Common legends. The best parables, stories, legends


Among the main gods, the Egyptians especially highlighted married couple- Osiris and Isis. Osiris was revered because he taught the Egyptians various crafts, healing, showed how to build cities and houses, grow cereals and grapes. Isis was the goddess of fertility. Women turned to her for help...

All the myths we know say that the earth was created by some creator. In some countries, God was considered the creator, in others - some animal. In the myths of many Asian peoples, for example in Indian myths, the earth is created by a celestial being that descended from the sky. She's per...

When God created heaven and earth, far in the east he planted a wonderful Garden of Eden. And he called it Eden. Orange trees, apple trees, grapes, dates, and bananas grew in Eden. And there were many more amazing trees and flowers. There was eternal spring in Eden. The roses were blooming, the river was murmuring in the...

Gilgamesh is real historical figure, lived at the end of the 27th - beginning of the 26th century. BC e. Gilgamesh was the ruler of the city of Uruk in Sumer. He began to be considered a deity only after his death. They claimed that he was two-thirds god, only one-third human, and reigned for almost 126 years. Sleep...

The beautiful daughters of Sultan Salim were orphaned early. The eldest, the unapproachable Mahiman Bano, became the ruler, and the people regretted that the throne did not go to the youngest, whom people called Shirin, which means Sweet. Only one circumstance reconciled the people with the government...

Hercules was the son of the god Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene. Hera, the wife of Zeus, could not come to terms with the birth of Hercules. One day she sent two terrible snakes to the cradle of Hercules, but unusual child strangled them. Hercules grew up strong and dexterous, but was distinguished by his wayward nature. To about...

The Carpathians are a protected region, a kingdom of pristine nature. Plants and animals that have long since become rare and endangered have found refuge under the shadow of centuries-old beech forests. One of the most picturesque corners of Carpathian nature is the high-mountain lake Synevyr. Blue expanse of water, steep banks, overgrown...

It was so long ago that no one remembers when it was. They say, however, that in those days all people spoke the same language and everyone understood each other. And people wanted to leave a memory of themselves forever and ever. - Let's all get together and build a high tower!...

When people settled the earth, they first learned to sow bread, and then began to grow grapes and make wine from them. And when they drank wine, they became stupid and angry, offended the weak, praised themselves and deceived each other. God looked at the people, and he felt...

In the Middle Ages Western Europe was Christian, but its legend is still associated with the myths of pagan times. In legends we have received information about real historical events, but these events are changed and embellished. A legend is sometimes based on myth, but more often it includes...

In ancient times, people did not know about fire, lived in caves, hunted with clubs and stones, and ate everything raw... At that time, life on Olympus proceeded fully using fire. One day Prometheus stole a spark of sacred fire from Olympus and gave it to people. The fire started in...

The world arose from Chaos. Chaos is translated from Greek as “yawn”, “empty extension”. According to one version of the myth, Gaia ( mother Earth) emerged from Chaos. She created Uranus (sky). Uranus and Gaia became husband and wife, and the Titans were born to them. One of the titans, Kronos, the moods of other...

One of the most scary monsters mythology Ancient Egypt there was Apep (APEP) - a giant underground serpent. Every night he entered into battle with the sun god Ra. Every day Ra sailed over the world across the sky in a boat called the Boat of Millions of Years. Ra illuminated Egypt - the country...

English lore warns travelers against traveling alone in mountainous terrain at dusk. If you believe, the surroundings of Cornwall, which is considered the birthplace of King Arthur, Celtic traditions and... giants, are especially dangerous!

In the mid-18th century, residents of the Cornwall peninsula were seriously afraid of meeting their giant neighbors. Many ancient myths and legends tell of the sad fate of those who encountered giants.

There is a legend about a simple woman named Emma May, the wife of farmer Richard May. One day, not waiting for her husband to arrive for dinner at the usual time, she decided to go in search of him, left the house and found herself in a thick fog. Since then, she has not been seen again, and although the residents of the village have repeatedly gone in search, Emma May seemed to have disappeared into the ground. The peasants believed that she was kidnapped by giants, who, according to rumors, lived in the surrounding caves and killed late travelers or took them into slavery.

What secrets do the seas and oceans keep?

