First trip to the circus. Thematic lesson "Circus




MYSTERIES about the "Circus"

Everyone is looking in the middle
In the middle - magic:
There an eccentric bunny took out
From your pocket.
There's a dancer under the dome
She flew away like a tit.
The dogs were dancing...
Of course you have been there. (Circus)

Waving a wand -
The predators are dancing.
Frowning face -
The lion will jump into the ring.
What is he, a regulator?
No, this is ... (tamer)

Any object in my hands
As if bewitched.
There is a ball, but there isn’t!
Here it is again!
Here and there, then no, then there is!
And now the balls can not be counted!
Look, they're gone!
Where can I get them?!
And very strange,
I'm getting them again...
From your pocket! (Magician)

The ring is on fire, it's on fire
The gymnast flies through the ring,
In flight, he fluffed his mane
And wagged his tail playfully.
Answer: Leo

“Wow, wow,” the champion shouts to us.
On two front legs
It stands on a narrow board,
And with an apple on his head.
Answer: Dog

Juggler performs on stage
He throws balls with his trunk
Standing on the paw, on one,
He is very nice and funny.
Answer: Elephant

He used to sleep in a lair,
The circus called him to him.
He lifts weights -
The circus performer is strong.
Answer: Bear

Here are acrobat kittens,
Here are the clown kittens.
Over the head - somersault,
So here is the cat...
Answer: circus


The tongue is a circus performer with us,
We will show the highest class
1. We will go to the circus with him now,
Opening the door wider
Let's smile wide
Very smart and easy!
Smile fence
2. We are met by a kind elephant,
It pulls a long trunk.
Trained famously elephant
Trunk twirl learned!
3. Fred the tiger licked his lips,
He is waiting for breakfast and lunch.
delicious jam
4. He hurries to us on a horse
Circus dashing horseman!
5. Clown Petya is like a ball
Jumping for teeth from above!
He cleverly made the bridge,
Real champion.
Sail slide,
6. In the arena - a famous yogi,
He is very interesting to us.
He lay down on nails
Without even moving, "ah!"
7. The circus performer knows how to prance,
To train animals and birds,
And spin on the trapeze
And dance on the rope
8. Spatula-breeze Goodbye, we say
And wave one, two, three!

“And now the boas lie in the arena
And quietly, quietly hiss at everyone.
Let's sizzle with them.
(Children run their fingers over the boas and hiss “SHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSH”).

"The aerialist is like a bird
Having fun under the dome of the circus.
To make him more fun
Let's blow it harder."


1. Circus of animals.

Show me soon
A real circus of animals:
How does the foxtrot dance for us
clumsy hippo,
monkey tumbling,
A bear is driving a car;
Like a nimble white ball
A bunny jumps along the arena.
And in the end, everyone, like artists,
They bowed low to the waist.

2. After each verse, the children show what this or that circus artist is doing.

We have a lot of fun in the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
We're walking on a tightrope
We won't fall for anything.

We have a lot of fun in the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
We juggle balls
Throw them with us.

We have a lot of fun in the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
Do magic tricks
Illusionist and magician.

We have a lot of fun in the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
Strong men in the arena
Kettlebells press like kalachi.

We have a lot of fun in the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
The clown is rushing into the arena,
The spectator laughs merrily.


"About the circus (ABC)"
Lev Yakovlev

Acrobat is jumpy and agile,
He jumped non-stop.
I brushed my trousers on the run,
Reading a magazine on the run
On the run he washed his hands
And jumped to dinner!


I saw a picture in the circus:
One artist lay down on his back
And feet without a miss
Flips cups.
And when I assembled the service,
Threw a spoon for an encore!

Hippo on a trampoline

Here I climbed onto the trampoline
Timpani beat...
This is a terrible moment.
For the unfortunate trampoline.


There is only one wheel.
And on it a saddle - and all!
Not afraid of risk


throws a gymnast
The gymnast looks
Like a gymnast from a gymnast
Flying to the gymnast!

The horse runs at full speed
On a horse a dashing horseman,
Climbs under the horse
Tumbling on it
Fun, smart...
Oh yes, horse riding!

trained dog

In a trained dog
There is no time for a fight.
She needs to solve examples
jump over barriers,
Carry balls in your teeth
Dance on two legs
Make your bed
And train cats.

Camel riding

On a camel's back
It's hard to sit
But high
And see far!

Christmas tree in the circus

Rogues ride
Three of us on a bull.
Snow Maiden is spinning
On the horizontal bar.
Santa Claus is flying
On a rocket...
No Christmas tree
In the world!

