Is it worth striving for the image of a "Vedic woman"? Sociocultural features of ancient India. The specificity of the Vedic image of philosophical thought


Once upon a time it was fashionable to be a dude, once a hippie, once a punk. Until recently, there was a fashion for socialites and very vulgar clothes. And now it is fashionable to be a "Vedic woman." good fashion, right? Much better than all the others. But there are difficulties. People rush into the pool with their heads, do not turn on the mind, become fanatics. Therefore, instead of good and necessary things, they often get hit on the head. Like, I put on a skirt, waited for flowers, and my husband not only did not give flowers, but also sent potatoes to dig. Or something like that. This can create a negative reputation for knowledge, scare other people away. But the main thing is that it can harm the practitioners themselves, and turn them away from the Vedas.

In this regard, criticism of the Vedas, Vedic lecturers, has increased. And the number of articles on the topic “turn on your head, use not everything” has increased. I write like this on a regular basis. These are good and correct articles and conclusions. But even here it is possible to bend - in reverse side. Like, do as you want, live as you like.

Vedic standards

But one question remains for me. The Vedas have standards. They are high and in our time sometimes seem unattainable. Cleanliness standards, relationship standards, duties. What happens when we lower some important standards, that is, we say that it’s normal in our hard time? From good goals, so that people can cope and receive at least some benefit? Is it always for the benefit of the people themselves?

For example, divorces. There is no such concept in the Vedas, because family is forever. But a lot of people don't like it. Many people get divorced not because they are unbearable together, but because it is boring and difficult. Because you need to listen to another, hear, respect. And you want to get only what you like, but quickly. As they say, the husband expects clean shirts, dinner from his wife, and he himself hopes to have a lot of free time. The wife is waiting for flowers, admiration, outfits and does not want to get bogged down in everyday life. How to solve such a problem?

Or segregation of duties. Someone says - well, it's okay, work hard until you pay the mortgage. And in a way he's right. Refusing abruptly from everything is still a betrayal in relation to her husband. And to work hard is a betrayal of yourself and your nature. Which exit? Gradually stop this mode. Quit a little, move to another place, inspiring her husband. But if we say that it is normal for a woman to work, continue to work full time as before - are we committing a betrayal?

Or women's clothing. Girls are switching to skirts - and many stop there. Their skirts are too short to store any energy. They are too short to leave the mind of men calm. And we say - already in a skirt, already good. Is it correct? Is it right to encourage the wearing of trousers? Who will benefit from this if we say you have to wear skirts, but you wear both jeans and minis - is that also good?

And I come to the conclusion that the Vedas do not need serious adaptation, even in our industrial age. Cleanliness standards are cleanliness standards. And the slightest ingress of dirt can spoil all the drinking water in the river.

It is easy to speculate on this topic, take it out of context and interpret it in your own way. But who will benefit from this? Nobody. Because knowledge should remain knowledge, and not speculation, which everyone likes, which is pleasant to everyone. Then it bears fruit, results.

Following standards is a lot of work

Yes, standards are hard to follow. Very hard. But this is the work that is rewarded. There is not a single woman in the Scriptures who wears pants. In general, women have been wearing pants for about a hundred years, nothing more. And the most interesting, where did these women's trousers begin?

“I came up with trousers out of shame, because I thought that only those who want to show their nakedness can afford to walk around in a swimsuit on the beach. Yes, I think that when you are swimming, even if you stay on the beach, it is very easy to pull on your pants. Pants work well for this.”

“Pants look cute on the beach, but to make fashion out of trousers ... However, 70% of women go to dinner in trousers, and this is very sad.”

Coco Chanel

Then why are we doing this? There are no examples of divorces, abortions, office workers, childfree, feminists in the Scriptures. Nothing. There is also no woman with a boy's haircut who "rejuvenates" them. Nor are those who lead their husbands. A lot of things are not there from what we have. And now what? The standards are so high, it's so hard and unreal...

It's hard to obey your husband - oh, how hard! I know in my own skin. But if the husband is not fallen - that is, he does not take everything out of your house to sell for a bottle, does not beat you, does not kill people - then you must obey. Necessary. For your own good. At first it will be very difficult.

It is hard to be at home with small children without taking them to the garden. Hard. They need to be occupied, fed, and constantly helped. Endure the mess, mess on the walls, the routine of affairs. It is not so easy to do your own business - they will always be pulled out of context. But until the age of five, it is necessary to raise a child at home. For you and for the child. And for this you need to make a lot of efforts - and learn to ask for help, and reconsider your attitude to work.

It's hard for a woman not to work. IN modern age it's difficult. Because no money of your own, you will have to ask for everything. There is nothing to answer the fears that the husband will leave, and you will be left with nothing. Yes, and at work a woman is resting, and at home - constant work. And how to relax if there is no this very work? Where to get women's communication and communication in general? Where to get the variety of life and bright colors? It is difficult to go beyond the standard thinking and organize a vacation for yourself - but one that really will be a vacation. Hobbies - again at home, communication with like-minded people, self-development, creativity. It needs effort to make, try, search, think. And you don’t have to think about the office - you go and work.

It is hard to live with one husband without changing him. And then she changed her husband - and as if new life. Only the husband is not a dress and not even an apartment. Husband is forever. It is given by God, and is given for life. Again - if he is not fallen. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, if the husband himself left - from life or to another. Or the husband is an alcoholic (although even in this case, everything can be changed, and there are many examples of this). But if the husband is good and normal person, are you bored?

