But sad to think that it was in vain. Lesson - trial in literature on the topic "But it's sad to think that youth was given to us in vain" (based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")



To form the ability to work independently, look for a solution to the problem, comprehensively

revealing the personal qualities of students;

Master the ability to work with a book, analyze what is read, select the main and

necessary for the report, to express thoughts, to establish contact with the audience;

Develop Creative skills students;

Awaken the activity of schoolchildren;

To enrich their moral and aesthetic consciousness.

Methods: word of the teacher, conversation of a problematic nature, application of the algorithm - memos, creative reading, research method.

Equipment: visual record, stand: A.S. Pushkin Eugene Onegin»,

illustrative material.


1. Active Forms teaching literature / Edited by G.I. Albetskaya. - M., 1991.

2. Gukovsky G.L. Pushkin problems of realistic style. - M., 1957.

3. Kachurin M.T. Organization research activities students in the classroom

literature. - M., 1988.

5. Search for new ways / Compiled by S.N. Gromtsev. - M., 1990.

6. Pushkin A.S. Selected writings. - M., 2010.

I. Organizational moment.

Before the lesson, a board, illustrative material was prepared.


We drink from the cup of life

With closed eyes

Golden wetting edges

With their own tears.

At the lesson - greeting students, setting goals and objectives.

II. Teacher's word.

Today is a special lesson in which you yourself will solve the problem, evaluate your work yourself.

Some will express their point of view, others will argue with them, and still others will decide who is right, who defended his position more convincingly. And then all together we will try to find the truth. I would like to hope that no one will remain indifferent, since the problem raised is still relevant today.

But just remember: the difference in points of view is not the result of mistakes, but the impossibility of a single answer.

Each point of view has its own truth. Our task is not so much to evaluate different opinions, but to see the complexity of life, the responsibility of a person for his actions, the significance of every step and moment that we have lived.

The main thing is to find a solution to the problem. And the problem is hidden in the topic: “But it’s sad to think that youth was given to us in vain ...”

Issue to be resolved: Do you think that youth is given to the heroes of Pushkin's novel in vain? And what is youth?

The epigraph of the lesson will be lines from Lermontov's poem(The teacher draws the students' attention to the blackboard; one of the students reads.)

- What is it: prophecy or the law of life?

Speaking of the novel as a priceless treasure, Pushkinists - literary critics often mention the ingenious simplicity of the plot of "Eugene Onegin".

Yes, it would seem that there is nothing special in the novel: the characters, opposite in character, love, suffer, seek. Only and everything! But in this simplicity lies the complexity of the interaction of individual views, individual people and society as a whole. And the natural outcome, the crown of contradictions - the dramatic denouement of the novel.

So, before us is not so extensive, but a unique gallery of images. Name these images.

Magic quadrilateral instead of a banal triangle! This is already interesting.

But who is the first? How do you think? Naturally, the hero who gave his name to the novel.

Today we will talk about only two heroes. Guess who?

To whom can the lines be addressed?

Is he familiar to you?

Yes and no.


Let's try to explore the human soul.

Before us (teacher shows a portrait of a hero)Eugene Onegin. Please love and respect.

In the role of a specialist on this issue, he will act ... with the message "The origins of further fate”, in which he will try, I believe, to illuminate the image of Eugene Onegin for us.

Remember, you need to make the report interesting and meaningful.

III. Report "The origins of further destiny".

(The message is prepared by the student on her own, according to the memo proposed by the teacher. Attention is paid to clarity, consistency, accessibility. The text of the report is viewed in advance by the teacher, recommendations are given).

IV. Discussion of the report.

She expressed her thoughts. It is very important. Thought must be understood and felt in order to accept or reject it.

Now arbitrators, opponents are joining the work(groups are distributed in advance, taking into account the desires of students)whose tasks are: to conduct an interview with the speaker - "specialist"; discuss the message using the “How to evaluate the answer” algorithm, express your position.

Questions of a non-problematic nature are removed.

(Having previously read the text of the report, the arbitrators come up with their own questions and draw a conclusion.)

IV. Problematic conversation.

From you, dear arbitrators, opponents, I look forward to finding a solution to controversial issues.

(The conversation is conducted with the help of illustrative material located on the stand)

How does Onegin seem to you, and what illustration is closest to the appearance of the main character that you have after reading the novel (1 minute to think).

