The script is briefly about the creation of the theater. Scenario dedicated to the International Theater Day



Alena, Ada - Hosts

Tanya, Gulya - Muses (black leggings, black ballet flats, everything else from the CVR. hairstyles: Greek, beautiful braids twisted up, Greek ribbons)

Dina - usher (a bun on her head, a red plaid skirt or something, and a dark top)

*Dina greets guests, sits them down*

Dina: Dear ladies and gentlemen, welcome to concert hall! Our show is about to begin, please turn off your Cell phones and do not include them until the end of the presentation. We wish you a pleasant viewing!

*leaders emerge from backstage*

Lead 1 - Alena. Hello Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to our holiday, dedicated to the day theater!

Lead 2 - Ada. Opening the door to the building of this temple of art, we find ourselves in a magical, noble atmosphere, unlike anything else, with brightly sparkling chandeliers and royal armchairs. Needless to say, there and the air smells like a grandiose holiday.

Lead 1 - Alena. We know that special guys, participants have gathered here today. theater groups. We welcome the studio artistic word"Vysota" and its leader Kirillova Zinaida Yakovlevna! *applause*

Host 2 - Ada: Studio "Theater of the Word" and artistic director Simonova Veronika Georgievna

Presenter 1 - Alena: Youth theater- Studio "Without a mask" And artistic director - Bozhenkova Marina Evgenievna

Host 2 - Ada: Theater Studio "Magistral" and their artistic director - Zhamkova Daria Alekseevna

Presenter 1 - Alena: Folklore theater "Kolyada" and artistic leader - Ionova Svetlana Yurievna. Hello, our bright, creative, talented! Today we will go through several interesting tests where you can show yourself!

Host 2: Of course, you all know what theater is.

Presenter 1: And that it originated in Ancient Greece!

Host 2: And that initially there were only two genres in the theater!

Chorus: Which?

Children: ….

Presenter 1: Right!

Host 2: Tragedy!

Presenter 1: And comedy!

*muses come out and fade away*

Presenters: Who you are?

Tragedy - Tanya: Hello, friends. I am the muse of Tragedy - Melpomene!

Comedy - Gulya: And I'm the Muse of Comedy - Thalia! We heard that you have a holiday today and specially descended to you from Olympus of Ancient Greece, to see how people celebrate the day of the Theater, thousands of years after its inception.

Presenter 1: Wow. . .muses!

Host 2: Real!

Presenter 1: And tell us about how the theater appeared!

Tragedy: Then listen carefully, because at the end of our holiday, your theater quiz is waiting for you.


Presenter 1: How interesting!

Host 2: we learned so many new things! Guys, how can we thank the muses?

Presenter 1: And we know that each team prepared a festive number especially for this Day! Right guys?

Host 2: Then you are invited to the stage:

– Artistic Word Studio “Vysota”

– Studio "Theater of the Word"

– Studio “Without a mask”

– Studio "Magistral"

- Folklore theater "Kolyada"


Comedy: How wonderful! What good fellows you are! How talented and artistic!

Tragedy: How many feelings! How much expression!

Presenter 1: All the guys here are born actors!

Host 2: Our holiday continues and we still have many creative tests ahead of us, and in order to cope with them, we offer to warm up a real actor!


(Ada tells the rules, we focus on her, distributing around the hall)

Host 2: Are you ready? Then let's applaud ourselves!

Did you know that by clapping your hands you perform one of the oldest rituals of communication with upper world. And in our time, scientists say that clapping your hands has beneficial effect for the whole organism. So clap often - it's useful and always uplifting! Let's clap again!

Clapping is our special acting warm-up, because real actor any action can turn into creativity. So today we will clap not just, but creatively. To do this, we will beat with the left palm on the right. Like this. In this case, the palms seem to slide over each other. Wherein right hand- the guide goes forward, and the left one goes back. This is a "shot". Let's try. Now let's change hands.

"Now let's have a little gunfight - I shoot you, you answer me with a shot." Started! (shootout with teams)

- Great! Now let's move on to the next task. Now I will ask my dear friends to help me. The staff of the studio "Theater of the Word", please stand around our beautiful Melpomene, the folklore theater "Kolyada" - stand around the charming Thalia, the team of the youth theater "Without a Mask" - stand around our presenter, the staff of the studio "Magistral" our wonderful usher will help you today Marya Sergeevna (?), and I will ask the team of the artistic word "Height" to stand around me. Great! *when the circles are formed, the leaders leave the center and also stand in a circle*

Now we will exchange fire with you in a circle. The hosts start and shoot at their neighbors on the right, the shot is accompanied by the direction of the hands and the look. Like this. The one who received the shot also passes it to his neighbor on the right. So, we are moving in a circle. Let's try! Remember to look at the person you are shooting at, and do not lose eye contact during the exercise.

“Great, now a little faster!” And now we shoot at the gray-haired people on the left!

- Now let's try chaotic order!

- Wonderful! Now I will ask the facilitators to stand in the center of their circle. The host will shoot at you in a chaotic manner, and you will certainly return the shot to him. Be careful!

"Now let's try faster!"

- Great! Now I see that you are all warmed up. However! On stage, any action must be justified by the actor. Justified - that is, to become true. Only in this way the viewer will believe in what is happening on stage. If the actor himself does not believe in what is happening on the stage, the viewer will definitely feel it as a spoof or falsehood. Now we will arrange a shootout again, but now we are sure to put some emotion into our shot. For example, if it's anger, you'll see it in my facial expressions, my posture, the strength of my clap. I can shoot you like this *angrily*, or like this *joyfully*.

So, now your leaders will shoot at you with different emotions, you shoot at them with the same emotion, but .. do not copy the leaders, but only return the same feeling. Some people have this kind of joy, and some people have this.

Well, let's try, your presenters will help you. Our first emotion Anger!

- Fright! – Sadness! -Joy!

It was great guys! Now I challenge everyone to send our latest emotion straight into space! Like this! Our emotion is Happiness! We are all filled with great joy, happiness from the fact that we have gathered here today, that we have many more interesting trials ahead of us, that the holiday continues, that His Majesty the Theater united us all here. So, the emotion is happiness. Get ready! Handles raised, we shoot loudly on the count of three. Once! Two! Three! *cotton*

Well done! Great! The cosmos has received our signal. Hands still not fucking? Then pat yourself again! Thank you, and now I will ask everyone to take their seats. *sit down*

Presenter 1: Well, now we are ready to conquer the theatrical heights! Well, are you on your way?

Leaders and Muses: Let's hit the road!

Presenter 1: and our first creative test - improvisation!

Host 2: A real actor must be able to improvise!

Presenter 1: And now we will ask 10 representatives of the Vysota Studio team to come on stage


Tragedy: pull the leaves out of the magic hat. On them are written the roles and actions that you must perform every time you hear the name of your hero.