I am convinced that if a woman wants, she will be able to love her husband again in any situation. In any - if he is not fallen. The problem is that we don't want to do this. We do not want to make an effort, we want the feeling itself to fall on us again. And this is possible only with another man. But for a while, then again, you need to make efforts. Then why change what God has already given? It is not known whether the Lord will give someone else or leave us alone. It is not known whether the next one will be better or worse. At first it may seem that it is better, and then something will open up that you think - the devil pulled me away from a normal husband!

One of my friends really wanted to leave her husband. Neither the child nor the fact that her husband was good stopped her. That's really good - it works, everything is in the family, the daughter loves it. But she missed the butterflies in her stomach. Divorced. For a long time, dreary, he tried in every possible way to stop her. But no. Divorced. I met another - butterflies in my stomach, beauty! Got pregnant. And that's all. There are no butterflies. There is no father of the child. And the ex-husband helps, gives money, takes care of the child. "And why did you get divorced?" she wonders now that she is living with her ex-husband again and is already raising two children - “It would be possible to give birth to him too.” But no, he had to drink a pound of blood, and break his heart, and create a bunch of sores on his daughter's nerves.

For most of those who are thinking about divorce, everything can work out. But correcting those relationships that you are already in is more difficult and longer than breaking and building anew. It's just that nothing can be built again. And the next man is usually worse than the previous one. And those who should get a divorce most often don’t even think about it, they just carry their cross and that’s it. They are silent, they endure what is not worth enduring. They suffer, considering everything to be karma, even their own stupidity. Paradox.

And here's what's important.

We still cannot achieve the ideal of a Vedic woman. Only a woman living in a Vedic society could become a real Vedic woman. With all the traditions, with the right education, with a different way of life.

When she was surrounded by Vedic parents, Vedic husband, Vedic neighbors (sounds funny, but how else to explain). When she had many helpers, big family, initially other values ​​and destiny. Become Vedic you and I do not shine in this life for sure. But is it worth giving up everything else? From a cleanliness standard that can make our lives much easier and open up new horizons.

IN modern world if you are equal to the Vedic ideal and strive for it by at least fifteen percent, you already stand out a lot. You already get more, you already think differently and your life develops differently. So the ideal is still needed. Not for blind copying - but for a landmark, like a beacon in the dark. In any case, we look up to someone and follow someone. If our model is not the Vedic images of women, then who is? Singers? Actresses? Politicians? What can they teach us?

Should knowledge be easy and enjoyable?

We want to hear only pleasant things, we want to do only what is easy. But is it always right? And is it always helpful? Or is it often like a bitter medicine, which is sometimes difficult to swallow, but then recovery occurs? And if we mask this bitterness with something, will the medicine itself lose its medicinal properties?

I know those who listen to lectures selectively, and snatch out one phrase at a time. They interpret on their own, apply something as they like - and everything seems to be according to the Vedas. One girl heard that it takes three boyfriends to get married - and she did so. Only now they were not boyfriends, she met with each of them, they had a physical relationship, each considered himself her man. And then she chose one. Did she do the right thing? And is it "according to the Vedas"? And what about the Vedas? says: “Let men take care of you!”, And not “become lung woman behaviour."

Getting married in today's world is really difficult. Refrain from temptations, do not immediately jump into bed, get to know a person better, do not turn a blind eye to his shortcomings, see his direction in life .... Get to know even a good man difficult - not so many of them, these men. And to make this man still want to meet with you is also work. You need to become a girl who seems worthy to him. But it is much easier to get acquainted anywhere and get married at random. And then suffer and ask - what did I do wrong?

Or the opinion that in order to love God, religion, one does not need to choose one's path. Don't you think it's strange that if you love someone, you love specific image, specific Vasya? You know what he looks like, Vasya in this image you dream about, appears in your photo album. Does God remain incomprehensible with many faces, none of which attracts you? Then where is the love? What is she in? To develop relationships and love, you need to understand who to love. See his qualities, admire them, be inspired. And how will you know all this if you don’t read the Scriptures, don’t communicate with those who already love God?

Or relationships with the older generation. It's hard to respect your parents. Both hers and her husband's. It is not yet known who is heavier. And there, and there are such tangles of emotions, feelings, experiences. How can you communicate with them without the desire to run away or scream? In today's world, our parents - like us - are not perfect. And they act weird. When I talk in Asia about the relationship young people have with their parents, many are surprised. Because no one keeps children there by force, no one tries to live a couple more lives at their expense. On the contrary, they will joyfully drive their daughter out of the house into a new happy life. And they have more children, and the mentality is different. It is easier to respect such parents. But everyone is given lessons according to their strength. If you have given such parents, then you can learn to respect such parents.

Or being separated from your husband. I haven’t learned to serve yet, but already there. Pulls away. I didn’t give flowers - I’ll go to my mother. If you don't do as I say, I'll go to my mother. At the same time, in good days the husband has neither a hot supper nor an affectionate wife, but only a little blackmailer with good tool ready. Just try not to do what I want, I will immediately step back! And men are sometimes glad that this blackmail will end at least for a few days. And they are not in a hurry to bring the missus back. For what? So that she again demanded something, sawed? No joy from her. Suspension works when you are a ray of light for your husband dark kingdom. When next to you he feels better than anywhere and never. And if he suddenly offends you, it becomes so dark and difficult for him that he immediately realizes his mistake. That is the power of detachment.

