Scenario quiz intellectual casino. Game "Intellectual casino" (elementary classes)


The script of the game Smart Casino»
Purpose: identifying the intellectual potential of students, determining the level of development
creative abilities of students
Tasks of the game program:
realization of intellectual abilities of students;
development of the cognitive sphere, operations of mental activity of students;
promotion of self-expression and self-realization of students;

 formation communication skills students;

development of collective purposeful cooperation and leadership qualities;
education of self-confidence and responsibility.
For the successful conduct of the game "Intellectual Casino" according to the scenario
equipment is required: cards - banknotes with a face value of "10 UM",
plates with images of answer numbers, black box, bag, musical
support, prizes.
Each game consists of a series of tasks, including: warm-up, competition "Physical
Kaleidoscope”, auction “Pig in a Poke”, and “Black Box”.
In parallel with the rivalry of the teams, the fans also compete. They are offered
tasks similar to those performed by commands, but designed for a mass response.
The organization and conduct of the game is carried out by:
Smart casino staff:
 Leaders (conduct the game, are responsible for compliance with the rules of the game)
 Casino Advisor - Principal of the College. Advises casino employees.
 Independent experts (evaluate the correctness of answers, act as judges in
controversial issues, observe the course of the game, monitor compliance with the rules)
 The croupier (prepare checks for games in advance, during the game timely issue chips for
amount won)
 Timer (keeps track of time while playing)
Ved.1: Good afternoon, dear participants, fans and guests of the game
"Intellectual Casino"!
Let me start our meeting with the words of the Persian poet Rudaki:
Ever since the universe has existed,
There is no such thing, no matter who needs to know
What we do not take the language and century,
Man has always striven for knowledge.
Let these wise words become the epigraph of our meeting.

Vedas 2: We are pleased to inform you about the opening of an elite club for those who are everything in life
I'm used to doing everything with my mind!
Veda 1: Excitement, desire to show one's knowledge, interest in achievements and knowledge
rivals, the desire to emerge victorious from any situation brought you here
Vedas 2: The word "casino" came to us from Italy, means "small house", "a place for
recreation". A casino is a gambling house, but unlike real casino where people
come with their money and change it for game chips, in an intellectual casino
chips for the game are redeemed for knowledge. Teams get equal chances for redemption
chips, and the result will depend on knowledge, resourcefulness, speed and cohesion
commands. Only our money is special, these are banknotes with a denomination of “10 mind”.
Ved.1: Remember, as they say, "one mind is good, but two are better." And you have them, dear
players will have five each. Moreover, during the game you can increase your
fortune, or you may go bankrupt.
Ved.1: We are pleased to introduce you to the staff of our casino:
Casino Advisor - Beketova Ardak Bisengalievna Director of the College
Independent experts - Baranovskaya Elena Vladimirovna and Ikonnikova Tatiana
Croupier: Anastasia Lobastova
Vedas 2: So, we are opening a new game season!
3 teams take part in the game. Please, teams, introduce yourself and
greet each other. (teams greet each other).
Lead 1: Rules of the game:
1. We play for the team championship. The right to choose the first answer is granted
team by draw, further selection for teams in order and with more
2. By placing bets and answering questions, you can replenish your capital, i.e. own
mental state or become bankrupt, losing all your minds.
3. There is a special card on the table, with which the team notifies the hosts of readiness
Lead 1: Our game consists of three rounds.
Vedas 2: Now we will ask all three teams to the stage. The first round is a warm-up. Each
A team member chooses one question card from the deck. A total of 5 questions
to the team. Thinking time - 1 minute.
Bet 10 mind for a correct answer. If a team member did not give an answer, then the right to answer
passes to the other team that raised the signal card first.
Sounds like musical arrangement.
Lead 1: while the teams are considering answers, I suggest funny jokes about

In the school cafeteria:
I'm three second.
Do you want the square root of minus two?
Vedas.2: The best motivation to study was the father's phrase: "Alexander is a defender of
Greek, so choose: either you defend your diploma, or you defend your homeland."
Warm up questions
1) Which field cannot be sown?
(electric, gravity, magnetic)
2) Which conductor would not bring you tea on the train?
(electrical conductor)
3) Which meniscus cannot be damaged by a fall?
(meniscus curved surface at the liquid boundary)
4) Which pendant can not be hung around the neck?
(coulomb unit of electrical charge)
5) What meter can not measure the length?
(meter-tutor, teacher)
6) What rings can not be worn on the finger?
(Newton's rings)
7) What core cannot be thrown by athletes?
(atomic nucleus)
8) What kind of bars can not be hidden?
(diffraction grating)
9) What mole does not eat through clothes?
(mole unit of the amount of substance)
10) Which bunch can't be tightened with an elastic band?
(electron beam)
11) What hole can you not sew up?
("hole" in a semiconductor)
12) What job will we not be hired for?
(mechanical work)
13) Which pipe cannot be smoked?
(electron beam)
14) What is the distance between two collisions of schoolchildren at recess?
(length of free path)
15) What can hunters, mathematicians and drummers not do without?
(no fraction)
Lead 1: The draw team No. 1 is listening to the answers to your questions.
Then teams #2 and #3 answer.
The croupiers are handed checks (musical arrangement)
Vedas 2: Announce round 2 "Physical Kaleidoscope"