Is it possible to give the following caption under each of the two illustrations:

Will I portray in a true picture

secluded office,

Where is my exemplary pupil

Dressed, undressed and dressed again? ...

Perfume in garnet crystal,

Combs, steel files…

What episode can be called a turning point in life?

What is your attitude to Onegin's act? Is it society's fault? If yes, what is it?

Why did our hero become unhappy in his prime?


Oh, these fragments of the past! Once in the heart of a person, they are like magic false mirror, interfere with enjoying life, do not make it clear the need to rebuild a disgusting society. And this is the key to future loneliness. Do you agree?

We are witnesses of the devastation of the human soul. What is interesting for a hero in life? NOTHING. And it's scary, very painfully cut into the soul.

Boredom, pain, devastation, loneliness accompany Onegin in his youth. Right?

VI. Analysis of the image of Tatyana Larina

And what about the other heroine of our novel? Dreamy Tatyana Larina, who believed in “the traditions of the common folk antiquity. And dreams, and card fortune-telling, and predictions of the moon ... "?

Let us mentally transport ourselves to her secluded corner, where she(referring to the booth)“... often all day long she sat silently by the window ...”, “... she loved to warn the dawn of the sunrise” ...

Are not Tatyana Larina’s words suitable for determining the true place in a soulless society: “Our own among strangers, a stranger among our own”? I wonder how this issue was approached...

- Report "Dear child ..."(5 minutes)

- The work of arbitrators (Students ask questions)

- Opponent performance (by algorithm)


Look at the illustrations. Which of them more accurately conveys the character of Pushkin's heroine?

Remember the lines that list her traits.

(Dika, sad, silent, fearful.)

And this fearful soul is in love...

What is love?

Once, in a newspaper article, I read an interview with journalist Elina Bystritskaya - famous actress, who played one of the main roles in the film based on the novel by Sholokhov

« Quiet Don". She said: "Love is always the flight of the soul."

Indeed, Tanya is characterized by a flight of fantasy, the height of feelings. And she correctly noticed ......, saying that our heroine saw only good things in the people around her and did not think about selfishness, envy, meanness. After all, her soul was waiting for someone and waited ... She wrote a letter - and is waiting for a miracle.

(Reading Tatyana's letter by heart)

Note that the letter is perceived easily; lines penetrate our brain and linger there, trying to find confirmation in life. Do they find?

Remember Pushkin's poem "You and You". Compare it to writing.

And now let's turn to the text, find the episode of Tatyana and Onegin's date, presented in the painting by the artist D.N. Kardovsky.

- Expressive reading excerpt.

Let it be not just reading, but empathy. Try to convey the inner state of the characters.

- Discussion.

Did our readers manage to convey the feelings experienced by the characters?

Is it possible to characterize state of mind Tatyana with the words: “Farewell, and if forever, then forever goodbye!” (Byron)

And Tanya's happiness seemed so close. Is it all in vain? And there is nothing more to expect from life?

What brought the heroine unrequited love?

Is Eugene Onegin capable of changing? Love deeply and passionately?

D.D. Blagoy looks at the problem differently:

“... having appeared in the world, Onegin basically remained the same as he was when he left him ... The curse of Onegin's whole life lies in the fact that ... he is so corrupted by him (society) that he will forever part with him ... not able to.

Do you agree with this opinion?

Answer Pushkin's question:

What stirred in the depths of a cold and lazy soul? Annoyance, fussiness, or again the care of youth - love?

What do you think Onegin felt?

What struck him Tatyana?

VII. Commentary on Onegin's letter.

(Reading Onegin's letter to a student.

Twelve examination essays by medalists in Omsk and the Omsk region - Elena Stepanova (school 117) BUT IT'S SAD TO THINK THAT THE YOUTH WAS GIVEN TO US IN vain ... (The author and the characters of the novel "Eugene Onegin" in their attitude to society)


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Elena Stepanova (school 117)
BUT IT'S SAD TO THINK THAT YOUTH WAS GIVEN TO US IN VAIN...(The author and heroes of the novel "Eugene Onegin" in their attitude to society)

Do not let the poet's soul cool,
harden, harden
And finally, to petrify in the deadly ecstasy of light,
Among the thoughtless proud,
Among the brilliant fools...
Among everyday, fashionable scenes,
Courteous, affectionate betrayals,
Among the cold sentences
cruel fuss,
In the midst of the desolate emptiness
Calculations, thoughts and conversations...