Did the saints lower the standards of human qualities? No. They tried to give knowledge by simplifying the language. There was much more to the concept of "Thou shalt not kill" than we see at first sight. The Ten Commandments is already a very serious standard that not everyone can afford. Not to desire not only the neighbor's wife, but also his houses and cars. Do not steal not only directly, but also indirectly, for example, do not steal people's faith in God. Do not create for yourself an idol, not only outside, but stop considering yourself God. Consider how deep and serious the standards of the Bible really are.

The Buddha who came to teach people "atheism" actually brought people the message that they could follow at that time - non-violence. Not harming anyone. Even if you consider yourself an atheist while doing so, you will live much according to Vedic principles.

The same is true in the Qur'an and other scriptures. Standards are everywhere. Serious enough, if you think about it. Strong framework to feel free and protected inside. Just what women need. And not only women.

We deviate step by step

At the same time, I know many women who consider themselves Muslims, without a headscarf. Just like I see Christian women in jeans. And just like the Vaishnavas who went through the "vivaha-yajna" - the Vedic wedding ceremony. This is the choice of each person, but it is also a departure from the standards. Deviation that prevents us from living the way we would like. Which can become a serious obstacle and test.

Today we allow ourselves to look like a man, although God created us as a woman. This is nonsense. Or we allow ourselves to be too open and revealing clothes, although inside there is a feeling that this will not lead to good. Or we start arguing with her husband - a little and on a very important issue.

But behind each assumption usually goes next. Tomorrow we allow ourselves to flirt with other men when we are married. It's harmless, just laugh. The day after tomorrow we admit the thought that my husband may not be the best. So what is next? Treason? Divorce?

If we start such deviations, there will be no end to it. Each time we will try again and again to go even further, to deviate even more. And where do we go then?

And who is to blame that we did not get what we were striving for? If we allow ourselves more each time, even if these allowances end up hurting ourselves the most. After all, in fact, we ourselves need to follow the standards, purify ourselves, learn to control our mind and feelings, study the Scriptures, understand the meaning of all these standards.

It may happen that we will not be able to follow the standards according to the will of the Almighty. Sometimes the husband leaves and the wife can't do anything about it. She is getting divorced, although this was not part of her plans. This is a forced deviation, where you do not make the decision (and you are not responsible for it). Here we only have to develop acceptance and humility - finding inspiration for this in the Holy Books. Are there few women and men with difficult fate and such strength tests? But why did they get into the Scriptures? Because they were able to pass such a test and not succumb to the temptation to live anyhow all the time.

There are many options for solving any problem. And even within following the Scriptures, there is a choice. The freedom to make a decision is always yours.

If the Lord does not give children, but everywhere it is written that children are needed, what should we do? You can either adopt a child, or devote your life to serving people. Although you can choose to fight for your own pregnancy.

If a woman divorced against her will, what can she do? Remarry, considering the mistakes of a previous marriage, or dedicate your life to service. There is another option to “return the husband”, but this is far from always the right and benevolent option. I know a woman who has been waiting like this for fifteen years, and ex-husband for a long time new family. Exhausts both himself and him with his expectation. Tormented the children. But he considers it a real feat.

If a woman has to wear pants for work, then what to do? Change jobs or at least wear the rest of the time women's clothing. And putting on pants, continue to behave like a woman, without slipping into a man's.

If the husband drinks and beats, what should I do? Live some time apart, think. At the same time - it is possible - to continue to feed him with consecrated food. Ask your spiritual guide, who knows both of you personally, about this. Pray for him. And so on.

You don't have to be perfect all at once and today

When Srila Prabhupada, an Indian saint and great Guru, came to the States with Vedic knowledge, he was greeted by hippies. They drank and took drugs. They also became his first students. What is generally unthinkable for the Vedic society - not only are they not scientists at all, they are also “fallen”.

And it was very risky for an elderly Hindu to tell them that drugs are evil, that it is not worth drinking, that you need to pray to God. He could have lowered the standard of regulative principles by at least not touching extramarital sex. And there are four principles - do not eat meat-fish-eggs, do not play gambling, do not take intoxicants and do not engage in illicit sex (that is, sex outside of marriage). But he didn't. Why? Because what else is the point of spiritual practice?

At the same time, he did not demand that they give up everything today - meat, alcohol, and casual relationships. No. He spoke to them of the high standard of cleanliness and urged them to strive for it. And also gave them new taste happiness. The taste of consecrated food, the chanting of the names of God, fellowship with believers, the taste Holy Scriptures. This taste was so attractive that over time they stopped drinking, taking drugs. They began to pray in the morning. Those hippies who didn't believe in anything. Then these former hippies began to preach, many of them are now on a very high spiritual level.

Srila Prabhupada proved that knowledge should be transmitted in its pure form, without distortion. Like a standard to strive for. But you need to strive for it gradually. Step by step. Without changing everything at once, so as not to cause a protest in the body. And little by little.

First skirts, then regimen, then vegetarianism, then quitting work. Or in any other order that is comfortable for you.

Still, standards are needed in our life. The length of skirts, the closeness of clothes, the length of hair, social relations. We women need hard boundaries, within which there will be freedom. After all, no one protects us from birth and does not create such a framework. Do whatever you want. But when everything is possible, then how to understand what is actually right, what will bring me good, and which of all this is mine?

Having such a framework, you can save a lot of effort on the pangs of choice and conscience. And besides, it is clear in which direction to develop. After all, if everything is good and correct, then where is it better and more correct? How to understand it?

