Unusual watercolor painting. An overview of unusual drawing techniques for children


Using a variety of materials while drawing, you can achieve interesting effects:
1. to receive blurred outlines, drip water (or vodka) on a watercolor sheet. In this way it is good to depict the sky covered with clouds;
2. effect "flakes", snowflakes, "ice crust" can be obtained by sprinkling salt on the applied watercolor image;

3. chaotic uneven retouching is obtained thanks to crumpled paper;
4. stencil drawing has many options. Try attaching the cutout to a sheet of paper and painting them in watercolor. Now remove the stencil, allowing the paint to spread out. The contours of the stencil image will turn out blurry, and the color will intensify from the center of the figure to the periphery;
5. interesting texture can be achieved with sandpaper;
6.emerging "second" layer possible with multilayer image. draw crayons or a candle anything on a piece of paper and cover watercolor paints. In those places where something is drawn with chalk or with a candle, the paint will not lay down evenly, and an image will be visible from under it;

7. "scratching" paint paintings. draw something crayons or a candle on paper (or just paint over the sheet with colored crayons). Now cover the sheet of paper with the image with a thick layer of paint (gouache) and let dry. After the paint has dried, you can start scratching the image. In those places where there is chalk, the paint will come off well, in other places it will remain an even background;

8. one more interesting way drawing crayons and gouache can be called " mnew image". An object is drawn on paper with wax crayons, the entire space around it is also painted over with crayons. Now this sheet is carefully crumpled, straightened and covered with gouache. Now we quickly wash off the gouache with a sponge and water. The paint should remain only in places where the paper is folded;

9. an interesting effect is obtained from drawing sponge. Invite the child to "draw" with a sponge a crown of trees or a sea;

10. give "fluffiness" image can be done using gauze or cellophane. It's good to use this effect with stencil. Cut out an animal figure from cardboard and attach it to a piece of paper. Now we lower the gauze or cellophane into the paint diluted with water, and with light movements we pass along the contour of the stencil. When you remove the stencil, you will see a clear figure of the animal, and its contour will look soft and fluffy (for example, like a bear drawn with gauze by Valeria Koryavikova).
Nearby is a drawing made according to the same principle, only without a stencil, and instead of gauze, polyethylene bag;

11. try to use as an additional drawing tool threads. Good at drawing sinuous lines with the help of woolen threads from a loose product;

12. amazing colorful circles are obtained if you draw not with a brush, but electrical toothbrush or massage brush.

II. "Punching": baby might like it stamp"objects or in this way" draw "something." You can "stamp" any objects, it can be cubes (a set of geometric shapes) or an elastic band on reverse side pencil:

Prints can be made natural materials, for example, spruce branch or a large leaf from a plant:

III. The kid may like to draw on a sheet if it lies on some convex surfaces. You can make your own curly stencil for "imprints", for example like this:

IV. If you draw on a wet drawing with watercolor back side of the brush, then you get " grooves", as in the picture with the trees. So you can “draw” wet with scissors, in which case the “grooves” will turn out the same and two at once.
V. Spray: interesting effects and images can be obtained by spraying paint from a brush or toothbrush onto a piece of paper. The same can be done by placing an object on a sheet. Then there will be a "dotted background" around the object, and the image of the object will be colorless.

With help spray you can paint the whole picture:

VI. blots: drip and let the paint spread over the sheet. You can blow into the center of the blot through a tube. Blot images can be made mirrored, if you first fold the sheet in half (or twist it), then straighten it and drip paint on it. Now fold the sheet again and press lightly. The rest is up to your imagination. See what the blots look like and draw the necessary details. Below - mirror drawing from the blot of Yulia Mitko.

VII.Monotype. This technique works well for postcards.Apply to glass (or any other material that does not absorb paint) multi-colored stripes or a pattern. Now place a sheet of paper on top and press lightly. Remove the sheet from the glass and examine the printed pattern.