He throws the rings up
He set off fireworks:
Five and six and seven rings
And finally twelve!
Surprised around:
- How does he have enough hands?


called "mirror"
The circus has a paper circle.
Can jump into the "mirror"
Only an artist fearless.
If there is a hole in the "mirror",
They shout to the daredevil: "Hurrah!"

Is it in Moscow
Is it in Prague
Is it in Madrid
Who is in the circus

Icarian games

To throw up the son
Dad gave him a kick.
Son returns:
- Dad, give me one more time!

The poor yogi lay down on his saber!
The unfortunate yogi ate the coals!
Don't be scared kids
It's Peter the Clown!
Coals - from carrots,
Sabers - from a rope,
Looking out of the basket
Rubber Cobra!

tightrope walker

He rode the rope
Tried to do somersaults
Almost didn't fall...
Got on people's nerves!

Clown Red,
Clown White,
Clown coward
And a brave clown
Clown Bom
And Beam the Clown
clown may
Be anyone.
For their tricks
We scream:
Only the villain clown
Never happens!

Their jumps are light and accurate.
The lion's roar is like thunder.
Even in the circus, even in a cage
The lion remains king.

knife thrower

If trembling in the hands, do not touch,
This sharp long knife -
You first tremble,
And then you throw it!

Musical eccentrics

One plays the saw
Another is playing on a broom
The third plays on the wood,
And everyone is on their heads!


silk-maned horse
Dancing on the stage.
The rider is beautiful
Dancing on a horse.

Hoops on it do not count:
Ten, twenty, twenty six
Twenty nine, thirty three...
Where is the artist?
There, inside...
Oh, is she playing hide and seek?
We still see heels!

plastic study

Maybe this guy
Tie like string.
Only one thing worries me -
Suddenly can't unravel?

Roller Runners

no ice -
No problem.
Bruises -
Famously draw rollers

Why such a strong man
How is the kid playing ball?
Only such a strong man
This ball on the shoulder:
Silver, new
One hundred kilogram!

Plates on canes

In the arena, on canes
The plates are spinning... Ah!
deep plates,
Yes, fragments of crayons!

Trapeze for an elephant

Why is the elephant
Doesn't it fly well?
Just no trapezoid
For her collection.


Top leg tamer!
Leva snorted - oh, what ...
Tamer slapped with a whip!
Leo doesn't care...
Whip tamer!
Levi wagged his tail...
The tamer gave a pie...
Leva did a somersault.


The magician turned
Man in a crocodile.
The hall froze in surprise.
Seryozha stood up and said:
- Aunt, do it back,
Man is uncomfortable!

He is greater than all, he is higher than all,
Walked boldly on stilts
Soared from the flip board,
Landed... roared!
But why would he cry?
Because he is a bear.

If you want to splurge
It's better not to go to the circus.
Hates circus blues.
The circus is not to the liking of the blues.

circus cat

The more often a cat
eats ear,
The more peaceful life


When he closes his mouth
His stomach sings.
When he opens his mouth
His stomach is silent.
It's a shame that while
He doesn't sing a duet!

Often, often, clearly, clearly
rattling with heels,
The tap dancer beats the tap dance
And dancing "cha-cha-cha"!

What is a tent?
It's like a sieve!
Falling out of it
Poodles and balls
dancing girls,
jumping boys,
Red clown writhing
Spinning and teasing
Well, we want
We love it all!
Keep going, bigot!
Nobody goes home!

clown click

Redhead White caught,
Like a butterfly, in a net.
White Red caught
Like a fish on a hook.
Red - BOOM!
And White - BOOM!
Bumps have grown on their foreheads!

The tamer is strict, and yet
He is a big good guy at heart.
Here they are in the alphabet
Hard sign to soft sign.

The letter "Y" is very offensive,
The letter is stricken with grief:
Why can't you see me
In the word "CIRCUS",
Can I even hear?
There are "JUMPS" -
So, in the circus, the letter "Y"!


Three coils
Friend on friend.
He climbed
On coils
And not at all
Not irritated
What coils

Jewelry work

He walked on the rope
And on his forehead he held a dagger,
He carried a vase on a dagger,
And on it lay a tray,
And on it is a glass of compote ...
Jewelry work!

Clown tongue

What kind of laugh? What's the cry?
The clown showed his tongue.
Very rare languages
So they are great!

Last time we went to the circus with the whole family and discussed the topic, from what age should children be taken to? Today I will talk about the program "National Circus of Egypt".

To get started, watch the video

Enough interesting program. Of course, the circus, as usual, is national. Representatives of various cultures and nationalities are gathered.

The program culminates with lions and a tiger from Egypt. Very beautiful, graceful animals.