Comedy: So, get into character, I start reading a poem, and you beat him.


Once the hostess found a pan,

She decided to cook cabbage soup in it.

She poured water from the tap into it,

She folded the meat, lit the fire.

I wanted to grate carrots on a grater,

That mine twisted - it's disgusting to look,

Keep carrots in the fridge

She doesn't mean to offend you.

The hostess took up the potatoes then,

After all, cabbage soup without carrots is not a problem at all.

Potatoes lived in a basket in the oven,

Potatoes covered with sprouts - and that's all

She shriveled up like she was in her fifties.

The hostess looked - she became sad,

She had never heard of cabbage soup without potatoes.

The hostess took out cabbage forks.

The sight of the cabbage made her sad.

Cabbage, potatoes, carrots - trouble.

The hostess could not even dream of cabbage soup.

But the bow she forgot about

(I kept it on the balcony in a box),

Lying and glowing with an orange side,

He was proud that one survived.

And here it is crumbled, fried, salted,

Thrown into the pan, satisfied with himself.

And let dinner fail with cabbage soup,

But delicious onion soup turned out!

Tragedy: Bravo! So, dear viewer, appreciate the talents!

Comedy: And now let's welcome 10 participants from the Studio "Theater of the Word" team! do you remember the rules guys? Then we start.


And the sun plays (beams on the river),
And the cat is playing (in a ball on the porch),

And Zhenya is playing (Zhenya has a doll),
And mom plays (in the theater on stage),

And dad is playing copper pipe),
And grandfather (plays with his grandson in the hut).

And the grandmother washes diapers for her grandson.
Grandma is probably playing with the laundry?

Presenter 1: How cool, what good fellows you are!

Host 2: 10 team members are invited to the stage Studio "Without a mask"

Presenter 1:

Robin Bobin Barabek
Ate forty people
Both cow and bull
And a crooked butcher
And the cart, and the arc,
And a broom, and a poker,
Ate the church, ate the house,
And a forge with a blacksmith,
And then he says:
“My stomach hurts!”

Host 2: You're doing great, we couldn't have done it!

Presenter 1: This is true!

Host 2: we invite 10 representatives of Magistral Studio to the stage

Host 2:

A man lived in the world
crooked legs,
And he walked for a century
On a twisted path.

And beyond the twisted river
In a crooked house
Living in summer and winter
Crooked mice.

And stood at the gate
crooked trees,
They walked without worries
Crooked wolves.

And they had one
crooked cat,
And she meowed.
I'm sitting by the window.

And beyond the crooked bridge
Crooked Woman
Barefoot in the swamp
Jumped like a toad.

And was in her hand
crooked stick,
And flew after her
Crooked jackdaw.

Dina: Well done boys! Take your seats! And we invite 10 people from Folklore theater"Kolyada"


IN kindergarten came:
lion cub,
two snowflakes,
Three princesses
Goblin from the deep forest,
And more of the same kind
Lots of people.
Maybe we got with you
In kindergarten with miracles?
No, in a regular kindergarten.
But today -

Presenter 1: Well done! We talked about improvisation, the next task is to build a mise-en-scene!

Host 2: Do you know what mise-en-scene is?

Presenter 1: mise-en-scene - means of expression theater. This is the spatial position of the actors, scenery and props on the stage.

Host 2: The director arranges the mise-en-scène. An expressive mise-en-scène is like a beautiful painting.

Presenter 1: Now we will give each team one picture famous artists. Your task is to show in a mise-en-scene, without words and foreign objects, what is drawn in this picture.

Host 2: The task of other teams is to guess this picture. Please artistic directors don't tell the kids!


(in between theatrical riddles)


When the show is over -

Heard "Bravo!", compliments;

To all the actors, in gratitude,

We give…



What is "Countermark"? -

The dictionary will give the answer:

You know, she's a free ticket.

Or simply…


Presenter 1:

Both actress and actor

(Whether he is ordinary, or a mime)

Very appearance changes

Makeup skillful - ...



In the design of the face -

Wigs, coloring,

And chignons, and overlays,

And stickers, masks -

That's all for makeup

Everything is needed, no doubt.

Makeup artist needed


(to the make-up artist!)

Host 2:

To make the show look more interesting,

Ovations were heard in gratitude,

It is necessary on the stage decoration:

House, trees and more...



To light up the stage

That's right, excellent -

lighting fixture

Absolutely needed:

So that everything goes on "Hurrah!",

They give light...



To store the clothes of visitors,

Theatergoers or moviegoers

To make them comfortable and not hot -

There is a wardrobe. Or easier...


Presenter 1:

Everything you see on stage

What lies, hangs, stands,

All items of presentation

This, you know…


Host 2:

He is a theatrical worker -

Performances "conductor",

Performance Manager -

It's right, …



The cinema has a wide screen

In the circus - arena or arena.

Well, in the theater, the usual theater,

The site is special…


Tragedy: what are you good fellows!

Comedy: Well, now we see that you are indeed born actors, but before we leave, we will fulfill our promise.

Tragedy: At the very beginning, we told you about how the theater was born. It's time to check how much you remember...

Presenter 1: So, pay attention to the screen! We have to solve the theatrical crossword puzzle! But this will not be difficult if you carefully listened to what the Muses told about at the beginning of the holiday. Attention! First question!


Host 2: Today you and I both guessed riddles and did creative exercises, and played, and improvised, but .. a real actor must also be able to .. dance!

Presenter 1: Right! So we have prepared for you the last musical assignment! Now each team will be given a theme of dance, you will have to show not only the ability to dance, but also your imagination!

Final dance by command: undersea world, aliens, forest animals, birds, flower dance (wild west?)

Presentation of certificates in the areas of dance

Waist: Thank you guys, now we see that Theater Day is celebrated in your time with fun and joy!

Tragedy: And therefore it is time for us to return to the Ancient Olympus! Goodbye, guys! I wish you success!

Waist: Goodbye, guys!

Presenter 1: Goodbye Muses! Ah, we will remember this holiday for a long time! However, it's time for us to say goodbye!

Host 2: See you guys! Creativity, joy and theatrical victories!

Goals and objectives:
Unite children in creative process, reveal them interesting world theatrical art.
To intensify the activity of each child in the search and transmission of a stage image using a variety of expressive means.
Cultivate creativity.

Hello kids, girls and boys! Hello, friends!

It's good to have a theatre!
He was and will be with us forever
Always ready to claim
Everything that is human in the world.
Everything is fine here - gestures, masks,
Costumes, music, game.
Here our fairy tales come to life
And with them bright world of good!

(fashion theatre, costume show)

- Tell me, what theaters are there? (puppet, drama, operetta, opera and ballet.)

- That's right, well done. What theaters do we have? ( Musical Theatre, puppet, dramatic.)

