Russian male surnames complete list. Russian surnames


About 7 billion people live on our planet. There are many names and

surnames that were formed over the centuries by our ancestors. Have you ever wondered what are the most common surnames? In this article we present a selection of the most around the world and in Russia.

Common Russian surnames

Surely you would be interested to know what is the most common Russian surname? Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered unambiguously. Let's just say there are quite a few of them. The list below is based on the book "Russian Surnames" by B.G. Unbegaun, published in 1972. Before compiling this list, the author of the book studied the St. Petersburg address book of 1910 and analyzed all the names of that time presented in it. So, before you are the 100 most common Russian surnames.

1. Abramov26. Denisov51. Maksimov76. Sergeev
2. Alexandrov27. Dmitriev52. Markov77. Smirnov
3. Alekseev28. Egorov53. Matveev78. Solovyov
4. Andreev29. Efimov54. Martynov79. Sokolov
5. Antonov30. Zhukov55. Miller80. Sorokin
6. Afanasiev31. Zakharov56. Mironov81. Stepanov
7. Baranov32. Zaitsev57. Mikhailov82. Saveliev
8. Belov33. Ivanov58. Morozov83. Sidorov
9. Belyaev34. Ignatiev59. Nazarov84. Sobolev
10. Bogdanov 60. Naumov85. Timofeev
11. Borisov36. Karpov61. Nikitin86. Titov
12. Bulls37. Kirillov62. Nikolaev87. Tikhomirov
13. Vasiliev38. Kozlov63. Nikiforov88. Trinity
14. Vinogradov39. Mosquitoes64. Novikov89. Trofimov
15. Vlasov40. Konstantinov65. Orlov90. Ushakov
16. Volkov41. Kuznetsov66. Osipov91. Fedorov
17. Sparrows42. Kuzmin67. Pavlov92. Fedotov
18. Voronin43. Kiselev68. Petrov93. Filippov
19. Gavrilov44. Kondratiev69. Pokrovsky94. Fomin
20. Gerasimov45. Krylov70. Polyakov95. Frolov
21. Grigoriev46. ​​Kudryavtsev71. Ponomarev96. Chistyakov
22. Golubev47. Lebedev72. Popov97. Schmidt
23. Gusev48. Leontiev73. Prokofiev98. Schultz
24. Davydov49. Lviv74. Romanov99. Shcherbakov
25. Danilov50. Makarov75. Semenov100. Yakovlev

Please note that the names are listed alphabetically, not by importance. If you read the list, you probably noticed in it the names of German origin - Schultz, Schmitt, Miller. By their presence, one can judge ethnic composition that time.

World surnames
Now let's look at the most common surnames in the world. The first place is occupied by the surname Lee (about 100 million people worldwide, and the most famous of them is Bruce Lee). The second place is the surname Zhang, which also has about 100 million inhabitants. Third place - Van. It is used as a prefix to Belgian and (eg Jean Claude Van Damme). The fourth place in the list "The most common surnames" belongs to the surname Nguyen (about 36 million people). Fifth place - Garcia (it is worn by about 10 million people).

It is most common in South America, the Philippines and Spain. Sixth place - Gonzalez (10 million people). This surname is from Spain. Seventh place belongs to the surname Hernandez (8 million people), which has Spanish-Portuguese roots. Eighth place - Smith (4 million people). The ninth place is occupied by the Russian surname Smirnov. Closes the top ten rating "The most common surnames" - the German surname Müller.

Scroll popular titles kind is endless, because, how many people, so many opinions. Each person will point to beautiful surnames that he personally likes. But, according to the majority, the most popular are the aristocratic designations of family names. Let's see which surnames are more common and respected, and where they came from.

List of the most beautiful Russian surnames in the world

The word "surname" is translated from Latin, how is the family". This means that this indicates that a person belongs to the genus from which he originated. The emergence of family nicknames was often associated with the profession that the clan was engaged in from generation to generation, or with the name of the area in which the family lived, or the family name indicated character traits, specific appearance, nickname. No wonder there is a saying “not in the eyebrow, but in the eye” - people have always hung labels very accurately.