Many ancient myths and legends are composed about the sad fate of sailors who were swallowed up by the depths of the sea. Almost everyone has heard chilling stories about sirens calling ships to the reefs. The wild imagination of sailors gave rise to many superstitions, which over time transformed into inviolable customs. In countries South-East Asia sailors still bring gifts to the gods in order to return safely from their journey. However, there was one captain (his name, alas, history has not preserved) who neglected the sacred traditions...

...The elements were raging, the ship’s crew was tired of fighting the elements, and nothing foreshadowed good outcome. Standing near the helm, through the curtain of rain, the captain saw a black figure emerging from him across right hand. The stranger asked what the captain was willing to give him in exchange for his salvation? The captain replied that he was ready to give all his gold just to be in port again. The black man laughed and said: “You did not want to bring gifts to the gods, but you are ready to give everything to the demon. You will be saved, but terrible curse You will carry it as long as you live.”

The legend tells that the captain returned safely from the voyage. But he had barely crossed the threshold of his house when his wife, who had been lying in bed with a serious illness for two months, died. The captain went to his friends, and a day later their house burned to the ground. Wherever the captain appeared, death followed him everywhere. Tired of such a life, a year later he put a bullet in his forehead.

The dark underground kingdom of Hades

Since we are talking about otherworldly demons, dooming a stumbled person to eternal torment, we cannot help but recall Hades - the ruler of the underground kingdom of darkness and horror. The River Styx flows through a bottomless abyss, carrying the souls of the dead deeper and deeper underground, and Hades looks at all this from his golden throne.

Hades is not alone in his underground kingdom, the gods of dreams live there, sending people and creepy nightmares, and joyful dreams. Ancient myths and legends say that the monstrous Lamia, a ghost with donkey legs, wanders in the kingdom of Hades. Lamia kidnaps newborns so that if the house in which the mother and baby live is cursed by a wicked person.

At the throne of Hades stands the young and beautiful god of sleep, Hypnos, whose power no one can resist. On his wings he silently flies over the earth and pours his sleeping pill from the golden horn. Hypnos can send sweet visions, but it can also send you into eternal sleep.

Pharaoh who violated the will of the gods

As ancient myths and legends tell, Egypt suffered disasters during the reign of the pharaohs Khafre and Khufu - slaves worked day and night, all temples were closed, free citizens were also persecuted. But then Pharaoh Menkaure came to replace them and he decided to free the tormented people. The people of Egypt began to work in their fields, the temples began to function again, and the living conditions of the people improved. Everyone glorified the good and just pharaoh.

Time passed, and Menkaura was struck by terrible blows of fate - his beloved daughter died and the ruler was predicted that he had only seven years to live. Pharaoh was perplexed - why did his grandfather and father, who oppressed the people and did not honor the gods, live to a ripe old age, and he had to die? Finally, the pharaoh decided to send a messenger to the famous oracle. Ancient myth- the legend of Pharaoh Menkaure - tells about the answer given to the ruler.

“The life of Pharaoh Menkaura was shortened only because he did not understand his purpose. Egypt was destined to suffer disasters for one hundred and fifty years, Khafre and Khufu understood this, but Menkaure did not.” And the gods kept their word; on the appointed day, the pharaoh left the sublunary world.

Almost all ancient myths and legends (as well as many legends of the new formation) contain a rational grain. An inquisitive mind will always be able to penetrate the veil of allegories and discern the meaning hidden in stories that seem fantastic at first glance. How to use the acquired knowledge is a personal matter for everyone.

Every nation has beautiful and amazing legends. They are varied in topic: legends about the exploits of heroes, stories about the origin of the names of geographical objects, horror stories O supernatural beings and novelistic tales of lovers.

Definition of the term

A legend is an unreliable account of an event. It is very similar to the myth and can be considered its approximate analogue. But legend and myth still cannot be called completely identical concepts. If we are talking about myth, then there are fictional heroes who have nothing to do with reality. The legend allows at its core real events, later supplemented or embellished. Since many fictitious facts are added to them, for reliable scientists legends do not accept.

If we take as a basis classical meaning words, then a legend is a tradition set out in artistic form. Such legends exist among almost all nations.

The best legends of the world - they will be discussed in the article.