There were also funny wolves, like dogs on leashes. In fact, wolves used to live in ours, but now they are not there. These free animals do not look scary at all in the circus and in the zoo. Not at all such formidable, toothy huge animals as we used to see them in fairy tales and literary works. In captivity, wolves are more like dogs that shed. It is spring now and not only wolves, but all animals change their coat.

The children also liked other animals: funny monkeys, northern ones in harness. And goats acted as reindeer.

The whole arena was strewn with snakes and crocodiles - this is also quite an interesting and unusual sight. The reptiles crawled quite briskly and terrified the audience.

Also struck by the leopards, who walked around the circus arena without a cage. Their mistress, quite fragile woman, very well coped with them and changed into various beautiful outfits.

Of course, there were many acrobatic numbers and gymnasts, the kids also looked at them in fascination.

Usually it is very cold in the circus, but this time it was incredibly hot. Almost like in Egypt. The kids were hot in T-shirts.

In general, we really liked the circus. Of course, no one expected to see artists from Egypt there. The troupe was mixed different countries including some Egyptians. But we will go to Egypt ourselves pretty soon, so we will have time to look at local residents. Already bought

Funny clowns, as usual, made everyone laugh. In my opinion, in vain they teach children to fight. But last number With musical instruments in the form of a bowler hat, a hammer and a plate, a washboard and other now exotic antiques ... Made the whole hall laugh. Modern children have seen such objects only in museums. And we used them as musical instruments as children.

All for today
We continue our The kid hid in the rubric

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Do you go to the circus with your children?

Summing up the article:

Last time we went to the circus with the whole family, and discussed the topic at what age should children be taken to? Today I talked about the program "National Circus of Egypt"
I wish you success! Sincerely, Svetlana, site

"Finally, the baby has grown up and is ready to go to the circus!" - you decided, bought tickets, came to the circus next weekend and are looking forward to the start of the performance. Suddenly, from the very first loud fanfare, the child is frightened and begins to sob inconsolably. No amount of persuasion helps, and you understand that you need to go home. What's the matter?

Age and preparation

Each child has his own readiness to visit circuses, theaters and museums. One kid gets acquainted with the circus at the age of 1.5 - he is brought to a noisy unfamiliar room and nothing, he adequately reacts to what is happening, rejoices and claps his hands. Parents think: this is not for long, soon he will get tired of the abundance new information, but nothing like that, after the intermission the child continues to watch with pleasure. Another, even at the age of 4, can fearfully hold on to his mother's hand and be frightened by the tigers running into the arena. What is the matter here? Of course, the reaction depends primarily on the characteristics of the character of the baby himself, but it is equally important to help him prepare for the meeting, and not just buy a ticket and bring him by the hand.

At what age a child is ready to get acquainted with the circus, parents should feel for themselves, but still the most suitable time is a little over two years, although, of course, there are exceptions to the rules. At the age of two, a child can already be explained a lot, and most importantly, he is ready for the perception of the circus due to psychological and physiological development.

No psychologist will give you a clear definition of age limits for going to the circus. Focus on your own intuition - no one understands the behavior of the baby better than parents. You know his character, temperament, abilities and interests. You know how to distract and captivate him. If you have a brave, sociable and self-confident toddler - most likely he will perceive with interest an unfamiliar environment, animals, loud music and an abundance of people. Of course, it will be easier with a five-year-old child - he has a more diverse life experience. He knows what to expect from a man dressed in a flamboyant clown costume or a trained bear.

But at any age it is desirable to spend preparations before the first trip to the circus:

  1. Before visiting the circus, go to the zoo first. See how the child reacts to different animals. Especially on those who can be found on the stage of the circus. If he is afraid of a bear or an elephant in the zoo, you will never persuade him to indoors look at how the "elephant dances." In the child's imagination, this picture will be even more frightening. The main rule for parents is to respond to everything with a smile. Children always look at our reaction: I fell, hit, but how does mom react to this? She smiles - it's not scary. And so it is in everything. Get ready in advance for the fact that you will have to visit the zoo more than once or twice. Here you can walk at least every day, starting from infancy. The kid will quickly get used to various animals, begin to recognize their habits, and maybe he will have favorites. And when you come to the circus, he will gladly meet "old acquaintances" there.
  2. Tell us about how wild animals differ from the same "artists" in the circus, that a trainer specially deals with them, and they obey him. The kid must learn that the animals will not run out of the arena and should not be afraid of them. IN early age children absolutely trust adults, so they will definitely believe you. The main thing is to rejoice and have fun with the child, and then he will have a favorable impression of what he saw.
  3. If possible, visit the circus tent. This small and exact copy big circus will help to form in the child an idea of ​​the upcoming show.
  4. To check the reaction of the baby to the clowns - go to the "Tereza Durova's Clownery Theater" or to the performance of a small clown group,
  5. Watch a videotape of a circus performance. Discuss with the baby what he liked, what was not understood or frightened him - "work through" these moments.
  6. start preparatory talks a few weeks before the upcoming trip, read poems and stories about the circus.