Rules of the competition: The question is read out, 1 minute is given to the teams for discussion. Right
The answer is given to the team that raised the signal card first. For complete and accurate
the answer is awarded 10 mind.
Ved.1:. When to pour milk from tin can through the hole in the lid
then make another hole. Only then going good jet. Why?
Lead 2: A ball 4 cm in diameter fell into a tall cylindrical vessel with a diameter of 5 cm.
Can you get the ball without turning the vessel?
Ved.1: Why does dirty, soot-covered snow melt faster than clean snow?
Vedas.2: How to pour water from a bottle without tilting it?
Quiz Answers:
1. If you make only one hole in the lid of the jar and overturn the jar. Milk
will spill until
until the pressure inside the liquid at the level of the hole is

becomes equal to atmospheric. When there are two holes in the lid, the air entering the
jar through the "free" hole, exerts additional pressure on the liquid and
"pulls" her out.
2. Pour water into the vessel. The ball will float and you can take it out.
3. Black bodies are better at absorbing heat radiation.
4. Blow air through the tube passed inside the bottle. At the same time, the pressure
the air in the bottle will increase and it will squeeze some of the water out through the same tube.
Vedas 2: Time flies quickly. Two halves are over. But let's play some more.
Who will say what the expression "Buy a pig in a poke" means? That's right, get
unknown what. So, I announce the "Pig in a Poke" auction. Auction - public sale
property, in which the buyer becomes the one who offers more high price.
You will have to place a bet. In case of success, your bet doubles, if you make a mistake -
this rate is calculated from your piggy bank.
Vedas.1: Sale under the hammer begins. Show wisdom, friends, spend money on
pig in a poke, do not save money. You've probably heard that taking risks is a noble cause.
Take a risk.
I represent.
Cat number 1.
Starting price -10 mind. Who is bigger?
123 sold!
In the bag is what every excellent student has. In a good man, she may not
So, lucky guy, get - "a pig in a poke" is a "score of 5".
Vedas.1: Once Aristotle was asked:
How can students succeed?
Catching up with those in front and not waiting for those behind, he quickly replied.
And he was, of course, right.
So, bet more boldly, catch up with the first, so as not to be left with a nose.
Cat number 2. Starting price - 10 um
Who is bigger?
123 sold!
Today you dreamed about them.
Someone lost them today.

Can't you do without them?
Then pay and don't be stingy!
(50 minds).
Vedas 2:
Cat number 3.
Starting price - "10 mind"
Who is bigger?
123 - sold!
This item helps me in everything. It will help you too. Who wishes
buy? (Pen).
Cat number 4.
Starting price - "10 mind"
Who is bigger?
123 sold!
He, according to all teachers and parents, is simply necessary to inspire
and support what is good in children. (Chocolate).
Now it remains for us to calculate who has more “minds”.
croupier hands checks (musical arrangement)
Lead 1: While the teams are working, we suggest testing your ingenuity and logic
our guests and spectators. For the correct answer - a sweet prize.
Lead 2: The owners of a well-known shoe manufacturing company introduced
a rather unusual original solution, according to which in one city on a shoe
the factory made only right shoes, and in another city - only left ones.
Through this implementation, the firm was able to significantly reduce some of its losses.
What do you think caused the company these losses?
Theft of shoes (pairs of shoes) by workers from factories.
Lead 1: Petya and Kolya bought a box of chocolates each. Each box contains 12 candies.
Petya ate a few sweets from his box, and Kolya ate as many sweets from his box.
how many sweets are left in Petya's box. How many sweets are left for two of Petya and
12 candies.
Veda 2: A person lives on the 17th floor. He takes the elevator to his floor only in
rainy weather or when one of the neighbors is riding the elevator with him. If the weather
good and he is alone in the elevator, then he goes to the 9th floor, and then he goes on foot to the 17th floor
up the stairs... Why?
This man is a midget, and he can only reach the button on the 17th floor with an umbrella or
asks someone to press that button.
Veda 1: Many medieval Russian actors (buffoons) amusing the people at that time, during
during their performances, they used rattles made from a bull bladder and
the fruits of one plant inside it.
The fruit of what plant was used in the manufacture of these rattles?

Fruits of peas (“jester pea”).
Ved.1: Arrange the penguins so that the sum of the numbers put on the penguins in
all these rows, was 12.
Vedas 1: we announce the 4th round of "Black Box"
There is some object in the black box, which team will give the correct one faster
the answer is that she wins 10 minds. Informs about the readiness of the team raised signal
Each team can ask three clarifying questions about the subject that
is in the black box. Questions are asked in such a way that the answer is "YES"
or not"

Two elements, taken separately, have a detrimental effect on the body, and their combination
it is a substance without which human life is impossible. It provides permanence
osmotic pressure of the blood and creates conditions for the existence of red blood cells
erythrocyte bodies. It is also necessary for the process of digestion. Stocks of this
substances are practically unlimited. And everyone uses it every day.
 What's in the black box? (table salt sodium chloride NaCl)
Vedas 2: Thinking time 10 seconds. Your questions.
Vedas 1: Attention, "black box"!
IN last years volume of sales wrist watch as reported by leaders in the field
Swiss, decreased by 25%. According to them, it is he who is to blame.
What's in the black box? (cellular telephone)
Vedas 2: Attention, "black box"!
A glass cylindrical vessel without a handle, used for drinking, is also
a household measure of the volume of liquid and loose bodies.
Used in a saying about worries, worries about an insignificant, not
Consequential Event (Storm in a Teacup)
Veda 1: Lord fans! Let's play with you in riddles.
Lead 1: What do students and lizards have in common?
(The ability to discard "tails" in time)

Ved.2: The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, whoever runs past him leaves his fur coat.
(cloakroom attendant)
Ved.1: What will not go into the largest pot?
(Her cover)
Ved.2: What teeth appear last in a person?
Lead 1: Guess the rebus
The jury sums up the final results of the game. Team awards.
Veda 1: A person cannot choose his appearance, but he has
opportunity to choose more important thing- character. We can make ourselves
the way we want to be. It is very important to be persistent and persistent.
Teach yourself not to give up in the face of difficulties, to bring things to the end.
In the fight against difficulties, knowledge will help us all!!! See you!