For this, the Scriptures exist, so that we have these standards before our eyes, like beacons, as a guide. Standards are not simple, but they don't have to be simple either. They must lead us to the Light, and this is not so easy. They must inspire. And every time when we again give up, they say, the husband is not like that, life is not like that, we can remember the lives of holy people. And to understand that they had much more tests to share, but they did not give up, and still followed the standards. It was also difficult for them, more difficult than for us.

Then what is the problem with us? After all, instead of whining about how difficult it is, you can just start practicing as much as you can. And even if we succeed at least by five to ten percent, this is already a breakthrough for our time.

Vedic lifestyle. Many describe it, teach it, make assumptions.


My request: I want to take a closer look at my first life.

Great relaxation. Confident soft voice. I just follow him.

A young girl 17-18 years old, a meadow, a forest in the distance, I walk along the path and collect herbs, put them in a wicker basket, bare feet I feel the warm earth, a blade of grass in my mouth, I sing something. I'm wearing a long homespun nettle dress with embroidery. Very light, almost weightless fabric.

In the distance there is a village, log cabins, mostly small, each with its own plot of land, forest, garden. Arriving home, I hang some of the herbs under a canopy on the veranda to dry, and I take some to my grandmother. She kneads the dough, flavors it with a kind word, singing, saying. Her outfit is beautiful: long wide skirt, blouse with wide sleeves, intricate embroidery patterns.

Fast forward to my childhood, I am 1.5-2 years old. I am sitting in the tall grass, looking at the blades of grass, insects, I hear my father's voice. My dad is a teacher, I crawl to him to listen to what he is talking about. He asks the question: Why is the grass green? Each of the students, and these are mostly boys, gives his own explanation and consideration on this issue.

This is how my childhood passes, I run after my dad with a ponytail to all his lessons, help my grandmother around the house, sometimes I embroider. More often for myself or something for dad.

Other teachers also come to our village, I go to all the lessons, everything is interesting to me.

I am about 13-14 years old. My girlfriend and I go to our woods, I enthusiastically tell something, then I show my hand, open my fist, and a bird flies out of my palm, we follow it with our eyes.

A bunny, a chipmunk jumps up to us, we feed the animals, play with them, caress, here is a fox and a bear with cubs. They are like home, many have grown before our eyes.

When I got older, I started teaching myself. First, with very little ones, we communicate with animals, learn about the world. Then with older children, I teach the science of imagery. I learn to create living images.

I am getting married at 21. We have our own home, our own land. My husband is a woodworker, we have 2 children: a daughter and a little son.

Complete harmony and love in all its manifestations.

When I'm 26, we all die.

Andrei asks me to find the moment of death and see what happened. I go there, and then Andrei and I lose the sound, I get lost in silence. Realizing that somewhere there is a failure, Andrey calls me back.

Looking for the moment of death. Unclear. It feels like we died instantly, all at the same time. As if some kind of blackness covered us .. Everything .. Where is the soul? No. Silence. There is nothing. The souls remained in the bodies. They seemed to be stunned. A lot of time passes. Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands years? Don't know. I'm coming up. Everywhere water. Who am I? Where I am? What's happened? Other souls also appear above the water in the same confusion.

We don't remember anything. Nobody. Gradually comes the realization that a catastrophe of a huge scale has occurred. I'm going up. I find my grandfather and father. The first words: “They did not save. We couldn't prevent it." Memory returns, but not to everyone and not all.

Yes, we knew that if humanity did not turn off that path, catastrophes would not be avoided. We tried everything we could to stop her, so my mother died when I was still very young. She just burned out in the flow of Evil energy. She did not calculate her strength, calling on herself all the Evil from the earth, she herself burned down, only a scorched circle remained on the earth. Nothing grew there at all.

Grandpa, dad and I became teachers. Everyone chose his own path, but our strength was not enough, we did not take into account something. Now, after the catastrophe, in the world of souls we tried to restore the overall picture from what we remembered, each soul made its contribution. There were also those who did not remember anything at all. Others were afraid to remember. Someone ran to Earth into incarnation without realizing it, hoping to find an answer there.

I and souls similar to me in spirit, we did not incarnate for a long time, we thought about it, remembered what we could, put together a puzzle. Looking for an error.

We are still looking for her. Each in their own way. We realized that we need to live, in each incarnation to try to do everything possible and depending on us to the maximum.
I take a long time choosing my next incarnation. It will be Ancient Greece.
But that's a completely different story...
Andrew asks if there is anything else I want to know?
Yes. Where is my mother's soul? My first mother? Looking for. She could no longer incarnate, she has no strength, she is too small and weak. I will look for a way to restore it.

Is there anything else I want to see? No, that's enough for now.

Copying materials strictly with the indication of the magazine Reincarnation.

Based on Ukrainian folk tales, then in Ukraine Baba Yaga did not seem to exist. There is no such character in fairy tales, all otherworldly evil spirits are limited to devils and witches. But, if you dig a little deeper into history, then Ukraine itself - an extremely young state - only in 1919 the lands of fragmented southwestern Rus', or otherwise - Little Russia, were united, and Ukraine (outskirts) until that time was called any border regions of Rus', in including and the lands of Siberia. Great Rus', as you know, came out of Rus' Kievskaya, and therefore the roots of Russian fairy tales, it would be logical to look for it here. Yes, but it was not possible to preserve such archaic legends in these lands, because after the collapse Kievan Rus who just did not own this territory. Yes, I will not delve into the history of Ukraine - this is a completely different topic. I just wanted to show why I consider the heroes of the Russian fairy tale to be the same Ukrainian ones, despite the fact that they have not been preserved in folklore. Therefore, I will begin the review of Vedic fairy-tale images with such, perhaps, the most colorful character as Baba Yaga.

