The behavior of the landowner Plyushkin in the poem Dead Souls. Composition “The image of Plyushkin


Gogol calls his character a hole in all of humanity, and having become acquainted with the image of Plyushkin, the reader understands this characteristic. The landowner, his philosophy, lifestyle, moral portrait cannot leave a person indifferent. Everything revolts in him - refusal to take care of his children, narrow-mindedness, moral deformity, vulgar, humiliating habits.


For the first time we meet Plyushkin when he quarrels with the driver in the yard own house. Chichikov takes this man for a “woman”, only an old housekeeper can look like this. After learning that the creature in long, holey, greasy clothes is the owner of the estate, Chichikov freezes for a while, trying to recover and find the right tone. The landowner lost human species, lost the remnants of a man's appearance - the “dress”, which looked out from under his outer garment, was clearly feminine, some piece of clothing was wrapped around his neck, and a cap was on his head.

Gogol describes the eyes of our character in an extremely allegorical way: they, like two mice, were visible from under the eyebrows, watching the interlocutor vigilantly and inseparably. In a painful struggle with everyone around, Plyushkin was used to not relaxing for a second: courtyards, neighbors, guests - everyone, in his opinion, tried to take something away, “steal”, rob the master's yard. It was this conviction that made his look unpleasantly suspicious, repulsive. Greed in relation to himself affected the figure, appearance, health of the landowner: a thin, even dry, round-shouldered, untidy, toothless old man, who in his thrift reached an unhealthy extreme. He does not cause pity, only disgust and understanding of boundless human stupidity, terrifying madness.

Life and habits

Plyushkin is not famous for his hospitality, it is extremely important for him that the guest leaves the house as soon as possible. Having huge stocks of food, fabrics, leather, furs, utensils and much more, the landowner brings his house to the extreme degree of desolation, sinks himself and forces his peasants to vegetate in poverty. He is a master at slander, slander and deceit. Every day, humiliating his yards with suspicion of theft and embezzlement, he humiliates himself, emphasizing his own tyranny and stupidity.

The speech and mannerisms of the character speak of his unwillingness to put up with the presence of other people in his environment, perhaps a complete recluse would be a salvation for this type. The heavy temper and the inability to live with such a master is confirmed by the fact that the peasants at Plyushkin not only die like flies, but also run away from the landowner.

More than seventy runaway souls (in addition to the dead) he sold to Chichikov. Even the skillful swindler and chameleon Pavel Ivanovich cannot find the right manner in communication, since in front of him is a man who has clearly descended (when meeting at the church, he would definitely give alms to such a creature), with a sharp absurd character. What was the value of Plyushkin's offer to treat the guest to a stale gingerbread or an old tincture in which insects swam. Complementing the picture is the disgusting habit of the landowner to collect all sorts of garbage and things forgotten by the peasants around the village. "The fisherman went hunting" - so they said in the village when he moved along the street in search of "profit".

This quote suggests that the peasants were accustomed to the disgusting manner of "gathering" the landowner, mocked him and openly despised him. The habit of bringing into your home what others have thrown away, lost (garbage, rubbish, rags) characterizes the character as a person who has achieved the highest degree degradation, defying understanding, justification. Is it an attempt to fill an inner void or a mental illness - is there a difference if other people suffer from this ?!

Plushkin's past

Oddly enough, just a few years ago, Plyushkin was a completely adequate person: the father of three children, a husband, an economical and competent owner. Neighbors came to visit him, learned the art of managing the estate, respected the authority of the owner. The landowner's wife was hospitable and intelligent, helped run a huge household, kept the house in order, and was respected by the peasants. After the death of his wife, the widower became a stingy man, quarreled with everyone in the district, merchants stopped visiting him. One of the daughters died, the other ran away with an officer, and the son, contrary to his father, went to the city not for civil service, but for the regiment. These events have become an occasion to deny children any financial assistance, their father became a miser, a liar and a misanthrope.

In our article, the image of Plyushkin in the poem “Dead Souls” is briefly given, the characteristic appearance character and his inner world. The material can be useful when writing an essay on this topic.

Artwork test

Plyushkin is very stingy, he hides his wealth, acquired over the years, and over time it rots and disappears. If something lay ownerless on the street, then he picked it up and put it in private room, where many different items have accumulated: from nails to furniture. Trying to save money, taking care of unnecessary trifles, he loses his fortune, as everything accumulated deteriorates and collapses.

