The first soloist of Viagra. How was the fate of the soloists of the group "VIA Gra


On the eve of the airing of the show of the channel "1 + 1" "I want to go to VIA Gru!" Lady.TSN remembered all its members for 13 years.

Alena Vinnitskaya. "number one"
Alena Vinnitskaya

Alyona - stage name Vinnitskaya, according to her passport, her name is Olga. In 1993, under the influence of the work of Viktor Tsoi, she created the group "The Last Unicorn", after the collapse of which she was the host on the BIZ-TV channel.

IN " VIA Gre"sang from 2001 to 2003. She starred in the videos "Attempt number five", "Hug me", "Bomb", "I'm not coming back", "Stop! Stop! Stop!", "Good morning, dad." She left VIA Gra to start solo career which he is now successfully doing. She is the only glam-pop-rock performer in Ukraine, she writes her own songs.

Hope Granovskaya. "Long-liver"
Nadezhda Granovskaya

She managed to stay in the group from 2001 to 2006. And, according to the figurative expression of one of the producers of the project, Dmitry Kostyuk, she just played the role of "the main Viagra" - Granovskaya's incredible sexuality had a stunning effect on men (both in direct and in figuratively!) impact. After leaving VIA Gra, she became Meikher-Granovskaya. But over time, the second part of the surname was lost somewhere, and now Nadezhda is just Meikher.

Tatiana Nainik. "Victim"
Tatiana Nainik

Before "VIA Gra" a graduate of St. Petersburg University. A. I. Herzen worked as a model for six years, her photographs were published in such well-known publications as Shape, Elle, Top ten. Replaced Nadezhda Granovskaya at the time of her maternity leave. She starred in the clips "Stop! Stop! Stop!" and "Good morning, dad."

She left the group after the return of Granovskaya. The reasons for leaving were not widely discussed. According to one version, the producers did not need a quartet (there are too many of them in show business), so one of the participants had to be sacrificed. The choice fell on Nainik. Today Tatyana sings in Russian group"Maybe", it was created on the principle of "VIA Gra" - on the stage there are sexy girls in varying degrees of "nakedness", but the popularity of the last "Maybe" is still very far away.

Anna Sedokova. "Slave of Love"

grew up in incomplete family: father left when Anya was five years old, they were raised by their mother, a teacher, with her brother Ukrainian language who worked day and night to provide for the children. Sedokova was engaged in music and dancing practically from the cradle - from the age of six she danced in folk ensemble"Svitanok", graduated with honors music school, and after graduating from general education she entered the Institute of Culture.
Anna Sedokova

Before "VIA Gra" she worked as a model, was a presenter on radio and television. She participated in the first castings at VIA Gru, but did not pass the selection due to her young age: Anna was only seventeen years old at that time. The producers remembered her when in 2002 they decided to turn the duo into a trio. She left VIA Gro for the sake of love - Sedokova married football player Valentin Belkevich and gave birth to his daughter Alina. However, the first marriage, as well as the second, with businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, was short-lived - they say that despite the birth of her second daughter Monica, Anna is now free again. Under the pseudonym Annabelle tried to start a solo career, took part in projects on Russian and Ukrainian television, starred for men's magazines, but the audience still remembers Sedokova primarily as an ex-soloist of VIA Gra.

Vera Brezhneva. Dumpling turned into sex-symbol
Vera Brezhneva

Perhaps the most striking transformation - from a chrysalis to a butterfly, or rather, from Galushka to a real sex symbol - happened in VIA Gre with Vera Brezhneva. A girl from a large family, considered at school to be modest, "ugly" and "bespectacled", for a short time became one of the most attractive and seductive girls in Russian and Ukrainian stage. In "VIA Gre" Vera - intermittently - sang from 2002 to 2007. Today, she not only makes a solo career, but also acts in films, hosts television shows and takes first place in numerous ratings"the most beautiful" and "the sexiest".

Svetlana Loboda. "In" VIA Gru"on a bet"
Svetlana Loboda

Before "VIA Gra" she sang in the groups "Cappuccino" and "Ketch", performed main party in the musical "Equator", she tried to start a solo career, inventing the image of an incognito singer who never takes off her dark glasses and calling herself Alicia Gorn in a Western manner.