Aristotle was once asked:

How can students succeed?

To catch up with those who are in front, and not wait for those who are behind, - he quickly answered.

Master class scenario

Sitdikova Failya Musievna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU secondary school, village Nurkeevo, Tuymazinsky district, Republic of Bashkortostan.

Sitdikova F.M. Intellectual casino "Erudite" / Scenarios of school holidays. Book 1. 2nd ed. - M .: School Press, 2001. - S. 116-123. ("Education of schoolchildren". Library of the journal. Issue 19).

Teacher. Good afternoon, my dear smart and smart girls! Good evening, dear parents! I welcome you to our intellectual casino "Erudite"
In the chain, man became the last link,
And the best of everything is embodied in it.
Like a poplar, he ascended with a proud head,
Gifted with a mind and good speech,
The receptacle of the spirit and mind, he -
The whole world of the wordless is subject to him.
Let these words of the famous Firdousi become the epigraph of our today's meeting, and let the motto be free interpretations of the Russian proverb: “That fifth-grader who does not dream of becoming a graduate is bad” and “That good student who does not dream of becoming an excellent student is bad!” It is very pleasant that among us today there is the pride of our class and school - an excellent student Mukhameeva Reseda. Let's welcome her friends! To you, Reseda, is dedicated the song "Hymn to an excellent student" performed by our best singers (to the music of the song "Hope").
The song is sung to the accompaniment
It is impossible not to love excellent students -
We admit they are cute -
Loyal, reliable friends
Those who bear the title of "excellent".
Who always learns well
Who knows how to help comrades,
Who will always cope with the task
And all our doubts will dissipate ...
Chorus. Excellence is my hope
We can be proud of you.
Excellent, we love you
But we can fight you...

Thanks guys! Please take your seats. Now let's start our game. Our smart casino is the place where anyone who is honest and brave can make money with their own mind. Only, mind you, we have special money! These are banknotes in denominations of "one mind" ... Remember? As they say: one mind is good, but two is better ... And you, dear players, have “minds” - today there will be exactly five for each. Moreover, during the game you can both increase your mental state and become bankrupt, having lost all your "money". In the game you are waiting for 18 questions from the subtle sciences: literature, mathematics, history, geography, linguistics...
I name the field of knowledge and the question, and if you decide to answer, you will have to bet on "one mind." If you are lucky, your bet is doubled, you earn one more "mind". If you make a mistake - and then do not despair - your "minds" will replenish the cashier of our casino. As you can see, the conditions of the game are simple: I ask a question and give 3 possible answers. You must choose the correct answer and raise the sign with the corresponding number: 1, 2 or 3. But let's agree - only the one who makes the bet has the right to answer the question. The rest are silent! Each of you has different-colored signal sheets on the tables. From the player who does not make a bet, he is withdrawn for a while.
Shall we rehearse? Here is a math question. Who is not afraid? Let's bet, ladies and gentlemen! Anyone who wants to earn money gives my assistant one “mind”, those who abstain give their signal sheet.
Bets are made! So, question. What is heavier than a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of nails?
Answer options:
1) a kilogram of cotton wool 2) a kilogram of nails 3) are equal

Please answer by raising the sign. Quite right, the correct answer is number 3. Are the conditions of the game clear to everyone? Then we start.

Dear players! You are not yet familiar with the term "phraseologisms", but the so-called " idioms» you hear daily from others and use in your speech. How do you understand the expression "work in a slipshod manner"? (work poorly). What does "cat cry" mean? (few), "lead by the nose"? (deceive). Well done. So, a question from the fascinating field of linguistics. Who is brave? Making bets (bets are collected by assistants).
Bets are made! Attention, question. What does the phrase "mind over mind" mean?
1) The person is tired and does not understand 2) Thinks a lot 3) Dreams

The next question will reveal how close you are folk image thoughts, folk wit. So let's place our bets. Bets are made!

Attention, question. The Russian proverb says that he: "... and the thief will give odds." Who is this about?
1) Fool 2) Rogue 3) Gambler

One ancient philosopher did not get tired of repeating:
“Everything that comes to mind, think twice and thrice ...” Only, I’m afraid, you will have to choose answers very quickly today, otherwise you can part with your “mind”, in the sense of money ...
I ask everyone to concentrate. The next question is more difficult, it is from the field of mathematics. Who wants to try their luck? Let's place bets!

Attention task. A rooster, standing on one leg, weighs 5 kilograms. How much will he weigh if he stands on both legs?

1) 2.5 kilograms 2) 5 kilograms 3) 10 kilograms

Dear friends! Each of us plays different roles throughout life. Here you are, for example, at school - you play the role of a student. At home you are sons, daughters, brothers and sisters, in the hospital you are patients, in the store you are customers, on the bus you are passengers. I have a question for you, so to speak, about me personally. Attention, question! What role do I play today in our intellectual casino? Those who wish to choose the correct answer place their bets. Cheer up, friends! (Bets are being collected).
Bets are made! And now the answer options:

1) Referee 2) Referee 3) Croupier

You've probably heard that "risk is a noble cause"? The next question is literary. Whoever makes a bet runs the risk of losing one "mind", but the one who does not make a bet also runs the risk - he will lose the opportunity to increase his fortune. Let's place bets! Bets are made!
Attention, question. Which of the Russian classics was born in 1799?