VIII.Foam drawing.

1. Whisk foam and pick it up with a sponge. Now wring out the sponge so that the foam is in the paint container. Stir and apply foam with paint to paper with a brush. When the drawing dries, the excess foam can be blown away.

2. For creating effect use different shades take the colors shaving foam and gouache of the color you need. Mix shaving foam and paint in a bowl and apply with a brush to the drawing.

IX. Drawings with glue

1.Adhesive lining.Draw something on the sheet with a pencil. Squeeze out the glue along the contour of the image through a small hole in a tube of stationery glue and leave it to dry. Then paint over the space inside the contour.

Children and creativity are inseparable concepts. child learns the world, trying to reflect it in the game, modeling and drawing. After all, in the soul every kid is a singer and musician, artist and sculptor. Creative impulses in children are often associated with artistic activity, a fine art child is an ideal opportunity for the manifestation of his imagination. This is important condition for the normal development of the baby.

Non-traditional drawing techniques for children in kindergarten and school - this does not mean something complicated. Quite the opposite - such drawing turns an art lesson into fun fun. It is not at all necessary to have complex pencil and brush skills. AT simple tricks unconventional drawing child is able to create beautiful drawings and paintings, and this will give him an amazing creative experience with an excellent final result. He himself will be drawn to art when he feels that he can create beauty with his own hands.

Non-traditional ways of drawing

For kids unconventional techniques Drawing is a wonderful way to create small masterpieces. It turns out that the palm can turn into a pink elephant, and a simple blot can become a tree, and a carrot and potato can surprise with unusual patterns.

For example, kids 3-4 years old can offer:

With kids 5-6 years You can also try:

  • picture prints
  • plasticine printing
  • leaf prints
  • hand drawings
  • drawing with cotton swabs
  • magic strings
  • monotype.

And with children 7-8 years you can learn more complex techniques:

  • crumpled paper drawing
  • drawing soap bubbles
  • salt painting
  • blotography
  • plasticineography
  • scratching
  • frottage.

For children, modeling from plasticine is the whole world full of variety and experimentation! Under your strict guidance, a child can mold all kinds of things and become the most the best leadership to create various fairytale heroes, animals and plants.

hand drawing

Drawing with pens is the first technique that little children are able to master very early. The drawing turns out quickly - this is extremely important, because kids cannot do one thing for a long time. Dip a child's hand in paint and let the baby make an imprint on the surface of the paper. See what it looks like. Ask the baby what you need to finish to get some kind of animal or bird. The missing details can be drawn with your fingers.

Wet paper watercolor technique

To create small masterpieces, you will need a sheet of thick paper, watercolors and a brush. Help your child wet the sheet evenly, but without puddles. Let him pick up some paint on the brush and start creating. Each stroke with a new tone spreads across the paper, beautifully turning into a different shade. It's time to show the child the mixing of colors and explain what shades are.

Tell the child that all movements should be done easily and smoothly, no need to press the brush into the paper, as many children like to do. A light touch is enough. In this technique, it is good to draw backgrounds. And after drying, you can continue to draw the rest of the drawing.

Drawing in the technique of Adhesive Pictures

To draw in this style, you will need a glue gun. Help your child draw outlines on paper with hot glue, inside which the image is filled with paints. Thanks to the glue, the paint does not flow beyond these contours. It turns out something like a stained glass image. Using this technique, you and your child can create a real stained-glass window on glass, but then instead of a simple watercolor, you will need to buy acrylic paints water based.

Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, kindergartens host exhibitions of bright handicrafts and creative works kids who decorate the garden on the most magical days new year holiday. We offer you a variety of

Drawings in watercolor technique with wax crayons

To draw a picture in this technique, you need: landscape sheet, wax crayons, watercolor paints, squirrel brush, leaf templates.

Let the kid with your help draw several different leaves on the sheet. The drawing must be arranged according to the size of the leaves - first large, then smaller. Let the leaves overlap each other - after all, that's how it is in nature.