A. S. Pushkin

There are books that are reread from generation to generation. They look like security clearances vernacular, history, culture. This is Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", and Tolstoy's "War and Peace", and Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" ... Everyone will say that he has read these works. But which of the thoughtful readers will dare to assert that he has already “read” them, that is, he has fully understood their content?

Brilliant works of art have the ability to live with time. Therefore, they are always different years, decades and centuries - are read in a new way and thus become our eternal interlocutors.

Lyro-epic form Pushkin's novel in verse, with his mixture of "prose and poetry in the depiction of reality", continuous copyright digressions, judgments that have become aphorisms, and statements on a wide variety of topics, defines a colossal range of problems. This is, first of all, moral issues, then political, social and, finally, philosophical, which are the connecting link of the whole work. One of the most important problems is the relationship of the author and the characters of the novel to society. The author and his characters are young, and their relationship with society is largely connected with the search for the meaning of life - the most difficult question to which each person must find his own answer.

B. G. Belinsky called "Eugene Onegin" a historical poem "in the full sense of the word, although there is not a single one among its heroes historical person, and considered its author "a representative of the first awakened self-consciousness."

The poet's youth passed during the most important historical events which to a large extent determined the main themes of his work, connected with national problems, with the interests of the people and society. The end of the Napoleonic Wars, the emergence of the Decembrist "Union of Salvation", the revolutions in Spain and Naples, the uprising in Greece and, finally, the events on the Senate Square - all this helped to shape the worldview young Pushkin, his views and, in particular, his attitude towards society.

Belinsky wrote: “Here is all his life, all his soul, all his love is here, his feelings, concepts, ideals. To evaluate such a work means to evaluate the poet himself in the entire scope of his creative activity.

One of the most difficult problems and the end of the twenties of the nineteenth century, and the beginning of the nineties of our century - the relationship between man and the world around him.

Pushkin is not satisfied with the state of affairs in the Society, and he does not even try to hide it. The poet is tired of the meaningless fuss secular life wishes for peace. He calls his state at this time "spleen." And the author fully endows his hero Eugene Onegin with it.

So young" socialite”, he lived for some time according to the laws of his society. But his education and upbringing in the French manner, typical in its isolation from Russian traditions, was nevertheless deep enough to quickly recognize the stupidity, baseness of goals, the monotony of the interests of the regulars of secular salons and balls. At the very beginning of his youth, “the ardor of his soul cooled in him” ... Onegin loses all interest in his former activities and entertainment:

No gossip of the world, no Boston.
Neither a sweet look, nor an immodest sigh,
Nothing touched him
He did not notice anything.

Eugene leaves for the village, but he does not find anything better there either. From a society whose life is based on hypocrisy, he falls into another: philistine, self-satisfied.

It is ready to accept the “learned neighbor” into its tiresomely hospitable embrace, but Onegin does not accept importunate arrivals and invitations.

And society passed its categorical verdict: Our neighbor is an ignoramus; crazy; He is a pharmacist; he drinks one glass of red wine. The neighbors leave Onegin alone. Having achieved the desired solitude, however, he is not satisfied. He still needs communication, but communication with a person who is just as educated and intelligent. At this time, Onegin meets Lensky.

The poet Lensky's concepts of humanity, love, friendship are high, but divorced from reality ... Living among the people, he is "half-Russian." Vladimir is submissive to fate, but his "freedom-loving dreams" and fiery heart could take him anywhere.

With time, Lensky could have become a remarkable poet, or a degenerate intellectual, like Chekhov's Ionych, or someone else, including, I think, a Decembrist. Its future is unpredictable:

With the thunder of splashes or curses,
He could make a formidable path,
To last time die
In view of the solemn trophies,
Like our Kutuzov or Nelson,
Or in exile, like Napoleon,
Or be hanged like Ryleev.

Onegin and Lensky are friends, but they could become Brothers, being spiritually attached to the Larins' house. The tragedy was that hostility divided close people.

duel not The best way clarifying relationships, especially between friends. And all the blame for what happened falls, of course, on Onegin. He himself understands this, realizes that he has become a murderer. So the author also calls him, for the first time openly condemning the actions of his hero.

Onegin was unable to rise above the prejudices of secular society, above the false notions of pride and honor. He did not want a duel, but did not refuse it, fearing disgrace.