Buying tickets

First row tickets for the first visit are contraindicated!

Firstly, the child may be afraid of such closeness. circus artists, and secondly, will not see the picture of the entire representation. Therefore, choose a row so that the baby’s eyes can cover the entire arena without special efforts watched the performance of acrobats under the dome.

Review the seating plan in advance. Most likely, rows from six to ten will be the most optimal - you don’t need to go higher. You can take tickets to those places that are located opposite the orchestra and the exit of the artists - then the baby will see how the performance begins, how the animals are taken to the arena.

For the first time, pick up seats closer to the exit - it may happen that you have to leave several times during the performance. In this case, you will not interfere with anyone, and you yourself will not feel embarrassed.

And another important factor in a successful trip to the circus is the time of the performance. children preschool age it is better to buy tickets for the morning sessions. They usually start at 12 noon and last 3 hours with a break. Calculate so that you can get home in time for dinner and your child's nap. Even if the daily routine has shifted, still put the baby in bed, at least for an hour, so that by the evening he is not overexcited.

You can buy tickets for the evening performance. After lunch and daytime sleep the perception of the child will be more intense, and new impressions and delight will be calmed by a peaceful conversation with mom before going to bed.

How to dress and what to bring

Of course going to the circus is a holiday. Choose an outfit with the baby, let alone decision in this matter will help him feel the importance upcoming event. The circus room is warm enough, no need to wear extra warm clothes.

The situation is not familiar, so even if the child has long been accustomed to asking to go to the toilet, during the performance he may stare and not warn you of his need. Take spare clothes, and before the performance visit the toilet or dress diaper.

During the intermission, the kid will probably get hungry, and the queues at the buffet are always long. Therefore, it is better to take with you the usual food for him, such as juice and cookies. But you still can't avoid shopping: children are very fond of toys and various accessories - all this will be sold in large quantities in the lobby from stalls. Buy your child a clown nose or ears as a memento of the trip. With their help, he will be able to turn into a real clown and show his family what he saw in the circus.

Also in the lobby you can take pictures with clowns or animals, but only if the child himself wants it.

About the circus orchestra

In all the circuses of the world, the orchestra sounds loud and plays bravura music. This is due to the fact that animals work to these rhythms, and musical beats must be beat loudly for them. Therefore, it is necessary to warn and prepare the child for fanfares and timpani. At home, when you're listening to music together, turn up the volume level louder than usual and tell your baby that the music in the circus will sound just as loud. You can attend a concert with orchestral music. In the circus, do not forget to warn the child before the start of the performance that the music will now sound very loud. You don’t need to say: “Don’t be afraid,” otherwise he will be wary - if my mother says so, it means that something can scare me. You may get the opposite effect. So, do not program it in advance for fear. Behave confidently and, looking at your calmness, the child will calmly perceive what is happening in the arena. If, nevertheless, the baby began to cry, keep your composure and do not break down. It will only get worse if you start "hissing" and tugging at it. It will not be possible to restore calm, and you will have to leave.

Encounter with animals

If the child is still not accustomed to threatening large sizes a bear or an elephant in the zoo, then in the circus they can also scare him. Ask in advance what number of the program these animals will enter the arena, and invite your baby to go out into the hall to eat ice cream or something else before their performance.

Find out in advance which animals you will meet during the show. If, for example, the kid has never seen a snake, show it in the picture and tell him that he will see her alive in the circus, she is not at all scary, but very wise.

When you first visit the circus, there should be fewer surprises. Enough impressions.

Presentation script

Usually the presentation is built according to the general scenario. For example: "The Adventure of Pinocchio". Even an elephant can play the main character in the circus. A striped cap will be put on him and Pinocchio is ready. In order for the child to have a correct understanding of this fairy tale character, read this fairy tale to him or retell it in a form understandable for his age.

Introduce him to the main characters so that during the presentation the baby immediately recognizes central characters. You can guess the plot by the name of the program or, if it doesn’t tell you anything, ask about the script at the circus box office. For example, last year in the Moscow circus on Vernadsky Avenue, the performance was called "The Wedding of Jays" and for children it was completely young age this spectacle was incomprehensible. Therefore, familiarity with the plot of the performance is also important point in preparation for going to the circus.

It seems that the most serious challenge for a child in a circus, these are crowds of people, loud music and an encounter with large animals, but clowns, magicians, acrobats and aerialists can also scare the baby.

