What does the middle name mean for Americans. Beautiful English names in the USA


American female names

America is a multinational country. Its history has been created for centuries by people from different countries, and each nation brought its own nuances to the emerging culture of the new state. The Scots and Germans, the French, the British and the Swedes intricately intertwined elements of their national traditions into a young America.

The same can be said about the history of the emergence of American names, where old Anglo-Saxon and English peacefully coexist with new names - this is determined by the historical past of the country, which was once a colony of Great Britain. But let's not forget that most the first American settlers were poor people of a simple class, often fugitive criminals. They brought to this earth a shortened form of names, namely derivative personal names that took root well in America and sounded like Ben, Ellie, Ed, Mel, Lina, Dan, Meg, Tina. In addition, many American names come from Celtic, Greek, Hebrew, Slavic and Latin roots. At dawn American history children were often given biblical canonical names - so the girls were called Ruth, Abigail, Ann, but life made its own adjustments and other names became more popular.
Binomial names popular in America consist of personal (first name) and middle (middle name) names, and there can be several middle names (in this capacity, not only personal names are used, but also common nouns, and even geographical names - Dakota, Denver, Sherwood , Nevada, Sahara, Chelsea). Perhaps the main purpose of the middle name is the desire to emphasize the individuality of a person whose personal name and surname are often common. Particularly popular double names in the South of America. Mary Kate, Maria Cecilia, Bill Henry, John Richard, Diana Casey - the combinations of names are endless and depend only on the imagination of the parents.
Female American names are beautiful and ambiguous. Many of them are filled with romance and poetry - they soar above fate, wrapping the image of a woman in a wonderful veil. Listen to their sound and feel it deep meaning:
Alana is beautiful;
Goldie - gold;
Sally is a princess;
Hilary - joyful;
Lassie - beloved;
Jennis is blonde;
Roxy - dawn;
Miranda - admirable;
Helen - light;
Barcy is cute.

New American names include names filled with modern sense and the energy of our days:

Posh - fashionable;
Ricky - sports;
Kelly is blonde.
Many names are historical meaning, recalling America's colonial past:
Britney is little Britain;
Heather - heather;
Chelsea - port;
Kimberley is the city's royal meadow.

Nowadays in America it is fashionable to name children after movie stars and pop stars - thanks to this trend, Pamela, Hayley, Jessica, Britney, Angelina, Charlotte, Marilyn have become popular female names.
An interesting American tradition is to tie a child's name to the symbol of the state in which he was born. So, a girl born in North Carolina, for this very reason, can be called Daisy (daisy), in Iowa - Rose, and Jasmine - in South Carolina. In addition, the multinationality of the country leaves its mark on the names of its inhabitants - there are often names painted with color different cultures. The Irish name Maura and the German Martha, the French Vivien and the Spanish Dolores, the Italian Gemma and the English Hailey have long become familiar and deeply American here.
Perhaps it is thanks to this kaleidoscope of languages ​​and cultures that there are so many beautiful female names in America - after all, each of the nations living here has given this country the best and sonorous names.

In russian language full name human is made up of name, patronymic and surname. In English-speaking countries, the scheme is slightly different: given name, middle name(s) surname.

The middle name appears because, according to tradition, a child receives two names at birth: personal name(personal name, first name) and middle name(middle name). The most important is precisely personal name. It is most often the "identifier" of a person.

For reference: The custom of giving a child a middle name goes back to the tradition of giving a newborn several personal names. In modern English cases assignments of two or three middle names are more common than no middle name at all. Although there is no law limiting the number of middle names, more than four additional middle names are usually not assigned: Anne Elisabeth Alice Louise, Charles Philip Arthur George, Andrew Albert Christian Edward.

middle name serves as an additional individualizing sign, especially for persons whose names and surnames are widespread. It stands between the given name and the surname. The middle name is usually represented by the initial letter (middle initial) in full names:
Alan Charles Jones or Alan C. Jones

Both personal names and geographical names are used as middle names, common names and so on. Often, the surnames of the people in whose honor it is assigned are used as middle names. More recently in England it was customary to give a boy at birth traditional name and a slightly more unusual middle name, and when naming girls, use the same scheme, but in reverse order: if a grown girl does not like the name, then you can always use the middle name.
Sometimes the personal name appears only on documents or registry books, and the middle name is used instead in everyday circulation:
Mackenzie Phillips (Laura Mackenzie Phillips)
JoBeth Williams (Margaret Jobeth Williams).