Now take wax crayons and circle the contours of the leaves, for this you will need warm-colored crayons: yellow, red, orange, brown, burgundy. You can use several colors in one sheet. Do not forget to draw veins on each leaf, except for rowan

Interesting! Crafts from plasticine. Step by step modeling for children

And now it's time to use watercolors - start painting over not the leaves, but the landscape sheet from the upper left corner. Show your child how to add other colors so that one shade flows smoothly into another without clear boundaries. Thus, we gradually fill our sheet with autumn colors.

Drawing funny prints

1. Plasticine stamps

It is very easy and convenient to make stamps from plasticine - just give a piece of plasticine the desired shape, decorate with patterns (lines, dots) and paint it in the desired color.

2. Stamps from threads

To create interesting “striped dies”, you can use threads that need to be firmly wound around an object. Then the threads are dyed with thick paint in the desired color. Now only fantasy will tell you how to apply a "striped pattern" to the surface of the paper.

3. Rolled cardboard stamps

By rolling a piece of cardboard into a roll, you can get an original stamp for "roses". And if cut off from the sleeve from toilet paper"kruglyash" and give it the shape of a leaf, then your child can independently create a beautiful composition.

4. Prints "leaves"

This technique is familiar to many. To print a sheet, you can take any beautiful leaf and apply paint to the veined side. Then, with the painted side, attach the sheet to the paper and iron it. After a few seconds, you can gently lift the leaf - its imprint will remain on the paper.

5. Prints with potatoes, carrots, apples

For kids early age this is a fairly popular technique. You will need any vegetable or fruit and gouache. Then everything is simple - dip the object into the paint and make an imprint on paper.

Stamps can be made from apples, potatoes, carrots, peppers and other vegetables or fruits. The easiest way to make a stamp is from potatoes. If you have a metal cookie cutter, simply press the cookie cutter into the potato and carefully trim any excess pieces around the edges with a knife.

Bubble painting

It will be very interesting for the child to draw a picture with soap bubbles. To do this, add any soap solution and paint to a glass of water and use a straw to make a strong foam. Gently place a sheet of paper on the bubbles and wait for the first patterns to appear. You can lift the paper - bubble patterns are ready.

salt painting

To give the background of the picture a whimsical texture, salt can be used when depicting any landscape. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle the background with salt. She absorbs excess water sticks and creates a very interesting effect. Excess salt should be gently shaken off after drying. Unusual light spots will remain in its place.

There is another unusual interesting option salt painting. To do this, draw a drawing with a pencil, and then circle with PVA glue. It can be a simple flower, patterns or geometric figures. We do not regret Clay. Generously sprinkle the pattern with salt, and then gently shake off the excess onto a tray. Now let's add colors - you can paint with a brush, or you can take a pipette and apply tinted water drop by drop to the drawing. You can see how the drops spread and bright patterns and shapes are obtained.

Drawing with crumpled paper.

Using a crumpled napkin or paper, you can get an unusual texture. There are two methods for this technique:


This unusual painting technique is based on a unique print, which can only be obtained in a single copy. Therefore, two absolutely identical drawings cannot be created.

Drawing with a secret in three pairs of hands

When your child is 4 years old, we strongly advise you to resort to this method. It consists in the following. Is taken rectangular sheet paper, 3 pencils. Adults and a child are distributed: who will draw the first, who will be the second, who will be the third. The first one starts drawing, and then closes his drawing, bending the leaflet on top and leaving a little bit, some part, to continue (the neck, for example). The second, not seeing anything but the neck, naturally continues the torso, leaving only part of the legs visible. The third one finishes. Then the whole sheet is opened - and almost always it turns out funny: from the mismatch of proportions, color schemes.