About clowns

According to the observations of parents, children get used to clowns more difficultly and for the longest time. At an early age, a child can be frightened by this noisy and self-centered person. The kid may not accept the bright awkward clown costume, and even more so his makeup or mask. Before going to the circus, show the little clown first in the picture, then try to approach him on the street from afar. Now many city holidays are held with the participation of clowns. Buy a clown toy, tell the child that clowns are the most funny friends. You can play with them and play pranks, scream and even do what parents usually forbid. Clowns are the same children, only bigger ones. If possible, invite a clown to your birthday, just explain to the artist in advance that some children will see him for the first time. Ask the clown to make up and transform right in front of the kids. Then it will be easier for them to accept it. Show how clownery jokes and tricks will make you laugh so that the child understands that everything a clown does, he does so that everyone has fun. Mom and dad can (by buying children's anti-allergic face makeup) together with the baby come up with their own clown masks.

About acrobats, magicians and aerialists

As a rule, children perceive these circus artists with pleasure and they do not cause any fears. Rather, on the contrary, the child will be fascinated by the manipulations of the magician and the jumps of the gymnasts under the dome of the circus. But just in case, work on this topic as well so that there are no unexpected problems. First of all, this concerns the tricks of illusionists. Their numbers are usually accompanied by special effects in the form of smoke or fireworks. If possible, warn the baby about this so that he is not afraid.

It must be remembered that during the performance the lights are often turned off, so "play" at home this moment as well.

Start preparing your child at least a week before the planned trip. Tell him about the circus every day. Do not forget to "work out" those features that we have already talked about. Explain to him the rules of conduct: during the performance you can not get up and go down to the arena; you can’t shout loudly when aerialists and animals are working; can't eat; and be sure to applaud the artists at the end of the performance - this is the most important thing for them. But do not overload the baby with rules and prohibitions. If he does something wrong, we can talk about it next time.

We are in the circus!

And then came the long-awaited day. It is better to arrive early, before the show starts. Take a walk in the lobby, get used to the atmosphere and atmosphere of the circus. Visit the restroom. When you enter the hall, tell and show the child where the artists will come from and where the musicians will sit. During the performance, look not only at the stage, but also at your baby. Follow his reaction, explain and comment on everything that happens. Do not be embarrassed by those around you, they will understand you, especially since loud music sounds in the circus, and you will not disturb anyone.

If the baby wants to sit in your arms - let him sit down, proximity native person will help him overcome his fear and inconvenience. If, despite the preparatory measures, the child still bursts into tears and refuses to watch, do not force him to sit and, moreover, do not scold him. Try to go out to the lobby, offer him water or something tasty. Walk on fresh air and try again to enter the hall.


Yes, that's exactly what it is. We went to the circus for the first time when we were 2 years old. By that time, we were well acquainted with the animals at the zoo, my daughter really liked the gymnasts, the akrabats, and, in general, I liked everything, except for the clowns, although I didn’t particularly prepare her for going to the circus, but at home we had a clown toy, and she really liked the pictures of clowns in one of the clinics, and in the park once they got on little performance clowns. But in the circus, she was very scared of them, even wanting to leave, barely persuaded her to stay, even when we watch the recording from the performance, she asks to turn it off when they perform :-(.

Comment on the article "The first trip to the circus"

Have you taken 6-year-old children to the circus on Vernadsky Avenue? I try to hush up talk about the circus. I had to go once, of course. In this sense, Durov's corner is better.


I have loved the circus since childhood. And I live near the circus on Vernadsky. But we don't like him. On Tsvetnoy it also depends on the performance, but in general it is much more decent.

it deteriorated and became a farce, we weren't even there, I saw the records.
But on Tsvetnoy, too, you know, a couple of years ago we visited a super-popular program that won some places and awards. I left in bewilderment: why cabaret and striptease in children's place? Can't dads fill these needs without children?)
But I also don't like the circus because of the animals. I try to hush up talk about the circus. I had to go once, of course.
In this sense, Durov's corner is better.
And so I would replace the circus with the theater (well, I replace it) unambiguously.

Maybe there are some more circus performances, it is with your experience of visiting, otherwise Yandex is looking for something, but how much of a circus performance?


I didn't like the show. Children seem to be normal, but I did not see frank delight. The hall was half empty (Sunday evening performance). Seats are better opposite the exit of the artists, of course. At the end of the number with gymnasts on a swing, so the cable holding their trampoline passed exactly over my head (1st row, sector C), and over the heads of some of the higher-seated ones too. I had to lean to the side. I practically didn’t see this number, because I was sitting under the net :).
I liked the short number with the boxer kangaroo. On this, it seems to me, all my impressions are over. Of the predators were leopards, it seems. The trainers were poorly listened to. And the grid, it seemed to me, was too low :) There were dogs, birds, horses.
But my opinion: in vain went :(

PS: in March, a new program will start at Vernadsky, Like Russia, maybe it’s better for her? Obviously, the Designer failed for them, maybe at least they fixed it here ..

my daughter and her husband went today - they both liked it, they both came satisfied. True, we are not fans of the circus, my husband and I last time in childhood and adolescence they were, but my daughter never went to Vernadsky at all.