Some prefer to use their middle name as their last name:
Tom Cruise (Thomas Cruise Mapother)
Jon Stewart (Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz)
Ray Charles (Ray Charles Robinson)
Jake Burton (Jake Burton Carpenter)

In Russian understanding, the middle name not identical patronymic, since patronymic in Russian is called “a paternal name, consisting of the basis of the father’s name and suffixes: -ovich, -ovna, -evich, -evna, -ich, -ichna, usually added to own name"(T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory derivational).

It is considered incorrect to write the Russian patronymic in the form of a single initial letter in the way English middle names are usually written. Complete Russian name should be written in English Ivan Petrov or Ivan Petrovich Petrov, but not like Ivan P. Petrov.

Becoming a mother of a girl is a special responsibility. Every woman begins to dream of good fortune his daughter before she was born. palace and endless love... But does the name of the child affect his fate? And how appropriate is a double, like a real princess?

Queen - royal name

Each name contains not only a meaning, but also a huge energy contained in each individual letter. From this follows the strength of human nature. Alyonushka will be happy with the simplest, most ordinary man nearby. And Sophie will be much harder to please. In addition, a double name immediately changes the attitude towards a person on a subconscious level, because not one royalty there was not one name. Do you agree? Great! We go further.

Double names are common in the West and surprise Russian people. But for the girl herself, this will be an impetus to a successful life. Such a name seems to oblige to achieve the best, and not be content with the first thing that came across on the path of life.

Is it appropriate to give double names to Slavic children?

The fashion for double names went at the moment when people who speak different languages, it is often difficult to find a name that both would like. But this idea originates in the distant past. The Jews were the first to give double names, since it was believed that damage by name was the strongest. And in order to protect their children, the Jews gave them the first name - used on the street, the second - used at home.

The idea continued to live, however, the goal pursued has changed. Many families began to name the children, so to speak, again - in honor of the ancestors of the family. The boys were named after their great-grandfather, and the girls were named after their great-grandmothers. In this way, families tried to preserve history.

In modern times, a double name for a girl is most often just a tribute to fashion. Sound, beautiful, interesting, in the end! But it is most convenient to assign such names to those who live abroad. This is due to the lack of patronymic.

Popular foreign doubles

The most common variations of double names are:

  1. Salma Amir.
  2. Anna Maria.
  3. Eva Genevieve.
  4. Maria Alberta.
  5. Maria-Katarina.
  6. Emma Victoria.

Please note that they are all written with a hyphen, which means they are used as one name. At school, institute, at work, the girl will be called in this variation. Another option is when the baby is given several independent names:

  1. Nicole Maria.
  2. Hazel Patricia.
  3. Emma Stephanie.
  4. Angelica Sofia.
  5. Eva Theon.
  6. Elizabeth Nicole.

In this case, it is believed that the child has two names - personal and middle, as it is customary to call them abroad, where double names for girls are very popular. American parents very rarely name their children with any one word. They believe that in this way they give the child the opportunity to choose a name on their own. Nicole Maurice can be called Nika all her childhood, but if she doesn’t like it in the future, she can easily take the second option - Maurice.

What names can be combined?

Beautiful double names for girls are not so easy to pick up. Why? In principle, literally any names can be combined, but before deciding to take such a step, try on the name for yourself. If the whole family insists on naming the child after great-great-grandmother Ganna, and you prefer Nelly's option, think about whether they are compatible? It may be difficult for Ganea Nelli in life, especially since in Russian-speaking countries there is no such thing as a first and middle name. The child will not be able to choose one thing.

How to combine names? The simplest rules:

  1. At least one name should be soft and iridescent. Then the double will really be an advantage for the girl.
  2. Do not try to combine incongruous. Gulnaz Valentina cannot exist on one line in the passport. Do not go to extremes if the child will be a carrier of different cultures.
  3. The first name should be conducive to continuation. So, for example, Rose-Glory sounds nice. And it is worth changing the order, and we get: Glory-Rose. As if parents praise the rose and noted it on their child.