We all know from childhood the image of an old, shaggy witch with a long hooked and warty nose and bone leg. Baba Yaga is the most mysterious and most attractive character in Russian fairy tales... Surprisingly, the evil sorceress, the devourer of small children, upon closer acquaintance, turns out to be not quite the same as it seems at first glance. For our distant ancestors, Baba Yaga performed a very important function - she was the guardian of the border between the world of the living and world of the dead. But in order to understand its role, it is not enough to confine oneself to reading only one fairy tale. This can be done only by neatly summing up the individual episodes, most fully described in different fairy tales and legends, and comparing them with the knowledge of the customs and rituals of the ancient Slavs - our ancestors. Let us take a closer look at this strange old woman, sometimes evil, sometimes kind, but without whom a person, if he is in trouble, cannot do.

“A fairy tale is a lie ...” Is it so ..? Our ancestors took fairy tales much more seriously. Yes, and this word itself came into literary use not so long ago, and before that, stories about miracles were called "tales-baeks", and the storytellers were called "bahari" - from the word "bayat", that is, to speak. There was no talk of any "fairytale fiction", everything was taken seriously. In ancient times, the human world was divided into two absolutely equal parts - good world, a reality where a person lived peacefully, loved and raised children. And there was an evil, distant, otherworldly, but also absolutely real world that exists somewhere not here, somewhere far away..

The road to the Thirtieth Kingdom was difficult and full of dangers, and it was known that the entrance to the mysterious world was located somewhere on the border of earth and sky, in dense impenetrable forest where no human foot has yet set foot. This is how Baba Yaga appeared in fairy tales, living exactly in the middle between the worlds and knowing the way to the unknown. Whom to ask the way to an unknown country, who to learn the truth about what happened to you? She only has..

She lives in the heart of the dense forest. This forest in fairy tales is a completely different world, different from the world of the living. Sometimes the border between them is emphasized by a river, and not a simple one, but a fiery one. You can cross it only along the Kalinov Bridge. This bridge also got into Russian fairy tales not by chance. He, according to ancient beliefs, divided the real world - reality and unreal - nav. Well, viburnum berries can be stored for a long time under the snow. Therefore, the viburnum bush, as it were, connected the annual cycles of the life of nature: spring, summer, autumn and its temporary death - winter. A Kalinovy ​​bridge connected the world of life and death.

"Reversing the years of the year ..". There are such words in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".
A. Andreev, a researcher of Russian culture, deciphers this phrase in this way: "Time is understood in folk culture as a kind of current, the current of life. And when times turn to nothing whole nation finds himself in the wrong side, behind the mirror world, where everything is wrong, everything is vice versa, everything is against the rules. A people caught in a draw is lost and may die, since the draw is turned inside out. It turns out that his entire culture and value system, which he created for thousands of years, is turned inside out.

These times in the Slavic tradition are called the night of Svarog - then all the foundations collapse and "falling Div to the ground" (Div was the personification of heaven among the Slavs). Thus, the phrase about a draw means that something is happening that is regarded by the author of the Lay as a global catastrophe. Everything that made up the meaning of people's lives was forgotten, lost, turned into nothing. This is how the image of the Great Goddess was forgotten and turned into the evil witch of Russian fairy tales. But A. Andreev, for a long time who lived with the old people - the keepers of the Tradition writes: "The old man, who was my first teacher, gave me a tool for returning lost time. He said: if times turned inside out, it means that the more terrible the monster in the fairy tale, the more wonderful, the more significant this deity was in that , bygone world"

But, the appearance of deities is an invention of a later time. In ancient Vedic times, everything was much simpler and more interesting, there was no need to turn to anyone for help in mastering some kind of knowledge. From childhood, everyone had both boots - runners (the ability to quickly move from one place to another and teleport), and a tablecloth - self-assembly (food was natural, the earth was plentiful and fertile at any time of the year), and a magical guiding ball (a person received knowledge not from external sources, but through inner vision).

With the onset of a figurative period, when a person deifies everything that he encounters in his life, when he transfers magical abilities from the inner world to the outer one, priests and sorcerers appear, who, seeing what such a change of position can lead to, strive to preserve Vedic knowledge, making up fabulous images in the form of tales and legends, and these images are increasingly different from those divine beings that the fantasy of a person who is moving away from true knowledge has generated.

One of these priestesses was a beautiful young Yogini. And she had a special mission. The yogi searched for orphaned children in the villages. Eternally beautiful, loving, kind-hearted, she now appears as the Goddess - the patroness of orphans and children in general. This maiden wandered across Midgard-Earth either on foot, carried by her wonderful legs, or on a Fiery Heavenly Chariot, or on horseback, gathering homeless orphans.

In every Slavic-Aryan Vesi, even in every populous city or settlement, the Patron Goddess was recognized by her radiant kindness, tenderness, meekness, love and her elegant boots, decorated with gold patterns, and they showed Her where orphans live.

Ordinary people called the Goddess in different ways, but always with tenderness. Who is the Yoga Golden Foot, and who is quite simply - the Yogini-Mother. Yoginya delivered orphans to her foothill Skete, which was located in the very thicket of the forest, at the foot of the Iri mountains (Altai ... or maybe the Himalayas?). She did this in order to save the last representatives of the most ancient Slavic and Aryan Clans from inevitable death. Subsequently, Priests and Priestesses were raised from them, and when they became adults, young men and women created families and continued their race.

