The problem of honor and dishonor in the White Guard. M


The civil war began on October 25, 1917, when Russia split into two camps: "white" and "red". The bloody tragedy turned people's ideas about morality, honor, dignity, justice. Each of the warring parties proved their understanding of the truth. For many people, choosing a goal has become a vital necessity. "Painful searches" are depicted in M. Bulgakov's novel " white guard". The leading theme of this work was the intelligentsia in the context of the civil war and the surrounding chaos.

The Turbin family is a representative of the Russian intelligentsia, which is connected with monarchical Russia by thousands of threads (generic, official, upbringing, oath). The Turbin family is a military family, where the elder brother Alexei is a colonel, the younger Nikolai is a cadet, and sister Elena is married to Colonel Talberg. Turbines are people of honor. They despise lies, self-interest. For them it is true that parole not a single person should violate, because otherwise it will be impossible to live in the world. So spoke the sixteen-year-old Junker Nikolai Turbin. And for people with such beliefs, it was most difficult to enter into a time of deceit and dishonor. Turbines are forced to decide: how to live, with whom to go, whom and what to protect. At the party at the Turbins, they talk about the same thing. In the house of the Turbins we can find high culture life, traditions, human relations. The inhabitants of this house are completely devoid of arrogance and stiffness, hypocrisy and vulgarity. They are hospitable and cordial, condescending to the weaknesses of people, but irreconcilable to everything that is beyond the threshold of decency, honor, justice. Turbines and part of the intelligentsia, about which the novel says: army officers, "hundreds of ensigns and second lieutenants, former students", are swept out of both capitals by a blizzard of revolution. But it is they who take upon themselves the most cruel blows of this blizzard, it is they who "will have to suffer and die." In time, they will realize what an ungrateful role they have taken on. But that will be with time. In the meantime, we are convinced that there is no other way out, that mortal danger hangs over the entire culture, over that eternal thing that has been growing for centuries, over Russia itself. The Turbins have been taught a lesson in history, and, making their choice, they remain with the people and accept the new Russia, they flock under the white banners to fight to the death.

great attention The question of honor and duty was given by Bulgakov in the novel. Why did Aleksey and Nikolka Turbins, Nai-Turs, Myshlaevsky, Karas, Shervinsky and other White Guards, cadets, officers, knowing that all their actions would lead to nothing, went to defend Kiev from Petliura’s troops, which outnumbered them by several times? They were forced to do this by an officer's honor. And honor, according to Bulgakov, is something without which it would be impossible to live on earth. Myshlaevsky with forty officers and cadets, in light overcoats and boots, protected the city in the cold. The question of honor and duty is connected with the problem of betrayal and cowardice. In the most critical moments the positions of the whites in Kyiv, these terrible vices manifested itself in many military men who were at the head of the white army. Bulgakov calls them staff bastards. This is the hetman of Ukraine, and those numerous military men who, at the first danger, “rat-run” left the city, including Talberg, and those who caused soldiers to freeze in the snow near Post. Thalberg is a white officer. Graduated from university and military academy. "This is the best thing that should have been in Russia." Yes, “should have…” But “two-layer eyes”, “rat run”, when he takes his feet away from Petliura, leaving his wife and her brothers. "Damn doll, devoid of the slightest notion of honor!" - that's what this Thalberg is. Bulgakov's white junkers are ordinary youths from a certain class environment, who are wrecked with their noble-officer "ideals".

In the "White Guard" events are raging around the turbine house, which, in spite of everything, remains an island of beauty, comfort and peace. In the novel The White Guard, the Turbins' house is compared to a vase that imperceptibly broke and from which all the water slowly leaked out. Home for the writer is Russia, and therefore the process of death old Russia during the civil war and the death of the Turbins' house as a result of the death of Russia. Young Turbins, although they are drawn into the whirlpool of these events, retain to the end what is especially dear to the writer: indestructible love of life and love for the beautiful and eternal.