Muslim Name Compatibility

The issue of naming a child is especially acute if the parents have different faiths. But even in this case, beautiful double names for girls are obtained. The list of the most euphonious is:

  • Amina Julia.
  • Safiya Victoria.
  • Anna Yasmin.
  • Natalia Rome.
  • Alice Asia.
  • Jamila Olga.
  • Antonina Lamiz.

The influence of a double name on the future fate of the child

The presence of two names or a change of name lead to the collapse of hopes, affect a person in the most unpredictable way. This information can be found anywhere. But it should be clarified that only a “self-proclaimed name” carries such harmful energy, that is, one that a person came up with for himself and did not bother to change documents. In this case, it turns out that a person was endowed with one energy for 20 years and suddenly brought an additional charge into his life. Often such processes can trigger a "tsunami".

But when names are given at birth, they complement each other. Smooth out sharp corners. strong name can make a girl successful in her career, but deprive her of her personal life. And it is worth supplementing it with soft and gentle, as the girl will immediately receive double energy - strong and successful plus the keepers of the hearth. Such a woman will succeed in everything in life. She will not have to sacrifice her ambitions for the sake of a warm family. She can do everything, and without much difficulty.

On the other hand, it has been proven that the name of a person significantly affects his health. After all, the main thing is harmony with yourself. And what kind of harmony can we talk about if you don’t like how they called you? In this case, a double name for a girl will really be a salvation.

Use of double names in Russia

In Russia it is allowed to register double names. For girls foreign variants, perhaps, they are of some interest, but ... Foreign parents use this practice much more often, since, as a rule, there is no patronymic abroad. And as a middle name, they can use surnames, names of men, etc. So, for example, the combination of Jennifer Michael Smith will not surprise anyone at all. And Michael in this case is the girl's middle name, which she can easily introduce herself.

In Russia, the second name is, as it were, a patronymic. But no one forbids doubling it. All documents will show both names of the child, no matter how they are called. But most of the time only one will be used. If the decision is made to give the child a double name, then it is best to call him that.

Double names for girls: list (foreign and Russian)

Below are some of the most beautiful, in our opinion, combinations of names with an approximate description of each option.

  • Marina Margarita. Great marine combination. Marina means "sea", Margarita - "pearl".
  • Yvona-Eva. Prickly, demanding and tender, giving life.
  • Yesenia-Vlad. Spring meekness with masculine strength, love of glory.
  • Angelica Maria. A girl with the face of an angel, who knows how to endure, who has wisdom in life.
  • Isabella Cora. Consecrated to God and its complete opposite - the mistress underworld. Such a girl will eclipse everyone with her versatility.
  • Julia-Alice. Sweet, but so indecisive, will find support in the second name, which endows its owner with a sound mind and prudence.
  • Anna Maria. The most popular double name for a girl both in Russia and abroad.
  • Elizabeth Violet. Noble and tender, like a violet.
  • Yasmina-Khadia. Willful and wise.
  • Juno Sheila. Bright, sophisticated, eccentric and at the same time sensual, able to create a unique comfort in the house.

These are common double names for girls. The list is endless, because you can connect anything. Within reason, of course. Having decided on such an experience, try to use the full names. Supplement the energy of one name with another and give your child a good fortune.

Do you have a first and last name, but have you ever thought about a second, "intermediate" name? You can show your creativity by choosing a middle name for your child. You can pick a name that goes great with your first and last names, and a name that works great for your child!


Choose a name

    Pay attention to how the name sounds. The second name can be used in completely different ways: to be part of the family name, to show your personality, to be part of your biography. Either way, make sure the name sounds nice.

    • Choose a middle name that ends in a vowel other than the vowel that ends in your name. Names like Angela Anna or Denise Savannah are quite difficult to pronounce because the final vowel of the first name and the first vowel of the second name are repeated.
    • The second name must contain consonants that are not in the first name. Lena Grey, George Randolph or Thomas Stearns - these names sound good because they differ in sounds.
  1. The name should be optimal in length. If the first name is long, the second name must be short. For example, Alexandra Grace, Christopher Owen. Conversely, if the first name is short, then the second should be long: Kate Elizabeth, Rose Anthony.

    • To understand the length of a name, count the number of syllables. If your first name has two or more syllables, your second name may have 2-3 syllables.
  2. See how the name is spelled. Write down the names you like and see how they look on the letter. Consider whether the name is easy to pronounce and whether you can pass it on to your child. Find a name that fits all your criteria. You can even write down your child's name and see if your middle name fits the child.