We went to Vernadsky, well, I expected more and the children got bored, the rooms were very long. I liked the walruses or seals) VERY, my husband and I already shed a tear, how smart they are. The illusion was normal, the rest was so-so.

over the past three years there have been 2 times on color and the same number on Vernadsky. on color, a complete disappointment, on Vernadsky there is always a delight.

relation to the circus. Serious question. About his own, about a girl's. Since this summer, I hate all circus manipulations with wild animals (well, or with former wild ones) I categorically ...


Until the age of 12, she lived in a house next to the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Naturally, I went to every new performance + to all street performances (were on balconies on holidays)
She wasn't indifferent, but she didn't admire either. The circus for me was a special atmosphere, not a theater, not a cinema - a CIRCUS. The smell that I met at the entrance, a thick layer of sawdust under my feet, the sounds of animals, the atmosphere itself - it was a circus
Then they set it on fire, then demolished it - adored the ruins with the remains of a curtain from mirror balls
At the age of 15, she first got into the "new" circus. spat
Then I was in a new one on Tsvetnoy - this is not a circus
I became indifferent to the circus - this is a theater, and the theater is not of very high quality (or the program was unsuccessful, I don’t know)
Completely killed what I was waiting for before - no clowning. And what is now portrayed is a pathetic likeness of those Clowns that I found in the old circus on Tsvetnoy.
This year I was in Thailand. A separate topic is circus performances with huge animals - tigers, lions and a lot of elephants.
Since this summer, I hate all circus manipulations with wild animals (well, or with former wild ones)
I am categorically AGAINST the training of large predators and, in general, all those who are unrealistic to "tame" without pain. Yes, and those on whom they earn money without their consent .......
In short, the attitude is complex, close to negative.
Recently I saw a Chinese circus - awesome work of people on themselves and on entertainment. What I saw with us after the demolition of the old one on Tsvetnoy .... they just get money for sound-color-special effects

"Children of artists in the circus environment are called born in sawdust"

I'll start with the fact that the circus performs people who came to this very different ways. And all artists, like their stories, are very different. Someone professionally went in for sports, where important role they play personal achievements, and enters the arena, focusing on tricks. Someone was dancing. And someone like me was born and raised in . And this is a special category of people. About them, and about myself - including - I will tell.

Children of artists in the circus environment are called born in sawdust: they have been used to cover the arena since the time when horse acrobats began to perform in the circus. Sawdust serves as an emphasis for horse hooves, it is not so painful to fall into them, and it is easier to clean up after animals. In addition, many four-legged artists live in enclosures, the floor of which is also strewn with sawdust. Children fiddle with animals, digging in sawdust. Hence the expression.

Memories of early childhood I, like, probably, most people, are fragmented. The colors, sounds and aromas associated with the circus have been preserved in my memory. These are the smells of father's make-up, rubber arena, cotton candy, popcorn.

“We start learning circus professions very early”

At the age of 4, I first entered the arena as an artist. Performed with parents, participated in New Year's performances. He had a number - "Dog Academy", in which his pets played out the scene of the lesson and did everything that is supposed to be for students at school. Mom assisted. And I sat with the dogs at the desk and repeated simple actions. The dogs did better, and the audience was very touched. Of course, as I got older, more was demanded of me.

In general, the children of artists begin to master circus professions very early. First they participate in the parents' numbers, then they learn something, so that later they can perform separately. Sometimes parents take care of their children themselves, but more often they give students to familiar artists. Here it is very important to discern the talent, take into account the character and even the features and potentialities of the body in order to choose a case that really suits. As a rule, this succeeds. And it turns out that the children of artists remain in the circus and work there all their lives. It's in the order of things, like everything else lifestyle artists.

Nikolay Vinokurov / Photobank Lori

"New City - New School"

Circus families work together. And that's great. Everyone has their own duties and responsibilities. In those days when there were no performances, we woke up in the morning, had breakfast and went to the circus to rehearse and take care of the animals. Many circus families this is how they live, they have to negotiate and get along - professional success depends on this, among other things.

Proper distribution of responsibilities is also important because artists are constantly moving. When we go on tour, we bring animals, costumes, and props with us. You need to constantly draw up documents and make sure that nothing is forgotten. But it quickly becomes a habit - you have to travel a lot. My parents and I toured especially actively until I went to school. Perhaps they tried once again not to tear me away from classes.

