Romanians appearance of a man. Romanians are cheerful singers and musicians


Romanians are a people who make up indigenous people Romania is a state in Southeastern Europe. The formation of the culture and customs of the Romanians was influenced by the Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Serbs, Gypsies. Romanians belong to the Slavic peoples. Their lifestyle, traditions are similar to other Romanesque ethnic groups.


Total Romanians worldwide number 24,000,000 people. They make up 90% of the total Romanian population. Also, Hungarians, Ukrainians, Germans, Gypsies and some other peoples live in the state.

Where live

A small proportion of ethnic Romanians are found in the following countries:

  • Moldova: 73,000;
  • Ukraine: 150,000;
  • US: 500,000;
  • Israel: 50,000.

Also, representatives of this people are settled in neighboring states: Serbia, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece.


The inhabitants of Romania speak Romanian, which is part of the Romance language group. It is state. The Hungarian population mostly speaks their native language.

Capital of Romania - Bucharest


The vast majority of Romanians profess Orthodoxy (87%). The rest are Catholics or Protestants. There are also Muslims, who make up an insignificant part of the country's inhabitants.


The self-name of the Romanians is "Romini", or "Romanian". The word comes from the Latin "romanus", which translates as "Roman". Medieval historians mention that the Romanians considered themselves descendants of the Romans, therefore they called themselves Romans (Romans). At that time, the term "roman" also meant ordinary people. The toponym "Romania" was assigned to the country in the 19th century, after the unification of Moldavia and Wallachia.


The ethnogenesis of the Romanian people was influenced by the Thracian tribes that lived on the territory of Romania before our era, as well as the southern and eastern Slavs. The 14th century was the beginning of the formation of the Moldavian and Wallachian principalities on these lands, which were then captured by Ottoman Empire. Then Transylvania joined them. Until the 19th century, these areas fought for their liberation, but these attempts were suppressed by Turkish and then Austrian troops. Moldavia and Wallachia then became a united principality under Ottoman influence. After Russian-Turkish war Romanian independence was proclaimed.


Romanians belong to the European anthropological type. They have Slavic features, but a long stay under Turkish domination left a certain imprint on their appearance. Initially, the Romanian nation was fair-haired and light-eyed. The admixture of Turkish blood made the people more swarthy, dark-haired. The Romanians retained delicate facial features, which, coupled with dark hair and eyes, give their appearance a brightness. Girls and men of Romanian nationality are very attractive. They have slender figures, proud posture. Representatives of the people of medium height, stately. Men are broad-shouldered, women have a beautiful smooth gait.

Romanians are mostly dark-skinned, with dark hair, often curly. Eyes - large, brown, framed by thick eyelashes. The nose is straight, the correct oval of the face, well-defined eyebrows. Sometimes meet blue-eyed blondes, but this is more of an exception than the rule.


Romania is not a country with a high standard of living. There is unemployment here, food prices are quite high. Many people leave to work in more stable European countries. After joining the European Union, the price of gasoline has risen sharply. This is despite the fact that the oil industry is developed here. IN major cities standard of living is higher than in countryside. Salaries are higher here, although the prices in shops differ from those in the countryside. In the villages, many residents live off the garden. Despite the fact that the country is considered the birthplace of the gypsies, their number is small. They mostly live in separate settlements. IN Lately Gypsies immigrate en masse to France, which is approved by the local population.

A modern Romanian family consists of a husband, wife, and their children. Sometimes they live in the house of one of the parents. Romanians love children, they often have 3-4 children. There is no separation of family responsibilities, both parents do household chores equally. Women work and have equal rights with men. On holidays, the whole family usually gathers. Relatives live close to each other in order to be able to provide support.