In the occult period, the pagan faith becomes more and more gloomy, the whole world turns over, the images of beautiful gods and goddesses become evil and insidious. To those who are trying to blame Christianity for all the troubles, I will say this: there would be no Christianity here if there were no prerequisites for it. Paganism turned into a ritual culture, and knowledge by that time, the very inner knowledge that every child had in ancient times, was lost. Now the image of a beautiful young Goddess has been replaced by the Image of an old, evil and hunchbacked old woman with matted hair, who steals children, roasts them in an oven in a forest hut, and then eats them. Even the Name of the Yogini-Mother was distorted and they began to frighten all the children with the Goddess.

In pagan times, the science of yoga becomes yoga, and all the priestesses who own these higher knowledge called Yagami. This is rightfully the pivilegiya of women, even in modern yoga it is believed that female teachers are 7 times stronger than male teachers. I can’t say where such discrimination comes from in yoga, especially since in other matters there is absolute equality. But in the matter of transferring knowledge, women are stronger. Therefore, it was Baba Yaga, and not Kashchei the Immortal, for example, who was assigned great mission to educate and educate orphaned children in secret knowledge.

She perfectly owns the entire arsenal of priestly magic, and her favorite tool for sorcery is the mantra. No one knows what words she utters, but with their help she can turn into any animal or bird, become a young girl or an old old woman.

She is a caring coastline that lives on the edge of two worlds - awake and navi. Although, in the fairy tale, her dwelling is presented in the form of a hut on chicken legs, this is most likely the spiritual mission of the priestess - to be the guardian of two worlds. At the same time, in Hard time she can help everyone: from Ivan - Tsarevich to Ivanushka - the fool, But in order to achieve her favor, you need to pass tests: then her herd needs to fall out, then feed the pigs. Women in fairy tales rarely get to Baba Yaga, and only very specific women. These are either beauties, or princesses, or needlewomen. In the language of science, according to the ideas of our ancestors, only those women who can become leaders in society - the wives of princes or who themselves claim the role of ruler - get to her. It is understandable, because skills simple girls any of her relatives could have checked. But if a woman claimed more, she was examined by the same Baba Yaga. Only the tasks changed - clean, spin, sew, cook, and so on.

It is not the fault of Baba Yaga that not everyone is given the opportunity to pass them. Secret knowledge does not benefit everyone; the one who uses them incorrectly can bring a lot of harm to people, so the priestess has to test the one who turned to her for purity of thoughts, purposefulness. So the image of an evil woman was created, around the hut of which there is a palisade of bones with skulls, and other attributes of black magic. And the fear of an uneducated person and just do wonders. But you and I can already distinguish the truth from falsehood, which means that if we carefully consider everything that is written in fairy tales, we can learn a lot from our lives. Aryan ancestors.

The Vedic way of life uses the principle of Time/Place/Circumstances. The Vedas consider physical body man, any of his activities in close connection with natural processes and cycles.

Understanding and observing the elementary regime, consistent with natural processes, normalizes all spheres of life:

  • improves health.
  • maintains vivacity, activity.
  • gives cheerfulness and a feeling of happiness.
  • brings prosperity and success in society.
  • harmonizes the attitude towards oneself and the world around.
  • stimulates spiritual development.

Supporters of Vedic life believe that for any activity of the body there is the most suitable interval of time.


According to the recommendations of the Vedas, in order to be filled with energy, it is necessary to wake up before sunrise, in summer period around 4 am. Before dawn, there is a cyclical change in life functions, this time is ideal for the transition from sleep to wakefulness.

People who start their day from 4:00 to 5:00 in the morning are filled with cheerfulness, freely cope with problems and life's troubles get a good energy potential for working in society, playing sports, etc.

Those who wake up before 6 am will also not have dangerous obstacles to their activities.

Those who get up after 8 a.m. significantly lose their tone, become dependent on stimulants in the form of coffee or strong tea. Such people may experience depression, lose the joy of life and confidence, because. it is given by the rays of the rising sun.

Late awakening (after 10.00) makes a person prone to injuries, collisions, unpleasant incidents. Sleep until the 11th day changes the psyche and character of a person, puts him under the power of the hun of ignorance, increases selfishness, inability to critically evaluate information. The Vedas say that in order to have a prosperous fate and the possibility of development, a person must start the day no later than 6 in the morning.

The human body receives the most complete rest and recuperation from sleep from 21-00 to 00-00.

If long time goes to bed after 12 at night, fatigue, irritability, negative emotional perception of the world around him will increase, everything will become colorless, an imbalance of organs and body systems will come, a decrease in immunity. A person who does not sleep at night often tries to fight sleep, suppress natural processes with the help of coffee and cigarettes, which only worsens his condition.

If necessary, an adult can sleep during the day, but not more than 20 minutes. With a longer daytime rest for the rest of the day, vivacity, energy, quickness of perception and a light head will be lost.


Vedic Aspects happy life suggest balanced diet, vegetarianism, refusal to eat meat, coffee, strong tea, artificial additives, preservatives.


Nai best time for the first meal - from 6 to 8 in the morning. During this period, a person receives a charge of vivacity, is filled with happiness, goodness, lightness. Therefore, the food should be appropriate: fruits, sweets, dairy products. Depending on the season, fruits can be fresh or dried.
Ideal for breakfast are:

  • bananas;
  • dates;
  • grape;
  • oranges;
  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • pears.