Types of legends

1. Oral legends- most ancient look. They spread through wandering storytellers.

2. Written traditions - recorded oral stories.

3. Religious legends- narratives about events and persons from church history.

4. Social legends - all other legends that are not related to religion.

5. Toponymic - explaining the origin of the names of geographical objects (rivers, lakes, cities).

6. Urban legends - newest look, which has become widespread these days.

In addition, there are many more varieties of legends, depending on the plot that underlies them - zootropomorphic, cosmogonic, etiological, eschatonic and heroic. There are absolutely short legends and long narratives. The latter are usually associated with a story about the heroic achievements of a person. For example, the legend about the hero Ilya Muromets.

How did legends arise?

WITH Latin language legenda translates as “that which must be read.” The history of legends goes back a long way and has the same roots as myth. having no idea about the reasons for many things happening around him natural phenomena, composed myths. Through them he tried to explain his vision of the world. Later, based on mythology, amazing and interesting legends about heroes, gods and supernatural phenomena began to arise. Many of them have been preserved in the traditions of the peoples of the world.

Atlantis - the legend of the lost paradise

The best legends that arose in ancient times have survived to this day. Many of them still captivate the imagination of adventurers with their beauty and realism. The story of Atlantis says that in ancient times there was an island whose inhabitants achieved incredible heights in many sciences. But then it was destroyed strong earthquake and sank along with the Atlanteans - its inhabitants.

We must express our gratitude to the great ancient Greek philosopher Plato and the no less revered historian Herodotus for the story of Atlantis. An interesting legend excited the minds of these outstanding scientists during their lifetime. ancient Greece. It has not lost its relevance even today. The search for the wonderful island, which sank thousands of years ago, continues to this day.

If the legend about Atlantis turns out to be true, this event will be one of the greatest discoveries century. After all, there was no less interesting legend about the mythical Troy, in the existence of which Heinrich Schliemann sincerely believed. In the end, he managed to find this city and prove that there was some truth in the ancient legends.

Founding of Rome

This interesting legend is one of the most famous in the world. The city of Rome arose in ancient times on the banks of the Tiber. The proximity of the sea made it possible to engage in trade, and at the same time the city was well protected from a sudden attack by sea robbers. According to legend, Rome was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus, who were suckled by a she-wolf. By order of the ruler, they were supposed to be killed, but a careless servant threw the basket with the children into the Tiber, hoping that it would drown. She was picked up by a shepherd and became the foster father for the twins. Having matured and learned about their origin, they rebelled against a relative and took power from him. The brothers decided to found their own city, but during construction they quarreled, and Romulus killed Remus.

He named the built city after himself. The legend about the emergence of Rome belongs to toponymic legends.

The Legend of the Golden Dragon - The Path to the Heavenly Temple

Among the legends, stories about dragons are very popular. Many nations have them, but traditionally it is one of the favorite themes of Chinese folklore.

The legend of the golden dragon says that between heaven and earth there is a bridge that leads to the Heavenly Temple. It belongs to the Lord of the World. They can only get into it pure souls. Two golden dragons stand guard over the shrine. They sense an unworthy soul and can tear it apart when trying to enter the temple. One day one of the dragons angered the Lord, and he expelled him. The dragon descended to earth, met other creatures and dragons of different stripes were born from him. The Lord became angry when he saw them and destroyed everyone except those not yet born. Having been born, they hid for a long time. But the Lord of the World did not destroy the new dragons, but left them on earth as his governors.

Treasures and Treasures

Legends about gold occupy no last place on the list of popular legends. One of the most famous and beautiful myths of ancient Greece tells about the Argonauts' search for the Golden Fleece. For a long time The legend about the treasure was simply considered a legend until Heinrich Schliemann found a treasure of pure gold at the excavation site of Mycenae, the capital of the legendary king.

Kolchak's Gold is another famous legend. In the years Civil War ended up in my hands most of Russia's gold reserves are about seven hundred tons of gold. It was transported in several trains. Historians know what happened to one train. He was captured by the rebel Czechoslovak Corps and handed over to the authorities (Bolsheviks). But the fate of the remaining two is unknown to this day. The precious cargo could have been dumped into a mine, hidden or buried in the vast area between Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk. All the excavations that have been carried out so far (starting with the security officers) have not yielded results.

