Tales about animals list of titles 3. Russian folk tales


For children, a fairy tale is amazing, but fictional story O magic items, monsters and heroes. However, if you look deeper, it becomes clear that a fairy tale is unique encyclopedia reflecting the life and moral foundations of any people.

For several hundred years, people have come up with a huge number of fairy tales. Our ancestors passed them from mouth to mouth. They changed, disappeared and returned again. And they can be completely different characters. Most often, the heroes of Russian folk tales are animals, and in European literature the main characters are more often princesses and children.

Fairy tale and its meaning for the people

A fairy tale is a narrative story about fictional events that did not actually take place with the participation of fictional characters and magical characters. Tales composed by the people and being a creation folk traditions exist in every country. Residents of Russia are closer to Russians folk tales about animals, kings and Ivan the Fool, the inhabitants of England - about leprechauns, gnomes, cats, etc.

Fairy tales have a powerful educational power. A child from the cradle listens to fairy tales, associates himself with the characters, puts himself in their place. Thanks to this, a certain model of behavior is developed in him. Folk tales about animals teach careful attitude to our smaller brothers.

It is also worth noting that Russian fairy tales of an everyday nature include such words as "master", "muzhik". This awakens curiosity in the child. With the help of fairy tales, you can interest the child in history.

Everything that is invested in a child in childhood remains with him forever. A child properly brought up on fairy tales will grow up to be a decent and sympathetic person.


Most fairy tales are written according to the same system. It is the following diagram:

1) Zachin. This describes the place where the events will take place. If about animals, then in the beginning the description will begin with a forest. Here the reader or listener gets acquainted with the main characters.

2) tie. At this stage of the tale, main intrigue, which becomes the beginning of the story. Suppose the hero has a problem and he must solve it.

3) climax. It is also called the pinnacle of a fairy tale. Most often this is the middle of the work. The situation is heating up, the most responsible actions are taking place.

4) denouement. At this moment main character solves his problem. All characters live happily ever after (as a rule, folk tales have a good, kind ending).

Most of the stories follow this pattern. It can also be found in author's works, only with significant additions.

Russian folk tales

They are a huge block. folklore works. Russian fairy tales are varied. Their plots, actions and characters are somewhat similar, but, nevertheless, each is unique in its own way. Sometimes the same folk tales about animals come across, but their names are different.

All Russian folk tales can be classified as follows:

1) Folk tales about animals, plants and inanimate nature ("Terem-Teremok", "Rock-Rock Hen", etc.)

2) Magic ("Self-assembly tablecloth", "Flying ship").

3) "Vanya was riding a horse...")

4) ("About white bull"," The priest had a dog ").

5) Household ("Master and dog", " Dobry pop", "Good and bad", "Pot").

There are quite a few classifications, but we considered the one proposed by V. Ya. Propp, one of the outstanding researchers of the Russian fairy tale.

animal images

Every person who grew up in Russia can list the main animals that are characters in Russian fairy tales. Bear, wolf, fox, hare - these are the heroes of Russian fairy tales. Animals live in the forest. Each of them has its own image, in literary criticism called an allegory. For example, the wolf that we meet in Russian fairy tales is always hungry and angry. It's always Because of his anger or greed, he often gets into trouble.

The bear is the master of the forest, the king. He is usually depicted in fairy tales as a just and wise ruler.

The fox is an allegory of cunning. If this animal is present in a fairy tale, then one of the other heroes will definitely be deceived. The hare is an image of cowardice. He is usually the eternal victim of a fox and a wolf intent on eating him.

So, it is precisely such heroes that Russian folk tales about animals present to us. Let's see how they behave.


Consider some folk tales about animals. The list is huge, we will try to analyze only a few. For example, let's take the tale "The Fox and the Crane". She tells about the Fox, who called the Crane to her dinner. She cooked porridge, smeared it on a plate. And the Crane is uncomfortable to eat, so he didn’t get porridge. Such was the trick of the frugal Fox. The crane invited the Fox to dinner, boiled okroshka and offered to eat from a jug with a high neck. But Lisa never got to the okroshka. Moral of the tale: as it comes around, so, unfortunately, it will respond.

An interesting tale about Kotofey Ivanovich. One man brought a cat to the forest and left it there. A fox found him and married him. She began to tell all the animals how strong and furious he was. The wolf and the bear decided to come and see him. The fox warned that it was better for them to hide. They climbed a tree, and under it they put the meat of a bull. A cat with a fox came, the cat pounced on the meat, began to say: "Meow, meow ...". And it seems to the wolf and the bear: "Not enough! Not enough!". They marveled and wanted to take a closer look at Kotofei Ivanovich. The leaves stirred, and the cat thought it was a mouse, and grabbed their muzzles with its claws. The wolf and the fox ran away.

These are Russian folk tales about animals. As you can see, the fox circles everyone around the finger.

