The main qualities of Sherlock Holmes. Research work on the literature "interpretation of the image of Sherlock Holmes"


In this article, I will dwell on some criteria for assessing the reliability of banks. We will talk about banking regulations and other important financial indicators.

The reliability of a bank is largely determined by its financial stability. Financial stability is the ability of a bank to withstand external and internal negative factors affecting its financial position.

In order to make it easier to determine the reliability and financial stability of the bank, there are banking standards.

Banking regulations

The standards were developed by the Central Bank of Russia and are mandatory for all banks to comply with. Banking ratios are calculated on the basis of the monthly financial statements of banks and are constantly monitored by the Central Bank. In case of violation of the standards, the Central Bank may impose restrictions on the activities of the bank and the conduct of banking operations, for example, prohibit the acceptance of deposits individuals, impose fines, introduce a temporary administration and eventually revoke the license.

There are 9 mandatory banking standards. The formulas for their calculation can be found in the instructions on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

  • H1 Capital adequacy ratio (minimum 10%)
  • H2 Instant liquidity ratio (minimum 15%)
  • H3 Current liquidity ratio (minimum 50%)
  • H4 Long-term liquidity ratio (maximum 120%)
  • H6 Maximum risk limit per borrower or group of related borrowers (maximum 25%)
  • H7 Maximum size of large credit risks (maximum 800%)
  • H9.1 The norm of the maximum amount of loans, bank guarantees and guarantees provided by the bank to its participants (shareholders) (maximum 50%)
  • H10.1 Aggregate risk ratio for bank insiders (maximum 35%)
  • H12 The standard for the use of own funds (capital) of the bank for the acquisition of shares (shares) of other legal entities(maximum 25%)

The first four standards - capital adequacy and liquidity - are the main ones.

Capital adequacy ratio H1.0

The bank receives its main income from interest. The bank raises borrowed capital in the form of deposits and issues loans or invests money in securities. For example, a bank attracts deposits at 10%, and issues loans at 20%. On the difference in interest between attracted deposits and loans issued, the bank earns profit. Moreover, the amount of borrowed capital significantly exceeds equity capital. If the bank's income decreases significantly, for example, borrowers stop paying interest on loans, the bank may suffer a loss. The easiest way to recover losses is to cover them from your own capital.

A bank's capital adequacy ratio is the ratio between equity capital and assets adjusted by a coefficient depending on the degree of risk (loans issued, investments in securities, other investments have different risks). It shows the bank's ability to recover financial losses from equity. The greater the value of this ratio, the greater the bank's own funds in total assets, the greater the financial stability of the bank. The minimum value of capital adequacy set by the Central Bank is 10%. If the capital adequacy ratio is less than 2%, the Central Bank is obliged to revoke the bank's license.

Liquidity ratios

Liquidity ratios show the bank's readiness to fulfill its obligations. Deposits and customer funds on current accounts are liabilities for the bank. Depositors can demand them at any time, and the bank must be ready to issue funds to its depositors. Bank assets (money, loans, securities) differ in liquidity. The most liquid - money in cash, ATMs and bank accounts. The bank can issue these funds and transfer them to another account at any time. But the bank does not store all of its assets in the form of money, most of the bank's assets are loans or securities. In the event that current funds run out, the bank may short term sell their securities and convert them into money in order to fulfill their obligations. However, the lion's share of the bank's assets are loans. It is much more difficult with loans, some banks issue loans for many years and cannot repay them at once. Therefore, the bank must maintain a balance between highly liquid and low liquid assets in order to be able to fulfill its obligations on time and at the same time earn a profit. The ability of a bank to fulfill its obligations can be assessed using liquidity ratios.

There are 3 liquidity ratios depending on the term: instant, current and long-term.

Instant liquidity ratio H2 shows the risk of loss of solvency of the bank within one day. This is the ratio of the bank's highly liquid assets, which the bank can sell during the day, to the amount of obligations that the bank must fulfill or can be claimed from it within one day. Such liabilities include amounts on current and settlement accounts, demand accounts, overnight interbank loans. The amount of these liabilities is adjusted by the amount of the minimum mandatory balance of funds on the accounts. The minimum value of the standard is 15%.

Current liquidity ratio H3 shows the risk of the bank's solvency loss within the next 30 days. This is the ratio of the amount of the bank's liquid assets to the amount of the bank's obligations that the bank needs to fulfill or that the bank may be required to fulfill within the next 30 days. The minimum value of the standard is 50%.

