Among the most interesting and mysterious phenomena of nature, children's talent occupies one of the leading places. How and why Japan took one of the leading places in the world economy

Welding equipment and technology occupy one of the leading places in modern production. The hulls of giant supertankers and the retina are being welded together human eye, miniature parts of semiconductor devices and human bones during surgical operations. Many designs of modern machines and structures, such as space rockets, submarines, gas and oil pipelines, cannot be made without the help of welding. The development of technology makes ever new demands on production methods and, in particular, on welding technology. Today, materials are being welded that until relatively recently were considered exotic. These are titanium, niobium and beryllium alloys, molybdenum, tungsten, composite high-strength materials, ceramics, as well as all kinds of combinations of dissimilar materials. Welded parts of electronics with a thickness of several microns and parts of heavy equipment with a thickness of several meters. The conditions under which welding work is carried out are constantly becoming more complicated: it is necessary to weld under water, at high temperatures, in a deep vacuum, with increased radiation, in zero gravity.

All this imposes increased requirements on the qualifications of specialists in the field of welding, especially welders, since it is they who directly master new welding methods and techniques, new welding machines. Today, it is not enough for a working welder to be able to perform several, even complex, operations of the welding method he has mastered. He must understand the physical essence of the main processes occurring during welding, know the features of welding various structural materials, as well as the meaning and technological capabilities of other, both traditional and new, promising welding methods.

  1. Product Description

The intended product is intended for use as a support for the installation and installation of load-bearing columns in the construction of industrial buildings.

The support is a welded box-type structure.






Fig.1. Product design
All parts of this design are made of steel grade 09G2S.

Steel 09G2S refers to low-carbon, low-alloy steels.

Steels of this class have good weldability in all types of arc welding and are widely used for the manufacture of welded structures used in the construction industry.
Table 1

Chemical composition of steel 09G2S

table 2

Mechanical properties of steel 09G2S

Rolled thickness, mm

Tensile strength σ V, MPa

Yield strength σ T, MPa

Relative elongation δ 5 %

Impact strength KCU, J/cm², at temperature,










Welded structures used as load-bearing elements in the construction of buildings and structures belong to the II group of responsibility, because their destruction during operation can lead to high material costs.

II group of responsibility requires increased attention to the quality of the work of all production cycle(from the procurement of material to the volume of the final control of the product).

Taking into account the design features of the product, the material of the incoming parts, as well as the annual production program (2000 pieces), the most optimal manufacturing method will be semi-automatic welding in the environment carbon dioxide.

  1. Welding method

Shielded gas welding is one of the arc welding methods. With this method, a protective gas is supplied to the arc zone, the jet of which, flowing around the electric arc and the weld pool, protects the molten metal from exposure to atmospheric air, oxidation and nitriding. Welding in shielding gases has the following advantages: high productivity (2 ... 3 times higher than conventional arc welding), the ability to weld in any spatial position, good protection welding zones from atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen, no need to clean the seam from slag and clean the seam during multilayer welding; small heat-affected zone; relatively small deformations of products; the possibility of monitoring the process of seam formation; availability of mechanization and automation. The disadvantages of this welding method are the need to take measures to prevent the shielding gas jet from blowing off during welding, the use of gas equipment, and in some cases the use of relatively expensive shielding gases.

The following varieties of shielded gas welding are known: in inert monatomic gases (argon, helium), in neutral diatomic gases (nitrogen, hydrogen), in carbon dioxide. In practice, argon-arc welding and welding in carbon dioxide have received the widest application. Inert gas - helium is used very rarely due to its high cost. For welding critical structures, welding in a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide gases in a ratio of 85% argon and 15% CO 2 is widely used. The quality of this steel welding is very high. The arc is powered by direct current sources with a rigid characteristic. In recent years, mainly welded rectifiers of the VDU series with a universal external characteristic, i.e. rigid or steeply falling by simply switching the packet.

Alternating current is not used due to the low stability of the arcing process, poor formation and poor quality of the weld. The voltage on the arc when welding in CO 2 should be no more than 30 V, since spatter and oxidation increase with increasing voltage and arc length. Typically arc voltage is 22-28V, welding speed is 20-80m/h, gas flow is 7-20l/min. Welding in CO 2 with wire gives a deeper penetration than electrodes, therefore, when switching from manual welding, it is considered justified to reduce the legs by about 10%. This is due to the increased current density per 1 mm 2 of the electrode wire. The main elements of the welding mode in CO 2 in Table 1.
Table 3

Typical parameters of the welding mode in CO 2

Wire diameter, m

Welding current, A


wire feed

Arc tension, V



Wire extension, mm



installed selection under the regime



















Welding in carbon dioxide is carried out in almost all spatial positions, which is very important in the production of construction and installation works. Welding is carried out when the arc is powered by direct current of reverse polarity. When welding with direct current of direct polarity, the stability of the arc burning decreases, the formation of the seam worsens, and the losses of the electrode metal due to waste and spatter increase. However, the deposition coefficient is 1.6...1.8 times higher than with reverse polarity. This quality is used in surfacing work Sheet material from carbon and low alloy steels is successfully welded in carbon dioxide; sheets with a thickness of 0.6 ... 1.0 mm are welded with edge flanging. It is also allowed to weld without flanging, but with a gap between the edges of not more than 0.3 ... 0.5 mm. Sheets with a thickness of 1.0 ... 8.0 mm are welded without cutting edges; in this case, the gap between the welded edges should be no more than 1 mm. Sheets with a thickness of 8 ... 12 mm are welded with a V-shaped seam, and for large thicknesses - X-seam. Before welding, the edges of the product must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, paint, oxides and scale. Welding current and welding speed largely depend on the size of the groove of the weld being welded, i.e., on the amount of deposited metal. The voltage is set in such a way as to obtain a stable welding process with possible short arc(1.5...4.0 mm). With a longer arc length, the welding process is unstable, metal spatter increases, and the possibility of oxidation and nitriding of the deposited metal increases.

Rice. 2. Movement of the electrode during welding in carbon dioxide when performing a multi-layer weld
The figure shows the movements of the electrode during welding in carbon dioxide when performing a multi-layer weld. It is recommended to weld the first layer at a low welding current to reduce the risk of cracking. The seam should be completed by filling the crater with metal. Then the electrode wire feed is stopped and the current is turned off. The gas supply to the welded crater continues until the metal is completely solidified.

  1. Part of the equipment

The composition of the technological equipment necessary for welding in gas-shielded mechanized arc welding includes:

  • source of power;

  • assembly and welding fixtures;

  • gas equipment;

  • gas pipeline devices;

  • welding machine (semiautomatic).

3.1 Power supply
Power supply (IP) of the welding arc is called a device that provides the necessary type and strength of the arc current.

