Orthodox patterns ornaments church vector. Byzantine, Georgian and Old Russian ornaments and their meanings



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Old Russian ornament- is one of the most interesting phenomena in the world artistic culture. Throughout time, it has been modified and supplemented. Despite this, the Russian ornament of any age is considered one of the most interesting. In our article you can find more detailed information not only about ancient Russian clipart, but also about the ornaments of other peoples.

General information about ornaments

An ornament is a set of patterns and symbols on a particular object. When applying it, the artists will certainly agree on the purpose of the object and the drawing itself in order to achieve a positive impression from the viewer. The type of ancient Russian ornament or any other pattern can be geometric, floral, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic.

In ancient times, people believed that certain patterns and drawings in the ornament could bring wealth, good health to their home, help improve personal life and bring mutual understanding to the family. Many people still believe this today. It is also believed that the ornament can show state of mind the artist at the time the pattern was created. Surprisingly, the ancient Russian ornament was applied not only to household items and clothes, but also to the body. Such a picture was a talisman. The ornament was no longer applied to the body after the adoption of Christianity in Rus'.

It is believed that the history of the ornament begins with the Paleolithic era. allow us to find out, In our time, there are also people who believe in the magical properties of drawings.

Old Russian magic drawings

Old Russian ornament is considered one of the best. This is not accidental, because it amazes contemporaries with its beauty, uniqueness and a certain magic power that our ancestors put into it. It is worth noting that ancient Russian patterns were borrowed from Byzantium and the Caucasus. Over time, they have changed and become unique. Today, the ancient Russian ornament is unique patterns that have become part of the heritage of world art. Most often it was used as a talisman against evil spirits, damage and the evil eye. Magic drawings were applied to dishes, books, household items, clothes and walls of the house. It should be noted that the meaning of some symbols in the ornament is still unknown.

general information

Byzantine, Georgian and Old Russian ornaments are considered the most sophisticated and interesting. They are an important component in the development of world art. Byzantine ornaments include Hellenistic and Oriental traditions. They are composed of a wide variety of motifs. Characteristic of the Byzantine ornament is a large number of oddly shaped patterns. They have a bright and rich color that has survived to this day.

Thanks to Arabic and Persian art, Byzantine ornaments appeared mythological heroes such as griffins, dragons and others. It is also worth noting that not only fantastic, but also real animals and birds were often used in the drawings. As a rule, in ornaments they are located inside a circle or any other geometric figure.

Plant motifs in Byzantine ornament were rarely used and were not difficult. Some elements did not carry a specific sub-meaning. Surprisingly, the Byzantines added copper, gold, and mercury to the paint for painting. Thanks to this, they could get the most diverse and rich shades that persist for many years.

Georgian ornaments. Popularity today

Georgian ornaments are not much different from Byzantine or Old Russian ones. As a rule, they are dominated by geometric motifs. All patterns and drawings have an unusually rich color. Most often Georgian ornaments composed of crosses and curved lines.

Today in Georgia they are becoming extraordinarily popular again National costumes with ornaments. They are often created by designers. Nowadays, a girl from Georgia is especially popular, who creates incredibly beautiful national headdresses - bondage. If earlier they were worn only by men, now they are often used among the female population.

Embroidered ornament

Surely each of us saw the old Russian ornament. The meaning of the dome, which is found on the clothes of past centuries, symbolizes a long or endless life. Mermaids can also be located under it. According to beliefs, such an embroidered pattern favorably affects the future harvest.

It is believed that almost all embroidered ornaments are dominated by the theme of the fertility of the earth. For example, a rhombus is a symbol of the feminine. It is considered a kind of amulet of fertility and childbearing. A rhombus with hooks, embroidered on the edges of a baby diaper, symbolizes the birth of life. It is important to know that only in the complex of all the symbols located on the subject, you can find out the meaning of a particular sign.

The most common ancient Russian embroidered ornament is Orepei. This is a comb diamond, which is a symbol of the sown land. Depending on the location on the clothes, it may have other meanings. For example, if such a sign is embroidered on the hem, then it symbolizes the entrance to the other world.

