Project work "why I love fantasy". Dark Storybook Compiled by M

30/03/02, dissident
I love fantasy because it is one of the most interesting genres of literature!! When reading fantasy, you are not afraid that you will fall asleep! wake up sooner

05/11/02, Militai
I love other worlds. Where else can you escape from the boring routine and live for your own pleasure? And this is not an "escape from reality" at all, but a way to look at our life from a new angle.

16/02/03, pashken
Recently I saw a book "Plastelin of rings" in the store. Funny, with pictures. And it costs 360 rubles, while the original is only 200 ...

16/02/03, dark elf
pashken, How did Lovecraft get into fantasy? Lovecraft is gothic "dark" literature ("Cold" - forever!) And fantasy ... the most best genre. The genre of freedom, you can imagine anything, even elves, even dragons, again, any magic ... Cyberpunk also allows a lot, but still fantasy is usually more. Tolkien, Zelazny, Lady Ursula, Simak - you can read indefinitely ... Wow!

10/03/03, Ireth Isilra
Very, very recently (or maybe a very long time ago, but I didn’t even know about it) I fell in love with the fantasy world! With her romantic nature, she always reminded herself of an elf :)! It's great that you can get away from reality in so many ways! And reading books, and wandering in the internet, you can feel yourself fabulous creature! No matter what they say, no matter how skeptics grin, there are too many like-minded Tolkienists, which means that a fairy tale can come true!

11/07/03, Skin
Fantasy is great. Not everything, of course, is so good (for example, Perumov), but in general it is interesting. Especially H. L. Oldie.

03/09/03, Lady Andromeda
Fantasy is filled with romance, feelings, magic in the end!! I love magic and everything related to it. Although I kind of fell in love with fantasy after Lord of the Rings and anime. In general, I like to watch fantasy anime more than read books ... but fantasy is such a crap, out of all the science fiction books, Toko, three, two were normal, which I can still remember in my old age.

29/10/03, Bonnie Parker
I love Red Sonja, especially stories about the lair. The North is also very personal. Why aren't they publishing a sequel? Three books have been printed up to half, and now they are not publishing.

29/10/03, Manson
And you read Jordan, lovers of the classical fiction! This is the most ingenious fantasy that I have read and it's not only wonderful world, amazing story. Whoever wrote this knows damn well people, all of our real world, there is an amazing psychological portrayal, language and, in general, your mother, they didn’t read a damn thing except Perumov, and they slander Fantasy!

01/11/03, Quiet imp
Fantasy, as a direction in literature and as a genre in cinema, as a direction in art, and so on. All this unreality simply delights, when you read or watch something in this style, you just want to get there, into that world, at that time, to participate or just be an observer. But, with the end of a book or a movie, you realize that this is impossible =(

14/11/03, Rhone
Perhaps the kindest, who teaches kindness. I really like novels about Volkadava. Fantasy combines many types of novels, but at the same time a well-coordinated composition is created.

14/11/03, rogue2000
The romance of distant wanderings and other worlds... What could be better, in order to escape from the hustle and bustle of the day with a good book, plunging into fabulous adventures with head...

09/01/04, Korin
Fantasy is my life. This is the world in which I create and think freely.

25/03/04, Dahut the White
I love - I hate. Now, more than ever, I regret the absence of the middle column... Fantasy is a romantic genre and gives the author more opportunities for creativity than any other, since it is not limited by the laws of physics, chemistry, etc. But at the same time, there are much more significant limitations in fantasy - stereotypical and canonical ones that make books look like one another, as well as filling the fantasy market with shoddy stuff. Another disadvantage is the genre dependence of fans who trudge on the mere presence of swords and magic, and a very high probability of falling into their number in the eyes of smart people. Fantasy is a flawed genre, it became so in Lately, turning from philosophical or adventurous tale, in consumer goods. (end right)

26/03/04, storyteller
Of all literature, this genre is closest to me. All kinds of detectives romance novels and so on. I am not too worried about such fiction - there is enough of it in life even without books. Fantasy just doesn't appeal to me. Although it is interesting that some of the things that were described by science fiction writers have already been created (or almost created). Classics... Everyone says that you need to know and love the classics... Although all this, all these problems that were raised in it, have already been studied and chewed over hundreds of times, and there is no mood to return to them again. ends classic books often evoke feelings of hopelessness. The very word "fantasy" is associated with something bright and free, it seems to be the easiest way to live in such a world: there is magic, and if something does not suit you, you can simply take and change something that cannot be changed on your own. And if you want, you can leave, run away to where it will be good. Escapism? Yeah. Consider it so if you like. And I feel so good. It is fantasy that I live for real.