The power source and the welding arc form an interconnected energy system in which the IP performs the following main functions: provides the conditions for the initial excitation (ignition) of the arc, its stable burning during the welding process and the ability to adjust (regulate) the mode parameters.

An important technical characteristic of the IP, which makes it possible to work with one or another type of arc, is the dependence of the voltage on the "welding" clamps (terminals) of the IP on the welding current. This dependence is called the external current-voltage characteristic (CVC) of the IP. The most characteristic I–V characteristics for well-known IPs are: steeply dipping, gently dipping, and rigid .

According to the type of current in the welding circuit, there are:

  1. alternating current sources - welding single-phase and three-phase transformers, specialized installations for welding aluminum alloys;

  2. DC sources - welding rectifiers and generators with drives of various types.
By the number of serviced posts, there can be single and multi-station, and by application - general industrial and specialized power supplies.

In this case, we use a modern powerful 400-ampere inverter power supply for semi-automatic welding and surfacing in a shielding or active gas environment brand DC 400.33.

This IP has:

  • Remote control welding voltage.

  • Digital indicator of welding current and voltage.

  • Function >.

  • Food both from a stationary network and from the diesel generator.

Table 4

Specifications for inverter DC 400.33

Supply voltage, V

3 80,+10% -15 %


Source voltage (long-term regulated), V


Welding current (continuously adjustable), A


Rated operating mode PN, % (at +40 С)


Maximum current at PN= 100%, A


Operating temperature range, С

From - 40 to + 40

Weight, kg


Overall dimensions, mm


For IP brand DC 400.33 we have selected a feeder brand PM-4.33. It is designed for solid steel, aluminum and flux-cored wires from 0.6 to 2.4 mm when working with the device DS400.33, DS400.33UKP or any other source with a current-voltage characteristic.

This PM has:

  • Execution with "open" and "closed coil"

  • Digital display of wire feed speed, welding current and voltage

  • Infinitely adjustable wire feed speed and arc voltage

  • Digital setting of all welding parameters

  • smooth ignition of the arc, thanks to the installation of a wire deceleration at the beginning of welding

  • setting the purge time at the beginning of welding and gas purge after welding

  • smooth arc quenching due to setting of wire deceleration at the end of welding

  • Four-roller wire feeder from COOPTIM Ltd., (the profile of the roller depends on the diameter and type of welding wire)

  • Gear meshing of feed and pressure rollers

  • Adjustable clamping force

  • Operation at a distance of up to 50 m from the welding source is possible

  • Shielding gas cutter

  • "Gas Test" and "Wire Test" on the front panel

  • Remote control wire feed speed

Table 5

Specifications PM-4.33

Supply voltage, V


Power consumption, kVA, no more


Wire feed speed, m/s


Wire diameter, mm



- Aluminum


- Powder


Operating temperature range, °C

-40 to +40

Weight, kg


Overall dimensions, mm


1. This country is one of the main maritime powers in the world. It occupies the western and northern parts of a large peninsula. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy. A small, ethnically homogeneous population professes Christianity (Protestantism). Most of the territory is occupied by mountains, cut by narrow valleys, in which there are rivers and lakes. In terms of such indicators as electricity generation per capita, exports of oil, gas and aluminum, the country occupies one of the leading places in the world.