In this sad story Big role played by Zaretsky:

... once a brawler,
Ataman of the gambling gang,
The head of the rake, the tribune of the tavern.

Pushkin sarcastically talks about how Zaretsky has changed:

Reliable friend, peaceful landowner
And even fair man!
This is how our age is being corrected!

In reality, the changes took place only in the way of life, the character remained the same. Tired of the monotony, Zaretsky is glad of such an outstanding event. He, apparently, decided to certainly bring this matter to an end and not only did not prevent the duel, but even illegally resolved it. After all, Onegin, unable to openly apologize to Lensky, nevertheless deliberately violated so many different rules that the duel should not have taken place. Lensky, out of the best of intentions, brought Onegin to the Larins' house and eventually paid for it. And in the fate of Onegin, and in the short life of Vladimir Lensky Great importance was familiar with this family. Senior Larins - typical representatives local nobility. For them, patriarchal orders are important. Even their surname, so domestic, ordinary, has its own mythological basis, leading back to ancient times; Laramie in Ancient Rome they called the gods who patronized the father's hearth. Youngest daughter Olga differs from her parents only in age. The rest is the same common man:

... any romance
Take it and find it right
Her portrait: he is very sweet,
I used to love him myself
But he bored me to no end.

Her relationship with society is ordinary: Olga does not stand out among other provincial young ladies:

Used to pee in blood
She is in the album of gentle maidens,
Called Polina Praskovya
and spoke in a singsong voice...

These lines are about the mother of Olga and Tatyana, but they can be successfully attributed to Olga herself ...

However, the older sister Tatyana is the complete opposite of her family.

In the image of Tatyana Larina, Pushkin's ideal of a woman was embodied, the author admires her heroine. She is beautiful, but this is not Olga's puppet beauty: her beauty, rather, was expressed in sophistication, grace, grace. Unlike her sister, she reads a lot. Tatiana from childhood absorbed the original Russian character traits, love for nature. Despite her poor knowledge of the Russian language, she is faithful folk traditions, believes in omens and dreams.

From an early age, Tanya loved solitude:

Didn't want to play and jump
And often all day alone
She sat silently by the window.

Love for Onegin made Tatyana act contrary to the principles of secular society: usually lovers in love composed messages to their beloved, but not vice versa. Tatyana decided to turn to Eugene with a letter, relying on his honor and nobility. And she was not wrong. A warm feeling fought in Onegin with indifference, and although indifference won out, he did not offend the girl with a word or a look.

After a conversation with Yevgeny, Tatyana, according to others, began to behave even more strangely. She refused all her admirers who asked for her hand, and preferred complete solitude. For a girl who is about to get married, such behavior, by the standards of secular society, was completely incomprehensible.

Tatyana is afraid of the upcoming winter trip to Moscow. She thinks that high society significantly different from the familiar county. But, having arrived in Moscow, she is convinced that there is nothing good here, and the difference is not so great:

... everyone in the living room takes
such incoherent, vulgar nonsense;
Everything in them is so pale, indifferent;
They slander even boringly.

The girl doesn't like it.

Tatyana looks and does not see
The excitement of the world hates...

But, tired of meaningless hopes and unrequited love to Onegin, Tanya, yielding to her mother and aunt, attends balls and, at one of them, meets the general, who later becomes her husband.

Here Pushkin parted with her for a while, as Onegin returned to the world.

Traveling around the country in many ways changed his views on the modern structure of society. He saw the plight of the peasants in the country; he was no longer concerned only with worries high society but also general public problems. However, after a few years, Eugene got bored with this pastime.

He returned and got, like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball. These lines say a lot about Onegin. The author does not accidentally compare him with Chatsky. Of course, the similarities do not end with the fact that Eugene directly from the road gets into secular salon. Pushkin draws a parallel between Chatsky and Onegin in their relationship with others. And if Chatsky went into open conflict with society, Onegin never comes to this.

Once at the ball, Eugene met Tatyana, and that's when he realized that he loved her.

Now he, Onegin, is acting contrary to the laws of society (however, formal laws; by the standards of high society, his behavior is quite normal). He sends Tatyana several letters, but in vain: Tatyana has her own principles and follows them to the end. She is an example faithful wife. Such were the wives of the Decembrists, and she could well have gone to Siberia for her husband.

After the explanation, in a difficult moment for Onegin, Pushkin leaves his hero forever.

The further fate of Onegin is unknown. Critics, historians disagree on whether Eugene will become a Decembrist or not.