In Russia, at first there was only a first name and patronymic, and the first surnames appeared only in the 14th century. Naturally, noble people received them: princes, boyars, nobles. The peasants received official family names only at the end of the 19th century, when they canceled serfdom. The first names of dynasties came from the names of places of residence, birth or possessions: Tver, Arkhangelsk, Zvenigorod, Moskvin.

  1. Sobolev
  2. Morozov
  3. Gromov
  4. Diamonds
  5. Derzhavin
  6. Bogatyrev
  7. Mayorov
  8. Admirals
  9. Lyubimov
  10. Vorontsov

List of the most beautiful surnames for girls:

  1. Resurrection
  2. Lebedev
  3. Alexandrova
  4. Serebryanskaya
  5. Korolkova
  6. Vinogradova
  7. Talnikova
  8. Generous
  9. Zolotareva
  10. Tsvetaeva

A selection of the most beautiful foreign surnames

Foreigners believe that a beautiful surname helps the family, brings good luck and happiness. But, it’s true, a person with or a family nickname has been teased by peers since childhood, and later he grows up insecure with a whole baggage of complexes. So it turns out that family name brought failure. For people with a beautiful ancestral heritage, things are different. They know from childhood that they can do everything in this world, so they walk with their heads held high.

Each country has its own beautiful surnames, which are unusual for the Russian ear. But the origin of family designations is the same all over the world. Someone took the name of their city, and someone took the nickname of the founder of the family, the occupation of the family, belonging to the status. Among foreign surnames also often you can find the names of plants, birds, animals. If a Russian person chooses foreign name, then, as a rule, does not delve into its meaning, but makes a choice according to euphony.

For example, Spaniards have beautiful surnames - not uncommon. The most common are:

  • Rodriguez
  • Fernandez
  • Gonzalez
  • Perez
  • Martinez
  • Sanchez

Russian girls often choose generic names Spanish origin:

  • Alvarez
  • Torres
  • Romero
  • Flores
  • Castillo
  • Garcia
  • Pascual

French surnames

All variants of French surnames are endowed with special beauty and charm. This language is very different from other European counterparts. If it is always pronounced correctly, then French is pronounced differently. For example, the popular Le Pen may sound like "Le Pen", "Le Pen", "De Le Pen". First French names families were granted to the highest circle of nobility in the 11th century. And only in the 16th century, by royal decree, was it ordered to give every citizen of France a hereditary nickname.

Since then french surnames from generation to generation are included in the church metrics. The most beautiful family nicknames in France come from proper names, from the occupation of the clan or from the geographical names in which the family was born. French male family names are widespread:

  • Robert
  • Richard
  • Bernard
  • Duran
  • Lefebvre

Women's generic names are not much different from men's. French history she ordered that there are no differences and other endings, as in Russian, between surnames, therefore beautiful generic names of women also bear a proper name, for example:

  • Leroy
  • Bonn
  • Francois


The generic names of Germany arose in the same way as in other countries: first they were received by the nobility, then by the feudal lords and small landowners, and then by the lower strata of the population. The whole process of forming hereditary nicknames took about 8 centuries, and the first surnames appeared on the basis of proper names. Vivid examples are German male generic nicknames:

  1. Werner
  2. Hermann
  3. Jacobi
  4. Peters

Beautiful family designations in Germany appeared from the names of rivers, mountains and other words associated with nature: Bern, Vogelweid. But the most popular generic names came from the occupations of their ancestors. For example, Muller in translation means "miller", and Schmidt - "blacksmith". Rare ones sound beautiful: Wagner, Zimmerman. Women in Germany, as a rule, leave their mother's surname, and the most beautiful are:

  1. Lehmann
  2. Mayer
  3. Peters
  4. Fisher
  5. Weiss


Beautiful American generic names compare favorably with other foreign ones - they are very consonant, and the owners wear them with pride. If surnames are not inherited, then any citizen of the United States can change his family name to a more harmonious one. So, 10 most beautiful surnames american men:

  1. Robinson
  2. Harris
  3. Evans
  4. Gilmour
  5. Florence
  6. Stone
  7. Lambert
  8. Newman

As for American women, as in the rest of the world, they take their father's family name at birth, and their husband's at marriage. Even if a girl wants to leave her family name, after marriage she will have double surname, for example, Maria Goldman Mrs. Roberts (by her husband). Beautiful generic names for American women:

  1. Bellows
  2. Houston
  3. Taylor
  4. Davis
  5. Foster

Video: the most common surnames in the world

The most common surnames in the world seem beautiful, because their carriers are popular people, which means they are happy. For example, there are about one hundred million people on the planet who have the family name Lee. In second place in polarity is the surname Wang (about 93 million people). In third place is the family name Garcia, common in South America(about 10 million people).