The soloist of "VIA Gra" became a bet. At stake was a red convertible, which was supposed to become the property of Svetlana, but only if she not only gets into the group, but also stays in it for six months. Soon I learned that a casting was being held in one of the projects of Konstantin Meladze. That we are talking about "VIA Gre", Loboda found out when out of five hundred applicants who competed in vocal, dance and acting skills, there are twenty left, including her. "Mercedes wheels in my pocket!" thought Svetlana and tripled her efforts. However, already on the first tour of the group, Loboda concluded: "The group is a big machine for big money". Her partners were so tired at concerts that they fell asleep in hotel rooms, literally not having time to reach the bed. Then disagreements began with the producers, and Svetlana had to leave. And since she did not last six months, the red convertible remained a dream.

Albina Dzhanabaeva. "Second redhead"

After the departure of Anna Sedokova, "VIA Gra" needed a new "red-haired" soloist, and she became a graduate music school named after the Gnessins, backing vocalist Valery Meladze Albina Dzhanabaeva. Since on the eve of Albina gave birth to Valery's son Kostya, her invitation to VIA Gro was perceived by many ambiguously: someone considered him a reward, someone - a way to alienate her mistress, as they say, out of sight, out of mind.
Albina Dzhanabaeva

The soloists of "VIA-Gra", who happened to work with Dzhanabaeva, Tatyana Kotova and Meseda Bagaudinova, characterize her not from the very better side- they call it sharp and unrestrained, they assure that Albina could make a scandal on any, even the most insignificant occasion, and vented her anger at service personnel- make-up artists, costume designers, stage workers.

In "VIA Gre" she sang from 2004 to 2012, at the same time she studied at the Moscow Psychological and Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Psychology. After official closing group, its producer Konstantin Meladze announced the beginning of Dzhanabaeva's solo career.

Christina Kots-Gottlieb. The shortest stay in "VIA" Gre"

Christina Kots-Gotlieb was born in Donetsk. She was engaged in dancing and sports - she is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. The owner of the titles "Miss Donetsk", "Miss Donbass-2003", "Miss international Black Sea 2003", "Miss Donbass-2004".
Christina Kotz-Gotlieb

After Nadezhda Granovskaya left the group and Vera Brezhneva announced her departure, the producers began to look for a new sexy blonde. The contract with Christina was concluded for five years, but in fact she was the lead singer of the group from January to April 2006. After filming the video "Deceive, but stay" was fired from "VIA Gra". Moreover, according to Christina herself, the producers did not even tell her about it - they simply stopped responding to phone calls. Kotz-Gotlieb was going to do solo career, even starred in Bogdan Titomir's video "Do as I do!", but then returned to her modeling career, becoming the face of the KOLTSO model agency. She took part in the contest "Miss Ukraine Universe-2009", where she won an unconditional victory.

Olga Koryagina. Designer
Olga Koryagina

A native of the city of Nikolaev came to the group in 2006, when Nadezhda Granovskaya Once again announced her departure from VIA Gra. She managed to star in two clips of the group - "L.M.L" and "Flower and Knife". Upon learning of the pregnancy, Olga announced her departure from the group and soon married the father of the unborn child, businessman Andrei Romanovsky. After the birth of the child, producer Maxim Fadeev offered Koryagina to return to show business, but she refused. Today he is engaged in the design of fashionable clothes.

Meseda Bagaudinova. Girl from Dream
Meseda Bagaudinova

The producers of VIA Gra have always sympathized with girls with a bright oriental appearance, so in April 2007 Olga Koryagina was replaced by a singer of Avar (by her father) and Ukrainian-Belarusian (by her mother) origin Meseda Bagaudinova. At the beginning of his musical career Meseda was a soloist of the rather well-known group "Dreams" in the south of Russia, but at that time she could not even dream of the glory of "VIA Gra". Meseda spent a year and a half in VIA Gre, and was forced to leave after Nadezhda Granovskaya announced her return to the group. Bagaudinova returned to the Dreams group.