Animals in English fairy tales

The good characters in English fairy tales a hen and a rooster, a cat and a cat, a bear perform. Fox and wolf are always negative characters. It is noteworthy that, according to the research of philologists, the cat in English fairy tales has never been a negative character.

Like Russians, English folk tales about animals divide characters into good and evil. Good always triumphs over evil. Also, the works have a didactic purpose, that is, at the end there are always moral conclusions for readers.

Examples of English fairy tales about animals

Interesting work "Cat King". It tells about two brothers who lived in the forest with a dog and a black cat. One brother was late hunting one day. Upon his return, he began to tell miracles. He says he saw the funeral. Many cats carried a coffin with a pictured crown and scepter. Suddenly, the black cat lying at his feet raised his head and cried out: "Old Peter is dead! I am the cat king!" Then he jumped into the fireplace. Nobody saw him again.

Let's take the comical tale "Willy and the Piglet" as an example. One master entrusted his stupid servant to carry a pig to his friend. However, Willy's friends persuaded him to go to a tavern, and while he was drinking, they jokingly replaced the pig with a dog. Willie thought it was the devil's joke.

Animals in other genres of literature (fables)

It is worth noting that Russian literature includes not only Russian folk tales about animals. It is also rich in fables. Animals in these works have such qualities of people as cowardice, kindness, stupidity, envy. I. A. Krylov especially liked to use animals as characters. His fables "The Crow and the Fox", "The Monkey and Glasses" are known to all.

Thus, we can conclude that the use of animals in fairy tales and fables gives literature a special charm and style. Moreover, in English and Russian literature, the heroes are the same animals. Only their stories and characteristics are completely different.

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Fairy tale "Three Bears"

One girl left home for the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look for her way home, but she did not find it, but came to the house in the forest.

The door was open: she looked through the door, saw that there was no one in the house, and entered. Three bears lived in this house. One bear was a father, his name was Mikhailo Ivanovich. He was big and shaggy. The other was a bear. She was smaller, and her name was Nastasya Petrovna. The third was a little bear cub, and his name was Mishutka. The bears were not at home, they went for a walk in the forest.

There were two rooms in the house: one dining room, the other bedroom. The girl entered the dining room and saw three cups of stew on the table. The first cup, very large, was Mikhail Ivanychev's. The second cup, smaller, was Nastasya Petrovnina; the third, little blue cup, was Mishutkin. Beside each cup lay a spoon: large, medium and small.

The girl took the biggest spoon and drank from the biggest cup; then she took the middle spoon and drank from the middle cup; then she took a small spoon and drank from a little blue cup, and Mishutka's stew seemed to her the best of all.

The girl wanted to sit down and saw three chairs by the table: one large - Mikhail Ivanovich, the other smaller - Nastasya Petrovnin, and the third, small, with a blue cushion - Mishutkin. She climbed onto a large chair and fell; then she sat down on the middle chair - it was awkward on it; then she sat down on a small chair and laughed—it was so good. She took the little blue cup on her knees and began to eat. She ate all the stew and began to swing on a chair.

The chair broke and she fell to the floor. She got up, picked up a chair and went to another room. There were three beds: one large bed for Mikhail Ivanychev, another medium bed for Nastasya Petrovnina, and the third small bed for Mishenkin. The girl lay down in a large one - it was too spacious for her; lay down in the middle - it was too high; she lay down in the little one - the bed fit her just right, and she fell asleep.

And the bears came home hungry and wanted to have dinner. The big bear took his cup, looked and roared scary voice:


Nastasya Petrovna looked into her cup and growled not so loudly:


But Mishutka saw his empty cup and squeaked in a thin voice:


Mikhailo Ivanovich looked at his chair and growled in a terrible voice:

Nastasya Petrovna glanced at her chair and growled not so loudly:


Mishutka looked at his broken chair and squeaked:


The bears came to another room. — WHO WAS IN MY BED AND CRASHED IT? roared Mikhailo Ivanovich in a terrible voice.

— WHO WAS IN MY BED AND CRUSHED IT? growled Nastasya Petrovna, not so loudly.

But Mishenka set up a bench, climbed into his bed and squeaked in a thin voice:


And suddenly he saw a girl and squealed as if he was being cut:

- Here she is! Hold it, hold it! Here she is! Here she is! Ay-ya-yay! Hold on!

He wanted to bite her. The girl opened her eyes, saw the bears and rushed to the window. The window was open, she jumped out the window and ran away. And the bears did not catch up with her.

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Fairy tale "Squirrel and Wolf"

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell right on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask: "Let me go." The wolf said: “Okay, I'll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I'm always bored, but you look at you, you're all playing and jumping up there. The squirrel said: “Let me go up the tree first, and from there I will tell you, otherwise I am afraid of you.” The wolf let go, and the squirrel went to the tree and said from there: “You are bored because you are angry. Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.