2. This island state is located in the eastern part of the sea, washing the coast of three parts of the world. In the past, this country was a British colony. It is among the top ten countries in the world in terms of the size of the merchant fleet. One of the country's main exports is citrus fruits. International banks are active here. The country attracts a large number of tourists.
3. small European country type state structure is a federal republic. The largest non-capital city in terms of population is home to the headquarters of many international organizations. The country is multinational. Several official languages European languages. Deprived of natural resources of industrial importance, this country has long relied on the skills of its artisans and merchants. This country, one of the first in the world, began to use picturesque natural landscapes for the development of the tourism business.
4. This highly developed country has access to the Atlantic Ocean. It borders on land with only one state. A profitable EGP creates an opportunity for economic cooperation with many countries of the world. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy. A feature of its nature is the marine type of climate. The area of ​​new development in this country is the shelf zone of one of the seas washing its territory, where oil is being produced. The largest urban agglomeration in the part of the world where this country is located has formed around the capital.
5. This country is located entirely in Western hemisphere and has access to three oceans. On the mainland, where the country is located, it is the first in terms of area and the third in terms of population. The country has well developed sectors of both mining and manufacturing industries. In the international geographical division of labor, it acts as a supplier of products for engineering, metallurgy, fuel, chemical and timber industries.
6. The territory of this country is located in the northern and southern hemispheres. It is in the top ten in terms of population. largest countries peace. The predominant religion is Islam. In the international geographical division of labor, the country is presented as an exporter of oil and natural gas, products light industry, precious woods, palm oil and natural rubber. International tourism is developing. Tourists from all over the world are attracted here not only by beautiful beaches with white sand, but also by formidable volcanoes and impenetrable jungles inhabited by exotic animals and birds.
7. This highly developed country is one of the largest countries in Europe. Of the minerals, it is best provided with iron ore, bauxite, and uranium raw materials. Nuclear power plants predominate in the structure of its electric power industry. natural conditions favorable for agriculture, which is characterized by the development to the same extent of crop production and animal husbandry. Cultivation of wheat, sugar beets, grapes are branches of international specialization.
8. This country, which is home to approximately 2% of the world's population, is one of the main centers of economic power modern world: it accounts for about 14% of world GDP. Its form of government is a constitutional monarchy. One of the world's largest importers of mineral raw materials and fuel resources. The country occupies one of the first places in the world in the production of many types of engineering products, is one of the leading countries in the production of electricity, products chemical industry, steel smelting. One of the world's largest urban agglomerations has formed around its capital.
9. This country is washed by the waters of two oceans. Most of its territory is occupied by high plateaus, turning into mountains in the south and southeast. In the central part and in the west of the country, where the climate is the most arid, there are deserts. The country has the largest reserves of mineral raw materials, about 80% of which is exported. The country ranks first on the continent in terms of major economic indicators, but there are many socio-economic problems. One of them is the low average life expectancy: approximately 46 years.
10. This country has access to the seas of two oceans. In terms of population, it is the second on the mainland on which it is located. The country is developing both extractive and manufacturing industries. continues to play a significant role in the economy Agriculture, whose main export crop is cotton. The main sources of foreign exchange earnings are the export of natural gas, international tourism and the operation of its international maritime canal linking the two oceans.
11. This federal republic has access to the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. The relief of the country is dominated by plains, with the exception of the extreme south: mountains rise here. The country is located in the temperate climate zone. There are reserves of hard (the largest coal basin in the region) and brown coal, potash salts. On the territory of the country there is one of the largest urban agglomerations of the part of the world in which this country is located.
12. The territory of this country is washed by the waters of two oceans. The natural landscape - humid equatorial forests - alternates with agricultural plantations, where rice, hevea and other tropical crops are grown on fertile soils fertilized by volcanic ash. The population of the country exceeds 200 million people. The country actively participates in the international geographical division of labor, being a member of OPEC.
13. Latin American country with a federal form of administrative-territorial structure. It is one of the world's major oil producers, the only country in its region that is a member of OPEC. AT recent times Oil refining, petrochemistry and metallurgy are developing dynamically. The country is systematically implementing a regional policy aimed at developing areas of "new development".
14. This country is located in two parts of the world, its territory is washed by the waters of the seas belonging to two oceans. Most of its territory is occupied by deserts. The country has its own oil reserves. One of the largest hydroelectric power stations on the continent was built here. The capital is the largest city in the country.
15. This country is located in southern hemisphere. She has no access to the sea. A large river flows through its territory, which divides the state into two almost equal parts - western and eastern. The official language is Spanish. The main exports are cotton, soybeans and vegetable oils. The main trading partners of the country are Argentina and Brazil, with which it borders.
16 . This country is one of the ten largest countries both in terms of area and population. The complex ethnic composition of the population is the result of a mixture of local residents, African blacks and European immigrants. Almost half of the total population lives within a narrow seaside strip in the east of the country. The development of its economy is facilitated by a good supply of natural resources - forest and water, hydropower, reserves of iron, manganese and aluminum ores. Significant and own oil reserves. Despite the steady positive pace of economic development, in terms of GDP per capita, the country lags behind economically developed countries by 3-4 times.
17. This country is located in Asia. The relief is predominantly mountainous and therefore almost the entire population is concentrated on the coastal lowlands and in river valleys. In terms of population, it is one of the ten largest countries and has one of the most high levels urbanization in the world. The country is a leader in the production of many types of manufactured products, which form the basis of its exports.
18. The significant length of the country along the Pacific coast from north to south determines the presence on its territory of natural zones from deserts to mixed forests. The main mineral wealth of the country is copper, which is exported to the world market.
19. This peninsular state is a constitutional monarchy in form of government. It is among the economically developed countries, but is not among the top ten countries in terms of total GDP. It has a modern diversified industry, and favorable agro-climatic resources contribute to the development of agriculture, which is based on subtropical agriculture. A variety of recreational resources attract numerous tourists from all over the world.
20. This country has a land border with Russia. The population has a homogeneous ethnic composition and professes mainly Catholicism. In the economy, along with mechanical engineering, chemistry and the textile industry, the coal industry is of great importance.
21. This country has long been a colony of Spain. Currently, it is among the leaders among developing countries in many socio-economic indicators. Despite the fact that the country has a rich raw material base for the development of industry, there are almost no world-class deposits here. The natural basis for the development of a country located in three climatic zones, were rich land resources. The country is one of the major exporters of wheat, corn, and meat.
22. The territory of the country is stretched in the meridional direction for more than 3.7 thousand km, located in the temperate, subtropical and tropical zones. The level of urbanization is very high (86%), with a third of the country's population living in the capital. It acts as a major supplier of food and agricultural raw materials on the world market.
23. July is the peak of winter in this country. One of the characteristic features of nature is the wide distribution of deserts. The capital is not the largest and not the "oldest" city. The average population density is less than three people per 1 sq. km. One of the directions of state policy pursued with the aim of its sustainable development, is the implementation of a uniform resettlement of the population throughout the country.
24 . The peninsular state is a kingdom in form of government. In terms of the structure of the economy, it is an agrarian country with an intensively developing industry, whose share in GDP is almost a third. Priority industries: electronics, light industry. Wonderful sea coasts, protected islands, palaces and Buddhist temples attract foreign tourists here.
25. This country is the largest on the continent in terms of population. Its capital is not the largest city in the country. The main wealth of the country is oil. The country is a member of OPEC.
26. The country is entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. A significant area of ​​​​the territory and a diverse relief (mountains in the west and plains in the east) determine the diversity of landscapes. The capital, located in the eastern part of the country on the Atlantic coast, is the center of one of the world's largest urban agglomerations. The country has a developed modern industry, but in the international geographical division of labor it is represented, first of all, as one of the largest exporters of agricultural products and Food Industry.
27. It is one of the most densely populated countries in Europe. Half of its territory lies below sea level, and only in the south does the terrain rise to 30 meters or more. Coastline formed by alluvial dunes. Behind them are the lands once reclaimed from the sea, called polders and protected by dunes and dams from sea waters.
28. This country is washed by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It is the most populated of the Spanish-speaking countries. At the same time, more than 50 Indian dialects are spoken in some areas. The population is more than 100 million people, of which more than 10 million people live in the capital, which is one of the largest agglomerations in the world. The south of the country is the cradle of one of greatest cultures Maya in human history.
29. This peninsular state is the birthplace of many ancient civilizations. Even in ancient times it was the center of important trade routes. Until the middle of the twentieth century, it was a colony of the British Empire. After gaining independence, it achieved significant success in economic development, but approximately 25% of the population lives below the poverty line. Only about 30% of the population are urban dwellers.
30. This country belongs to the economically developed and is located in the Southern Hemisphere. It is one of the largest territories in terms of area on the mainland, where it is located. Its subsoil is rich in various minerals: diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium, iron ores, coal, etc. The leading branches of its specialization are mining, ferrous metallurgy, engineering, and the chemical industry.
31. This African country, formerly a colony of France, is located on the coast. But, despite this, the climate for most of it is hot and dry. The form of government is a republic. The country's economy is based mainly on the extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials; there are also significant deposits of iron, zinc, lead, copper, arsenic, mercury, and phosphates. In addition, the country has developed the cultivation of wheat, oats, as well as fruits, in particular citrus fruits, and vegetables. The capital of the state is consonant with the name of the country.
32. This state is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Official language- English. The capital of the state is not the largest city in the country. Most of the territory is occupied by vast deserts and lowlands. At the same time, there are a large number of lakes on the territory of the country, which are located in hollows filled with water only after rains. The main natural wealth of the country is mineral resources. The country occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of bauxite, zirconium, and uranium reserves (1/3 of the world). It has significant reserves of coal, manganese, gold, iron ores, diamonds. At the same time, the extraction of natural resources is only 5% of GDP. Agriculture accounts for 3% of GDP. The service sector, which includes tourism, education and banks, accounts for 69% of GDP.
33 . A state in Africa, a former colony of France and Spain. On its territory there is a large deposit of phosphorites, which it exports to the world market.
34. This country is located on a peninsula. It is one of the largest countries in terms of area on the mainland on which it is located. Most of its territory is occupied by plateaus. Desert landscapes prevail here. Huge reserves of oil are concentrated in the depths. One of the features is the low average population density - less than 10 people per sq. km.
35. This country is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of territory and population. It has access to three seas of one ocean. Two great rivers flow through its territory. The country is home to many cultivated plants: rice, millet, soy, tea. Coal, iron ores and many non-ferrous metals are mined.