He observes the monarchical enthusiasm of his favorite heroes with a sympathetic and ironic smile. Not without a smile, albeit sad, the author describes in the finale the Bolshevik sentry, who, falling into a dream, sees a red sparkling firmament, and his soul "is instantly filled with happiness." And he ridicules the loyal moods in the crowd during the parade of the Petliura troops with a direct mockery. Any politics, no matter what ideas it may be involved in, remains deeply alien to Bulgakov. He understood the officers of the "terminal and collapsed regiments" of the old army, "ensigns and second lieutenants, former students ... knocked off the screws of life by war and revolution." He could not condemn them for their hatred of the Bolsheviks - "straight and hot." He understood the peasants no less, with their anger against the Germans, who mocked them, against the hetman, under whom the landlords fell upon them, he also understood their "trembling of hatred at the capture of officers."

Today we are all aware that the civil war was one of the most tragic pages in the history of the country, that the huge losses that both Reds and Whites suffered in it are our common losses. Bulgakov viewed the events of this war precisely in this way, striving "to become dispassionately above the Reds and Whites." For the sake of those truths and values ​​that are called eternal, and first of all for the sake of human life itself, which, in the heat of the civil war, almost ceased to be considered a value at all.

"The stubborn image of the Russian intelligentsia as the best layer in our country" - this is how Bulgakov himself defines his literary credo. With what sympathy Bulgakov describes the Turbins, Myshlaevsky, Malyshev, Nai-Turs! Each of them is not without sin, but they are people of true decency, honor, courage. And for the sake of these virtues, he easily forgives them petty sins. And most of all, he cherishes everything that makes up beauty and joy. human being. In the house of the Turbins, despite the terrible and bloody deeds of 1918, there is comfort, peace, flowers. With particular tenderness, the author describes the human spiritual beauty, the very one that encourages his heroes to forget about themselves when it is necessary to take care of others, and even quite naturally, as a matter of course, to expose themselves to bullets in order to save others, as Nai-Tours does and Turbines are ready to do at any moment, and Myshlaevsky, and Karas.

And another one eternal value Perhaps the greatest, constantly patronized in the novel, is love. “They will have to suffer and die, but in spite of everything, love catches up with almost every one of them: Alexei, and Nikolka, and Elena, and Myshlaevsky with Lariosik - Shervinsky's unsuccessful rivals. And this is wonderful, because life itself is impossible without love, ”the writer seems to say. The author invites the reader, as if from eternity, from the depths, to look at events, at people, at their whole life in this terrible 1918.

In Russian literature, M. A. Bulgakov's novel The White Guard stands apart, primarily because it is not a political novel. The author does not put the reader before a choice: for the Reds, for the Whites or the Greens, as many writers of the revolutionary and post-revolutionary years did, he simply tells us about those distant events. Personal participation in hostilities and duty to posterity do not allow him to distort the facts. In my opinion, Bulgakov's goal was to show the tragedy of the people who lived in Russia in the twenties, and, in particular, the death of the class to which he himself belonged. Representatives of the Russian intelligentsia often turned out to be people of duty and honor, and it is this idea that the writer is trying to convey to us.

The revolution and the civil war that followed it swept through the country like a hurricane, sweeping away everything in its path, uprooting the old order and foundations. Representatives of the intelligentsia did not escape this fate either. But almost no one gave up without a fight - these people fought for their freedom, happiness, for everything they lived. And even in the face of mortal danger, former officers, doctors, teachers remained true to the code of honor. Bulgakov shows his heroes in various conditions: V home environment and during a bloody battle, in happiness and in trouble - and constantly arranges trials for them, so that we, looking at how they overcome them, can penetrate deeper into the soul and understand the character of the heroes.

In my opinion, the central place in the novel is occupied by the image of the Turbins' house. In this house, everything rests on centuries-old traditions, it is a symbol of the former heroic spirit, and all the threads are tied into a knot in it. Not without reason, after a hard battle, Myshlaevsky comes there, shoddy and frozen, but did not leave his positions, because he took an oath to the sovereign and is ready to fulfill his duty to the fatherland. Karas also comes there, who, like many, is knocked off the screws of life and does not know for whom he is fighting. He knows one thing: “Everyone needs to go,” to go in order to fulfill the duty of every man: to protect his family, his home, his city.