    Connect relatives. You can give your child the middle name of an older brother or sister. Don't be afraid to try: get all the family members to come up with ideas. If you choose a name for your child, you can let him find a suitable middle name for himself. Or make a list of names that you like, and the children can choose from this list what they like. Choose together - it greatly strengthens the family spirit!

    • You can let the children come up with a list of names they like. Perhaps the children will be able to come up with something unusual and original. In any case, the final choice is yours.

    Be creative

    1. Most often, the middle name is chosen in honor of a relative. Choosing a grandparent's name as a child's middle name can be a way to show respect.

      • You can make a family tree and choose the name of one of your distant relatives.
      • If you are married and have taken your husband's last name, it can also be used as a "middle name".
    2. If you are a religious person, you can use biblical name as his "middle name". The second name is a great opportunity to choose something important or spiritual that you can pass on to your child. You can choose the name of a saint, a religious figure.

      • Think about what names can express your view of the world. For example, the names of pop culture singers would work, especially if they sound good. If you really like Johnny Cash, you can name the baby Carter Cash.
    3. You can choose a classic or historical name. You can consider your middle name as an opportunity to go back in time and choose some historical or retro name. In addition, it will definitely be less common. For example, the names "Rosemary" or "Orville" might be great for your child.

      • Look through old novels and find interesting names for you. Make a list and choose the one you like best.
    4. You can use the month of birth in the name. This is a good opportunity to choose a name that a very small number of people will have. The month of birth of the child must be combined with his first name. For example, Christian May. Some even use the day of the week the baby was born as their middle name!

      • You can use the city where the parents met as a middle name, for example, Joshua Brooklyn or Maria Paris.
      • You can come up with a middle name using some details on the child's birthday. For example, if you drove to the hospital in an old beat-up Volvo, you can use it as a middle name.

    Avoid Mistakes

    1. Remember main principle: do no harm. There are more than seven million people in the world, and everyone wants to be original. You can use classic or historical names but don't go too far. Do not choose names that will put your child in a stupid position in the future. Choose something pleasant and sincere, even if not very original.

      Make sure that the name you choose cannot be interpreted stupidly and awkwardly. Remember that initials should also sound good. For example, the name Frances Underwood Kensington sounds great, but the initials can confuse you. Remember that the name should look and sound good not only in full, but also in abbreviated form.

      • If you like the name, ignore other people's opinions about it, because no one should decide for you. You can tell this to several close people, consult with them and decide for sure whether to leave it or not.
      • Your parents will help you make a choice, but they may also discourage you. If you tell friends, acquaintances or relatives that you have chosen a name, they should know that you do not want to hear any stories about people with those names.
    2. Use the correct spelling of names. If you like the way the name sounds, then you need to spell it the right way. Don't change the letters in your name expecting people to pronounce it differently. Eat general rules pronunciations, don't ignore them.

      • Some parents think that the spelling of the name does not play of great importance, but it's not. You need to write the name the way it should be spelled according to the rules. In addition, if you replace some of the letters in the name, it will not only be read incorrectly, but it may also look funny and ridiculous.
    • It is not necessary to give your child a middle name, you can completely abandon this idea.


    • Avoid complex names. Remember that popular names became popular for a reason, and simple names can sound nice too.

Choose cool, but suitable name for your child is not an easy task. After all, your child will live with him for the rest of his life! Many parents begin to rack their brains even before his birth, trying to foresee everything and agree on opinions, and even so that later, when the baby grows up, it would not occur to him to change his name. You need to choose wisely and without fanaticism, don "t forget this. Well, we bring to your attention interesting names in the USA. Check it

On the Nameberry website, you can not only find a special, cool and pleasant-sounding name, but also find out its true meaning and popularity. There's also a great opportunity to check out a list of the decade's hottest trends, whether you're a trendsetter or a follower.

A name is a gift so meaningful, so powerful and personal that only you can select it for your child.
A name is a gift so significant, so powerful and personal that only you can choose it for your child.