Long-term liquidity ratio H4 shows the risk of losing the bank's solvency as a result of placing funds in long-term assets. This is the ratio of long-term loans issued by a bank with a maturity of more than a year to the bank's equity and liabilities of the bank with a maturity of more than a year. Maximum value standard 120%.

Bank financial indicators

Return on assets and equity

Return on assets and equity show the effectiveness of the bank. Profitability is the ratio of profit to assets (ROA) or equity (ROE). The greater the profitability, the more efficiently the bank uses its own or borrowed capital to make a profit. If the return on equity declined during the year, this may mean that the bank began to experience some problems.

Loan arrears

Not all bank borrowers repay loans on time. There is always some part of the loans overdue. Particularly strongly the share of delay can increase in a crisis. If the client does not repay the loan, then the bank does not make a profit. In this case, the bank is obliged to reserve part of its funds for loan losses. How more share delinquency on loans, the greater the risk of the bank. A delay of more than 10% is big.

Net interest margin— is the difference between interest income and interest expenses, divided by the amount of interest-bearing (profitable) assets of the bank. Shows what percentage of net income the bank's assets bring to the bank.

Return on assets— the ratio of interest income to interest-bearing assets. It shows how profitable the interest-bearing assets of the bank bring - loans and securities.

Liability cost— the ratio of interest expenses to the amount of interest liabilities. Shows the extent to which the bank manages borrowed capital - deposits and loans taken from other banks.

The bank's financial indicators and banking standards should be considered in dynamics. So you can see certain trends. We list the negative factors that you need to pay attention to:

  • capital adequacy ratio is close to the minimum level of 10%
  • liquidity ratios are close to the minimum values
  • decrease in return on assets
  • increase in loan arrears
  • decline in return on assets
  • increase in the value of liabilities
  • decrease in net interest margin
  • a strong decrease in the share of deposits of individuals in liabilities - means that depositors are withdrawing money from the bank

Where can I see banking standards and other financial indicators of the bank?

Banking ratios and financial indicators of the bank are calculated on the basis of financial statements, which the bank is required to disclose every month. Reporting and standards are published on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the section "Information on Credit Institutions". But it is much more convenient to analyze bank indicators on specialized sites and

Let's take Trust Bank as an example. In December 2014, a decision was made to reorganize Trust Bank. Bank Trust faced a lack of liquidity and failed to cope with a run on depositors during the banking panic. Later, the Central Bank discovered a "hole" in its capital of several billion rubles.

On the website for each bank there is a section " The financial analysis(f.135)”. IN this section financial indicators and banking standards are published. Chapter "Key indicators" shows the dynamics of various financial indicators: profitability, return on assets, cost of liabilities, etc. In chapter « Financial position» shows the main banking standards - capital adequacy and liquidity. Below is a mini-total and a list of violations of banking standards. Bank Trust often violated the basic capital adequacy ratio H1.1, and capital adequacy is close to the critical level of 10%.

Trust bank recommendations:
Evaluation of the reliability of Trust Bank - unsatisfactory.

  • capital adequacy H.1
  • liquidity ratios
  • the amount of capital, profits and deposits of individuals
  • share of deposits of individuals and legal entities
  • and others

Even good banking standards and financial performance cannot fully guarantee the reliability of a bank. financial reporting can be falsified, a lot depends on the reputation of the bank and its owners, as well as the behavior of depositors. An avalanche flow of customers who take their money can overwhelm any, even the most reliable bank. Therefore, when making a decision, evaluate others as well.

The novel was published in Beaton's weekly for 1887 under the title A Study in Scarlet, which introduced readers to Sherlock Holmes (prototypes: Professor Joseph Bell, writer Oliver Holmes) and Dr. Watson (prototype Major Wood), who soon became famous . separate edition the novel was published in early 1888 and was illustrated with drawings by Doyle's father, Charles Doyle. Despite literary success and a flourishing medical practice, the harmonious life of the Conan Doyle family, enhanced by the birth of Mary's daughter, was troubled. At the end of 1890, under the influence of the German microbiologist Robert Koch and Malcolm Robert, he decides to leave the practice in Portsmouth and travels with his wife, leaving his daughter Mary to his grandmother, to Vienna, where he wants to specialize in ophthalmology in order to find work in London in the future, but, faced with specializing in German and after studying for 4 months in Vienna, he realizes that time wasted in vain.