And there was a time when Plyushkin was a wonderful host and family man. He looked after his estate, had a smart wife and children. Despite his decency and thriftiness, he was a soulless person, every day his heart emptied more and more. Of course he had an unhappy family life: the wife died, the daughter left with her lover, and the son, against the will of his father, went to serve, - but even when his daughter returned, hoping that dad would forgive her and take pity, Plyushkin "forgave" her, even let her son play "what then a button lying on the table.

Human feelings were unknown to Plyushkin, everything was lost every day, he became soulless, because his soul had hardened, and nothing would help it to be reborn again ...

Is it always fun for me to struggle with an insignificant load of petty passions, to go hand in hand with my strange characters? Oh, how many times I would like to strike the sublime strings, proudly drag the worshipers behind me and triumphantly chain them to my victorious chariot. V. Gogol

poem" Dead Souls"is one of the most remarkable works of Russian literature. The great realist writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol showed all modern Russia, satirically depicting landed nobility and provincial officials. But if you look closely, the disgusting and pitiful features of Gogol's characters have not been outlived to this day and are clearly manifested even today, at the turn of the new century.

Gogol's laughter also included a feeling of acute grief, born of pictures of spiritual extinction, the "death" of a person, his humiliation and suppression, the phenomena of social stagnation. No wonder the writer said that he had to look at life "through laughter visible to the world and invisible, unknown to him tears." And at the same time, Gogol's laughter does not cause disappointment, it awakens the energy of resistance and protest, the energy of action.

Name Gogol's poem has at least two meanings. Under " dead souls"of course, both the dead peasants, whom the landowner Chichikov is buying up, and the absolutely living heroes of the work - the landowners and officials of the city of NN.

The merit of the great writer, first of all, is that he skillfully portrayed in his work a multitude of the most diverse characters. The central place in the poem is occupied by chapters that tell about different types feudal landowners in what was then Russia. Pictures of the decline of the economy, complete spiritual impoverishment, degradation of the individual lead the reader to the idea that it is these "masters of life" that are the "dead souls".

Gogol gives a description of the landowners in a certain order, and step by step outlines the degree of moral decline of the entire landowner class. The images of the landlords pass before us one after another, and with each new character, the loss of everything human by these people is more and more visible. What is only guessed in Manilov is already getting its real embodiment in Plyushkin. "Dead Souls" is a poem about typical phenomena Russian reality, contemporary Gogol, and in the images of the feudal lords the author satirically showed destructive force serfdom.

The gallery of landowners in the poem opens with the image of Manilov. At first glance, this host does not seem like a "monster", a "dead soul" at all. On the contrary: "in his eyes he was a prominent person; his features were not devoid of pleasantness ..." A little sugary, "sugar", a very kind and extremely pleasant man, especially against the background of the rest of the heroes of the poem. However, Gogol reveals all the emptiness and uselessness of Manilov. His household is ruined, the estate is desolated, "the whole household sleeps in an merciless way and hangs all the rest of the time." In the house itself, Manilov is struck by a certain feeling of the absence of the owner. Poor armchairs are next to the beautiful furniture, a book has been lying on the table for two years, bookmarked on the 14th page. And Manilov builds meaningless projects, does not take care of the estate. He can only smile pleasantly and lavish pleasantries. The only result of his "work" is "heaps of ash knocked out of a pipe, placed, not without diligence, in very beautiful rows." Out of a desire to show courtesy to Chichikov, who was barely known to him, Manilov not only gives him his dead peasants, but also bears the cost of formalizing the bill of sale. At first, Chichikov's strange request confuses the landowner, but Manilov is not able to think about the proposal and easily allows himself to be convinced. Thus, a kindly, amiable person appears before us as a "dead soul", which, however, has not lost any other human traits.

Korobochka, which the author calls "clubhead", is also a parody of a person. Against the backdrop of a strong economy, a dull, ignorant lady is shown. She is so stupid that she cannot even understand all the wildness of Chichikov's proposal. For her, the sale of the dead is as natural as the trade in products. The box is only afraid of "cheapening" when selling a new product. This is what the human passion for gain leads to.

Another image of the "living dead" personifies Nozdryov. His life is reckless fun, constant revelry. He has all the friends with whom he drinks and plays cards, losing and drinking away the fruits of the labor of his peasants in a few days. Nozdryov is rude and unceremonious: "Oh, Chichikov, why did you have to come. Really, you're a pig for this, a kind of cattle breeder ..." Gogol ironically calls Nozdryov " historical man", emphasizing its typicality: "The face of Nozdryov is already somewhat familiar to the reader." Only the kennel is in excellent condition. The image of Nozdryov clearly shows the corrupting nature of serfdom.