Today names that start with " Ad' or ending in ' lee”, are among the most popular for children. So stumble upon a bunch of kids called Kinsley Kinsley), Bentley ( Bentley) or even Adeline ( Addelyn), is becoming more likely in our time than, say, in the 1950s. By the way, about them. Meet tons of Jennifer Jennifer) or Jasons ( Jason) was much more likely than today. And now children in the USA and Britain, unlike Russian names, are quite willingly given the names of the so-called " superlatives". Get it? Well, for example, such as Legend, Royalty or King. Would you like this for yourself? Could pathetically declare to someone: “I am a legend!” and Will Smith himself would envy you. Hurry up to change before the names become boring, because they are becoming more popular every day!

Also in the list of fashionable names for babies are the names of celebrities. These days, by naming your child Lennon, Monroe or Hendrix, you can take the world by storm! We believe that this trend should be followed. Why? Well... because paying homage to legendary stars can inspire your child to become the most cool kid in the world!

We don't want to upset you, but Mother Murphy with her laws doesn't mind at all. One of them, for example, reads: "No matter how harmless the name that you give the child, he will definitely be teased with this name." So, name your child so that such a law does not come into effect.

Popular American Names

List of male names:

List of female names:

Well, if you still want to know the history, then on the website of the Social Security Administration ( Social Security Administration or SSA, but don "t read backwards tho) there is a whole table with the five most popular male and female names in the USA for newborn flowers of life, from 1917 to 2016. Over the past 100 years, for example, the name " Michael» still holds the lead (44 times), while female name « Mary” over the years became the leader 39 times.

Other American names

While some names come and go, those that we have indicated below, however, "stuck" in the people thoroughly. They may not be No. 1 today, but they will certainly never fall out of fashion and strive to the top of the list every day.

English male names:

  • Everett. Means "brave as a wild boar" - " brave as a wild boat». English version German name " Eberhard».
  • Henry. German name meaning "household manager" - " ruler of the household' or 'house manager'.
  • Charlie. "Free Guy" - " free man". English soft form of the name "Charles".
  • Edwin. "Prosperous Friend" - " prosperous friend or "rich friend". English name.
  • Sam. The Hebrew meaning of the name is "to hear". Also means "declared by God" - " told by God". english name, long form- Samuel.
  • Marshall. French name meaning "guardian of the horses" - " the keeper of hours».
  • Calvin. Latin name meaning "bald" or "devoid of cover" - " bald boy».
  • Edgar. English name meaning "great spearman" - " great spear man

English female names:

  • Lola. Spanish name meaning "strong woman".
  • Lillian. French name, derived from the name "Elizabeth" (Elizabeth). Oddly enough, it means "lily".
  • Stella. Latin name derived from " stellar", which means "starry" in translation.
  • Genevieve(read as, "Genevieve") - Genevieve. Good name from France. Means "white wave".
  • Cora. Not the one in the trees. It's like Corinna, only Cora. In ancient Greek it means "filled heart" - " filled heart". In mythology, the name Kora was an epithet for Persephone, the goddess of fertility and the mistress of the underworld.
  • Evelyn. Evelina - Jewish name, meaning " life force". Traditionally - english surname, which used to be a male name but is now predominantly used for girls.
  • Lucy. Lucille is an English Catholic name meaning "luminiferous". You can say Lucia» well.
  • Clara. She stole corals, but in general she is “light” and “clean”. Latin name.
  • ruby. Latin again for "dark red gem".
  • Eva["i:və]. The name of the progenitor of all mankind means "giving life" or simply "life". Cool, right? The Latin form of the Hebrew name "Eve".

Rare and unusual English names

A unique name is chosen as a symbol of a unique, special child and family.
A unique name is chosen as a symbol of an exceptional, special child and family.

TOP 5 unusual male names in English

  • Prescott. This superlative English name, meaning "vicarage", was given to 18 boys in 2016. It can be shortened to "Scott" as a nickname if he thinks it sounds too harsh.
  • Grover. Although during the 20th century there were many Grovers, such as President Cleveland, as well as the cute blue freak from Sesame Street. Another famous Grover is jazz saxophonist Grover Washington Jr. But only 19 boys were named Grover in 2016.
  • Oberon. Oberon in Shakespeare's Dream in midsummer night”- the king of fairies and elves, but the name itself, with an accent “o” at the beginning, demonstrates a much more masculine image. Oberon was also seen as a fairytale king in an ancient Germanic legend, a French heroic song, in dramatic work for Ben-Johnson's masque and in several operas. He also appeared in the Disney animated film Gargoyles. In ancient England, the name was spelled "Auberon".
  • Regis. It's sacred french name means "royal". Today, this name is most often associated with the venerable talk show host Regis Philbin
    (Regis Philbin). Only 10 parents chose this name for their son in 2016, so your son will most likely be the only "Regis" in your life.
  • Thelonious. Best known as the name of the legendary jazz pianist Thelonious Monk, 20 boys received this unique name in 2016. Origin owes German name"Tillman", which means "one who plows the land", and "Thelonius" is a Latinized variation of this word.