Romania is a multinational country, so its folklore has absorbed the features of many cultures. Gypsy, Moldavian, Ukrainian, Hungarian traditions are mixed here. Romanians are very musical, they love to dance and sing. Popular song genre- lyrical doina. It's romantic folk song, consisting of two parts: the slow first and the second - faster. Various epic ballads, ritual, shepherd songs are also common. There are many types of collective dances. Romanian residents organize a variety of festivals, including:

Electronic Music Festival in Cluj-Napoca

Since 2002, an international film festival has been held annually in Transylvania. It belongs to the competition, awards are presented by an international jury. The Jazz Festival brings together world stars of this genre. The city of Cluj-Napoca, which hosts guests, won the title of "European Youth Capital" for holding mass musical events. It hosts festivals of electronic, academic, pop music.
Holidays of Romanians are the same as those of other Slavic peoples. These include:

  1. New Year
  2. Easter
  3. Christmas
  4. Day of the Holy Trinity
  5. Spring Festival.


An ancient type of Romanian housing was a dugout. A round hole was dug in the ground, and the floor was trampled down. The roof was a hut, which was made of boards or logs. It was covered with reeds and straw. Food was cooked on a fire. The size of the room ranged from 1.5 to 3 meters. On the basis of these dwellings, they began to make wooden houses deepened into the ground. They had log or wicker walls. Often they made 3- and 4-room buildings. There was a canopy, a living room, a chamber.

Later, they began to build houses of brick and stone (19th century). Such construction is widespread even now along with log construction. The most common hipped roofs. In the villages they are covered with tiles or boards. The Southern Carpathians are characterized by wooden houses standing on a stone foundation. They have balconies, in the basement there are storage rooms. The open hearth, common in the old days, was replaced by Russian stoves.

The interior of the Romanian dwelling consists of wooden furniture, ceramic products. The bed is covered with a blanket national ornament. The bedroom is full of pillows dressed in beautiful embroidered pillowcases. Things are stored in a large chest. Ceramic dishes are placed on shelves along the walls. home stuff, wooden tools decorated with carvings. Embroidered towels are hung everywhere, the table is filled with a tablecloth.


Romanians have long bred sheep, goats, grown flax, so they had the opportunity to make clothes on their own. Weaving and embroidery were widespread among them. Previously, linen, hemp fabrics were widely used, now cotton is more common. Men's suit consists of the following elements:

  1. White canvas pants
  2. Long white shirt
  3. sleeveless shirt
  4. Wide belt
  5. Hat or beanie
  6. Boots.

A long shirt is worn over trousers, tied with a wide red belt. The collar is made standing or turn-down. The front of the tunic is embroidered, as are the cuffs. The sleeveless jacket can be white, red, black. It is trimmed with ornament, contrasting embroidery. Outerwear is sewn from cloth or sheepskin (in cold regions).

Women's attire is similar to men's. This is a white blouse with embroidery, sleeveless, embellished floral ornament. Women wear a long red skirt that is gathered or wrapped around the hips. In some areas, a red apron is worn over a white skirt. The head is covered with a scarf or scarf. Shoes are boots or boots with a long narrow top with lacing. Beads, monisto are worn as decoration.


Romanian cuisine is a synthesis of dishes that came from various European, Balkan states. It has Greek, Austrian, German, Ukrainian dishes. Thanks to this, Romanian food is very varied and tasty. Meat is an active component of Romanian cuisine. Pork, lamb, veal, ducks, chickens are used. It is smoked, grilled, sausages are made. On the table you can often see fish and seafood. The gifts of nature are also used: mushrooms, berries, herbs. There are a lot of cereals and soups in the daily menu. Hominy is widespread - a steeply brewed porridge based on cornmeal. Stewed vegetables, potatoes, beans, rice are served as a side dish. On the basis of milk, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese are made. Cheese is produced not only from cow's milk, but also from sheep's and goat's. Romanians love pastries, they always have a lot of desserts, sweet flour products. Popular dishes are:

  1. Moussaka is a Greek meat and vegetable casserole. Tomatoes, eggplants, mushrooms, potatoes are added there.
  2. Stufat - lamb ribs stew with onion sauce.
  3. Mititei - are lamb meat sausages with spices, fried on a grill. Reminds me of Turkish kebab.
  4. Toba is a stuffed pork stomach.
  5. Sarmale is an analogue of the Georgian dolma. Chopped meat wrapped in grape leaves and stewed.
  6. Plakie de peste is a fish stew with a vegetable side dish.