And here we have Sobakevich, the owner of a good estate. “It seemed that there was no soul at all in this body ...,” writes Gogol. Sobakevich is only interested in food and further enrichment. He calmly accepts Chichikov's offer and begins to bargain with him. Human feelings in him have long since died; it is not for nothing that Gogol compares Sobakevich with medium size bear. This misanthrope is a complete reactionary, a persecutor of science and enlightenment. The following description of the hero's living room is interesting: "Table, armchairs, chairs - everything was self-heavy and restless - in a word, each chair seemed to say:" And I, too, Sobakevich! A frank comparison of Sobakevich with inanimate objects already speaks of his immobility, soullessness. But it is the soul that is the driving principle in a person; it was not without reason that ancient people depicted it in the form of bird wings. It is the soul that inspires a person to move, develop, and create.

But these are not the characters of the poem. The “crown” of this pyramid is Plyushkin, “a hole in humanity”, a “dead soul.” The spiritual death of a person is shown in him with great accusatory power. The image of Plyushkin is prepared by a description of a poor village, hungry peasants. does not leave the feeling that he wandered into the cemetery. Against this background, a strange figure appears: either a peasant, or a woman, in "a vague dress that looks like a woman's hood." However, it was not a beggar standing in front of Chichikov, but the richest landowner in the district, in which greed has killed even the understanding of the value of things. Everything rots in Plyushkin's pantries, he spends days collecting all sorts of rubbish in the village, stealing from his own peasants. more expensive than people who "die like flies" or go on the run. "And a person could descend to such insignificance, pettiness, vileness!" exclaims Gogol. But before Plyushkin was only a prudent, thrifty owner. Serfdom killed a man in him, turned him into a "living corpse", causing nothing but disgust.

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IN famous poem N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls" vividly presents the characters of people on the example of landowners. Their features show all the weaknesses that a person can have. One of these pronounced weaknesses is stinginess and greed. These two features form the basis of Plyushkin's image.

Plyushkin is portrayed as a landowner who has launched not only himself, but the whole village. His stinginess left its mark on everything, including the furnishings of the house. When Chichikov found himself in Plyushkin's room, it seemed to him that it was uninhabited. There was a large layer of dust on everything, broken objects, small pieces of paper covered with writing - everything had an untidy appearance. And in the very corner of the room was a big pile of rubbish. And this pile perfectly reflects the character of Plyushkin. He put there everything that he came across, any little thing, which he then did not use anyway. This is how all misers behave - the heap reflects the fact that they accumulate various rubbish just to have it. So they feel richer materially because such people do not enrich their inner world littering it unnecessary things and thoughts.

Plyushkin's stinginess was not always so visible: he had a family that held back these character traits. When he was left alone, he had no one to take care of, try to somehow develop his character, and he had only one goal - to save as much as possible. It is not important for stingy people what to save - everything is not enough for them, stinginess is becoming more and more, and they no longer look at what they are saving. Thus, the stingy are trying to make up for the lack of human feelings - love, friendship, understanding. Because when Plyushkin remembered his friend of his youth, his expression changed - he was able to feel the emotions that he had in childhood and adolescence. But no one wants to communicate with such people, there is nothing to talk about with them, and therefore they become more and more greedy.

Perhaps if Plyushkin had someone close to him who would not talk to him about money, but would try to develop his inner world, then he would not be so greedy, stingy. Because when his daughter came to him, the conversation still returned to money. It turns out that Plyushkin was not interested in anyone as a person, and because of this, he becomes indifferent to the feelings of others and appreciates only the material. If there had been a man with him who would have sought to help him, to improve his character, then Plyushkin would have been a kind and fair landowner.

Option 2

A year ago, he was a completely different person. Very happy and kind. He had a wonderful loving family, wife and kids. Plyushkin was a wonderful friend and comrade. His estate prospered, he superbly led it. The workers treated their employer with great respect. But suddenly his wife dies of illness. And it knocked down the main character. wife was for him the main support and muse. After all, she inspired Plyushkin to work. But he gathered his strength into a strong male fist, he still somehow kept afloat. After a while, his beloved daughter runs away from the parental home. And with whom, with an officer, Plyushkin hated the army to death. And this is the next blow to the heart of the protagonist. And the son refuses the civil service and goes to serve in the regiment.