1) Pushkin 2) Gogol 3) Lermontov

Did you know folk omens what about the weather? For example, if swallows fly low, then it will rain. A bright glow around the moon in winter, on the contrary, predicts the onset of cold weather. A black cat will cross the road - expect trouble. Who understands signs, makes bets. Bets are made!
Attention, question! If there was frost at night, then in the morning it will be ...

1) Snow 2) Rain 3) Clear weather

Which of you, O most worthy of the worthy, is in harmony with geography? Place your bets! Bets are made! Attention, riddle:
I go - and he goes, I stand - and he is with me. I decided to fly up - the edge of the circle moved away. I went down lower, - the edge became closer to me. But still, don’t dream of grabbing that circle by the edge ...
1) Beam of light 2) Horizon 3) Compass

In preparation for today's game, I wrote out a few wise expressions different times and peoples. Chinese philosopher Confucius once said, as if for you and me: “It is good to have natural talent, but exercises, friends, give us more than natural talent.”
A question from the realm of history. Attention: which country a hundred years ago was ahead in terms of economic development Japan, USA and any other country in the world?
1) Italy 2) Germany 3) Russia

This question is from botany. By the way, what is the subject of study of this science? That's right, plants. Attention: old Slavic legend. Daring Sadko fell in love with the water queen Volkhova. But once in moonlight she saw her lover in the arms of a beautiful earthly girl, Lyubava. She turned away from Sadko and walked away. Tears rolled down from her beautiful blue eyes. And only the moon witnessed how these pure tears turned into flowers studded with pearls. Since then, it has been considered a symbol of pure and tender love ... What kind of flower is this? Who will try to find the right answer to this question? Place your bets!
Bets are made! Attention, listen to the answer options. The tears of the water queen Volkhov turned into flowers called

1) Lily of the valley 2) Carnation 3) Bell

Do you know the history of your native land, the village where our school is located, the history of your native school? Those wishing to answer the following question, please place your bids. Bets are made! Attention, a question: How old is our school in 2013?

1) 15 years 2) 20 years 3) 25 years old

I liked the wise thoughts so much that I want to say them again and again. "The sage is able to judge poetry and music, although he himself does not write poetry." Guess what I'm up to?

My next question is from the field of poetry. Who will bet?
Bets are made! Attention, the question is: what was the name of the groom of the princess from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes"?

1) Evsey 2) Alexey 3) Elisha

Art, eternal theme… Connoisseurs of painting, please place your bets. Bets are made!.. Attention, a question. Who wrote this famous painting"Carpet plane"? The brushes of this master also belong to the following artistic canvases: “Three heroes”, “Koschey the immortal”, “Three princesses underworld" and many others. (I show children reproductions of paintings.) I offer answers.

1) Shishkin 2) Vasnetsov 3) Repin

Many of our guys love sports. So, they are happy to try their luck this time too. So, Physical Culture. My assistants quickly collect stakes.
Bets are made! Attention, question. To what sport did the name "queen of sports" grow?
1) Gymnastics 2) Athletics 3) Fight

Do you know Russian epics? If so, feel free to bid. The next question is about epics. Dear players, place your bets!
Bets are made! Attention, the question is: what enemy did the hero Ilya Muromets fight with?

1) Genghis Khan 2) Serpent Gorynych 3) Nightingale the Robber

Aristotle was once asked: How can students succeed? “Catch up with those ahead and not wait for those behind,” he quickly replied. And, of course, he was right!
So, bolder place your bets, catch up with the first, so as not to be among the last. Geographic question. Who will risk? There are such?
Bets are made! Question. Which mountains are higher?

1) Ural 2) Caucasus 3) Altai

Confucius once said: “To study and repeat from time to time what you have learned, isn’t it nice?”
So, who is strong in grammar and is not afraid of repetition - hurry to place your bets. Bets are made!.. I voice the question. What spelling of the word did I misspell? (showing a sign)

1) Swimming pool 2) Masseur 3) Artisan

And again mathematics. Who loves precision? We place bets. Attention task. In 10 years my brother will be three times as old as I am now. How old am I now if my brother and I are twins? Answer options:

1) 5 2) 15 3) 10

Dear players! I'm sure the answer to last question none of you know. He is, as they say, on the backfill. No one will reproach you if you abstain and do not place bets. However, why not take a chance? Let's place bets!
Bets are made! Attention, the promised question for backfilling. Where are the remains of Ilya Muromets buried?

1) In Murom 2) In the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra 3) Nowhere

A Russian proverb says: "Learning is always useful." And one ancient unknown author about the same he wrote: “My son! From your youth, indulge in learning, and to your gray hairs you will find wisdom!..” But we will not wait until the gray hairs, and after the first half we will count the “minds” of each player in order to honor one of them a little according to all the rules of our intellectual casino. I will ask assistants to help in summing up the results of the first half.