V. M. Garshin "Frog Traveler"

Once upon a time there lived a frog frog. She sat in the swamp, caught mosquitoes and midges, in the spring she croaked loudly with her friends. And she would have lived happily for the whole century - of course, if the stork had not eaten her. But one incident happened. One day she was sitting on a piece of driftwood sticking out of the water and enjoying the warm fine rain.

“Oh, what a beautiful wet weather today! she thought. “What a pleasure it is to live in the world!”

The rain was drizzling down her mottled lacquered back; drops of it dripped under her belly and behind her paws, and it was delightfully pleasant, so pleasant that she almost croaked, but, fortunately, she remembered that it was already autumn and that frogs do not croak in autumn - there is spring for this , - and that, by croaking, she can drop her frog dignity. So she kept silent and continued to bask.

Suddenly a thin, hissing, intermittent sound resounded in the air. There is such a breed of ducks: when they fly, their wings, cutting through the air, seem to sing, or, better, whistle. Fu-fu-fu-fu - resounds in the air when a flock of such ducks flies high above you, and you can’t even see them themselves: they fly so high. This time the ducks, having described a huge semicircle, descended and sat down just in the very swamp where the frog lived.

- Quack quack! one of them said. - It's still a long way to go, you need to eat.

And the frog immediately hid. Although she knew that the ducks would not eat her, a big and fat frog, but still, just in case, she dived under a snag. However, on reflection, she decided to stick her pop-eyed head out of the water: she was very interested to know where the ducks were flying.

- Quack quack! another duck said. - It's getting cold! Hurry south! Hurry south!

And all the ducks began to quack loudly in approval.

“Lady ducks,” the frog dared to say, “what is the south to which you are flying?” I apologize for the inconvenience.

And the ducks surrounded the frog. At first they had a desire to eat it, but each of them thought that the frog was too big and would not fit into the throat. Then they all began to shout, flapping their wings:

— Good in the south! Now it's warm! There are such glorious, warm swamps! What kind of worms are there! Good in the south!

They screamed so much that they almost stunned the frog. As soon as she persuaded them to shut up, she asked one of them, who seemed to her fatter and smarter than everyone else, to explain to her what the south is. And when she told her about the south, the frog was delighted, but in the end she still asked, because she was careful:

- Are there many midges and mosquitoes there?

- ABOUT! Whole clouds! the duck replied.

— Qua! - said the frog and immediately turned around to see if there were any friends here who could hear her and condemn her for croaking in the fall. She really could not help but croak at least once: - Take me with you!

- It's amazing to me! the duck exclaimed. How can we take you? You don't have wings.

- When are you flying? the frog asked.

- Soon soon! all the ducks yelled. - Quack quack! Quack quack! It is cold here! South! South!

“Let me think for just five minutes,” said the frog. “I’ll be right back, I’ll probably come up with something good.”

And she plopped down from the branch, on which she climbed again, into the water, dived into the mud and completely buried herself in it so that foreign objects would not interfere with her thinking. Five minutes passed, the ducks were just about to fly, when suddenly out of the water, near the branch on which the frog was sitting, its muzzle appeared, and the expression of this muzzle was the most radiant that a frog is capable of.

- I've figured it out! I found! - she said. “Let two of you take a twig in your beaks, and I will cling to it in the middle. You will fly and I will drive. It is only necessary that you do not quack, and I do not croak, and everything will be fine.

Although to be silent and drag at least light frog three thousand miles, God knows what a pleasure, but her mind led the ducks into such delight that they unanimously agreed to carry her. They decided to take turns every two hours, and since there were, as the riddle says, so many ducks, and so many more, half as many, and a quarter as many, and there was only one frog, it was not necessary to carry it very often.

They found a good, strong twig, two ducks took it in their beaks, the frog clung to the middle with its mouth, and the whole herd rose into the air. The frog was breathless from the terrible height to which it was raised; in addition, the ducks flew unevenly and pulled the twig; the poor frog was dangling in the air like a paper clown, and with all her urine she clenched her jaws so as not to tear herself away and plop down on the ground. However, she soon got used to her position and even began to look around. Fields, meadows, rivers and mountains quickly swept under her, which, however, it was very difficult for her to see, because, hanging on a twig, she looked back and a little upward, but she still saw something and rejoiced and was proud.

“This is how I came up with an excellent idea,” she thought to herself.

And the ducks flew after the front pair carrying her, shouted and praised her.

- Marvelous clever mind our frog, they said. “Even among the ducks, there are few of them.