But it still wouldn't have been possible to avoid it. Therefore, when I went to school, a funny period began in my life called " New townnew school". I was not sent to study abroad like some of my friends. Although for school years parents worked in European countries, and in Japan - during these periods I studied externally.

“The circus openness and sociability helped me a lot”

The constant change of schools taught me a lot. I realized early on that there was no time to look closely at my classmates, it was necessary to win over those around me as quickly as possible in order to study the prescribed period of time calmly, without conflicts. And I often succeeded, although everything happened. I noticed that the newcomers, in principle, are treated well. While boys usually like to check out what the new guy is like, I didn’t fight that often.

Perhaps I was just lucky, and the circumstances were in my favor. I know from experience that success in school and adaptation is most often the result of a chain of certain events. Sometimes unsuccessful ones. Therefore, I am sure that when a child finds it difficult to study because he does not get along well with classmates or teachers, the problem can be solved by changing schools.

Losevsky Pavel / Photobank Lori

I didn't do it of my own free will. The circus openness and sociability helped me a lot. These features generally distinguish the children of circus performers. By the way, circus children interact with each other in a very peculiar way. We don't waste time asking questions like "How old are you?" and “What are you into?” We communicate as if we saw each other yesterday and continue the conversation we started.

True, ease of communication has and reverse side. Because of the constant moving, you have to not only meet new people, but also say goodbye. True, we still communicate with one old friend from a Moscow school, despite the fact that I studied with him for about six months.

“It was difficult to fit into the program in general”

In addition to communicating with peers, I needed to find mutual language with a lot of teachers. And I made another one for myself important conclusion: the result of mastering a particular subject in most cases depends on the relationship with the teacher.

Once, due to the protracted paperwork, we found ourselves in a forced downtime in one provincial town. The local math teacher just amazed me with her accent and appearance Because of her accent, I didn't understand half of what the woman was saying. As a result, I moved out, although mathematics has always been excellent for me.

It was hard to get into the program. Even if I changed schools in Russia. Formally, the program was almost always the same, but it was mastered by students different schools at different speeds. It happened that the artists settled next to the gymnasium. And there the class was far ahead of the students regular school where I went before high school. Therefore, I had to sit behind textbooks at night and study. Sometimes I found myself in a class that, on the contrary, lagged far behind. Then it was possible to relax and do nothing ... And once you get into a normal class in another city, you will pay for it.

“My main enemies were loneliness and boredom”

Despite everything, until the sixth grade I was almost an excellent student. And when I was going to the seventh, my parents were invited to work in Italy for a year (subsequently extending the contract for another one). And then they took me with them. The school agreed that I would study on my own, and in May I would pass the exams. I was given a bunch of textbooks and we left.

Vyacheslav Nikolaenko / Photobank Lori

Returning to Russia, I passed the exams for the seventh and eighth grades. And then moving from city to city and regularly changing schools, then doing it on his own, by hook or by crook he graduated from school. During this period, I thought about whether I really want to stay in the circus or whether I need to choose a different path. While I was thinking, I entered the university, and when I received my diploma, I already had my own number with balls, with which I toured without my parents. And the question disappeared by itself. Today I have three numbers, one of them is the number of my father with dogs, I inherited it when my father left the arena.

Remembering my childhood, I understand that I traveled a lot of cities and countries, met people different nationalities, religion and status. And yet, paradoxically, my main enemies abroad were loneliness and boredom. I had to live, albeit in a well-equipped, but - cramped - mobile home, where there was not even a hint of personal space. It was depressing, as was the lack of company due to age. I didn't go to school, and the program that my parents performed in often included only adult artists. Involuntarily I was visited philosophical thoughts not by age. Therefore, as far as I could, I studied the places.

I found out that everywhere, including in the smallest villages, there is something to see. I also discovered that people in every city are different, even if they live in the same country. Their perception of the world, the relationship between themselves and to others are very different. It always amazed me and at the same time inspired me both in childhood and now, when I am in Once again I am in a new place.

The little man, like no one else, needs an abundance of new experiences, because he is just starting to get acquainted with the world around him. Therefore, visiting various entertainment events is an important part of raising a child. And what kind of performance can give a child more vivid emotions than a circus one?

Circus for children is a new phenomenon. And the psyche of the baby is still very vulnerable. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for visiting this institution so that the event gives the child an exceptionally joyful, and not negative, impression. Let's see how to do it.

