Approximate musical notes of classes in the younger group. Synopsis of a music lesson in the younger group


Music lesson for younger children preschool age"Spring sunshine"

Description: The proposed outline is intended for children younger age group. The lesson uses different kinds musical activity which arouses interest in children. The material can be useful to music directors, educators, as well as parents who want to develop creative abilities in their child.
Target: Involve children in various types musical activity, forming the perception of music and the simplest performing skills in the field of singing, rhythm, playing children's instruments.
Children to the music enter the hall in pairs.
teacher: Guys, today I received a letter from the sun. It wants to get to know you because you are very friendly guys.

The sun shines in the window
Straight to our room
We clap our hands
Very happy with the sun!

rhythmic exercise"Clap your hands" . The teacher invites the children to clap loudly and quietly, quickly and slowly.
Icicles melt under the rays of the sun.
One drop fell. Cap!
Two drops fell. Cap, cap!
A lot of drops fell.

playing instruments: the wishing child plays on the metallophone as drops drip.
teacher: Have you noticed what big puddles are in the yard today? This is because our spring sun has melted all the snow. What should we wear to keep our feet warm? Right! Our fun boots! Musical and rhythmic movements "Cheerful heel"
teacher: Not only children rejoice at the arrival of spring. Listen, who else is happy spring sunshine? The sound of birds singing.

teacher: That's right, the birds are singing. Mother bird sits on the lower branch and sings low voice: like this. (Plays the sound "to" the first octave "). And on the top sits a chick and sings in a thin voice (plays the sound "to" the second octave). Can you guess who is singing now? The musical and didactic game "Bird and chick" is held.
Teacher: Who else got out to warm up under warm sun? Yes, it's a ladybug!
Musical and didactic game "How much ladybugs on a flower?
Game progress: Play the piano for children one sound at a time - each ladybug has its own sound (buzzes in its own way). Two sounds - two insects gathered on a flower and are talking, three sounds - the whole family is assembled. Ask the children to hear and guess how many ladybugs gathered on the flower - one, two or three. You can complicate the game and offer to hear who exactly flew to the flower dad, mom or baby.

Teacher: Guys, I think someone is rustling in the grass. It's a little bug! He cannot cross the stream.
Musical and rhythmic movements with ribbons: "Brook". At the end of the dance, they fold the ribbons in one line and help the bug to cross to the other side.
teacher: Well done! Helped the bug. Oh look, he's not alone!
Rhythmic game "Bugs". The teacher offers to slam or stomp the proposed scheme.
Hush hush!
I hear something!
The clouds covered the sun.
How will we be without the sun now? Let's have some fun dancing. Dance "Guilty cloud".

And the sun winked at us again. It is so glad that it made friends with such wonderful guys and gives you a gift - these are such little suns. Say goodbye to the sun, wave your hand to it and sing "Goodbye!"

Program content:

  1. Maintain interest in musical and theatrical - gaming activities.
  2. To develop in children attention, memory, the ability to distinguish the dynamics, timbre and rhythm of music. Distinguish and independently perform movements in accordance with the nature of the music.


Musical instruments: drum, bell, tambourine, rattles - bells.

Toys: bunny, fox, bear.

In the foreground there is a teremok in which there are animals. Children go into music hall, say hello.

Muses. hands In the meadow near the Christmas tree

Where the bad wolves roam

There was a tower - a tower

He was low and low.

A frog lived in the tower,

Brown bear, mouse - norushka,

Brave hare and fox.

What miracles!

Guys, now we will go to the forest to the tower.

(Children perform movements according to the lyrics)

Song: "That's How We Do It" E. Tilicheeva

Come on, more fun - top, top, top!

That's how we do it - top, top, top!

Legs walked - top, top, top!

Right down the path - top, top, top!

Boots stomp - top, top, top!

These are our legs - top, top, top!

"Legs and Feet" V. Agafonnikova

Big feet

Walked along the road

Top - top - top,

Top - top - top.

small feet

Run along the path

Top - top - top top- top,

Top - top - top - top - top.

"Our legs are tired" T. Lomovoi

Our legs are tired

Run along the path

Let's stroke our feet

And let's get some rest.

Exercise: "Horses"

Children, as shown by the educator, perform movements: Horses "clack", "Straight gallop"

Here we are in the forest.

That's the miracle of the teremok!

Smoke comes out of the chimney.

Animals live in the tower

And the guests are probably waiting.

I wonder who lives there? Now we will find out, and the fingers will help us in this.

Feel free to knock your fingers

Fists help them

We will knock together

Who will come out to meet us?

Song-game: "Fingers"

1. Clap your hands, clap a little,

Clap your hands, very good.