Tatyana Kotova. "False Pregnancy"

The owner of the title "Miss Russia-2006", represented Russia at the contests "Miss World-2007" and "Miss Universe-2007". Tatyana is an economist and anti-crisis manager by education. She got into VIA Gro in 2008 after the departure of Vera Brezhneva. She starred in the clips "My emancipation", "Anti-geisha" and "Crazy".
Tatyana Kotova

In 2010, the media suddenly vied with each other to write that Kotova would soon leave VIA Gro due to pregnancy. The rumors turned out to be exactly half true: Tatyana really left the group, but her pregnancy turned out to be false. The singer herself, when asked about the reasons for leaving, answered as follows: “We cannot admire the sun around the clock. I received my portion of sunshine at VIA Gre, now it’s time to collect stars. I am offered to work on television and act in films, I want to realize my Creative skills to the end, because there is no limit to perfection."

Eva Bushmina. "Girl-accident".
Eva Bushmina

A graduate of the "Star Factory" Eva Bushmina replaced Tatyana Kotova in "VIA Gre". In the group, Eva spent total about three years. They say that in order not to "fly out" from the group, like other unsuccessful participants, she increased her breasts by two sizes - from the first to the third. In VIA Gre, Bushmina had a reputation as an “accident girl”, with whom something constantly happened, since Eva is a big fan of extreme sports and thrill. After the collapse of the group, despite the birth of a daughter (her father is the son of the ex-Minister of Economy of Ukraine Volodymyr Lanovoy), she is engaged in a solo career.

Santa Dimopoulos. Destroyer
Santa Dimopoulos

It was with her arrival in the group that it became clear that the history of VIA Gra in its former form was declining. Despite the many advantages bright appearance, sex appeal and sports training (Santa is a master of sports in dancing) - new soloist became just another and, alas, unsuccessful attempt replace the irreplaceable Granovskaya. In 2012, having spent in the group less than a year, Dimopoulos announced her departure from her and the beginning of a solo career, as a result of which "VIA Gra" turned into a duet "Albina Dzhanabaeva and Eva Bushmina", which soon broke up.

Taisiya Kondratieva

It will soon be fifteen years since a stunning team appeared on the Russian stage that won the heart of every man - the VIA Gra group. Over the entire history of its existence, more than ten soloists have changed in it, and therefore few people remember who was part of the first composition of Viagra, from which it all began. So who was at the origin? What was the very first composition of Viagra - the legendary women's group Russian stage? Let's remember.

History of the group

Two friends, two talented musician, two music-obsessed people, eager to change the world, decided to create a new women's team, which will change the idea of ​​the Russian stage. In 2000, successful TV producer Dmitry Kostyuk and composer Konstantin Meladze, after analyzing the success spice girls in the West and "Brilliant" in Russia, joined forces to create new group, which will not only be able to compete with popular bands, but will also become a standard for them.

Selection of soloists

Since the task was not easy, the work progressed very slowly. The first composition of Viagra was recruited for a very long time. The first to enter the group at that time was the TV presenter of the Biz-TV channel, CEO which was Dmitry Kostyuk. He invited a talented and smart girl to participate in the project, but she doubted for a long time, as she preferred rock music. The interest to see what would come out of this undertaking prevailed over doubts, and Vinnitskaya agreed.

Numerous castings did not give results, the producers could not find those who fit the format of the group one hundred percent. The first composition of Viagra - Alena Vinnitskaya and selected girls Marina Kaschin and Yulia Miroshnichenko - began work on the first compositions, but the result did not satisfy Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk, and they decided to close the project.

After some time, they returned to an unrealized dream and started all over again, only this time they began to treat applicants for a place in VIA Gre even more demanding.

Not a trio but a duet

It was originally planned that VIA Gra would consist of three surprisingly attractive and charming girls who could sing. Desperate to find suitable soloists, the producers thought about creating a solo project with Vinnitskaya. But an unexpected discovery for them was Nadezhda Granovskaya. The girl met all the requirements, the main of which is a stunning sexy appearance. So, finally, Viagra was formed.

The first composition (photo above) did not last long, but did a lot.