Plyushkin completely gives up, but he is finished off by the death of his beloved youngest daughter. And his existence is over, he lost the meaning of life, all his loved ones died and betrayed. If earlier he worked for the benefit of his family, now Plyushkin is going crazy. Now he directed all his forces in one direction, collects all the good and makes warehouses. He no longer needs his workers, I work well. He doesn't pay any attention to them.

When Chichikov toured the Plyushkin estate, he was horrified by how slowly everything was falling apart and withering away. The rickety fence, the houses are about to fall. But these people who lived there resigned themselves to such a life, and Plyushkin collects tribute from them in linen and bread. People have become impoverished, but Plyushkin collects good things under his roof and does not use it in any way. People watched with tears in their eyes as it all disappeared and lay like a dead weight. They lost respect for the owner, but they also worked for him. But some could not stand such mockery of themselves and about eighty people fled from such a landowner. Plyushkin did not even look for them, since he did not care about what was happening around him. His main goal is to take possession of the good, but as much as possible.

Gogol described his hero as death, since whatever falls into the hands of the landowner is immediately buried in darkness. Because of his indifference and indifference, the estate turned into a huge dump of goods. The landfill belongs to only one person. But people hope that after the death of Plyushkin, his daughter and son will return to their native nest. They will put the estate on its feet, and life will flow in a new stream.

Composition Characteristics of Plushkin Grade 9

In Gogol's work "Dead Souls" there is a very interesting character, his name is Plyushkin Stepan. Unfortunately, in life, such as he is often found.

And so it's not quite old yet, a tall man. He is dressed in a rather peculiar way, if you do not look closely, you might think that this is an elderly woman. Stepan is a wealthy landowner, he has a huge estate, many souls, but at first glance at his surroundings, one might think that the person is in cramped circumstances. There is terrible devastation around, the clothes of both the master himself and his servants should have been changed to new ones for a long time. Despite rich harvests and stocked barns, he eats breadcrumbs, what can we say about servants who are dying of hunger like flies.

Plyushkin was not always so greedy and stingy. With his wife, he simply tried to save money, but after her death, every year he became more and more suspicious, greed and hoarding took possession of him more and more. Now Stepan not only saved money, but also hoarded money and did not even spend it on necessary needs. For him, children ceased to exist, and grandchildren, only the goal of profit moved them. Trying to accumulate more, he simply fell out of life. He himself did not understand why he was saving up and for what. As he gets older, he becomes more and more indifferent to people. He doesn’t give money to his daughter or son, some kind of cruelty towards his own children lives in him. Stepan not only became petty and insignificant person and lost the feeling dignity and then respect for neighbors and their peasants.

There are things about which he does not care at all, although they require paramount attention, but strictly monitors the decanter of liquor. Plyushkin has not lived for a long time, but lives out his life in terrible despondency and the desire to profit even more. True, there are still glimpses of humanity. Having sold the dead souls, he expressed a desire to help the buyer draw up a bill of sale, what is this awakened kindness or the understanding that he is not the only one engaged in enrichment?

How important it is when tragedies happen in life that someone is there. Supported not only with money, but morally. Many, obsessed with their grief, like Plyushkin, begin to degrade. Stepan Plyushkin should be pitied, not despised and condemned.

Meeting with Plushkin

In the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls" in the 6th chapter main character arrives at the estate of Stepan Plyushkin. The author says that before he was curious to study an unfamiliar place and its owners. This time he comes indifferently. At the same time, the writer describes in detail everything that the character sees.

All village buildings were dilapidated: the roofs were through, the windows were without glass. Then Chichikov saw two rural churches, which were empty and worn out. Next is the master's house. Outwardly, he is old, suffered bad weather. Only two windows were open, and the rest were barred or boarded up. In the text, we learn that there was a terrible mess inside, it feels cold, as if from a cellar. It is known that the house is a reflection of its owner. From the description of the estate it follows that Plyushkin is an old man, which is also proved by his words about the seventh decade. In addition, Gogol tells us about the stinginess of the landowner. He collects absolutely everything he sees and puts it in one heap. On the way to Plyushkin, Chichikov learned about the nickname "patched". In a word, the people described the appearance of the landowner and his entire household.

At first glance, he looks poor, miserable, but main character knows that this man has more than a thousand souls. He was a thin old man with a protruding chin. He has small eyes and raised eyebrows. The look seems suspicious and restless. Dressed in greasy and torn clothes. Also, we learn about his past. It turned out that he had changed dramatically after the death of his wife.