Few people wonder what is the most common generic nickname in the world or in a single country? Such information is also useful and interesting to know. Some nicknames are rare, and some, on the contrary, are owned by several million people. In this article, you will learn about the most numerous carriers of generic names around the world and several individual countries.

The most common surname in Russia

According to the studies of various scientists who came to one end result, the most popular surname in Russia belongs to the Smirnovs. The origin of this generic name goes back to the time of the peasants. Quiet, calm, quiet children were called meek. Since then, the middle name has taken root, gained a lot various forms(Smirnitsky, Smirenko, etc.) and became the most popular in Russia. famous surnames domestic citizens: Ivanovs, Petrovs, Sidorovs, Popovs, Kuznetsovs, Sokolovs.

Popular surnames in VK

In this social network what female or male nicknames you just will not meet. Someone provides authentic data about themselves, and someone invents for themselves beautiful second names (usually girls). Such a phenomenon can be found on the pages of young ladies, because who wants unfamiliar young people visiting the resource to see Durakova or Kisloukhova on the monitor screen? There is only one way out - to create an unusual, original pseudonym for yourself. By the way, everything is standard with the guys - the most common middle name is Ivanov. Which popular surnames Vkontakte for girls can be found:

  • generous;
  • Christmas;
  • Motherland;
  • Armand;
  • Vorontsov;
  • Romanov and others.

In the world

Most a large number of identical middle names that can be found all over the world belongs to the Chinese - Li (more than 100 million people). Representatives of this eastern country occupy three leading places in the ranking of family nicknames on the planet (also Zhang and Wang). This trend can be traced because there are about five hundred variations of middle names in China, and a population of one billion three hundred thousand people. in plain language There are many people and few options. Interesting information: The most popular surname in the world (Li) means strength in Chinese.

English surnames

Second names in England were given depending on the profession of a person, place of residence. In the first place is the generic nickname Smith, which was formed from the Yiddish meaning of the blacksmith profession. The second place is occupied by Jones, which literally means the son of John, and the third - Williams - from the name of William. Other common English surnames:

  • Thomas;
  • Davis;
  • Brown;
  • Taylor;
  • Evans;
  • Johnson.

Popular American Surnames

The US state was formed relatively recently, if we draw parallels with the whole world, however, even there there is a kind of rating of namesakes. Almost all family names are English origin. Some popular surnames in America, which are often found even among popular people and celebrities:

  • Johnson;
  • Brown;
  • Davis;
  • Miller;
  • Anderson;
  • Taylor;
  • Jackson and others


In addition to the Ivanovs, Smirnovs, Petrovs and Sidorovs, other popular Russian generic names are often found. Some common Russian surnames originated from professional activity ancestors - Kuznetsov, Goncharov, Bondarchuk. Geographical names, objects on the territory where people lived - another source of inspiration for those who assigned middle names: Moskvin, Ozerov, Luzhkov. Often the source was "bird" or "animal" surnames, for example:

  • Sokolov,
  • Lebedev,
  • Solovyov,
  • Sorokin,
  • Medvedev,
  • Kozlov;
  • Bykov.


In Germany, middle names began to be used at the end of the 18th century, and their origin is similar to the stories of the origin of such a process in other European countries. The most common German surnames taken, as a rule, from the names of professions:

  • Müller is a miller;
  • Fisher is a fisherman;
  • Schmidt is a forge worker;
  • Schneider - tailor;
  • Bauer is a peasant;
  • Weber is a weaver, etc.