"Attempt No. 5" - that was the name of the first song of the girls, which instantly made them insanely popular - they literally woke up famous. It happened on September 4, 2000, the day after the premiere of the composition on the Biz-TV channel. The debut was marked by the Golden Gramophone, Stopud Hit, Golden Firebird and Golden Kettle awards. The band's first album was released in 2001.

Many years have passed since then, and soloists have often changed in the team, but no one will argue with the fact that Alena Vinnitskaya and Nadezhda Granovskaya are the real very first VIA Gra. By the way, are you wondering why the group was named that way? There are several versions.

Origin of the band's name

It turns out that the name of the team was not at all in honor of the drug of the same name. According to one version, "VIA Gra" is a combination of the abbreviation "vocal-instrumental ensemble" and the word "gra" (in Russian - "game").

According to another, the name consists of the first letters of the names of the soloists. "VI" - Vinnitsa and "GRA" - Granovskaya. "A" between them for readability.

However, the sexy appearance of the artists, members of the team, is more inclined to associate with the well-known medicine. In addition, the sound of the name is perceived in the same way.

Alena Vinnitskaya: facts from the biography

It was with this girl that the history of the group began. She joined the first part of VIA Gra, and until now her name is associated with the team. Alena Vinnitskaya participated in the project of Meladze and Kostyuk for three years, after which she left the group and set off on a free voyage through the expanses of show business. Despite the fact that the artist already has eight solo albums and thousands of fans in Russia and Ukraine, critics call the period of VIA Gra the most successful stage in her creative life.

Nadezhda Granovskaya: some facts from life

A young provincial girl, Nadezhda Meikher, who came from the outback to the capital of Ukraine, managed to get into the first part of the Viagra group. The names changed, the soloists left, they were replaced by new ones, but Nadezhda Granovskaya turned out to be the most frequent guest in the team. She left the group several times, then returned again. The reasons for this were different - pregnancy, conflicts within the team, etc. Nevertheless, the door was always open for her at VIA Gre. An interesting fact is that before participating in the project, Nadezhda Granovskaya had no vocal experience at all. "VIA Gra" taught her to sing and turned her into a real star. Now she successful singer, actress and TV presenter.

Group "VIA Gra" - real phenomenon stage. Its composition is constantly changing (for 17 years, 16 girls managed to light up in the team), but this does not at all reduce its popularity!

There were only two girls in the initial composition of VIA Gra: the blonde Alena and the brunette Nadia.

Alena Vinnitskaya was the first to leave the group. According to the singer herself, she outgrew the level girl group and decided to take up more serious music.

However, the skills to seduce men have not gone away. From time to time, Alena pampers her fans by posting very sexy shots.

Although now Nadezhda has nothing to do with VIA Groy, she still attracts the eyes of men with a magnet.

In April 2002, Nadezhda became pregnant and was forced to leave the team for a while. It was then that VIA Gra turned into a trio - the red-haired Anna Sedokova appeared in the group.

Anna Sedokova is not without reason considered a member of the "golden line-up" of the group, the pictures from her Instagram confirm this.

The pregnant Nadia herself was temporarily replaced by Tatyana Naynik. Although Tanya stayed in the group for only a few months, she managed to be remembered by the fans thanks to the video for the song “Stop! Stop! Stop!".

Tatyana's Instagram is dominated by family photos, and naughty shots appear only in the form of rare exceptions.

In 2003, Alena Vinnitskaya was replaced by Vera Brezhneva at VIA Gro. Perhaps it was she who became the most famous of all the members of this team.

After 4 years, Vera left the group and successfully pursued a solo career. However, her name is still associated with VIA Groy.

In 2004, Sedokova was replaced by Svetlana Loboda. She failed to settle down in the group and stayed there for only 4 months.

But Svetlana's solo career turned out to be mega-successful, and now her songs are heard on all radio stations.

The next redhead was Albina Dzhanabaeva. Her name is associated with a huge period of creativity of the group. It's no joke, Albina stayed there for 9 years!

Fans of hot shots Instagram Albina will seem boring. Her modest image is not at all associated with what was in VIA Gre.