It consists in teaching children how to make blots (black and multi-colored). Then a 3-year-old child can look at them and see images, objects or individual details. “What does your or my inkblot look like?”, “Whom or what does it remind you of?” - these questions are very useful, because develop thinking and imagination. After that, without forcing the child, but showing, we recommend moving on to the next step - tracing or drawing the blot. The result can be a whole story.

Drawing together on a long strip of paper

By the way, it is useful to change the paper format (that is, to give not only a standard). In this case, a long strip will help you draw together without interfering with each other. You can draw isolated objects or plots, i.e. work nearby. And even in this case, the child is warmer from the elbow of mom or dad. And then it is desirable to go to collective drawing. Adults and the child agree on who will draw what to get one plot.

Drawing yourself or drawing from nature of your favorite toys

Drawing from nature develops observation, the ability to no longer create, but to depict according to the rules, i.e. draw so that it looks like the original in proportions, shapes, and colors. Suggest that you draw yourself first, looking in the mirror. And be sure to look in the mirror many times. Better yet, show how you adults will draw yourself, by all means looking in the mirror many times. Then let the child choose an object for himself. It can be a favorite doll, bear or car. It is important to learn to observe for a long time, comparing parts of the subject. And further. If a child moves away from nature, introduces something of his own, as a result of which a completely different object or toy appears, do not be upset. Praise your toddler: “You drew a new car today! Perhaps you want this?” But at the end of such a drawing, it is important to ask: “How does the drawn car differ from this one?”

"I draw my mother"

It would be good to continue drawing from life or drawing from memory (family members, relatives and friends can become objects for such an image). As supporting material, there may be photographs or conversations about characteristic features appearance missing relatives… Photographs are taken and examined. A conversation is held: “Which grandmother Valya? What kind of hair does she have? Hairstyle? Favorite dress? Smile?" And the creative process begins. After a while, you can offer to draw girlfriends from memory. When there are enough drawings depicting relatives and friends, we advise you to organize a mini-exhibition “My relatives and friends”, where the first portraits of a preschooler are appreciated.


Children love anything non-traditional. Drawing with dots refers to unusual, in this case, techniques. For implementation, you can take a felt-tip pen, a pencil, put it perpendicular to white sheet paper and start drawing. But here's the best way to get bitmaps with paints. Here's how it's done. A match, cleaned of sulfur, is tightly wrapped with a small piece of cotton wool and dipped in thick paint. And then the principle of drawing points is the same. The main thing is to immediately interest the child.

foam drawings

For some reason, we all tend to think that if we paint with paints, then we must also use a brush. Far from always, say Trizovites. Foam rubber can come to the rescue. We advise you to make a variety of various small geometric figures out of it, and then attach them with a thin wire to a stick or pencil (not sharpened). The tool is ready. Now you can dip it in paint and use the stamp method to draw red triangles, yellow circles, green squares (all foam rubber, unlike cotton wool, is well washed). At first, children will randomly draw geometric shapes. And then offer to make the simplest ornaments out of them - first from one type of figure, then from two, three.

Mysterious drawings

Mysterious drawings can be obtained as follows. A cardboard about 20x20 cm in size is taken. And it folds in half. Then a semi-woolen or woolen thread about 30 cm long is selected, its end is dipped in thick paint for 8-10 cm and clamped inside the cardboard. You should then move this thread inside the cardboard, and then take it out and open the cardboard. It turns out a chaotic image, which is examined, outlined and completed by adults with children. It is extremely useful to give names to the resulting images. This complex mental and speech work, combined with visual work, will contribute to intellectual development preschool children.