- There are a lot of people working in all theaters. Who works in the theatre?

Children (theatrical and game fairy tale therapy) read poems:

In all theaters across the country
Works are important.
But still, no matter how you turn it,
A main man- artist.

And, of course, the director
Artist, props, make-up artist;
Show you where everything is
Responsible for props.

The choreographer will stage the dances,
The choirmaster will take care of the voice,
In the orchestra for the selection of talents,
What a conductor, what musicians,
And there is simply no equal in the world

Such artists in the world.

Shows are always on
A worker with a stage driver.
Suit made to measure
With love, our costumers.
Fix wheezing, spikes, whistles
Leading radio operators.
Watching everything with an eagle eye
Our friend is an assistant director.

There are locksmiths and carpenters here,
Plumbers and painters, cleaners and ushers,
And commandants, and watchmen;
Follows everything in the world
Head post, supply manager, supply manager, manager.
That the teacher is an erudite
The fireman at the post does not sleep,
Barmaids and cooks
Cutters and doctors
Cashier, accountant and driver,
But the most important thing is the viewer!
(Vasilenko V., “ Preschool education”, № 9, 2001.)

Do you like to read fairy tales?
Do you want to become artists?
Then tell me friends
How can you change yourself?
To be like a fox?
Or a wolf, or a goat,
Or a prince, a Yaga,
Or the frog in the pond?

(You can change your appearance with a costume, makeup, hairstyle, etc.)

Invite the children to take their handkerchiefs.

To the music depict:

And without a suit, children can
Turn, say, into the wind,
Or in the rain, or in a thunderstorm,
Or a butterfly, a wasp?
What will help here, friends? (Gestures and of course facial expressions)

- What is mime? (These are body movements, no words)

The host plays the game

- As soon as we entered the forest, mosquitoes appeared.
“Suddenly we see: a chick has fallen out of the nest near the bush.
Quietly we take the chick and put it back in the nest.
- We go to the clearing, we find a lot of berries.
Strawberries are so fragrant that you are not too lazy to bend over.
A red fox peers out from behind a bush.
We will outwit the fox, we will run on our toes.
- In the swamp, two girlfriends, two green frogs
Washed early in the morning, rubbed with a towel,
They slapped their paws, they clapped their paws.
Paws together, paws apart, paws straight, paws sideways,
Paws here and paws there, what a noise and what a din!

7. Well done. What is mimicry? (Expression of our face).

Here's the news! I almost fell off the porch!
Everyone has a facial expression!
I am frightened, but what am I expressing in my face?
Probably courage, probably mind!
And suddenly, if in facial expressions I am not boom-boom?

Let's try to check. Let's all go to the mirror.

There is, no doubt, a different mood,
I will call him, try to show him.

Show: sadness, joy, calmness, surprise, grief, fear, delight, horror, happiness.

And now the time has come
Communicate with gestures, yes, yes!
I tell you a word
In response, I expect gestures from you.

“Come here”, “go away”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “quietly”, “do not indulge”, “wait for me”, “you can’t”, “leave me alone”, “I think”, “understood”, “no ", "Yes".

(fashion theater)

- To become an artist, you need to learn a lot, to be able to do a lot of things.

What should an artist be able to do?

(Good, understandable, speak clearly; breathe correctly; move beautifully, etc.)

- Do you want to become artists?

- I suggest you try to become artists today. Let's imagine that we are in a theater workshop.

Let's start by restoring proper breathing. Everyone sit down, straighten your back, put your hand on your stomach. Breathing exercises is carried out by the child.

2. Breath
Inhale through the nose and slowly exhale through the mouth. (1 time)
Breathe in - breathe out sound s-s-s-s-s(so the wind whistles).
Breathe in - breathe out sound shhhhhh(so the trees rustle).

Imagine that there is a feather on the palm. Inhale and exhale slowly so that the feather remains on the palm.

3. And now we will do gymnastics for the lips and tongue. (Gymnastics is conducted by a child).

For lips.
Pull closed lips forward, like a piglet's heels; stretch your lips in a smile without exposing your teeth.
Closed lips (piglet) move up and down; now to the right, then to the left.

For language.
"Injections". With a sharp tongue, touch alternately the inside of the left and right cheek. The lower jaw is immobile.

Children chat with different intonations (tell something interesting).

- Well done. And now let's remember the phrases.

4. Children stand in a circle. Transmit theater ticket and say tongue twisters in turn.

- Tongue Twisters.
The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull has a blunt lip.
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
There is a priest on a shock, a cap on the priest, a shock under the priest, a priest under the cap.
Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.
Grek rode across the river, he sees Grek - there is cancer in the river. The Greek put his hand into the river cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap.
Karl stole the corals from Clara, Clara stole the clarinet from Karl. Clara severely punished Karl for stealing the coral.
Prokop came - dill boils, Prokop left - dill boils. And under Prokop, dill boils, and without Prokop, dill boils.
The heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died.
The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.

5. It's time to make things harder. A child comes out and reads a poem.

One two three four five -
Do you want to play?

Theatrical warm-up game.
You need to go along a narrow path, clinging to each other with their backs.
Through the swamp.

scene "What happened?" (Appendix No. 1)

The workout is over...
You have tried now.
Now for the surprise guys!
I invite you to a fairy tale.

(fashion theater)

There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But live in the world
We cannot do without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead
A fairy tale will knock on the door -
Let's say to the guest: "Come in."

Scene - Ulya and Filya, (Appendix No. 2)

Scene - Thomas and Fedul (Appendix No. 3)

Scene - Yaga and Chur (Appendix No. 4)

Today I am a forest fairy. I am very glad to see you in my domain, but willows are not children, forest dwellers. Which…. We will go to the magical land of Tili-Mili-Tryam, for a flower of joy. (They go by train)

— I have a flower of joy. He will definitely help fulfill all desires. Let us take a piece of this flower in our hands carefully so as not to lose it. Let's apply it to the heart. You feel that now everyone has a kind, warm, pure flower of joy. Let's give our flower of joy to each other.

I see a lot of people smiling. Why? (answer)

Now we are all warm, joyful mood. I just want others to see the flower of joy. How to do it?

Draw, design, mold, as our guys did, and now you.

(master class on making)

Flower children run out:

1 How much sun, how much light Spring has brought for everyone!

2 Flowers of unprecedented beauty bloom in the clearing near Spring!

3 Nature wakes up, washes with dew!

4 And, of course, all the animals wake up in the spring!

The poem "Hedgehog"

Picking flowers is easy and simple
Children of small stature
But to one who is so high
It's not easy to pick a flower!


Snowdrop peeked out
In the semi-darkness of the forest -
little scout,
sent in the spring.
Let more over the forest
The snows rule
Let them lie under the snow
sleepy meadows,
Let on the sleeping river
Ice is still,
Once the scout came
And spring will come!