Spiral in ancient Russian ornaments

Almost everyone is struck by the beauty and mystery of the ancient Russian ornament. The photos that are located in our article will allow you to evaluate its uniqueness yourself.

Often in ancient Russian ornaments you can find a spiral. This sign is not only common, but also quite ancient. It symbolizes the development of the world and its evolution. This is not accidental, because spiral forms are quite common in our life. These include whirlpool, tornado, DNA and much more. It is worth noting that this sign has been used since the Paleolithic era. Most often, such an old Russian ornament was applied to jewelry.

Spiral signs were often used in embroidery. In Novgorod, women decorated their headdresses in this way.


The cross is one of the most He symbolizes two opposites - the feminine and the masculine. This sign is found in almost all cultures. Depending on the image, the symbol can be interpreted in completely different ways.

The cross in a circle is a symbol of life. It also shows the movement of the sun across the sky. He began to be portrayed at the time Upper Paleolithic. It gained particular popularity in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages.

It is worth noting that the cross appeared long before Christianity. He imitated a tool for making fire. Over time, he became a symbol of the heavenly body - the sun. It is also regarded as a sign of immortality. Among the pagans, the cross was a kind of amulet that protected its owner from all four sides. It was applied to jewelry, clothes and painted over the entrance to the house.


The swastika was used in absolutely all corners of our earth. She was painted on weapons, household items and clothing. In ancient Russian ornaments, the swastika is found unusually often. It includes almost all motives. It symbolizes the movement of life, happiness, prosperity, prosperity and good luck. In addition, it is considered as a sign of the entire galaxy.

It is worth noting that the swastika is divided into two subspecies - left-handed and right-handed. IN different countries this plays an important role in interpreting its meaning. For example, in China, clockwise rotation symbolizes male energy, and against it - female. In the ancient Russian ornament, the swastika was used as a talisman. She was embroidered on clothes and painted on the walls of the house.

Unfortunately, from the last century until today, the swastika is most often associated with Adolf Hitler and the ideology of Nazism. It is worth noting that because of this, in some countries this sign is prohibited.


Old Russian ornaments and patterns can often include a meander. Such a symbol has been known since the Neolithic era. As a rule, it is used as a border on an object or fabric. It is quite easy to distinguish it from other symbols and patterns. The meander consists of right angles that create a continuous line. It is worth noting that the swastika is often included in it.

The meander was embroidered on the hem of clothing and used in mosaics and frescoes. It is an important symbol in the development of Ancient Greece he symbolized infinity. Most often, such a symbol is found in India. Such a pattern was often included in the ancient Russian vector ornament.

Griffins in Byzantine ornament

In Byzantium, griffins were often depicted on objects. This mythological creature, which has wings, the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. IN Byzantine culture they came about as a result of the influence Eastern culture. As a rule, he was depicted on saucers, silver cups, frescoes, mosaics and silk fabrics. It symbolizes the patronage of a person and is a kind of amulet. It is worth noting that in the Christian iconography of the West, the griffin is the embodiment of Satan.

The population of Byzantium believed that the griffin was a vigilant guardian. It is for this reason that he was often depicted on armor, on the walls of houses and kitchen utensils.

Summing up

Ornaments were present in the culture of all nations. Our ancestors believed that such drawings had magical properties. In their opinion, various patterns could bring prosperity, mutual understanding or the fertility of the earth to the house. Some people still think so today. Absolutely everyone is fascinated by their beauty Georgian, Byzantine, as well as ancient Russian ornaments and patterns. The meanings of the symbols that are located in our article will allow you to find out which drawings our ancestors considered magical.

In 395. n. e. The Roman Empire ceased to exist. The Western and Eastern empires were formed. The western was plundered by the Germans and Gauls. The Eastern Empire, however, began to be called Byzantium, which inherited from the Roman Empire the former state apparatus and addiction to bureaucracy. Byzantium was the first state to declare Christianity the state religion, it ruled in accordance with the Christian worldview and made it a gigantic force in the field of economics and politics.

