The most unusual traditions of the peoples of the world. The most mysterious peoples in history


In Denmark, a flag hung in a window indicates that someone is celebrating a birthday in this house.

In Thailand, on the Song Kran holiday, it is customary to pour water on passers-by, this is considered a wish of good luck. Also in Thailand where most of The population professes Buddhism, the head of a person is considered a sacred repository of the soul, and touching it is considered a serious insult.

Men from some Eskimo tribes line up to greet a stranger. Whereupon the first of them steps forward and gives the stranger a good slap on the top of the head, and expects a similar response from the stranger. Slaps and kicks continue until either side falls to the ground. natives South America greet each other by spitting. And among some peoples of Africa, a protruding tongue serves as a sign of greeting.

In Korea, to show that the feast turned out good and that everything is very tasty, you need to slurp as loudly as possible.

For many centuries, the peoples of Northern Kamchatka have understood that if a guest has sexual contact with the host's wife, then by doing so he does him a great honor. The mistress of the house made every effort to make the guest want to share the bed with her. And it was considered a special success for this house if a woman became pregnant from this connection. The birth of a child was celebrated by the whole village.

A unique burial custom has existed for two thousand years in the depths of the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The dead are buried in logs hollowed out by themselves, and then carried to caves high in the mountains. In some caves, there are up to several hundred peculiar coffins.

We eat with a spoon and fork, peoples East Asia chopsticks are often used for this, the Eskimos manage with a knife, and the Central Asian dish besh-barmak is called so because they eat it "besh" - five, "barmak" - fingers.

Enter christian church wearing a headdress means committing sacrilege. The one who enters the synagogue or mosque with his head uncovered also blasphemes.

In some places in the East, women still hide their face and body under ridiculous shapeless clothes. Many Africans still believe that a short apron is the height of what they can afford to put on themselves to the detriment of ancient customs ordering total nudity.

To rest in the middle of the day, we sit on a chair. A Tajik or an Uzbek would prefer to sit on the carpet with their legs folded in Turkish style. The Zulu will think that his European and Central Asian friends simply do not know how to relax and are completely devoid of imagination. There are so many ways to sit! Moreover, they are their own, special, for Zulu men and women. And representatives of one of the North Australian tribes most of all like to relax in a surprisingly uncomfortable, in our opinion, position. They stand on one leg, resting the foot of the other leg on the knee.

Greeting, the European extends his hand, the Japanese crouches, and the kamba in Kenya, as a sign of high respect, spits at the oncoming one. A Maasai man at a meeting solemnly spits, then moistens own hand saliva and only after that allows himself to shake hands with a friend. Mangbettu in the north of the Congo greet quite in a European way, by the hand, but at the same time they politely crack the knuckles of the middle fingers.

If you are not tired of the enumeration, you can continue it. In Tanganyika, to say hello, they get down on one knee, take a handful of earth and pour it crosswise on their chest and arms. On the Zambezi, under similar circumstances, they clap their hands and make a curtsy, and when meeting a white man, it is also considered necessary to shuffle your foot: why not the European 18th century?

Greeting a friend, the Chinese ask: "Have you eaten?", the Iranian wishes: "Be cheerful!", the Zulu says: "I see you" ...

It turns out that kissing is by no means as common as even someone who knows that wild chimpanzees are good at kissing might think. So, since ancient times, the Chinese rubbed their noses instead, and so did the Eskimos. The ancient Egyptians kissed from time immemorial, and among the ancient Greeks, according to Herodotus, this fascinating pastime took root relatively late.

IN African tribe Masai people greet each other by jumping. The higher you jump, the more respect you will show.

Aborigines of the Maori tribe from New Zealand rub their noses against each other when they meet, this is such a greeting. By smell, they distinguish fellow tribesmen from strangers.

IN Latin America hugs and kisses are accepted at every meeting and acquaintance.

It is better to greet the Japanese with a bow in the same way as he does you. Now modern Japanese are no longer surprised by the outstretched hand of a foreigner.

In China, there is one ancient tradition - to avoid the number four. Because "four" sounds the same as "die." If you need to get to the fourth floor, you simply will not find it, even if the house has five floors.

In the East, guests are traditionally treated to tea. The bowl is not poured full, but little by little. A guest who stays too long will be poured a full bowl, which will mean "Drink and go away."

If in Greece you were invited to visit, do not praise the decoration of the house, because old tradition everything that the guest liked, the hospitable host should give him.

In Spain, breakfast is at 2 pm and lunch is at 10 pm. At the table, they try to avoid such topics as personal life, bullfighting and the period of Franco's rule.

In Malaysia, men are greeted with a bow, and married women it is forbidden to take by the hand.

Many rituals are very harmless and there are traditions that are popular all over the world, but there are also those that can shock you. Very strange rituals, sometimes painful and violent, can be found in different parts planets. We will tell you some of them in this article and remind you that when traveling you need to be very vigilant and careful.