In preparation for our game, I conducted an express survey on the topics “Who are the fifth graders?” and “Who are excellent and good students?” The answers are different: “former fourth-graders”, “half-empty vessels that have to be filled with knowledge”, “future graduates”, “lucky ones, because they still have everything ahead” ... And those who study at “4” and “5”, in The school is called like this: “smarts”, “smarts”, “lucky ones”, “knowers”, “patient and diligent”, “smart” ... But I’m talking about our good students, and not only about good students, I also want to say my word: many of our fifth graders go in for sports, attend circles and sections, recite poetry, are fond of music, drawing, sing, dance, embroider. But our guys will tell us about themselves.

So, we begin the next half of the game, which is called "Minute of Glory". In this half, you can also earn something. (Children show who is into what.)

Guys, the work of the intellectual casino did not end there. Game continues!
The next half is called "Black Box". This assignment is for a team. Exactly 15 seconds you ponder the question. Write your answer on a piece of paper and hold it above your head. I show the subject. If your answer is correct, team members receive one "mind" each.

Attention, "black box"!
It contains an item with which you can craft the most wonderful things, and you can even kill one scary character Russians folk tales. (Needle)
With the help of an object that lies at the bottom of this box, the hero of a Russian fairy tale found his happiness - a wise and beautiful wife, bewitched evil wizard. (Bow and arrow)
In this box there is something that showed the path-path not only to Ivan Tsarevich, but also to one of mythological heroes Ancient Greece. (ball of thread)
And this object was the reason that the whole fairy kingdom fell asleep for several centuries. (Spindle)
Time flies fast. 3 halves of our game are over. Isn't it time to reveal the wisest and reward them? Or shall we play some more?

Fine, Dear friends. To be, according to you. Who will tell me what the expression "buy a pig in a poke" means? That's right: to get who knows what ... So, I announce the first and last, mysterious auction of our game - "Pig in a Poke". The sale begins with a hammer ... Be wise, friends: spend money on a "pig in a poke", do not save money ... I recommend:

Cat number 1.
In the bag is what every excellent student has. A good person may not have it ... The starting price is just one “mind” ...
Who wants to buy valuable thing for "one mind"? Who will give more?
1 - 2 - 3 - sold out!
So, lucky man, get: "a pig in a poke" is "5" in my subject in the next lesson. Just be prepared, mind you. Because I will ask!
Cat number 2.
Usually, at first glance, the owner of this thing is taken by everyone for an excellent student. Who wants to buy it? It is useful for the image ... The starting price is one "mind". Who will give more?
1 - 2 - 3 - sold out! (Glasses.)
Cat number 3.
Today you dreamed about them. Someone has lost them. Can't you do without them? Then pay and don't be stingy! So, the starting price is one "mind". Who wants to spend money on the purchase of this "cat"? 1 - 2 - 3 - sold out! (5 "minds"!!!)
cat number 4
And the last "cat" ... According to the educators, he is simply necessary to inspire and support what is good in children. The starting price is two "minds". Who will give more? 1-2-3! The last cat is sold! All! (Chocolate "Inspiration")

Now it remains for us to calculate who has how many “minds” according to the results of four halves of our intellectual casino and reward the lucky ones.
So, the awards ceremony. The floor for summing up and awarding is given to the Chairman of the Board of the Children's public association"Republic of Nur"
For active participation in today's game, each fifth grader is given a document indicating that he is an active member of the Erudite intellectual casino.
The winner of the 1st half of the game is awarded the Certificate of conferring the title "The most erudite fifth-grader", the winner of the 2nd half - "The most talented fifth-grader" and the owner of the most a large number"minds" at the end of 4 halves - "The smartest fifth-grader".

Dear site visitors! There are a lot of pages on the Internet in which this my methodical development published under different names...

Colleagues! I'm not opposed to you using my development, but you can't steal someone else's! Come up with your own! If you took something from someone else's work, indicate the material used - it will be decent in relation to the author and according to the law!

Intellectual and educational game



  1. Development cognitive activity students.
  2. Expanding students' horizons.
  3. Developing the ability to make decisions independently and in a group.


  1. Audio recordings of the songs "Hymn of Dunno and his friends", "Hymn of Znayka and his friends".
  2. Presentation "Intellectual Casino".
  3. Black box with needle, scissors and ball.
  4. A wooden gavel for the auction and a bag with prizes for the Cats.
  5. Cards with "minds", cards with answer numbers "1", "2", "3".

Event progress:

Children are seated in a semicircle. The song “Hymn of Dunno and his friends” sounds (chorus and verse).

Leader (teacher):Good afternoon, my dear smart and smart girls! I welcome you to our Intellectual Casino!* (click to show presentation slide)How much of everything in the world you already know, and how much is still unknown and you do not know! No wonder the cartoon monkey sang: “Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting” and vice versa.

Our casino is the very place where everyone who is honest, brave and unknown can earn money not just somehow, but with their own mind, their own knowledge. Only, mind you, we have special money! These are banknotes with a denomination of "1 mind" ...* Remember? As they say: one mind is good, but two is better. And you, dear players, will have exactly five “minds” for each of them today. Moreover, during the game you can both increase your "mental state" and become bankrupt, having lost all your cash.

In the game, questions from such sciences are waiting for you: literature, mathematics, history, geography, linguistics, etc. I name the area of ​​​​knowledge and the question, and if you decide to answer, you will have to bet on “one mind”! If you are lucky, your bet is doubled, you earn one more "mind". If you are wrong - and then do not despair - your "minds" will replenish the cashier of our fun casino.

As you can see, the conditions of the game are simple: I ask a question and give three possible answers. You must choose the correct answer and hold up the sign with the corresponding number: 1, 2, 3(or show the same number of fingers).