25/05/04, shadowcat
sometimes it's interesting to get away from everyday problems, to "escape" to another world..not everything and not always, of course, is well written, but there are a few books that are simply great..

25/05/04, Axiom
For only fantasy provides such space for reflection. Reading is fascinating, you immediately imagine yourself in another world. However, this is not the only feature of this genre.

10/07/04, storyteller
The world closest to me. I spend most of my time in it and look at almost everything from the other side, as if I were in a fantasy world. A little crazy, in my opinion, but I can’t tear myself away from fantasy. I do not mean books, I hardly read them, but the very outlook on life, I guess.

12/11/04, Slacka
Versatile Literature. Like any other genre, there are good and bad things. He started with Russian epics. Ilya Muromets, etc. Then he read the legends and myths of other peoples. Zeus, Odin, Hanuman, etc. All this is accumulated in fantasy. Generalized and developed. Connecting lines stretch in all directions. But certain things, no matter how well they are described, do not fall on the soul. I don't like urban. I like travel and adventures (Quests). The best book is "Wizard of Earthsea". Of the latter, I was struck by the cycle of Alexei Pekhov about stealing in the shadows - a surprisingly balanced thing.

23/11/04, Striver
Here they say that there is a lot of sludge among fantasy (99% ??? - this is hardly). He really is enough. But that can be said about ANY genre. In some genres, it sucks 100%. Fantasy is a wonderful genre and is usually fun to read. Cosmic Man in the topic about Perumov said "Fantasy is a fairy tale for adults, in no way connected with reality, and nothing more." And nothing more is needed. Reality is the worst thing ever.

09/02/05, Sergey Fedchun
It's not worth talking about the genre - successful or not. Any genre has a place to exist. It is not the genre itself that makes itself good or bad, but the authors who write in it. If the work is successful, arouses interest and gives joy, then this is a good thing, and it does not matter in what genre it is written. Therefore, I urge you to talk not about the genre as a whole, but about the authors in this genre, about those who are worth reading and recommending to others. I recommend Andrzej Sapkowski (The Witcher series). Here there is both lyrics, and extraordinary pragmatism, and philosophical views the author, but there is also just a fairy tale - exciting and immersing in its fictional world completely, and without a trace.

17/04/05, Quiet Wind
"Fantasy is a fairy tale for adults, but sooner or later normal person ceases to believe in fairy tales and begins to live." Strange, terrible, disgusting people "live" HERE and NOW, in THIS World, where everything is forgotten: strength, honor, oaths ... Those who remember this try to escape from this terrible places, at least in spirit.

01/07/05, Freya
Certainly, most of fantasy is light and entertaining literature, but there are also more serious things. And as an entertaining read, I prefer fantasy rather than detective stories or, even worse, ladies' novels. great opportunity distract from reality and immerse yourself in a fictional world that is different from the present.

25/08/05, Radgara
I'm lucky. my acquaintance with fantasy began with one of best books of this genre. I mean Lord of the Rings. started a long time ago and continues to this day. fantasy is a way to get away from all problems and at least for an hour isolate yourself from this world.

18/11/05, Aya
Because this is a wonderful way to escape from reality, to plunge into the world of "sword and magic". Remarkable structures of the structure of the world, characters are presented here. Reality is boring and dull, where science denies magic without developing into anything interesting. I love the fantasy of the "Middle Ages", and this time itself, since the world at this time is mysterious and unrevealed, spirits live in the forests, and brownies live in houses. If there is no magic in this world, it must be invented, which is done in fantasy books. On this moment my favorite authors are G. L. Oldie, M. Semyonova, Max Fry. I like some of the books by Andre Norton, Ursula Le Guin... When I dive into these books, I feel like I'm living there and dying here. Wonderful feeling.