The child goes to the circus

Mothers of young children often ask themselves the question: at what age can you introduce the baby to the circus? There is no single answer to this question. And although it is believed that if the baby is a little older than two years, it can already be taken to the circus, it all depends on the individual child. If your baby is sociable, brave, loves everything new, then perhaps he will be happy to attend such an event, even before reaching the age of 2. He will watch the performance in one breath, never being capricious and not even asking to go to the toilet. Another, even after three years, is able to get confused in an unfamiliar environment and cry throughout the entire event. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to the personality and character of your crumbs. But no matter what your baby is and no matter how old he is, it is very important to properly prepare the child for this event.

First of all, tell the kid what the circus is in general, what you can see there. It is very useful to visit the zoo with a baby (and it would be nice more than once) so that he can look at those who will participate in the performance, how to get used to them. If there is no zoo in your city or you can’t go to it, then show the animals in the pictures or video, tell us about them. Tell him about the work of a trainer. Be sure to tell him that the animals in the circus obey him, so they will not go out into the hall and will not be next to the child.

It is also necessary to introduce the baby to the clowns in advance. After all, it is quite bright, noisy, unusual characters, and seeing them for the first time, the baby may also be scared. Show your child a circus performance with clowns on video. You can also invite a clown to any. It will be great if he puts on makeup right in front of the kids so that they can see how it happens. And be sure to warn the actor that your baby (and possibly some others) is encountering this character for the first time.

Show your child or films about the circus so that he knows roughly what to expect. For example, the corresponding series from "Well, you wait!" Talk to your little one about the circus every day. Be sure to tell us about the acrobats, what they do. It is important that the baby does not worry about aerial gymnasts. Explain to him that they will not fall, as they are well prepared and have insurance. When you show him cartoons or videos about the circus, be sure to discuss what you see. Ask what he liked, what remained incomprehensible, and what scared him. If he did not understand something or was afraid of something, explain, develop his doubts and fears. Such preparation should begin a week or two before going to the event.

If baby goes at a circus performance for the first time, he may be frightened of the dark or loud music. These points should also be worked out at home. For a few minutes, turn on circus music for your baby, gradually adding sound every day. It is not worth turning off the light completely right away - remove the lighting also little by little.

It is important what kind of performance is in the circus. At such children's events, skits are often played with the participation of everyone famous heroes- for example, Pinocchio, Santa Claus. If your kid is still unfamiliar with these characters, tell him about them, show him.

When purchasing tickets, be sure to pay attention to how long the performance in the circus lasts. The duration of the event can be from a little over an hour to several hours. For the first time, you should choose a shorter program so that the baby is not tired and capricious.

When choosing tickets, give preference to rows from six to ten. It is from there that the baby will be able to see everything perfectly. But the first row is excluded - too close. The child may be very frightened. It is better to give preference to places located near the exit. When you visit the circus for the first time, you may have to leave the hall with the baby, and more than once. Maybe he will need to go to the toilet, or maybe he will be scared.

When a baby goes to the circus for the first time, it is necessary to pay special attention to his wardrobe. Clothing should be as free and comfortable as possible so that nothing hampers his movements and does not distract him from the performance. Before the event, be sure to feed the child. However, you will still need to bring food and drink with you in case your little one gets hungry. Be sure to take him to the toilet before the performance.

So, a significant day has come - the child goes to the circus! Throughout the performance, talk with the baby, comment on what is happening. And be sure to smile! Seeing a joyful mother nearby, the child will understand that there is no reason for concern. If the baby becomes uncomfortable, take it on the handles. And if the child refuses to watch the performance any longer, do not force him to stay. Go out with him to the lobby, take a walk, go to the buffet. Perhaps the baby will calm down and want to return to the hall. And if you don't feel like that, go home. The next time the trip will be more successful, because the child will already be more prepared.

Why is it important to go to the circus with a child?

Some adults don't like the circus for some reason. But if you belong to this category, this is no reason not to take your baby to shows. You definitely need to go to the circus with your baby. After all, such trips

  • perfectly develop the imagination of the baby;
  • give the child new impressions and a lot of positive emotions;
  • give the baby new knowledge about the world;
  • allow you to be surrounded by bright colors;
  • are a great family activity.

And these are just some of the reasons why you should go to the circus with your child. After all, it's just fun! And you do not have to rack your brains in search of suitable entertainment for your baby. After all, circus performances are very different, and you can visit them more than once.

And finally, as they say, all the fears and problems from childhood. Most likely, you do not like the circus because you received unpleasant emotions from it as a child. But today this kind of entertainment is much different from what you could see as a child. Nowadays, the circus is maximally focused on giving children exclusively pleasant experience and protect from unpleasant emotions. Therefore, it is quite possible that you will change your mind. And next time, go to the circus with your child, not only because your baby asks you to, but because you yourself want it!

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