The Well to Hell and the Library of Ivan the Terrible

Russia also has its own interesting legends. One of them, which appeared relatively recently, is one of the so-called urban legends. This is a story about a well to hell. This name was given to one of the deepest man-made wells in the world - Kola. Its drilling began in 1970. The length is 12,262 meters. The well was created exclusively for scientific purposes. Now it is mothballed because there are no funds to maintain it in working condition. The legend appeared in 1989, when a story was heard on American television that sensors lowered to the very depths of the well recorded sounds similar to moans and screams of people.

Another interesting legend, which may well be true, speaks of a library of books, scrolls and manuscripts. The last owner of the precious collection was Ivan IV. It is believed that she was part of her niece's dowry Byzantine emperor Konstantin.

Afraid that the precious books in wooden Moscow could be burned in a fire, she ordered the library to be placed in the basements under the Kremlin. According to the seekers of the famous Liberia, it may contain 800 volumes of priceless works of ancient and medieval authors. Now there are about 60 versions of where the mysterious library may be stored.


Modern people are unlikely to believe in myths and legends. However, despite the many reliable facts available, the legends still do not lose their popularity. Each guide uses the most bright stories to attract the attention of listeners. After all, legends evoke a feeling of surprise and admiration, especially when the topic concerns unique and unlike anything else places.

Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland

Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland. Although scientists claim that the Giant's Causeway was formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption, there is a legend about the Celtic hero Finn McCool, who decided to fight the one-eyed giant Goll. To do this, he drove many columns into the bottom of the Irish Sea, which formed a kind of bridge. Having worked hard, the hero lay down to rest, and in the meantime Goll himself crossed the bridge to Ireland. Finn's wife, sensing danger, ran out to meet the giant and assured the monster that the sleeping Finn was a baby. Then she treated the uninvited guest to flatbreads in which the frying pans were hidden, and her husband to ordinary ones. The first broke his teeth, and the second ate his portion without even wincing. Frightened Goll, seeing the power of such a child, imagined his father and fled from the country, breaking the bridge behind him.

Palace complex Forbidden City in Beijing

This palace complex is considered the most extensive of its kind - 720 thousand m². If you went back in time, you would not be able to get inside without losing your head for it. Today, everyone has the opportunity to visit here and learn the legends that envelop this place. One of the most popular is that Emperor Zhu Di dreamed of four watchtowers that had never been seen before. Having woken up, he ordered that the structures taken away in a dream be erected in three months at the corners of the walls of the Forbidden City. In case of failure to comply with the order, the builders were threatened the death penalty. After a month, the chief architect was unable to develop a construction plan. Out of despair, he went for a walk around the city, during which he came across a seller of cages with grasshoppers. For fun, he bought one of the cages and was amazed. It was her design that was ideal model towers The Emperor was more pleased than ever with the result; the old man selling grasshoppers turned out to be the god of carpenters, Lu Ban.

Avenue of the Baobabs, Madagascar

Alley of Baobabs, Madagascar. The island is famous not only for lemurs, but also for giant trees. The Alley of Baobabs is located in its western part. According to one legend, one day God was in a bad mood and a baobab came across his hand. Spilling out his anger, he uprooted the tree and inserted it back into the ground, crown down.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls. The facility is located on the border between the United States and Canada. The guides' favorite legend is that of the Maiden of the Mist; According to one version, the daughter of a Seneca tribe leader named Lelawala was chosen as a sacrifice to a god who lived in the depths of the waterfall. In this way, the inhabitants of the tribe wanted to appease the angry god who was poisoning the water. The selfless girl voluntarily went in a canoe to meet death, but she was saved by the god Hanu, who told about a terrible serpent that settled in the river and was the cause of all troubles. Lelavala returned to the village and told her father about the monster. Gathering warriors, the leader entered into battle with the serpent and defeated him.