19/11/05, Sofia 3
Yes, it's cool! You know, I like the author in this respect fantasy stories about future. His pseudo-Kir Bulychev, you know this? So many popular books about the girl Alice and her extraordinary travels He wrote. I have read them in school age I still admire them to this day. In general, a person with a rich imagination and truthful illusions is always funny. It is interesting to communicate with him, his stories are captivating - isn't that great? My favorite character in Frances Burnett's book, Sarah Crewe, had a knack for inventing adventures that she could have written a novel. This is what helped her survive in the difficult days of her life, when her dear father died. Maybe sometimes it is very important when a mirage suddenly forms in front of you, which will be able to save your whole destiny from dangerous turns.

02/04/06, Saroiha
I mean not only literature, but everything related to this genre - music, games (computer and role-playing), historical festivals in some sense. Although our Earth is not a fantasy world, many people turn their lives into fantasy, because over time, your hobbies require the development of some skills, and you start fencing, sewing, shooting, horseback riding, etc. Even if you are not an orc and not a hobbit, over time, these traits in your character, behavior, clothes ... sometimes you look at a person right in a party and think - well, an elf, for sure! Appearance- display inner world, people themselves suggest how to perceive them, => they themselves destroy such a subreality. I myself have such a buggy perception of the world, for me it's fantasy, where each person has his own profession, and each has characteristics, like in a computer. game =) You can somehow interact with everyone; everyone is original in their own way, and everyone has their own quests in life :-D =>

02/04/06, Saroiha
=> And now it’s quite realistic to divide people (of course, from an informal party) into warriors / minstrels / hobbits-don’t care / marvelous elves / wizards, etc., etc. True, and a pity, and good at the same time that so far no one has found real fantasy, but we ourselves are building its alternative. If at first people just went to the games "in curtain cloaks and with wooden swords", now the tree is changing to steel, blind faith in elves is not particularly welcome, everything is thought out more thoroughly and skeptically, although I would not undertake to judge whether this is bad or Fine. But in general, the phenomenon is very interesting now - with its paraphernalia, anecdotes, tales, slang. Personally, I feel very comfortable in such an environment, you are allowed to believe whatever you want, and no one screams in your ear that you are crazy =)

I like fantasy because it's unusual. Our reality is not so full of events (which may not be so bad...) In fantasy, I find something that you will never meet in reality. In reality, you will never meet a magician or a troll, and in fantasy they will not describe our boring life. Who wants to read about what he knows himself. Who wants to read about how, during a test in physics, for example, you understand that you ABSOLUTELY do not understand either the topic or the solution method, and you are not even quite sure that you understood the written word correctly. It's boring, but fantasy has at least some variety. It is MUCH more interesting than, say, German. Although the brain is not very loaded.

Before you, Reader, step under the gloomy vaults of a dilapidated Gothic cathedral, before the first skull from the pile of remains dumped here crunches under your foot, let me say a few words to you as parting words. Sit down for a minute, but at least here, at this ancient altar, covered with strange brown spots. It seems that a piece of someone's scalp has stuck to the wall of the throne ... but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! Let's talk about the darkness and the horrors lurking in it. About what you have to find here, among the web-covered bones.

I don't know who first called it "dark genre". But I can tell you that about ten years ago, a few aspiring authors decided to organize a literary community, which, after some discussion, they named "Darkness". Among these knights of the table stained with blood was your humble servant, who now acts as an anthologist (mainly in the genre of horror and mysticism) and a little writer. Among them were the author of the story "Babai" Boris Lewandovsky, translator and writer Vladislav Zhenevsky, screenwriter Alexander Vanguard, writers Andrei Sennikov, Fotina Morozova, Alexander Podolsky and others. And even then, ten years ago, we all - each and every one - understood that it was precisely the love for the dark genre that united us.

At first, this understanding was intuitive, at some subconscious level. You know what happens when you are alone in a room and you feel inside that someone else has entered, and only then, turning around, you see a guest. This is how we, before the understanding itself matured, already knew “about ourselves”, internally, what a “dark genre” is. It was later possible to give some semblance of a definition to this genre.

How many people, so many opinions. Everyone sees the world and myself in it in my own way - I am convinced of this every time I read reviews of our next book. One reader calls the same work a “masterpiece”, while another hints that it was included in the collection thanks to a “hairy paw”. And even among writers (or maybe not “even”, but “all the more so” among them!) It is difficult to find two people with common views on literature. You can argue about genres endlessly, and anyway, for some, "Alien" will remain a fantasy, but for others (and if you're interested to know, then I'm in their camp) it's a horror movie, for some, horror is a subspecies of SF (what nonsense, but many think so), and for others - part big genre fantasy.