Doyle visits Paris and hastily returns to London, where he opens a practice on Upper Wimpole. The practice was not successful, but at that time they write short stories. This is how the image of Sherlock Holmes, the protagonist of these stories, which are published in The Strand magazine, is gradually created. In May 1891, after recovering from influenza, Doyle decided to leave the practice of medicine and devote himself to literature. In 1892, Doyle wrote the story "Surviving from the 15th year", which is successfully staged in many theaters. In 1893, after a trip with his wife to Switzerland and a visit to the Reichenbach Falls, despite everyone's requests, the impulsive author decided to do away with the image of Sherlock Holmes.

Literature, taking care of Louise, courting Jean Lecky as carefully as possible, playing golf, driving fast cars, flying balloons, on airplanes - such a life does not satisfy Conan Doyle. He again goes into politics in 1906, but this time he is defeated. After his wife died in his arms, Conan Doyle has been depressed for many months. He tries to help someone who is in a worse position than him. Continuing the story of Sherlock Holmes, he contacts Scotland Yard to point out the errors of justice. It helps justify young man named George Edalji, who was convicted of slaughtering many horses and cows. Conan Doyle proved that Edalji's eyesight was so bad that the criminal could not have done this terrible deed. Edalji, who managed to serve part of his term, was released. After nine years of secret courtship, Conan Doyle and Jean Lecky marry. Doyle is happy with his new wife and actively begins to work, significantly improving his financial situation. For several years, Doyle puts on the stage "The Motley Ribbon", "Rodney Stone", "Points of Fate", "The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard".

In 1910, Doyle published Crime in the Congo, about the atrocities committed in the Congo by the Belgians. The Lost World and The Poisoned Belt, written by him, were no less successful than Sherlock Holmes. In May 1914, Sir Arthur, along with his wife and children, went to inspect National Reserve in Jessier Park in the northern part of the Rocky Mountains (Canada). In Canada, Doyle gives a number of lectures. For a long time, Conan Doyle was convinced that future war with Germany. Doyle reads Bernard's book "Germany and next war”, understands the gravity of the situation and writes the article “England and the next war” (1913). But his warnings were judged as fantasies. Before the start of the war (in August 1914), Doyle joined a detachment of volunteers, which was entirely civilian and was created in case the enemy invaded England.
Doyle thought not only as a politician, but also as an engineer. During the war, Doyle also makes suggestions regarding the protection of soldiers and suggests something similar to armor, i.e. shoulder pads, as well as plates that protect the most important organs.
After such a life, it is hard to understand why the writer retreated into mental world science fiction and spiritism. But Conan Doyle was not a man who is satisfied with dreams and desires. He wanted them to come true. The press laughed at him, the clergy did not approve of his actions. But nothing could stop him. The following trips to America (1922, 1923), Australia (1920) and Africa were also similar to mental Crusades. In 1926, he wrote "When the Earth Shouted", "The Land of Fog", "The Disintegration Machine". In the autumn of 1929, Doyle went on his last tour of Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. At this time, he was already seriously ill with a sore throat. In 1930, bedridden, he carried out his last trip. He got up and went into the garden. When they found him, he was lying on the ground, clutching the earth with one hand, holding a white snowdrop with the other. Arthur Conan Doyle died on July 7, 1930. His last words before his death were addressed to his wife. He whispered, "You are wonderful." On the writer's grave there are engraved words, bequeathed by him personally:

* “Do not remember me with reproach,
* If I carried away the story even a little,
* And a husband who has seen enough of life,
* And a boy, in front of whom there is still a road ... ".

Sherlock Holmes is the main character in four detective novels and 56 short stories (5 collections). Among the predecessors of Sherlock Holmes were the detectives Dupin and Legrand from the stories of E. Poe and Lecoq from the novels of the Frenchman E. Gaborio. “Gaborio attracted me with the way he knew how to twist the plot, and the insightful detective Monsieur Dupin Edgar Allan Poe was my favorite hero since childhood,” A. Conan Doyle once admitted. The third "ancestor" of the detective-consultant can be considered the detective Cuff from the novel by W. Collins "Moonstone". The first book about Holmes, the story "Study in crimson colors", written in 1887. Latest compilation, The Sherlock Holmes Archive, published 1927. The story is told on behalf of a friend and companion of Holmes -- Dr. Watson .