When Nadezhda Granovskaya left the group for the second time, Christina Kots-Gotlieb took her place. The newcomer did not stay in the team and left after 3 months ...

3 years after leaving VIA Gra, Christina took part in the Miss Universe 2009 contest and managed to win! From myself, we say that it is fully deserved.

Christina was replaced by Olga Koryagina. She also didn't last long and only stayed with the team for a year.

Staying in the team was not in vain for Christina - her Instagram is very hot!

After Olga, the place of the brunette was taken by Meseda Bagaudinova.

Now Meseda is pursuing a solo career and skillfully uses social networks to attract attention.

It was not easy for Tatyana Kotova to replace the universal favorite Vera Brezhnev, but she adequately coped with the task assigned to her.

After VIA Gra, Tanya pursued a solo career for some time, and in November 2016 she became one of the members of the Queens trio.

The fourth blonde was Eva Bushmina (her real name is Yana Shvets).

After parting with the project of Konstantin Meladze, she took up a solo career. For some time she performed under the familiar name of Eva Bushmina, and then became a LAYAH singer.

The last member of the pre-reform composition of VIA Gra was the burning brunette Santa Dimopoulos.

As befits a vamp, Santa Dimopoulos loves to drive men crazy!

At the end of 2013, the composition of VIA Gra was completely updated. Erica Herceg, Anastasia Kozhevnikova and Misha Romanova became the new idols of millions.

The place of the new redhead went to Misha Romanova.

On her Instagram, the girl matches her image and regularly pampers fans with hot shots.

The new brunette was Anastasia Kozhevnikova.

Of the entire composition of the updated VIA Gra, Anastasia behaves the most modestly.

The role of the blonde is played by the winner of the show “I Want V VIA Gru” Erica Herceg.

It is she who is the most relaxed of the new line-up of the group!

Which of the soloists popular group except for Vera Brezhneva pulled out happy ticket, and who was much less fortunate?

For more than 17 years of existence of the VIA Gra group, its composition has changed many times. The number of participants in the group was also variable: from a duet to a quartet. For many, VIA Gra turned out to be an excellent launching pad for a career in show business. One of the most bright stars groups, Vera Brezhneva, February 3, 2018 marks 36 years. Today she is one of the most sought-after Russian pop singers. How was the fate of other most bright participants popular team - in the material site

Vera Brezhneva

(Photo: Evgenia Guseva/KP)

Attention of VIA Gra producers Vera Galushka attracted me when at one of the concerts she volunteered from the audience to sing with the group. After this performance, she was invited to a casting. Vera took the pseudonym "Brezhnev" and sang in "VIA Gre" for four years, from 2003 to 2007.

In 2007, the singer leaves the group and begins work on a solo career. More Vera Brezhneva TV presenter and actress. Most famous movies with her participation - the trilogy "Love in big city"And" Jungle ", and in the New Year's movie" Yolki "the singer plays herself.

Brezhnev is actively involved in charity work. Her Ray of Faith Foundation helps children with oncohematological diseases. Since 2014, Brezhnev has been the UN Ambassador for the rights and discrimination of HIV-infected women living in the territory Central Asia And of Eastern Europe(UNAIDS programme). Vera has two daughters - Sonya And Sarah. Since 2015, the singer has been married to a producer Konstantin Meladze.

Alena Vinnitskaya

The soloist of the first composition of Via Gra left the group in 2003 and began her solo career in Ukraine. She has released eight albums, twenty-three music videos and soundtracks for three feature films. On the personal front, the singer is also doing well. Alena Vinnitskaya married to a producer Sergei Alekseev.

Anna Sedokova


In the first group Anna Sedokova missed due to age. The producer did not dare to take a 17-year-old girl into a team with a provocative name. But in 2002, Anna comes to the group and attracts all the attention to herself. It is believed that the composition of the group with Sedokova was the most successful and sexy in the history of the team.

After leaving Anna Sedkova begins a solo career. She also managed to work as a TV presenter on Russian and Ukrainian TV, and in 2008 she played leading role in the comedy "Pregnant". In March 2010, Sedokova's book "The Art of Seduction" was published. Now Anna is not married. She has three children - daughters Alina And Monica and son Hector.