There are two points of view regarding the time frame of the novel. The first is that the action ends in 1825, a few months before the Senate Square uprising. According to the second, the events of the end of the novel must be attributed to the year 1827. Every theory has its own evidence. Personally, I am inclined to the second version, based on the following facts: in the preface to the first edition, Pushkin wrote that the action of the novel begins in 1819; in the first chapter Onegin is eighteen, in the last - twenty-six. So this is the twenty-seventh year.

If we accept such reasoning as true, then the question of the connection between the future fate of Yevgeny and the Decembrists can be removed: he simply “passed through” the uprising.

What will happen to him, who will he become in society? Onegin will not leave for the estate:

... he saw clearly
That in the village boredom is the same.

Won't be on public service- he is not accustomed to work; will not go to the army:

He thought that good, laws,
love for the fatherland
Some conditional words...

I don't know who he will be. It is likely that he will have enough funds to continue an idle existence.

“But it is sad to think that youth was given to us in vain ...

Pushkin believed that if a person did not retain the ideals of youth, youthful inspiration, striving for noble goals, then he senselessly spent his best years.

It can occur almost out of the blue. From raindrops pounding on the roof, from a steel-gray sky, or from all sorts of information. Sadness is a special emotional state of a person, which has been sung by poets, writers and artists more than once.

What is sadness?

Sadness is a negative emotion that occurs when dissatisfaction is felt in various aspects of life. That is, when a person has problems at work or he quarreled with one of his relatives, it is likely that he will feel sad. It is worth noting that sadness in a clinically neglected case can turn into depression, although dictionaries say the following: “Sadness is a state similar to melancholy or languid despondency. It can also be said that this is a phase in which the accumulated negative emotions - irritation, petty resentment - cannot find a way out.

Often sadness becomes the basis of lyrical or works of art. Sadness is human life, and, like every phenomenon, it can perform positive and negative functions.

Why is sadness necessary?

It is not always possible to understand what exactly caused the sadness. Sometimes it happens that in the evening a person good mood and in the morning he wakes up with a feeling of sadness. Nothing changed in his life overnight, nothing unforeseen, unexpected and destructive happened. But he woke up sad...

Being in a state of sadness is unnatural for a person. Someone may argue, they say: "I'm always sad" or "I like sadness." But sadness is a kind of signal that the subconscious mind sends, prompting action. For people who are not inclined to succumb to negative emotions, it is something alien, unusual and hostile. Accordingly, you want to get rid of this feeling, so you have to get up from the couch, make decisions, answer calls and change your life. As practice shows, active actions focused on results are the best cure for sadness.

When talking about sadness, many people associate it with different concepts such as resentment, longing, grief, despondency. These terms are rather vague, so it is difficult to outline their boundaries, but it is important to understand that in some cases they have nothing to do with sadness. Here are some of the most common terms that are often used instead of this word:

  • Yearning. The feeling is stronger and deeper, often expressed more intensely than sadness. It arises from very unpleasant experiences. Most often they are associated with parting with someone.
  • Despondency. If sadness or melancholy can make a person do something, then discouragement does not have such motivational power. Despondency is characterized by a decrease in working capacity and a bad mood over a long period of time.
  • Sorrow. The ultimate sadness. We can say that grief is an emotion that also affects the physical state (headaches, insomnia, heart problems). Occurs after loss loved one, physical or mental capabilities.

Positive traits

Longing - these states are often perceived negatively by others. But, as in all aspects of our being, you can find something positive in them:

  • Order. A slight sadness is useful, as a person begins to think about his life, tries to find the source of this emotional state. Along the way, he reconsiders his values, principles and behavior. It helps to put things in order.
  • Motivator. As already mentioned, such a state is unnatural for a person, so sadness can be an excellent motivational tool on the way to what you want.
  • Sympathy. The person who stays long bad mood, mostly fixated only on itself. But those who not so long ago felt a slight pang of sadness understand that there are people who can feel even worse. Sadness breeds sympathy, and sympathy - "Man".
  • Relief. Sometimes sadness leads to tears, and that too has its merits. Tears help to calm down and find peace of mind.

How to overcome sadness?