Drawing with crayons

Preschoolers love variety. These opportunities provide us with ordinary crayons, sanguine, coal. Smooth asphalt, porcelain, ceramic tiles, stones - this is the base on which chalk and coal fit well. So, asphalt disposes to a capacious image of plots. They (if there is no rain) can be developed the next day. And then make up stories according to the plots. And on ceramic tiles (which are sometimes stored in the remains somewhere in the pantry), we recommend depicting patterns, small objects with crayons or charcoal. Large stones (such as boulders) are asked to decorate them under the image of an animal's head or under a stump. It depends on what or whom the stone resembles in shape.

magic drawing method

This method is implemented like this. corner wax candle an image is drawn on white paper (a Christmas tree, a house, or maybe a whole plot). Then with a brush, and preferably with cotton wool or foam rubber, the paint is applied on top of the entire image. Due to the fact that the paint does not fall on the bold image with a candle, the drawing seems to appear suddenly before the eyes of the children, manifesting itself. You can get the same effect by first drawing with stationery glue or a piece laundry soap. At the same time, not last role plays the selection of the background to the subject. For example, it is better to paint over a snowman painted with a candle with blue paint, and a boat with green paint. No need to worry if candles or soap start to crumble while painting. It depends on their quality.

Drawing small pebbles

Of course, most often the child depicts on a plane, on paper, less often on asphalt, tiles of large stones. A flat image of a house, trees, cars, animals on paper is not as attractive as creating volumetric own creations. In this regard, sea pebbles are ideally used. They are smooth, small and have different shape. The very shape of the pebble will sometimes tell the child what image to create in this case (and sometimes adults will help the kids). It is better to paint one pebble under a frog, another under a bug, and a wonderful fungus will come out of the third. Bright thick paint is applied to the pebble - and the image is ready. And it’s better to finish it like this: after the pebble dries, cover it with a colorless varnish. In this case, a voluminous beetle or a frog made by children's hands shines, brightly shimmers. This toy will participate in independent children's games more than once and bring considerable benefits to its owner.

Finger painting method

Here is another way to depict the world around you: with your fingers, palm, feet, and maybe with your chin, nose. Not everyone will take such a statement seriously. Where is the line between prank and drawing? And why should we draw only with a brush or felt-tip pen? After all, a hand or individual fingers is such a help. And the index finger right hand obeys the child better than a pencil. Well, if the pencil is broken, the brush is wiped off, the felt-tip pens are over - but you want to draw. There is another reason: sometimes the theme just asks for a child's hand or finger. For example, a child will better draw a tree with his hands than with other tools. With his finger, he will bring out the trunk and branches, then (if) he will apply yellow, green, orange paint and draw a crimson red tree on top. Well, if we teach children to use their fingers rationally: not just one index finger, but all.

Thread method

There is this method mainly for girls. But this does not mean that it is not suitable for children of the opposite sex. And it consists in the following. First, a screen 25x25 cm in size is made of cardboard. Either velvet paper or plain flannel is glued onto the cardboard. It would be nice to prepare a nice bag with a set of woolen or semi-woolen threads of various colors for the screen. This method is based on the following feature: threads with a certain percentage of wool are attracted to flannel or velvet paper. You just need to attach them with light movements. index finger. From such threads you can cook interesting stories. Develops imagination, sense of taste. Especially girls learn to skillfully select colors. Some thread colors are suitable for light flannel, and completely different colors for dark flannel. Thus begins the gradual path to the women's craft, needlework, which is very necessary for them.

Monotype method

Two words about this, unfortunately rarely used method. And in vain. Because he is fraught with a lot of tempting for preschoolers. In short, this is an image on cellophane, which is then transferred to paper. On smooth cellophane, I paint with paint using a brush, or a match with cotton wool, or a finger (no uniformity is needed). The paint should be thick and bright. And immediately, until the paint has dried, turn the cellophane over with the image down on white thick paper and, as it were, wet the drawing, and then lift it up. It turns out two drawings. Sometimes the image remains on cellophane, sometimes on paper.