She could hardly restrain herself from thanking them, but remembering that if she opened her mouth she would fall from a terrible height, she clenched her jaw even tighter and decided to endure. She hung out in this way all day; the ducks carrying it changed on the fly, deftly picking up the twig; it was very frightening: more than once the frog almost croaked with fear, but it was necessary to have the presence of mind, and she had it. In the evening, the whole company stopped in some kind of swamp; at dawn, the ducks with the frog set off again, but this time the traveler, in order to better see what was happening on the way, clung to her back and head forward, and her belly back. Ducks flew over harvested fields, over yellowed forests and over villages full of bread in stacks; from there came the sound of people talking and the sound of flails with which they threshed rye. People looked at the flock of ducks and, noticing something strange in it, pointed at it with their hands. And the frog terribly wanted to fly closer to the earth, show himself and listen to what they say about him. On next vacation She said:

"Can't we fly not so high?" I'm dizzy from the height, and I'm afraid to fall if I suddenly feel sick.

And good ducks promised her to fly lower. The next day they flew so low that they heard voices:

“Look, look,” shouted children in one village, “ducks are carrying a frog!”

The frog heard this and her heart skipped a beat.

“Look, look,” adults in another village shouted, “this is a miracle!”

“Do they know I came up with this, not the ducks?” thought the frog.

Look, look, they shouted in the third village, what a miracle! And who came up with such a cunning thing?

Then the frog could not stand it and, forgetting all caution, screamed with all his might:

- It's me! I!

And with that cry, she flew upside down to the ground. The ducks screamed loudly; one of them wanted to catch the poor companion on the fly, but missed. The frog, jerking all four legs, quickly fell to the ground; but since the ducks were flying very fast, she did not fall directly on the place over which she screamed and where there was a hard road, but much further, which was great happiness for her, because she flopped into a dirty pond at the edge of the village.

She soon emerged from the water and immediately again shouted in a rage at the top of her lungs:

- It's me! This is what I came up with!

But there was no one around her. Frightened by the unexpected splash, the local frogs all hid in the water. When they began to emerge from it, they looked with surprise at the new one.

And she told them a wonderful story about how she thought all her life and finally invented a new, unusual way of traveling on ducks; how she had her own ducks to carry her wherever she pleased; how did she visit beautiful south, where it is so good, where there are such beautiful warm swamps and so many midges and all sorts of other edible insects.

“I stopped by to see how you live,” she said. “I will stay with you until spring, until my ducks, which I released, return.

But the ducks never returned. They thought that the wah had crashed on the ground, and they were very sorry for her.

A. Fedorov-Davydov "Sandals-bast shoes"

Once a fox spent the night with a man. In the morning I got ready for the road and secretly took with me a pair of old bast shoes. “Maybe,” he thinks, “they will be useful for something.”

He walks through the forest, waving his bast shoes from side to side, purring a song under his breath.

A homeless dog runs towards her - a mangy nose, dragging a rooster.

- Hello, Kuma-fox!

— Hello, kumanek!

— What do you have?

fox circled stray dog with a look, and then she stood very close to him and sang:

And this is a bast-bast shoe,

Weaved his great craftsman.

And you - well, well, well! -

Look what this thing is.

Pretty for everything:

If you want - measure rye for them,

If you want - slurp them,

If you want, put the kids in it.

Do you want to wash

He is for you - and the trough! ..

“Ah,” says the dog, “what a good thing!.. Give it to me, fox, I really liked your bast shoes. You yourself understand how he can be useful to me in my wandering life ...

The fox was to deny: "No, no, and it hurts the most." Yes, the dog is not far behind. She agreed.

- So be it, for your sake I will give one bast shoe, and I myself need the other ... Give me a rooster in exchange!

And a wolf comes towards her and carries a piglet.

- Hello, fox! How are you?

- Hello, wolf! I live nothing, I’ve taken up trade: I trade in bast shoes, you won’t get enough. I used to change it for roosters, but now I realized that it is more expensive for myself.

- And what is this, godfather, a bast shoe? the wolf asks.

The fox looked at the wolf, was silent for a short while, and then sang:

A glorious thing is a bast-bast shoe.

His skillful craftsman got along.

Pretty for everything:

If you want - measure rye for them,

If you want - slurp them,

If you want, put the kids in it.

And I'll have to wash

He is for you - and the trough! ..

- Yes, - says the wolf, - a good thing! .. It looks small, but the use is great. Give it to me, fox!

- What are you, what are you, wolf! You say too...

- Well then, take a pig for him.

- Piglet? .. Come on, perhaps!

The wolf was delighted, took a bast shoe and was like that. And the fox stepped into the bushes by the road, rummaged through them, rummaged, found an abandoned bast shoe - how many of them are lying along the road? - and went on; chasing a rooster and a pig in front of him ...

A bear comes towards her with luggage - he carries a whole calf.

- Hello, Kuma-fox!

- Hello, grandfather-bear!

- Where are you wandering, where are you driving the living creatures?

- And to my house ... Here I exchanged for bast shoes, but I gave a blunder - I sold too cheap.

- And what is this, godfather, for these bast shoes?

- Yes, nothing special, - the fox answers, - but the use of them is great! ..

And then she shot at the bear with her eyes, and sang affectionately:

My bast shoes

A cunning craftsman got along.