Many sweets are made from flour. These are pies with apples, cottage cheese, berries, donuts with jam, biscuits, bagels, strudel. Large variety of drinks. Along with tea and coffee, they drink juices, compotes, fruit drinks. A developed wine industry supplies a variety of red and white wines. Palinka - fruit brandy, various liqueurs - is a success with tourists. Popular vodka infused with pears, plums, apples - tsuiki.


Romanians are beautiful sonorous names, which they borrowed from the Greeks, Slavs, Romans. popular male name is Ion - a local version of the Russian name Ivan. There are also Nicolae, Vasil, Petre, Konstantin, Pavel. On the move Old Slavic names: Bogdan, Dragomir, Dobre. Girls are often called Aurora, Laura, Sylvia, Victoria. There are also more exotic ones: Flora, Ursu, Mioara.

Famous people

Among the Romanians, many famous singers, musicians, composers:

  1. Marius Mora, Andrey Ropcha - musicians famous group Morandi playing Eurodance style. The team is the owner of various MTV awards.
  2. Tudor George is a musician, singer, actor of world renown.
  3. Jica Petrescu - artist, composer, folk performer.
  4. Janos Körösi - jazz musician.
  5. Madeline Manole is a famous pop singer.
  6. Alexandra Stan - singer, winner of music awards " Best Female Singer', MTV's different nominations.
  7. Inna is a house, eurodance singer with coloratura soprano, winner of MTV awards for best performer.


Romanians are a calm, unhurried nation. They give the impression of friendly friendly people who will help with advice, tell you what to do in difficult situation. Some tourists from Russia believe that they are very similar to Russians - they are just as attentive and responsive. The Romanians are also hospitable, they treat guests with various homemade delicacies, wine, and liquor.

There is an opinion that Romanian men have a temperamental character, show aggression towards their wives. Perhaps this refers to the Romanian gypsies, who are an ethnic minority. Girls who married Romanians speak of them as cheerful, cheerful people, passionate lovers. Romanian men are gallant and romantic. They are able to surround the girl with care, attention, give gifts. They like beautiful, spectacular girls who increase a man's self-esteem.

Which country on earth has the most beautiful women? This question is eternal. There are beauties in every country, but it seems that some countries are lucky separately - quantity beautiful girls in percentage terms, they just roll over.

So what is the reason for this? Culture? National cuisine? Luck? Maybe these are the countries where plastic surgery is developed? Be that as it may, we have chosen 20 countries with the most beautiful girls.

20. Romania

How many beauties live in Romania... This country south of Ukraine is simply overflowing with beauties. Almost half of the female population of this country is under 45 years old, and most of them are graceful blondes with a slender body. Many here lead healthy lifestyle life, walk a lot, eat mostly homemade food. Perhaps the secret of beauty Romanian girls lies precisely in this. Take a look at Monica Barladean.

19. Armenia

Armenia is a picturesque country south of the Caucasus with beautiful landscapes. But what stands out the most here is the beauty of the local girls. Take a look at Kim Kardashian and her entire family. Armenian women are considered among the most beautiful in the world. The Armenian singer Sirusho personifies everything related to the concept of beauty in Armenian - dark shade skin clear skin and deep dark eye color.

18. Barbados

Barbadian women have just begun to conquer the top of the charts of the most beautiful women on the planet, one of them is even considered one of the sexiest women in the world. Who doesn't think Rihanna is one of the most beautiful women on the planet? The island of Barbados is the birthplace of not only the beauty of the singer. Do a search for "sexy women from Barbados" and you'll see we're telling the truth.

17. Philippines

The Philippines consists of about 8 thousand islands in the west Pacific Ocean. The country stands out for its rich flora and fauna, rich culture and national cuisine and also beautiful girls. Appearance The Filipina is unique, although they are similar to their Asian counterparts, their skin is much darker, which gives them a gorgeous and unique look. Named the sexiest woman in the Philippines, Jennilyn Mercado is a confirmation of this.