E. Serova

lily of the valley was born
May Day
And the forest keeps it.
It seems to me that his behind -
It will ring softly.

E. Serova

On the edge of the sun
violet blossomed,
purple ears
Raised it a little.
She's buried in the grass
Doesn't like to jump ahead
But everyone will bow to her
And take it carefully.

E. Serova

There is nothing to call him to us, -
He himself will come;
Blossom trustingly
Right at the gate
Buttercup golden.

E. Serova

Water lily

A water lily lies on a leaf,
As on a green raft;
And float down the river
To distant friends
Yes, that's the trouble - the raft is tied,
He won't swim anywhere.
And when the evening comes
The petals will roll up the flower:
"Until morning! Before new meeting!” -
And extinguish the fire.

E. Serova


They are visible, invisible
Don't count them!
And who only invented them -
Merry, blue?
Must have been torn off
A piece from the sky
Slightly conjured
And they made a flower!

E. Serova


wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress;
Grow up - dress up
In a white dress
light, airy,
Obedient to the wind.

E. Serova


Look, look,
What is the red light?
It's a wild carnation
New day celebrates.

golden mean,
And the rays go around, -
It might be a picture
Is the sun in the blue sky?
No, not the sun on a piece of paper,
Chamomile flower in the meadow.


Bell blue
Bowed to you and me;
bluebell flowers
Very polite…
And you?

Hush, guests, you are sitting!
Do not scare our fairy tale!
Miracles happen here, where do they hide?
We will now tell the tale, and we will tell and show.

Host: Today we have gathered in this hall because we love fairy tales very much. No wonder they say “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows- lesson". How is a fairy tale different from other literary works?

(In a fairy tale, good always triumphs over evil, there may be various heroes, magical transformations).

Today the children will show how well they know various fairy tales.

Scene "Three Little Pigs"

II. Contests.

1. Warm up.

“Do you know fairy tales well?”

Illustrations from fairy tales are shown, the teams take turns determining where they are taken from (illustrations are taken at random).

2. Task

“Name the fairy tale” (who will quickly identify the fairy tale).

- Which fairy tale contains a recipe for making an outlandish dish, unique in its taste, from a carpentry tool? (“Porridge from an ax”)

- What fairy tale tells about how the hare became a homeless person, and the red-haired cheat took possession of all the hare's property and only the intervention of a person helped to restore justice? (“Hare hut”)

- What is the name of the Russian folk tale which tells the story of a long journey bakery product to the consumer? (“Kolobok”)

Scene "Dunno"

3. Competition for best knowledge fairy tales (assignment to teams).

What song did Kolobok sing?

What did the Goat sing to her seven kids?

— Who can call Sivka-Burka?

- Who can call Ivanushka's sister Alyonushka?

4. Auction.

“Whose team will name more fairy tales, where it would be said about the Wolf or the Fox, Baba Yaga or Ivanushka.”

- Who is this?

A) fairy tale heroine, owner of the first aircraft? (Baba Yaga)
b) fairy creature, an inhabitant of the forest, the so-called Spirit of the forest? (Goblin)

— Who says so?

a) “Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red? (Morozko)
b) “As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets.” (Fox)

- For what needs did the kings send their sons on the road? (For the bride, the firebird, rejuvenating apples etc.)

Items that supposedly someone lost are taken from the black box. (Golden Key, crystal slipper, little red riding hood, golden egg, bulk apple, ball).

Scene "Thumbelina"

5. Competition
1 team

Walks to school with a primer
wooden boy
Gets instead of school
In a linen booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is the boy's name?
There was a girl
In a flower cup
And there was that girl
A little more than a fingernail
Who read this book
Knows a little girl.

2 team

Now let's talk
About the other book -
There is a blue sea
Here is the seashore...
The old man went to the sea
He will cast a net,
Will someone get caught?
And ask for something?
someone for someone
Grabbed tight:
- Oh, no way to pull!
- Oh, sat down tight!
Who sat down so tight?
Maybe this …

A “postman” enters the hall and hands several telegrams to the host. The teams must find out who sent the telegrams: “He left his grandfather, he left his grandmother. I'll be with you soon."

“Save! We were eaten by the Gray Wolf.”

"I've already laid a simple testicle."

“I live without any glory among the green oak forests with seven heroes.”

6. Show homework.

1 team - scene "The Princess and the Pea"

Team 2 - scene "Puss in Boots".

Today we will make a trip to the theater. And we will get into fairy world- Puppet Theatre. What is a puppet theatre? (children's statements)

A puppet theater is a type of theatrical spectacle in which puppets operate, controlled by actors - puppeteers, usually hidden from the audience by a screen. Dolls differ in the device and their control system.

- Now it is impossible to say exactly when the first doll in the world appeared. From archaeological sites and come down to us historical sources we can conclude that at all times the dolls were the constant companions of man.

Art puppet theater by nature folk. Puppet theaters are now everywhere: in schools, in recreation centers, in large families, mugs.

Let's remember our childhood. Each of you must have had your own puppet theater. It did not have a screen, scenery, specially made dolls. He existed simply in the world around us and a little bit in our imagination. But how rich and varied it was! Playing in the sandbox, you erected fortresses, their steep walls were stormed by tin soldiers. The simplest paper boats compete in fast, cheerful streams, but now they are high-speed schooners, frigates, caravels ... Puppet theater begins with these games. Playing with an object.

The simplest puppet theater is a tabletop one. Where scenery and characters are displayed on the table. Such a theater resembles a revived children's drawing.

- From the simplest theater on the table, now let's move on to more complex forms puppet theatre.

According to the method of control, dolls are divided into two main types - RIDING and FLOOR.

The horsemen are those that the actor-puppeteer controls from below because of the screen and the viewer does not see him.

Floor, unlike riding, are below the actor, right on the floor. The actor is nearby and sets the puppets in motion right in front of the audience

GLOVE - In Rus', there have long been parsleys - actors who performed with puppets - Petrushkas, worn on the hand. The basis - the body, such a doll is a glove sewn on the actor's hand.

FINGER - the basis - the body, such a doll is a finger. An image of a character is created on each finger.

SHADOW - the basis of these dolls is a silhouette (showing an outline drawing)

CANE - puppets are controlled by special mechanisms with the help of canes. The basis of such dolls is a wooden construction-gapit. Canes to control the hands of the doll are attached to her hands.

Puppets - puppets controlled from above, most often with the help of threads. The puppets are propelled by the vag. This is a wooden cross, to which a doll is hung on strings.