TOP 5 unusual female names in English

Since many people are looking for a "unique" name, finding a really unusual name can be extremely difficult, especially when it comes to girls. Historically, girls' names have tended to be fashionable, while boys' names have been more conservative. For example, while the most popular female name changes every 10 years, "Michael" has been in the top 10 for over 75 years. Due to this, there are more popular beautiful female names than male ones. In addition, many trendy "unusual" names for girls come from men's names. So if you're looking for something out of the ordinary but distinctly feminine, then you may need to dig a little deeper.

The names below are given to 10 or fewer newborn girls each year, so of course there's a small chance she'll have to share hers. unique name with anyone else. But, if you want your new addition to the family to stand out among Emma, ​​Olivia and Sophia, feel free to choose one of the unusual names below for your little princess.

  • Flannery. Perhaps you have not yet reached the point of reading famous story Flannery O'Connor, "Everything That Rises Must Converge" ("Everything That Rises Must Converge") But that shouldn't stop you from giving preference to this warm-sounding Irish name. "Flannery" comes from "flann" and "gal" meaning "ruddy" and "bravery" in Irish, only 10 little girls were given that name in 2016.
  • Alberta. The English name, meaning "noble" and "bright", probably comes from the western province of Canada. However, there is information that the province is actually named after Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, one of Queen Victoria's daughters. Although the name can be quite popular abroad, in 2016 only 9 girls were named with it.
  • Sigourney. Who knows, maybe the new "Alien" would turn out quite tolerable, if there main woman the entire franchise. Not many parents name their daughters Sigourney. In fact, only 8 families chose it in 2016, but we know that this is the name of the winner (which, by the way, it means). Even Sigourney Weaver herself once admitted in an interview that she changed her first name to "Susan", inspired by a character from F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby.
  • Talullah. The main thing is not Tanunnah. Although celebrities such as Demi Moore, Patrick Dempsey and Philip Seymour Hoffman have nicknamed their daughters Tallulah, only 7 families chose this enchanting Choctaw Indian name meaning "jumping water" in 2016. Previously associated with the greatest stage and screen star Talullah Bankhead, now it has basically established itself as the most appropriate name for southern beauties. Another meaning of the name is “radiant girl”.
  • Antigone. Just like the name of the anti-theft system. The meaning of the name is "instead of a child." If you want to make a solid name choice with a good history, then Antigone is a good choice. The brave and principled heroine of an often retold story in Greek mythology It hits right on target and more than that. Although the name has been known throughout history, parents have made it a slightly unusual choice for their daughters - only 8 families named their daughters Antigone in 2016. We'd say "Tig" sounds pretty cute too. Girls with the name Antigone are distinguished by courage and independence. In childhood, this manifests itself in the form of pronounced self-will and excessive curiosity even for a child.

Double English names

If one name is not enough for you, you can try to go one more way. In fact, giving children double names is a relatively recent tradition. Until the 18th century, people managed with only one name and surname. For a long time, the source of names was mainly the only one - a list of saints and holidays in calendar order ( church calendar). But there were quite a lot of variations on the theme of church names among the people: in English language the Latin form "Maria" was transformed into "Mary" (Mary), which, in turn, gave the diminutive "Molly" (Molly), and then "Polly" (Polly). The name "Joannes" comes from the Hebrew. Johanan, gave in medieval England the forms "Jan", "Iohn" and "John" (John), as well as the diminutives "Jankin", "Jackin", and only then popular name"Jack" (Jack). A female form"Ioanna", borrowed from the French "Jeanne" (Jeanne), turned into three independent names at once: "Jane" (Jane), "Jean" (Gene) and "Joan" (Joan).

That's all we have. If you suddenly decide to move to live in the USA and start a family there, then you will certainly know what to name your offspring!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

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