When Chichikov nevertheless decided to talk about the deal, the landowner showed us his soul. He reproaches the peasants for absolutely everything, and also does not trust them. People run away every year. Plyushkin's barns rot a lot of food, which he does not give to anyone. He believes that the peasants are gluttonous. He goes to them to eat under the guise of caring. In addition, he is hypocritical, which is proved by his words about his good nature.

The poem consists not only in buying the souls of dead peasants, but also in making the reader see the souls of these people. Each of them is already mentally dead. On the example of Plyushkin, Gogol shows stinginess, inhospitality, pettiness, insignificance, hypocrisy and greed. The landowner did not even give any money to his own children who needed his help, while having huge reserves. With such people it is impossible to find mutual language. He is ready to give even what is no longer there, for the sake of profit alone.

Sample 5

In the poem "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol, a whole gallery of landowners passes before us. It ends with Plyushkin.

Stepan Plyushkin is fundamentally different from other landowners. The character of the hero is given in development. Using his example, Gogol shows how a person gradually became a "hole in humanity."

Chichikov meets with Plyushkin at his estate, where everything is in disrepair. The manor's house looks like a grave crypt. Only the garden is reminiscent of a life that is sharply opposed to the ugly life of a landowner. Plyushkin's estate smells of mold, rot, and death.

At the first meeting of Chichikov with Plyushkin, it is not clear who is in front of him, in any case, he does not look like a landowner - some kind of figure. The appearance of the landowner is such that if Chichikov saw him at the church, he would take him for a beggar. Plyushkin's house is dark and cold. All rooms are locked, except for two, and the landowner lived in one of them. Everywhere is a mess, mountains of garbage. Life has stopped here - this is symbolized by the stopped clock.

But it was not always so. The author shows how Plyushkin gradually degraded to such a state. Once he was a good owner, had a family, communicated with neighbors. But his wife died, the children left home, he was left alone. He was seized with sadness and despair. Plyushkin becomes stingy, petty and suspicious. He does not feel the need to communicate with anyone, even with his own children and grandchildren. He sees enemies in everyone.

Plyushkin is a slave of things. He drags everything into the house. Pointlessly fills warehouses, barns, where everything then rots. Countless riches go to waste. Plyushkin considers the peasants parasites, thieves. They live poorly in his village, they are starving. As a result of such a life, peasants die or flee from the estate.

Chichikov's proposal regarding dead souls amazed Plyushkin. He's happy with the deal. Chichikov purchased from Plyushkin not only dead people, but also runaway people at a low price and was in good location spirit.

The image of this landowner causes sadness. Everything human has been destroyed in man. Plyushkin's soul was dead with greed. In the person of Plyushkin, Gogol portrayed spiritual degradation, brought to the last line.

9th grade in literature

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One of the most bright characters Gogol, literary hero, whose name has long become a household name, a character who was remembered by everyone who read "Dead Souls" - the landowner Stepan Plyushkin. His memorable figure closes the gallery of images of the landlords presented by Gogol in the poem. Plyushkin, who gave his name even to an official disease (Plyushkin's syndrome, or pathological hoarding), is in fact a very rich man who has led a vast economy to complete decline, and a huge number of serfs to poverty and a miserable existence.

This fifth and last companion of Chichikov is a prime example how dead it can be human soul. Therefore, the title of the poem is very symbolic: not only directly indicates that we are talking O " dead souls"- as they called the dead serfs, but also about the miserable, deprived human qualities, devastated little souls of landowners and officials.

Characteristics of the hero

("Plyushkin", artist Alexander Agin, 1846-47)

The reader's acquaintance with the landowner Plyushkin Gogol begins with a description of the surroundings of the estate. Everything testifies to desolation, insufficient funding and the absence of a firm hand from the owner: dilapidated houses with leaky roofs and windows without glass. The sad landscape is enlivened by the master's garden, although neglected, but described in much more positive colors: clean, tidy, filled with air, with a "correct marble sparkling column." However, Plyushkin's dwelling again inspires melancholy, around desolation, despondency and mountains of useless, but extremely necessary rubbish for the old man.

Being the richest landowner in the province (the number of serfs reached 1000), Plyushkin lived in extreme poverty, eating scraps and dried crackers, which did not cause him the slightest discomfort. He was extremely suspicious, everyone around seemed to him insidious and unreliable, even his own children. Only the passion for hoarding was important for Plyushkin, he collected everything on the street that came to hand and dragged it into the house.