We have met many interesting systems puppets for the puppet theater and made sure that their variety is endless. But this diversity has its own patterns and strong ties. Thus, a cane doll was born from a glove puppet, and a LARGE FLOOR DOLL from a puppet. Outwardly, these dolls resemble the “parents”, only they are larger in size, and they do not have any threads. It is very interesting to work with such dolls. They are led "in the open" by one, and most often by two performers. But then huge dolls appeared on the stage. Big puppet heads, huge palms, hefty shoes .... And what is most surprising, there are no puppeteers next to them. But the dolls jump, dance, dance with the audience. These are DOLL PEOPLE. The actor puts on a huge head-mask and turns into a living doll.

(Fashion Theater)

ditties (appendix No. 5)

In conclusion, the children say the words:

Hold hands, friends, and take a deep breath,
And what we always say, now you say out loud to everyone:
I swear from now and forever to cherish the theater sacredly,
To be honest, kind person and worthy of being a spectator.

It is very good to live in this world,
So that the sun shines during the day, and the moon at night.
They should be friends, they can't quarrel,
Then everyone will be happy, kindness will win.

This world is so beautiful, this world is so beautiful.
We grow happily under the sun, we sleep peacefully under the moon.

The world is so colorful, beautiful and big.
There is enough space for everyone under the sun and moon.
And if suddenly when you quarrel, friends
You will remember about the fairy tale, and know that it is not in vain.


1. Agapova I.A. school theater. Creation, organization, plays for productions: 5-11 grades. - M.: VAKO, 2006. - 272 p.

2. Belinskaya E.V. Fairy tale trainings for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006. - 125 p.

3. Buyalsky B.A. Art expressive reading. M.: Enlightenment, 1986. –176 s.

4. Gurkov A.N. School theatre. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2005. - 320 p.

5. Karishnev-Lubotsky M.A. Theatrical performances for children school age. - M .: Humanitarian ed. center VLADOS, 2005. - 280 p.

6. Tkacheva E.M. Plays. - M .: VTsKhT ("Repertoire for children's and youth theaters"), 2008. - 176 p.

7. Churilova E.G. Methodology and organization theatrical activities: Program and repertoire. - M .: Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2004. - 160 p.


Scene "Ulya and Filya"

Hello Phil!
Hello Ulya!
Where have you been?
At mother.
What did mother send gifts for?
Mother sent pancakes!
Where are they?
I put them under the bench!
What an eccentric you are, Phil!
How about you, Ulya?
I would put them in the oven, you would come and eat.
Okay, Ulya, next time I'll do it ...

Filya and Ulya disperse to a Russian folk melody, then meet again, greet each other.

Hello Phil!
Hello Ulya!
What did the mother send?
Mother sent a sundress.
Where is he?
I put it in the oven.
What are you, Phil, an eccentric.
How would you?
I would hang it in the closet.
Okay, Ulya, next time I'll do it ...

Filya and Ulya again disperse, dancing, then meet.

Hello Phil!
Hello Ulya!
What did the mother send?
Mother sent a ram.
Where is he?
I hung it in the closet.
What are you, Phil, an eccentric.
How would you?
I would take him to the barn, give him hay, give him water to drink.

Okay, Ulya, I'll do that next time. Filya and Ulya part ways, then meet.

Hello Phil!
Hello Ulya!
What did the mother send?
Mother sent Nastyushka.
Where is she?
I took her to the barn, gave her water to drink, gave her hay.
What are you, Phil, an eccentric.
How would you?
I would have put her at the table and given tea to drink.
Okay, Ulya, I'll do that next time.

Filya and Ulya part ways, then meet.

Hello Phil!
Hello Ulya!
What did the mother send?
Mother sent a pig.
Where is she?
I sat her at the table and gave her tea.
What are you, Phil, an eccentric. Phil-simple!


Scene "Thomas and Fedul"

Two boys:

We are good guys
- Buffoons are daring
-I am Foma, and you are Fedul

- Fedul, why did you pout your lips?
- The caftan burned through.
- You can sew.
- There is no needle.
- How big is the hole?
— Is there only one gate left?

“Foma, why aren’t you coming out of the forest?”
Yes, I caught a bear.
So bring him here.
- He doesn't go.
- Well, go ahead.
So he won't let me in either.

- Did you eat the cake?
- No, not me!
- Was it delicious?
- Very!
- Foma, is it warm in your hut?
- Warm. You can warm up on the stove in a fur coat.
- What did you do today?
I was looking for gloves.
- Found?
- Found!
— Where were they?
- Yes, behind the belt!



We know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad
It's good to listen to
Who doesn't know any.

Put your ears on top
Listen carefully
We will sing ditties now
Very good.

To fire up the stove
Gotta turn up the heat
So that the ditty sang better
We must dance to help.

Let me dance
Allow me to stomp.
Is it in this house
Are the floorboards cracked?

Healthy, great
At the gates of Yegorov
And at our gates
Everything goes the other way around.

And in our yard
frogs croaked,
And I'm barefoot from the stove,
Thought it was girlfriends.

I walked through the village
And I saw Vanyusha -
Sitting under a bush and crying:
The chicken hurt.

I danced in three legs
Lost my boots
Looked back:
My boots are on.

They say I'm fighting
Combat, so what!
My mom is fighting
Well, then who am I?

If there were no water
There was no mug
If there were no girls
Who would sing ditties!

Don't look at me
Break your eyes.
I am not from your village
You do not know me.

Grandma Lukerya also went dancing.
There is no hair on the back of the head -
Tied feathers.

We sang ditties to you
Is it good, is it bad?
And now we ask you
For you to clap us.

Kindergarten of the combined type No. 5 "Golden Key" p.g.t. Aktobe Aznakaevsky municipal district The Republic of Tatarstan took part in flash mob events, which was announced on the World of Preschoolers portal

Scenario for preschoolers "Theatre Day"
prepared and conducted music director Zaripova R.A.

Children enter the hall to the music in costumes with tickets and take their seats

Goals: to introduce preschoolers to the history of the theater development.
Equipment: projector, presentation, costumes.

Reb. Today there will be a holiday in the hall
And there will be many children here,
And there will be many guests here,
A lot of noise and passion!

2nd child
Theater! What a word!
It's a holiday, it's a celebration!
And there are a lot of spectators in the hall.
Magic awaits everyone

Song about theater

What a miracle - to be in a fairy tale
With the heroes of suddenly revived legends!
We are surprised by their costumes, masks,
Captures the action of the moment.
They sing, mourn, meditate...
The intensity of passions is transmitted to us.
The game of their souls ignite us.
Their art is theater, not farce.
Today we praise the skill of actors,
We hasten to congratulate them on the Day of the Theater,
Make-up artists, dressers and prompters -
Thank you all for the magic!

Leading. Good afternoon guys, I want to ask you a riddle:
There's a stage and backstage
Both actors and actresses
There is a poster and intermission,
Scenery, full house.
And, of course, the premiere!
You probably guessed ... (theater)

Childpresentation slide 1
It's good to have a theatre!
He was and will be with us forever.
Always ready to assert
Everything that is human in the world.
Everything is fine here - gestures, masks,
Costumes, music, game.
Here our fairy tales come to life
And take off the bright world of good.