A. Rosenbauman had these words: “Sadness always comes suddenly. Go for a walk, because there is no one to share them with. Of course, sometimes sadness is considered a manifestation of certain human qualities. It helps you improve yourself and understand yourself better. But when a state of bad mood drags on for months without a hint of enlightenment, this is already a diagnosis. Therefore, you need to be able to take the best from sadness, and then get rid of it without a twinge of conscience:

  • Sweet. Glucose and chocolate energize the body, and this always cheers you up.
  • More life. Another dreary morning? Have breakfast at the nearest cafe or go to a place where you have long wanted to visit. New impressions will make you forget about a bad mood.
  • Less urgency, more joy. Being in a bad mood, it is better to postpone all important and urgent matters. If possible, turn off your work phone and do what brings you joy: let bubble, ride a bike, watch comedies.
  • Exploit. Sadness does not always need to be driven away. Sometimes it can be used in creativity. Try writing a poem, an essay, or playing a tune.

What are others saying?

You can often hear many statements about sadness that will tell you better than any definition what its essence, benefits and dangers are:

  • Your sadness is proof that the soul has not yet hardened.
  • Strong people get sad, weak people get depressed.
  • Sadness and longing are like children - if they are well taken care of, they will grow up quickly.
  • A cup of tea and a pillow are the things that will share any longing.
  • There is a lot of sadness in the world, but no one forces you to look into her eyes.
  • Sadness cannot be treated with wine, otherwise it will turn into despondency.

It can also be said that sadness is a temporary phenomenon, weak and shallow. Experiences are less unpleasant for a person, so in this state you can create a lot of really amazing things. A feeling of slight sadness always comes suddenly. And so I want to hide from the whole world and just relax in silence. Yes, sadness is a negative emotion, but with many positive qualities.

There are days when there is only one desire - to hide in bed and never get out of there. When it seems as if the whole world has fallen on your shoulders, depriving you of strength and testing your strength, everything goes wrong, and the feeling of helplessness does not allow you to move on. Life sometimes throws up things much more difficult than we can imagine. It's not easy to bear it all.

And even if the soul is sad and empty, it is very difficult to find the answer to the hackneyed question: “why?”. This feeling is impossible to describe, but it is well known.

You can finally give up. You may feel an unbearable emptiness, tiredness. But you have to hold on. You need to find a tiny thread that you just have to hang on to and it will become your lifeboat. Grab it as hard as you can and don't let go. Even if all you do is lie on the bed and breathe calmly. Do you know what? Well, let! Keep breathing and everything will be fine.

Maybe you feel that you are too broken to stand up, that the pain in your heart is too strong, that your head is a complete mess. Your body is much stronger than you think. It knows how to treat this pain.

You will never be completely broken. Every day you can start anew, and every new day you have a chance to return to your former self. It may take time, but it certainly does not mean that you are smashed to smithereens. You are just a little lost.

Nothing can be stable in this world - including the black streak. Bad feelings will definitely pass, you just need to wait it out, and very soon you will feel better. And when this happens, you will realize how much stronger you become every minute. Sadness is not a sign of weakness.

Take a deep breath and you will see that our life is just life. It's okay to make mistakes, and it's just as perfectly okay to fail. And even if you feel bad and hurt right now, maybe this is the beginning of something completely new.

You should not ignore this pain. Pay attention to her, and you will understand that she is just a guest and is not going to stay for long. Instead of artificially numbing the pain, accept it.

Fear can have tremendous power over us. Don't fall for it. Remember that your mind is playing with you and you need to be careful with your own thoughts. If you can taste the taste for life and awaken in yourself the desire to strive for the best, you will be the main witness of how everything begins to take on bright colors.

Find something small that you like and go from small to small steps. If you slowly start walking forward, everything will start to fall into place. Seek help if you need it. Those close to you want you to be happy because they love you. Open up to your friends when you feel bad.

Take a deep breath. You are here, you are alive! You have a huge number of good thoughts in your head and a big heart. Try not to forget all the good things that are inside you.

Even if you are hurt, you remain yourself. And when you are ready to look for the beautiful in life, it will always be waiting for you.

Don't forget that even if everything around you is collapsing, you can still save yourself. You have the power to bridge this troubled water. You can tunnel through the darkness to see the light again. You need to move forward. As time goes by, things will get much better, the light in your path will get brighter and brighter.

You have something that no one else on this vast planet has. your personality, your Inner Light, your soul and love. You are definitely growing, you are definitely shining. You are the whole universe. And all this is so cool combined in one single person.

Take a deep breath. Everything will be fine!

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