That evening, Colonel Nai-Tours was not visiting the Turbins, but if he were there, I think he would not consider himself superfluous, because he is a typical representative"dying class". It seems to me that the dream of Alexei Turbin is very indicative in revealing his image. In this dream, the colonel is in paradise, that is, his death is already, as it were, predetermined. People like Nai-Turs could not survive, because in order to survive in the Bolshevik society, they would have to change their principles, but this is at odds with their notions of honor, and therefore unacceptable to them. In that dream, the colonel was in the form of a knight, "which is no longer in any army since crusades”, but since ancient times, heroes have been a symbol of courage, strength, dignity, they have always defended their homeland. And the death of the colonel is also very indicative. Seeing that the battle is lost, Nai-Turs, who is tired, but who is still ready to fight, shouts: “Yunkegga! Listen to my command: drop your shoulder straps, pouches, pouches, bgosai your weapons! ... The battle is over! Run Magsh!" He understands that the death of these boys is absolutely meaningless, but he himself does not run, since he is an officer and his duty is to remain on the battlefield to the end.

Colonel Malyshev is far from Nai-Turs, but he does the same. He is an experienced soldier and therefore understands: it is impossible to fight with the "composition" that "God sent him." These volunteers who did not hold weapons in their hands will be killed immediately. The honor of an officer does not allow Malyshev to lead these deceived people under the bullets. He dissolves the division and at the same time says: “... Hundreds of living lives will go to loop-re in three hours, and the only thing I regret is that at the cost of my life and even yours, even more expensive, of course, their death cannot be stopped Can". Perhaps this is the true strength of character.

But most of all I like Nikolka Turbin. Probably due to his youth and, therefore, some spiritual purity. He sincerely believes that he must become a hero, and does not leave Colonel Nai-Tours until his death, although he drives him away in every possible way: “Go away, ugly mavy! Govogyu - guess! No one obliges Nikolka to look for the colonel's relatives in order to inform them of the death of the head of the family, to look for the body of his commander among hundreds of corpses in order to bury him. But, feeling his duty - the duty of a soldier, the duty of a decent person and friend, he tries to fulfill last will dying.

Bulgakov sometimes speaks of his heroes with kind irony. He gives Nai-Thurs a burr, which makes formidable commander's orders give some kind of simplicity. Nikolka informs his relatives about the death of the colonel “in his best voice”, and the author depicts Karas as “small, well-groomed and really looks like Karas”. Such irony helps to realize that before us simple people, but against the background of people like Talberg, who, saving himself, abandoned his family and home, and then the city and his homeland, who have no honor at all, they seem to be heroes.

The White Guard is A. M. Bulgakov's favorite creation, and not even because the characters express the author's convictions, they themselves are an example of valor, honor and courage, worthy of admiration.