Attention! The first half of the game is called"One mind is good, but 10 is better". *

  1. * A question from the field of linguistics. Who is brave?
  • What does the phrase "mind over mind" mean?*

1) the person is tired and does not understand +

2) thinks a lot

3) dreams

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * The next question will reveal how close you are to the folk way of thinking, folk wit. So let's place our bets!
  • The Russian proverb says that he "will give odds even to a thief." Who is this about? *

1) fool 2) robber 3) gambler +

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Question from the field of mathematics. Please be smart... Who wants to try their luck? Let's place bets!
  • What is more expensive: a royal wagon with gold coins of 5 rubles or half of it with gold coins of 10 rubles?*

1) full for 5 rubles +

2) half of 10 rubles

3) are equal

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * A question from the field of literature. Let's place bets!
  • Which of the Russian classics was born in 1799?*

1) Pushkin + 2) Gogol 3) Lermontov

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Do you know folk signs about the weather? Who understands signs, place your bets!
  • If there was frost at night, then in the morning it will be… *

1) snow 2) rain 3) clear weather +

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Which of you, O most worthy of the worthy, is in harmony with geography? Let's place bets!

Attention riddle:

I go - and he goes, I stand - and he is with me,

I decided to fly up - the edge of the circle moved away.

I went down lower - the edge became closer to me,

But still, do not dream of grabbing that circle by the edge.*

1) beam of light 2) horizon + 3) compass

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * A question from the realm of history. Let's place bets!
  • Which country is the birthplace of our Russian nesting dolls? *

1) India 2) Japan + 3) Russia

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * A question from the field of literature. Who is betting?
  • You know, fairy tales are folk and author's. Fairy tales are divided into several groups. What group of fairy tales does not exist? *

1) magical 2) economic + 3) about animals

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Zoology. Those interested please place your bids!
  • Which snake venom is considered the most deadly? *

1) efa 2) king cobra + 3) gyurza

  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Sport. Let's place bets!
  • What is the name of the sport in which downhill skiing is carried out from the mountains on special ice tracks on a controlled sled?*
  1. bobsleigh + 2) slalom(mountain skiing, rowing, water skiing) 3) freestyle (ski ballet)
  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Question from the field of geography. Who is betting?
  • Which island is the largest?*
  1. Madagascar 2) Honshu 3) Greenland +
  • So, the correct answer.*
  1. * Education. Those interested please place your bids!
  • What was the first writing material invented by the Egyptians around 2000 BC?*
  1. papyrus + 2) birch bark 3) parchment
  • So, the correct answer.*

* (game splash screen)

dynamic minute. * (Sounds "Hymn to Znayka and his friends")

Presenter: The next half is called"Black box". * This assignment is for a team. Five of them discuss it for exactly 30 seconds, one person gives an answer. If the answer is correct, then each team member gets "one mind". Attention! "Black box"!

  • It contains an object with which you can make the most wonderful things, and you can even kill one terrible character in Russian folk tales.(needle)
  • This box contains something that showed the path not only to Ivan Tsarevich, but also to one of the mythical heroes of ancient Greece.(ball of thread)
  • This box contains something that can find a needle in a haystack, and without which the profession of "killing seven in one fell swoop" is inconceivable.(scissors)

So the second half of the game is over. Now we have to calculate who has the most "minds" and reward the lucky one! (Rewarding.)

And this minute the last one begins"mysterious" auction "pig in a poke". * Hammer sale begins...

Cat number 1. In the bag is what every excellent student has. A good person may or may not have it ... The starting price is only "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! So, lucky man, get a "pig in a poke" - this is a "5" in literary reading or the environment of your choice. (Handed "5", cut out of cardboard.)

Cat number 2. This item will help to be neater and more accurate, and therefore more successful.

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Comb.)

Cat number 3. Today you dreamed about them

Someone lost them today

You can't do without them

Then pay and don't be stingy!

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (5 "minds")

Cat number 4. He, according to educators, is simply necessary to inspire and support what is good in children.

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Chocolate.)

Cat number 5. This item will make your creation and your life brighter and more colorful.

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Pencils or paints.)

Cat number 6. Usually, at first glance, the owner of this thing is taken by everyone for an excellent student. Who wants to buy it? It's good for the image. Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Masquerade glasses.)

Cat number 7. This item is necessary to wipe your nose with all your brilliant knowledge.

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Handkerchiefs.)

Cat number 8. This is a puzzle game that develops attention, logical, imaginative and thinking, arbitrary, as well as deductive thinking. (Puzzles.)

Cat number 9. This item is needed in order not to lose and fix smart thoughts.

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Pen - 6 pcs.)

Cat number 10. This item is simply necessary for both the artist and the draftsman.

Starting price "one mind"! 1-2-3! Sales! (Pencil - 6 pcs.)

Incentive prizes from the cafe "Yum-yum". (Candies.)

* So the work of our Intellectual Casino is over. With your activity and intelligence, you ruined our casino today, which cannot but rejoice. Read more, explore the world and welcome to our Smart Casino, where everyone who is honest, smart and unknown can glorify his name with his mind.

Game for adults only!


1. Expansion of knowledge about TianDe products, constituent ingredients in products for consultants or acquaintance with products for beginners through gambling.