16. Bulgaria

Bulgaria is full of seductive beauties. Women here are extremely seductive, with regular features. Almost all kopeck pieces here have lush black hair. Bulgarian girls laid-back and love to dance. Rositsa Ivanova is proof of this.

15. Lebanon

Lebanon is a small country bordered to the north by Syria and to the south by Israel. Lebanon stands out for its outstanding scenery, but what sets this country apart from all others is the beauty of the Lebanese women. They have dark skin, black eyes and hair. The epitome of Lebanese beauty is Haifa Wahbi.

14. Netherlands

Dutch women look the most aggressive of all the representatives of our list. Perhaps the reason for this is the culture that allows them to be punchy and purposeful. They are noisy and cheerful and shamelessly beautiful. Most have blue sapphire eyes and blond hair, brunettes are also found here. An example is Doutzen Kroes.

13. Serbia

The angelic appearance of Serbian girls is mesmerizing. They are one of the most beautiful on our list. Serbian girls love rich makeup and try to look as sexy as possible. Look at Ana Ivanovic - she is a great example of Serbian beauty.

12. Egypt

There is something unique about Egyptian women. They are dark sexy and exotic. They have honey-colored skin, dark thick hair, and almond-shaped eyes. As an example of Egyptian beauty, you can look at Arva Gouda.

11. France

There is something unimaginably romantic about France - the language, the culture, the art, the people. Everything is beautiful in France - food, wine, and of course women. Light skin, delicate hair, beautiful alluring lips and the ability to dress - that's what beauty is in French. living proof all of the above - Marion Cotillard.

10. Argentina

Argentina is known for its football, scenery and great culture and, of course, beauties. These girls are simply breathtakingly beautiful. The population of Argentina is the result of mixing Spanish blood with the indigenous population South America that could not be left without a trace. They look just great. Take a look at Julie Gonzalo and you will understand everything.

9. Italy

Italy is full of beauty - country, wine, people - that's it separate philosophy. People here are experts in beautiful things. And the women here are beautiful too. Classic European look - correct outlines face, a slim body. Giusi Buscemi is the true standard of Italian beauty.

8. South Korea

Women from South Korea are undoubtedly some of the most beautiful in the world. Soft skin, Oval face, big eyes. They are somewhat reminiscent of porcelain figurines, just as neat and cute. One of the most beautiful women in South Korea recognized actress Go Ara.

7. India

India is a country of homemade food, hot sauces and strong traditions. But besides this, some of the most beautiful girls in the world live in this country. Their soft skin honey color, dark hair and black eyes look bewitching. This natural beauty is transmitted from them to genetic level from generation to generation and no one is able to understand what is the secret of Indian women.

6. Venezuela

The Spanish-speaking country of Venezuela is located in the north of South America, slightly north of the equator. The country has very rich history and culture. Also, among other things, some of the most beautiful women on Earth live here. Women in Venezuela pay great attention to their appearance, as a result of which they look simply stunning.

5. Russia

Some of the most beautiful girls in the world live in Russia. They spare no effort or money to look good, which pays off. Being one of the sexiest women on the planet, they are at the same time very family and feminine. Do you want to see the standard of Russian beauty? Look at Elena Kuletskaya.

4. Brazil

Brazil leads the world in the number of supermodels. Brazilian women are famous all over the world for their shape and beauty. Look at Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gisele Bundchen or Megan Fox. This list can be continued indefinitely.

3. Ukraine

Beautiful country and wonderful women. Ukrainian models are recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world. It is enough to look at least at Milla Jovovich or Mila Kunis and everything will immediately become clear.

2. Colombia

Colombia is known throughout the world for high quality plastic surgery, which has paid off. Of course, one cannot say that the beauty of Colombians is the result of surgical intervention, but for the sake of justice, it should be noted that the number of requests is high. It is understandable. Demand creates supply. However, Colombian women are simply breathtakingly beautiful. Shakira and Sofia Vergara are proof of this.