At the first meeting with Sherlock Holmes in the laboratory at the hospital (“Study in Scarlet”), Dr. Watson describes a new acquaintance very ambiguously: “Even his appearance could strike the imagination of the most superficial observer. He was over six feet tall, but with his unusual thinness he seemed even taller. His gaze was sharp, piercing… a thin aquiline nose gave his face an expression of lively energy and determination. A square, slightly protruding chin also spoke of a decisive character. His hands were forever covered in ink and stained with various chemicals…”.

Sherlock Holmes does not serve anywhere. His permanent position is that of a gentleman who lives on his own means and sometimes earns by agreeing to solve a crime and return the loss. Investigating cases, he relies not so much on the letter of the law, but on his own life principles, rules of honor, which in some cases replace paragraphs of bureaucratic norms. Repeatedly, Holmes allowed people, in his opinion, who justifiably committed a crime, to escape punishment (“The Scarlet Ring”, etc.). His disinterestedness is emphasized by the author: “He was so disinterested - or so independent - that he often refused his help to the rich and noble people, if he did not find anything exciting for himself in investigating their secrets. At the same time, for whole weeks he was zealously engaged in the work of some poor man ”(“ Black Peter ”).

Sherlock Holmes is a private detective. He has no office, only an apartment he and Watson rent from Mrs. Hudson at 221-b Baker Street. There come those who seek his help. They can be sure that they will get help. It is here, and not in the police, which is part of the ordinary, boring life. Holmes is outraged when he is mistaken for a policeman: "What impudence to confuse me with detectives from the police!" ("Motley Ribbon"). However, Holmes is indulgent to individual representatives of the police investigation: “Jones will also be useful to us. He is a nice fellow, although he knows nothing about his profession. However, he has one undoubted advantage: he is brave, like a bulldog, and sticky, like a cancer ”(“ The Union of Redheads ”). In some cases, Holmes uses a group of London street boys as spies to assist him in investigating cases. Holmes also maintains a detailed file of crimes and criminals, and also writes monographs as a forensic scientist.

Sherlock Holmes is an explorer of his kind, busy with the logical complexity of the task. “My brain rebels against idleness. Give me a job! Let me the hardest problem, an unsolvable problem, the most confusing case ... I hate the dull, monotonous course of life. My mind requires strenuous activity” (“The Sign of the Four”).

His method of deduction, that is, logical analysis, often allows him to solve crimes without leaving the room. The usual course of his reasoning is as follows: "If we discard everything completely impossible, then exactly what remains - no matter how incredible it may seem - is the truth!" ("Sign of four").

At the same time, there is no intuition: the correct conclusions of a brilliant detective are based on his deep knowledge: "I did not see ... that he systematically read any scientific literature ... However, he studied some subjects with amazing zeal, and in some rather strange areas he had such extensive and accurate knowledge that sometimes I was simply stunned." Watson notes. The grotesque and somewhat comical rationalism of Holmes only emphasizes the purposefulness of this character: “Holmes's ignorance was as striking as his knowledge. ABOUT contemporary literature, politics and philosophy, he had almost no idea. Sherlock Holmes explains it this way: “You see,” he said, “it seems to me that human brain looks like a small empty attic that you can furnish however you want. A fool will bring all sorts of junk there ... and there will be nowhere to stick useful, necessary things, or at best ... you won’t get to the bottom of them. And an intelligent person carefully selects what he puts in his brain attic. He will take only the tools that he will need for his work, but there will be a lot of them, and he will arrange everything in exemplary order. . Later in the stories, Holmes completely contradicts what Watson wrote about him. Despite his indifference to politics, in the short story "A Scandal in Bohemia" he immediately acknowledges the identity of the alleged Count von Kramm; as far as literature is concerned, his speech is replete with references to the Bible, Shakespeare, even Goethe. A little later, Holmes states that he does not want to know anything if it is not related to his profession, and in the second chapter of the story "The Valley of Fear" he states that "any knowledge is useful for a detective", and towards the end of the story "The Lion's Mane" describes himself as "a promiscuous reader with an incredibly tenacious memory for small details."

In Sherlock Holmes' work, he examines the evidence for both scientific point vision, as well as with the subject. To determine the course of a crime, he often examines prints, footprints, tire tracks ("A Study in Scarlet", "Silver", "A Case in a Boarding School", "The Hound of the Baskervilles", "The Mystery of the Boscombe Valley"), cigarette butts, the remains of ashes ( "The Constant Patient", "The Hound of the Baskervilles"), letter comparison ("Identification"), gunpowder residue ("Reige Squires"), bullet recognition (" Empty house”) and even fingerprints left many days ago (“Norwood Contractor”). Holmes also demonstrates a knowledge of psychology ("A Scandal in Bohemia").