2. Increasing the turnover in the SC where the game is played.

Result: Played 2 times. The first time - the winnings of the winner amounted to 1380 rubles (purchased Noni tea), the second time - the winnings amounted to 2380 rubles (purchased dietary supplement Fukoidan - 2 pcs)

Game progress:

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Congratulations, you are on the game "Intellectual Casino". Let me start our meeting with the words of the famous Ferdowsi praising the human mind:

“In the chain, man has become the last link

And the best is embodied in it,

Like a poplar he ascended with a proud head

Gifted with a mind and good speech.

The receptacle of the spirit and mind, he -

The whole world of the wordless is subject to him"

Let these wise words become the epigraph of our meeting.

To take part in our game, place your bets, ladies and gentlemen! First bet - 100 rubles! All money goes to our game bank. And who will get all today's winnings? The lucky one or the one who shines with his mind? Let's dream: if you take away our entire game bank today, what will you immediately get from TianDe's products, what you have long wanted, but you could not allocate funds for yourself from the family budget? (answers of participants). But I want to warn everyone, you can either win or be bankrupt! Are you ready to play smart gambling and discover many more useful knowledge? Then our rules are:

On our playing field of "Intellectual Casino" - 20 sectors, 10 questions about beauty, 10 questions about health, Since our beauty and health corporation TianDe is 10 years old! And here there are sectors of answers. About beauty - Yes or no. You must answer the statement true or false. About health - 1,2,3. Choose the correct answer from three.

Each question is worth 10 rubles, you can bet on the sector (put a coin on it), you can refuse, but before the croupier (that's me) reads the question.

After question asked, your 10 rubles should move to the answer sector that you choose yourself.

If the answer is wrong, your 10 rubles. are sent to the game bank, if the answer is correct, then the money remains with you and you are given a chip (token, heart, etc.).

Whoever earns the most chips wins! If there are several players with a large number of chips, an additional round will be played between them, where the winnings will depend not only on the bet, but also on the knowledge of TianDe products.

You can come up with questions and topics yourself, you can contact me.

Sincerely, Vera Blazhina, Yaroslavl.

  • the formation of knowledge among pupils about living and non-living nature;
  • create a comfortable environment for the intellectual and mental activity of pupils;
  • develop the horizons of children;
  • continue to promote team building.

Preliminary work: in the center of the group are the names of the sectors Birds, Flora and Fauna, Most, Most, Most, Sports, Mythological, In the world of fairy tales, Our planet and the rules for the lesson. The group is divided into two teams.

Game inventory: rope, pencils, plastic bottles, two cars tied to a braid. For rewarding: sweet prize.


Hello dear guys and dear colleagues! Today at the game, we will remember what we learned at school, what we read, once, heard somewhere. But we'll find out more today. Your erudition, intelligence will help to identify questions in biology, geography, history, etc. Listen to the rules of the game:

  • Any number of teams can participate in the game;
  • The facilitator asks questions and accepts answers;
  • The croupier's assistant is in charge of the casino bank, keeps the score of the game;

At the beginning of the game, all teams receive casino "money" from the bank in the amount of 10 "minds" (1 banknote is equal to 1 "mind").

Signs with the names of areas of knowledge are hung on the easel. On which the game “Birds”, “Flora and Fauna”, “The Most, Most, Most”, “Sports”, “Mythological”, “In the world of fairy tales”, “Our planet” will go.

Teams make bets, which are recorded in the table. The team with the highest bid chooses the area of ​​expertise from which the question will be asked.

All teams answer the question: the answer is given orally and the croupier announces the score.

If the team answered correctly, then they are given "money" in an amount equal to the bet made. If the answer is not correct, the team gives money to the bank in the amount equal rate. The croupier writes down the score in the table (see Appendix No. 1). The bet per round is written in columns, and after each round, the result obtained after the round is written in the “Total” column. The result obtained after the hand will be the result of the whole game.

The teacher offers to divide the pupils into teams (the number of teams depends on the number of players). After 30 minutes of the game, the teacher offers a warm-up - play sedentary games (see Appendix No. 2). For each game, the winner receives a sweet prize.

The teacher before the game offers to remember the rules of work in the classroom:

Rule 1. Activity and attentiveness. It is proposed to work actively in class and not be distracted by extraneous objects.

Rule 2. Tolerance (tolerance). Everyone has the right to express their point of view according to their convictions, but tolerance and loyalty to statements that do not coincide with your answer must be observed.

Rule 3. Refusal of labels. Avoid insulting and humiliating the dignity of another person.

Rule 4. Stop Rule or Raised Hand Rule. Each participant, at the “Stop” signal, stops discussing questions and pays attention to the teacher.

"Bird Sector"

  1. What is the largest bird in our country? (Pelican)
  2. Which bird lays the largest eggs? (Ostrich, the length of the egg reaches 15-17 cm, and the diameter is 13-15 cm.)
  3. What is the smallest bird in the feathered world? (Hummingbird, weighs 1.7g.).
  4. What bird is called the same as the porridge that the British eat in the morning? (Oatmeal).
  5. Only two species live in our country: black and white. What bird are you talking about? (About the crane).
  6. What do hummingbirds eat? (flower pollen)
  7. How many insects can a swallow catch in a summer? (up to 1 million).
  8. Which birds in the South American country of Peru “work” as janitors? (Black vultures, they clean the streets of cities from dirt).
  9. What are the most numerous birds on Earth? (Chickens).
  10. Why is the tailor bird so called? (Because when building a nest, it sews the leaves together with cobwebs).

Sector "Flora and Fauna".