2. And the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance,

And the little guys will dance their fingers.

3. Knock-knock with a hammer we will build a house for the birds,

Knock-knock with a hammer we will build a house for the birds.

4. Boom-boom drum, what a noise and chatter,

Boom-boom drum, what a noise and chatter.

The window opens, the Fox “appears”, they say hello.

We are a beauty - a fox

I brought a bell.

The children are given bells.

Our bells are magical, they can play softly and loudly.

Game: "Quiet and loud bells" R. Rustamova

You ring, bell, hush,

Let no one hear you - 2 times.

You ring the bell stronger

So that everyone can hear - 2 times.

Children sit on chairs.

Come on, guys, get your ears ready. Who is the music calling?

The music will tell you

Who will open the doors for us.

Song: "The Dancing Hare" E. Tilicheeva.

Did you know? (Children answer)

Pavilion, music calls the bunny. It sounds high, easy, fast. (A bunny appears from the tower)

Bunny is a musician, and his favorite musical instrument is a drum. Our bunny is dexterous, fast, so he plays just as easily and quickly.

The rhythmic pattern of a bunny sounds.

Children follow the rhythm.

Exercise: "Drummers" D. Kabalevsky

Song: "I have a bunny" V. Kachaeva

Listen, the music is playing again. Whom the music is calling, now we will guess.

Song: "Bear" V. Vitlina

(Children answer)

That's right, guys, this music is about a bear. It sounds low, heavy, slow . (A bear appears from the tower). Mishka is also a musician - he plays the tambourine.

What bear? (children answer)

The bear plays the tambourine heavily and slowly.

The rhythmic pattern of a bear sounds. Children follow the rhythm.

Song - game: "There is a bear"

Go, go Bear,

Bear is clumsy.

Go, go Bear,

Holds a barrel in its paws.

Here comes, here comes

Bear is clumsy.

Here comes, here comes

The bear is fat.

Go, go Bear,

Walks through the forest.

Go, go Bear,

Collects cones.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text of the song.

The bear was walking in the forest

Teddy bear collected bumps

And a little tired.

Our barn is closing. While the animals are sleeping, we will bake a treat for them.

Finger game: "Pies"

I bake, I bake, I bake

To all my pie friends:

mouse pie,

For the hare - baby,

For a frog pie,

Bear, eat and you, my friend!

Pie for you, fox.

Very tasty game!

Summary of the lesson:

What animals live in a musical tower?

What instrument does the bunny like to play?

What instrument does the bear like to play?

And what musical instrument did the fox bring us?

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Children "leave" on a steam locomotive.

Title: Musical lesson for children 3-4 years old.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, music, 2 junior group

Musical lesson in the younger group "On a visit to the cat Timofey"

Program content: pin familiar musical repertoire using game situation. Develop a sense of rhythm, stability of attention, musical memory; develop the ability to imitate the behavior of animals. Teach singing skills, smoothly perform movements in pairs, consolidate familiar dance moves. Cultivate Kindness in Children

preliminary work: Listening to the play "Kitty" by T. Lomova

Learning the song "Tsap-scratch" by S. Gavrilov

Learning the dance "Palms"

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. Flies into the hall balloon

Musical director: Guys, look, a balloon flew to us, and a postcard on a thread. Now let's see what kind of postcard it is. Guys, this is an invitation. Who is it from, who sent it? Don't worry, we'll try to guess everything together. There is musical riddle- I will play music for you, and you tell me who she is talking about

Plays the play "Cat" by T. Lomova

Guys, did you recognize this music, who is it about? (you can make a riddle)

Mokhnatenka, mustachioed,

Sits songs sings (cat)

That's right, cat.

Educator: I guessed who sent us this invitation, it was sent to us by the cat Timofey

Musical director: Now I will read what he writes, “Guys, I miss you so much, come to visit me, I will be waiting for you.” Well, shall we go to visit the cat? (children answer)

And we will go with you by train, take the trailers as soon as possible, our train is leaving

Sounds "train" T. Suvorova

And now we will go along this path, take your hands rather

Frenkel's "round dance" sounds

Well, here we are. And where is the cat Timothy, why doesn't he meet us? Guys, let's call him, sing his name very affectionately. Everyone sings: "Timofey" on one sound. No, he can't hear, he's probably asleep. Guys, let's clap (clap to the music) And now let's stomp (stomp to the music)

Exercise "clap-stomp" arr. Ya Stepovoy

A cat appears on the screen

Cat: Meow meow, hello guys, how glad I am that you came to visit me

Musical director: Why don't you meet us?