I'm handsome for everything:

If you want - measure rye for them,

If you want - slurp them,

If you want, put the kids in it.

Are you thinking about washing?

He is for you - and the trough!

In vain, perhaps, little bear, they tear them off with my hands in the market?

“We know,” says the bear, “your bast shoe is an interesting thing.” It looks unprepossessing, but look how well-made ... Give it to me, fox!

- I really need it!

- I'll give you a calf for him.

- Yes, in the market I won’t even take a cow for him!

- Well, please, godfather, at least a little to your own.

- So be it, bear, take it ... Well, what should I do with you!

The bear grabbed a bast shoe, like some kind of treasure, ran with him to the village. And there is a temple holiday and a bazaar. They came there with their sandals and a stray dog ​​with a wolf. They walk around the market, calling out:

- Who needs bast shoes, who needs old ones? ..

The last ones left, buy, good people, you won't regret it!

Then their people surrounded and laughed so that they did not know where they should go with shame.

They ran to look for the fox, and she was sitting in a forest in a clearing, grazing her herd.

Steel her stray dog, the wolf and the bear reproach, and she says:

- And what about me, good gentlemen, what's the matter? .. What kind of desire did you have to take something that you don’t know? The bast shoes have come in very handy for me, but I don’t know what to do with them, my dears, and I don’t want to know!..

So the animals left her with nothing, and for a long time after that they looked askance at the fox and sharpened their teeth.

K. Chukovsky "Confusion"

Kittens meowed:

“We are tired of meowing!

We want, like pigs,


And behind them and ducklings:

“We don’t want to quack anymore!

We want, like frogs,


The pigs meowed:

The cats grunted:

Oink oink oink!

The ducks croaked:

Kwa, kwa, kwa!

The hens quacked:

Quack, quack, quack!

Sparrow galloped

And mooed like a cow:

A bear came running

And let's roar:


And a cuckoo on a bitch:

"I don't want to scream kuku,

I bark the dog

Woof woof woof!"

Only hare

There was a good boy:

Didn't meow

And did not grunt -

Lying under the cabbage

babbled like a hare

And foolish little animals


"Who is ordered to chirp -

Don't purr!

Who is commanded to purr -

Don't tweet!

Not to be a crow a cow,

Do not fly frogs under the cloud!

But funny animals -

Pigs, bear cubs -

More than ever they are naughty,

The hare does not want to listen.

The fish are walking across the field,

Toads fly across the sky

The mice caught the cat

They put me in a mousetrap.

And the chanterelles

They took the matches

Let's go to the blue sea

The blue sea was lit.

The sea is on fire

A whale ran out of the sea:

"Hey firefighters, run!

Help, help!"

Long, long crocodile

The blue sea extinguished

Pies and pancakes

And dried mushrooms.

Two chickens came running

Watered from a barrel.

Two ruffs sailed

Watered from a bucket.

The frogs came running

Watered from a tub.

Extinguish, extinguish - do not extinguish,

Filled - not flooded.

Here comes the butterfly

Waving wings,

The sea began to fade -

And it went out.

The animals are happy!

Laughed and sang

Ears clapped,

They stomped their feet.

The geese started again

Shout like a goose:

The cats purred:


The birds chirped:


The horses neighed:

Flies buzzed:

The frogs are croaking:


And the ducklings quack:


Piglets grunt:

Oink oink oink!

Murochka is cradled

my dear:

Baiushki bye!

Fairy tales about animals for children tell children, in a form they can understand, about the habits, signs and life of our smaller friends. It can be fairy tales in verse or in prose. More realistic - for older children or just with the participation of animals - for kids. Today I will show you the best examples of both.

Hello dear readers. Even the smallest children, we read fairy tales, trying to instill a love for books and knowledge of the world. Most books for toddlers contain pictures of animals. Mom, dad or grandmother, reading them, draw the attention of the baby to the picture. They ask if he recognizes the character, say what sounds he makes in real life. This is how the baby's journey into the world of wildlife begins. The child grows and learns everything more facts about animals, insects, birds.

I would say that the peak of interest in all living things is between 2 and 6 years. Do not miss this time, be afraid that the baby will not understand or that he will not be interested in school. Giving knowledge gradually, you will enrich it inner world, lay love to all living things. Basic information child given age receives of course from fairy tales, so we'll talk about them today.

Book in the Labyrinth

It is difficult to find a parent who does not know these works of Samuil Marshak. And yet I cannot leave this book without attention, besides, I will put it in the first place for babies and not only.

All 172 pages are divided into sections. In the first short poems about animals. In the second verses for children 3-7 years old. Next come fairy tales in verse about the stupid and smart little mouse- this is the perfect combination of fairy tales so that the child understands not only what not to do, but also gets an example of the right behavior.

This beautiful collection has poems about each month, colors and letters. But main reason, according to which I included it in the article - almost all works about animals. Little listeners will learn what animals and birds look like. The illustrations are bright and plentiful.