36. It is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of population and area. It is located in the south of the mainland, in the subequatorial zone. The main part of its territory is occupied by a plateau, to the north turning into a lowland, composed of sediments from two rivers. To the northeast of the lowlands stretched the greatest mountain system.
37. This country does not have access to the oceans, and main feature climate - sharp continental climate. Its largest river flows into the deepest lake in the world. 4/5 of the country's territory is occupied by pastures. The main occupation of the population is nomadic animal husbandry. The population density is one of the lowest in the world - about 1 person per 1 sq. km.
38. This small country is an archipelago. The relief is predominantly mountainous, so almost the entire population is concentrated on the coastal lowlands and in river valleys. It is one of the ten largest countries in terms of population. 80% of the population lives in cities. The country is the world leader in the production of steel, ships, televisions, computers, most of which are exported abroad.
39. This country of ancient culture and many achievements of civilization. According to the state system, it is a federal republic. The economy of the country is industrial-agrarian in nature. At present, it has turned from a country of light and food industry into a country with a developed heavy industry. 2/3 of the active population of the country is employed in agriculture. Agricultural products take important place in export: the country supplies rice, tea and spices to the world market.
40. This peninsular state of Europe is a republic in form of government. It is among the economically developed countries, is among the top ten countries in terms of total GDP and has a modern diversified economy. Favorable agro-climatic resources contribute to the development of agriculture, which is based on subtropical agriculture. Numerous monuments of cultural heritage attract tourists from all over the world.
41. This island nation is washed by the waters Pacific Ocean. It is among the economically highly developed. Population growth is largely due to migrants. Mountainous and hilly terrain prevails. Approximately 51% of the country's territory is occupied by pastures and arable land. Agricultural products account for more than half of exports. The main agricultural products are meat, dairy products and wool.
42 . This economically developed capitalist country is inland in terms of geographical location. Its capital is located on the Danube, ½ of the territory is occupied by young mountains, the slopes of which are covered with coniferous, oak, beech and ash forests. It has 500 lakes, as a result of which this country is called the Lake District.
43 . Despite the fact that in this economic developed country industry and the service sector predominate, agriculture not only provides the population with food, but is also an export industry. However, the contrasts between the agricultural specialization of the north and south of the country are significant. In the north, wheat, corn, and rice are grown; viticulture predominates in the south, allowing the country to be one of the largest wine producers in the world.
44. This country owns archipelagos in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, which have now become famous resorts. In terms of the total number of tourists and the production of grape wines, the country ranks second in the world, and the first in the production of olives. Once a powerful maritime power, now it is a medium-developed capitalist country with an industrial-agrarian economy.
45. This country is a republic in terms of the form of government, a unitary state in terms of the form of territorial and administrative structure, and an island state in terms of geographical location. Located in the northern part of the ocean polar circle. Almost the entire territory of the country is a volcanic plateau. The basis of the economy is fishing. Most of the electricity is generated by geothermal power plants. The national composition is homogeneous. The population density is low, but the standard of living is very high.
46. This country is a monarchy in terms of the form of government, a unitary state in terms of the form of territorial and administrative structure, and a peninsular state in terms of geographical location. The northwestern part of the territory is occupied by flat-topped mountains, the main natural area- zone of coniferous forests. The country's main natural resources are timber, iron ore, and hydropower resources. The main industry is the automotive industry, the leading branch of agriculture is dairy farming.
47. This country is a monarchy in the form of government, a unitary state in the form of territorial-administrative structure, has a land border with only one state. The main mountain range is the Peniny Mountains, all rivers belong to the Atlantic Ocean basin, high tides are observed on the coast. In the Middle Ages the basis economic activity The country was made up of sheep breeding, at present it is a powerful industrial country with a predominance of engineering, metallurgy, coal and textile industries.
48. This state belongs to Eastern Europe and is geographically inland. Most of the territory is plains surrounded by a ring of low mountains. The country's capital is located on the Vltava River, which is a major tributary of the Elbe River. In the world market, the country is known for its glass, beer, cars.
49. The main minerals of this country are potash and rock salts, peat. Most of the territory is occupied by a low plain, 1/3 of the territory is swampy. Pine and birch forests alternate with numerous lakes; numerous rivers (Neman, Berezina, Dnieper, Zapadnaya Dvina) formed wide floodplains, overgrown with oak forests. On the territory of this country there is a unique nature reserve, where part of the nature characteristic of of Eastern Europe medieval period.
50. This country is a constitutional monarchy, a kingdom. It is located on peninsulas, the southern part is washed by the sea from the west, and by the bay from the east. The main territory is occupied by mangrove and variable-moist forests and thickets, in the northwest - mountains. The national composition is diverse, Buddhism prevails. The mining industry is developed: extraction of tin, lead, tungsten, precious stones; mechanical engineering: consumer electronics; agriculture: rice and rubber plants, tourism is also developed. Harvested several times a year. ASEAN member.
51. This is a state of Southeast Asia, a former British colony. A large river flows through the territory of the state, originating in Tibet and belonging to the Indian Ocean basin. Over millions of years, alluvial deposits have filled the valley, which produces three crops of rice a year. A large number of tame elephants work in logging. In the capital of the country there is the world's highest golden pagoda, which is 2.5 thousand years old.
52. This state of Southwest Asia is a sultanate, an absolute monarchy. Like many countries in the Persian Gulf, there are significant oil reserves. However, this country is not included in OPEC. In addition to oil and oil products, gold, silver and edged weapons are supplied to the world market.
53. This is the state Central Asia belongs to the CIS. The climate here is continental, with sharp temperature changes. Most of the country is occupied by dry steppes and semi-deserts of the temperate zone. A large number of minerals makes it possible to develop here the mining, fuel industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. In terms of the extraction of uranium (40%), chromium (97%), lead (70%), the country occupies a leading position in the CIS. Agro-climatic conditions allow the development of sheep breeding, camel breeding, horse breeding. One of the main branches of specialization is karakul sheep breeding.
54. This state of Southwest Asia is located at the junction of several civilizations - Christian, Muslim, Buddhist. Since the 19th century, the country has become an object of struggle between Great Britain and Russia, and since the mid-50s of the 20th century - the USA and Russia. At present, it is one of the poorest countries in the world, where small-scale agriculture (pomegranates, apricots, quiche-mish grapes, almonds) and mining industry are developed ( gems, gas, oil). In addition, in the shadow sector of the economy, the main source of income is the funds from the sale and shipment of drugs to Europe.
55. This country of Asia is a monarchy, a federation; occupies part of the peninsula and a large island, separated by the sea. According to the UN classification, it belongs to the developing new industrial countries. Currently, there is a rapid development of the manufacturing industry, and many transnational corporations invest in the country's economy. According to some parameters, the state came out on top in the world in the production of microprocessors and household air conditioners, the extraction of tin ores, and the production of palm oil.
56. This West African country is located on the Atlantic coast. The territory is covered with moist equatorial forests. One of the wettest places in Africa is located here, in some years it rains for seven to eight months. Plantations of hevea, brought here from Brazil, are spread on fertile lands. About 20% of the world's tanker fleet sails under the flag of this country. In terms of iron ore mining, the country ranks first in Africa.
57 . This African country is a former colony of Belgium. Located in the center of the mainland, has a narrow outlet to the Atlantic Ocean. Most of the territory is located in a flat depression occupied by moist equatorial forests. The country is multinational, the most numerous Bantu peoples. The republic occupies one of the leading places in the world in the extraction of cobalt, germanium, technical diamonds; ranks first in Africa in terms of copper, zinc, and tin reserves. Agricultural export crops: coffee, cocoa, natural rubber. Despite rich mineral resources, the country belongs to the poorest countries peace.
58. This state is called the cradle of human civilization. It is known primarily for the huge monuments of ancient culture dating back to the 2nd - 3rd millennium BC. At present, it is a developing country, known in the world market as a major producer of long-staple cotton, a supplier of oil, phosphorites to the world market and a major tourist center.
59. This African country is located between the Limpopo River and Lake Nyasa and is crossed by the largest river in the Indian Ocean basin, the Zambezi. This is a typically agrarian country with primitive agriculture, since the beginning of the 19th century, it began to attract the attention of foreign capital: large deposits of copper and cobalt were found here, for the production of which this state occupies the third and second places in the modern world.
60. By its geographical position, this state of South America is inland. The country speaks two languages ​​- Spanish and Guarani (the language of the tribe of Indians who lived here before colonization by Spain). The main wealth of the country is forests, where many trees of valuable species grow. So, for example, the wood of the quebracho tree is harvested here, from which tannin is produced, which is necessary for processing leathers. It is from here that mate tea, so popular in Latin America, came from, it is here that a unique wax palm tree grows, the leaves of which are covered with a thick layer of wax.
61. This Latin American country is part of the southern wheat belt and is one of the largest suppliers of wheat to the world market. In addition, export products are meat, sunflower oil, soybeans, grapes and grape wines. Over the past decades, there has been a qualitative leap in the production of industrial products, and such industries as mechanical engineering, metallurgy, and energy have begun to develop. The capital of the country is one of largest cities Latin America and concentrated in itself about half of the country's population.
62. This Latin American country is a member of OPEC and is the largest oil exporter. Its territory, located in the subequatorial zone, is covered with tropical rainforests and savannahs, called llanos here. In the impenetrable forests of the country, on one of the tributaries of the Orinoco, there is the highest waterfall on our planet.
63. This highly developed state of America is the largest importer of oil, gas, and iron ore. There are arctic and subtropical deserts, vast forests and endless steppes. In terms of resource consumption and carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, the country ranks first in the world, and one of the last places in terms of the proportion of undernourished people.
64 . This state is located in the Caribbean Sea and is the largest exporter of bauxite. In 1670 it became an English colony and the region's largest slave market. Having gained independence (1962), the country remained in the Commonwealth, and British capital still plays a large role in the development of its economy. At present, this small state is known not only for bauxites and alumina, but also for large supplies of rum, sugar, tobacco and fruits.
65 . The territory of this country has access to one of the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. On its territory is located the extreme northern point of the mainland on which this country is located. The nature of the country is diverse: here you can see desert landscapes, olive and orange groves, evergreen Mediterranean forests. The country has a land border with only two states. The name of the capital is the same as the name of the country.
66. This is the northernmost country in the world after Iceland. At least a third of this country is located beyond the Arctic Circle. This is one of the most environmentally friendly countries in Europe. More than two thirds of its territory is covered with forests with many lakes. The Lake District covers the eastern and central parts of the country. The climate is temperate continental, mild snowy winter and fairly warm summers.
67. A feature of the geographical position of this federal republic is its access to the Atlantic Ocean. The country is characterized by high natural population growth. The population of this country is multinational and multi-confessional. The country has one of the ten largest urban agglomerations in the world, but more than half of the country's population are rural residents. The country is a member of OPEC and is one of the world's most important producers and exporters of oil.
68. This is a small African country whose name is the same as the name of its capital. It has a variety of mineral resources, including iron, lead-zinc ores, and phosphorites. It also produces oil, but the country is not a member of OPEC. Its diverse recreational resources, unique monuments of antiquity (the legendary Carthage was located on its territory) and the warm sea contributed to the transformation of tourism into the leading branch of its economy.