Jewish middle names appeared at the same time as in Russian Empire, thanks to the adoption of the relevant law. In those days, two titles were common among Jewish clergy: Levi and Cohen. From them the most popular Jewish surnames, overgrown with time in numerous forms. As in other countries, it has become widespread to give names according to the place of residence, the name of animals, features of appearance or professions:

  • Preiger (tailor);
  • Shuster (shoemaker);
  • Glazier (glazier);
  • Kleiner (small);
  • Stiller (quiet), etc.

In France

Second names in France appeared with the royal decree of 1539, according to which each clan must have its own name, be inherited, be recorded in state bodies / church documentation. Some of the most popular: Bertrand, Thomas, Robert, Dubois. For the most part, generic nicknames were formed from proper names, professional occupations to whom the ancestors were devoted. What is the most common surname in France? According to scientists, this is the name of the genus Martin, which has about 250 thousand people.


Most famous surnames Ukrainians end in "ko" - Shevchenko, Pisarenko, Goncharenko, Skripko. A few more forms of endings: -la / -lo (Pritula, Minyaylo); -ba/-yes (Dzyuba, Hunger); -uk / -yuk (Bondarchuk, Vasyuk), -y (Khmelnitsky) and so on. It was customary to distribute nicknames among the people, as in other European countries, tsarist Russia– Derived from professions, locations of derived names. Many "callings" came from the Cossacks (sharp, sometimes offensive) - Krivoruchko, Tyagnibok, Neizhsalo.

Some common Ukrainian surnames from the top ten list:

  • Shevchenko;
  • Boyko;
  • Miller;
  • Kovalenko;
  • Bondarenko;
  • Tkachenko.


The recognizable “nazvysko” (this is how the pans and ladies call the generic nickname) in Poland ends in -sky, which is typical for many Slavic peoples, but was very common in this European country. An example can be seen on famous people: Kovalsky, Tsiolkovsky, Dzerzhinsky, Brzezinsky. Modern middle names have a slightly modified form, in which the last letter “y” may be missing - Zyulkowski, Sarktowski, etc. Some popular Polish surnames from the top ten:

  • Novak;
  • Wuychik;
  • Kowalski;
  • Vishnevsky;
  • Lewandowski;
  • Kaminsky and others.

As one said famous character Soviet cartoon Captain Vrungel: "Whatever you call a ship, so it will sail." Indeed, do middle names affect whether a person becomes famous or not? It doesn’t matter what territory, place on the map people lived or will live in, because in a few generations anyone can acquire a foreign nickname due to moving, marriage or for other reasons. Girls and boys, having Russian, German or English roots, thanks to their ancestors, become French, Poles or Ukrainians.


The choice of a name and a surname according to the law of the Russian Federation is a personal right of a person. This means that every citizen of the country can at any time be renamed as he pleases, having gone through the established procedure for this. Tempting? Very, because there are so many beautiful, interesting, noble and majestic-sounding Russian surnames. Lists of the most common and pleasant to the ear, as well as the rarest and funniest of them are given below.

Analysis of the origin of Russian surnames

There are a lot of beautiful Russian surnames - Voznesensky, Ushansky, Mironov, Bogolyubov, Rasskazov, Gorgeous, Zlatovlasov, Wise, Admiralsky, Aristocrats, Vasilevsky. It is impossible to list all options. Many of them have completely unexpected origins. There is even a separate science - anthroponymy, which studies how this or that particular surname was formed. For example, the surname Krivoshchekin appeared thanks to real person, who lived in the 15th century by the name of Guba, who was born to Mikifor and has the nickname Crooked cheeks. This fact is reflected in ancient documents (acts) - the record is dated 1495. If he lived today, then his name would be Krivoshchekin Guba Mikiforovich. Interesting, isn't it? Back in the same year, there were records about the peasants Danilo Sople (in modern sound Soplin Daniil) and Efimko Sparrow (Efim Vorobyov). In 1568, all in the same acts, there is a note about Mikitin's son Ivan, nicknamed Menshchik (Menshchikov Ivan Mikitovich), and in 1590 - about Mikiforov's offspring named Onton, nicknamed Zhdan (Zhdanov Anton Mikiforovich).