Book in the Labyrinth

If you are looking for fairy tales about animals for children aged 2.5-5, then this book by Tamara Kryukova is perfect. It's about a small, inquisitive hedgehog who left home without permission.

In his walk through the forest, he learned a lot of interesting things. Where does a squirrel live and why does it need a fluffy tail, why does a hare need long ears, where does a mole live and why does it need such big paws, why does a frog have bulging eyes and who are hunted by foxes. In the second tale, the Hedgehog met domestic animals, learned about the features of each of them. And the third tale will tell children about how a squirrel, a hamster, a bunny are preparing for winter, wild ducks, a bear and a hedgehog. Good quality book, thick offset paper, stitched and glued pages, hard cover, A4 format.

Book in the Labyrinth

This paperback book has been reprinted for the 10th time! I bought the 3rd edition when Alexander was 2 years old. The soft cover at this age was a plus, since there are two fairy tales on the spread, and the baby is not able to concentrate on one page when there are the same on the other bright pictures. Therefore, I simply folded the book like a magazine and the issue resolved itself. The fairy tales collected here will help the parent decide on the topics that the child should master before entering school.

At first, I did just that - I read fairy tales on 1 topic, then we beat her. For example, animals are collected here: where did domestic animals come from, why does a bear sleep in winter, why do animals need a warm coat, what does a cow give us, how do animals sleep, how do they escape from predators, why do they need tails, what kind of relatives do cats have, who such a whale, why a pig lies in a puddle, why a wolf is needed in the forest. More tales here about birds and insects. I think now you understand why this encyclopedia is described by me in this article. By the way, after each fairy tale, elementary information about what was read is given next to the picture, which is why the book is called Encyclopedia.

book in Ozone

I think that the works of Sergei Kozlov need no introduction. This book caught my attention while collecting the collection “Golden Tales in Illustrations best artists". Each spread of the book looks like a separate oil painting. Every stroke of the artist, who is Evgeny Antonenkov, is visible. Azbuka publishing house made a book big size 31cm by 25cm, which makes it possible to see the illustrations even better. The paper is thick, matte, coated. The font is crisp and great size. In a word - the quality of the publication is a solid 5-ku.

When you open the book, you get the feeling that you are in fairy tales about the seasons: “ winter fairy tale”, about New Year, “spring fairy tale”, “Extraordinary Spring”, “Hedgehog and the Sea”. Of course, this includes the work “Shake! Hello!”, familiar to all of us since childhood. In total, the book contains 10 fairy tales, each of which guides the friends of the Hedgehog and the Bear Cub through the seasons - starting from winter and ending in autumn. I agree with the publisher that recommends the book to children 6+. I agree that at the age of 3 the kid will not appreciate these illustrations, he will not be captured by Kozlov's writing language. We have this book went well at the age of 5 years.

The publication is almost square in size 21 cm by 22 cm, the pages are coated, completely filled with an illustration on which the text is located. The book is stitched and glued, there is a lacquered flower on the cover.

Book in the Labyrinth

This is one of my favorite books in the children's library. I am very glad that the publishing house “ good book” it was re-released. I am sure that many more children and their parents will fall in love with this beautiful teddy bear. This tale is about polar animals: polar bear, reindeer or caribou, seal, blue whale. As the name suggests, the little bear goes looking for the sun. Along the way, he admires the polar night and the northern lights, and also meets other residents of those places. As a result, he returns to his beloved mother at the moment when the sun again came to the land of eternal snows.

Cute, like lively illustrations in purple-blue-pink tones. Matte coated paper. The edition is well stitched, the cover is hard. Suitable for children from 2 to 6 years old. Encyclopedic information at the end of the book in plain language. It is intended for parents who will be bombarded with questions from little whys.

Book in the Labyrinth

Another book by Tamara Kryukova, which will tell children about where the mammoths went, where the woodpecker got the little red riding hood from, why the ostrich cannot fly, why bat sleeps upside down and how a fox taught a flea a lesson. Here it is necessary to take into account important point. The book is suitable for children after 4 years, when the basic information on these issues has already been considered and the child has developed imagination. That is, children who understand that the mammoth figuratively removed the skin for washing need to read these fairy tales. There are many topics to discuss fairy tales. After reading each of them with Alexander, we first discussed what we read, correlated the information with the real life of animals, and only after that we proceeded to the next fairy tale.

At the end of the book, a rather long, but easily readable and perceptible poem about natural signs in nature is given. "Forest Calendar" tells a child about a fox who decided to learn about all the signs of the seasons. These signs relate to forest animals and birds. This part of the book was our favorite.