("Chichikov at Plushkin", artist Alexander Agin, 1846-47)

Unlike other characters, Plyushkin's life story is given in full. The author introduces the reader to a young landowner, talking about a good family, a beloved wife and three children. Neighbors even came to the zealous owner in order to learn from him. But the wife died eldest daughter ran away with the military, the son joined the army, which his father did not approve of, and youngest daughter also died. And gradually the respected landowner turned into a man whose whole life is subject to hoarding for the sake of the very process of accumulation. All others human feelings, which did not differ even earlier in brightness, died out in it completely.

Interestingly, some professors of psychiatry mentioned that Gogol very clearly and at the same time artistically described typical case senile dementia. Others, for example, psychiatrist Ya.F. Kaplan, deny this possibility, saying that Plyushkin's psychopathological features do not show through to a sufficient degree, and Gogol simply illuminated the state of old age that he met everywhere.

The image of the hero in the work

Stepan Plyushkin himself is described as a creature dressed in unkempt rags, resembling a woman from afar, but the stubble on his face nevertheless made it clear that the main character is a representative of the stronger sex. With the general amorphousness of this figure, the writer draws attention to individual features of the faces: a protruding chin, a hooked nose, no teeth, eyes expressing suspicion.

Gogol - Great master words - with bright strokes shows us a gradual but irreversible change human personality. The man, in whose eyes the mind shone in previous years, gradually turns into a miserable miser who has lost all the best feelings and emotions. the main objective writer - to show how terrible the coming old age can be, how small human weaknesses can turn into pathological features under certain life circumstances.

If the writer wanted to simply portray a pathological miser, he would not go into the details of his youth, a description of the circumstances that led to the current state. The author himself tells us that Stepan Plyushkin is the future of a fiery youth in old age, that unsightly portrait, seeing which, a young man would jump back in horror.

("Peasants near Plushkin", artist Alexander Agin, 1846-47)

However, Gogol leaves a small chance for this hero too: when the writer conceived the third volume of the work, he planned to leave Plyushkin - the only one of all the landowners he met Chichikov - in an updated, morally revived form. Describing the appearance of the landowner, Nikolai Vasilyevich singles out the old man's eyes separately: "the little eyes have not yet gone out and ran from under high-growing eyebrows like mice ...". And the eyes, as you know, are the mirror of the human soul. In addition, Plyushkin, who seems to have lost all human feelings, suddenly decides to give Chichikov a gold watch. True, this impulse immediately goes out, and the old man decides to enter the clock in the donation, so that after death at least someone will remember him with a kind word.

Thus, if Stepan Plyushkin had not lost his wife, his life could have turned out quite well, and the onset of old age would not have turned into such a deplorable existence. The image of Plyushkin completes the gallery of portraits of degraded landlords and very accurately describes the lowest level that a person can slide into in his lonely old age.

The image of Plyushkin is the final in a series of images of landowners. N.V. Gogol left this landowner to the very end for a reason. The landlords are presented in the sequence "one more vulgar than the other", from which we can conclude that Plyushkin is the most vulgar, base and greedy person.

If we recall what this character used to be, it becomes clear that he was a good landowner who know how to run a business. Neighbors came to him to learn his wise stinginess. His economy prospered, and Plyushkin himself was an excellent family man. His stinginess gained significant momentum over the years, and as a result, he became a terrible miser that even his entire household was in a ruined state. He spared money for absolutely everything. Perhaps, in this way, the death of his wife was reflected in him.

When Chichikov came to Plyushkin, he was shocked by what he saw. All the buildings were in an insignificant state, no one followed them and had not done repairs for a long time. The peasants on Plyushkin's farm were dying like flies, he didn't think about anyone at all. His soul died, and his thoughts were occupied with hoarding. One thing is not clear - why does he need so much money? To whom will he leave all his savings? He cursed his son, and he does not want to help his daughter, who needs help. Plyushkin sank to such an extent that he did not even need his own children.

He is lonely, no one cares about him, and he does not need anyone. He drags all sorts of junk into the house and Chichikov sees that Plyushkin's house is littered with unnecessary and useless rubbish. Plyushkin lived a worthless life. His stinginess drove him to the extreme. His mind seems to be clouded, he does not even realize why he saves money and why he saves so much on everything. The character does not even look like a landowner, but like a beggar. Plyushkin is sincerely sorry, but he himself is to blame for the life to which he brought himself.

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