1. Sweden

Blonde hair, crystal Blue eyes That's what beauty means in Swedish. Swedish women are known not only for their beauty, but also for their love of freedom and ability to live. Not surprising. Take a look at Caroline Winberg. She's just great.

Romanians (self-name - români) - people in Europe, the main population of Romania, where there are 16.8 million Romanians. Many people in Romania consider Moldovans to be Romanians, therefore, in some sources, the number of Romanians in the world is greatly overestimated and is estimated at 23.6 million people.

The following are the most beautiful, according to the site top-antropos, famous Romanian women - actresses, singers, models, TV presenters, athletes.

31st place: Roxana Vancha / Roxana Vancea - Romanian TV presenter.

30th place: Beatrice Chirita / Beatrice Chirita - Romanian model. Height 174 cm, figure parameters 88-61-90.

29th place: Paula Seling / Paula Seling (born December 25, 1978) is a Romanian singer, composer and radio DJ. Seling, in a duet with Ovi, represented Romania at Eurovision 2010 in Oslo and finished third. Official website -

28th place: Corina Ungureanu / Corina Ungureanu (born August 29, 1980) - Romanian gymnast, world champion in artistic gymnastics in 1997 and 1999. She was forced to end her career as an athlete in 1999 due to an injury. spinal cord. In 2000, she first posed nude for Playboy magazine. In 2002, she starred in two Japanese films Gold Bird and Euro Angels, where she and two other Romanian gymnasts (Lavinia Milosovici and Claudia Presecan) performed topless gymnastic exercises. After the release of these films, all three girls were suspended from coaching and competition in Romania for 5 years.

27th place: Nadia Comăneci (outside of Romania, her last name is most often pronounced as Comaneci) is one of the greatest athletes in the history of gymnastics. She was born on November 12, 1961 in George Georgiou-Dej (Romania). She won five gold medals at the Olympic Games: three in Montreal in 1976 and two in Moscow in 1980. Became the first gymnast to receive highest mark 10.0 in international competitions.

Nadia Komenech in 1978:

she is now:

26th place: Felicia Beduchu / Felicia Băducu - Romanian model. Height 181 cm, figure parameters 96-65-97.

24th place: Antonia Iacobescu / Antonia Iacobescu (born April 12, 1989) is a Romanian singer. Height 177 cm. Official website -

23rd place: Malvina Chervensky / Malvina Cervenschi (born October 16, 1979) - Romanian TV presenter. Height 170 cm.

22nd place: Madeline Diana Genya / Mădălina Diana Ghenea (born August 8, 1988, Slatina, Romania) - Italian model Romanian descent. In Russian-language sources, she is often called Madalina Diana Ghenea. Height 180 cm, body measurements 90-60-90. Official website -

21st place: Andrea Raicu / Andreea Raicu (born July 18, 1977) - Romanian TV presenter. Official site -

20th place: Dorina Florea (Novak) / Dorina Florea (Novac) - Romanian TV presenter.

19th place: Alexandra Dinu (January 3, 1981, Bucharest, Romania) - TV presenter and actress. Currently lives and works in Italy. Height 168 cm.

17th place: Nicoleta Luciu (born September 12, 1980) is a Romanian actress, singer and TV presenter.

16th place: Elena Alexandra Apostoleanu (born October 16, 1986), better known as Inna / Inna, is a Romanian singer.

15th place: Diana Moldovan / Diana Moldovan (born March 13, 1987) is a Romanian model. Height 176 cm, figure parameters 83-59-88.

14th place: Oana Paveluc / Oana Paveluc (born August 14, 1991) - representative of Romania at the Miss Universe 2010 contest. Height 182 cm, figure parameters 88-62-92.

13th place: Claudia Pavel / Claudia Pavel (b. October 19, 1984), also known as Claudia Cream / Claudia Cream - Romanian singer.

12th place: Bianca Elena Constantin - representative of Romania at the Miss Universe 2009 contest.