Cat: To be honest, I dozed off

Musical director: What are you shaggy, unkempt . What do you guys have to do in the morning? (children's answers)

Exercise "The cat washes" (elements of psycho-gymnastics)

On the screen is another picture of a cat washed, combed

Musical director: For such beautiful cat can you sing a song

Children sing the song "tsap-scratch" from Gavrilov

Cat: Oh, what a good song, thank you guys! I also love to dance, would you like to dance with me?

Dance "Chok da Kok" by E. Makshantseva

Cat: what a fun dance, thank you guys

Musical director: Cat Timofey, do you like to play?

Cat: Of course I love

Musical director: Then play with the guys

Cat: My favorite game is Cat and Mice , but there are no mice here

Musical director: And we will say magic words and turn into little mice

They say turn left and right

And turn into a mouse

The game "Cat and Mice" by V. Petrova Children are caught by a cat - a toy similar to the screen

Cat: thank you, you made me laugh

Musical director: Timothy the cat got so much snow, the guys and I made snowballs , will you play with us?

Speech therapy game "Snowball" by M. Kartushina

Musical director: Well, Timothy the cat, you cheered me up

Cat: Of course, they cheered me up, I'm so glad that you came to visit me

Musical director: Unfortunately, Timothy, it's time for us to say goodbye. Our train leaves for kindergarten

Cat: What a pity, but will you come again?

The kids are in charge

Musical director: Goodbye, Timothy, don't miss us (Children say goodbye and "ride" again on the train)

Educator: Well, guys, we came to kindergarten. Did you enjoy our trip? (children answer) Me too

Musical director: I liked it too, bye guys.

Nomination: Music lesson for children 3-4 years old.

Position: music director of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 142
Location: Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic

Synopsis of an open musical lesson for children 3-4 years old “Our bus rush forward, where happiness lives!”

The abstract will be useful to music directors, kindergarten teachers.
Target: Formation musical ability preschoolers in familiar songs, games.
1. Strengthen the correct posture, the ability to walk, easy on the toes.
2. To develop sound-altitude hearing and attention.
3. To convey in singing the cheerful, joyful nature of the songs.
4. To form singing skills: breathing, diction, lightness and flight of the voice.
5.Create a joyful, relaxed atmosphere.

Progress of joint activities

Organizing time:
(Children are in front of the entrance to the music room)
Musical director:
Hello children. Do you love to travel?

Yes Yes Yes.
Musical director:

Today we will go on a trip, and a magic bus will take us. Please tell me what each passenger should have?
Musical director:
Well done.
I'm handing out tickets
On the way - I call the road to everyone.
(Music director: and the teacher distribute tickets, sit down in their seats)
Main part:
Do you have a ticket in your hand?
He's handsome, no doubt about it.
We'll breathe on him
To keep him alive.
(the back is straight, we breathe through the nose, the mouth is closed, we slowly release the air)
Breathing exercises: "Blow on the ticket"
Musical director:
So we got on the bus
And we'll go far
And on the way we will meet friends,
Let's play, what else?
And we will sing for you
And we dance from the heart.
We will tell the guests all in unison:
"Hello, thanks for coming!"
Wait, don't rush
I know that someone will come to us
And collect the tickets.

(music sounds, Conductor enters and collects tickets)
Musical director:
Buses, buses
Running down the alley
We have fun, we have fun
We're going for a walk!
Musical director:
Ride with the wind
Now let's go on foot.
Getting off the bus
And let's look around. (easily on toes approach the "store")
What do you think this house is, where various goods are sold?

Children's answers
Musical director:

Well done, this is a store. There are food, books, toys, and handkerchiefs here. They will be useful for us to dance.
The boy finds the girl
He will dance with her!
Dance in pairs "Stomp my leg"
Musical director:
How merrily you danced
And not a bit tired!
What lies ahead for us?
Take the steering wheel in your hands.
Plastic exercise:
"I turn the steering wheel,
I twist, I twist
go further
I want".
(“they drive up to the “Forest Glade”)
Musical director:
All the guys, stop-
Let's rest a little now.
Stop is not easy
And a forest clearing.
We sit comfortably so that no one interferes with anyone. I will play music for you, and you will try to say: who is in a hurry to us? Who does the music represent?
Children's eyes are closed
Who is this - they call:

Listening: (music is playing, depicting a bunny jumping)
Children's answers:
Bunny, Bunny!
Musical director:
That's right, Bunny.
How did he get to us?
Will you show us all?
Movement exercise: "Bunny, bunny
Jump and jump.
Musical director:
Kids, music is magical! She told us with only musical sounds that it is the Bunny who hurries to us, and not the wolf and not the fox. And now the music will reveal a secret to us: with whom the Bunny is friends. Come closer to me so that everyone - everyone knows.
(the melody of the song "Merry Bears" sounds)