Speaking about the latter, such an opinion (that horror is fantasy) is quite widespread in the West, among our foreign colleagues. And the work of such different, but equally gifted people as Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Lord Dunsany, Neil Gaiman or, for example, Guillermo Del Toro helps to believe this. However, one must understand that fantasy (“fantasy,” as one of my fellow writers calls it, which, to tell the truth, makes me smile every time) Western authors understand something more than just the classic versions of it, stories of sword and magic or epic sagas in the spirit of Professor Tolkien. Rather, they are talking about a certain unified approach to creativity as a flight of fancy, not limited scientific knowledge author.

What, then, is the dark genre? As we understand it, this is literature (as well as cinema and other forms of art), which reflects what can be called dark side being.

This is horror, horror. Because they scare, and fear is a dark emotion. This is dark, dark fantasy, because every time all kinds of dark personalities, often villains and monsters, turn out to be at the center of it. It's gothic - simply because it's gothic. Urban fantasy, mysticism and, often, the so-called Magrealism - because in the works of these genres two worlds collide and converge: the real and the supernatural, dark. These are thrillers about maniacs and fantasy about space mysteries, because there is nothing darker. human heart, and a meeting with the unknown is always a dive into the darkness. This is a trendy lately weird, “strange literature”, rooted in the American magazine Weird Tales, in which Lovecraft, Howard, Leiber and many other classics published their stories in the last century, and fantasy stories coexisted perfectly on the pages of this publication with stories horror.

This is how we see the dark genre, the people who created Literary Society"Darkness", a webzine with no less speaking name DARKER, the book series "The Most scary book and many other things, but definitely very, very dark.

I understand that you may see this genre a little differently. The darkness has much more shades than the faceless gray, vulgarized by overripe graphomaniacs. I hope you find your own in this book and do not reject someone else's. For your comfort and safety, we will tread carefully through the halls of this abandoned temple of darkness. At first, with an eye to the past - I called the first part of the anthology "Dark Tradition", because the stories collected here can be more or less attributed to one or another widely known variety fantasy: heroic (“Blood of your heart” by your obedient servant), dark (“Breakfast for Jack” by V. Kuznetsov, “Defect effect” by A. Provotorov), urban (“Memo of a young tramp” by O. Kozhin). In these stories, the authors sometimes create worlds. Further, when you pass the test of their worlds, you and I will look to where darkness reigns undivided and where something “darker than dark” will await you - unusual texts directed to the past (“Ghoul” by M. Kabir, “Dunant” by A. Zharkov and D. Kostyukevich), in distant countries(“And the Dragon Came” by A. Podolsky, “The Man from the Temple of the White Heron” by D. Guzhvenko) or customs and beliefs that are far away for most (“Light Steam” by M. Shurygina), things sometimes experimental, unusual, going beyond (“Honey " V. Zhenevsky, "Kush" R. Gazizov).

With this book, the AST publishing house and the Astrel editorial office, which I adore, begin a new series of gloomy, dark fantasy. As far as I know, what inspired them to do this was the unexpected success of the Russian horror project The Most Terrifying Book. Therefore, it fell to me and my brothers and sisters in the darkness to open this series. And who knows, Reader, perhaps in the future you will meet more than once in other volumes of this new series with one of the authors of this book. After all, the dark attracts us too ...

And let darkness and horror await you ahead - we still wish you a good journey.

Parfenov M.S., compiler

P. S. When the proofreaders of the publishing house were already working on this book, the sad news came: one of the most talented authors, the young “ dark wave» Russian Literature. Vladislav Zhenevsky, author of the story "Honey" and other wonderful stories, writer, poet, translator, editor, reviewer, bibliographer. He was only 30 years old. He selflessly, wholeheartedly loved the dark genre. Walking the corridors of this gloomy cathedral, Reader, remember kind word Vladislav Alexandrovich, because people are alive as long as the memory of them is alive - and Vlad Zhenevsky, wonderful person and a wonderful friend, worthy of eternal life.

dark tradition

M. S. Parfenov

The blood of your heart

“Another fortress taken,” the guardsman snorted, wiping his gray mustache, the long ends of which descended on either side of a massive chin. - The assault was swift and inevitable, but not without losses.