To increase the energy supply at physical activity you can use cheese, sour cream, nuts and buckwheat porridge. In the morning you can not eat bread, cereals, beans.


The force of Fire received from the Sun, which is responsible for the digestion of food, reaches its maximum at 12.00 - 13.00 hours. This time should be used for lunch. The Vedas suggest using root crops, cereals, legumes, any vegetables, melted butter and other products in reasonable combinations. It is customary to add spices to lunch dishes that enhance the digestive Fire. Milk is excluded from the daily diet.


Eating after 18:00 until 20:00 is not allowed. Dinner should consist of easily digestible foods that do not contribute to mental excitement. For this reason, cereals, beans, and foods belonging to the guna of passion (for example, tomatoes, root vegetables) are excluded.

The best products will be vegetables, milk, buckwheat porridge.

Milk, under the influence of the lunar fiery force, called ojas, is digested by a person at night. It helps to purify the subtle body, psychic channels, and is a catalyst for the cure of many diseases. Drink it in the evening, at night or early in the morning. Daily consumption of milk is not recommended.


The Vedic rules of life say that the best period for remembering something new, the logical work of the mind is in the morning: from 7.00 to 11.00. At this time, the body wakes up completely, intellectual activity is activated, the ability to analyze, plan, set and solve problems.

After lunch, a short rest (at least 15 minutes) is desirable, during which the body will direct its forces to the assimilation of food.

Then, the time until 18.00 can be used for active physical or intellectual work. Increased activity will be facilitated by the release of solar energy obtained from food.

All work and affairs must be completed before dusk. If you show activity and anxiety after the start of the influence of the moon, insomnia, late falling asleep, insufficient recovery are possible. vitality, psychic energy.

Proponents of development and harmony consider periods of life in Vedic astrology for planning events, marriage, choosing the type of activity, time and place. Even if you do not study the Vedas, the simple observance of the rules of life in unison with the rhythms of the Universe will help maintain and restore health, harmonize yourself and the world, to be lucky, filled. I wish everyone happiness!

The Vedas say that our whole life, our body, reactions, behavior, health are connected with universal processes, planetary movements, solar and lunar cycles. For each type of activity, nature has its own most favorable period of time. Compliance simple rules according to natural cycles makes a person cheerful, healthy and energetic. The Vedic texts say that Time is the most powerful, indomitable and punishing force in our material world. Those who do not obey the laws of time will inevitably suffer. Their life will not be complete.

Start of the day
According to the Vedas, a person should get up before dawn, between 4-00 and 6-00. It is said that approximately 48 minutes before sunrise, all functions in the body change to the opposite (the dominance of one hemisphere of the brain is replaced by another, the other nostril begins to breathe better, energy flows move more intensively from the other side, logic is replaced by intuition, etc.). It is interesting that quite recently this was confirmed by Japanese scientists who took all the indicators of the human body with the help of modern equipment. The Vedas say that at this moment a person should already be on his feet. Compliance with this rule gives energy for the whole day.

From 3:00 to 4:00- the best time for spiritual practice (prayer, meditation, reading mantras), but the implementation of such a practice requires preparation and following a certain lifestyle, otherwise serious health problems may develop.

During sleep, the body is filled with psychic energy (odjes). This filling takes place from 21-00 to 4-00 under the influence of the power of the moon. Therefore, working at night is considered an extremely unfavorable type of occupation.

Man getting up from 4:00 to 5:00, has more cheerfulness, easily overcomes difficulties in life, has the potential of a leader and is able to achieve great material success. Such people most often have a feeling of Happiness during the day.

The one who gets up from 5:00 to 6:00, will also achieve some success, but not so outstanding. serious problems it won't happen in real life either.

About who gets up from 6:00 to 7:00, they say: his train has left. An example is given here: a rooster crows at 3-00, at 4-00, at 5-00, and the fourth crowing is not considered - it's just a farewell "bye" for those who are late. resounding after 6-00.? Those who rise from 6 to 7 in the morning, lose the opportunity to be cheerful, often have a reduced tone, tend to be late.

People getting up from 8-00 to 9-00, are predisposed to chronic diseases, have a reduced or greatly increased tone, nausea, coffee addiction, mental weakness, depression, lack of self-confidence are possible. it comes from the power of the Sun in the early hours of dawn.

Rising from 9-00 to 10-00 man has a predisposition to accidents. The Vedas say that such people often die prematurely.

He who gets up at 11:00 and later has no opportunity to escape from the influence of the hun of ignorance. Such people are very selfish and incapable of perceiving the truth. At 9-00 the deadline for getting up.

The Vedas say that in order to correct your fate and negative karma, you need to get up only before 6-00. Otherwise it is impossible.

The one who got up in the morning should take a cool shower with his head for 15 minutes (women can not wet their hair every day, use a waterproof hat). Cool shower allows you to clean subtle body mind from the influence of the mode of ignorance reigning at night. 70% of depressions are removed simply with a cold shower (before 6 in the morning).
Sleep and nutrition
Sleep is the filling of the body with psychic energy under the influence of the power of the moon. The power of the Sun makes the body spend energy, burns it. That is why the most productive period of the day in work is from 9-00 to 15-00.

According to the Vedas, the human mind rests and gains strength from 21:00 to 00:00. It is during this period that a person should fall asleep. Considering that you need to get up before 6-00, and the amount of sleep required for most is 6-7 hours, then the optimal time for bedding is 22-00.