Drawing on wet paper

Until recently, it was believed that you can only draw on dry paper, because the paint is sufficiently diluted with water. But there are a number of objects, plots, images that are better to draw on wet paper. We need ambiguity, vagueness, for example, if a child wants to depict the following topics: “City in the fog”, “I had dreams”, “ It's raining”, “Night city”, “Flowers behind the curtain”, etc. You need to teach a preschooler to make the paper a little wet. If the paper is too wet, the drawing may not work. Therefore, it is recommended to soak in clean water a lump of cotton wool, squeeze it out and draw it either over the entire sheet of paper, or (if required) only over a separate part. And the paper is ready to produce vague images.

tissue images

We collect the remnants of fabrics of various patterns and different qualities in a bag. Useful, as they say, and chintz, and brocade. Very important for concrete examples to show how the drawing on the fabric, as well as its dressing, can help to depict something in the plot very brightly and at the same time easily. Let's give some examples. So, on one of the fabrics flowers are depicted. They are cut out along the contour, glued (only with a paste or other good glue), and then they paint on a table or a vase. It turns out a capacious colorful image. There are fabrics that can serve well as a house or the body of an animal, or a beautiful umbrella, or a hat for a doll, or a handbag.

Volume application

Obviously, children love to do appliqué: cut something and stick it on, getting a lot of pleasure from the process itself. And you need to create all the conditions for them. Along with a planar application, teach them how to make a three-dimensional one: a three-dimensional one is better perceived by a preschooler and more realistically reflects the world around them. In order to obtain such an image, it is necessary to wrinkle the applicative well in children's hands. colored paper, then straighten slightly and cut out the desired shape. After that, just stick it on and, if necessary, finish the individual details with a pencil or felt-tip pen. Make, for example, a turtle beloved by children. Remember the brown paper, flatten it slightly, cut out an oval shape and stick it on, then paint on the head and legs.

Drawing with postcards

In fact, almost every house has a lot of old postcards. Go through old postcards with your children, teach them how to cut desired images and stick to the place, in the plot. A bright factory image of objects and phenomena will give even the simplest unpretentious drawing a completely decoration. It is sometimes difficult for a three-, four- and even five-year-old child to draw a dog and a beetle. You can take them ready-made, and let him add the sun, rain to the dog and the bug and he will be very happy. Or if, together with the children, cut out of a postcard and stick it on fairytale house with a grandmother in the window, then the preschooler, focusing on his imagination, knowledge of fairy tales and visual skills, no doubt, will draw something for him.

Learning to make a background

Usually children draw on white paper. So you can see it more clearly. So faster. But some scenes require a background. And, I must say, all children's work looks better against a background made in advance. Many children make the background with a brush, moreover, an ordinary, small one. Although there is a simple and reliable way: make the background with cotton wool or a piece of foam rubber soaked in water and paint.


The concept itself explains the meaning of this method: several of the above are collected in it. In general, ideally, the following seems important to us: it is good when a preschooler is not only familiar with various image techniques, but also does not forget about them, but uses them appropriately, fulfilling a given goal. For example, one of the children of 5-6 years old decided to draw, and for this he uses a bitmap (flowers), and the child will draw the sun with his finger, he will cut fruits and vegetables from postcards, depict the sky and clouds with fabrics, etc. The limit to improvement and creativity in visual activity no. English teacher-researcher Anna Rogovin recommends using everything that is at hand for drawing exercises: draw with a cloth, paper napkin (folded many times); draw with dirty water, old tea leaves, coffee grounds, pomace from berries. It is also useful to paint cans and bottles, reels and boxes, etc.

There are artists who simply do not need brushes and paints for drawing, and in their experiments with materials they step further. I have compiled a collection interesting authors who paint with unusual materials and methods. I hope it inspires you to new ideas!

Elisabetta Rogai

In her work, Elisabeth uses exclusively white, red and rosé wines, without giving special significance their bouquet or fortress. The only other tool Elisabetta uses to create her paintings is charcoal, which she uses to sketch. The peculiarity of her works is that the color of the paints on the canvas changes over time, as the wine ages and acquires new shades. The result is canvases, each of which is completely unique.