This is how the names came about:

  1. Mostly from the nicknames common among the people, which were given to people by their relatives and neighbors.. People were called by their personal differences - Chernovolosov (black hair), Ostronosov (sharp nose), Vereshchagin (often squealed), Toropygin (constantly in a hurry), Rumyantsev (had rosy cheeks), Udaltsov, Razumnik, Ostroumov.
  2. Often the names of animals, fish and birds became nicknames, later transformed into surnames - Medvedev, Kotov, Sobolev, Solovyov (perhaps the person sang well), Lisitsin, Volkov, Zaitsev, Voronin, Tsaplin (as an option, had long legs), Dyatlov, Sinitsyn, Karpov.
  3. For certain estates, it was typical to supplement the name with belonging to the occupation, which also left its mark on family history - Goncharov (Gonchar), Tokarev (Turner), Stolyarov (carpenter), Pastukhov (shepherd), Kozhemyakin, Kuznetsov, Rybakov, Myasnikov (judging by according to the number of nicknames reflected in the found act of 1335, in the 14th century this skill was especially appreciated in people).
  4. If a person did not have any pronounced nickname, then the father's name served as a surname, which indicated that the person belonged to a particular genus. This is how the Maximovs, Ivanovs, Vasyutins, Mishins, Stepanovs, Fedorovs, Sergeevs and so on appeared. By the way, if there were several Ivanov, Vasiliev, Fedorov and so on in one village, then the names were changed - Ivanov, Ivanko, Ivanchenko, Vasilenko, Vasileev, Vaskin, Fedorov, Fedorkin, Fedorchuk.
  5. The surnames of the princely family were most often given by the name of the area where the noble family lived or, based on the possessions of the latter. Almost always they had the endings -sky or -tsky - Ozersky (he had a lake in his possession), Gorsky (mountain), Shuisky (the Shuisky family lived near the river and the city of Shuya), Vyazemsky (near the Vyazma river). The following surnames are formed in the same way: Tulsky, Tverskoy, Yeletsky, Amursky, Belozersky.
  6. A huge number of surnames owe their sonority to Orthodoxy - Blagoveshchensky, Voznesensky, Byzantine, Pokrovsky, Trinity, Spassky, Preobrazhensky and others.

Ladies who decide to change should pay attention to the following female surnames and their meanings:

  • Amur;
  • Angelic;
  • Annenskaya;
  • Afanasiev;
  • Athenian;
  • Babochkin;
  • Bagirov;
  • Bazhenov;
  • Belogradskaya;
  • Belozerskaya;
  • Berezina;
  • Berkutov;
  • Blagoveshchenskaya;
  • Theological;
  • Brilliant/Brilliant;
  • Vasilkova/Vasilkovskaya;
  • Byzantine;
  • Voskresenskaya;
  • Hyacinth;
  • Goncharova;
  • Gorodetskaya;
  • Danilova/Danilevskaya;
  • Donskaya;
  • Zhemchugov/Zhemchuzhnikov;
  • Zalesskaya;
  • Eliseeva;
  • Zlatovlasova;
  • Zlatopolskaya;
  • Znamenskaya;
  • Zorin;
  • Ignatiev;
  • Istomin;
  • Kamenskaya;
  • Kolosovskaya;
  • Lavrentiev;
  • Lugovaya
  • Luchinskaya;
  • Mayskaya;
  • Malinovskaya;
  • Nagornaya;
  • Nikitin;
  • Ozerov;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Rasskazova;
  • Rodionova;
  • Ryabinin;
  • Rumyantsev;
  • Sapphirov;
  • Serebryanskaya;
  • Solntseva;
  • Ushanskaya;
  • Tsvetkov.

Male surnames in Russia: list

People have different tastes, and therefore everyone chooses the ideal surname for himself.

Further, an impressive selection of rare Russian male surnames:

  • diamonds;
  • Andreev;
  • Bogatyrev;
  • Belinsky;
  • Bolkonsky;
  • Warsaw;
  • Vasilevsky;
  • Velichansky;
  • Vetrogradov;
  • Vorontsov;
  • Glinsky;
  • Gradov;
  • Demin;
  • Dmitriev;
  • Doronin;
  • Dubrovsky;
  • Dorofeev;
  • Yezhevsky;
  • Yelsky;
  • Zadonsky;
  • Zarnitsky;
  • Zvezdinsky;
  • Zlatoumov;
  • Ignatov/Ignatiev;
  • Kakhovskiy;
  • Kirsanov;
  • Knyazev/Knyazhin;
  • Kovalevsky;
  • Kondratiev;
  • Lavrov/Lavrovsky;
  • Larin/Larsky;
  • Lazarev;
  • Lebedinsky;
  • Levitanov;
  • Loginov;
  • Mayorov;
  • Makarov;
  • Maksimov;
  • Medvedev;
  • Mikhailov;
  • Melnikov;
  • Mitropolsky;
  • Mozhaisky;
  • Moskvin;
  • Muromov/Muromtsev;
  • Narcissists;
  • Nikolsky;
  • Nemirov;
  • Novgorod;
  • Nezhinsky;
  • Orlov/Orlovsky;
  • Ostroumov;
  • Obolensky;
  • Ozhigov / Ozhegov;
  • Paustovsky;
  • Petrovsky;
  • Pogodin;
  • Polyansky;
  • Rzhevsky;
  • Romanov/Romanovsky;
  • Sadovsky;
  • Sakharov;
  • Samoilov;
  • Safronov;
  • Saltevsky;
  • Streltsov / Streltsy;
  • Trinity;
  • Tarasov;
  • Titov;
  • Filatov;
  • Fedorov;
  • Fonvizin;
  • Khmelnitsky;
  • Kharitonov;
  • Chernyshevsky;
  • Cherkasov;
  • Cheryomushkin;
  • Shestakov;
  • Sheremetiev;
  • Shustrov;
  • Elinsky;
  • Elbrus;
  • Yuriev;
  • Yakhontov;
  • Yasensky.

Speaking about the most common surname in our country, many will think that the surname Ivanov is in the lead. However, there will be some bewilderment here, since the most common surname in Russia is absolutely not this one.

Most popular in the world

  1. Nguyen
  2. Garcia
  3. Gonzalez
  4. Hernandez
  5. Smirnov
  6. Miller

So, we see that in the surnames most popular in the world, Lee was first listed. On our entire planet, there are over 100,000,000 people who have such. Moreover, most of them live in China, however, there are many Vietnamese with such a surname. We all know very well one of these people - a reformer in Chinese martial arts and actor Bruce Lee.

The next most common surnames in the world are Zhang and Wang. The first of them is recognized as the oldest on Earth - for the first time the name Zhang was mentioned over 4000 years ago. And twenty years ago, she was especially popular, until the name Lee bypassed her. In our time on Earth, there are approximately 100,000,000 people with this surname. Those who bear the surname Wang are somewhat smaller - approximately 93,000,000 people. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, the prefix Wang meant the title of a Chinese, Korean, or Mongol ruler.

Russian popular surnames

On the territory of our homeland, you can often meet a person with the surname Smirnov, which is located in ninth place in the world list of surnames. The surname rating of our compatriots is as follows:

  1. Smirnov
  2. Ivanov
  3. Popov
  4. Kuznetsov
  5. Sokolov
  6. Lebedev
  7. Novikov
  8. Kozlov
  9. Morozov
  10. Petrov

And now you will definitely be able to easily give anyone an answer to the question of which Russian surname is the most common, and you will not mislead anyone. The statistics are there. Approximately 70,000 Smirnovs live in the capital of our Motherland alone. And where did such a surname come from? Yes, everything is simple - if in a large peasant family appeared quiet and calm child, then he was given the worldly name Smirny. So gradually from this worldly name, which was always remembered better than church name, the surname Smirnov appeared. Today there are approximately 2,500,000 Smirnovs in our country.

The next most popular surnames in Russia are Ivanov and Popov. The surname Ivanov was originally a patronymic from the name Ivan. The stress when pronouncing the surname used to be placed on the letter "A", but today the stress is placed on the last syllable. Popovs - not all come from families of clergy. Previously, the name Pop (Popko) was common in the world, and this surname appeared from here. Also, such a surname began to be given to employees of priests.

The Kuznetsovs went from the name of the lesson. The blacksmith used to be revered and famous person in the countryside, so the surname Kuznetsov is found everywhere. By the way, the most popular surname in America, Smith, means "blacksmith". There are about 4,000,000 Smiths around the world.

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