Great Sphinx, Egypt

The sculpture, overlooking the Giza plateau, is considered one of the oldest surviving to this day. It represents a figure lying on the sand with the body of a lion and the head of a man. Story Great Sphinx shrouded in many legends and speculations. One of the most popular is the legend of Crown Prince Thutmose, the son of Pharaoh Amenhotep III and Queen Tiya. One day, while hunting in the desert, Thutmose recalled his guards to pray alone at the pyramids. Tired of the midday sun, he lay down to rest in the shadow of the Sphinx, which at that time was covered shoulder-deep in sand. However, the statue came to life and spoke to the man. She told Thutmose about the future reign and ordered him to clean his paws of sand. Then she looked at the prince with huge bright eyes and he lost consciousness. Having woken up, the heir swore an oath to fulfill the request. Having become Pharaoh Thutmose IV, he ordered the statue to be dug up and a granite stele installed.

the great Wall of China

One of the most romantic and heartbreaking legends about the construction of the Great Wall of China is the tale of Meng Jiang Nu. Living next door were two married couples named Meng and Jiang, who had no children. One day, Wife Jiang planted a lagenaria, which sent its vine through the wall to the neighbors. Over time, the plant produced a harvest in the form of a huge pumpkin. Friendly neighbors decided to divide it in half. After cutting the fruit open, they found a child inside. The girl was named Meng Jiang Nyu and began to be raised together. She grew up to be a real beauty, the likes of which the world has never seen; she married Fan Silian, who was hiding from the government, which forced all young people to build the Great Chinese wall. The happiness of the young did not last long; Fanya Silyan was found and forcibly sent to a construction site. The girl was waiting for her beloved whole year without receiving any news. Then she went in search of him, but they were in vain. No one knew where her husband was, and it was later discovered that he died of exhaustion and was buried in the wall. Meng Jiang Nu, unable to relieve her pain, cried for three days and three nights. Part of the wall she was standing against collapsed. The emperor intended to punish the widow for the damage, but when he saw her beautiful face, he proposed marriage. Meng Jiang Nu agreed, but on the condition that she bury her ex-spouse as it should be. The emperor complied with the demand, but after this Meng Jiang Nu committed suicide by drowning herself in the sea.

Volcano Etna, Sicily

Volcano Etna, Sicily. The volcano is one of the highest and most active in Europe. Throughout its history, it has erupted more than 200 times. In 1669, Etna's eruption lasted four months, destroying 12 villages. According to legend, this eruption was caused by none other than the hundred-headed monster Typhon (son of Gaia), who was imprisoned by Zeus inside Etna. Every time Typhon was angry, there was an earthquake and eruption.

Mount Fuji on the island of Honshu, Japan

The mountain is considered one of the most recognizable natural attractions in the country. The object is a popular topic in Japanese art; it can be found in songs, movies, and, of course, legends and myths. One of the legends says about married couple, who lived near Mount Fuji. The husband was a bamboo collector. One day, while cutting raw materials, he found a girl the size of thumb hands. Rejoicing, the couple took the child into their care, since they did not have any children of their own. Then, continuing his work, the man discovered a gold bar in the bamboo. The suddenly rich family lived happily. The girl, who was named Kaguya-hime, grew up beautiful girl. Many tried to win her hand, even the emperor himself, but the beauty refused everyone, wanting to return to where she came from - to the Moon. One day during a full moon, Luna's subjects finally came to Kaguya-hime to take her home. The girl left the emperor a gift in the form of the elixir of life and a letter. He, in turn, ordered the gifts to be taken to the mountain and burned, since he did not want to live forever without love. So the flame of the elixir and the letters turned Mount Fuji into a volcano.

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We are sure that many of you still believe in unicorns. It seems wonderful to imagine that they still exist somewhere, and we just haven’t found them yet. However, even the myth about such a magical creature has a very prosaic and even somewhat frightening explanation.

If you feel like website If you are very skeptical and no longer believe in magic, then at the end of the article a real miracle awaits you!

Great Flood

Scientists believe that the legend of the Great Flood is based on the memory of major flood, the epicenter of which was Mesopotamia. At the beginning of the last century, during excavations of the tombs of Ur, a layer of clay was found that separated two cultural layers. Only a catastrophic flood of the Tigris and Euphrates could lead to the appearance of such a phenomenon.

According to other estimates, 10–15 thousand years BC. e. An incredible flood happened in the Caspian Sea, which spilled over an area of ​​about 1 million square meters. km. The version was confirmed after scientists found it on the territory Western Siberia sea ​​shells, the closest distribution area of ​​which is in the Caspian Sea. This flood was so powerful that there was a huge waterfall on the Bosphorus, through which approximately 40 cubic meters were poured per day. km of water (200 times the volume of water passing through Niagara Falls). There was a flow of this power for at least 300 days.

This version seems crazy, but in this case, ancient people cannot be accused of exaggerating events!