Sun dance

As you know, the indigenous people of America did many rituals in honor of the spirits of the earth. All these rituals are needed in order to contact the great spirits, they also often sacrifice themselves and this in order to maintain direct contact with the Tree of Life. Direct contact with the Tree occurs in this way: a skewer attached to a post pierces the skin on the chest. All participants begin to move forward and backward and try to break free, while their skin is still connected to the post. This dance can go on for hours.


In India, in the city of Varanasi, there are Aghori Baba who are known for eating dead people. Many of them think that most of all in life a person is afraid of his death, and that this fear prevents him from spiritual enlightenment. Aghori Babas believe that if they eat dead man, then this fear disappears, and they begin to become enlightened. According to the laws of Hinduism, 5 types of people cannot be cremated: pregnant women, children, saints, unmarried women and people who died from snakebite or leprosy. These people are first given to the Ganges River, and then the Aghori get them out of there and begin to consume them.

Vine jumping

Gkol is a ritual that takes place in the village of Bunlap. This ritual is similar to bungee jumping. At that moment, when the men are preparing to jump, all the other inhabitants sing and dance. Jumpers around the ankles tie a vine and then jump from the towers of wood, which are made especially for this ritual. Apparently, the men are not worried about what this might threaten them, they simply believe that the higher the jump point, the greater the blessing of the gods.


During holy month Muharram, every year the followers of Shia Islam carry out mass self-flagellation. Thus, they commemorate the death of Hussein, as well as the grandson of Muhammad. During the ritual, men torture their bodies with blades attached to chains. Men do not feel pain, as they are all in a trance state.

Heavenly burials

There is a sacred ritual called heavenly burials in Tibet. Buddhists believe that there is no need to keep the body after death, as there is a circle of rebirth. The bodies of the dead people are handed over to aerial predators. In order for the body to disappear as quickly as possible, it is cut into pieces and given to be eaten in the district.

Voodoo and Spiritual Domains

West Africa popular with voodoo followers. One of the rites is famous for the fact that a person takes a spirit into himself or a soul to a friend, as into a vessel. Although the person is conscious, it is believed that the spirit takes possession of the body completely, and upon completion of the ritual, the spirit is in the person for another 3 days.

Dancing with the dead

Madagascar hosts the Turning the Bone Festival. Residents believe that the spirit gets to afterlife, it is necessary that the body decomposes as quickly as possible. Therefore, every 2 years for 7 years they dig up their loved ones, dance with them around the grave, and then they need to be reburied elsewhere.

fiery walks

In Malaysia, it is believed that in order to repel evil influences from oneself or strengthen male power and get rid of bad thoughts, one must go through a purification ritual and walk barefoot on burning coals. Hundreds of people believe in this and therefore take part in this festival.

Mortal rites

The Yanomami tribe is considered one of the most primitive in the world. According to the residents, death is not a natural phenomenon. After death, the body is cremated and mixed with bananas and consumed. In their opinion, therefore, a member of the tribe does not leave them, but continues to live with them.


Very dangerous ritual held annually in Phuket, Thailand. Participants pierce their cheeks with swords, spears, knives or even weapons. All this is carried out because the inhabitants believe that the gods put them into a trance during this action, and this helps to protect themselves from evil and brings good luck in the future.


The spiritual connection between the tribe is very important in Paula ( New Guinea), so they have unusual ritual. One of the ceremonies is held in the "House of the Spirit". The ritual consists in the fact that teenagers live alone in the House of the Spirit for two months. At the end of isolation, all prepare for initiation, after which their transition to maturity is recognized. During the ritual, punctures are made with bamboo fragments. All these notches are very similar to crocodile skin. Tribal people believe that humans are descended from crocodiles. According to legend, the crocodile swallowed the boy and left an adult man instead, and because of this, all the marks on the body resemble marks from the crocodile's teeth.

From time immemorial, every nation has surrounded its life with regulated rules, hoping who will protect themselves from evil spirits, and who will negotiate with the forces of nature in their favor. They are usually associated with religious beliefs, economic and social restrictions adopted in this society. It seemed to people that only by performing ancient rituals, they could achieve all sorts of benefits from fate, the goodwill of the gods, ensure the health of all the descendants of their kind up to the tenth generation. Therefore, most of these rituals are associated with the most important episodes life: with the position and status of a member of a family or tribe among relatives, with the stages of sexual maturation, with childbirth and with a funeral, with invocations of a rich hunt or catch, a large harvest ...

Many of these traditions today seem devoid of elementary meaning and monstrously cruel, if not misanthropic! However, they still exist in the world, they are studied by ethnographers and, surprisingly, they find logical explanations for even the most strange and dangerous rituals.

The most unusual traditions, rituals and customs. Top 5

1. Here Africa, and the Masai tribe of Kenya and Tanzania. In the life of the hunting community the most important qualities every mature man is considered endurance and stamina. Boys stay there until they are almost 30 years old. To become a recognized man, you must go through a special rite of initiation, which is called "emuratare". It takes place every 10-15 years and is attended by ten to twenty-year-olds.