Leading. Guys! You talked a lot about theater and cinema. Listen to riddles about the types of theaters and name the theaters in question. "What are the theatres?" Presentation slide 2

1. Plays, comedies, dramas.
On the stage - the artists laugh and cry
Dialogues are being held on the stage
The plot is conveyed to us historical
And all this in the theater - (Dramatic) ... Presentation Slide 3

2. In this theater, they only sing on stage
Delivered by academic voices.
Or dance gently, on toes
In charming tutu suits (Opera and Ballet Theatre) … Presentation Slide 4

3.Only for children
This theater was created
For the younger generation
Fairy tales and performances
Kids love it, no doubt. (Young Spectator Theatre) ... Presentation Slide 5

4. Puppets - the main ones in the theater -
Only small children believe in fairy tales
Forgetting that people bring dolls to life. (Puppet Theatre ) ... Presentation Slide 6

Leading."Mysteries about the theater"
What else do you know about theater?
They offer you guys
Theatrical riddles
Keep listening carefully
Do not make noise, but calmly answer!
Riddles about the theater ... Tell me a word

5. Presentation Slide 7
If someone gave you a gift
Miracle countermark,
It means - bestowed
you such a gift.
With her free will
Entry and visit
Or theater, or cinema -
Wait for the show!
There is no trick here at all -
Given to you as a gift entrance ... (ticket!)

6. Presentation Slide 8
To store the clothes of visitors,
Theatergoers or moviegoers
To make them comfortable and not hot -
There is a wardrobe. Or easier - ... (LOCKER ROOM!)

7. Presentation Slide 9
Both actress and actor
(Whether he is ordinary, or a mime)
Very appearance changes
Skillful make-up - ... (MAKE-UP!)

8. Presentation Slide 10
In the design of the face -
Wigs, coloring,
And chignons, and overlays,
And stickers, masks -
That's all for makeup
Everything is needed, no doubt.
Makeup artist needed
To the artist - ... (make-up artist!)

9. Presentation Slide 11
To make the show look more interesting,
Ovations were heard in gratitude,
It is necessary on the stage decoration:
House, trees and others ... (DECORATION!)

10. Presentation Slide 12
If suddenly a long performance -
There is an intermission for sure.
This is a short break
Like at school... (CHANGE!)

11. Presentation Slide 13
To light up the stage
That's right, excellent -
lighting fixture
Absolutely needed:
So that everything goes on “Hurrah!”,
They give light ... (SPOTLIGHTS!)

12. Presentation Slide 14
Everything you see on stage
What lies, hangs, stands,
All items of presentation
This, you know, ... (PROPS!)

13. Presentation Slide 15
He is a theatrical worker -
Productions "conductor",
Performance Manager -
That's right... (DIRECTOR!)

14. Presentation Slide 16
The cinema has a wide screen
In the circus - arena or arena.
Well, in the theater, the usual theater,
The site is special - ... (SCENE!)

15. Presentation Slide 17
When the show is over -
Heard "Bravo!", compliments;
To all the actors, in gratitude,
We give ... (APPLAUSE!)

16. Presentation Slide 18
Who is a show lover
I looked through their darkness, a lot,
Who is an admirer of the theater -
That one is called ... (THEATHER!)

Theater is always amazing. To be an actor, a person who creates this miracle, even on a small modest stage - what could be more exciting? And the fairy tale theater stage is a double miracle. “A miracle in a square!” Don't believe? Please!

Leading. Thank you dear guests. Our little artists have prepared a gift for you musical fairy tale"Behind the sun".
(Music sounds on a visit to a fairy tale.)
Don't forget the stories
Read them with interest.
We are waiting for you, friends,
We will always be glad to you!

Musical fairy tale "Behind the sun"


TARGET:develop social intelligence, Creative skills; continue the formation of a positive assessment healthy lifestyle life; encourage students to be reasonable, careful attitude to your health, to the fight against bad habits.

Presenter 1

Seats are filled in auditorium,

Before the spectacles, the hunter is everywhere.

Plain hanger at the very beginning,

open curtain the stage will open,

A labyrinth of scenery will emerge from the darkness,

And characters, heroes will find life,

In which the actors will begin to incarnate.

And the hall enthusiastically follows the plot,

Explodes with laughter and falls silent in sadness.

And everyone understands - the game is just all this,

After all, in life they played the same games.

On the stage, the real action is being performed,

It is the result of daily efforts,

The result of hard work, rehearsals,

Actor's ideas, director's searches.

Masterpieces on the stage are born in pain.

After all, you need to be able to link together

Costume, props with lighting, sound,

Phenomena, actions, acts, pictures…

And the gloomy voice of the director: “I don’t believe it!”

With a single purpose always distributed,

So that the viewer, entering the theater doors,

Believe in everything you see.

The fire of sympathy will not be extinguished.

It will light up once, to continue to flare up.

We wish the theater on the holiday of the theater

More sold out and a lot of applause!

Lead 2

March 27 - International Theater Day, it was established 54 years ago, in 1961 at the 9th Congress International Institute theater in Vienna. According to the plan, this holiday, as well as all the activities of the organization as a whole, should contribute to strengthening peace and friendship between peoples and expand creative collaboration all artists in the world.

Presenter 1
Yes, today we will talk about the theater. Hear a little about the history of the theatre.
As you know, the word "theater" comes from the ancient Greek word theatron (θέατρον), which means "a place where they look." Traditionally, the theater plays two of the most popular genre- comedy and tragedy, the symbols of which are theatrical masks. Mention of the first theater production dates back to 2500 BC. First theatrical play took place in Egypt, the plot was the images Egyptian mythology- stories of the god Osiris. This was the beginning of a long and strong bond between theater and religion. In ancient Greece, the theater began to take shape as an art, with clear definitions of tragedy and comedy, as well as other theatrical forms.

Lead 2
In ancient Greece, performances sometimes went on for several days. Spectators came to them, stocking up on food. Huge crowds of people were seated on dais, and the action itself took place in the arena, located right on the grass. March 27 in Ancient Greece was the Great Dionysia - holidays in honor of the god of winemaking Dionysus. They were accompanied by processions and fun, there were many mummers. And since 1961, this day, March 27, has been celebrated all over the world as International Theater Day.

Presenter 1 It is believed that the court theater of the 17th century created the prerequisites and a solid foundation for the development of theatrical craft in Russia. On July 22, 1795, the Ostankino theater-palace was opened in Moscow on the estate of Count Nikolai Sheremetev. International Theater Day is not just an international professional holiday for stage masters and all theater workers, it is our holiday - a holiday for millions of caring spectators. And, of course, on the occasion of this wonderful Day, various theater festivals, festive performances and screenings the best performances, and we decided to join this, because. our team is creative, I think that everything will work out well for us.