Hanging his head, the giant sadly patted the purse strapped to his belt with his callused palm—it had been draining considerably during the evening—and pushed the empty ladle onto the edge of the spat-stained plank table in company with two other long-empty jugs. Irritated, he also lazily kicked the leg of the table with his heavy boot, and the pottery echoed with a frightened chime.

Yes, because life around them is solid shit *** mo. And in such a statement there is neither sarcasm nor shocking. The powerful of this world, declaring war on the complete destruction of the middle class, did everything to middle class was transferred from a plane where he changed the world and got to know himself, to a constant search for money for a banal subsistence. Impoverishment is promised complete and almost for everyone ... And this explains why people start reading fantasy, not in childhood or adolescence(up to 14% of the main consumers of this literary genre), and after they turn 18, 20 or more years old.

But what is meant by fantasy reading? It is important to understand this before trying to understand why people read fantasy.

We will consider fantasy reading at least 3 hours spent by a certain person every day reading fantasy (in the subway, while driving - MP3 format, from a phone screen, or from a tablet or from paper pages), adding to this that a person is no longer in able to survive without this reading, as it is the only thing that saves him.

There is such a thing in psychology as sublimation. Its essence is very simple - you can draw a boss who has been humiliating you for years, with a severed head, or, naming a hero of a shooter, famously destroy zombies, seeing your enemies and enemies in their place, and filling them with what life has deprived you of, and you becomes easier.

Why do people read fantasy? Yes, because they have not learned or do not have the money to live a real life.

Some are looking for fantasy love, in which they do not have.

Others are heroism, honesty and even sacrifice.

Still others like to cut through the crowds of enemies with their father's sword in their hands.

The fourth lacks friends.

And the fifth...

It is estimated that on average, with full dedication, a person is able to engage in role-playing games for about 4 years. If he lingers among the role players, then we can safely talk about some problems with the psyche. According to doctors, constant reading of fantasy is not a disease in any way. But it can become an addiction, similar to the one that affects women over 50 who cannot imagine their life without relaxants, or men after 40 who fall into depression without the obligatory Friday binge.

But fantasy lovers have their own magical and wonderful world. OK. Let's be honest. Not always magical and forever amazing. But those who read fantasy are friendly and accommodating people, and therefore they will read the most terrible nonsense. Firstly, because there is no other book at hand at the moment. Secondly, by giving (hoping and believing) the author a chance to surprise them, even within last pages. Thirdly, (and there is something of masochism in this) in order to further appreciate the merits of your favorite novels, you need to compare it with something, that's it.

Why do people read fantasy? The most interesting thing is that children from wealthy families almost never read fantasy. In general, they have little interest in literature, preferring to spend time in clubs and taverns. Brands, cosmetics, cars - they are all so good that they are able to adapt to the reality that surrounds their lives, and the routine that leads them from lectures at a prestigious university to the already mentioned club, from there to an apartment in the center of Moscow, from there to a tropical island ... Since they do not read fantasy, they are not interesting to us. And so enough with him. Let yourself roll.

Fantasy is read by 80 percent of those who are not sure about the future. Or understands that tomorrow will not be better than yesterday and today. Who, after graduating from school, entered the place where he was taken with his “average” certificate, or to the university that his parents, who were already struggling to make ends meet, could pay for.

He has been working since his freshman year in the most unprestigious of all low-prestige jobs: watchman, security guard, curator, janitor in a diner. He believes life will be difficult. But while this "other" has not come, he finds salvation in fantasy, not yet knowing what awaits him.

And waiting for him is the monotony of a boring, full of blockheads and fools office, a tyrant boss, a girlfriend who treats him with disdain, and therefore does not hesitate to say “loser”, either in relation to him, or in relation to his friends. Boring weekend. The impossibility - even before old age - to change at least something. The same holidays, buying a closet, a child... a second... a dog... a dacha... pipes on the outskirts hometown... and five times a week for an hour in the subway - back and forth.

The fantasy genre has been causing a lot of questions, disputes and rumors since its inception. Can stories about elves and dwarves in a fictional world be considered fiction? fantasy like literary genre has existed for more than a hundred years - and so far no one has really figured out this issue.

Before diving into the topic, one more obvious fact should be stipulated: the differences between fantasy and science fiction, and not from science fiction in general, will be considered. Simply because fantasy is part of science fiction, one of the fantastic genres.

What is fantasy?

To begin with, it is necessary to define fantasy as a genre of literature. Although, it can be called a genre only for the sake of simplicity of presenting the material, because literary critics consistently “throw” the old woman from genres to methods and vice versa.