For its implementation, the population of the whole world erects an entire village. On the appointed day, solemn dances and ceremonial singing, a feast take place, and the boys must drink a "cocktail" of bull's blood, milk and alcohol, after which the elders circumcise them. This is the most crucial moment in male life this tribe. After circumcision, the boy is considered a man and a warrior who has proven his fearlessness, willpower and contempt for mortal pain.

The wound heals for three months, and all this time the circumcised walk in black clothes and live separately, in huts built for them by women. It is believed that these women express their respect for the new warriors. But the rite does not end there: for ten years, the young men live in camps-villages, where they study the military wisdom adopted in their tribe and the traditions of their ancestors, learn to hunt and protect their village, and also raise livestock. Then follows the second part of the initiation: "eunoto". This great holiday during which the mother young man shaves his head. From now on, he is considered a senior warrior, and only after that he is allowed to marry.

3. But in Japan women are treated differently. A girl's first menstruation is celebrated as a great day in the life of both herself and her family. Among the treats, there must be red rice - but not because of the color, but for the reason that this is the most expensive variety of rice. Agree, wise and beautiful tradition glorify a woman and her power of procreation!

4. What can not be said about some European countries. Here is an unexpected example - a rich and respectable Switzerland. The purest air, excellent ecology, famous ski resorts, the most authoritative banks ... Well, who would have thought that in this most civilized country such wild tradition to roll the bride in the mud? Yes, yes, in the literal sense.

In our world, there are a huge number of nationalities that have their own history. We bring to your attention the most unusual and interesting customs and traditions peoples of the world.

Samoa. People from these parts, instead of our usual greeting, in the form of a handshake, sniff each other. For them, this is a very serious and ancient ritual. In the old days, their ancestors with the help of such a greeting could calculate a stranger.

Masai tribe in Africa. Everyone is taught from childhood that spitting is not good. In the Masai tribe, the opposite is true. With the help of such an action, they greet each other and thereby show respect for the interlocutor.

Denmark. If, walking along the streets of Denmark, you will see that from the window of a house looks out National flag, know that a person lives in this house, whose birthday is today.

Andaman Islands. In this area, a person can approach another, sit in his arms and cry. And these tears will not be from grief, but from the joy that they experience when they meet this person.

At American Indians, the groom, in order to get the bride, had to endure many trials. The bride's parents had to drive him away in every possible way, insult him, or even use him as a free gift. work force. If the groom endures all these trials, then his chosen one was given to him as a wife.

In China, Japan, Korea, if a person does not champ while eating, this means that he did not like the food and this may offend the owners of the house.

In the East, it is customary to treat guests with tea. At the same time, the tea container is not filled completely and gradually, during communication, is gradually topped up. When the hosts are already tired and want the guests to leave them, they pour a full vessel, which means that they finish drinking and leave.

Tibet. Here, when meeting passers-by, it is customary to stick your tongue out. This custom has ancient history. In the 9th century Tibet was ruled by a tyrant king, and it is known that he had a black tongue. After his death, the inhabitants were very very happy, but they feared that the king would not be reborn in another body. That is why, when meeting with strangers, they consider it their duty to check the language of this person.

In the Philippines, in North Africa and in some areas of China, if a guest ate everything that was put on his plate, they might think that he was very greedy. In these places it is customary that if you no longer want to eat, you must leave something on your plate and this will mean that you are full. Otherwise, the owner, according to the rules of etiquette, is obliged to add food to you.

By ancient tradition hospitality, if a guest in the owner's house praised any thing, then the owner is obliged to give it to the guest.

In India, it is considered an insult if you shake hands with a person whom you do not know and have never seen before.

In Central Nigeria, it is not customary to marry thin girls. In order to prepare the bride for marriage, she is placed separately from everyone else, it is forbidden to leave the premises. Only a mother can visit her, who brings a lot of fatty and floury food to fatten her daughter for the wedding.

In Vietnam, it is not customary to praise a newborn. locals it was always believed that if a dark spirit heard all the virtues of a child, it could steal him away. Also, in Vietnam there is a tradition to hang a mirror on the threshold before entering the house. It is needed to scare away the dragon. The inhabitants thought that if the dragon, having come to them, sees its reflection in the mirror, it will think that there is already a dragon here and leave.

In the North of Kamchatka, since ancient times, it was believed that if a guest slept with the wife of the owner of the house, then by this he expressed his respect for the owner. And it was especially appreciated if the wife became pregnant from this guest.

In Spain, it is customary to address everyone as "you", even if this person is older in age or in rank. If you turned to a person on "you", then it may even offend him.

In China, the number 4 practically does not exist, they try to avoid it. And all because the number 4 in Chinese sounds like the word "death".

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