In modern Ireland, legends are still told about people of gigantic stature who can create an island simply by throwing a handful of earth into the sea. Endocrinologist Martha Korbonitz came up with the idea that ancient legends could have a scientific basis. Incredibly, the researchers found what they were looking for. A huge number of people in Ireland have mutations in the AIP gene. It was these mutations that caused the development of acromegaly and gigantism. If in the UK the mutation carrier is 1 in 2,000 people, then in the province of Mid-Ulster it is every 150th.

One of the famous Irish giants was Charles Byrne (1761–1783), his height was over 230 cm.

Legends, of course, endow giants with enormous power, but in reality, not everything is so rosy. People with acromegaly and gigantism often suffer from cardiovascular diseases, vision problems and frequent pain in the joints. Without treatment, many giants may not live to see 30 years of age.


The legend about werewolves has several origins. Firstly, people's lives have always been connected with the forest. From the deepest antiquity we have reached rock paintings hybrids of humans and animals. People wanted to be stronger, they chose a totem animal and wore its skin. These beliefs were also the basis for the narcotic drugs that warriors took before battle and imagined themselves to be invincible wolves.

Secondly, the belief in the existence of werewolves was also supported by the presence in people of such a genetic disease as hypertrichosis- excessive growth of hair on the body and face, which was called “werewolf syndrome.” It was only in 1963 that doctor Lee Illis gave the disease a medical basis. In addition to the genetic disease, there was also a mental disease known as lycanthropy, during attacks of which people lose their minds and lose human qualities, considering themselves wolves. In addition, there is an exacerbation of the disease during certain lunar phases.

By the way, the wolf from the world famous “Little Red Riding Hood”, according to, was none other than a werewolf. And he didn’t eat the grandmother, but fed it to her granddaughter.


As for the scientific basis for these myths, in 1914, paleontologist Otenio Abel suggested that the ancient finds of dwarf elephant skulls became the reason for the birth of the myth of the Cyclops, since the central nasal opening can easily be mistaken for a giant eye socket. It is curious that these elephants were found precisely on the Mediterranean islands of Cyprus, Malta, and Crete.

Sodom and Gomorrah

We don’t know about you, but we always thought that Sodom and Gomorrah are a very large-scale myth and rather some kind of personification of vicious cities. However, this is quite a historical fact.

Excavations have been underway at Tell el-Hammam in Jordan for a decade now. ancient city. Archaeologists are confident that they have found the biblical Sodom. The approximate location of the city has always been known - the Bible described the “Sodom Pentate City” in the Jordan Valley. However, its exact location has always raised questions.

In 2006, excavations began, and scientists found a large ancient settlement surrounded by a powerful rampart. According to researchers, people lived here between 3500 and 1540 BC. e. There is no other option for the name of the city, otherwise the mention of such a large settlement would have remained in written sources.


Kraken - legendary mythical sea ​​monster gigantic size, cephalopod, known from descriptions of sailors. The first extensive description was made by Eric Pontoppidan - he wrote that the kraken is an animal “the size of a floating island.” According to him, the monster is able to grab with its tentacles capital ship and drag it to the bottom, but the whirlpool that occurs when the kraken quickly sinks to the bottom is much more dangerous. It turns out that a sad end is inevitable - both when the monster attacks and when it runs away from you. Really creepy!

The rationale for the myth of the “creepy monster” is simple: Giant squids still exist today and reach 16 meters in length. They really are an impressive sight - in addition to suckers, some species also have claws and teeth on their tentacles, but they can only threaten someone by pressing him down from above. Even if modern man Having met such a creature, one becomes very frightened, let alone medieval fishermen - for them the giant squid was definitely a mythical monster.


When it comes to unicorns, we immediately imagine a graceful creature with a rainbow horn in its forehead. Interestingly, they are found in the legends and myths of many cultures. The very first images were found in India and are over 4,000 years old. Later the myth spread across the continent and reached Ancient Rome, where they were considered absolutely real animals.

Chindo in South Korea. Here the waters between the islands part to a whole hour, opening wide and long way ! Scientists explain this miracle by the difference in the timing of low and high tides.

Of course, many tourists come there - in addition to simple walks, they have the opportunity to see the marine inhabitants who remained on the opened land. The amazing thing about the Moses Trail is that it leads from the mainland to the island.

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