Lead 2

Theater is always amazing. To be an actor, a person who creates this miracle, even on a small modest stage - what could be more exciting? And a fairy tale on the theater stage is a double miracle. "A Miracle in a Square!" Don't believe? Please!

"Acting Excellence".I invite 9 people to the stage. Let's choose roles (the roles are written on the sheets and what they should do as their heroes are mentioned). Roles:* Saucepan - Call me Julia (shows tongue)* Meat - I'll go dancing now (dancing)* Potato - Antoshka dug me (holds his hands on his stomach and laughs)* Cabbage - The garden is empty without me (looks sadly at everyone)* Carrot - Left eyebrow squinted (winks)* Refrigerator - I'm not an alarm clock (generously opens the doors (hands).* Tap water - Drink me from a glass (makes a sly grimace)* Hostess - give me 100 rubles in loans (holds out her hand)

* Bow - Knock on your knee. (Knocks on the knee of the one next to you)So, get into character, I start reading a poem, and you beat him.

"Shi"Once the hostess found a pan,She decided to cook cabbage soup in it.She poured water from the tap into it,She folded the meat, lit the fire.I wanted to grate carrots on a grater,That figure twisted - it's disgusting to look,The hostess decided to clean it -The carrot cursed: “It’s mine again!”Keep carrots in the fridgeShe doesn't mean to offend you.The hostess took up the potatoes then,After all, cabbage soup without carrots is not a problem at all.Potatoes lived in a basket in the oven,Potatoes covered with sprouts - and that's allShe shriveled up like she was in her fifties.The hostess looked - she became sad,She had never heard of cabbage soup without potatoes.The hostess took out cabbage forks.The sight of the cabbage made her sad.Cabbage, potatoes, carrots - trouble.The hostess could not even dream of cabbage soup.But the bow she forgot about(I kept it on the balcony in a box),Lying and glowing with an orange side,He was proud that one survived.And here it is crumbled, fried, salted,Thrown into the pan, satisfied with himself.And let dinner fail with cabbage soup,But delicious onion soup turned out!


Presenter 1

There are many medicines in the world, and many doctors!
They will come to help anyone without a word.
But we have established: the best in the world
This doctor is cute, excellent Doctor Laughter.

He is in no hurry to give you any injections.
A cheerful smile will make anyone laugh.

Jokes, tickles, offers to sing together ...
And that's it! The patient no longer wants to get sick.
He heals the best!
Excellent Doctor Laughter!

Group 11 performing

Lead 2

Give each other warmth and smiles!Forgive insults, other people's mistakes.A smile is powerful and worth the reward.Just a smile - and you will be happy!

Group 12 performs

Presenter 1

You smile, smile more often!
You're smiling, look!
You never part with her
Erase the seal of seriousness from your face!

Wipe your face of anxiety for no reason,
Do not exaggerate worries and sadness,
For sadness, pessimism and sadness
Don't let reasons arise!

Let the coming day be a little unsteady
With a smile, just plunge into business,
You will get thousands of smiles in a day!
Do not believe? Just get up and look around!

Do not believe? Smile to the world today
Open… Very simple… Everyone around…
Don't frown and feel the power again
And suddenly people will become unarmed ...

21 bands performing

Lead 2

Heal with laughter from worries,And from diseases too.He shuts his mouthAnd death makes faces.Heal with laughter , Teach them to laugh.Treat with laughter It's good to have a theatre!

He was and will be with us forever.

Always ready to assert

Everything that is human in the world.

Everything is fine here - gestures, masks,

Costumes, music, game.

Here our fairy tales come to life

And with them - the bright world of goodness.

Thank you for your attention.

Scenario of a musical and entertaining holiday for children dedicated to the opening of the Theater Week.

Odnoburtseva Oksana Nikolaevna, music teacher.
Place of work: MOU secondary school No. 8 of the city of Atkarsk, Saratov region.

Goals and objectives:
- introducing children to theatrical view art,
- development of theatrical abilities of students,
- the development of children's intelligence and resourcefulness,
- creating a festive, positive mood.
Purpose of material: script for students primary school, will be useful to organizers and teachers additional education, head teacher extracurricular activities in the preparation and holding of the Theater Week or Art Week.

Holiday progress:

Performed "Childhood Wonderland"- choreographic composition.

Clowns run out.
1 clown
Attention! Attention!
Everyone - everyone who is with us and not yet with us!
2 clown
You hardly want to miss
Performance in the beautiful Theater.
Really great event
Theater opens week!
1 clown
We are all glad theater week.
The theater is our favorite home,
Where fairy tales are set by sorcerers,
With your talent and hard work.
2 clown
We open a bright holiday
In the interweaving of the best feelings.
Praise our beautiful theater
Holyest of all arts.
"Yes, live the stage!" - performed by the soloist of the vocal group.

1 clown
And tell me, does the great magician and wizard of the Theater have his own day in the calendar?
2 clown
Well, of course there is! It is called so - the international day of the theater, and this holiday is celebrated all over the world on March 27th.
1 clown
And we celebrate it today, because the spring school holidays begin.
2 clown
Something we talked about. The cheerful Russian joker has long been waiting for his appearance on the stage, with the appearance of which jokes, laughter, joy and fun enter any home. He is the first actor of the puppet theater ...
1 clown
In a cap and with a rattle,
We call him……Petrushka!
Petrushka appears.

Performance of the theater of puppets and masks - the Kotofeevich brothers and the dancing Cow.
Petrushka conducts choral games with the audience.

2 clown
Like a whirlwind these dances
Splashes of fire colors.
Let the fire "Gypsy" light up
Among nomadic tents.
"Gypsy dance" - performed by a dance group.

1 clown
Guys, do you like to solve riddles? (children answer)
Then answer.
2 clown
At least ask someone about it
They know were in Rus',
Funny - daredevils,
Actors are funny
Scenes, jokes and tricks,
Compose us…….. (buffoons)
1 clown
He walks on stage, jumps,
He laughs, he cries
At least someone will portray -
Mastery will amaze everyone.
And formed a long time ago
Type of profession - …………. (actor)
2 clown
He leads all
Thinking, running, screaming.
He inspires actors
Manages the entire show
Like an orchestra conductor
But it is called……………… (director)
1 clown
narrow eyes and a long nose
In the theater it's not a question
If you want to be different
Call for help……… …(makeup)

2 clown
The performance was a success
And the audience is happy.
Special applause for the artist
For colorful ………… …..(Scenery)
1 clown
Now a king, and then a jester,
Beggar or king
Lady, witch or fly
Robinson or an old woman,
Become will help, for example,
Theatrical …………….. (dresser)

2 clown

In the play, life is in full view,
And everything will be revealed in the end
Who was the villain, who was the hero
With a terrible mask on his face.
1 clown
Theater, theater, how much they mean
For us sometimes your words.
And how could it be otherwise?
In the theatre, life is always right.
"A wolf and seven kids on new way» - performs the theater of plasticity and dance.