In the art of Byzantium, one can see the contradiction of that time: on the one hand, the influence of antiquity is still alive, on the other hand, adherence to Eastern traditions and a completely new Christian system of spiritual values. The idea of ​​the victory of spiritual values ​​over bodily values ​​created an icon that was positioned as an intermediary between the bodily and spiritual worlds. It should be noted that the whole style of Christian art, which formed the basis of the art of Byzantium,

secretly originated during the persecution of Christianity in Rome. Byzantine beauty is a virtue not in itself, but exclusively for the glory of God, but it is a refined beauty, rich in ornaments, deeply secular and magnificently courtly. Conventionally, the periods of the history of Byzantine art are divided into: the early Byzantine period, the middle Byzantine period, the late Byzantine period, the post-Byzantine period.

The ornament has now become mostly decorative and embellishing, expressing the ideals of their culture. Byzantine ornament was formed under the influence of Roman, Greek and Persian ornaments. Later, the formation of the Byzantine ornament was influenced by the Arabo ornament - Muslim world. For example, in the Byzantine ornament, the composition is built on a simple intersection of horizontals and verticals, diagonals and a grid; it is clearly borrowed in Persian and Arab-Muslim ornament. Predilection for bizarre patterning is a clear influence of the Persians. We see in Byzantine ornament simple views swastikas, meanders, spirals, palmettes, they are compositionally built on a combination of a circle, a cross and a square. These motives, which seem to have long been familiar to us from previous articles, are now considered in a different vein and are filled with Christian symbols. Let's start our tour of Byzantine ornaments with more detailed consideration his motives.

Byzantine ornament motifs.

Tree of life.

It has now acquired a new Christian meaning and merged with the idea of ​​the cross. Now the Tree of Life bears the symbolism of the Eucharist, the Kingdom of Heaven, in fact, Christ himself, as the Redeemer. We know from the Bible that when God created man, he planted him under the tree of life. In the Bible, the tree of life is found in Genesis. 2 and is spoken of throughout the Bible as the image of the Triune God, who is embodied in Christ, and who is the essence divine life. In the Gospel of John, Christ said, "I am the true Vine." The vine is the tree. If you put life and a tree together, you get a tree of life. Previously, grapes were associated with Dionysus (Bacchus) and symbolized sacrifice, since wine is associated with blood, and was also dedicated to Apollo. Was the vine dedicated to Osiris in Egypt? He was often depicted entwined with grapes. Osiris is a very serious god ancient egypt, embodies fertility and rebirth, conquering death. Well, the God, the patron of the vine itself, which symbolizes prosperity, wealth, contentment and reckless fun, is Shai, the god of fate, he determined the term human life and obeyed the god Thoth. Now the vine means the church, and, in fact, the believers.

Depicted as the Tree of Life with doves perched on its branches, the vine signifies the souls that abide in Christ and the fertility of the spirit. The vine and ears of bread are a symbol of the Eucharist.

Lily (in Greek "krin"). The lily has deep ideological roots, it means the idea of ​​eternal renewal of nature, the birth of the sun, the Egyptians believed that the deity of the sun appeared directly in the lily from the waters of Nun, eternal chaos. White water lily was the heraldic plant of Upper Egypt. In the Christian context, there is a return on a new turn to the most original, innermost meaning through all subsequent decorative and figurative layers: now the lily is again a symbol of the Annunciation, the renewal of the world and the coming of the Savior into it. In Christianity, this image has a direct connection with the idea of ​​the Tree, the cross.

often turns into a motif of circles touching each other, forming a grid that covers the entire surface. In these circles, mainly crosses, three-part compositions are depicted, in which the influence of the Persian ornament is clearly manifested.

Symbolizes the net that is "caught" human souls. Under the influence of the Arab-Muslim ornament, the motif of the braid has changed a lot, it has become no longer a motif, but the principle of constructing a composition. Present in architecture, in manuscripts, in printed books, in church paintings.

byzantine flower
- favorite motif in the ornament Byzantine art. The three-petal and five-petal palmette has a spiral antennae at the base. The motif is found in book miniatures and on ornaments of silk fabrics. Sometimes "semi-palmettes" depart from the "Byzantine flower" and a "bouquet" is obtained. Such ornamental bouquets densely filled the entire space (do you recognize the oriental carpet?).

