St. Petersburg.

  1. While in exile, Green wrote 2 more romantic works "Life of Gnor" And "The Blue Cascade of Telluri".
  2. In 1913 were published "Devil of Orange Waters", "Zurbagan shooter". In these works, the image of a fictional country was finally formed, which literary critics later called Greenland.
  3. At first, Green published his work primarily in illustrated magazines and newspapers. Periodically, his works were placed on their pages by such reputable publications of that time as "Russian Thought" and " Modern world". Here Green published thanks to his close acquaintance with Kuprin.
  4. In 1913-14. Green's three-volume edition saw the light of day.
  5. In 1914, the writer began to collaborate with the popular magazine New Satyricon and published his collection as an appendix to the magazine. short stories "The Incident on Dog Street". During this time, he worked as productively as ever. The themes of his works are becoming more and more diverse - from humorous "Captain Duke" to a sophisticated and full of psychologism novella "Returned Hell".
  6. When did the first World War, his works began to have a pronounced anti-war character. An example is "Batalist Shuang", "Blue Top" or "Poisoned Island".

Since the police again filed charges of inappropriate statements about the reigning person, Green was forced to hide for some time in Finland. When did February Revolution, Grinevsky returned to Petrograd.

October Revolution

In the hope of a revolutionary renewal, the writer published an essay in the spring of 1917 entitled "Walk to the Revolution". After the start October revolution Green began to publish in magazines and newspapers a whole series of short feuilletons and notes that condemned the violence and excesses that were happening around.

In 1918, the Satyricon magazine was banned by the new government as reactionary, and Greene was arrested and almost sentenced to death. However, in 1919 he was drafted into the Red Army as a signalman and sent to the front. Very soon, Grinevsky fell ill with typhus and ended up in the Botkin barracks, where he spent several months. Here Green was supported by Maxim Gorky, who sent him food - honey, bread and tea.

When Grin recovered, Gorky helped him get housing in the House of Arts on Nevsky Prospekt and an academic ration. The writer's housemates were V.A. Rozhdestvensky, O. Mandelstam, N. Gumilev, V. Kaverin. According to the reviews of his neighbors, Green lived as a hermit and practically did not make acquaintances with anyone. It was here that his famous extravaganza "Scarlet Sails" was written..

  1. In the early 1920s, the writer conceived and finally decided to bring to life his first novel - "Shining World". Main character books Drood - a man with an extraordinary ability to fly - tried to convince people to turn to highest values Glittering world.
  2. Apart from great prose, the writer did not stop publishing stories. His books were published in Leningrad "Loquacious Brownie", "Pied Piper", "Fandango".
  3. In 1925, Green wrote and published the novel "Gold chain". This book was conceived and executed as "a memoir of the dream of a boy who seeks miracles and finds them."

Out of touch with the era

A year later, the writer completed one of his masterpieces - a book "Running on the waves". This work reflected the most brilliant facets of Green's talent. For several years, the writer could not publish his work in Soviet publications. No less labor was worth the publication and following novels"Jesse and Morgiana", "Road to Nowhere".

In 1927, a private publisher attempted to publish the collected works of the author in 15 volumes, but soon the publisher was arrested and only 8 volumes saw the light of day. Failures began to lead Green to frequent binges. A few years later, the Grinevsky family finally managed to win a lawsuit with the publishing house and sue several thousand rubles. However, by this time, this amount had greatly depreciated due to inflation. The Grinevsky family was forced to move to Stary Krym, where life was somewhat cheaper.

In 1930, the existing censorship banned the reprinting of Grinevsky's books, citing the fact that he "does not merge with the era." The writer's new works were also limited to one per year. Green and his wife were often ill due to hunger. Attempts to hunt came to nothing.

The writer started working on a new novel "Handy" but never managed to finish it.

Alexander Grinevsky died in 1932 at the age of 52 from a stomach tumor. He was buried at the city cemetery of Stary Krym. On his grave there is a monument "Running on the Waves" by sculptor Tatyana Gagarina, as a reflection of the life and work of Alexander Grin.

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