11th place: Elena Baguci / Elena Baguci (born October 28, 1986) is a Romanian model. height 180 cm, figure parameters 84-61-89.

10th place: Laura Ana Cosoi / Laura Ana Cosoi (born January 2, 1982) is a Romanian actress and model. Height 163 cm. Official website -

9th place: Mihaela Radulescu / Mihaela Rădulescu (born August 3, 1969) - Romanian TV presenter.

8th place: Ruxandra Bar (Barau) / Ruxandra Bar (Barau) - Romanian singer. Height 172 cm.

7th place: Monica Bîrlădeanu (born December 12, 1978), better known as Monica Dean / Monica Dean, is a Romanian actress and model. Height 170 cm. Official website -

6th place: Andrea Diaconu / Andreea Diaconu (born March 28, 1991) is a Romanian model. Height 179 cm, figure parameters 81-58.5-86.5.

5th place: Andrea Hurja / Andreea Hurja - Romanian model and singer. Sings with the Moldovan singer Dan Balan.

4th place: Alina Văcariu (born December 14, 1984) is a Romanian model. Height 176 cm, figure parameters 86.5-61-89.

3rd place: Cristina Dochianu - Romanian TV presenter. Height 170 cm.

2nd place: Elena Ionescu / Elena Ionescu (born May 17, 1988) - singer, soloist Romanian group Mandinga.

Admin 07/07/2015 00:46

You are a master at twisting facts. You write that Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians did not have a common ancestor, only some Drevlyans, Polans, Litvins, Finno-Ugric peoples who did not mix with each other. And in general, it turns out that there were no Russians until the 18th century. But then you describe that Romanians and Moldovans have common ancestors - Thracian tribes. I will tell you that Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians also have common ancestors - East Slavic tribes, some of which you yourself named. And until the 20th century, all three East Slavic peoples were called Russian: Great Russians, Belarusians and Little Russians (Little Russians).
It is incorrect to compare Chisinau and Minsk, because Moldavians are not Slavs and no Russification will make them Slavs.


All the power of Soviet propaganda was reduced to the subconscious preparation of the idea that all the peoples of the USSR would soon merge into a single nation in urapatriotic ecstasy. Soviet people, of course, on the basis of the Russian language and Russian culture.

As for the Russian language, I agree, but traditional Russian Orthodox culture during the years of the USSR they were actively destroyed, for the last 25 years in Russia they have been trying to revive it, but it is difficult to revive something on empty place. Culture in the USSR was Soviet and the Russian people were the same victim of unification, like other peoples. | |

Admin 11.07.2015 23:32

I will not argue on all points, because. I don't see the point in this. But I will answer a couple of points.


for which the ban on the Russian language, (C) - There was and is no ban, the Lubyanka TV cruelly deceived you.

I don't have a TV at home, I get the news from the Internet. Here is an excerpt from an interview with Oleksandr Shovkovsky, player of the Ukrainian national football team: “I know many examples of how people in the East were dissatisfied with the events in the country even before the Maidan. But I think that one of the moments provoking discontent was the first law that the new government adopted - language law.This surprised me very much - as if we had no other pressing problems.
I grew up in Kyiv and always spoke Russian. This is my native language, although I know the Ukrainian language better and can communicate with it. But putting up such barriers is wrong. There are examples of countries where there are even three official languages, if I am not mistaken."


who is this for you?

TO Eastern Slavs to which I refer.


When was Kievan Rus (or rather, Rus, because the term Kievan appeared already in the 19th century) on European territory modern Russia there were forests and swamps. Kyiv, Rus' is the 9th-12th century, the foundation of Moscow is the 13th or 14th century. Feel the difference?

The history of Kievan Rus began with the Novgorodians conquering Kyiv. Do you think that the swamp-forest army could conquer Kyiv and then rule there? And what about Moscow? Moscow is not all of Russia. In the 9th-10th centuries, there were enough cities on the territory of present-day Russia. In addition to the already mentioned Novgorod, these are Suzdal, Murom, Rostov, Smolensk, Pskov, etc.