All will pass. Suffering, torment, blood, hunger and pestilence. The sword will disappear, but the stars will remain, when the shadow of our deeds and bodies will not remain on earth.
M. Bulgakov
In 1925, the magazine Rossiya published the first two parts of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's novel The White Guard, which immediately attracted the attention of connoisseurs of Russian literature.
According to the writer himself, “The White Guard” is “a stubborn image of the Russian intelligentsia as the best layer in our country ...”, “an image of an intelligentsia-noble family, abandoned during the years civil war to the camp of the White Guard. It tells about a very difficult time, when it was impossible to understand everything at once, to understand everything, to reconcile conflicting feelings and thoughts within themselves. This novel captures the still burning, burning memories of the city of Kyiv during the Civil War.
I think that in his work, Bulgakov wanted to affirm the idea that people, although they perceive events differently, treat them differently, strive for peace, for the settled, familiar, established. So the Turbins want all of them to live together as a family in parent's apartment, where everything is familiar from childhood, where the house is a fortress, there are always flowers on a snow-white tablecloth, music, books, peaceful tea parties at a large table, and in the evenings, when the whole family is gathered, reading aloud and playing the guitar. Their life developed normally, without any shocks and mysteries, nothing unexpected or accidental came to their house. Here everything was strictly organized, ordered, determined for many years to come. And if it were not for the war and the revolution, then their life would have passed in peace and comfort. But terrible events taking place in the city, violated their plans, assumptions. The time has come when it was necessary to determine your life and civil position.
I think that it is not external events that convey the course of the revolution and the Civil War, not a change of power, but moral conflicts and contradictions drive the plot of The White Guard. Historical events is the background against which human fates. Bulgakov is interested inner world a person caught in such a cycle of events when it is difficult to keep one's face, when it is difficult to remain oneself. If at the beginning of the novel the characters try to shrug off politics, then later the course of events is drawn into the thick of revolutionary clashes.
Alexei Turbin, like his friends, is for the monarchy. Everything new that enters their life brings, it seems to him, only bad things. Completely politically undeveloped, he wanted only one thing - peace, the opportunity to joyfully live near his mother, his beloved brother and sister. And only at the end of the novel, the Turbins are disappointed in the old and understand that there is no return to it.
The turning point for the Turbins and other heroes of the novel is December 14, 1918, the battle with the Petliura troops, which was supposed to be a test of strength before subsequent battles with the Red Army, but turned into a defeat, a rout. It seems to me that the description of this day of battle is the heart of the novel, its central part.
In this catastrophe, the “white” movement and such heroes of the novel as Itman, Petliura and Talberg are revealed to the participants in the events in their true light - with humanity and betrayal, with cowardice and meanness of the “generals” and “staff”. A hunch flashes that everything is a chain of mistakes and delusions, that the duty is not to protect the collapsed monarchy and the traitor hetman, and honor is in something else. Tsarist Russia is dying, but Russia is alive...
On the day of the battle, a decision arises on the surrender of the White Guard. Colonel Malyshev learns in time about the flight of the hetman and manages to withdraw his division without loss. But this act was not easy for him - perhaps the most decisive, most courageous act in his life. “I, a career officer who endured the war with the Germans ... I take responsibility on my conscience, everything!., everything!., I warn you! I'm sending you home! It's clear? ”
Colonel Nai-Turs will have to make this decision several hours later, under enemy fire, in the middle of a fateful day: “Guys! Guys!.. Staff stegs!..” Last words, which the colonel uttered in his life, were addressed to Nikolka: “Unteg-tseg, please be a hero to the cheg-ty ...” But he, it seems, did not draw any conclusions. At night after the death of Nai, Nikolka hides - in case of Petliura searches - the revolvers of Nai-Turs and Alexei, shoulder straps, a chevron and a card of Alexei's heir.
But the day of the battle and the following month and a half of Petliura's domination, I believe, is too short a time for the recent hatred of the Bolsheviks, "hot and direct hatred, that which can move into a fight," turned into recognition of opponents. But this event made such recognition possible in the future.
Bulgakov devotes much attention to clarifying Thalberg's position. This is the antipode of the Turbins. He is a careerist and opportunist, a coward, a man devoid of moral principles and moral principles. It costs nothing for him to change his beliefs, as long as it is beneficial for his career. IN February Revolution he was the first to put on a red bow, took part in the arrest of General Petrov. But events quickly flickered, the authorities often changed in the city. And Thalberg did not have time to understand them. The position of the hetman, supported by German bayonets, seemed to him so solid, but even this, yesterday so unshakable, today fell apart like dust. And now he needs to run, to save himself, and he leaves his wife Elena, for whom he has tenderness, leaves the service and the hetman, whom he recently worshiped. He leaves his home, his family, his hearth, and in fear of danger he runs into the unknown...
All the heroes of the "White Guard" have withstood the test of time and suffering. Only Thalberg, in pursuit of success and fame, lost the most valuable thing in life - friends, love, and his homeland. Turbines were able to save their home, save life values, and most importantly - honor, managed to resist the whirlpool of events that swept Russia. This family, following Bulgakov's thought, is the embodiment of the color of the Russian intelligentsia, that generation of young people who are trying to honestly understand what is happening. This is the guard that made its choice and stayed with its people, found its place in new Russia.
The novel by M. Bulgakov “The White Guard” is a book of path and choice, a book of insight. But the main idea author's, I think, in the following words of the novel: “Everything will pass. Suffering, torment, blood, hunger and pestilence. The sword will disappear, but the stars will remain, when the shadow of our deeds and bodies will not remain on earth. There is not a single person who does not know this. So why don't we want to turn our eyes to them? Why? "And the whole novel is the author's call for peace, justice, truth on earth.