  1. Switzerland
  2. Great Britain
  3. Canada
  4. Indonesia
  5. France
  6. Japan
  7. Egypt
  8. Indonesia
  9. Venezuela
  10. Egypt
  11. Paraguay
  12. Brazil
  13. Japan
  14. Spain
  15. Poland
  16. Argentina
  17. Argentina
  18. Australia
  19. Thailand
  20. Nigeria
  21. Argentina
  22. Netherlands
  23. Mexico
  24. India
  25. Algeria
  26. Australia
  27. Morocco
  28. Saudi Arabia
  29. China
  30. India
  31. Mongolia
  32. Japan
  33. India
  34. Italy
  35. New Zealand
  36. Austria
  37. Italy
  38. Spain
  39. Iceland
  40. Sweden
  41. Great Britain
  42. Czech
  43. Belarus
  44. Thailand
  45. Myanmar
  46. Kazakhstan
  47. Afghanistan
  48. Malaysia
  49. Liberia
  50. DR Congo
  51. Egypt
  52. Zambia
  53. Paraguay
  54. Argentina
  55. Venezuela
  56. Jamaica

66. Finland

67. Nigeria

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There are a lot of recipes for cooking. Each method is original and unique. From the same products, an experienced culinary specialist can prepare several different dishes that have a peculiar taste and aroma.

Religious beliefs had a great influence on the culinary recipes of different countries. For example, in the countries of the East it is forbidden to eat pork and alcoholic drinks. These products successfully replace other types of meat and various sauces, juices, soft drinks, which are used in the preparation of a particular dish instead of wine.

In European countries, many recipes include a small amount of alcoholic beverages, which give dishes an unusual taste.

In addition, in Europe, wine and other alcoholic beverages are not only used in cooking, but are also traditionally served with any dish. Gourmets are of the opinion that wine sets off the taste of food, gives it piquancy and sophistication.

Depending on the geographical location of a particular country, changes were made to the same recipes over a long period of time. Cooks replaced the used products, added seasonings, spices, which changed the taste of the finished dish.

The kitchen utensils in which it is cooked play a significant role in the taste and aroma of food. For example, in eastern countries, a cauldron is used to cook pilaf. In another container, this dish will not be so fragrant and tasty.