Book in the Labyrinth

I think that everyone is familiar with the works of Vitaly Bianchi. Therefore, I will simply write that despite the fact that this is Machaon, the collection is successful. It includes 9 fairy tales about forest animals, birds and insects. The pleasure of reading and looking at illustrations is guaranteed to lovers of the animal world. This collection can be recommended to children from the age of 4, the fairy tale “How the ant hurried home” will already be clear to them. But the whole book will be available for understanding from the age of 5. The publisher itself recommends the book for middle school age.

The illustrations are not flashy, but large and clear. There are many of them and they clearly correspond to what is written. The format of the book is 29 cm by 21 cm, offset paper, the pages are quite dense. The font is large, suitable for children to read on their own.

It is our duty as parents to teach children to love living beings, to instill in them the understanding that everything that exists in nature has a right to do so. Tales about animals for children are the starting point in this difficult matter. That's all for today, dear readers, in the following articles I will introduce you to stories and encyclopedias about animals. In order not to miss new articles, subscribe to the newsletter in the right panel.

The bull was walking through the forest, a ram comes across to him. - Where are you going, ram? - asked the bull. - I'm looking for summer from winter, - says the ram. - Come with me! ...

Once upon a time there lived a goat and a ram in the same yard; lived among themselves amicably: a tuft of hay, and that one in half. And if the pitchfork is in the side - so one cat Vaska! He is such a thief and robber, every hour in the trade, and where something lies badly, his belly hurts ...

The sparrow got angry with the sparrow: he lay down on the stove, does not eat, does not drink, does not talk to anyone. The neighbors were bored without a sparrow. The rooster came: - Knock-knock-knock! Is the sparrow at home, godfather? - At home, he is ill, - the sparrow says ...

Once upon a time there lived a sheep with a peasant. The owner disliked her, tortured her with nit-picking! She decided to leave home. Walked, walked. She met the Fox: - Where are you, Sheep, going? ...

Once upon a time there was a cat, a thrush and a cockerel - a golden comb. They lived in the forest, in a hut. The cat and the thrush go to the forest to chop wood, and the cockerel is left alone. They leave - they are severely punished: - We will go far, and you stay housekeeping, but don’t give a voice when the fox comes, don’t look out the window ...

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare. The fox had an icy hut, the hare had a bast. The red spring has come - the fox's hut has melted, and the hare's is in the old way. So the fox asked him to spend the night, and kicked him out of the hut. There is an expensive bunny, crying. A dog is facing him. - Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! What, bunny, are you crying ...

Lived - there was a godmother Fox; The Fox was tired of looking after herself in her old age, so she came to the Bear and began to ask for a house: - Let me in, Mikhailo Potapych, I'm an old, learned fox, I'll take up a little space, not volume, I won't drink it, unless after you I'll profit, I'll bite the bones...

A fox was running through the forest, saw a black grouse on a tree and said to him: - Terenty, Terenty! I was in the city. - Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo! It was so. - Terenty, Terenty! I got the order. - Boo-boo-boo, boo-boo-boo! I got it so I got it. - So that you, black grouse, do not sit on the trees, but would still walk along the green meadows ...

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman and a granddaughter Masha. They had no cow, no pig, no cattle - one goat. Goat, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns. Grandfather loved this goat very much. Once the grandfather sent the grandmother to graze the goat. She grazed, grazed and drove home ...

An owl flew - a cheerful head. So she flew, flew and sat down, and turned her tail, but looked around and flew again - flew, flew and sat down, turned her tail and looked around and flew again - flew, flew ...

The crane met with the fox: - What, fox, can you fly? - No I do not know how to. - Sit on me, I'll teach you. The fox sat on the crane. The crane carried her high, high. - What, fox, do you see the ground ...

There once lived an old talker woman, and she had a goat with kids. In the morning people would get up, get to work, and the old woman would lie still on the stove. Only by dinnertime will he rise, eat, drink - and let's talk. She talks, talks, talks - with her neighbors, and with passers-by, and with herself ...

There lived an old man and an old woman. They had a granddaughter Alyonushka. The girlfriends gathered to go into the forest for berries and came to call her with them. For a long time the old people did not let go of their granddaughter. Then they agreed, only ordered her to keep up with her friends. Girls walk through the forest, picking berries. Tree by tree, bush by bush - Alyonushka and lagged behind her friends ...

One day a man was sitting in the forest under a tree and eating bread. Wolf saw him and asked: - What do you eat, man? “My bread,” he replies. - Let me try the bread. The man cut off a piece of bread. The wolf ate, licked his lips: the bread was delicious ...

The fox and the crane became friends. Here the fox decided to treat the crane, went to call him to visit her: - Come, kumanyok, come, dear! I'll feed you! The crane went to the invited feast. And the fox boiled semolina porridge and smeared it on a plate ...

The goat and the ram went to the dense forest to pinch the grass, to take a walk in the open. Walked, walked, got lost in dark forest. We went into a dense thicket, look: wolves cook dinner under a tree. The goat quietly says to the ram: - What are we going to do, friend ram? Apparently we are lost. Dire wolves will eat us...