If a person for a long period of life lies down after 00-00, he accumulates mental fatigue. First of all, fatigue of the mind affects the eyes - the colors of life fade, everything becomes gray, a person does not notice many things around. The next stage of mental fatigue - the rhythm of all organs begins to suffer (for the heart - arrhythmia), the body is unbalanced. Then the mind ceases to control the work of the organs. Nervousness and irritability, immune diseases, negativism, disrespectful attitude towards other people appear.
Often the result of staying up late is bad habits- smoking and drinking coffee. This is a consequence of constant mental stress.
If a person does not sleep from 23-00 to 1-00, his vital energy decreases.
The one who does not sleep from 1-00 to 3-00 suffers emotional strength.
During the day you can relax 10 - 15 minutes. Sleeping more than 20 minutes during the day takes a lot of energy, as a result, a heavy head and toxins in the blood.
For breakfast The ideal time is from 6:00 am to 7:00 am. Morning is a time of happiness, so you need to eat foods that are under the mode of goodness: fruits (dates, bananas, figs, cherries, plums, mangoes) are fresh in summer and dried in winter. For people with weak digestion, fruits are best always eaten dried. In the morning you can drink kefir, eat sugar and honey. From 6-00 to 8-00 sugar is completely absorbed by the body. For those with tense or severe physical labor you can eat nuts. Of the cereals for breakfast, you can only eat buckwheat. Cereal products (including bread) eaten in the morning take away the fiery energy of the mind. The result is irritability, nervousness, lack of control in the brain. You can also eat cottage cheese and cheese for breakfast (cheese is preferable in winter). If a person does not have time to have breakfast from 6 to 7 in the morning, it is better not to eat until lunch. You can drink a glass of boiled warm water- cleans mental channels and esophagus well. If you eat from 7-00 to 8-00, then by 14-00 you will feel hungry, and the time for lunch has already passed.

Dinner. The ideal time for lunch is 12-00. In general, lunch is recommended from 11-00 to 13-00. At lunchtime, you can eat any food in different combinations except for milk (and that which is not a product). At 12-00, when the Sun is at its highest point, people have the most active force of Fire, which digests food. That is why at this time, grain products (including bread) are most easily digested, and milk coagulates even in the stomach. Having had lunch from 11-00 to 13-00, it takes only 10-15 minutes to restore strength (gone for digestion). If you take food at 14-00 or later - dullness sets in (!))) and the body needs about 3 hours to restore energy. The food taken at 14-00 no longer has time to be digested by the body before sunset. Often the result of such nutrition is beriberi, tk. vitamins are absorbed by the body last turn. In the case of a late dinner, vitamins are not absorbed and are pushed out of the body by dinner.))) At lunchtime, food cooked in oil is best absorbed. The Vedas highly recommend cooking on melted butter is a product that is unique in its properties.

The Vedas say that any grain food except buckwheat taken after 2 pm (bread, rice, etc.) leads to intoxication of the body. As a result, weakness appears in the morning, there is not enough strength even to get up. In addition, the late intake of grain food leads to the formation of phosphate stones in the kidneys and the main condition for their treatment is the rejection of it.

Dinner. Time for dinner from 18-00 to 21-00. Dinner should be light. It is best to eat vegetables (except root vegetables and tomatoes, because these vegetables are under the influence of the guna of passion and can overexcite the psyche at night). After 21-00 it is advisable not to eat, at this time, even at night, you can drink warm milk (from 3-00 to 6-00 it is better to drink milk cool). Milk, like children under 5-7 years old, pregnant and lactating women, is under the influence of the power of the moon and is digested by the body at night. In addition, milk drunk at night clears the mind of ignorance, cleanses mental channels, etc. The Vedas indicate several signs of the era of degradation (Kali Yuga), one of them is the denial of the usefulness of milk and its declaration as harmful. Really, modern science often calls milk indigestible, heavy, causing a runny nose, etc., but you just need to know what time of day to eat it.

The difference between Vedic nutrition and many other systems is that it takes into account a very important and insurmountable factor - TIME. Let me remind you that the Vedas consider time to be the most powerful force in our world, in terms of strength it is placed above even the three gunas.

Activities during the day

Time for meditation and spiritual practices - from 3-00 to 6-00. Prayer until 5:00. Daily prayer cleanses the mind and gives tremendous psychic strength. Prayer is the most clean look selfless and benevolent activity. Everyone can pray according to the rules of their religion. Best Body Position for Prayer: Lotus Pose, Diamond Pose (legs under you, sitting on your heels), Turkish sitting. The best mantra for people who do not belong to any religion is "I wish everyone happiness." It is better to pray out loud, you can whisper.

Until 6-00, the human mind works three times faster (“Morning is wiser than evening”).

From 6-00 to 7-00 is the best time to remember.

From 7-00 to 9-00 is the best time for morning exercises.

From 8-00 to 9-00, logic and memorization work best.

From 9-00 to 10-00 is the ideal time to work with documents and statistics.

From 10-00 to 11-00 the ability to intellectual work is greatly reduced, so it is better to finish the process of study and mental work before 11-00.

From 12-00 to 18-00 time of active physical or mental labor (business, management, etc.).

From 18-00 a person should retire and prepare for rest. Work to the knowledge is considered extremely harmful, causes a strong mental stress and destruction of the body.
Twilight is considered extremely unfavorable for any activity and eating. It is best not to eat during sunset. The Vedas say that children conceived at this time will have a demonic character, and any business started at dusk is doomed to failure. Even battles in ancient times stopped as soon as the last ray of the Sun left the Earth.

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