Svetlana Loboda


Soloist of "VIA Gra" Svetlana Loboda was in 2004 and only four months, but during this time she managed to star in one of the most famous clips groups for the song "Biology" and New Year's musical « Sorochinskaya Fair". After leaving the group, Svetlana almost immediately released her first single and began to actively develop her solo career. The singer also managed to open her own tourist agency and create a line of youth clothing "F*ck the macho".

In 2009, Loboda represented Ukraine at Eurovision. In 2010 the brand appears "LOBODA" now that's what it's called musical project. In 2012, Svetlana Loboda was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. Now the singer is not married and has a daughter Evangeline.

Albina Dzhanabaeva

To "VIA Gra" Albina Dzhanabaeva worked as a backing vocalist Valeria Meladze. Immediately after Anna Sedokova left the group, Dzhanabaeva was invited to take her place, but she refused, because she had just given birth to a son Kostya. Later, the singer replaced Svetlana Loboda in the group.

Even before leaving the group in 2012, Albina Dzhanabaeva combined her solo career with work at VIA Gre. She later worked in television, starring in the film Kirill Serebrennikov"Treason" and became one of the six mentors of the show "I Want V VIA Gru".

All the time of participation in the group, Dzhanabaeva managed to hide the secret of who the father of her son was. In 2009, a scandal erupted in connection with the divorce of Valery Meladze from his wife. He then officially announced that Kostya was his son. Since 2014, Albina Dzhanabaeva has been married to Meladze. The couple has two sons - Konstantin and Luca.

Olga Romanovskaya

After leaving the group in 2007, Olga Romanovskaya (she was a member"VIA Gra" for about a year) also decided to build a solo career, but it is difficult to call it successful. Later Olga tried it in other areas. She launched the Romanovska clothing line. In 2016, the singer replaced Elena Flying and became the host of the Revizorro program, but soon left the project.
Olga is married to a Ukrainian businessman Andrey Romanovsky. The couple is raising a son maxima.

Meseda Bagaudinova

In 2009 Meseda, who came to VIA Gro in 2007, left the group in connection with the return of Nadezhda Granovskaya. Bagaudinova's solo career after leaving VIA Gra is also difficult to call successful, in eight years she released only seven songs. In 2013, she was a mentor in the show "I want V VIA Gru".

Now Meseda is not married. She has a son Aspar.

Tatyana Kotova


Miss Russia Tatyana Kotova for two years she was a soloist of VIA Gra, from 2008 to 2010. After leaving the group, she took up acting and vocal career. Twice she became the cover girl of popular men's MAXIM magazines and XXL. Now Tatyana Kotova is working on a solo album.

Eva Bushmina

Yana Shvets took a pseudonym "Eva Bushmina" at the Ukrainian "Star Factory". In "VIA Gre" she performed from 2010 to 2012. After leaving, Eva actively began to pursue a solo career. During this time, she managed to release an album and shoot twelve videos. Eva Bushmina is married to the son of the ex-Minister of Economy of Ukraine Dmitry Lanov. The couple has a daughter Edita.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

Real surname hopesmeyher. The pseudonym was advised to take by the producer of VIA Gra, Konstantin Meladze. The singer left the group three times. Granovskaya left the very first composition of VIA Gra in 2002, when she was pregnant with her son Igor. A month after giving birth, she returns to the team and sings in VIA Gre until 2006. In 2009, Granovskaya again became the soloist of the group. In 2011, Nadezhda was pregnant again, this time she finally left the team.

In between participation in the group, Granovskaya built a career as a presenter on Ukrainian TV. After the birth of a daughter Anna she returned to television, but already as a mentor in the show "I want V VIA Gru". The trio of her wards eventually won the show and are now the new line-up of the group.

Then, in 2014, Nadezhda took part in the One to One show, and in the same year she began her solo career. In 2016, in Kyiv, Nadezhda Granovskaya released her own performance "Historia de Un Amor"

Nadezhda Granovskaya is married to a Russian businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev, the couple is raising their son Nadezhda Igor and two daughters Anna and Maria.

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