Other writings on this work

“Every noble person is deeply aware of his blood ties with the fatherland” (V. G. Belinsky) (based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov “The White Guard”) "Life is given for good deeds" (based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard") "Family Thought" in Russian literature based on the novel "White Guard" “Man is a Particle of History” (based on the novel by M. Bulgakov “The White Guard”) Analysis of the 1st chapter of the 1st part of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" Analysis of the episode "Scene in the Alexander Gymnasium" (based on the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard") Talberg's flight (analysis of an episode from chapter 2 of part 1 of M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard"). Fight or Surrender: The Theme of Intelligentsia and Revolution in M.A. Bulgakov (the novel "The White Guard" and the plays "Days of the Turbins" and "Running") The death of Nai-Turs and the salvation of Nikolai (analysis of an episode from chapter 11 of part 2 of M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard") The Civil War in the novels by A. Fadeev "Rout" and M. Bulgakov "The White Guard" The House of the Turbins as a reflection of the Turbin family in M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard" Tasks and Dreams of M. Bulgakov in the novel "The White Guard" Ideological and artistic originality of Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard" The image of the white movement in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" The image of the civil war in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" "Imaginary" and "real" intelligentsia in M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard" The intelligentsia and the revolution in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The White Guard" History in the image of M. A. Bulgakov (on the example of the novel "The White Guard"). The history of the creation of Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard" How does the white movement appear in M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard"? The beginning of the novel by M. A. 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  • Honor- respectable and proud moral qualities of a person; its respective principles. (By " explanatory dictionary» S.I. Ozhegova)
  • “The inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience”, “conditional, secular, worldly nobility” (According to V.I. Dahl).
  • Honor is a good, spotless reputation, an honest name. A man of honor will not allow a good opinion, the name of a family, company, his own to be tarnished, he will not humiliate himself with lies, flattery,
  • Honor is honor, respect. We pay tribute to the people who endured difficult situations, showed miracles of courage and heroism, defending the people, the country, specific people in some difficult situation.
  • Soldiers and officers salute - this is a symbol of their loyalty to the Motherland, the people.
  • Honor is decency, honesty, conscientiousness. This is a moral quality that allows you to highly appreciate a person for his actions, attitude towards people, country.
  • A man of honor acts nobly in any situation, with dignity, beautifully, without humiliating himself with slander, foul language, insult. He always opposes evil, aggression, is ready to protect the weak, everyone who needs help.
  • A man of honor will not go past injustice, the humiliation of one person by another.
  • It is human nature to have their own principles, ideals. The man of honor is always faithful to them. Of course, in this case we are talking about high moral principles.
  • Honor is that moral basis, the core that keeps a person from betrayal, deceit, meanness.
  • Honor, conscience, nobility, fidelity, decency - they coexist in a person, complementing the moral character of the individual.

Thus, to be a man of honor means to live according to the laws of morality, fulfilling moral, professional and simply human duty.