2 clown
In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil.
Does anyone know a fairy tale with a bad ending? (children answer)
1 clown
Every rule has exceptions. I know such a fairy tale - it has a bad ending, but on the other hand - “good fellows - a lesson!”. Guess there's also a Shamakhan queen. (children guess) That's right - "golden cockerel". And here are the oriental beauties themselves visiting us.
"Indian dance" - performed by an oriental dance ensemble.

2 clown
How many different dolls there are in the world,
Their eyes are full of surprise.
Believe me, dolls are also children,
But only the children of fairyland.
"Chatushki of Lyubava and Fun" - performed by life-size puppets.

The text of theatrical ditties:
1.Oh, today you girlfriend dressed up boldly,
Why are you wearing this new dress?
I'm going to the theater today for a new experience,
And today I am full of special excitement.
Here is such a spring, drops are ringing,
The theater is now open for a week.
2. I love theater, drama, operetta,
And especially the intermission - the queue for buffets.
I'll give everything for a ticket, I'll give everything to the ruble,
Just to look at the audience in the evening.
3. They say you attended the opera "Othello"?
But I don’t remember anything - I kept looking back.
There, in the back, in the row, sat a friend of Tolka,
He didn't even look at me at all.
4. My girlfriend was very lucky - she was taken as a travesty.
How did all of them, dear, so managed to spend?
Because all the talents presented for selection,
That I am 100 years old, even the chief director did not guess.
5. Why does a classic sometimes take me for the soul.
Oh, and I won’t hide all my feelings - I cried all my eyes.
Theater - laughter, theater - tears, and of course, love.
And applause, and roses - life is different again and again.
1 clown
It's good that there is a theater
He was and will be with us forever
Always ready to claim
That everything in the world is human.
2 clown
Here our fairy tales come to life
And with us the bright world of good,
Everything is fine here - gestures, masks,
Costumes, music, game.
Krokodil Krokodilovich”, - an excerpt from the performance of K. Chukovsky “Non-Children's Detective”, is performed by the Drama Theater.

1 clown
If you happen to be sad
Suddenly unlucky in life
Come to your favorite theater
Here for optimism.
2 clown
Then you will immediately understand -
Sadness is your mistake.
Theater symbol forever -
Kind smile.
"Three Little Pigs" - performs the theater of plasticity and dance.

1 clown
Theater is, first of all, a game, now we will play with you.
2 clown
Have you been to the most different theaters have seen many performances. You probably cannot even imagine how many people worked to bring the play to life.
1 clown
Let's name as many professions found in the theater as possible. This difficult task. And whoever names the profession last will be declared the winner and he will be awarded the title of "Theatre Connoisseur". So let's get started!
(actor, director, sound engineer, artist, stagehand or fitter, dresser, carpenter, carpenter, choreographer, accompanist, lighting designer, illuminator, etc.)
(awarding the winner - presentation of a commemorative tape "Connoisseur of the theater")

1 clown
World magic theater
This is peace for the soul.
You just need to enter
Feelings will be happy.
2 clown
After all, the theater is our home,
House of love and kindness
All peoples are warm
In this world of art.
"National dance" - performed by a dance group
1 clown
And now a fun theatrical "make-up competition".
(two inflatable matryoshka dolls are taken out - the heads are made of balls tied with scarves, and the body is stick-hangers, they are dressed in sundresses)
2 clown
2 people are invited to the stage. Here are the markers. The task is this: these two inflatable nesting dolls need to be transformed - one into Baba Yaga, the other into Vasilisa the Beautiful.
(game in progress)
1 clown
Let's summarize. True, both portraits turned out to be a little similar. Whose portrait did you like more - check with applause.
(rewarding participants)
2 clown
The theater is capable of changing the soul,
To say with movement what words cannot say.
The theater is like an invisible thread
Here on the stage we are connected with you.
"Little Red Riding Hood" - performs the theater of plasticity and dance.

1 clown
Wizard is not a profession
And the state subtle soul.
The magician is the one with whom it is interesting,
The one who is in a hurry to carry good.
2 clown
The one who makes you believe in a miracle
Who will rush to your aid,
Who awakens the best feelings,
It touches or makes laugh.
"Where Wizards Live" - ​​performed by a dance group.

1 clown
The screen is painted in cheerful colors,
The kids love to come here.
funny tales, fairy tales,
They have been waiting for them in our theater for a long time.
"Fox rogue" - performs the theater of puppets and masks.

2 clown
The animal world is mysterious, like a theater,
And everyone has their own role
A brave hero, a secret enemy,
Live fighting or loving.
1 clown
Look at the animals and the features of people
You will recognize in their habits and habits,
The hypocrite draws plastic from them,
And the images steal away from them.
"In the world of animals" - performed by a dance group.

2 clown
Who is the most important in the theater? …..Viewer!
He is an actor's friend and judge,
The most implacable critic,
You can't go to the theater without it.
1 clown
All the plays of the world are meaningless,
And even the bright Gift of God,
Why tragedy, satire,
Love and passion ardent heat?!
2 clown
When the chairs in the stalls are empty
And silence on the balconies
And nobody cares
What is the string singing about now.
1 clown
Oh spectator! Our beloved viewer
You always take with you
arts best particle
And our true love!
"Plastic Hands" - performs the theater of puppets and masks.

The final composition "Hymn of the Theatre" - performs vocal ensemble and all participants holiday.
1. Like eyes on a kind friendly face,
Day again opened the doors to us in the palace.
And the muffled light of the ramp lit up,
Discovering the secret of the theater for many years.
2.Here stealthily into the hall from behind the scenes,
A slightly agitated artist will look.
Opening my soul wide open to you,
He will give feelings of his impulse.
Your applause - best reward for us,
They are like music to the heart and soul,
Fatigue is gone, we are ready to repeat again,
That's just why time is in such a hurry.
3. All the same, the main thing, and you can’t argue here,
Here in the theater my friends are waiting for me,
A bright holiday broke out with a thousand lights.
4. Let him change the masks of the actors,
Trying on the fate of thousands of people.
And while the spotlights are on,
He will give us faith in miracles.
Theater never seen before, no one knows the world.
We will not lock these doors.
So that everyone, if the theater is for him and best friend and idol
He could always enter us without knocking.
5. Only the main thing, and you can’t argue here,
Here in the theater my friends are waiting for me.
So that through a string of gray, weekdays,
A bright holiday broke out with a thousand lights.

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