Sherlock Holmes is rarely observant. He developed observation in himself through long years of training, for observation, like any other faculty of the mind, can be improved. “All life is a huge chain of causes and effects, and we can know its nature by one link. The art of drawing conclusions and analyzing, like all other arts, is comprehended by long and diligent work ... ”- Holmes writes in his article. “Observation is my second nature,” he admits later (“Study in Scarlet”) and then adds “The ideal thinker, ... having considered a single fact from all sides, can trace not only the entire chain of events of which it is the result, but also and the consequences arising from it ... By means of inferences, it is possible to solve such problems that baffled everyone who sought their solutions with the help of the senses. However, in order to bring this art to perfection, the thinker must be able to use all the facts known to him, and this in itself implies ... exhaustive knowledge in all areas of science ... ”(“ Five orange seeds ”).

Holmes, when he had some unsolved problem, could not sleep for whole days and even weeks, thinking it over, comparing facts, considering it with different points vision until he could either resolve it or make sure he was on the wrong track.

Holmes is a resident Victorian England, a Londoner who knows his city perfectly. He can be considered a homebody and he travels outside the city or country only in case of emergency. Holmes solves most of the cases without leaving the living room, calling them "cases for one pipe."

In everyday life, Holmes has stable habits. He smokes strong tobacco: “... I entered the room and got scared: is there a fire with us? - due to the fact that the light of the lamp barely peeped through the smoke ... ”(“ The Hound of the Baskervilles ”), sometimes uses cocaine (“ The Sign of the Four ”). He is unpretentious, indifferent to comfort and luxury. Holmes conducts risky chemical experiments in his apartment and trains in shooting at the wall of the room, plays the violin well: “However, there was something strange here, as in all his activities. I knew that he could play violin pieces, and quite difficult ones ... But when he was alone, it was rare to hear a play, or anything like a melody at all. In the evenings, putting the violin on his knees, he leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and casually moved the bow along the strings. Sometimes resonant, sad chords were heard. Another time there were sounds in which violent merriment was heard. Obviously, they corresponded to his mood ... ".

If there was no urgent work, Mr. Holmes woke up late. When the blues came over him, he, dressed in a mouse-colored dressing gown, could be silent for days on end. In the same robe he spent his endless chemical experiments. The rest of the robes - red and bluish - expressed other states of mind and were used in the most different situations. At times, Sherlock Holmes was overwhelmed by the desire to argue, then, instead of the traditional clay, he lit a pipe made of cherry wood. In deep thought, the famous detective allowed himself to bite his nails. Food and his own health interested him unreasonably little.

Holmes is haunted by boredom everyday life. That's why he rushes headlong into a new adventure. If only not gray days. “What a dull, disgusting and hopeless world! See how the yellow mist swirls on the street, enveloping the dirty brown houses. What could be more prosaic and crudely material? What is the use of exceptional abilities, doctor, if there is no way to use them? Crime is boring, existence is boring, nothing is left on earth but boredom” (“The Sign of the Four”).

Sherlock Holmes is a convinced bachelor, who, according to him, has never experienced romantic feelings for anyone. He repeatedly declares that he does not like women at all, although he is invariably polite with them and ready to help. Only once in his life Holmes was, one might say, in love with a certain Irene Adler, the heroine of the story "A Scandal in Bohemia."

Sherlock Holmes is a versatile person. He is a talented actor - a master of disguise, he owns several types of weapons (pistol, cane, sword, whip) and wrestling (boxing, hand-to-hand combat, baritsu). He is also very fond of vocal music, especially Wagner ("Scarlet Ring").

Holmes is not conceited, and in most cases gratitude for solved crime he is of little interest: “I get acquainted with the details of the case and express my opinion, the opinion of a specialist. I'm not looking for fame. When I manage to unravel the case, my name does not appear in the papers. I see the highest award in the work itself, in the opportunity to put my method into practice. Although, in a number of cases, Holmes expresses his annoyance at this state of affairs. “Suppose I unravel this case - after all, Gregson, Lestrade and company will pocket all the glory. Such is the fate of the unofficial person. ”(“ The Sign of the Four ”).