This book contains the most popular recipes Russia, China, Azerbaijan, Armenia, England, France, Mexico, United States of America and Australia.

The cuisine of each of these countries is interesting and original. The recipes in the book can be prepared at home.

Some of the dishes presented here are quite simple and do not take much time to create. Other recipes are original.

Chapter 2 provides recipes for Eastern states such as China, Azerbaijan, Armenia.

They are characterized by spicy seasonings, sauces served with meat (mainly lamb). Fish dishes are popular among the peoples of the East.

These states are characterized by light food. This is primarily salads, sandwiches, sandwiches. The dishes are traditionally served with various wines and sauces.

Chapter 4 contains recipes from Mexico and the United States of America.

Cold appetizers, poultry, vegetable dishes and seafood are widely used in the cuisine of these countries. Dishes are also popular. fast food that do not require much time and effort.

Chapter 5 contains Australian recipes. The population of this state prefers vegetable and fruit salads, meat dishes.

Chapter 1. Russian cuisine

One of the leading places among the most popular culinary recipes around the world is occupied by recipes of Russian cuisine. This is due to the fact that in the territory of our country since ancient times various peoples whose traditions have influenced the way food is prepared. Due to the fact that Russia is located in two parts of the world, Europe and Asia, the cuisine of our country successfully combines recipes popular with European and Asian peoples.

In Russian cuisine there are flour and fish dishes, pickles, jams, typical only for Russia. pickled vegetables, as well as salads, common in Europe, and hot sauces, which are an integral part of Asian cuisine.

Despite the close proximity of other states, Russian cuisine has not lost its national character. Many dishes traditional for Russia are widely known outside our country.

It is hardly possible to meet a tourist who came from another country who would not have tasted traditional Russian cabbage soup, pancakes, kulebyaki and pies.

Cold snacks

Salad "Royal"


Beef - 80 g, pickled champignons - 50 g, pickled cucumber - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons, cucumber marinade - 2 tbsp. spoons, green onion, dill, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

The meat is washed, the films are removed, put in a saucepan and boiled over medium heat until tender. The beef is cooled and cut into strips.

The onion is peeled and cut into half rings. Part of the green onions and dill are chopped, a few branches are left to decorate the dish.

Beef, onions and dill are placed in a deep container.

Separately mix cucumber marinade and mayonnaise, add to beef and leave for 1–2 hours in the refrigerator.

Chopped pickled mushrooms are mixed with chopped cucumber, beef, onion and dill. Salad salt, pepper, mix thoroughly.

The finished dish is placed in a salad bowl, decorated with dill sprigs and green onion feathers.

Salad "Urban"


Pork ham - 60–80 g, cucumbers - 2 pcs., Potatoes - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Egg - 1 pc., Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. spoon, tomato sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon, lettuce, parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Potatoes and carrots are boiled, peeled, cut into cubes. A hard-boiled egg is peeled and finely chopped. One peeled cucumber cut into cubes.

Another cucumber, without peeling, cut into thin slices and leave to decorate the salad. The ham is cut into strips. 2-3 lettuce leaves are left to decorate the dish, and the rest are chopped.

Mayonnaise is mixed in a shallow container, tomato sauce, pepper. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Then vegetables, ham, egg, salt, pepper, chopped lettuce leaves are added and mixed again.

The finished salad is laid out in a deep salad bowl, decorated with herbs and cucumber slices.

beef salad


Canned red beans - 150 g, beef - 100 g, eggs - 2 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., potatoes - 1 pc., green apple - 1 pc., mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons, butter - 1 tbsp. spoon, lettuce, green onion, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Potatoes and carrots are boiled, peeled, cut into cubes. A green apple is cut into cubes without peeling, but removing the core. Eggs are hard boiled, one of them is finely chopped, the other is left to decorate the salad.

The beef is thoroughly washed, cut into pieces, spread in a pan, fried in butter, cool, cut into strips and put in a deep container. Chopped vegetables, an apple, a chopped egg, canned red beans, mayonnaise and salt are added to the meat. The salad is thoroughly mixed and laid out in a dish on lettuce leaves.

Decorate with onion, egg and serve.

Salad "Autumn"


Beef - 100-120 g, champignons - 100 g, eggs - 2 pcs., Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons, spinach leaves, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Beef is cut into strips, put in a pan and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown, stirring constantly. The meat is cooled and laid out in a deep container.

Eggs are hard-boiled, peeled, one of them is crushed and mixed with fried meat. The second egg is cut into 3-4 parts and left to decorate the finished salad.

Among the famous military leaders of Armenian origin, the name of Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babajanyan rightfully occupies one of the leading places. In the Soviet Union, Hamazasp Babajanyan managed to build a brilliant military career, having risen to the rank of Chief Marshal armored forces. Hamazasp Babajanyan took part in the Great Patriotic War from July 1941, during the years of the war he was awarded numerous orders and medals, including the medal " Golden Star"and the honorary title Hero of the Soviet Union. Marshal Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babajanyan passed away 40 years ago on November 1, 1977.

Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babajanyan was born on February 5 (February 18, according to a new style) in 1906 in the village of Chardakhly, Elizavetpol province, today it is the territory of the Shamkir region of Azerbaijan. His parents were ordinary peasants. At the same time, the family of the future marshal was an average cell of the society of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century, the family had many children, it had 8 children at once, all of them required care and attention. In order to feed a large family, Amazasp's father was almost never at home, as he was forced to constantly work while his mother was busy with the housework and looked after the younger children. At the same time, the children in the Babajanyan family began to work early. Hamazasp Babajanyan, after graduating from the 5th grade of secondary school, began working on his father's farm, and then as a laborer.

It is worth noting that early start labor activity and only primary or secondary incomplete education is found in the biographies of many military and simply famous people of that era. For most ordinary people, especially not urban residents, study at that time was not in the first place. It was much more important to feed yourself, your family and children. At the same time, Hamazasp Babajanyan did not just work on the land, in 1923-1924 he worked on the construction of roads in the territory of today's Shamkir region.

In 1924, the future marshal of the Soviet Union joined the Komsomol, becoming the first secretary of the rural Komsomol cell. The Komsomol in those years gave people more opportunities for their development and self-realization, was one of the steps of new social elevators. Contemporaries noted that Babadzhanyan was an active member of the Komsomol, who literally gushed with various ideas and proposals. It can be said that a young man with an active life position was noticed and in September 1925 he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army not according to the usual, but according to the Komsomol call. By distribution, he was sent to study at the Armenian Infantry School, which at that time was located in Yerevan, it was here that his brilliant officer career began. In September 1926, after this school was disbanded, he was transferred to the Transcaucasian Military Infantry School, which was located in Tbilisi.