  1. What fruit is called the Chinese gooseberry? (Kiwi).
  2. What edible plants that are well known to us contain poisonous substances from which you can even die (if you use 50-60 grams)? (Apricot, almond, peach, cherry and there are such substances in apples)
  3. What animals pass on their burrows? (Badgers. Some badger holes and passages that lead to these holes are several centuries old).
  4. What bird can see a shotgun charge flying at it and dodge it mid-flight? (Lapwing)
  5. What determines the sex of a baby turtle and about to be born? (From temperature, at high temperature, females are born, at low temperatures, males).
  6. What bird can turn its head almost 270 degrees? (Owl, this skill is achieved through additional vertebrae and special muscles).
  7. How many dog ​​breeds are there today? (400 breeds)
  8. In what animal species do males get pregnant and give birth? (At a seahorse. During the breeding season, the female swims up to the male and, with the help of an appendage, introduces eggs into a special chamber in the form of a bag on the male’s stomach. There, the embryos can extract the necessary nutrients from the father’s blood. When the fry come out of the eggs, they themselves break through the bag from nutria. Sea Horses are the only males in the world to experience labor pain).
  9. Why does a chameleon change color? (a chameleon changes color when it is frightened, if picked up, or it has defeated another chameleon in a fight when a representative of the opposite sex enters its field of view, and sometimes due to a change in temperature).
  10. What is the largest animal that has ever lived on the planet? (Blue whale. But nevertheless, he cannot swallow an object larger than a grapefruit. Except for the throat of a blue whale, everything else is large. Its length is 32 meters, the whale weighs 2700 people combined. One whale's tongue weighs more than an elephant (An elephant weighs 6 tons), his heart is the size of a family bus).

Sector “The most, most, most…”

  1. The most "sunny" geometric figure? (Ray.)
  2. The biggest bear? (Polar bear.)
  3. The sharpest heel? (Hairpin.)
  4. The most peaceful outcome of the duel? (Draw.)
  5. The largest sport's event? (Olympics.)
  6. The smartest sport? (Chess.)
  7. The biggest waves? (Tsunami.)
  8. The largest piece of ice (Iceberg.
  9. The most ballet skirt? (Pack.)
  10. The most stellar flag in the world? (USA flag, 50 stars.)

Sector "Sports".

  1. An athlete who walks while sitting. (chess player)
  2. What is not necessary if there is power? (Uma).
  3. Sports referee tool. (Whistle)
  4. Boxing court. (Boxing ring)
  5. Boxing three minutes. (Round)
  6. Sports equipment for pulling. (Rope)
  7. One game of tennis. (Set)
  8. "Bearded" sports equipment. (Goat)
  9. The ball is out of play. (Out)
  10. Melon ball game (Rugby)

Sector "Mythological".

  1. Who are griffins? (This winged creatures with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle. They guarded the treasures, and during the hunt of Zeus were his hounds. Griffins characters Greek mythology).
  2. Who does the Centaur resemble? (The centaur in Greek mythology is a wild creature, half-man - half-horse: to the waist - a man, below - a horse).
  3. What did the unicorn look like? (This creature with the body of a bull or a horse and a long straight horn on the forehead, symbolizes purity and virginity).
  4. What did the minotaur look like? (The minotaur is a bull-man. He had the head and tail of a bull, but the body of a man).
  5. Sphinx - is he or she? What does it look like? (This is a terrible monster with the head of a woman, the body and paws of a lion, the wings of a bird).
  6. What birds did Noah release from the ark to find out if the flood was over or not? (Noah sent out a raven first, and then a dove).
  7. Name the mythological heroes - sailors. (Odyssey, Sadko, Sinbad, Jason, Leif, Erickson, etc.).
  8. Which river can not be entered naked? (You cannot enter the Jordan River without clothes because it is a sacred river.)
  9. Who, according to biblical tradition, built the first city on earth? (The first city on earth was built by Cain.)
  10. What European cities bear the name of a lion in their name? (In the name of the cities - Lviv, Lyon).

Sector "In the world of fairy tales"

  1. Musical instrument Sadko. (Gusli.)
  2. If you believe, then Eve is made of him? (Edge.)
  3. What does the Pushkin oak and the “new Russian” have? (Golden chain.)
  4. The bear who raised Mowgli. (Baloo.)
  5. One-eyed giant, deceived by Odysseus. (Cyclops.)
  6. Who performed 12 feats? (Hercules)
  7. Which of fairy tale characters A. S. Pushkin all the power was in his beard?
  8. (Near Chernomor.)
  9. What did the Wizard of the Emerald City give the Scarecrow? (Brain.)
  10. Mowgli's name in the Hollywood version. (Tarzan.)
  11. The famous boy from modern English fairy tale(Harry Potter.)

Sector "Our Planet".

  1. When was the Earth formed? (about 4.6 billion years ago).
  2. What is the distance from the Earth to the Sun? (about 150 million km.).
  3. At what speed does the earth rotate? (30 km/s).
  4. What is the name of the scale used to measure the strength of an earthquake? (Richter scale).
  5. Cirrus, stratus, cumulus…what is it? (Clouds).
  6. Which nation is the most numerous on earth? (Chinese).
  7. What are the layers of the Earth's atmosphere? (From the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere).
  8. Where on earth do most earthquakes occur? (At the bottom of the oceans).
  9. Which continent has not experienced more than one earthquake? (In Antarctica).
  10. Which mountain is the highest? (Everest, otherwise Jamolungma, its height is 8848m.).
  11. Reflection of the lesson.
  12. Questions:
  13. What question did you like? Why?
  14. What question do you think was the most interesting?
  15. What new thoughts, feelings do you have?

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