Other heroes of the works, friends and acquaintances of Holmes, evaluate him differently. Stamford speaks of him as a scientist dedicated to science: “I'm not saying that he is bad. Just a little eccentric - an enthusiast of some areas of science ... Holmes is too obsessed with science - he already borders on soullessness ... he will inject his friend with a small dose of some newly discovered plant alkaloid, not out of malice, of course, but simply out of curiosity, in order to have visual representation of its operation. However, we must do him justice, I am sure that he will just as willingly give this injection to himself. He has a passion for accurate and reliable knowledge.

Holmes's unusual ability to make startling guesses from the smallest clues causes constant amazement of Watson and the readers of the stories. As a rule, later Holmes thoroughly explains the course of his thoughts, which after the fact seems obvious and elementary. Sometimes Watson is close to despair: “I do not consider myself more stupid than others, but when I deal with Sherlock Holmes, I am oppressed by the heavy consciousness of my own stupidity” (“Redhead Union”).

Conan Doyle himself considered the Holmes stories to be "light reading". In addition, he was annoyed that readers preferred works about Holmes, while Conan Doyle considered himself primarily a great author. historical novel. In the end, Conan Doyle decided to end the story of the detective by eliminating the most popular literary character in a fight with Professor Moriarty at the Reichenbach Falls. However, a stream of letters from indignant readers, among whom were members royal family, forced the writer to "revive" famous detective.

And after all, this is what is characteristic (and is an indisputable sign that this hero belongs more to the cultural-mythological than to the strictly realistic literary series): for 40 years, “lived” under the reign of his own creator, consummate master the deductive method of investigating crimes has not aged at all.

Moreover, Sherlock Holmes and his inseparable companion Dr. Watson outlived Arthur Conan Doyle himself for a long time. Three quarters of a century have passed since the death of the writer, and the two inhabitants of the apartment on Baker Street, as if nothing had happened, continue to unravel the puzzling criminal mysteries...

The detective genre appeared in a world where it is still stable, subject to custom and tradition. Subsequently life situation will become more complicated, but nevertheless, Conan Doyle created not only a model for the entire genre, he created the image of an ideal detective. Sherlock Holmes makes you remember yourself as a living, whole and outstanding person.

Sherlock Holmes

SHERLOCK HOLMES (eng. Sherlock Holmes) - the hero of the stories A. Conan Doyle "Study in Scarlet" (1887), "The Sign of the Four" (1890), "The Hound of the Baskervilles" (1902) and collections of stories "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (1891 ), "Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" (1892-1893) and others. The image of an unusually observant person, capable of unraveling some puzzling situation, explaining something that seemed inexplicable, appeared in literature before Conan Doyle. Edgar Allan Poe created Dupin and Legrand, the forerunners of C.H. W. Collins wrote a detective novel "Moonstone", where a professional detective and a shrewd village doctor unravel incredibly tangled story Indian diamond theft. A. K. Doyle continued to develop the genre and did it so successfully that many readers believed in the reality of S. H., began to write letters on Baker Street, where this brilliant detective was known to live, sharing an apartment with his friend and chronicler Doctor Watson. A similar pair was first described by E. Po - next to outstanding personality there was a man of very ordinary virtues, not stupid, but not able to comprehend the course of reasoning of his friend and therefore in need of explanations, which are also necessary for readers. Dr. Watson is an interested observer, and often a participant in the adventures of Sh.Kh., following his work with admiration and describing it in his stories. Thanks to his notes, we became aware of the methods, habits and characteristics of Sh.Kh. Truly, he was a completely unique person, his mind knew no equal, and he chose an unusual area for the application of his talents - forensic science, giving his own intellect to investigate incomprehensible murders, terrible mysteries or mysterious disappearances. As a rival Sh.Kh. (True, quite funny and surprisingly unintelligent) is the professional detective of Scotland Yard Lestrade, who often attributes to himself the success of the famous amateur detective. According to a tradition originating in English dandyism, an amateur who does something out of pure interest and personal pleasure is superior to a professional who works for a piece of bread. That is why Conan Doyle, with the help of Dr. Watson, emphasizes in every possible way that his hero is a gentleman who loves to solve one or two criminal mysteries at his leisure and chooses the most interesting ones for himself. Sh.Kh. can abandon the case of the duke, who promises an unheard-of fee, and take up the story of a simple governess who does not have a penny. The King of Bohemia offered him a precious ring, but Sh.Kh. asked in return only a photograph of a woman who was able to see through his plan and thereby aroused his admiration. The special charm of this image is due to the fact that it surprisingly combines incredible powers of observation, a sharp mind with simple human attachments and weaknesses. Sh.Kh. is an excellent violinist, he loves music, tobacco, and sometimes he is able to lie on the couch all day, lighting his pipe and indulging in thoughts. But periods of apathy are replaced by bursts of frenzied energy, and now he is again ready to rush to the other end of London to set up an ambush or study the scene. A brilliant solution and the capture of a criminal is the usual ending to such stories. The insight of Sh.Kh. seems supernatural, but his explanations are always simple, and the slow-witted Dr. Watson states with annoyance that he himself could guess if he paid attention to this or that detail. “You are looking, but you are not observing, and this is a big difference,” explains Sh.Kh. the secret of his art. The descendants of Sh.Kh. Hercule Poirot, Commissioner Maigret and many other characters became in the detective genre.