After graduating from the infantry school, Hamazasp Babajanyan was sent to serve in the 7th Caucasian Rifle Regiment (Caucasian Red Banner Army), where he served as a platoon commander, party bureau secretary of a separate battalion, company commander. As part of the regiment, he took part in battles against gangs and participants in anti-Soviet demonstrations, and was wounded in one of the battles. Later, his colleagues recalled that Amazasp was a very mobile and enterprising person who did not like to sit still and was constantly busy with some business. At the same time, the fact that he always treated his subordinates and juniors with respect was especially emphasized.

In March 1934, Hamazasp Babajanyan was transferred to the 3rd Machine Gun Regiment, which at that time was stationed in Baku. In the regiment, he served as commander of machine-gun companies and a battalion, as well as assistant chief of staff of the regiment. In October 1937, he was appointed to the post of head of the 1st department of the air defense point of the Transcaucasian military district in Baku. In August 1938, he was appointed chief of staff of the 3rd machine gun regiment, and in October of the same year he was transferred to the Leningrad Military District to the post of assistant commander of the 2nd machine gun regiment. As part of the units of the Leningrad Military District, Babadzhanyan took part in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. During one of the battles that took place on February 18, 1940, the future marshal was wounded for the second time in his life, this wound was not the last for him.

After recovering in December 1940, the officer was appointed to the post of deputy commander of the 493rd rifle regiment, and in January 1941 to the post of deputy commander of the 751st rifle regiment, both were located in the North Caucasian military district. Just before the war, in April 1941, Hamazasp Babajanyan was appointed to the post of assistant chief of the 1st department of the operational department of the headquarters of the 19th army, located in the Kiev Special Military District.

Since July 1941, Babajanyan took part in the Great Patriotic War, this month his 19th Army arrived at Western Front where the situation was very difficult. In August, he became commander of the 395th Infantry Regiment as part of the 127th Infantry Division. He took an active part in the Smolensk defensive battle and the Yelninsk offensive. Already on September 18, 1941, the 127th Rifle Division became the 2nd Guards, and the regiment commanded by Hamazasp Babajanyan became the 1st Guards Rifle Regiment.

At the end of September 1941, the guards were included in the operational group of A. N. Ermakov, which was transferred to the eastern Glukhov region, where they fought heavy defensive battles against superior enemy forces. On October 3, the division was transferred to Kursk, in November, parts of the division fought fierce defensive battles in the area of ​​the city of Tim. In December 1941, the 2nd Guards Rifle Division took part in the Soviet counteroffensive near Moscow, after which it was transferred to the Southwestern Front, and then, as part of the 3rd Guards Rifle Corps, became part of the Southern Front. In March 1942, parts of the division took part in the offensive of the Soviet troops on Taganrog.

In April, according to other sources, at the beginning of June 1942, Babadzhanyan was sent from the front to study. He got on accelerated courses at the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze, which was evacuated to Tashkent. He studied in Uzbekistan until the end of August 1942, after which he was again sent to the front, where he became commander of the 3rd mechanized brigade, which he led until September 1944. So the former infantryman suddenly became a tanker. Before that, of course, he had to interact with tanks in a combat situation, but he had a very remote idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure of combat vehicles. Therefore, literally immediately after the appointment, he had to master the new technique with persistence. According to his recollections, it took up to 18 hours a day to work. Immediately upon arrival at his mechanized brigade, he summoned the deputy for the technical part and asked him to work with him daily for 5 hours a day, explaining and talking about the design of tanks and their features. These lessons were not in vain, and he soon proved it in a combat situation. Already in October 1942, the brigade under his leadership received the Red Banner. The banner of the unit was personally presented by a member of the Military Council of the Moscow Defense Zone, Major General K.F. Telegin.

Together with his brigade, Colonel Hamazasp Babajanyan took part in the Battle of Kursk, for participation in which the brigade was presented to the Order of the Red Banner. In October 1943, she received the honorary title of Guards, becoming the 20th Guards Mechanized Brigade. Later the warriors this compound took part in the Zhytomyr-Berdychiv, Korsun-Shevchenkiv, Proskurov-Chernivtsi and Lvov-Sandomierz offensive operations Soviet troops, in which they won fame for themselves and their commander.

The 20th Guards Mechanized Brigade of Guards Colonel Babajanyan especially distinguished himself during the Proskurov-Chernivtsi offensive operation. The fighters of the brigade, together with other formations of the 1st Ukrainian Front, managed to break through the German defenses and from March 22 to March 24, 1944, a number of cities on the Right-Bank Ukraine were liberated from the enemy: Trembovl, Kopychintsy, Chertkov and Zalishchyky. One of the first formations of the front that crossed the Dniester was the 20th Guards Mechanized Brigade, whose fighters were able to hold an important bridgehead for the further offensive. Later, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief V. I. Stalin, the brigade of Colonel Babadzhanyan was given the honorary name "Zaleshchitskaya", and gratitude was declared to the troops that took part in the liberation of the cities of Chertkov and Zalishchyky from the Nazis. In their honor, on March 24, 1944, a salute was fired in Moscow with 20 artillery volleys from 224 guns.

Modern panorama of the city of Zalishchyky

For the skillful leadership of the combat operations of the entrusted mechanized brigade, personal courage in battles and the successful crossing of the Dniester by the decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of April 26, 1944, Guards Colonel Hamazasp Babajanyan was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal number 2077.

The success of the officer was rewarded by the fact that on August 25, 1944 he was appointed commander of the 11th Guards Tank Corps. Commanding the corps, Babadzhanyan took part in the Vistula-Oder and Berlin offensive operations. And again, his tankers were able to distinguish themselves in battles and cover themselves with the glory of the winners. For the liberation of the cities of Tomaszow, Lodz, Kutno, Lenchica and Gostyn, the corps was presented with the Order of the Red Banner, and for the capture of the cities of Tczew, Wejherowo and Puck was awarded the Order of Suvorov II degree. Babajanyan's tankers also distinguished themselves in the battles for Berlin, for participation in the successful assault on the capital of the Third Reich, the corps was given the honorary name "Berlin". The awards and the corps commander were not bypassed. For excellent leadership of the troops during the storming of Berlin, personal courage, dedication and heroism, Babadzhanyan was nominated for the second title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but the award was replaced with the Order of Suvorov, I degree.

It is worth noting that Hamazasp Babajanyan was a real combat commander who did not hide behind the backs of his subordinates and actively participated in the battles. During the Great Patriotic War, he was twice seriously wounded. The first time during the Battle of Kursk, the second - during the fighting on the Sandamir bridgehead. He was wounded in the throat by a fragment of an exploding shell, his trachea was damaged. Despite being wounded, he refused hospitalization and continued to lead the fight. At the same time, it was difficult for him to speak, and he gave commands in a whisper, and then began to write them down on paper.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, Hamazasp Babajanyan continued to build his army career and improve himself. In January 1947 he was sent to study at the Higher military academy named after K. E. Voroshilov, after completing his studies in which he received regular appointments to the army. In particular, in 1950 he became commander of the 2nd Guards Mechanized Army. And in August 1953, he was already a lieutenant general of tank troops. In 1956, he again had to put his combat skills into practice, he took part in the suppression of anti-Soviet demonstrations in Hungary, receiving another military award - the Order of Kutuzov, I degree.