Tarinan von Anhalt (Jet Art)
The American artist creates her abstract paintings using air currents from an aircraft jet engine. Tarinan's clients pay a lot of money for the opportunity to see how the artist creates, because this process in itself is a small show with a risk to life. For creating one abstract painting a connoisseur of creativity will have to pay at least 50 thousand dollars. Jet Art also uses his technique to decorate clothes that he demonstrates at various fashion shows.

This is very unusual direction painting was invented by the Austrian Prince Jürgen von Anhalt back in 1982. He called it "jet art" ("jet painting"). After his death, his business was continued by his wife Tarinan ( real princess). She became the first woman to create her artistic canvases using such a physically demanding painting technique. Before watching the video, I advise you to mute the sound, otherwise there are jet engines)

Underwater paintings by Ukrainian artists

Ukrainian divers create their works at depths from 2 to 20 meters in the waters of the Black and Red Seas. Artists are so inspired by beauty underwater world what they came up with unusual way capture it with ordinary paint and canvas with waterproof glue. Under each picture, in addition to the title, the sea is indicated, the salt of which a certain work absorbed and the depth to which the artist had to plunge. The pictures look really unusual.

Natalie Irish

The artist paints with kisses, and uses ordinary lipstick as a material. On average, one picture takes about five tubes of lipstick. The first work of the artist was a portrait of Marilyn Monroe - it is with this actress that Natalie associates red lipstick. The artist admitted that the creation of her paintings is not an easy job, because she needs to methodically leave kisses on the canvas according to a certain pattern, constantly changing the focus of her eyes. One painting takes at least 3 hours.

Otman Tom

The Baghdad artist uses ice cream instead of the usual colors to create his works. His work is similar to watercolor drawings and have a wide range. The artist always photographs his work with leftover ice cream and brushes on canvas, thus showing a small part of the process. Looks really like watercolor!

hot enamel(from French email) - an enamel technique in which a pasty mass colored with metal oxides is applied to a specially treated surface and fired, resulting in a vitreous colored layer.

There are several types of enamels, depending on the technique of its manufacture:

  • Miniature on enamel, finift- a technique of artistic enameling, which uses the technique of carpal easel painting. The first registration of the image is performed on a white enamel background of a copper base plate. After underpainting, the plate is dried, fired in a muffle furnace at 800 degrees and again prescribed. To obtain maximum color sophistication and detail in the drawing, the enamel artist repeats this process many times.
  • Painted (picturesque) enamel- on the front side, the outline of the image and its details are written with saturated enamel paint. Since the enamel is applied in fragments, firing is done 10-15 times, taking into account different level melting temperatures of the enamels used.
  • cloisonne enamel- for its manufacture, a thin metal plate is taken, on which the contour of the future image is cut through. Then, thin metal strips are soldered along this contour, obtaining an image from cells of various shapes and sizes. Each cell is filled with enamel of a different color to the upper edge of the partitions and the enamel is fired.
  • Enamel on filigree (filigree)- a floral or geometric ornament is soldered onto a metal surface from an intertwined metal wire, which forms cells. Each cell is filled to the brim with enamel of a different color, which, after firing, settles and turns out to be below the filigree ornament. As a result, enamel is not polished on filigree.
  • champlevé enamel- a plot or ornamental image is deeply cut (removed) on a metal plate. The resulting recesses are filled with transparent or opaque enamel and the enamel is fired. In the technique of champlevé enamel, several techniques are known to achieve an artistic effect.
  • Engraving enamel is a type of champlevé enamel technique.
  • Enamel on guilloché background- a kind of engraving enamel technique. Engraving is done mechanically, using a special machine. In the guilloche enamel technique, only transparent enamels of the widest range of colors are used.
  • casting enamel- the image is obtained by casting it together with a metal base plate. Then the recess on the plate is filled with enamel.
  • Relief enamel- a technique used for artistic enameling in high relief, when the enamel coating repeats the shape of a metal relief image, acting as a glaze.

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