Lit .: Tugusheva M.P. Under the sign of four: about the fate of the works of E. Poe, A. K. Doyle, A. Christie. M., 1991.

All characteristics in alphabetical order:

Sherlock Holmes
(in the English original it is written as Sherlock Holmes) - literary character, main character a series of works by Arthur Conan Doyle (Doyle), rightfully considered classics not only detective genre but also world literature in general. According to generally accepted opinion, the prototype of the great detective was Conan Doyle's colleague Joseph Bell, a doctor who worked at the Edinburgh Royal Hospital with Sir Arthur.

Holmes personality

At the first meeting with Sherlock Holmes ("Study in Scarlet"), Dr. Watson describes the great detective as a tall, thin young man: “He was over six feet tall, but with his unusual thinness he seemed even taller. His eyes were sharp, piercing, except for those periods of stupor mentioned above; a thin aquiline nose gave his face an expression of lively energy and determination. Square , a slightly protruding chin also spoke of a decisive character.

Sherlock Holmes is a biochemist by training. Works as a laboratory assistant in one of the London hospitals. But this is only mentioned at the beginning of A Study in Scarlet. "One guy who works in the chemical laboratory at our hospital ... I think he knows anatomy very well, and he is a first-class chemist, but it seems that he never studied medicine systematically." However, in none of the works does the paramedic-laboratory assistant appear at work. As well as the author no longer talks about the main work of his protagonist. Holmes is a multifaceted personality. With versatile talents, he devoted his life to a career as a private detective. Investigating the cases supplied by his clients, he relies not so much on the letter of the law, but on his life principles, the rules of honor, which in a number of cases replace paragraphs of bureaucratic norms for him. Repeatedly, Holmes allowed people who, in his opinion, justifiably committed a crime, to escape punishment. Holmes, in principle, is not mercantile, he is primarily occupied with work. For his work in solving crimes, Sherlock Holmes takes a fair reward, but if his next client is poor, he can take a symbolic payment or refuse it altogether.

Holmes is a resident of Victorian England, a Londoner who knows his city perfectly. He can be considered a homebody, and he travels outside the city (country) only in case of emergency. Holmes solves many cases without leaving Mrs. Hudson's living room, calling them "cases for one pipe."

In everyday life, Holmes has stable habits. He is unpretentious and practically indifferent to amenities, completely indifferent to luxury. He cannot be called absent-minded, but he is somewhat indifferent to the order in the room and the accuracy in handling things. For example, he conducts risky chemical experiments in his apartment, often filling it with suffocating or fetid fumes, or trains in shooting, knocks out the monogram of Queen Victoria on the wall of the room with shots.

Holmes - confirmed bachelor, never, according to him, did not experience romantic feelings for anyone. He repeatedly declares that he does not like women at all, although he is invariably polite with them and ready to help. Only once in his life, Holmes, one might say, not only was in love, but was imbued with great respect for a certain Irene Adler, the heroine of the story "A Scandal in Bohemia."

Holmes smokes strong tobacco. In A Study in Scarlet, Dr. Watson states that Holmes does not use drugs, but in The Sign of the Four we see him injecting cocaine. This is due to the fact that until the beginning of the twentieth century, cocaine was considered a medical drug.

It is difficult to say something definite about Holmes' relationship with alcohol, although he is clearly not a strict teetotaler.