Ornaments with curved stems and palmette flowers with leaves decorated bowls on ceramics (irrigated), miniatures of the 12th century, headpieces of manuscripts. They were included in the mosaics on the ornaments of the palaces. On medallions on dishes, on products of cloisonné enamels, as well as filling the backgrounds of the composition with them.

Appeared in antique ornament. Often met already stylized in Greek, Roman and, accordingly, Byzantine ornament. Often used in capitals, had symbolic meaning: image eternal life future age, which the savior granted, a location in paradise. Later, the shape of the acanthus leaves was stylized, it acquired an ornamental structure and was included in the sculptural capitals with deep through drilling (the church of St. Polyeuctus, the martyrs Sergius and Bacchus, Hagia Sophia in Constantinople)

Gemstone. It is a pictorial imitation of natural stone. Large polished stones in high nests looked very solid and voluminous.

Laurel wreath
It is a symbol of the victory of Jesus Christ over death. IN ancient rome The “crown of triumphalis”, that is, a laurel wreath, was awarded to commanders who ended the war victoriously. Widely used in architectural decoration.

The monogram of the name of Christ is the crossed two initial Greek letters Χ and Ρ of his name. Along the edges of the monogram are Greek letters: α and ω. The appearance of the monogram is associated with the words of the Apocalypse about the “seal of the Living God” (Rev. 7:2) and “a new name for the conqueror” (Rev. 2:17). It is believed that the symbol was introduced by Emperor Constantine. In fact, according to Inna Mikhailovna Smirnova in her Secret History of the Cross, this sign was already familiar to the pagan world. It was found at the bottom of a funerary urn in Golasekka (more than 1000 BC). First, three lines were drawn on it. Later towards the end vertical line a semicircle was added, and the letter R was formed. It is in this way that this sign is depicted, for example, on a Lydian coin, with the god Bacchus on a chariot, on the coins of the Bactrian king Hippostratus (130 BC), as well as among the Egyptian Ptolemies , Pontic king Mithridates and on the coins of Herod the Great. But the Christians of the first centuries decided to apply this sign. Just like the pagans, they considered it one of the forms ancient symbol transmitted by tradition from one nation to another. However, they put their own meaning into it. This sign was very widely used in Byzantine ornament.

The olive branch was also often used in ornaments. It is a symbol of the establishment of peace between God and man. The olive branch signifies hope for the world. The palm branch, a former attribute of imperial triumphs, means heavenly bliss.

Anchor- the personification of hope for salvation and eternal life.

Zoomorphic motifs of the Byzantine ornament.

In the Byzantine ornament you can find fish, dragons, griffins (a hybrid of a lion and an eagle), senmurvs (a hybrid of a dog and a bird). Often there are lions, leopards, wolves, as well as birds: peacocks, doves, eagles.

This is one of the most common ancient symbols that personified Christ. In the Roman catacombs, they found an image of a fish that carries a basket of bread and a vessel of wine on its back. This symbol denotes the Savior, who gives the food of salvation and new life. The fact is that Greek word"fish" is initial letters the phrase "Jesus Christ the Son of God the Savior" ("ichthus"). This is the very first encrypted symbol of the Christian faith.

- means power over heaven and earth. The composition of paired griffins goes back to oriental art. Griffin - mythical creature with wings, an eagle's beak and a lion's body; a strong beast, he is both the king of birds and the king of beasts. The griffin symbolizes strength and wisdom. The griffin also personified the dual nature of Christ - divine and human. Symmetrical griffins in a circle are not uncommon in the decor of silk fabrics of the 11th-13th centuries, on glazed dishes of the 9th-10th centuries, and silver bowls.

a lion
- a symbol of the power of the hero, the embodiment of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bstrong power. Favorite heraldic emblem.

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