  • Dishonor- desecration of honor, dignity; insult, disgrace; lack of honor, disgraceful behavior
  • Disgraceful - one in whom there is no honor, dignity, nobility - worthy of respect moral character, principles.
  • A dishonest person is capable of the most heinous deeds. - from lies, hypocrisy, meanness to betrayal. Such people put themselves in the first place, they are egoists who think about their well-being, for the sake of which they are ready to sacrifice other people, dishonoring them.
  • People without honor and conscience have always been despised by the people. One of the worst immoral qualities is dishonor.
  • It is very difficult to return an honest name, even just a little stumble. Therefore, it is no coincidence that there is a proverb among the people: "Take care of honor from an early age."

Pay attention to how much you can write and talk about honor, and how stingy words about dishonor. One definition is enough - “dishonor is the lack of honor, conscience” to understand how low people who are characterized by this quality are.

We must strive to be better, to improve ourselves. May the word "disgrace" never be uttered against you!

Material prepared: Melnikova Vera Alexandrovna

Vadim Matveev

"White Guard" Bulgakov. Essay.

Bulgakov's novel is filled with historical events from beginning to end. 1918 Ukraine declared independence by proclaiming a hetman, in connection with which nationalist sentiments intensified, and ordinary Ukrainians immediately "forgot how to speak Russian, and the hetman forbade the formation of a voluntary army of Russian officers." Petliura played on the muzhik instincts of property and independence and went to war against Kyiv.

The Russian officers turned out to be betrayed by the High Command of Russia, who swore allegiance to the emperor. Absolutely flocks to the City different people who fled from the Bolsheviks, and brings chaos to it. And the drama unfolds in this city. The bloody tragedy turned people's ideas about morality, honor, dignity, justice. Each of the warring parties proved their understanding of the truth. For many people, choosing a goal has become a vital necessity. The leading theme of this work was the fate of the intelligentsia in the context of the civil war and the surrounding chaos.

The Turbin family is a representative of the Russian intelligentsia, which is connected with monarchist Russia by many threads. The Turbin family is a military family, where the elder brother Alexei is a colonel, the younger Nikolai is a cadet, and sister Elena is married to Colonel Talberg. Turbines are people of honor. They despise lies, self-interest. For them, it is true that “not a single person should break a word of honor, because otherwise it will be impossible to live in the world.” So spoke the sixteen-year-old Junker Nikolai Turbin. And for people with such beliefs, it was most difficult to enter into a time of deceit and dishonor. Turbines are forced to decide: how to live, with whom to go, whom and what to protect. Turbines and part of the intelligentsia take upon themselves the most cruel blows of the revolution, it is they who "will have to suffer and die."

Much attention in the novel is given to the ethical component of all actions. Why did Aleksey and Nikolka Turbins, Nai-Turs, Myshlaevsky, Karas, Shervinsky and other White Guards, cadets, officers, knowing that all their actions would lead to nothing, went to defend Kiev from Petlyura’s troops, which outnumbered them by several times? They were forced to do this by an officer's honor. And honor, according to Bulgakov, is something without which it would be impossible to live on earth. Myshlaevsky with forty officers and cadets, in light overcoats and boots, protected the city in the cold. The question of honor and duty is connected with the problem of betrayal and cowardice. At the most critical moments of the position of the whites in Kyiv, these terrible vices manifested themselves in many military men who were at the head of the white army. Bulgakov calls them "staff bastards." This is the hetman of Ukraine, and those numerous military men who, at the first danger, withdrew from the city, among whom was Talberg. This is the antipode of the Turbins. He is a careerist and opportunist, a coward, a person devoid of moral foundations and moral principles. It doesn't cost him anything to change his beliefs, as long as it is beneficial for his career. In the February Revolution, he was the first to put on a red bow, took part in the arrest of General Petrov. But events quickly flickered, the authorities changed frequently in the city. And Thalberg did not have time to understand them. It seemed to him that the position of the hetman, supported by German bayonets, was solid, but even this, such an unshakable vow, today fell apart like dust.