Further important milestones in his career were: appointment to the post of commander of the Odessa Military District in June 1959; head of the Military Academy of Armored Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union R. Ya. Malinovsky in September 1967; and finally, the pinnacle of a career - the position of chief of tank troops Soviet army and a member of the Military Council of the Ground Forces in May 1969. On April 29, 1975, Hamazasp Khachaturovich Babadzhanyan became the Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces, for the entire existence of the title of "Chief Marshal" in the Soviet Union, only 4 artillerymen, 7 pilots and only 2 tankmen received it.

Amazasp Khachaturovich Babadzhanyan passed away in Moscow in the hospital named after P.V. Mandryka, this happened on November 1, 1977. He died at the age of 72. The Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces was buried with due honors in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Monument to the Chief Marshal of Armored Troops Hamazasp Babajanyan in Yerevan

Streets in Yerevan and Odessa, a square in the North-Western administrative district of Moscow were named in honor of the famous Soviet military leader. His name is also secondary school in Etchmiadzin (Armenia). On May 23, 2016, a monument dedicated to the Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces was solemnly opened in Yerevan. There is still a unit with which Babajanyan took Berlin. After the end of the war, the 11th Guards Tank Corps passed long haul, already in June 1945 it was reorganized into the 11th Guards Tank Division, and today it is the 11th Guards Separate Carpathian-Berlin Red Banner, Order of Suvorov II degree mechanized brigade, which is the pride of the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus.

According to materials from open sources

Natalia Onipko
Among the most interesting and mysterious phenomena of nature, children's talent occupies one of the leading places.

Supplementary education provides every child with the opportunity free the choice of the educational field, the profile of the programs, the time of their development, inclusion in various types of activities, taking into account their individual inclinations. Personal activity character educational process allows you to solve one of the main tasks of additional education - detection, development and support gifted children.

Gifted a child is a child who stands out with bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one form or another."

Since the life of such children takes place not only at the school desk or in institutions of additional education, work with gifted children relates directly to their parents. It is they who from an early age support the child in his endeavors and shape him. giftedness.

Parents should accept children for who they are, and not consider them as carriers of talents, strive to develop personal quality: confidence, which is based on the consciousness of self-worth, understanding of the advantages and disadvantages in oneself, intellectual curiosity and readiness for research risk, respect for kindness, the habit of relying on own forces….

Education starts at family: all generations educate each other, so the clan, the family must preserve traditions and work collectively on the development of a talented child.

As the great Russian teacher V. Sukhomlinsky: "Roots are laid in the family, from which branches, flowers, and fruits then grow."

Usually singled out by parents as signs of mental giftedness high speech development, memorizing a large number of poems and fairy tales, in themselves about such giftedness cannot testify. A large amount of knowledge is also often based on a child's good memory, and good memory, although characteristic of many mentally gifted children, however, is not decisive in their development.

A distinction should be made between the inculcation of skills and assistance in the development of abilities. I often come across the fact that some parents, having taught to read and write, believe that they contribute to the development of the child. In fact, this is just a skill inculcation.

Most often in children it appears giftedness in the field of mathematics, fine arts, music, etc. In activities related to giftedness, children remember much better, can be attentive longer, focused, keep working capacity longer, it is easier to assimilate the material.

Often parents create around gifted child"halo effect", expecting high results from him literally in everything. However, it is quite possible that the child's abilities are high only in certain areas.

Planning joint activities of parents and teachers of group associations early development preschoolers ongoing four directions:

Psychological support of the family of a capable child;

Informational environment for parents;

joint practical activities of a capable child and his parents;

Support and encouragement of parents at the institution level.

Noteworthy system childish-parental relationship, in which the following terms:

Recognition of the unconditional value of the child;

Creating an environment for its unconditional acceptance, that is, situations in which there is no external evaluation;

Giving the child freedom of expression;

Development and implementation of creative creativity through manifestation child's personality;

Support for the mental efforts of the child, a benevolent attitude towards his cognitive energy.

main form joint work are parent meetings.

Especially for parents of MBU DO students "Station of young naturalists" in associations of early development of preschool children, a cycle of parental assemblies: “My child is the eighth wonder of the world”, "We do miracles together» .

Among the activities for working with parents is a significant take place not only consultations on the problems of development, training and education gifted children but also round tables, "family living room" next character:

concept giftedness. Kinds giftedness.

Psychological aspects giftedness.

Social adaptation gifted child.

One of the brightest manifestations of talent at preschool age - a wealth of fantasy. gifted children, as a rule, more often than others, they come up with something, compose. For the development of creativity and creative thinking of children jointly master classes are held with parents. Most unusual and unforgettable "Wish Collage" on which, using colorful compositions, all cherished dreams were expressed on a sheet of paper.

An experience modern education shows that there are differences between children. Children with more developed intellect than their peers, with the ability to be creative, with the ability to classify, generalize, find relationships. They are constantly looking for answers to their questions, inquisitive, show independence, active. Teachers of associations of early development groups involve such children in participation in All-Russian Olympiads and quizzes where children take prizes.

In the course of the programs "Educational games" and "The world" working with gifted children use interactive games with educational and educational tasks different levels difficulties.

The child and his parents can choose the necessary tasks in different areas at the following sites:


Let's play

Miracle Yudo portal, etc.

Be honest. All children are very sensitive to lies, and to gifted This is more true for children.

Assess the level of development of the child.

Avoid long explanations or conversations.

Try to catch the changes in the child in time. They can be expressed in extraordinary matters or behavior and are a sign giftedness.

Respect your child's individuality. Don't try to project your own Interests and hobbies.

Develop in your children the following quality:

confidence based on one's own consciousness of self-worth;

understanding of the advantages and disadvantages in oneself and in others;

intellectual curiosity and readiness for research risk;

respect for kindness, honesty, friendliness, empathy, patience, for spiritual courage;

the habit of relying on one's own strengths and the willingness to take responsibility for one's actions;

ability to help find mutual language and joy in dealing with people of all ages.

In the association of groups of early development of preschool children, support and encouragement of children and parents is carried out in the form of thank you letters and letters.

World experience shows that often faith in a child's abilities, multiplied by the skill of teachers and parents, can work wonders. In life, it often turns out that it’s not even what you gave a person that matters. nature but what he managed to do with the gift that he has.

Used Books:

"Psychology giftedness: from theory to practice"/ ed. D. V. Ushakova - M; 2000

"Additional Education", No. 10, 2001; No. 11, 2001 G.

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