So, fantasy (from the Greek " phantastike"- the art of imagining) is a kind of host literary genres which differ in a special, logically incompatible with everyday reality, picture of the world. Wherein fantasy worlds may be part of the world of the Earth, in contact with it - or may not relate to it in any way. The latter can often be attributed to works of the fantasy genre.

Fantasy and SF: definitions

Science fiction and fantasy are two of the oldest fantasy genres. To be more precise, Science fiction older than fantasy by about a century. As soon as " younger sister"was born at the beginning of the 20th century, they immediately began to compare it with the older one. And most of these comparisons were not flattering. Why? Because people of the 20th century, like people of the 21st century, most often think too rationally. And fantasy is the embodiment of irrationality. And now - in more detail.

is an author's fiction supplemented with the power of imagination, based on real scientific knowledge and facts. The fantasy of the author of science fiction may be based not only on the achievements of technical disciplines or natural sciences, but also the facts of history, space-time realities, and so on. Most often in the works of science fiction, or science fiction, the theme of magic, magic, irrational miracle is not revealed in any way.

This gap is successfully filled by works of the fantasy genre. The flight of fantasy of authors working in this genre is not limited by anything. Absolutely nothing. Where did the word "fantasy" come from? Everything is very simple: this is a tracing paper of the English "fantasy" - a fantasy. More often than not, fantasy worlds are unaffected by the progress or regression of science. Because magical worlds live by their magical laws. Magic works in them, and miracles happen literally at every step. Figuratively speaking.

The appearance and essence of "opponents"

Fantastic themes can be traced in the art of all, without exception, the peoples of the planet at all times. After all, what does not distinguish the creator so much as the ability to imagine? In some cases to fantastic genres even myths and legends are attributed, which is extremely wrong from the point of view of literary criticism.

But science fiction appeared just on a wave scientific progress late 19th - 20th centuries. The science fiction writers at the origins of the genre quite often predicted big and small inventions and turns in the development of science and technology in the future. So, for example, Jules Verne described a submarine when they had not even begun to develop them, Isaac Asimov wrote a lot about artificial intelligence, and the heroes of Andrey Belyaev were placed on the orbital station. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of such examples.

Fantasy, on the other hand, emerged from the desire of an Oxford professor by the name of Tolkien to create a new mythology for Great Britain, does not build assumptions about the future. That is why for a hundred years it has been referred to as "entertaining fiction", "fake literature".

Fantasy novels are often set in full fictional worlds who live by irrational magical laws. Heroes can belong to the mythical (elves, gnomes, goblins, giants) or fictional race(hobbits, orcs). Some characters have magic either inexplicable nature forces that they actively use to solve their problems or save the world.

J. R. R. Tolkien and his works The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion are most often referred to as the ancestor of the fantasy genre. Among famous contemporaries- authors of "fake" books, it is worth mentioning Ursula le Guin, Andre Norton, Nick Perumov, Terry Goodkind, George Martin, Robert Asprin and many others.

List of differences

Below is the maximum detailed list features by which one can determine whether the work in question belongs to the genre of science fiction or fantasy.

Attention! The general trend Interpenetration of genres has given rise to such interesting offspring as science fantasy and other mixed genres. They randomly combine the features of genres - "parents".

So what are the differences between science fiction and fantasy?

  1. Science fiction is based on real scientific facts. The basis of the fantasy work is mythology, magic, irrational miracles.
  2. The fantasy genre came later than the science fiction genre. SF spawned the rapid progress of the late 19th and 20th centuries, while fantasy spawned a surge of mythological thinking in the 20th century.
  3. A characteristic difference between works of science fiction is a fantastic assumption (what would the world be like if something happened, if something were invented). An alternative or completely fictional fantasy reality is in no way connected with objective reality. The authors of fantasy works do not explain the laws of the worlds they have created, in which working magic and developed non-human civilizations, mythical races are recognized as the norm.
  4. Today, science fiction is in crisis, it has partially assimilated, giving birth to a fantastic action movie, space opera and other "soft" genres. Fantasy, on the contrary, is developing rapidly, giving rise to more and more branches and many interesting works.
  5. The main conflict in SF is the confrontation between social norms and the love of freedom of the protagonist. In fantasy works, the main confrontation is between the forces of Good and Evil, Light and Darkness.

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