The role of animals in Russian folk art extremely large and varied. Almost all fairy tales feature some kind of animal. Among them, one can single out a fox, a bear, a wolf, a hare, a hedgehog, a magpie and others. With these well known bright characters adults tell their children about what is good and what is bad. The first fairy tales in history appeared long before the invention of books and writing and were passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. That is why they are called folk. Let's consider the most popular animals appearing in fairy tales and compare how their "fairy-tale" characteristics coincide with their description in real life.

“Fox-sister”, “Fox-beautiful in conversation”, “Fox Patrikeevna”, Lisafya, Fox gossip - this is how the Fox is affectionately called in Russian folk tales. This red-haired cheat is definitely a favorite character of all time. And invariably she is cunning, smart, quick-witted, prudent, vindictive and insidious. So, only she was able to outwit and eat the poor Kolobok, lead the stupid wolf, whose tail was frozen to the hole, and even deceive the peasant by pretending to be dead. The main idea of ​​these fairy tales is to tell children that what matters in life is not strength, but cunning. Despite this, the fox is still negative character. In some fairy tales, the peaceful little animals affected by this red cheat have to work hard to outwit and teach the Fox herself a lesson.

But is the fox really so cunning and smart? The German zoologist Alfred Brehm, in his book Animal Life, argues that the cunning of the fox in Russian fairy tales is greatly exaggerated, but the mind of the wolf, on the contrary, is underestimated. Otherwise, the real common fox is in many ways similar to the "fabulous" one: red hair, a beautiful fluffy tail, the fox often hunts a hare or visits nearby chicken coops.

"Bear clumsy", "Mikhail Potapych" or simply Mishka in its popularity, does not lag behind the Fox. This character is often presented in the tale as lazy, fat and clumsy. Big and clumsy, he is slow, stupid and dangerous. Often he threatens the weak with his strength, but in the end he always loses, because it is not strength that matters, but speed, dexterity and intelligence - this is the meaning of fairy tales involving Mishka. Most popular fairy tales- "Three Bears", "Masha and the Bear", "Tops and Roots". However, in real life, the brown bear is not as slow as one might think. He can run very fast and, besides, he is not particularly stupid. Otherwise, his "fabulous" image has a lot to do with him. common features: he is really big, dangerous and a little clubfoot: when walking, his socks look a little inward, and his heels look outward.

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“Running Bunny”, “Cowardly Bunny” or “Slanting” is also a very common hero of Russian fairy tales. His main feature- cowardice. In some fairy tales, the Hare is presented as a cowardly, but at the same time boastful, cocky and stupid hero, and in some - on the contrary, as a moderately cautious and intelligent forest animal.

For example, in the fairy tale “Hare-Bouncer” or “Fear has big eyes”, the cowardice of the Hare is ridiculed, main idea these tales - you must always be brave. At the same time, in the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut", the Bunny appears before us positive character who needs support and protection.

In real life, the hare, like his "fairytale" character, is long-eared, fast, agile, cautious and attentive. Due to the special position of the eyes, the hare can look not only forward, but also backward. While chasing, the hare may "squint" its eye to calculate the distance to its pursuer. For this ability, the hare was nicknamed Oblique. Main enemy a hare, as in fairy tales, is a fox.

"The gray wolf - with his teeth", "The wolf-wolf - from under the bush", "The wolf-fool" is presented in most cases as a negative character, stupid, angry, hungry and dangerous. But, in most cases, he is so stupid that, in the end, he is left with nothing. For example, "The Tale of the Fox and the Wolf" or "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". In these fairy tales, the wolf is the embodiment of evil, and the main message for children is that good always triumphs over evil. However, in some fairy tales, the wolf appears to us as a wise and true friend a person who is always ready to help, an example of this is the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf."

In real life, the wolf can indeed be extremely dangerous. Often he is hungry and wanders through the forest in search of food. But his intelligence is grossly underestimated. The wolf is an intelligent and organized animal, a clear structure and discipline can be traced in the wolf pack. Wolves create incredibly strong couples, their unions are strong, and the wolves themselves are a real personification of loyalty and love for each other. A tamed wolf can indeed become faithful and devoted friend for a person.

Prickly Hedgehog - has long appeared before us in the form of a kind, quick-witted old man, wise in life. Despite his small stature and small legs, he always comes out the winner thanks to his extraordinary mind and cunning. So, for example, in the fairy tale “The Hare and the Hedgehog”, the hedgehog outwitted and killed the poor Hare, with whom they allegedly ran a race, and in the fairy tale “The Magic Wand”, the Hedgehog taught the Hare various life tricks, explaining what is needed first to survive just think with your head.

In real life, the Hedgehog is not distinguished by an outstanding mind, but he is not stupid either. When in danger, the hedgehog curls up into a prickly ball, which makes it inaccessible to predators, as stated in fairy tales.

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