Children's answers:
Musical director:
Of course, these are funny teddy bears!
Attention! Attention!
I will say a spell:
"You are now uneasy children,
And funny bears ”(we put on bear cubs hats)
Who will I be now?
I will be your mother for you.
Singing, singing: "Merry Bears" (performance) (E. Poplyanova)
Teddy bears cut,
Fortified with delicious honey.
And they decided to play pranks:
Papa - wake up the bear!
Game: "Teddy bear sits in a den" (conducted 1-2 times)

Musical director:
Well it's time for us to go back
And turn into kids.
(take off hats)
We get on the bus, take our seats - it's time to go back to kindergarten.
(“the driver” will be one of the children)

Singing with movement "Here we are sitting on the bus"
Musical director:
And so our magical journey ended. Did you like it?
Let's remember: whom did we meet at the Forest Clearing?
Children's answers
Musical director:
Fine. Yes, music is magical! Who did you become while traveling?
Children's answers
Music Director: Well done.
But it's time to say goodbye
Return to the group for the kids.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 10" Zhemchuzhinka "p. Granitny

Abstract of a music lesson in junior group

"Journey to Musical Land"

Prepared by:

Musical director

Zhimbaeva A.T.


Program content

  • Learning tasks:
    • distinguish character piece of music, perform appropriate movements;
    • to form singing skills, start singing after the introduction, sing smoothly in the ensemble, clearly pronounce the words of the songs.
    • to form the skills of playing children's musical instruments;
  • Development tasks:
    • develop emotional sensitivity
    • sensory abilities and pitch hearing,
    • develop a sense of rhythm fine motor skills hands
    • form singing voice and expression of movement.
  • Educational tasks:
    • cultivate love and interest in music.


  • Various toys. Dudka.
  • rattles
  • Screen
  • Projector
  • Music Center

Course progress.

Children enter the hall, stand in a circle.

M.W.: Hello guys! Today we will go with you on a journey to a musical country.

Where do you think we'll go? (Answers of children). Look at the screen. What awaits us?

slide 1

Along the wall there are chairs on which toys are located.

M.W.: Oh, look, our toys are also going to ride the train. Shall we take them with us? Let's sit down with them and go on a journey. Sit where you want.

The children are seated, choosing among toys favorite and putting her on her knees.

M.r. Do you know how to ride such a train? We will sit and knock with our feet, and the music will delight us. Here we go?

The teacher blows a whistle and sits down with the children.

M.r. That's how good it is to ride a train, now let's listen to a song about him. (Sings the song "Locomotive".with musical accompaniment. children listen) What song? What is her character?

Children. Cheerful, joyful.

Slide 2.

M.W.: Here is the stop. The station is called "Song". Various songs live here. Do you want to know which ones? Then get off the train and go to the piano. And let the toys sit on the train for now, we will sing for them. (Children plant toys, and they themselves approach the piano) What songs live at the station? Now let's listen and find out.

Performs the melody of the song The pussy came up to the kids ”, children recognize and name her. Offers to sing one verse at a time,

M.r. And here's another song. Do you know which one? Be attentive, sing without shouting, listen to the music and to each other.

Performs the melody of the song « Babies congratulate mom » , the children recognize her and begin to sing along. Draws attention to the expressiveness of singing - fun, provocatively); makes sure that the children sing in a natural voice.

slide 3

Children, together with the teacher, sit on the “train”, pick up toys.

slide 4

M.r. I wonder what station is next? (Children “ride” to the tune) Here we have arrived! Different dances live here. Today we will dance One hand, two hands and the toys will admire us.

Children continue to learn dance, themselvesfall into place, which increases interest in the lesson, creates a good emotional atmosphere. The teacher teaches children to keep their hands on their belts correctly, to spin rhythmically.

slide 5

. M.r. The horn is calling us again. Let's go further.

(performs the melody of the song "Locomotive",

slide 6

M.r. next station (Children “ride” to the tune) We've arrived! Various people live here musical instruments. And today we will play rattles, and the toys will listen to us.

Children take rattles, play "Oh, canopy" together with muses. leader.

Slide 7

M.r. The horn is calling us again. Let's go further. (performs the melody of the song "Locomotive", children tap their feet to the beat of the music Here we have arrived! Tired? Hungry? Let's bake pies, eat and go.

Performs without musical accompaniment song "Pies"(music by A. Filippenko, el. N. Kuklovskaya // Music in kindergarten. Issue. 2. M., 1965). Encourages children to move with the words of the song.

M.r. We baked pies for the children. What about for mom? That's right, gingerbread.

Eat, eat, mommy,

delicious two gingerbread.

Let's invite Mom to visit and treat her. And now it's time for the group. Goodbye!

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