All the heroes of the White Guard have stood the test of time and suffering. Only Talberg, in pursuit of success and fame, lost the most valuable thing in the life of friends, love, and the Motherland. Turbines, on the other hand, were able to save their home, save life values, and most importantly, they managed to withstand the whirlpool of events that swept Russia. This family, following Bulgakov's thought, is the embodiment of the color of the Russian intelligentsia, that generation of young people who are trying to honestly understand what is happening. This is the guard that made its choice and stayed with its people, found its place in the new Russia. Roman M. Bulgakov"White Guard" - the book of path and choice, the book of insight. And the whole novel is the author's call for peace, justice, truth on earth.

The key problem of the novel will be the attitude of the characters towards Russia. Bulgakov justifies those who were part of a single nation and fought for the ideals of officer honor, opposed the destruction of the Fatherland. He makes it clear to the reader that in a fratricidal war there are no right and wrong, everyone is responsible for the blood of a brother. The writer united by the concept of "White Guard" those who defended the honor of a Russian officer and man, and changed our ideas about those who, until recently, were evilly and derogatoryly called "White Guards", "Counter".

Bulgakov wrote not historical novel, and the socio-psychological canvas with access to philosophical problems: what is the Fatherland, God, man, life, feat, goodness, truth. All - white and red - are brothers, and in the war everyone was to blame for each other.

I think that it is not external events that convey the course of the revolution and the Civil War, not a change of power, but moral conflicts and contradictions that drive the plot"White Guard" . Historical events are the background against which human destinies are revealed. Bulgakov is interested in the inner world of a person who has fallen into such a cycle of events when it is difficult to keep one's face, when it is difficult to remain oneself. If at the beginning of the novel the characters try to shrug off politics, then by the course of events they are drawn into the very thick of revolutionary clashes. Alexei Turbin, like his friends, is for the monarchy. Everything new that enters their life brings, it seems to him, only bad things. Completely politically undeveloped, he wanted only one peace, the opportunity to live joyfully near his mother, beloved brother and sister. And only at the end of the novel, the Turbins are disappointed in the old and understand that there is no return to it.

The formidable elements of the revolution do not spare either the convinced Bolshevik leader or the doubting intellectual. It brings blood, grief and death. Violence breeds more violence and bitterness of people.

It is worth saying that Bulgakov considered the ongoing events from a universal point of view, although his heroes are not at all shy of politics. Here are the defenders of the monarchy, participants white movement, and Petliurists, and anarchists, and communists. But, despite what ideas they profess, who seized power in the city, blood is still shed, people are dying, depreciating human life. The time has come when it was necessary to determine one's life and civic position.

Thus, one can safely outline political positions heroes of the novel. The political expediency of actions is explained, first of all, by their ethical ideals. Turbines love their home, monarchy and tsarist Russia. They cannot imagine how to live without it. This motivates them to take actions that can somehow affect the political situation. Life in a series of constant political upheavals makes the family and their friends look differently at their inner moral and ethical values.

An indicative moment occurs when Aleksey and Nikolka Turbines argue with Elena about "debt". "I have to" - constantly sounds from the lips of men. But what should? To whom should? Few people understand this. Elena tries to convince them that no one owes anything at such times. Except, to yourself. It is duty to oneself that drives the "white guard" in these times.

The "White Guard" describes the main sociocultural features era. A bright line traces the themes of the romanticization of the white movement, general anger and hatred, a tormenting state of uncertainty and the question of an unknown future. The political process begins to be influenced by the masses, which are led by an ideology or a popular idea. Someone sincerely believes in a bright future, and decisively acts for the sake of home country, someone manages to find their personal benefit in this chaos. There are so many political actors that power becomes like a toy that everyone wants to play with. Here are the Germans, and Petlyura, and whites, and reds. Everyone is ready for the most terrible measures to seize or hold on to power. Moral issues in such a situation go by the wayside. But still, the Turbin family is trying to preserve their spiritual values, but at the same time I don’t understand how it is worth living right. After all, moral standards change every day. Every day someone imposes their values ​​that are alien to others. It imposes by force. It is in the era of national upheaval that the most important and most painful question arises for ordinary person to prefer the personal-moral or give in to the public political?!


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