Romanians (self-name - români) - people in Europe, the main population of Romania, where there are 16.8 million Romanians. Many people in Romania consider Moldovans to be Romanians, therefore, in some sources, the number of Romanians in the world is greatly overestimated and is estimated at 23.6 million people.

29th place: Roxana Vancea - Romanian TV presenter.

28th place: Beatrice Chirita / Beatrice Chirita - Romanian model. Height 174 cm, figure parameters 88-61-90.

27th place: Paula Seling / Paula Seling (born December 25, 1978) is a Romanian singer, composer and radio DJ. Seling, in a duet with Ovi, represented Romania at Eurovision 2010 in Oslo and finished third. Official website -

26th place: Felicia Beduchu / Felicia Băducu - Romanian model. Height 181 cm, figure parameters 96-65-97.

24th place: Antonia Iacobescu / Antonia Iacobescu (born April 12, 1989) is a Romanian singer. Height 177 cm. Official website -

23rd place: Malvina Chervensky / Malvina Cervenschi (born October 16, 1979) - Romanian TV presenter. Height 170 cm.

22nd place: Madeline Diana Genya / Mădălina Diana Ghenea (born August 8, 1988, Slatina, Romania) is an Italian model of Romanian origin. In Russian-language sources, she is often called Madalina Diana Ghenea. Height 180 cm, body measurements 90-60-90. Official website -

21st place: Andrea Raicu / Andreea Raicu (born July 18, 1977) - Romanian TV presenter. Official site -

20th place: Dorina Florea (Novak) / Dorina Florea (Novac) - Romanian TV presenter.

19th place: Alexandra Dinu (January 3, 1981, Bucharest, Romania) - TV presenter and actress. Currently lives and works in Italy. Height 168 cm.

17th place: Nicoleta Luciu (born September 12, 1980) is a Romanian actress, singer and TV presenter.

16th place: Elena Alexandra Apostoleanu (born October 16, 1986), better known as Inna / Inna, is a Romanian singer.

15th place: Diana Moldovan / Diana Moldovan (born March 13, 1987) is a Romanian model. Height 176 cm, figure parameters 83-59-88.

14th place: Oana Paveluc / Oana Paveluc (born August 14, 1991) - representative of Romania at the Miss Universe 2010 contest. Height 182 cm, figure parameters 88-62-92.

13th place: Claudia Pavel / Claudia Pavel (b. October 19, 1984), also known as Claudia Cream / Claudia Cream - Romanian singer.

12th place: Bianca Elena Constantin - representative of Romania at the Miss Universe 2009 contest.

11th place: Elena Baguci / Elena Baguci (born October 28, 1986) is a Romanian model. height 180 cm, figure parameters 84-61-89.

10th place: Laura Ana Cosoi / Laura Ana Cosoi (born January 2, 1982) is a Romanian actress and model. Height 163 cm. Official website -

9th place: Mihaela Radulescu / Mihaela Rădulescu (born August 3, 1969) - Romanian TV presenter.

8th place: Ruxandra Bar (Barau) / Ruxandra Bar (Barau) - Romanian singer. Height 172 cm.

7th place: Monica Bîrlădeanu (born December 12, 1978), better known as Monica Dean / Monica Dean, is a Romanian actress and model. Height 170 cm. Official website -

6th place: Andrea Diaconu / Andreea Diaconu (born March 28, 1991) is a Romanian model. Height 179 cm, figure parameters 81-58.5-86.5.

5th place: Andrea Hurja / Andreea Hurja - Romanian model and singer. Sings with the Moldovan singer Dan Balan.

4th place: Alina Văcariu (born December 14, 1984) is a Romanian model. Height 176 cm, figure parameters 86.5-61-89.

3rd place: Cristina Dochianu - Romanian TV presenter. Height 170 cm.

2nd place: Elena Ionescu / Elena Ionescu (born May 17, 1988) - singer, soloist of the Romanian group Mandinga.

The most beautiful Romanian is the model Catrinel Menghia (born October 1, 1985). Height 175 cm, figure parameters 89-61-89.

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