Holmes, in principle, is not conceited, and in most cases gratitude for the solved crime is of little interest to him:
How unfairly the prize was distributed! […] Everything in this business is done by you. But I got a wife. And the glory will go to Jones. What is left for you?
- To me? Holmes said. - And I - an ampoule with cocaine.

— "Sign of Four"

Although in a number of cases Holmes expresses his annoyance at this state of affairs:
"But there's probably not a second to lose," I said, alarmed. — Go call a cab?
“I'm not sure if I'm going or not. I'm a lazy person, which the world has not seen, that is, of course, when laziness attacks me, but in general I can be nimble.
- You dreamed of such an opportunity!
“My dear, what is the point of me? Suppose I unravel this case - after all, Gregson, Lestrade and company will pocket all the glory. Such is the fate of the unofficial person.

- "A study in Scarlet"

However, he is quite jealous of comparing his talent as a detective with other European detectives.

Holmes prefers to receive clients at his home. Even very wealthy clients, persons of royal blood and the Prime Minister of England himself, come to see him personally. Holmes is a theatergoer and loves to dine at the Simpsons restaurant (the most prestigious place in London).

Short stories and novels by Arthur Conan Doyle.
Among the works of Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes, there are 56 stories and 4 stories. Almost all the works are written on behalf of Holmes's faithful companion, friend and companion - Dr. Watson (in Russia, due to linguistic features, he is often called Dr. Watson).
The first book about the great detective was written in 1887. It was the story "A Study in Scarlet". Sir Arthur considered the works of Holmes to be light, entertaining reading matter, and first of all positioned himself as a master of the historical novel. Seeing that readers prefer works about Sherlock to his other works, Conan Doyle eliminated the most popular detective in a battle with Professor Moriarty. However, a wave of letters from dissatisfied readers literally overwhelmed the writer. These letters, which included letters from members of the royal family, contained only one request - to "revive" Sherlock Holmes, which Conan Doyle was forced to do. The last work about the famous detective was a collection published in 1927 called The Archive of Sherlock Holmes. Thus, the period of Sherlock Holmes took literary creativity Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is no less than 40 years old.

Biography of Sherlock Holmes.
Arthur Conan Doyle did not particularly touch on the past of his hero and his family affairs. However, from the bits of information scattered throughout the works, one can establish more or less complete picture Holmes' life.

Presumably, Sherlock Holmes was born in 1854 - this date follows from the story "His farewell bow". The exact date of birth, despite many studies, including astrological ones, could not be confirmed, although there is a popular assumption among fans of the great detective about the date of January 6th.

Not much is known about Holmes' family and ancestors either. In The Case of the Translator, Holmes casually mentions that his ancestors were provincial landowners, and in one of the works the statement follows that his grandmother was the sister of Horace Vernet, french artist. In terms of works among acting heroes the detective's older brother, Mycroft Holmes, an employee of the Foreign Office, appears, and in "The Contractor from Norwood" there is a short story about a certain Dr. Werner, a distant relative of Holmes, who took the place of Watson in Kensington.

From the works of Conan Doyle, a number of key dates in the life of the great detective can be distinguished:
. In 1881, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson met. Holmes at this time is 27 years old and he is looking for a person to share housing. In the same year, they settled at 221-b Baker Street in the house of Mrs. Hudson.
. 1888 After the marriage, Watson leaves the apartment on Baker Street, where Holmes is left alone, not counting the hostess.
. In 1891 at the Reichenbach Falls after a fight with Moriarty, godfather the English mafia, Holmes goes missing.
. Since 1891, for three years, Sherlock Holmes wanders the world, crosses the Alps on foot and contacts his brother in Florence, visits the Dalai Lama in Lhasa (Tibet), travels around Persia, visits the Caliph in Khartoum, then, returning to Europe, spends some time in Montpellier , in the south of France.
. In 1894, Holmes suddenly appears in London and settles, as before, on Baker Street with Watson.
. By 1904, Sherlock Holmes leaves his job as a detective and leaves for Sussex, where he devotes time to breeding bees.
. From the story "The Man on All Fours" it can be assumed that he successfully survived the First world war, Holmes and Watson, although they live separately, are alive and well in 1923.

The roles of Sherlock Holmes in the cinema are performed by Nikolai Volkov, Vasily Livanov, Basil Rathbone, Algimantas Masiulis, Jonathan Pryce, Jeremy Brett, Robert Downey Jr. Benedict Cumberbatch, Matt Frewer and many others.

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